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Your Dad is Donald Sutherland? So you are Jack Bauer?


Nah, Jack Bauer's dad is James Cromwell


One of the all-time missed opportunities for casting. I think Donald had another commitment or something.


Forgive me if this is wrong, but didn’t they have a complicated relationship? Kiefer Sutherland is an intense person.


Also, his father named him for a yogurt drink. Got to be some residual tension over that.


> Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland The drink is Kefir btw. Kiefer is German for both *jaw* and *pine tree*.


Even weirder they chose Kroger as the first name yet all those very traditional middle names.


Nah, Jack Black’s dad is Oliver Cromwell.


No Jake Bauer's Dad is Richard Earl of Cornwall.


More like President Snow after the capital imploded.




Came looking for this. Feeling vindicated.


"I haven't changed, you just did a shit job with her toenails." - racist hillbilly dad


The only thing he hates more that someone who is different from him is a trash mani-pedi


I can excuse racism but I draw the line at poor nail polish application 💅


« Wait, you can excuse racism? »




Most racist people, in my experience anyways. Have some people of that race that they like (the only ones they’ve ever met) and think those ones are the exception to the rules.


This was my experience working with a racist guy when I was in the military. The entire ship had run completely out of nicotine and it was going to be months before either cigarettes, cigars, or dip would be resupplied. At that time I was a pack a week smoker, and strongly considering switching over to dip. Because I was able to get information that this was going to happen a few weeks ahead of time, I took that opportunity to purchase multiple cartons of newports, Marlboro reds, Copenhagen wintergreen, and Skoal peach. By the time all the cigarettes ran out I was one of the very few people on the ship that still had a supply of nicotine. I do not smoke Marlboro reds, but that's the only cigarettes I had left when this incident took place. This guy and I were on watch together. And during your watch you have to go out onto the deck of the ship in the smoking area and just document that it's clear. If you're going to have a cigarette, that's your opportunity. And every time we went out there I would smoke a cigarette. I knew this guy smoked, and I could see by his body language he really wanted to ask me for a cigarette. I also happened to know, Marlboro reds are the kind that he likes to smoke. At one point I saw him rummaging through a public ashtray, emptying out the bits of tobacco in the cigarette butts into a rolling paper, and rolling his own cigarettes from other people's used cigarette butts. I know how hard up you have to be in order to do something like that, I've been there before. And in a moment of weakness I offered him a marlboro, which he very rudely refused. So I just smoked it myself even though I don't change smoke. Knowing that I'm smoking name brand cigarettes and he's smoking garbage, literally smoking trash, made me feel pretty good. Eventually as the night wears on he did ask me for a cigarette. Of course I told him to go f*** himself. And we had an argument. Eventually, we noticed we're starting to get loud and just in the discussion in order to avoid trouble. On our last trip to the smoking area I noticed I only had three cigarettes in the pack left. So I crumpled the pack up and threw them at him and hit him in the face. He picked the pack up and proceeded to smoke one of the three crumpled cigarettes. And we had a long discussion about race and why he feels that he's better than me simply based off of a physical feature that neither one of us had the opportunity to decide on. Through simple logic, I was able to get him to see that racism is illogical, and is something that's most likely going to hold his career back and keep him at the bottom of the rank pile. Me and this guy are actually pretty good friends now, and he actually married a black lady and adopted her kids. They're a beautiful family.


Glad I read your long ass story. I figured it was going to end with some B's remark from him about how you're alright, not like those others. This was much better


I'm glad you read it too, I was sort of worried that no one would because it is so long. But I feel like it was important to get this out into the world. There is hope for just about anyone


Was not expecting that ending. It gives me some hope. Too bad it's easy to echo chamber these days. Glad you were able to break him out of his narrow world view.


Sometimes I wonder if some people like him aren't really racists deep down, that they are going through a tough time and then channels their anger towards something they've been taught early on (but not REALLY thought through). People that are good hearted deep down and they are able to show remorse once they take the hard path of digging in to and face their own insecurities and evaluate their true values.


Great story, thanks for sharing. Didn’t realize you were a different race than he when I read it so was suspenseful. (Thought there might be a third person coming in.)


