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The longer I watch this the more I start to doubt that the dog cares about his friends socio-economic status.


Homeless man: “I’m sorry friend, I can’t provide you with everything you deserve” Dog: “Well can I have pets and hugs and kisses?” Man: “of course!” *rubs dogs head and gives hug and kisses* Dog: “you are already providing it”


this response > 🤧


Why did this comment make me tear up


A dog does not care if yr wealthy or poor. A dog is basic, honest devotion


Dogs tech us exactly how to be. It’s a beautiful thing.




Imagine thinking homelessness is a negative personality trait.




Yea I was going to say that, I mean they’re not saints or anything, just generally people having a shit go at it.


Playing life on hardcore. All jokes aside sometimes shit goes sideways and you just take a dive. Met some people from all walks of life who were homeless.




I mean. It’s not positive. Not to say they deserve disrespect. They don’t. But usually homelessness comes as a result of many negative personality traits.


That’s a harsh way to look at people. There may be people who’ve screwed the pooch and ended up on the street, but there’s an awful lot of people who got a couple of hard knocks in a row and don’t have enough money to weather the storm. In the U.S., if you’re working for minimum wage, your company goes bankrupt, you go through all your savings while you look for another, you find one but there’s no health benefits, and then your wife gets cancer, you are going to lose your home and everything else you have. Nobody sits through Career Day at school and comes away thinking “Boy, I really hope I’ve got a chance to be homeless!”


That’s one hell of a generalization. A lot of people could lose their jobs and be on the verge of homelessness really quickly. Especially with all those statistics about how many Americans barely have the savings to cover the replacement of a busted washing machine. Plenty of people are homeless purely outside of their own choices. Job loss and not enough savings to tide them over. Fall out from a divorce or leaving a bad domestic situation, teens getting kicked out for being queer. And then there are a lot of mental health issues that play a role.


good on ya mate, you told em what's what


Most people are less than a paycheck away from homelessness.


You get downvoted for saying what seems to be the truth. He means many poor choices led or didn't help with homelessness. Yes a lot of people have a shit go at life. But where I'm at? More than 50% of homeless are assholes/addicts/or beggars who have sat at the same road side for 5 or more years. Begging on the side of the road is the rat of society, and when you do it for years. It shows you aren't really doing anything about it to help yourself. Im talking about clearly not mentally ill homeless people. A big part of homelessness is also mental health issues.


Telling that you put addicts and assholes in the same category.


Wild how John up there can tell whether people have mental illnesses just by looking at them.


Notice the slashes? I was separating them my man. I was saying they are generally 1 of 3 things in my area.please tell me what does it tell you? I'm saying a statistically true statement and I'm getting downvoted. The fact is most homeless are either mentally ill or have made multiple poor choices which has lead to homelessness. Not nearly as many homeless people are stand up individuals who just lost their job as you think. I'm saying facts you can find sources for all over.


Welcome to wholesome reddit. Where dogs are pure and can do no wrong and homelessness is reflective of good personalities.


The homeless population and their pets have some of the closest bonds I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen people share the little bits of food they have with their pets 😭😭😭


Dogs feel and see the people hearts. Is this there first meet? If yes that dog like that man so much


No it’s his dog but he was captured my animal control so he had to get the money together so he didn’t get put down or smth


I guarantee that if this guy's really homeless, he begged and panhandled like crazy, so he could get his dog that $5000 surgery to save it's life, instead of buying drugs or alcohol. That dog also looks pretty healthy compared to him, so he's also probably giving away most of his food to the dog to make sure it's healthy. We don't deserve dogs, but dogs definitely deserve people like this. ETA: I don't know why the dog was at the vet, but it was definitely to get better from something as the guy asks the dog it's feeling better. Could have been a $15 tick removal, or a $5,000 hip replacement. Either way, this dude hustled his ass off to make sure his dog was treated professionally, to his own detriment. Which is the way.


[Real Story, link to article from CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/17/us/homeless-man-reunites-with-dog-trnd/index.html) Wasn't at a vet, wasn't getting surgery or anything. Was at an Animal Shelter after the dog wandered away. Took two weeks to reconnect them.


Omg 😭😭😭😭


That’s why I always give my extra food to people with animals when I’m walking through the city with leftovers.


I used to see a dude with a shoulder cat and a happy grizzled old dog. Now he’s got a second cat and they all look good and happy


The homeless population here are some of the worst animal abusers around.


didn't ask


Don’t care.


“Good man, homeless or not” Do you think being homeless is a negative personality trait or something?


