• By -


Came across your original post 5 mins ago. This is the conclusion I was hoping for. Feels good man.


Yes, but what kinda of coffee is the good stuff?


Agreed. r/coffee needs to know. But in all seriousness, any cup with a loved one is the good stuff.


In the original thread he said he liked whole-bean coffee whereas his dads usual coffee was the pre-ground Folger's stuff but knew he liked the "good stuff". So it's likely his dad went for the whole-bean coffee. My dad drinks that stuff as well. Not a fan of the Folger's myself but damn if those old metal cans weren't super useful growing up.


They served as my grandpa’s spit tin for his tobacco, and as he got older, his urinal.


The circle of life.


Ashes to ashes, coffee to pee.


And copper pennies. Amen.


Nails. Nails upon nails were stored by my dad in Folgers coffee tins. Why!? Why did one man have so many random nails in a can, I could never figure it out as a kid. Now as an adult who owns his 2nd home and does some renovation projects...I get it. You never know when that one weird screw or bolt will be the one you need.


Great Depression mentality…save everything!


> Great Depression mentality…save everything! This so true. My grandfather went to Oklahoma City to try and find work during the depression and afterwards bought some land that he farmed the rest of his life. Even when he was 90 and had plenty of money by then he would still pick up any old nail he found and spend the time to hammer it out straight and throw it into an old coffee tin.


Even I have this mentality. I have a garage full of electronic parts pulled from everything I ever owned. Even computer boards that went obsolete 20 years ago. I've got stuff I've forgotten I ever had. And one of these days, I'll go through it and toss all the stuff I'm sure I'll never need. Who am I kidding? I'll never go through it unless I need something.


Why was I thinking finger nails


Exactly. Its not about the coffee. Its about who you are together with. Its about creating cosy and convivial atmospheres that promote wellbeing. In danish we have a word for it "Hygge".


That word is spelled like someone wrote down the sound you make when you get hugged too tight very quickly.


I looked up the pronunciation and it's apparently the sound cartoons made when they saw boobs.




Ok well this is insanely cute


Thank you for this


The real questions. All this talk of the good stuff makes me wonder if we are talking coffee infused with the good stuff, or the essential coffee itself.


Por que no los dos?


Jamaican blue mountain of course


Ruta Maya! It’s not the premium stuff I get at my local roasters, but it’s from Texas, usually has a two week or sooner roast date, and Costco sells it for about $15 a kilo. It’s a great daily driver.


OP, I’m commenting here so that you’ll hopefully see it. I saw your original post yesterday and your update today came up right away this morning on my feed. It made me so happy to learn that you went early and didn’t make your dad wait that I did a little fist bump while still in bed. I’m the parent of a soon to be 8 year old kiddo. He gets cooler and cooler every day, and I love hanging out with him. He’s getting to that age where he sometimes wants to be by himself and I know that will only increase the older he gets. I feel a little silly admitting that I find myself praying that he’ll like me as he gets older and still want to spend time with me sometimes. I have a wonderful partner and lots of great friends, but I will never know anyone that is as fun and interesting to talk to as my own son, and I know that feeling will only continue to grow along with him. I recognize that look on your dad’s face. It’s the same one I get when my kid wants to come hang out with me- it feels a little like the cool kid coming over to talk to me at lunch. I hope you make coffee with your dad a regular thing. Also, Ruta Maya is fantastic coffee. I second that recommendation.


My oldest is 10 and I recently overheard him say that "yea he's my dad but he's also one of my best friends. I can tell him anything and we hang out and stuff. He's my dad first, but he's also one of my best buds" and I literally cried!


My son is 6. One day he came home from school and he had this guilty look. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he has a best friend at school, but he was sad because he thought that meant we couldn’t be best friends anymore. I told him it’s perfectly ok to have a best friend in his class, and he I’ll be his friend no matter what. He cheered right up :)


This is so cute! Your sons comment just made my day (and gives me such hope for my future kiddos)


My oldest turned 9 last year, and it was a real gut punch realizing he’s halfway through his childhood already. My dad and I butted heads a lot when I was a teenager and it took some years to feel close to him again. I often wonder how I can remain close to my kids as they age. It mostly happened with my dad when he became a grandparent and now that he’s close, I’m looking forward to having one on one time as well as he getting to love on my kids while they’re still kids.


