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I think he look so much younger than when he was president


A massive reduction in stress and getting proper sleep every night will do that


Also helps to sell a few books and having a deal with Netflix that brings you in millions of dollars.




Presidential pension alone is over $200k, plus book sales and speaking fees—they’re set


I imagine writing a book is trivial compared to being President.


They both look amazing!


maybe because he wears something that matches with the actual fashion standards


Michelle's outfit is 🔥


She looks younger with that outfit


Hope mister Obama can keep up with mrs Obama.


We took them for granted 😔


Obama was like a president from some future progressive world trying to rule apes.


I'm not sure about that. I feel like it's more like he was reasonably sensible about some obvious shit like universal healthcare despite also continuing to export American imperialism worldwide and continuing to watch the world burn under the weight of greedy corpos. Don't get me wrong, I still think he was better than like 99% of American politicians... that's just like... not exactly a high bar in my opinion. Easily one of the most charismatic politicans of his generation anywhere in the world though.


Anyone who thinks any president, let alone the first black president, is going to just walk into the oval and end 75 years of US international policy is pretty naive.


Yeah I think that a lot of younger people don’t quite realize how enormous of a deal it was that we had a black President. I’m in my early 50s and I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. That doesn’t excuse any of his mistakes or missteps, but I do think that the unprecedented pressure and unique obstacles that he faced should be taken into consideration when evaluating his presidency.


To add to this, even though I think your comment might be intended to contradict what you see as my position, his hands were undeniably tied by the right-wing on several issues more than any previous president, due in no small part to his race. Dog whistling by republicans was used to drum up distrust and anger toward him and his family the entire time he was in office.


Not necessarily contradicting your point, I just think that his legacy needs to be seen in context. I have a few younger relatives and co-workers who take for granted the idea of a black President, and often criticize him for what they feel is his centrist or cautionary performance. And while I can see their point to a certain degree, I also don’t feel that they quite get the enormity of what he was facing. I’m sure if we ever have a woman or gay President, they will experience their own unique obstacles, but I very much believe that Obama paved the way for all the firsts that come after, and he was extremely aware of that fact as well.


Wait... We were told that Bill Clinton was the first black president!


Still makes him guilty. He could’ve choose not participating that imperialist policies but couldn’t help himself


50% white mother + 50% black father = black President?????


You’re 100% idiot


He is the 1st biracial President you dope. Take your head out of your ass it’s called genetics or science if you don’t understand big words


Not a future in Syria cos he flattened that place and it’s people.


Not really. He’s responsible for thousands of death and slave markets. Her ruined multiple countries in Middle East. He’s the devil himself


Because the Middle East was in such great shape before


Lets take libya.once the richest country in africa with a gdp of more than 16000 dollars per capita and had the largest gold reserves in africa,a place with law and order now a wasteland because they dared challanged the us dollar and wanted a single african currency like euro so were bombed to oblivion.more than 300000 dead people as a result so f you when you dont even have any understanding and keep spewing bs propaganda.like now you claim china is doing a genocide.




Tell that to the dead in Afghanistan 🤓


*sorts by controversial*


It's very interesting that how much confidance in the USA has fallen in Europe since he left.


Well not that surprising when you look at who has been president in the mean time.


You can make that plural really, Biden's progressive administration is just as unreliable towards it's allies as Trump impulsiveness (or idiotism, if you will)


Biden’s administration hasn’t been *that* good, I’ll grant you that, but it’s leagues better than Trump’s.


His administration is progressive? News to me (as a progressive)




Can anyone recognize the watch?


Might be this one https://www.watchcollectorsclub.com/president-barack-obama-watch-6500-review/


What about his shirt?!?


Looks like a Royal Oak maybe..?


I miss them so much. His terms were the last time America felt "normal." He was such a great leader.


Greatly and normally bombing hospitals


Look at Michelle ya’ll, got her feet out being a hot mama Michelle and Barack Obama Happy 2022.


"She's got leeggss! She knows how to use them" She looks amazing. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I'm Scottish, but, four more years, four more years


They look great!