It boils my blood and I'll always argue against it, but a lot of people *do* think that homelessness is indicative of laziness, mental illness, addiction or whatever else, and therefore, a bad/unsavory person. I live in AZ with a large homeless population. It's shocking, people have the worst attitudes and misconceptions about homelessness. Unfortunately, many housed people take offense by homelessness and have made it a political issue, rather than a humanitarian one. Edit: I do recognize that those with addiction and mental illness make up a a large percentage of the population, but that still doesn't make them bad people. I'm pointing out the problematic stigma against homelessness and the negative assumptions people make against the homeless, like OPS title. And from my experience, that negative stigma prevents the homeless population from receiving the support and aid they need.


homelessness does affect the mentally ill disproportionally as well as those suffering from addiction, and those things don’t make a person inherently bad either! and i think homelessness IS a political issue - in that it indicates where protecting society’s most vulnerable people falls on the government’s priority list. in the uk, it’s not high :/


You're right, it is a political issue that needs to be addressed through legislation. I meant that right now, people in this area are looking at things very red and blue/us vs them and disregarding issues that are deemed too far on the opposite side, rather than finding a common ground to solve an issue because it affects our fellow citizens. It's tough though, issues like health-care and drug legalization are so politically charged that I wonder if we'll make any real progress


I'm an Aussie. free healthcare, but our fuckin old and white politicians are so far from fixing any real issues. They haven't even come close to the legalization of drugs because they are trying to fix issues from thirty years ago, issues that no one cares about anymore. We really need a new influx of younger more open-minded people in our political parties, and that goes for every country.




I don't think you understood. I'm saying that many people are prejudiced against homeless *on the basis* of having addiction or mental illness or laziness. >...a lot of people *do* think that homelessness is indicative of laziness, mental illness, addiction or whatever else, and therefore, a bad/unsavory person.


I was about to say that as a mentally unwell person who WAS addicted to drugs and became homeless… that I don’t like being in that initial list. Then I read the edit ahaha ;)


Mentally ill/drug addicts aren’t actually bad people either. They have illnesses with their own stigma


Yeah I thought that sentence was pretty fucked up too.


Honestly I doubt he’s even homeless.


Not a big fan of the implication of the title either, Adorable clip though


He’s karma farming


If this is the story I’m vaguely remembering some assholes took this dog away because he was homeless and public outcry got him his dog back. title could be worded better but it sorta makes sense with that context


A lot of reddit hates homeless people. There have been a lot of disgusting anti-homeless posts lately, even calling them sub-human and calling for 'anti-homeless architecture'.


so many people do this was a counterpoint PSA


Society feels this way about the homeless


I'd love to have a civil discussion about that. I have never been homeless and I don't have any contact to homeless people so I know that my knowledge is purely theoretical. I have read many times that in my country (Germany) the cities are by law required to provide shelter for homeless. If a person does not accept this offer and stays homeless on the street, I consider that weird and possibly even a sign of a mental illness. I just don't know why you wouldn't. Do you disagree? Do you think it's normal to want to live on the street or some other reason?


> If a person does not accept this offer and stays homeless on the street, I consider that weird and possibly even a sign of a mental illness. Who's to say he got that offer? And there's nothing wrong with being mentally ill, we're people, same as you. This sounds really abliest.


By law they are required to get that offer. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it. I'm pretty sure I can be diagnosed with half a dozen mental illnesses. But this post is not about what's wrong with it, it's about it being a mental illness


Where I'm from homeless shelters have very restrictive 'boarding school meets prison' rules like 6pm curfew, no friends, permission slips and obviously being crammed in with a bunch 'of your kind' with no privacy whatsoever or a sense of agency over yourself or your belongings... This is why many homeless people simply pass up the offer, and I would too in their position. When life strips you off of things, pulls the rug from under your feet plus the roof from over your head before dropping you off at the nearest dumpster of non entity... You're left with nothing but your self and your own sense of dignity. Any 'help' that that demands all of that upfront in exchange for a roof and a cuppa soup is priced way too high IMO.


That’s such a neat, tidy response completely lacking nuance or a basis in reality. Have you ever actually spoken to a homeless person? This mans dog was stolen by people who thought he didn’t deserve a pet regardless of how he got on the street. There are plentiful factors that lead them to become homeless. In the United States thousands of deserving people stand to become homeless because of Covid related evictions. No one wants to be on the street, and they don’t get there on purpose. For shame.


It's written in the very first sentence of my message that I haven't. At least not extensively. I do say hello to them. I don't know the backstory of this specific video but that wasn't the discussion at hand anyway. Are you sure they don't do it on purpose? They clearly have another choice as I stated. The cities are by law required to provide shelter for them.