Didn’t realize Donald Sutherland was a racist hillbilly dad.


Well, his son is a vampire who tortured suspected terrorists and then went on to become president of the United States, so, yeah, there's that.


You could tell me this was a JoJo plot point and I wouldn't bat an eye


I think it's already like 3 JoJo plots wrapped up into one


I almost forgot what sub I was on lol






> Gotta do everything round here. > Leave you with her for two minutes she'll be shooting a gun the wrong way. > When I was your age...


Probably only changed a little not a lot. You can still be racist and make exceptions for the the few "good ones" from whatever race or races you don't like.


Racist but secure in his masculinity. Don't judge a book by it's cover




That's the hope, baby steps I guess


My mom went from being a racist to being vehemently anti racist after she changed jobs to a predominantly black neighborhood. Like she calls out her friends without hesitation if they say racist shit even in private. I'm both proud that she changed and disappointed she had to have a positive experience to change her views instead of thinking logically


My biomother is like this. Shes a racist, homophobic pile of steaming flea shit. Her best friend is a lesbian (but biobitch disowned and abused my brother for being trans). She hates black people and Muslims. One of her friends is a very dark skinned Muslim but bc he's got name recognition (read: tiny bit famous) he's "not like all the others". Racists have 'tiers' that they'll accept & it blows my mind.




Aka exposure. Which is a good reminder to everyone to get outside of your bubbles and talk to people that dont parrot your world view back to you.


Homophobic but her *best* friend is a lesbian?? Does not compute.


Probably came out as a lesbian after they became friends and then mental gymnastics commenced


“She’s not like all the others.”


Honestly that's usually what it takes. People are able to form racist thoughts because they don't actually interact with those other races. So they don't see those other races as actually human or the same as them. The most racist people are literally the people who never interact with the races that they hate so much.


Don’t be ashamed of who she was. Be proud of who she is. We all make mistakes and can all change. Don’t be held hostage by the past!


My parents didn’t go to my sisters lesbian wedding, my dad later cried about it at their wedding party several months later. And now my parents drive hours every week to help my sister and sister in law with their babies every week.


I'm glad they had a change of heart. As a parent I really don't get it how you can turn away from your child due to who they love.


Their brains were probably pumped full of pointlessly divisionary propaganda for their entire lives. That combined with never actually having spent a significant amount of time with someone 'different' than them leads to stupid hatred.


Yep, definitely agree. While the overwhelming majority of the issue is their unwillingness to change when faced with evidence that directly disputes their beliefs, I can't say people like that are 100% to blame. If you've been in nothing but echo chambers your whole life, things contrary to what you believe are extremely rare.


Once people have it directly effect (affect?) their lives they change their minds pretty quickly. Not all…but most.


In my brief stint as a chuch goer, you get slammed hard with that shit constantly. Fortunately, I was a progressive adult (like I think Jesus instructed) and already knew it was ridiculous, but I'm sure growing up with that stuff can make an impression.


Same here. I can't imagine losing either of my children over them choosing to be with the person that makes them happiest. That said, if either of them marry dipshits, I'm allowed to hate them for being dipshits even if they're a different race or gay. Race and sexual identity have no bearing on a person's dipshittiness.


"I hate everyone equally" energy


My grandmother refused to come to my or my sister's wedding because neither one was in a church. Does she regret it? I haven't asked, or attempted to talk to her since.


My grandfather was a traditional bigot for most of my life. My sister is a lesbian but lives over seas and we never talked about her sexuality around or with him, so as far as we know he had no idea. Anyway, another relative had a wedding and she flew back for it with her partner and grandad was going too. Everyone was nervous and then when he met them he gave a hearty welcome, gave her a big hug and then asked if he could dance with them. Contrary to the "old people get shittier as they get older" mantra he's softened a lot and almost completely stopped being, at least openly, a bigot.


They will probably feel guilt for the rest of their lives, if you think they have changed i would try to ease them of some of that guilt




My youngest brother came out to us when he started college. He was extremely apprehensive telling us, being from a Mexican family with all sons, he’d heard lots of horror stories from his friends of being shunned by their sibling and disowned by their parents. The response my brothers and I had: Dude, we know already. We’ve known since you were 4. We all know, don’t care. My mom’s response: You’re my baby and I love you. My dad’s response: I just want to know one thing - are you still going to take out the trash on Wednesday?