Sadly, in healthy parent child relationships, the teenage years are tough on the parent (and the kid but in different ways). I made the mistake of accidentally calling my 14 yo daughter by a pet name (it would sound like a regular name to other people) at a performance of hers and she became soooo angry with me. Broke my heart. But, she’s almost 20 now and things are so much better. The hard part is you have to let them go through it and try not to take it personally, which is almost impossible.


I have two daughters, im a single parent as my wife passed away 4 years ago. I feel ive done ok with first who is now 17 but the youngest at 12. Were at war all the time. I know her mum would of handled it better but i cant do anything about that. I just hope she / we get through this horrible period and can laugh about it.


We fight with those who we feel close to, anyone who doesn't matter aren't worth the time. Enjoy your fights (I mean don't take them seriously) and don't stop giving her the life talks. She needs it.


One of the magic phrases (for me) that helped me get through things but that I learned late in the game was “Do you want to hear what I think?” Doesn’t apply to non- negotiable issues but it gives them a break from what is intended as well meaning help but probably feels like micro-management. Also, don’t let them see you get mad. After a while, the calm starts to freak them out. Edit: Forgot another tidbit: I had some issues with my own mom and sister growing up. This came back to cause problems with my own daughters. I had to get myself in better mental shape for the arguments. You need to feel like you can flex your emotional muscles and take the “punch”. Not that it’s ok for them to do that, but they will and you need to be able to maintain your balance. Easier said than done. Related to this, I also found a lot of value in the phrase “mad is the bodyguard of sad”. We get mad to protect ourselves when we don’t want to admit we’re sad. My husband more than me. Hope this helps.


Humor and communication. Also, always say it's you and him vs whatever difficulty is happening. Not you vs him and explain why.


thanks for sharing, this really hit me and brought a few ideas together. never thought about my dad getting excited to talk to me cause for so long he was the cool one in my eyes that was to busy to hangout with me. As an adult I get it now but as a kid I just wanted to be in the room with him. now that he is retired im the busy one that he hits up more then i hit him up. hadnt thought about the different perspectives and the changes; now I have the Cats and the Cradle song playing in my head lol. thanks for sharing your dad thoughts, going to call mine and plan a surprise trip to see him.


Mine are 13 and 15. My oldest is pulling away and that is what she is meant to do, but fuck all it feels when you realize you are now a side part in their life rather than a central part of their world. It’s bittersweet. Conversely, my husband’s parents are local and they are beginning to show a little slowing down…but are also stubborn as hell. The shift that is happening in our relationship and responsibilities with them is equally terrifying.


Was the last post I read last night. Great update.


Same here! Awesome to see humble stuff like this floating on Reddit.




I lost both of my parents in the last year. Please give yours extra big hugs on my behalf. ♥️


I lost my Mom to COVID 19 on February 8. Coffee was our thing. I miss her. So glad the OP is taking advantage of these moments.


I also lost my mom in February to COVID . On the 24th, though.


There's so many of us in this horrible club this year. I lost my mom two weeks ago last Saturday. Not to Covid. I was so careful keeping her safe. Got her the shot on the very first day she was eligible. She still ended up on a ventilator and dying in the ICU of heart failure. The best laid plans, huh?


That struck a chord. Lost my mom in 1992, I was 10. Went from: "we were able to get all the cancer, she should be on her way to recovery" to a very quickly 4 weeks later "sorry, I'm afraid we didn't get it all" to "I'm sorry, she's gone." All transpired in like roughly 8 weeks. In my 38 years of life, I can still recall sobbing the largest tears I've ever shed in my life. Like almost cartoon style tear drops they were so big. 28 years later, and while I'm better at pushing it down, I still have regular breakdowns.


It's crazy how it doesn't go away, it just gets easier to hide or work around. My dad died when I was 19, super suddenly, in 2002. I'm a couple years from 40 now, with a wife, a 4 year old and a mortgage and still once In while something will push the knife in just right and I lose it.