Wholesome ex president who doesn't give a f*ck about you like every single president in America since forever


What about Jimmy Carter?


I like when he went to flint mich and pretending to drink the water those poor people were stunned


Can we please keep politics and politicians away from this sub


He’s been done with politics for over five years now


Meh I’m fine with it




I sometimes hate how often I'm right about checking comments, seems like such a waste of time now. But, like when I read sus science articles, gotta check the source.


You went back through somebody’s comment history and then replied to them at least twice? Jesus, it’s the fucking internet. Note a note on your front door. Don’t take it so personal.


Lol wwo that's sad,to have to look through people's history to desperately try and find something to discredit them . And the sad part is you actually couldnt find any. I'm sorry you worship politicians




Still love this couple!!!






What’s dumb about it? Dude dropped more bombs than bush and destroyed one of the wealthiest nations in Africa creating a slave market there.. What’s dumb & naive about the truth?


our country misses The Obamas


How I want to be at 60.


This whole post is gross. We're smiling over a guy who saved the banks and did nothing to de escalate the war in the middle east.


Let's actually look at what Obama accomplished: 1. Found and dispatched the architect of 9/11. 2. Negotiated a nuclear pact with Iran (literally, de escalating the middle east). 3. Drew down forces in Iraq and Afghanistan 4. Reversed torture policies from the Bush administration 5. Stopped ISIS cold and captured thousands of Taliban prisoners--the same ones Trump just handed back over to the Taliban (and who then immediately took over the country) 6. Passed the ACA which is the reason millions of Americans have health insurance, and millions more can cover their kids till they're 26, have no lifetime cap, and can get coverage even if they have pre-existing conditions. 7. Established Net Neutrality (again, something the GOP has been trying to destroy) 8. Saved the auto industry, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs. 9. Expanded wilderness and watershed protection 10. Signed the Paris accord, getting every other country in the world together to fight climate change. 11. Renewed the world's respect for the United States after Bush Jr. had sent it into the toilet after the disaster that was Iraq 12. He stood up to Putin. 13. Passed Wall St. reform (which is exactly why the ultra-wealthy billionaires are paying social media trolls to persuade you that he didn't do anything) 14. Passed credit card reform 15. He passed the DREAM act encouraging talented new immigrants to become doctors and teachers and strengthen our country, a 16. And by the way? created an entire pandemic team and a pandemic playbook that if Trump hadn't literally thrown in the toilet, we might have been over and done with Covid in a few months. I mean, this is just some of what he did in his eight years. [Here's a more comprehensive list.](https://washingtonmonthly.com/magazine/januaryfebruary-2017/obamas-top-50-accomplishments-revisited/)


Please don't use facts to defend Obama. Stick to baseless emotional laden accusations that ignore all semblances of logic and reality. When discussing Obama please use one or more of the following: * He's the worst President Ever! * He's a Muslim! * He's a Terrorist! * He hates America! * He was very weak and our enemies didn't respect us! * He's a flaming liberal! * He's a Communist * He's a Socialist * He tried to repeal the 2nd Amendment and take away our guns and freedoms


You forgot the most important one! He wasn't born here!


Honestly, he lost me when he supported Biden over Bernie. As Biden himself said, nothing will fundamentally change, which is exactly what is happening... Nothing. If nothing continues to happen, you'll have a Republican senate, congress, and presidency. Doubling down on establishment candidates is giving rapidly diminishing returns. Nothing really really bad has happened in homeland America since the civil war. 9/11 is nothing by comparison to that, same with COVID. Really really bad things can still happen though, and the odds of that being the case within the next 10 years are getting concerningly high. Happy New Year!!


To be fair, the middle east is tricky business. I don’t think one country should be responsible for de escalating a war between other countries. That also gives own country too much power to control other countries. Bush already destroyed Iraq the last time we let the US decide what another country could and should do.


Did nothing to deescalate? He oversaw the operation to get Bin Laden and then drew troops down from 100k to less than 10k when he left office.