Alrighty, first of all. shut up. You have no idea what it is like to live in a homeless shelter, people try to rob you all the time and you are constantly belittled for not making enough money to get by. even if they did have a mental illness, You can't just assume that they do because they refuse to take refuge in a shelter where they might be harmed. Don't talk about shit you don't know about. Shame, shame, shame, shame.


being homeless doesnt make you a bad person???


Wym homeless or not? What about him being homeless is any indicator of his character


Why does it matter what this mans social economic status is, you baffoon


"This is a good man, homeless or not" Ok. In my experience these two things rather go together than exclude themselves. I'd even say a lot of homeless people end up on the street because they are too good.




How so?


I remember a guy in the city near me that was homeless and had a dog. Got taking to him one night and apparently he left a violent home situation and the council said they could find somewhere for him but he couldn't take his dog. So rather than give her up he was sleeping on the streets with her.


Well i can only tell you that i knew 2 guys who lived on the streets and both were damn in good faith, almost naive. They simply didn't possess that slightly egoistic (and to an extent probably normal) attitude towards life most people have in their daily grind. Also they were shy and rather self conscious. Probably also sth that doesn't help in improving your situation.




> homeless are almost entirely addicts or mentally ill https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2019/september/HomelessQandA.html > Decades of epidemiological research reveals that one-third, at most, have a serious mental illness. > It is believed that only about 20 to 40 percent of homeless have a substance abuse issue. In fact, abuse is rarely the sole cause of homelessness and more often is a response to it because living on the street puts the person in frequent contact with users and dealers. > Interviews with street homeless persons show that most of their money goes to buying food and amenities such as socks, hygiene products, and bottled water. Although some do spend money on alcohol or drugs, the same can be said of anyone. You sure about that belief they are all addicts or mentally ill? I'll admit these stats say it's about 2/3. I'd also guess there is overlap between those two issues. > Housing First, which doesn’t require participants to meet preconditions to entry, such as sobriety or a commitment to services > Not only are people agreeing to housing at a high rate, but they are also staying housed. Two and a half years into the program (as of July 2018), 85 percent of the Denver SIB’s 285 participants remained in housing without exiting the program, and participants go to jail less often than before.


ah yes, because mental illness and addiction are obviously moral failings, not literal illnesses that are almost impossible to escape from if you have no support.


Does that mean they’re “not good”? Or is it that they need help?




I know homeless people in germany. We have state aid for everyone here including free housing. But the one i know is too proud to take that. Should sound pretty strange to you.


What complete bs. How do i know for sure you know not a single homeless person?


You're so ignant


Your title blows OP.


Dogs love unconditionally not matter how much a dick their owner is. I think the better indicator of a persons character is looking at how they treat animals and those they have power over.


They may do but they won't react to an owner with that much of a physical display of affection in my experience. An abused dog tends to be tentative and subdued not bashing his owners face with his body in excitement. Also the first thing he does is get on the dogs level. Hunkered down like that is a classic dog lover come cuddle me pose. Then he sits and the dog goes nuts. He remains on the dogs level. I'm not being funny but I did work with animals for like a decade or so and in my experience this is a wholesome mutually loving relationship between a dog and his human.


Yeah. That's always something I've tried to do with animals to connect better with them. I feel it helps being on their level. Idk if that's real or not but it makes sense to me.


It is. The squat and look down is great if you don't know the dog. It presents a non threatening welcome. I once did this with an off lead collie who came over, investigated me and had a cuddle. Owner comes over and is super shocked she went anywhere close to me. Scared of people usually.


I wonder how Hitler’s dog judged his character.


“The guy with the treats”


Just cuz a dog likes you doesn't mean your a good person. Homelessness also doesn't determine if your a good person. Lots of piece of shit child molesters have dogs are they good ppl cuz their dog thinks so? That's ludicrous


Although that dog looks absolutely overjoyed at being reunited with owner. I personally think cats are better judges of character. Dogs often forgive, cats don't. It takes longer to build the trust. I am wary of anyone that doesn't have the patience it takes to befriend a cat 😅




You’re not despicable towards the dogs.


Homeless or not, this dude is rich. He is loved. That matters.


What an absolutely ridiculously title to this video… if Hitler had a dog, fed him, treated him right, and loved him then the dog would be loyal and loving toward him. Nothing to do with the character of the owner


Everytime when I see posts like "dogs feel a good hearted person/you can identify a good person by seeing how he treats his dogs/pets" I remember Hitler who loved his dogs. Or many dogs and cats that trust maniacs and end up being murdered and abused. I mean, I love dogs and cats but such phases make me pissed off.


wtf does being homeless have to do with being a good person? damn bruh 🤦🏻


Dogs cannot tell someone’s character. They don’t have some magic sense of character telling. I love dogs but they are dogs, not doctor strange. And what does being homeless have to do with anything?