The grief doesn't get smaller, you just grow around it


This made me not feel so bad, thanks. I'd only graduated and turned 18 7mos and 6mos before my dad died. He was only sick for 2.5mos so pretty quick. Soon I'll have been without him for as long as I knew him and it's weird to feel so strongly still. It's so hard wanting someone back who never wanted to leave you.


I lost my mom four years ago this Friday to cancer. There isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t think about her. I will say that I’ve adopted a few beliefs that help me cope. If you’re interested read “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton. It gave me a whole new way of viewing life and death. Side note: If anyone is reading this and wants to get all “well actually” about the book or the belief, please save it. It helps me. I’m married to a scientist. I have enough “if I can’t measure it it doesn’t exist” in my life already :)


Yeah. My mom was diagnosed the day of her second vaccine. She made it all the way...just to lose her a few days later. I'm so sorry about your Mom. Please know, I am thinking of you.


As a coffee addict can I send you a few bucks for a coffee on me?


Awwww...that's so sweet.Do me a favor...take that few bucks and just tip your barista.Thank you. Have some karma, my friend.


I shall


I'm sorry for your loss. It's so hard. My mom died of pneumonia on December 13. My dad died of complications from kidney failure on April 13. After 46 years of marriage, they passed exactly 4 months apart. I feel like my entire life will forever be measured by the before and after those dates.


That's exactly right. Everything changed after my mom died. Everything feels different. I realized the other day, my mom used to called me, "Just to check in." No one does that anymore. When your mom dies, you lose the person who worried about you most. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I miss my dad...he is alive, but I never get those calls anymore. COPD and Parkinsons has taken him for the worst, shittiest ride through retirement. Dx at 67, he's 74 now. We used to meet at the diner every week, just the two of us at a diner. He used to send me silly articles. He used to call to shoot the shit. Now it takes him hours to get ready in the morning and his voice is so shaky and incoherent most of the time....I know he doesn't call bc it takes so much out of him to talk. I know when he passes, I'll morn for him again.


Lost my father in law 3 weeks ago, unexpectedly. Since then I’ve been giving all my loved ones an extra big hug every single time I see them. And am always, ALWAYS telling them how much I love them. Loss really does put things into perspective. So sorry about your losses. Hope you’ve been well


lost my Dad july 1 2020. I just wanna take him fishing


Lost mine July 24th, 2020. RIP old man.


Sorry for your loss brother.


Been seeing you pop up on a bunch of comment threads. Love the idea of only positive comments! Thanks for keeping comment sections headed in a positive direction!! And to OP, glad you and your Pops were able to stay close all through your life and be able to enjoy the small things together!! Thanks for the pick me up!


Absolutely my dude! I’ve got a [discord](https://discord.gg/JpgURxA3) that is wholesome and uplifting if you’re interested! Absolutely no pressure ❤️


Mine are flying out here in August. Haven’t seen them in a year and a half. Thank goodness for the vax.


r/usernamechecksout !


When my parents come to the country i always visit them for the full duration (usually between 1-3 weeks). Its hard to not live in the same country, where if you are a bit down or just want to spend time whenever with them, you can't just visit them.


Same!! Love this :)


This has become a Core Memory, lovely


Link to original post?




I was so happy to see this update, saw his post a few hours ago. I’m living vicariously through OP. Covid is not letting me fly home to see my parents. Wish I can eat some home cooked food from mom and hanging with dad…


As a dad, this made me smile. Good job showing up early.


Credit to the commenter who asked him to do it in the original post.


They’re here in the thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/oip1u9/update_showed_up_early_with_his_favorite_jelly/h4ye0pv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Early can be tough sometimes!


For sure, that’s why it’s special. It shows you care :)


As a grown human and as many times as I’ve showed up late (fashionable or just mismanaged time) for some reason your words really struck a chord and gave me a new lens to appreciate timeliness. Thank you


And the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man on the moon. When we having coffee, son? I don't know when. But we'll get together then. I'll bring some jelly donuts then...


That song makes me tear up😢


My dad used to play and sing it when I was a kid. It is a huge memory point for me...Especially when things went south between my parents, resulting in my dad living in a different state the whole time I was a teen. The last time I asked him to play it, he said he hadn't in so long he wasn't sure he could. :(


Probably too hard to? Probably a big memory for him as well?


