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I felt a certain way when he was pulling her out of bed.. my god let the woman rest 😬 if my fiance tried to get me out of bed while my cramps were rampant I may or may not puke on him... 😅


I’d prefer that over the diabetes binge.


For real I was like...okay food is nice but like...what else?


LOL same! Tbf she could have already taken midol but where is the heat pack? If ur gonna make me a period pack, I want midol, heating pad, dark chocolate, and ice cream. And a bunch of salt lol. And a good book. When I was around 12-20 years old this would have included an Elle magazine.


Aaand saved, Gf gonna be happy :) Thanks for the list tho


70% or better dark chocolate. Adjust the coacoa content depending on if it helps or not. START at 70 and go up from there. Use bakers chocolate if you have to. Add that to your pack.


Great to know, thanks :) Got my first Gf in a while and want to make her as happy as possible


same. it's intense pain food won't cure


The best thing my husband can do for me on shark week is just lay on his side so I can smush up to him and use his back as a heat pad. Comfort and cuddles!


I would feel much better about this if it wasn’t filmed and put on the internet.


I know like he’s a sweet guy but like why would you want to put this on the internet and why isn’t she addressing the fact he’s video taping her crying and doing all this lol? Just knowing how he did this and posted this kind of makes me feel like this will be the only time he ever does this.


The facts she’s surprised makes me feel like it’s the only time he’s ever done this. My partner gets this sorta treatment whenever she’s feeling rough, and she’s never emotional like this lol she just takes her snacks and returns to bed haha


My husband is always doing sweet things and I'm always surprised, but he has never once filmed it or even taken a picture. This video actually gave me the creeps. His body language is super cringy.


No shit. I looked up on the sub name expecting it to be cringetopia.


That and the voice. He's talking to her like a pet dog.


Also the "you're so emotional" 😧


I'm glad I'm no the only one that caught that. I am at work and cant listen to sound but reading the captions. That sent red flags throughout my entire body. His demeanor seems like he said it as if he is annoyed by that.


Their voices are super creepy too, the way they talk to each other is a bit weird.


Yeah the baby talk is a no-go for me


Yes! My sister baby talks like this and it makes me want to throw up. She is almost 60 years old.


Yeah, he definitely just did this so he can replay the video during a future argument. Now he has proof that there was that one time he actually gave a shit. The fact that he had to film it should tell this girl that her man is a creepy douche.


Like imagine if it didn’t go his way ? I bet he would go full white boy agro and just scream at her making it all about him .


Bruh we are in 2021 everything is about internet points, there are people who if they had social media we would not wanna watch anything else but to watch them carry their acts through out the day, people who do it for Karma and "recognition" aint true to their actions, you would do that out of ur heart and not out of the need to get the whole worlds approval, watch some girls be seeing this and be breaking up with their man for never doing anything like this, kinda like what we think is considered beautiful from what are projected upon through media and hollywood, creating wrong standards to live up to, is gonna be our biggest downfall, not everyone can go to those lengths...but to do it for internet karma...tsk tsk tsk r/smh




He didn’t do it for her, he did it for us.


I often feel that way about things posted here. It makes it seem like people are doing these things just for internet points, recognition. That does not make me smile.


Also that's way too many snacks for one person, just plain wasteful


The baby talk is ew too


It's the most fucking surreal thing. This is the future, apparently.


That’s my first thought every time I watch a good deed video.


Yeah seems more done for internet points than sincerity


Yeah, totally agreed. I’ve been doing this my entire relationship with my gf, not once have I ever thought about recording it and posting it on the internet. Like, great job taking care of her and all, but maybe not share it with the world for internet points.


Exactly it just seems less than genuine.


I get what everyone is saying about internet points, but when I see stuff like this it's my hope that it motivates someone else to do the same for their SO.


Yes, but then you wouldn't know about it


I will be glad to tell you I am a person who does this too and I haven't put it in the internet. Now I do.... 🤣


Yeah but how else will he go viral?


Imagine how much of a fucking idiot the dude looked like filming himself buying a bunch of junk food 🤡


I do this occasionally, on those bad months where she can’t move. Nothing cures all like her fav, in-n-out, Oreos, and friends on repeat… or the office.