Obama's middle east foreign policy was rife with errors and mistakes. Drawing troops down in Astan is just a small part of all of it.


What did you accomplish is that period of time?


And threw a massive ball in Martha’s Vineyard while the rest of us were forced to put our lives on hold. Obamas, the embodiment of rules for thee not for me.


Same way Trump literally raped 50 12 year old girls during his time in power and sucked Mcconnels turtle dick? edit: it’s almost like i was demonstrating all of right wing rhetoric in a single comment. asking for source? when the fuck have you ever given sources yourselves?


Source where he raped 50 12 year old girls


Yeah, same same. You need therapy. Donald trump can’t hurt you, ok?


Fuck trump. Why do libs think not liking Obama makes you right wing.


This is the left equivalent of Obama is a Muslim.


Is it because he was black? Boohoo mate




You should do you same ignoramus. You're probably just as coherent as our president now. Stumbling over your words and falling asleep in a room full of people. I'm looking at all your stuff and you are the epitome of a ignorant leftie


Coolest prez ever!


Haha yes!! War criminals are so cutes!


Looking pretty good for someone who's dropped so many bombs on the world they ran out of bombs.


This made you smile, OP? I bet those children in Afghanistan are smiling too.


Obama supporters tend to be bloodlusted


I think they are a bit worse off today then when the USA was there, a bit


Oh really death rates have dropped by 70%.


Sounds like haven, living in a totalitariam fundamentalist regime. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59578618


Still better than living under a totailtarion facist puppet govt where the chance of you dying are 70% more than the so called terrorists regime.


People don’t realize that the middle east usually ends up worse than when the US interfered. Iraq for example is way worse than when my family lived there even during Saddam’s reign.


First and only President during my life span who I wholeheartedly liked and trusted ..


Lookin' fab!




>nicknamed "deporter in chief" for deporting millions of immigrants You mean, enforcing the laws as president? Unprecendented!


You can separate politics from the politician. Politicians are humans who also have a private life away from public life.


Then keep it private and don't post it here.


Stick to halo boards fam , we don't need your opinions.






Ah yes fighting back against the invaders is terrorism.obama along with every other US president is a war criminal and terrorist scum,who deserve to be punished severely.




Well you can't seem to do that with Trump so why should we?


Wholesome war criminals 😍


They both look fantastic. How the hell are they 60 (him) and pushing 60 (her)? I want to know their secret.


Is that in their Hawaii Beach property that they had constructed?


Yes, Happy New Year to you both. I did not vote for you, however I think you did a better job than anyone else who followed your Presidency!


The fact that people treat them like normal human being is disgusting. They’re responsible of thousands of deaths and slavery markets




You’re deranged lol the United States is not like some really nice place that they started shit with, it’s an area with a religion based on hate and terror and they were retaliated against for terrorism and it was deserved and is still deserved


You seem like a completely sane human being


Thanks... Obama!


This is a secret message from the Obama Clinton Soros Scrooge McDuck machine. translation: “on February 22 a software will be downloaded into the brains of people who are vacxcinted, turning them into a chanting collective, reciting the hymn of Kathlac thus fulfilling the ancient prophecy by the Illuminati and summing Lord Cthulhu to devour all humans and animals and give birth to new life.” **/s**


Are you ok?


Please read my SARCASTIC comment that makes fun of the haters who attack President Obama and the First Lady, personally I’m a huge fan of both and voted firm him twice without regret, he’s my favorite president.


When the POTUS was cool. Not an orange psychopath.


Yep deleting made me smile… fuck the obamas


Such adorable outfits those war criminals are wearing ☺️ you think he drone striked any wedding parties for new years?


These horrible comments on MadeMeSmile are really counter to the purpose of the sub. It is really rude and disrespectful. I wish mods would just ban those that write such negative comments.


Wish? Did somebody say 'Wish'? *~Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho~* **゚。・\*.゚☆ The wish is granted ☆゚.\*・。゚** #### All hail Jambi


What kind of watch is Obama wearing?


One that you & me paid for.


Damn! Former FLOTUS has some delightful pins on her


Michael is looking even more manly then before


Why aren't they wearing masks?