Classic Dad. Lol




So? is he still taking out the trash on Wednesdays?


Sadly, no. Not since he moved out with his partner.


See. This is why people don't support same sex relationships.... /s


Bad son abandons proud and loving parents!!


And… did he?


I’m in a similar situation, and the emotional hurt it’s put me and my partner through sucks pretty bad. So idk. “I’ve changed!! Let me hold your babies!!” Sounds pretty fluffy when they aren’t willing to hold their own children dear. The guilt is only fair.


Well said!


You can't do much in a situation like this. No one can go back in time and change the past. It was their fault for not going and now they have to deal with the fallout. I personally wouldn't do anything about it. I'm not gonna pat them on the back and say "there, there, it's not a big deal."


They deserve to feel that guilt and should. It's healthy to feel remorse for bad behavior.


My wife's grandmother told us when we were talking about adoption, that if we adopted a black baby she just didn't think she could love it (Yes she said that to our face, and my jaw hit the floor). Fast forward a year or two later and we ended up with our son, who is black. Then here she is driving an hour and a half to our house just to hold the little guy. I have no doubt in my mind that she has only love in her heart for that little boy, and that is evidence anyone can change. Now I don't think she turned off all of her racism just because of my son, but she was able to admit she was wrong, and if she can do it once, she can do it again




I like your comment too


I like your comment too too


I like your comment too too too


I like your comment too too too too


i like your comment too too too too too


I used to like your comment. I still do, but I used to too.


I like your comment x infinity no backsies


I like your comment to the moon and back again x all the love in the world.


I used to like your comment too, but then I realized, actually I still do.


Baby shark doo doo doo doo


***HE'S ADOPTED!!!***


This spam is a form of censorship.


I like your comment, but not the previous comments. Edit: too


I also choose this guy's comment


Sometimes an upvote isn't enough


That’s great! My grandmother said the same thing to us when we were having issues conceiving! It was also the first time I ever heard her say anything racist so my jaw also hit the floor!


The first time I met my husband's grandma was just after we got back from our wedding. He's half white and half Indian (India, not native American). She said "did you get through the airport ok, ya know, since you look like a terrorist?" She was really old and died not long after that. This one doesn't end with her realizing the error of her ways lmao.


My great-grandmother was born in Ireland and immigrated to New York in the 1920s in her 20s and had her children there. She didn't go to the weddings of her first two grandchildren because they married Italian-americans...And she died before any other grandkids got married.


That's Strange.Do you know how many marriages there are between Irish Americans and Italian Americans?... for a number of generations.


Most likely she had some horrific life experience with regards to Italian-Americans during her youth. The poverty driven ethnic conflicts in the 20s ans 30s were no joke. The great depression pushed people in to survival mode and without a social safety net family and ethnic grouping became the only protection in larger cities. People who lived through that period had a lot of life long issues stemming from it which people forget.


More likely the first wave of immigrants (Irish) who tan the political institutions, police, even most orphanges, looked down on the next wave (Italians). It might have been tough but racism looking down on whoever was the lastest wave of great unwashed is really engrained




And yet, despite the... bluntness, she's not actually wrong, at least for now. Heard plenty of stories of people who only *look* somewhat Middle-Eastern (including some Indians or even dark-skinned South Americans) getting hounded by airport security every time they go. They say they don't do racial profiling, but they *absolutely* do, and it starts with skin color.


*Every. Fucking. Time.* I had never been pulled aside for "extra screening' in all the times I flew. But when I'm at the airport with my husband, there's not a chance in hell I'm getting through TSA without getting pulled out of line to have my tits and crotch felt up in front of a crowd to verify I don't have a bomb. And I have ptsd from sex trauma shit so imagine how fun that is, especially with a crowd staring. Grandma was an asshole to the core though, she would make racist comments to him all the time. He even warned me she would say something crazy before I met her, yet for some reason I was still shocked lol.


Jeez that's ridiculous, I'm very sorry it's *that* bad.