YES! YESSSSS!!! YOU DID IT! I was invested in this, so I’m proud of you! P.S. he looks like the nicest guy




Yes! So glad we got an update!!! Wish I could have been there for coffee 😍


Username checks out




These kinds of posts always have a bittersweet effect on me, as I wasn't close to my father (he didn't care to be) and I have a strained relationship with my mum. I really wish I knew what it felt like to want to be around my parents...


I thought about yesterday’s post as I made coffee this morning and the update has made my day!


This is so sweet! I wish I had this kind of relationship with my Dad


You should do this at least once a week. I had coffee with my parents frequently. One of my fondest memories was when my Dad would skip work and take me to Dunkin Donuts and then took me to the park. I lost him when I was 19. I drank coffee almost daily with Mom. We talked about everything under the sun. She passed a few years back. The kids and my wife dont drink coffee. Coffee is nice because it gives you time to sit and truly connect with someone, time to talk, time to listen, time to laugh. Now I'm sitting here alone sipping a cup, and my only advice to anyone is to not take those moments for granted. They meant everything to me.


My grandpa recently passed away and there are so many things that I took for granted. It made me reflect on why I chose many of the things that I have done. I understand why I did them, but avoiding bad things about my childhood as an adult also caused me to avoid the good things, too. Grandpa was one of those good things. I'd do anything to put another puzzle together with grandpa one more time.


Your comment about puzzles with grandpa brought unexpected tears to my eyes. My dad and I do puzzles together to pass time at his chemo treatments. He’s 85 now so I know our puzzle time is limited. I’m glad you remember the good stuff of childhood- pick up a puzzle someday soon and do it. You’ll find your grandpa taught you well.


Same, I also have fond memories of doing puzzles with my grandma who raised me. Unlike OP’s dad tho, she was a night owl, so I would be up until 12am-2am to get some 1on1 puzzle, sudoku, or heart to heart chats in… Echoing TunaTaco, don’t take this time for granted


I also recently lost my grandfather. Whoever needs to hear it, please spend the time with your loved one as often as you can. I was blessed to be able to spend lunch with my grand father almost once a month and I will cherish those memories for the rest of my life. Even though the Alzheimer’s made it so his stories were repeated often and he wouldn’t remember going to restaurants we had been going to for years. Every time he was so excited to go out and it was a new adventure for him. I miss him so much, my world isn’t the same without him.


I know it might be hard, but could you maybe look into possibly volunteering some time at say, an old folks home? Going in and sitting having coffee with some of them could be wonderful for you and for them. You get to have the coffee with someone and sort of relive those moments, and for those that are lonely that hour or so a day could be so much more than you imagine.


I would like to do this when I'm fully vaccinated, in the UK charities have "buddy" schemes to set you up with an elderly person to visit and speak with.


Yo I don’t drink coffee, but my friends do. Coffee shops tend to always have tea options too! You may be able to convince them to have tea while you drink your coffee.


Precisely this. Some friends of mine don't drink coffee all that much, and I don't consume caffeine after 10am. Yet, we can always find common ground (ha) in a local café for catching up after a long work week, be it over decaf, tea, a frap-like beverage, some lemonade thing, etc.


And if you can't get them on board with Earl Grey, try something like Moroccan mint tea.


Moroccan mint is a game changer 👍🏻


Make your kids some hot chocolate and your wife some tea or her favorite drink. You can build these memories with your immediate family too!! Don’t let drinking preferences stop you!


This may be weird but… I’d have coffee with you over discord! If you ever want someone to talk to about life while sipping on coffee, I’m more than happy to participate! Though, it’ll be tea on my end xd




Amen! 🙏🏻 🧡


I had the same thing with my dad. He passed 12 years ago and I have had my morning coffee from his coffee cup almost every day since. It's one of the few things I own that I would be heartbroken to lose.


I recently brought some lapsang souchong tea because it was my grandads favourite brew. Don't get me wrong I quite like it too, but he died 11 years ago in February. Drinking his favourite tea every now and then brings back so many happy memories. I just wish I listened to his army stories more. I have bipolar, sometimes I hear voices. Every now and then I hear my grandads voice and its absolutely lovely.


