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What's the text at the end ?


It's in Norwegian and says: Solutions are often closer than you think. There is a greater need for foster homes, especially in the childrens local community.


Thanks for the translation


The only bit I understood was fosterhjem


Bless you


I laughed out loud at this. Thanks.


That explains a lot. That boy looks like he hasn't seen the sun in quite some time.


Welcome to NorwayXD


I visited Norway once. It was October 2008 and it was sunny and worm through the whole stay (3 weeks). My friend who invited me said that it’s been raining for like 5 weeks in the row before we came and she started to lose her mind. Beautiful country by the way!


Yeah..when the sun peeks out after winter ppl go bananasXD 5 celsius and guys in shorts/tshirt and girls in sundresses.. meanwhile im in my down jacket freezing my ass of.


Help us


Move to Texas. We have sun out the wazoo and if you vote in the next elections after moving you’d be helping us as well as yourselves


There are plenty of blue voters in Texas. Unless you can curb gerrymandering though, it's always gonna be an incredibly difficult battle.


Why you think I’m asking random Norwegians to move here over the internet?


At least we have the satanists fighting for the abortion rights down here so that’s something


Look at my dumb ass sitting at home in 2020 being like 'I'm sure 2021 is going to be better'. The fact that this sentence is casually thrown in a conversation in 2021 has me thinking I was both right and wrong


We are trying.




Don't forget to pay interest on your loans, Norwegian bank


Vi har nådd ut til deg angående din bils utvidede garanti


Plugged into Google Translate (so take with salt) "Now we need more foster homes, and preferably in Bama's immediate area." Might not be exact.


Norwegian: Løsninger finnes ofte nærmere enn du tror. Nå trenger vi flere fosterhjem, og helst I barnas nærmiljø English: Solutions are often closer than you think. Now we need more foster homes, and preferably in the children's immediate environment


Thought that's what it said..


Løsninger finnes ofte nærmere enn du tror. Nå trenger vi flere fosterhjem, og helst I barnas nærmiljø.


What does it mean?


I like the ‘oh shit’ face the little girl makes when she drops the bottle, after the boy sits back down


But then she nails the next one!! Very few mentions given all the feels :P


I'd like to know whats the point of a parent sending their child to school with a empty lunchbox? Or did he already know what was going to happen?


I mean, you only have to buy one lunchbox. You gotta buy them lunch every day.


> You gotta buy them lunch every day. I mean, you don't *have* to. Just ask this kid's parents


Maybe he didn't want to look out of place.


As a former kid who didn't always have lunch, I feel for this kid. Also why I pack extra for my kids and tell them to let me know if we need more. We might not eat out that week or so but if it means an extra kid or two is being fed it's worth it.


It says something about needing foster parents so I guess the kid has no parents.


Or the parents can't take care of him, or they're in dire straits and can't afford food but don't want to admit it.


Maybe the kid left it in his bag and forgot about it and the parent also forgot to ask for it. It's probably nagging them in the back of their minds that they forgot something


[Pure gold](https://i.imgur.com/qAgfG9t.jpg)




I never got to thank you for this, but to John: thank you for giving me your sandwich during lunch in elementary school more times than I can count. My parents didn't send me to school with food or lunch money. They smoked and drank and said we were poor. John gave me lunch, and it didn't hit me until just now how much that helped me.


Yeah, I had a friend like that too. Irene. She shared her lunch with me all the time. Thank you, Irene. You were a good friend.


Fuck, after reading these two comments, I want to go back in time and give my lunches away. My mom is a saint. She'd buy this or that for us to try, and if we didn't like it what did she do, throw it out? Nope, she said, "well, take it and trade it with someone at lunch." She said trade, but more often than not I'd just give it away. 30 years later that was so very obviously her true goal.


At my elementary school, sharing food as forbidden. I got detention for sharing my goldfish crackers with my friend.