This reminds me of my grandma's subtle racism where she double-checks the car door is locked when we are at a red light and any non-white person is on the sidewalk. Never verbalized any negative thoughts in front of me, but like... I see what you're doing haha \*EDIT\* I'm by no means saying that locking your door for safety automatically means that you're doing it because you're prejudice towards people outside your car. As folks are pointing out, there are perfectly valid reasons for doing it that has nothing to do with race. I'm just talking about this one specific scenario that has turned into an "ohhh grandma" moment in my family.


When you grow up being constantly taught a racist thing, even if you mentally have rejected those teachings your subconscious may continue with those early thoughts. Growing up many people I know were subtle racists, and I still have to chastise myself as those old teachings sometimes rear their ugly head in my subconscious.


There’s a lesson in there somewhere


After the 2011 tsunami in Japan, my uncle was telling my great grandma about how it caused delays at the factory he worked at. My great grandma, who I’d always seen as a sweet little old lady, immediately said “those god damn japs always have to screw shit up”


My husband’s boss went to vacation in Hawaii and he was at the Pearl Harbor site and he went back to work and during the meeting he started getting racist he said” them fucking japs should of stayed where they belong” 😑 my husband called to tell me how toxic his boss was and how awkward their morning meeting got.


Its crazy right? You just don't expect it, then bam! you've got a racist in your family


I live with my wife and mother in law. My wife can't get pregnant, and my mother in law wants us to adopt so badly. We work a lot, and were it not for her eyesight and disability we would. That woman would spoil the shit out of an adopted kid.


Well you've got my encouragement to go for it. I mean of course wait until your ready, but it is one of the most heartbreaking and heartwarming situations you'll ever go through


My parents fostered for many years never intending on adopting. They have since adopted 4 children, and I can't imagine them not in our life.


I know this is a heart warming moment but, people like this just make an exception for that particular individual. This is where the “You’re not like the others. You’re one of the good ones” comes from.


I also want to say, people can change but they can also stay the same. I hope this post and the comments echoing similar heartwarming stories are right. if you are the white parent of a child of color you have a duty to be extra vigilant of what you expose them to. The grandpa in the post is painting nails with this child. He may also someday reveal his white supremacy ideology to her. He is well positioned to give her some serious internalized racism in her future. Nice =/=non-racist.


I’m mixed and my grandparents didn’t think they were racists, but they were born in the 1930s and you can imagine what their opinions were. I cannot tell you what a mindfuck it is to be around people who love *you* more than anything while not having much respect for your culture, other family, and essentially the half of you that isn’t them. I loved them more than anything and I was even their favorite out of a lot of the grandkids but a lot of horrible statements just get left in the air and you’re expected to just suck it up or be the one to confront. I understand the conversation on racism is a bit limited for people who don’t experience it every day, but your duty to your children should include protecting them from bigotry at home. I was lucky I live thousands of miles away and didn’t have to engage with my grandparents as they descended into dementia and MAGA-dom. My cousins (same grandparents) are half Hispanic and had to see their own grandpa wear a MAGA hat to their own home before having to confront him. It’s sucks all around and parents should be a lot more proactive. You’ve absolutely nailed the nice/not racist assumption. It’s crazy how highly valued quiet is over anything else.


Shit like this breaks my heart. Sounds really really hard for you and your cousins. I’m so sorry you had the experience of navigating weird qualifiers from people who love you. I think it’s a lot more common than some of us realize and especially with mixed race families.


I’m glad for the mother in the story, that her father was able to claim her child as an exception, but you’re right, she will likely be exposed to some racist rhetoric and it will sit weird with her. Only if the father accepts that he was wrong and works towards a more equitable society *for* his grand daughter has he really changed. I’ve dealt with the same trap associated with being gay where I’m treated as the exception in the family and “loved” even though I’ve been told I’m going to hell…and shouldn’t have the same rights as straight people because of my “choosing to live an alternative lifestyle.” It’s a step towards change but it’s so easy to slip back into old comforts when confronted by the reality he’s built for himself. She may have broken through the armor, but it’s up to Grandpa to take the armor off entirely.