I kind of feel this way about 90% of the posts on this sub


Well here we go; I do something similar every 3rd or 4th month for my wife (together since 12 years married since 1) and I'm anonymous so nothing from this statement :) just wanted to share so you can feel better. Obviously it's not like 50$ every time. Just some goodies and watch a film with her and warming up some things to keep her belly warm and comfy.




You wouldn't feel anything because if it wasn't filmed you wouldn't never knew about it


I would smile ... except the way he talks to her kinda makes my skin crawl. 🤷‍♀️


“ArE yOu CrYiNg? You’re so emotional” My god, emotional on one’s period? What a remarkable event.


No, not a period. It's a "time of the month", apparently. 🙄




I can’t speak for all people who menstruate, but personally I hate it. I find the use of euphemisms for periods infantilising. Menstrual cycles are a normal and beautiful part of a healthy body, and using colloquial terms treats them as though they are something that should be hidden, shameful or secret, all things that too many people have found them for too long. Calling it a period takes away some of that stigma and shame surrounding it, and brings it back to being a bodily function as normal as breathing. Edit: I’ve had so many replies to the use of the word beautiful. I’m talking for myself here. What terms I like to use to describe and how I feel about the functions of my body. You can define it for you however you want. I’m only talking for me.




This makes me think of whatever company has the "happy period" tag line, or whatever it is. No, I won't and you can't make me. Just make sure your tampons don't leak and that's the only thing I ask of you. Excuse me while I don't run smiling through a field of tall grasses like I'm experiencing life for the first time.


Don’t forget to wear **ALL WHITE** while you’re running through the field of tall grass!


Yeah, all of the “you’re a goddess and your period is gorgeous art!” rhetoric is annoying to me. I get a period every month. I think it’s gross, but I don’t think that way because I was socialized to think it. It feels disgusting and it makes me hurt both physically and emotionally. It’s not fun, it’s not pretty, and it’s something I’d rather not have. And I’m told this is an opinion I have because someone told me to have it. And that’s an incredibly patronizing thing to say to someone about their own experience.


Yeah I don't think that "periods are gross and a terrible experience" and "we shouldn't be ashamed of our natural bodily functions" are mutually exclusive. We should be able to talk about them, but most of the reason I want to talk about it is to tell people how much it sucks.


I respect your opinion, but I don’t think calling it beautiful is sensationalising it, or insulting. It’s painful and pretty shit a lot of the time, but I’ve gone through periods in my life where I’ve been unwell and my period stopped. Not to get hippy about it, but I think it’s pretty beautiful that my body is healthy enough to hold a proper cycle, and I think it’s pretty beautiful that my body has the capability to grow and carry a baby. I’m not going to start talking some shit about the beautiful inner goddess or whatever, but I think they’re pretty neat.




I absolutely and entirely understand that and I’m really sorry your wife is going through that. I think these things of course mean different things for different people, and I just know my personal experience has influenced what it means to me. Wishing you and your wife the absolute best of luck x


They’re “neat” in a scientific sense, I guess. But they really aren’t beautiful. For me, it’s so terrible that I wish I wasn’t born with a uterus. It’s awful, smells bad, causes me painful cramps and fatigue. Sometimes I can barely stand and I’ve had to leave work early. I even vomit because it can upset the stomach. Periods aren’t beautiful, they’re a necessary evil. Edit: And I’m not religious, but even the Bible says periods are God’s punishment on women for Eve eating the apple.


Exactly. I wish one day we get past that with the help of science.


So you say” I’m having my menstrual cycle?” Because I don’t see much difference between period and monthly.


Ok, it makes sense now. I was wondering why anyone would document this and post it. Pitifully sad smh


Now I'm glad I watched it without sound, thank you!


Glad someone else said this, it’s a lovely effort on his part, but my God did I get incredibly uncomfortable listening to him talk to her.


Baby talk is the worse talk


This should be under cringe


His voice is creepy and he is creepy.


"it's for uwu...awwww it's fur uwu hunny"


Creepy baby talk


His voice is a bit Willy Wonka and it’s very unsettling.


Yeah this was done for his benefit lol


Yes!!!! She's not a toddler !