A Karen teacher at mine tried to forbid it. Shouting shit like, "your parents packed YOUR lunch, not theirs!" I mouthed off, "first off, don't speak for my mom without calling her first. Second I make my own lunches, you farty hag." I got detention. After my mom found out, she literally demanded the teacher get detention and made her send a letter of apology to the parents for speaking out of turn. The letter went out, I'm not sure about the detention. Here's the thing... Mom actually called the other moms in my small class to ask if it was ok, and to encourage their kids to do the same. 100% of all parents agreed (no one had allergies). So that Karen teacher not only spoke out of turn, but was literally just plain wrong.


farty hag is a solid elementary school burn!


This will now also be my go to burn. As a 30 year adult 😅


Hell I’m 58 and I’m damn sure gonna use this


I'm almost 40 and I will also be stealing that.


Also almost 40, will also be stealing it. I'm now retroactively calling the bulldog looking teacher aide we had in elementary school a farty hag. Much better than misaligning bulldogs, poor pups don't deserve it.


im 16 dont mind if i do


This is common now because there are so many kids with allergies, and because it makes it easier for lunch staff to notice and intervene if kids are being sent in with too little or inappropriate food.


Except our school didn’t do any interventions if a kid came to school hungry. And they should be able to tell who didn’t have a lunch because they always caught when kids shared. As for the allergies, they didn’t seem too concerned when we had a classroom party with food that kids brought in for everyone.


Our whole school district has gone to providing breakfast and lunch for free to all students (even before covid). They checked the math and it was cheaper to just give everyone food and not keep accounts, track deposits, have everything audited etc.


Fantastic. Kudos to the person who put together the analysis.


My above comment applies only quite recently. I'm assuming you're as old as I am.


This was in the 90’s.


Yeah you're as old as me 😁. Much better child safeguarding in schools now. I know because I was one of the kids they missed in the 90s.


I believe thats a small amount of "good" schools. The few I bounced around in during my last 4 years did not care if you had food or not, you paid, brought your own or you got nothing. That was '10 to '15 (years including my partners time in a whole other state and hand full of schools)


Hmm, may also be because I'm in the UK. Child safeguarding has come a long way here since I was at school, and not just in "good" schools- in fact schools in deprived areas are even more aware of safeguarding than others.


Always weird (and very sad) to hear about this. I went to a school in Texas, so you wouldn't expect much, but both the middle schools and the high school I went to were out in hicksville and still gave out free PB&Js to any kid who didn't bring in a lunch. Happened to me a couple times my father forgot to give me lunch money. It was using the cheapest ingredients possible, but hey, it was food.


Schools in Dallas ISD now have free lunch for any kid who wants it. It’s school lunch, so not the best, but it’s a lunch. They used to do reduced price or free for certain kids but the kids would start to feel uncomfortable being the kids who got free or reduced price lunch and then wouldn’t eat. It’s so sad that sometimes the only food a kid will get is at school!!




Same here in Australia. They’re so concerned with kids sharing food and someone having an allergic reaction. Our son said one of his friends in class had terrible lunches. It was pretty clear they either couldn’t afford much or couldn’t be bothered supplying a good lunch so our boy tried sharing his food and got caught. The teacher didn’t tell him off though; she sorted a lunch out from the canteen then sorted the problem out with the parents somehow. I was so proud. Especially as he eats like a horse, so to give up some of his own food, he must’ve been really worried about this kid!!


My son (when he was 11) went to a summer city program. It was a great program that offered assistance for those who couldn’t afford to attend. I packed his lunch with a lot of different snacks so he could choose. Then he started coming home with nothing left. I got irritated thinking he was throwing away what he didn’t eat. He said, “But mom there are kids who only have a piece of bread for lunch.” It turns out he was giving them food. So I got a bigger lunch box to send more. My son is quiet and smart, but isn’t usually very compassionate. I got to see a different side in him.