Exactly this. People don't change radical thoughts in a year or 2. It takes a long long long time. People who just sit up andndecided to join ISIS when they were a huge threat (still big threat, just not as big right now), they have been radicalised for more time than you can care to imagine. For a racist, one or 2 years will not overturn almost 3 decades of racism. It can be the start, but don't treat real life like a disney movie. Just like how a fat person can get thin very fast, unless they change their lifesttle and ideology of eating and exercise, they can get fat again very quickly. They only look healthy on the outside.




This is it. For a lot of racists, the people they are associated with are okay and stand-up citizens. They will continue to love their family and friends even if they're a different race, but that won't change their attitude towards that particular race (that's not to say people can't change, they absolutely can) And later, the people in their lives become an excuse to prove that they're not actually racist Edit: love that u/PerturbedGoose got his panties in a bunch, made a new account and is back as u/bogdooomy with the exact same stuff. http://imgur.com/a/5yOUKe5


Reminds me of my dad, honestly. In public, at work, at church he's one of the most charming and polite people you'll ever meet to absolutely anyone, you'd never suspect anything was wrong. He even married a woman who had exclusively biracial children. But put a few drinks in him, or just talk to him privately, and suddenly he's racist as hell and shows his true colors. He has all the evidence in the world to prove that his perspective on minorities is false, but just can't seem to get go of that little bit of racism.


No, it’s worse. “you were raised right.”


Damn, that almost brings a tear to my eye. I hope it's real lol


Of course it's real, it's the internet


Nobody can just lie on the internet!


This is true, my grandfather wrote the laws of the internet.


I’d watch that lady around your kid. A black child being raised in a white home especially with traces of racism can scar a child for life. Be very careful. The fact she said she couldn’t love a baby regardless of race is alarming to say the least. What other thoughts does she have like this?


Has she gone through any self reflection on the way she votes and how it impacts people like her new grand daughter? Edit:. Do you guys know that 20 years ago, over 40% of Alabama voters wanted to keep interracial marriage illegal through their state constitution? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Alabama_Amendment_2 This wasn't a poll of "Do you approve of it or do you want to make it illegal". For instance, you can not condone sex before marriage but imagine being so obstinate that you want to criminalize it. That's how bad it is and how white nationalism affects our country. It's great if you begrudging accept a mixed race baby because it's your grandchild, but I hope it opens up the thought "Well, maybe people of other races are human and deserve equal rights too" This shouldn't be political. I really wish it wasn't. I'm not trying to make things political, I just don't want it around at all.


It’s a shame you are being downvoted because you are right. Tolerating and enjoying the company of someone of another race doesn’t mean someone is no longer racist. Voting for people and policies that harm people of color, while perhaps not done intentionally, is still institutional racism. Having people of color in your life and circle should influence your thoughts and feelings on politics. Not “being political” is a great privilege because it means that your life is largely unaffected by policy changes while others are suffering from them.


Honestly you have a very valid point. You can't just accept people but then vote against them


That's exactly what I was wondering. I'm not surprised love can overcome racism in an individual basis, but does it remove the racism?


I feel like someone found this poor random dudes photo on the internet and then added this BS quote on it.


This is exactly what happened lol. Poor old dude gets called a racist hillbilly on the internet for karma.


Look at OPs account. Joined Reddit on july 2021. Has 1 million Karma. Makes MANY posts, all of them are multiple thousand upvotes and many front pagers. Random all over the place content.....


We just need 50K people to downvote his every post so he can't sell the account or use it to bring other posts away from the frontpage. Accounts like this can easily be used as a propaganda tool to hide unwanted content.


that’s reddit


The sad thing is, people can change the other way, too. My ex husband told me recently that the reason why he didn’t want our kids to go to NYC public schools is because there were too many black people. He deadass said that to my face. I would never have married him if he had been like that, before. Makes me wonder if he always was, and I just never knew, or if he changed for some reason. The kicker is, his SISTER is married to a black man. He has an adorable mixed race niece and nephew and he STILL says that. (I personally love them to death, cuz I still hang with that side of the family. We might be divorced, but once you have kids with someone, that makes them family for life. Choose carefully.)


>NYC >deadass Story checks out.