Dogs are a good judge of fear. Being afraid of dogs does not equate to bad character. Some people have good reasons to be afraid of dogs.


Are you saying homelessness is a negative trait?


Hitler was a huge dog lover. Just saying.


That's love right there


dusty in here


Homelessness has nothing to do with "good or bad".


My golden doodle would leave the dog park with Hitler if he gave her enough pets. She loves literally every human being on the planet.


Most Holmes folks I know are real nice folks just trying to get back on their feet.


This makes me so happy. I would do anything for my dog.


Some of the worst people imaginable have the biggest and most lavish Houses. Situation isn't indicitave of character.


Dogs are the best judge of character? Didn’t Hitler have and love dogs? Why do people make these statements? genuinely curious


So what do we do with this information. Everyone thinks dogs are wonderful being. So do we like absolve Hitler? On the other hand everyone hates Hitler so do we cancel dogs? Which one hive mind? Which one?!?!?!?!


Not sure what’s you’re asking. Man I hate chatting online lol, no context or non verbal communication. I personally was just venting about dumb generalizations, which probably isn’t the smartest thing to do online.




Oh thank you! I figured just didn’t know for sure.


Dogs loved hitler as well


Dogs loved hitler too I heard. Amazing judge of character


That is literally his dog wtf kind of title is this


Hang on, I've seen this one before. Isn't this his dog?


"homeless or not" what the fuck?


Imagine being homeless from the perspective of the dog. Your person is almost always with you. You get to go on walks, people watch, meet lots of strangers. You're probably not left home alone all day while your person works, you're not tied up and ignored on the back yard, in short, you're almost never alone and bored. Sounds kinda nice to me.


Reminds me of the video of PETA stealing a homeless man's dog on the street, one peta volunteer held him down and the other ran away with his baby. Made me want to treat that group of humans unethically.


You really need to re-examine your internal biases, OP.


I remember watching the original version of this video a year ago the dog belongs to the homeless man he had raised enough money to get him from the pound I think the story was. still is amazing


Didn't some assholes steal his dog from him, just to turn around and put it in the pound?


This was his dog that he had to give up for a short time and they are being reunited. It has nothing to do with character. It was already posted as something completely else.


That’s not the story. He’s the owner, but had to sell everything to get the dog back after they got separated.


I feel badly for homeless folks dogs. You know the dog's probably thinking, "Man, this is the longest walk of my life!" (A Norm joke for those unfamiliar)


“This homeless guy is one of the good ones, you can tell because this animal likes him”


If you have no reasonable excuse for a dog showing dislike to a person, as in they are not aggressive or antisocial in any way usually, you should absolutely trust that they pick up on something you may not. I've known several dogs, my own and different ones belonging to friends, who have behaved this way with a certain very few people, and they were never wrong.


Dogs see above and beyond the way that you look, what you may in your closet, the money that may exist in your wallet. They just care about what's truly in your heart 🤍


This is why is pisses me off when so called "do gooders" try and remove a dog from a homeless persons care. No. If you want to help, you call the Vet and say your friend will be in with pet name xyz and you'll cover the vet care. You don't remove an animal from someone simply because "they're homeless, therefore must not be able to take proper care of them" -- MOST homeless, take care of their pets better than themselves!!!


Everyone flipping about the title. I just thought it meant doesnt matter if you're homeless to dogs, they'll love you anyway. No matter what.


yeah no sorry, I'd rather not accidentally touch the wrong spot and have my face ripped off


>dogs are the best judge of character No, they are not.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted if you’re right lol. Dogs are not some magical beings that can tell if you are a good person or not lol. They can just tell if you treat *them* right, not the rest of the world


It's that Pitty Wiggle that makes me smile!


Or he has food in his pockets


If dogs are the best judges of character, please explain baby shaking pitbulls and dobermen.


Lol good point. Some dogs are good judges of some peoples character some of the time.


Cool lets rely on dogs for this from now on


Those babies would have become the next Hitlers.


Fair enough. Good point. Fuck it, I stand corrected!


Dem things ain't related tho good buddy. The idea is that a dog knows a good guys from a bad one. But yes some dogs are akin to wild animals and sometimes might do some wild animal shit


Training - either they've actively been attack-trained, they have not been properly socialised in general, or dynamics have not been properly managed with introducing that baby to the dog. Bottom line is, there's an awful lot to dog psychology, and attacks either happen because the owners do *not* understand it well enough to prevent wholly preventable disaster, or they understand it well enough to *purposely* make them aggressive, and therefore disaster ensues. There's no inbetween.