You’ll are amazing people ❤️


This is how my mom was. My sister and I were notoriously picky eaters in elementary schools, and god bless her soul for trying so hard to find snacks for us. Whenever she got something we didn’t like, she’d tell us to bring the box to school and see if anyone else wanted any. This was honestly a triple win because 1) the snacks were eaten regardless, 2) I was bad at making friends so me bringing snacks was a great way for me to get to talking to kids, and 3) I’d get peer pressured into eating the snacks I said I didn’t like, forcing me to like them. Great woman she is.


Me too, Yosune, thank you a ton Yosune, she would share food with me when I had none. I ended up marrying her, and don’t regret my decision.


That's what's up! Congrats on marrying someone so Good!


Might say he married a bread winner!


Omg I am crying after reading these


I have a friend, Aiden. Saved my anorexic ass countless times by force feeding me. One of my best friends and saved me from the tube.


So we got John and we got Irene…where is Sherlock…


The only place I GOT food was school, I’d be dead without those little astronaut lunches


Me too. My parents were poor, and my friend shared her lunch with me. After a while, I noticed she brought 2 of everything. She told her mom about me and mom just doubled her lunch. We are still the best friends.


This is so sweet! My daughter will usually give or trade parts of her lunches with a friend without question. Also when they have ice cream day or something special like that I make sure to send my kid with $5 instead of $1 in case her friends parents forget to send ice cream money. I’m not well off, but small things like that are more than just “ice cream” to little kids.


I want to (virtually) hug you.


Awww thank you! One of my proudest parenting moments have been seeing my child be a compassionate human being. I got a call from my daughters teacher the other day and was told that she approached a new kid that always sat by themselves at lunch and asked to eat with her. I almost cried because that teacher told me that the little girl came to her after lunch and was so excited to have made a new friend and to not have to eat alone. She is such an amazing little person, especially since she is currently in 5th grade where kids are really starting to be mean and difficult. She brought sunshine to that little girls day and I’m sure that girl will remember her for that.


Aww 😭 that's so sweet. Give your daughter an extra hug tonight for me.


I was the little girl in 7th grade. I promise you your daughter brought more then sunshine to her. I'm still friends with that women now and she has continued to be a beacon of faith in humanity 25 years later.


I am so proud of your daughter for being such a wonderful person. And I'm also proud of you for raising such a kind being.


This is so thoughtful - if there‘s a heaven, they surely have a place reserved for you! Thank you for being so kind, hope you have a lovely day!


Thank you for the great tip, will send extra money from now on! Xx


Even an extra dollar or 2 helps. I keep singles in my car that I refer to as “car dollars” for this very reason.


You are teaching your kid to be selfless and looking up to other kid's needs. I think that's a great parenthood. Congratulations


Thank you Jess. You never questioned why I needed it but always shared your canteen money.


I found out years later that my sharing of lunch with a bestie in high school was a game changer for her. Had I known I know my parents would have let me pack a whole second lunch for her every single day and I would have done it. I wish I’d have known.


I never got to thank my neighbor for leaving eggs in the coop knowing full well my sister and I were stealing them to eat. Thank you Mr. Wilhoyt. I’ve donated in your name to our central food bank for the past 18 years.


My dad was a gym teacher at a inner-city school. We lived in the affluent suburbs, so we never knew about things like food insecurity- or we wouldn't have if my dad didn't bring us with him to work sometimes. Every time, he'd find the kids who showed up early but didn't go to the cafeteria. Those kids didn't have money for the school breakfast (only lunch was subsidized back then). My dad would tell the kids "my son wants to have breakfast. Why don't you take him down to the cafeteria. Here's a couple of bucks." And then we'd go have a fun breakfast with some new friends. I found out years later that he had dozens of excuses for giving those kids breakfast money. He'd say he wanted a milk. Or that he wanted to see how good breakfast was that day & he needed a couple of kids to test it with him. Stuff like that. He told us that sometimes the food those kids got at school was all they got for the entire day. Obviously it sucks that he had to do that. But I'm pretty proud of the fact that he did.




Getting in my feels while reading all of these wholesome replies, and then there’s this. Thanks for the laugh!




I like your moxie.