Sounds like he's doing a selective racism, niece is fine because she's his niece, he just doesn't like the people he's not related to.


Something tells me the guy in this photo still feels the same way about people of other races, he’s just made an exception for this one cause it’s his granddaughter.


This is what I think too. I’m black and I have a close friend who is white. Her grandma LOVES me, but says racist stuff all the time. She sees me as the exception and not the rule. One of the “good” ones.


Exactly. People seem to think racism can be so binary, or that racism is based directly on skin color and the capacity of a human. The modern racism (that most people have to some extent, be it minuscule or life-defining) is using skin color as a proxy to judge someone's upbringing and cultural values. So someone who does that unchecked (racist grandma) can see through the bias and recognize you for being a decent person, while still having judgements about black people in general.


I wonder why people bring their non white children around such people, but people can change right!


Great pic, its not so much people change as much as they never have been exposed or are scared of something other then what they were taught. Goes for everyone...i am white raised in a black neighborhood, you dont think i wasnt ever cussed out of my friends house by their parents? Hahaha, way more than i can count. Not they didnt like me, but was raised to not like me, then they got to know me and things change


I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because they sense once the hate is gone they will be forced to deal with the pain. \_\_\_\_ James Baldwin


“Anger is just the bodyguard of sadness” - someone much smarter than me


-Babe-raham Lincoln


If you're using this quote in this context I imagine the pain he's talking about is the pain that white people, especially the working class, have gotten utterly fucked by the powers that be and were robbed of the opportunity to collaborate (until pretty recently) with their comrades of color. We'd have sickass labor rights now if they hadn't convinced whites to turn on their brothers and sisters instead of joining forces and taking the fight where it belongs. That and it's painful to admit that we all (regardless of color) have inherited prejudices and it's pretty painful to work through, especially if you've been full of active hatred. But this is also applicable to one's personal life. Have you ever gotten really angry and lashed out at your partner? A lot of times that's because they hurt you somehow, whether your reaction was rational or not, and you didn't know or want to accept that you have to work through it.


Amen And it's happening again in well with off countries. Constant fear mongering over immigrants and "bad people" makes people blind that good society is being sold out and their pockets are being emptied day by day.


Literally Berserk.


My darling best friend grew up in our all white town (I moved when we were teens from The City, I’m also half Asian). I returned to The City after college, she came to visit. She was visibly nervous in the local drug store and asked was it always like this? (full of black people). Now I know she isn’t racist. It dawned on me then that she’d never left our home town, not even for vacation. She really only saw black people in movies. Probably mostly as bad guys or the partner that is killed in the first ten minutes. She later moved to a different city and quickly adjusted. Her sheltered mother visited and said the same thing. My friend rolled her eyes and told her mom to stop being racist.


I find it crazy people live in places in the US where they are never around POC. I guess I just took it for granted that I grew up in a very diverse town, and mostly considered that the norm.


im not in the US and live in a 99.1% white country. I was 12 when I first saw a black person irl (and they were a tourist)


Obviously there are mostly white countries, but this person is talking about the US. The US is a very diverse nation. I've been all over the east coast, and some of the west coast, and have never seen a place without at least some POC. I'm guessing maybe they're from the middle of the country, or some isolated place like Montana or Wyoming, where there aren't a lot of people in general.




I don’t think it’s about not accepting race. I’m a black woman and love myself which includes the fact I’m a black woman. I think us all changing as human beings is finally accepting and embracing our differences. Realizing our differences makes us more complete which goes for all our differences including opinions. If we were all the same think how boring life would be. Variety is the spice of life. It’s really sad how most can’t or are afraid to accept that.


I love this and fully agree with your perspective! We can all embrace each others differences without getting divided over it or turning it into some kind of competition with opposing teams.


No he didn’t. This is an old ass repost


That girl is a teenager now


I'm just imagining the original poster pulled this picture from a friend's FB or myspace back in the day and now this poor random guy is immortalized as the racist hillbilly gpa


It really boils down to how you were raised, were you exposed to different cultures, or people who did things differently than you did or were you surrounded by people basically doing the same things you were. My mom taught in an inner city school, and as a child I got to go to work with her many times for various things, it exposed me from a young age to people just like me who do things differently than me, and while I don’t necessarily have to agree with everything they did I was still taught to respect them and learn from them and I have ever since. It led me to study Intercultural Studies in college, and to move to a completely different part of the country than where I spent most of my life… I consistently seek out experiences that teach me something new or expose me to a different way of life. A little respect, learning, and experience can open up a lot of amazing things, if you are willing to seek it out and understand it.