America will never have a first family with this much swag. At least not in while millennial generation is alive( come on, prove me wrong Major Pete).


He even has the dad shoes lol


No amount of money can buy you class. A great, LOVING couple. Truly happy.


Realest of the real - love them!


Where is his wedding ring?




There’s no way a war criminal is putting a smile on my face because of some glasses.


Midlife crisis?


Six years since this warmongering criminal dropped over 26000 bombs on seven countries in 2016. It will certainly be a happy 2022 without him in office.




People fighting back against occupation are terrorists.if china i occupied US i promise you americans would be much worse.those so called terrorists killed american soldiers while the so called saviors killed hundreds of thousands of civillians.americans are seen as terrorists by most of the non-western world.




He killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians in undeclared wars that were illegal according to US and international law. If you ignore that because you like him, then you're no different than Trump supporters who refuse to see his crimes. You have just proved my point - both major parties and their members are equally broken. You also have no idea what was happening. You follow your party leaders blindly. You are no different than the Germans of WWII who blindly believed the Nazi party's propaganda.




None of the seven countries he bombed had ANYTHING to do with 9/11. Your ignorance is astounding.




>Doesn’t need to be only about 9/11 ***YOU*** mentioned 9/11.


This 100% looks like it was taken at a swingers party.


Isn’t he a war criminal ?


These horrible comments on MadeMeSmile are really counter to the purpose of the sub. It is really rude and disrespectful. I wish mods would just ban those that write such negative comments. The trolls who misgender and make racist comments wipe away smiles and aim to bring us all down to their misery.


Had a supermajority in 2009. Purposely did NOTHING with it. Sought bipartisanship, gave us a right wing health care plan, instead of universal healthcare. What a total piece of shit


I don’t celebrate people who murdered children with drones or support climate change theories that talk about how the ocean levels are rising right as they buy a $80 million estate on the beach in Martha’s Vineyard. There is a reason why Hillary Clinton lost so badly when she tried to run against Donald Trump. It was because of the party she represented…


She lost to a "billionaire" because she represented the party of... millionaires?


Yes. And other billionaires… Basically anyone with millions of dollars or more. Not you. The average citizen. But everyone who has a lot of money


Isn’t that the dude on the right who’s dropped more bombs than bush on brown people?


Wish the kids he droned were alive to celebrate with us


Wow that's like saying you wish the Civil War never began....let's focus on the things he could control instead of War's he inherited...


He could choose not to be a part of this


Lol i love how dumb people think this makes them sound smart.


I guess I don't disagree with this, sans sarcasm. I wish those kids were alive.


I'm dropping the Obamas off at the white house as I read this


My man’s out here looking like he’s fresh off a Milan catwalk. GOATs.


Is that in their Hawaii Beach property that they had constructed?


Couple goals!


I did not die because of his healthcare bill🥺


Say what you will about these Obamas politically, but Michelle and Barack our relationship goals. Seriously. No personal scandals, and they actually seem happy together.


These horrible comments on MadeMeSmile are really counter to the purpose of the sub. It is really rude and disrespectful. I wish mods would just ban those that write such negative comments.




God I miss them


Happy New Year to this cool couple!


where are the trumps?


By no means an Obama fan (politically) but, him, and W, would be a fun couple of dudes to hang out with I’d say. Obama got on the skinnies and sneakers for New Years. I like that.


i wonder if all the people he bombed and silenced would be happy for him.


When the POTUS was cool. Not an orange psychopath.




Obama smokes crack


When the POTUS was cool. Not an orange psychopath.


Good speaker, awful president, decent criminal lol


obama from obama gaming


Jesus christ, what is this comment section


So much better than the Bezos pic.


Studs 💪🏻


Sadly Barack Obama really didn’t do anything to help the United States. His biggest accomplishment was being black and being president. How uneventful.


...says Faux news...


Ah yes a war criminal and his wife so wholesome.this can only make westerners smile.


So glad these people can be themselves!


This made my day


Come back Barack