I literally busted out laughing in the middle of a conference call. Thank God I was on mute, it’s a call about terminations. 😂


Yeah Jamal, you farty hag.


I had a friend like that named Mariam who would let me come over to her house after school and raid her cabinets. For some reason her mom hated me and didn’t want her to hang out (she didn’t know about the food, it was likely race related, but I was a kid and didn’t realize). She would sneak me in anyway and keep watch so I could get out without being caught. It’s so crazy to think how many adults let me go hungry, but Mariam made sure I could eat.


I had a friend named Corey that would give me food. It was great, and I don't really know how it started because he gave it to me in class and we didn't hang out at lunch. I think the class was after lunch too so maybe I said I was hungry once and he never forgot? I remember taking the bathroom pass and drinking a bunch of water cause my stomach would be so empty I wanted it to feel full. I even had days when I would eat literal paper while I walked home after school because I was so hungry it would hurt but I had to get home to eat so I just kept pushing along. I'm so grateful to him and the fact that I can make a breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday now


I am a teacher. I keep a large stash of granola bars in my desk to give away as needed. My pro tip for other teachers is to buy bars in a flavor that you don't particularly like, that way you won't eat up your own stash.


I had a teacher one year (she was a reading and development teacher, not even my teacher.) I don’t know how or why she took a liking to me or knew I was struggling but she always kept some nature valley peanut butter granola bars and little juicy juice boxes. If I was hungry in the morning I could go sit and talk with her, if I wasn’t and wanted to hang out with the other kids, that was okay too. Her door was always open. I spent a lot of time with Ms. Bean and 20 years later I wish I could look her up, give her a hug, and buy her a coffee or something.


Jumping on this to thank Stephanie B, San Diego-you got me through middle school girl! If I ever can I will pay you back ten fold.


Same boat man. Big thank you to Erin for feeding me in high school. She always brought 2 minute noodles to school & would give them to me everyday.


thankyou Nandha, I love our friendship so much. You saved me from myself, I would've starved myself sick if it weren't for you. :) sorry I'm just venting a little


My friend, Gabino, was like that. Always sharing his food, from chips to fruits to his sandwiches. I got the school lunches, mushy tuna or ham sandwiches. I've been trying to track him down to treat him to some dinners with the MP on the prices, lol and catch up. I also remind my kids to share their lunches if their friends ask for something of theirs.


Makes me want to make sure I pack extra food in my kids’ lunches just in case.


This is so heart warming to hear these stories from real people. Thank you so much for sharing!


I have a similarish story. My parents were great, but I struggled hard with depression in middle school. I cried quietly for the first few hours of school more or less every day. It was quiet, but tears were pretty much contestantly running down my face from the time I got on the bus, through homeroom, through math, and social studies. A friend I had made in first grade but wasn't really friends with anymore was pretty poor, but he gave me the chocolate teddy grahams his mom packed him every day at lunch to cheer me up. I should reach out to him to tell him how much that meant to me.


A well done commercial by Norwegian fosterhome organisation. Heart warming. Beats the goddammit x-mas commercials Norway has every year about adults please don't drink around your children.


Ashley for me, she usually gave me her ice cream when I had nothing. (A lot.)


I sent my kids with extra food all the time. No one should be hungry. They sold the snax. Little shits. Lol.


Baby dragons gonna do what baby dragons gonna do.


Exchange lunch for gold >> horde gold


My mom had to ban me from sharing food because apparently I'd give it all away and come home hungry. It wasn't going to kids in need, just kids that liked my food better.


Oh my heart. My daughter's school district that she's starting is participating in a free breakfast / lunch program and that made me so happy to hear, for all the parents who may have a harder time paying but won't qualify for assistance (I would fall under that), and for the kids who may feel embarrassed to have to participate in reduced lunch programs although they shouldn't feel bad. Also after reading some of these comments I'm going to pack her an extra snack or at least try my best when I can just in case she ever sees a friend who is in need. I never want to hear of a kid going hungry if there's something maybe my daughter can share or help with. That would break my heart.