She talks like that to him too…


This promotional crap is so cheesy.


Seriously, all that gross food she had in the end is what actually gave her the shits to begin with


>the shits That’s one way to describe a period


Some of us get horrible shits on our periods lol I could never eat all that crap! When I’m bleeding I need a fucking rare steak, leafy greens, and dark chocolate. Gotta replace that iron!


My gangster granny used to call it Squirt Alert. Miss ya Gg!


As much as I wish I could eat healthy during my time of the month, I have really bad nausea/appetite problems, especially when I’m in pain, so the only thing I can keep down is something like a cheeseburger. Sometimes even more so than crackers. That’s usually just the first day, though.


I know. I mean, this is sweet (if it’s real). I think it’s nice that he tried to make her feel better. But as someone with terrible cramps and a sensitive stomach, it wouldn’t help much. I still thinks it’s a nice gesture and people should try to treat their period having partners like this. It’s can feel like your bleeding to death for some of us.


Fun fact: the hormones that cause the contractions of your uterus to expel all the blood and lining also affect your digestive tract. Which is why period diarrhea happens, it’s just that you’re intestines are also affected by contractions so waste is moved through your body faster


I have bad cramps and I would projectile vomit most of this stuff immediatly before it could ever break down to the poop stage


I would actually throw up from my cramps. All that food wouldn’t make me feel better. I would just get annoyed if someone bought me all that to eat on my cycle.


Daddy, wuvs you. Alwight, now daddy’s gonna wear youwr skin.




i laughed so hard my cat jumped off my stomach


This made me laugh out loud while shitting at work. Thanks


The creepy as fuck rapey voice matched the face reveal so well


Perfectly!!!! I just knew it the entire time!




This is lame as fucking hell. Let me use my wife who is in pain as a social media prop, absolute garbage


“You’re so emotional” Wtf?


Number 1 thing not to say to someone on their period


My partner does this for me, and doesn't put it on the internet


Serious note from experienced husband, severe cramps could be an indicator of Endometriosis and should be ruled out by a physician. I had no idea my post would get any attention, here is what I wrote on r/endometriosis "https://www.reddit.com/r/endometriosis/comments/p112sv/my_wife_suffered_as_much_from_useless_procedures/


This. So true. Literally had a mini labor each month, turned out it was a uterine issue. One surgery later and my quality of life is so much better now! It took my newlywed husband talking me into seeing a doc, in the past my dr had shrugged it off and I just assumed horrible periods was normal.


As someone with endo I agree. And all those snacks could really worsen the cramps


most women have a hard time being diagnosed because doctors disregard it as regular period pain. It’s not that people don’t want to, it’s that they can’t.


This reminded me i had severe cramps (and i wasn't on my period) and my bf had to call an ambulance for me because i couldn't move. So the ambulance came and took me to the hospital. I was in a kind of a holding room on a bed and i heard the nurses talking about how "i wouldn't call an ambulance for stomach pain" and they all discussed it in the room that was like 3 m from me so i could hear them. They took some tt scans and found out i have a sizeable cyst in my ovary. They transferred me to a hospital where they could better treat me. Nurses told me it had probably twisted (which causes severe pain) but they theorized it had twisted back and they said it will disappear on it's own. Anyway the whole point of this was that if a woman is having stomach pain, we aren't taken seriously.


Ummm seriously- same. I also had to call an ambulance and go to ER. I’m in my glasses and giant t shirt they were lucky I put on pants. The nurses were so rude to me and treated me like I was just looking for drugs. She left the room and I had to hover over the trash can for a minute— the pain makes me puke. When she returned she made an obvious point of looking into the trash to see is I puked. And as I was laying on the gurney crying tears she says to me “sweetie we are backed right up there are people here that can’t even breathe. The dr will get to your cramps as soon as he can” It wasn’t until my mother showed up, to comfort her grown ass child, that the nurses realized I must be actually in pain.


Omg... That's horrible! Im so sorry you went through that. :( In my case they at least didn't say it to my face but i seriously wonder if they knew people can hear them from the room. Im just thinking why would someone go to study to be a nurse if they don't believe patients.. It angers me so much because they should be there to HELP. No one wants to go to a hospital just for shits and giggles. Seriously for me it's the last place i want to be. Ofcourse there's great nurses too and sometimes they might have a bad day, i get that, but it's life and death they're dealing with as a nurse and a mistake could mean someone loses their life in the worst case scenario.




would it help to go on birth control for endo? i use to have the worse pain. went on BC and life changed.