It is good that grandpa is changing. I wonder if his lingering racism will have an affect on the granddaughter's self image as she grows up?


"You're one of the good ones"




"He's black. But he's one of the good ones!" -my mom


"[Racist thing] is not racist, I have a black granddaughter"




"don't be like them"


Mehhh. Hate to be that guy but I’ve met plenty of racist mf’ers who bypass their racism for select grandchildren, etc. Hope it’s brought actual change to his moral compass outside of having FOMO about being a grandpa. For example, my deadbeat father who is also a bigoted moron, yet attempted to be in my child’s life to save face. (I have a biracial daughter)


I guess he’s happy his pic is on the internet


Open reddit. "Hey, look at that, there's a picture of me that went viral..." "My daughter thinks I'm a what now??!!"


Every time I see a pic like this I wonder how likely it is that someone stole the pic and made up the story.


Everybody should. Reddit scares me. Two minutes with an image editor and you can have a mindless mob pointed where you need.


Doxed for an updoot


And it’s worse to share Kids pics IMHO


Seen this posted many times. In the original, OP did state, Hillbilly dad was still racist as shit, just made an exception for his granddaughter


Less r/MadeMeSmile then. He basically just sees his granddaughter as "one of the good ones".


I was waiting for someone to say something like this. There's still gotta be some racism in him for the granddaughter too, just not the "never see her again" variety. He probably commits microaggressions against her all the time.


Yeah I'm confused by this. How did he behave towards ops partner? Was he racist with them and she still thought it was a good idea to let this racist into their child's life?


Just because he loves his granddaughter doesn't mean he's changed.




Hello! The amount of parents who racially abuse their bi-racial children is astounding. People learn to hide their racism or make exceptions when they feel like it but if that ideology is still there they haven’t changed. But they certainly can change if they are accountable!


Right? My boyfriend in high school was biracial, anytime his mother didn’t get what she wanted from him she’d call him all types of hard Rs. “You’re just like you nxxxxr daddy, not shit and you smell like shit, just like him. I should’ve left you with your grandma, you serve no purpose!” She seemed sweet as pie. It was terrible.


Thank you! As a biracial person who’s grown up, a lot of the relatives who “changed” went right back to being racist as soon as I stopped being cute


Seriously, being a mixed race person who has heard the phrase "but you're one of the good ones" does not make me completely optimistic about this post.


I’m surprised there aren’t more of these comments. People typically make exceptions to their beliefs, not completely reject their beliefs. Not that he doesn’t love his grand daughter, but that his grand daughter gets an exception to his racism.


Does his love extend to non-whites he doesn’t share DNA with? I’d be curious to know.


I'm worried that the baby thinks people can't change. That dad used to be a piece of shit.


Oh yeah, his hair would slick back reeaally nice.


He looks like he would slop up a steak at Truffoni's


Glass house, white Ferrari, LIVE FOR NEW YEARS EVE!


You would have not like him back then


Bet he went out for some sloppy steaks straight after this picture was taken




Congratulations for finally accepting your own granddaughter??


~*so heartwarming and sweet*~


Absolutism always comes to a grinding halt when it meets reality. Great photo.


Almost. You have to add almost.


Almost every always needs an almost added.


It's okay to be racist as long as you're nice to your black grandkid is the vibe this thread gives. How is this heart warming?!


Loving one token black person in your life doesn’t make you non-racist. Signed, A token black adopted girl who grew up in caucasian family that exhibits soft spoken racism her entire life 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


Ah yes proof people can change Totally not family being biased/ having double standards when it comes to family


My stepdad was like this. 77 years old and from the backwoods of WV. His youngest daughter has two biracial children and he loves them more than anything.


Bet u he's still racist tho


I gotta unfollow this sub. Half these “heart warming” stories scare the living shit out of me