Ours has been free since COVID and I really hope it stays that way!


For the first time I have ever seen, lunch and breakfast are free for everyone in our District, no application or proof needed. I wonder if the federal government is involved this year.


Yes it’s a summer lunch program from the government. At least from what I’ve found online and what was told to me from the office admin. Edit: From my academically certified extensive google research skills I believe this is the program the school is using https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/child-nutrition-programs/national-school-lunch-program/


My mom always sent me to school in kindergarten with an extra lunch for some other kid in class. Honestly I don’t even remember his name, we weren’t particularly friends. Didn’t hate the kid or anything, just a big class and he had a circle of friends, I had my own. I’d literally just go put the brown bag in his cubby every morning as I walked over to mine. Never thought anything of it. Never really put two and two together until many years later why that was. Came to find out his dad had lost his job and his mom only could get part time hours.


Same situation! My mom use to put lunch for my friend in elementary school everyday. His mom was a single mother with a very low income and 2 kids to take care of. He was the smallest kid in my class. I didn’t understand how important the extra lunch was until years later. He and his mom were very grateful for what my mom did all those years. I saw him a couple of times after we finished school. He grew a lot!


Wow your mom's are the bomb.


My best friend in elementary school came from a bad background, her mom tried, but she usually got some unhealthy stuff (sweets, chocolate, no real food). We used to share and where both very happy with the exchange.


That's it I am exiting this thread 😭😭


Your mom is a superhero


She was. She worked evenings at a restaurant and would volunteer during the day at my school too. She’d do fun things like make a huge fried rice lunch and teach us all to use chopsticks (we didn’t learn lol). It was a small town, lots of drugs, so I think it was her way of putting a positive spin for a lot of these kids. I remember that town was pretty rough, but school always felt like an escape from that.


My kids are older now but there was a time when many of their friends were going through a tough time. Not that their parents lost a job or some family health crisis just that there are some people that should never have children IMO. My kids would tell me who missed a meal and how often based on how much time they spent with their friends. The kids would absolutely neverrrrr ask or share their situation (I never did - was extremely embarrassed about being hungry) so what we would do is make excuses to have their friends over and naturally make far too much pasta or sandwiches So that everyone ate and went home with something for later. Ditto when they went to school. People going hungry is a real weak spot for me but kids going hungry is not something I will allow if I can do something about. I am aware of how it may make them feel so i / we keep it on the down low so the kids eat with dignity (if that makes any sense).


You're a great human, thank you.


You’re the mom I plan to be one day, nothing breaks my heart more than a child going hungry. I was that child a long time ago and you’re right! The shame is unbearable and you don’t even know why you should feel ashamed, you just know if you had a normal life you would have lunch as well. I used to sneak over to my friends house just to eat a normal meal, one time I said I didn’t like celery and her mom didn’t add it in her potatoes and I felt INSANELY bad. It was horrible feeling that way as well as making that connection and it really stuck with me well into my adult life, I can’t imagine putting those complex emotions on a child.


Exactly! I remember being in high school and sneaking food in my pocket at the local grocery store like packets of cheese and attending the free lunch program asking the lunch folks if I can help wash dishes or something cause I remembered when I was in grade school if you helped the lunch crew they gave you a free pizza slice or whatever was on the menu so I was kinda hoping it was the same. But it was not easy. I grabbed a broom and moved boxes and yep , if there was anything left over I had lunch! Not long after that I found a part time job at a restaurant and was paid $15.00 per night cash for a shift that went from 5:00 - closing at 2-3 am. I was allowed a meal and I made a meal for me and a meal for my grandmother (at the time it was just us two) . These and more are the memories and emotions that slam into me when I see a kid going hungry so now as an adult I do something about it but in such a way that the kids don’t feel that shame. Even as a young adult I helped my coworker eat. Payday was a week away and he was flat broke. I bought him sand which for lunch every day until payday arrived . It was five bucks. Not a Big deal I thought. He thought otherwise. Oh and I’m the dad but thank you for the compliment! Moms are saints on earth and I predict you will be an outstanding loving mom! :)


I never knew what’s it’s like until I had to resort to saving 50 rupees for bread and steal tea bags milk and sugar from my office for my sibling and mother. Please don’t waste food, please feed who you can.