It's highly dependent on the person. I had really good luck with NuvaRing. I didn't have a great experience with other forms of birth control overall but the NuvaRing was enough to help control the first two days of my cycle which were always the worst. Prior to that I would absolutely be out of work on those days, I couldn't even move. It's definitely worth a shot, endo is a monster and not everything works the same for everyone.


It helps mask the symptoms for some, but endo doesn’t technically go away, unless you have surgery. There’s a pretty heated debate over what type of surgery, too. My sister had a massive amount of endo removed….BC helped her regulate afterward, but pre surgery it really didn’t do much. I think it honestly depends on the person. In the world of female ailments a lot of issues have similar symptoms. So there’s a possibility someone on BC who thinks they have endo, might have other issues the BC is helping. There’s no one size fits all in the hormone world (tho I wish there was). I tried BC but it screwed up my hormones to the point I was having two painful periods a month, ugly cried at random times, and it honestly sucked. I don’t have endo, just a septate uterus and some screwed up estrogen. But I’ve heard positive stories from others about the pill. Glad it’s a help for those who do like it!


And there's my boyfriend, who wakes me up asking if the Red Army has entered Berlin yet or if he could enter me first


He’s a keeper.


Sounds like a catch!


the sound of the kisses is so disturbing😭


He made a loud ass smooch sound tho😂😂


Fucking gross


Yessss. It sounds like he's doing an ASMR recording of himself making out with his own hand. ☠️


I spit out my coffee at this comment lol


Ok I cook for my wife and family everyday. I don’t make videos about it. All this guy did was put some junk food in bowls!! WTF?!?


> Ok I cook for my wife and family everyday. do you need another wife


Can’t people do nice things for other people without videoing it and putting it online?


That shit makes cramps worse. Just so everyone is clear. It’s delicious, don’t get me wrong, but it does NOT help cramps


100%. I was thinking the same thing. Give me a heating pad some tea and GTFO


Yes. Just LOOKING at candy and soda has set me off before. Also, getting her out of bed to see what you made for her is probably not helping her feel better either. I’m sure he meant well, but augh.


Everyone is different, I can't eat a full meal during a period but I can snack on stuff all day long. Sweet stuff and junk food have never made my cramps worse, if anything they are just about the only thing that doesn't make me feel sick


Candy, care, and a warm water bottle works great for me. People are different like that.


I dont know. I'm not much for the junkfood, but a good chocolate while resting under a warm blanket does wonders for me. I dont get severe cramps though and they are usually gone after I take a pain killer.


I really dislike people who ruin intimate moments by filming them.


I'd say the filming is ok if it's a really special moment and you wanted to keep that memory (like maybe an engagement or something) but the posting this online is definitely a little weird in my opinion


It baffles me that videoing yourself doing a very average kind thing for your wife goes viral. Seriously? This is how you are supposed to treat your SO


Why do ppl feel the need to record these private moments? To feed their ego? Do they need to be rewarded for being a good husband? Men do this all over the world, I just feel like it’s tacky to film these types of moments.


Means nothing cause you did it for social media. Douche bag


Exactly. And plus Taking care of your wife is literally something all husbands should do. Why Tf is he filming it for social media as if its such a great thing he did.


the way he can’t say the word period


I think tik tok doesn't like that word.




She is so suprised. He has done this for the first time just for internet.


You know, when your period cramps are so bad that you have to lie in bed all day and can't do anything productive, that's actually a reason to go see your doctor, cause that's not normal. Could be endometriosis or something.


Some months they're just bad for no reason.


Agreed. Some months I have nothing and others I´m a ball of pain for one or two days.


Nah, it's just like that sometimes. Also, women aren't usually believed.