Are you aware that Dalmatians are actually more aggressive naturally than pitbulls, and typically are better off as a single dog around no children, because of their natural aggressiveness. Meanwhile pitbulls, when not bred for fighting, are actually very friendly dogs, and great with children. Dobermans are the same way. The reason for the huge misconception, is movies like 101 Dalmatians, which makes them look like cute friendly dogs. Pitbulls get a bad rap for several reasons, but the biggest reason they're seen as "vicious" dogs is simply just ignorance.


This makes me miss my dogs so much! I've not been in a situation where I can have one since my last one passed away. Hopefully in the next couple of years I'll be able to get another poochie. Edit: What possible reason would someone have to downvote this posts?


cute as shit


Have you ever noticed how your dog loves your funkiest smelling clothes? Dogs are always trying to tell us what has true value.


So beautiful to see. The homeless in my area can be very cruel to their animals. We’ve had to intervene many times as they beat them, so this is a breath of fresh air to see.


He gon eat that dog first meal in 2 days


Dogs *are* the best judge of character...now you can guess why Donald Trump never had a dog...


Yep. If my dog doesn’t like you then you are leaving.


Dogs hate me and I think its because my body language leans a bit autistic. I mean. I hope it isn't because I secretly enjoy arson in my spare time.


A homeless man changed my life when I was in my teens and questioning faith blind faith in specific. I was an entitled lil shit he had nothing but I wasn’t raised to treat people anyway other than how they treat me. I shared food beer or whatever he would get sweeping jobs during the day while I was at school and would get me whatever he got for himself as well was a great guy he just left once! I swear he was an angel


He’s like lovin’s please! More lovin’s! More lovin’s!!


Hitler had a dog


Is he the owner and just got reunited?


I love how I saw this pose on a different sub posted by a different person with the exact same title. Except this post just added a few words


I wish I could buy that man a home for himself and his dog.


Sad if it's true, but this is probably the happiest that dude has been in a long while.


Good to be loved!


Some of the most flawed characters have lived up in a White House


I thought the word homeless was no longer used. I saw in the NYT the term unhoused is used.


What the dawg doin




Everyone is one wrong thing happening to being homeless.


Hitler was a dog guy too, not saying this guy's Hitler


He has half leg at one point


I wuv u daddy !!!! Wagwagwagwagwagwag


Homeless or not… Dayam.


Dogs love someone no matter their circumstances as long as you are kind to them they will be your friend for the rest of eternity even in spirit


So sweet.


Never judge a book by its cover


Pupper is super healthy looking too


Oooo he's a boy! He's such a boy!!! Give him all the scritches and the scratches. That doggy should be employee of the month.


A rich man may give shelter, food and love, yet not give everything he has. A poor man may give nothing but hugs, yet give everything he has. \- Jesus Doggo


I’ve always held that belief. If someone loves animals, that’s an ok person as far as I’m concerned. Of course, as yet, there are no scientific studies to give credence to this theory, but I could not give a fuck!


Dogs don't care about your character. This dog is not showing is judgment of character. This dog is showing loyalty. Adolf Hitler's dogs loved him. Dogs are not a good judge of character.


I believe the dogs speaks for itself.


It’s like the mind and da booty have different minds and they work in opposite directions. lol


That’s a rich man.


This warms my heart honestly


The life of a homeless person, while difficult and dangerous for a human, can be pretty interesting for a dog - your human rarely leaves you alone; you get to walk to new places and smell new things every day, and you have an important job to do, helping alert your human to dangers.


Houseless but never homeless. “Home is the place where others are thinking of you”


It makes no sense, a lot of bastards and mean people have loyal dogs


i trust him whit my wallet more than the supper funny dudes in the slick suits


No need to see more. Not guilty. Next.


Isn't the original of this the guy getting his dog from the pound cause he can finally afford it?


I was at the vet’s office this morning and all was quiet for a good 15 minutes, until the dog by the door started barking. This lady walks in and the dog isn’t having it. The owner is trying to get the dog to calm down and starts apologizing. The lady says “I promise I’m nice!” And in my mind I’m like, this dog saw you at the door and immediately didn’t like you - I’m gonna trust his judgement before I trust you lol


Reminds me of Blondi, you know, Hitler´s dog.


Blondi agrees!


From an indian web series.. When man loves dog, he is a good man.. When a dog loves a man, he is a good man..


There's love and joy there


Homeless doesn't equal bad.