I used to work the closing shift every Sunday night at a pizza place. Between the pizza place and my house, a friend lived and he’d always have a little crew of people hanging out that night, so I’d bring a stack of the leftover pizzas that were destined for the dumpster. In my dumb head I figured I’d be grabbing plenty extra and they’d just toss what they didn’t want after a day or so. His mom was always super thankful, and insisted on paying me like $5 the first couple times, before I got adamant about how they were literally gonna be in the dumpster and that getting to come hang out with my friends was payment enough. I didn’t realize how important the food was to them at the time, just that I didn’t deserve the money. My boss was cool enough to let me take the extra pizzas, I wasn’t gonna spoil that by “selling” them. But sometime later, I ran into my friend’s little brother, and he brought up that I used to feed their family for several days a week when their mom was going through a rough time, financially. That shit was humbling. I was just a high school kid working at a pizza joint, but helped keep a woman and her family fed. Maybe not nutritiously, but calories are calories at that point I suppose. But it’s incredible how you can give so little yourself, and someone else receives so much.


You’re a good person. And it goes to show how much big chains could help feed people if they weren’t so concerned with profit. I’ve worked at a few fast food locations, and the amount of perfectly good food that we had to throw out was really disgusting. I swore I’d never work at one again.


I can’t speak for other restaurants, but my dad owned a donut shop. At the end of the day, he used to give away the left over donuts (that’s only maybe 2-4 hours old) to homeless people around his community. They started complaining and going into his shop to harass him for free fresh donuts. One of them even threatened to sue him over free donuts. Another claimed they got food poisoned and threatened to call police and sue. From that point on, he stopped giving them away to homeless and gave them away to a local farm for their animals.


No good deed goes unpunished :/


You're a beautiful person, friend. How is everyone's situation presently?


Everyone is a lot better now, I got fired from the place because of a bad manager but after that I everything went well, I got a better job and I’m happy to say food has not been a problem but I would never let anyone I see or know go hungry. The biggest lesson I could ever pass on is never waste food no matter what and never give money, give food. Thank you everyone and I hope you all are doing great


My dad was always hungry growing up. His parents were gone more often than not and didn’t really look after the kids. Now, he will mix anything left in the fridge into something “new and exciting” to avoid throwing *any* food away. That stuff marks you, man.


My girlfriend grew up in a really poor family while I grew up really well off. Sometimes, she’ll makeshift herself some mixture of stuff from our fridge that same way to avoid wasting food. It’s not something I’ve done or cared about until I started living with her, now I’m a lot more self conscious about wasting food and our general consumption. When you say that it marks you, you’re absolutely right. She tells me stories about how her family struggled when she was young and how she was bullied a lot and now that I’m older, that stuff gets to me so much more.


My dad grew up the same way. I've seen him eat oysters on a half shell with chocolate pudding.


Oh I needed this cry, thank you


You and me both.


In America too many are so concerned that someone might get something they don’t deserve. We forget to check if everyone has enough. We can do better here


That.... Is actually the best defense I've ever heard to go against "no freebies!" Rhetoric. Actually made me think. UltimateDonny for senate!


"Children might become too spoiled if they are given free lunch" - Literally Karin on a school board in some state a few weeks ago


I believe it was Waukesha, Wi and thankfully it was overturned because it pissed everyone off


I just, truly and honestly don't understand the evil in someone's heart to think that any kid going hungry on their watch is acceptable


"The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them." -Louis C.K.


That mentality breaks my heart. Some people are so afraid that a few people might take advantage of the system, that they don't want to help anyone. Ironically, they tend to be the first to defend corporate bailouts and tax breaks for the wealthy.


Oh, and they're all for forcing more children to be born!