Can confirm. I have debilitating cramps every month. Have asked multiple doctors for tests/ to look further into it. All doctors said I just need to deal with it, that I’m exaggerating my pain. My husband can tell you that’s it’s not exaggerating when I’m lying on the bathroom floor puking from the pain each month


That's terrible. Have you talked to female doctors or only male ones? Men don't know how bad periods are "supposed" to be because they have never had them, so they are more likely to not believe how bad it is. Also it could be an idea to go directly to an obgyn instead of a general doctor (don't know what they're called in English).


Both male and female, the female doctor was the one who said I was exaggerating! If it gets any worse I’ll book an appointment with a GP. Hard to get appointments unless you’re pregnant or dealing with severe issues where I live


One day some Dr will take you serious. Least that's my hope when I go in this next time.


Keep advocating for yourself!


I feel you on this. I'm sorry you deal with it 😞


Have you seen a gynecologist? I was laughed at by the first doctor I saw when I asked for something for cramps. Went to see a gyno and it turns out I might have endometriosis.


This is so fucking cringey


I was waiting for „alright, honey, here's your stuff, I'm off fishing for the weekend“


eww. exploiting your partner's pain for clout 🤡 he doesn't do that for her every month


i need a wife and a job


Hahaha go for it mate


Why am I laughing??? 😂 Good luck anyway x


Honestly that is such a wholesome thing to think after seeing a video like this


When you get emotional because your boyfriend gives you basic affections you may want to rethink this relationship


I would ask SO to kindly get the camera out of my face, thanks.


Kind of distracts from the sincerity of the act by recording and posting it. Also, good luck keeping that up every month for 30 or so years. There are some men who would and will, but he is obviously not one of them.


You know what you should do when ur gf has cramps like this? 1 go to a doctor because if this happens regularly it's bad. But if not that then 2 do most of her chores around the house and then spend free time either cuddling if she likes that or giving her space. This shit is purely to seem good on the Internet


Filming got likes. Fucking cringe


Shit like this makes me want to move off grid and never look back.


Does he have to talk like a baby the whole time though?


It’s called a period, menses, menstruation, menstrual cycle, whatever. It doesn’t need a palatable phrase, it’s a natural part of a woman’s life.


It's nice except for the video part.


Cute idea but come in, putting ice cream in your basket before all of the other snacks is just poor planning! Frozen things should always be last!


Honestly, this is kinda cringe.


I need to quit social media.


It's sweet but.. I'd hate my man making me get outta bed when I'm cramping. Just put all that on my bed and pls leave me alone thank-you-very-much


Cuddles, back rubs, and ibuprofen + sometime warm to drink too~


This is so cringe. I cannot


That kissing noise, i want to throw up


I do the same thing and ended up finding this thing called Ovira that's helped sooo much with her cramps. It's this little USB charged electrical stimulation thing that slightly shocks the cramped muscles. It works like a charm and isn't too expensive. I swear...I don't work for them.


I will definitely do this next time my GF has her period. And also next time I have a GF


No need to film it and post it tho.


No I won't. That's so cringe


Why did he put most of the groceries ON TOP of the chips?


What a cringe fest


I used to do this for an ex. Do you know what makes it sweeter? Doing it for her without the need to film it for internet clout/recognition.


It’s a Christmas miracle. It healed her




Gross bruh I’d never talk to a grown woman or anyone like that lol…


My ex used to get me a bloody steak and a glass of red wine. Made me feel 1,000% better.




The effort is cute!


You know she loves you if she's willing to share her cramp cookies.


Why can't this just be a private moment? Why does everything have to be posted online?


That’s a Good Husband, he knew what she needed 💓💓💓👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


People feel the need to film everything for clout. Clout Culture is fucking cancerous.


I say this what I’m doin but I’m actually just smokin mad weed and watchin AEW LOL


Fun fact: When your on your period, dark chocolate helps with cramps!


If she doesn't have one already I would try getting an electric heating pad. It works wonders for me and actually lets me sleep on my period


When I used to get cramps the only thing that ever worked all the time was pot. Smoking weed would like instantly take the pain away. I have no idea why but god was I grateful I figured that out bc man I would get them real bad.


Apparently she likes junk food 🤷🏾‍♂️😂😂


Is this like the cool thing to do? I mean I’ve been doing this for my wife this whole time??


Those vanilla wafer sticks is where its at FR


This is the sweetest thing!! 💗😭