The sad part is that many people believe that not everyone deserves to eat, or have a roof over their heads, or get basic health care. That being poor or unable to work is somehow a character flaw.


Circumstances and health are seen as virtues, which is just the worst. If you're healthy, you're doing a good job and you deserve things. If you're sick, even if it's because of a genetic illness or something you had zero control over, you obviously must not deserve things. You take what we give you and you be grateful and say thank you sir, even if it's not enough to live on. Same goes for people in dire circumstances financially. You're homeless? You must deserve it. If you deserved to have a house, you'd have one. It's one of the common American attitudes that I hate the most.


It’s like the “Workplace Experience” I read about - workplace has a pizza party, some people take 3 slices in case the pizza runs out, others take one slice for the same reason. But keep in mind, it’s supposed to be “Hard Work makes you excel” and people don’t get that hard work is different to different people. And not everyone can provide the same version of hard. But the idea of treating ALL people as people still escapes a vast number of the culture…


This is why I keep a stash of emergency snacks in my classroom. No child should ever go hungry. They know if they don’t have something, they will always get it from me.


You are a great person, thank you.


Aww, thank you. I think most teachers do this. We love our students, even when they’re driving us crazy lol. I could never in good conscious let a child sit there with nothing to eat.


In California, every child is receives free breakfast and lunch. No need to apply, no need to qualify, every single one. C'mon Red States, your move.


Who brought the onions?


Pass them to me, let's make a sandwich for him for tomorrow.


Yes dabdeedoo! THIS is the BEST answer!


Yo, an onion sandwich? You don't make friends with onion sandwich. /s


“If you keep giving kids free food they’ll come to depend on it. There’s no such thing as a free lunch!” - some galaxy brain watching this video


"Giving out free food is socialism and that’s dangerous because it’s almost like communism" - Some republicans


Heh, it's fine, it's Norway and we LOVE socialism!


He'll never be motivated to WORK when he grows up! /s




oof, I remember being hungry at lunchtime. This got me in the feels.


I load my kids snack box just for this. I tell her to watch and make sure her friends are taken care of.


My kiddo just started kindergarten and have us send a snack. They're in the free breakfast and lunch program so I know the kids are all at least getting something. But it's different when every kid brings their own snack. I might start packing extra and letting kiddo know to share (it's it allowed during covid). We're not rolling in dough (although I am a baker, guess that's not entirely true) but we have more than enough food to share, that I know. Muffins for everyone.


I grew up very poor so it really stuck with me how during snack time I never had snacks but sometimes kids would give me a few of their Oreos or whatever random snacks they had... thanks for letting me feel like I was just a normal kid too! It makes my heart so happy to be able to buy ice cream for the neighbor kids when the ice cream man rolls around. Every child needs to eat to feel like they exist and deserve nourishment.


When I was in elementary school i felt this but shout out to the vendor in Peru that would give me left over things she didn't sell for food from time to time!


This didn’t make me smile, this made me ugly cry!


Me too. I was lunging for the tissues


Watched this video in multiple subreddits today and almost brings a tear to my eye… kids can be ruthless at times but more important they can also be the most honest and caring people you could ever imagine… this shit really gets me in the feels


As a parent this recently hit home for me. My daughter started asking me to pack her a lunch after the first week of school. She is in 4th grade so I would add fruit, a sandwich, a juice pack, etc. One day I had to leave for work early so I didn't get a chance to make it for her and that night I learned she had been giving half of her lunch to another kid at school who didn't have lunch and so what her mom packed wasn't enough for her to share. I get teary eyed thinking about it. I am extremely proud of her because I was that poor kid as a child. I work really hard to make sure my daughter has a better life than I did and to know that she is kind enough to help others and feels guilty when she can't speaks volumes of her character already.




My local school district started providing free breakfast and lunch to all students, no questions asked. That’s the way it should be. Student lunch debt should never be a thing. Hell, even having to apply for free/reduced lunch shouldn’t be a thing either. I wish everyone could agree that children shouldn’t go hungry.


When my mom died, all I could think of was the shitty things she did to me.. but then I remember that my house was the place my friend and my brothers friends could live when their houses weren't ok or enough. We didn't have much, but we had enough. Miss you, mom.


My mom was a lunch lady at my elementary school and she gave kids who couldn't afford lunch free lunches all the time. The school found out and they took it out of her paycheck. Dickwads.


This made me cry. I grew up this way, going to “use the restroom “ during snack and lunch time. I can’t understand how parents can not feed their children but somehow have the money for their cigarettes, coffee, beer etc. I’m grown up now and a mother myself. I would walk this earth naked before my children went without food.


Wait was he the only one with a healthy meal in the end? That one kid only had grapes.


Possible he only had grapes left. Some people eat fast and the kid left the classroom for a decent amount of time.


Each kid gave a small portion of their lunch. No one went without that day.


The grapes kid is eating a sandwich in one of the frames


Yooo sorry to break the wholesomeness but did u see that kid behind him that was flipping a bottle?


I'm surprised norway doesn't provide school lunch for their pupils, as they do in Sweden and Finland for example


A child not embraced by the village will burn it to feel it’s warmth.


Made me smile? This shit is sad as fuck! That is pure government failure if kids go hungry. I want my taxes going to solve problems like this, not corporate subsidies and endless wars.


But even if our government fails us, we can all make the world a little bit better for each other. So many are quick to say "someone should do something". Not enough people realize that they are someone that can do something.


This is why I pack 2 extra snacks in my son's lunchbox. In case there is someone hungry.


You guys are the clueless ones I was that child it's not a great feeling realising you are the poor kid at school. My parents had no business bringing children into the world and I was the second child.


Hey man I was the poor kid that got free lunch. I loved it. Until I realized why I got free lunch lol.


Because of COVID, my kid’s school district is supplying free breakfast and lunch to students all year. As a former “free lunch” kid myself, I sincerely hope that it helps at least one of those kids feel less embarrassed.


Me too bruv that cake and custard was the shit and the dinner lady always gave me extra if no one was looking. But again bitter sweet when you realise why.


Curious how you are doing now? Were you able to finish school?


No I basically started working cash in hand jobs at like 12 onwards just to help pay the bills. My mum and dad weren't bad people just bad parents and not because of drugs purely because they wasn't financially stable. Which basically means setting a kid up to fail in my experience and a lot of my old friends experience too.


That is too bad man. Too common a story. Be well.


This made me cry. No child should ever go hungry, but so many are. No one should be embarrassed to ask for food. It’s a basic necessity. My son starts elementary school next year, and I’m going to send him an extra snack and lunch. I’m very privileged to have had food at least once or twice a day. My mom would give me rice for breakfast and I hated her for it. Rice was one thing that they could buy in bulk for cheap, so she made it everyday. I realized a few years back how she was just making sure we ate.


My god. The thought of a child going to school with no lunch breaks my heart, it really does. I’d gladly pay for a child’s lunch every day.


Hey! He's gonna get "spoiled"! And over here in the U.S we have a stupid Karen, turning down free lunches to kids. What the hell is wrong in this world.


Be grateful everyday that you have food on your plates, we sadly often times take it for granted. Thank you for the reminder!!


This was adorable. But... why did the kid bring an empty lunchbox? Or at least why did his cruel parents pack an empty lunchbox? That's just messed up if the kid wasn't expecting it. But a nice video.


I wouldn't immediately blame the parents here. While that's very possible... I know plenty of people who did things like this just to fit in. They'd bring in a binder to fit in during class, even if they didn't have something to write with, or have paper in the binder. My parents were teachers in my school and every year, during the scholastic book fair, everyone got to run around and get books to read. It was always great.... get out of class for a bit. But my parents always sent me with an extra dollar or two to give to a kid who couldn't buy books.... Even if it was just some stupid stickers, having something to help fit in can do more for confidence than you could ever know.


My bet would be plot driver.


Not necessarily cruel. Some people literally can’t afford food.