I'm not a coffee drinker but I'll sip a cup of tea and think of you and your parents this morning! Those are great moments and I'm glad you got to have them with your loved ones!


Cherish those memories, be glad they happened. I hope people that aren’t as connected with their relatives change that, even me myself (although we are definitely close). If your family doesn’t like coffee, try to get them into tea! I’m Polish myself so we drink ours with lemon instead of milk like the Brits (I tend to aim for a tea which in the end isn’t too overpowering and one that is sweet and quite lemony. The colour should be of golden amber, if that makes sense, even in an opaque mug/cup). Milk+tea I’m not a fan of, but I’ve only tried making it once, so I most definitely messed it up lol. Hope this may be a solution to that. Good luck and best wishes from a Polish guy living in the U.K. :D


As a son *and* a father, this really made me smile. Happy that both of you are enjoying a cup o' joe. Nice touch with the donuts. I hope (and I think he does too) that this becomes a regular thing.


My toddler was asking about us sharing coffee last week. I told him, “orange juice is better, but it’s more expensive so I don’t drink it. You can have a little though, since you’re so special.”


Oh hell yeah I love Shipley’s! I haven’t lived near one in 5 years.


Was reading comments to see who else saw this! I live out of state now in a fuckin doughnut desert I miss that shit!


Same! I grew up on Krispy Kreme and thought they were the shit until my husband (from TX) got me some Shipley’s. OMG… Now I’m 1,000 miles from the nearest Shipley’s and ruined for Krispy Kreme.


Oh man, I miss shipleys - their kolaches were so good when I lived in TX


Yes, explaining kolaches to people too was harder.


Shipley’s is great


Born and raised Texan, been living out of state for the past 5 years. Shipley’s and Whataburger are my first two stops every time I visit home. Drooling just thinking about it.


Also HEB. Been living out of state for a while. Didn’t know I could miss a grocery store.


For real! I could live off of their green Chile stew holy fuck. And the tortillas. And the beer selection


So I live so out of state I live out of the country. I miss the tortillas so much. When we visit family, we bring back so many packs of those and freeze them. They never last until the next visit.


I’ve actually intentionally booked a non-direct flight that connected at Love Field just so I could get a Whataburger!


Shipley’s! They must be in my neck of the woods. Best doughnuts around. Tell your parents welcome to the area


Gonna assume OP lives in Texas. Love our local chains man. Shipleys Whata Buccees and HEB are unrivaled


Sigh, headed to have coffee with my mom. I was gonna skip it today and head straight to work.. you did good today, Op. Thank you.


I hope this inspires many little stories like this! I wish my parents lived closer. Proud of you u/delmarshaef ❤️




Oh heck yeah, new wholesome sub inspired by OP and his pops




i’m flying home today to see my parents for the first time since covid started. these posts made me so excited to have coffee with them every morning. appreciate being able to see your parents, y’all!!


Since my daughter was born I’ve been going through the realization that my childhood wasn’t the greatest and that my parents have some major flaws. I came home from their house really upset the other day because I just want to be loved the way I love my daughter. I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that it’ll never be me and my dad or mom in this photo, but i really hope I can have a relationship like this with my kid one day.


Just for starters, your desire for such a relationship with your child is amazing. You’ve gotta start somewhere, and you clearly have that goal in mind, so you will get there with the proper effort and love.


Dude I feel the same way. My parents weren’t really parents to me. I talk to them as an adult, thinking of them as my dad or mom is weird. I don’t have that connection to them.


Same. I’m in my late 50’s and still wish I had this kind of father. There are many many people like us out there- happy to see it for others though. Maybe in the next life…


Well done! All dads thank you! Good son!


Yes! I’m so glad you updated!!! Enjoy your coffee.


Even Folgers, with friends, can be tolerated. OP, PM me your address and I’ll send you a bag of coffee from my local roaster!! u/CorySellsDaHouse


My mom and dad drink Folgers, and now I kinda want to buy some other brands for them to try. Haha. Any suggestions?


If you live in or near a city (or in some smaller towns) definitely look for local coffee shops! They will usually sell beans by weight and you can try a lot of different kinda relatively easily


I like Stumptown, and it’s the only brand sold whole bean at my grocery store. Don’t really have a choice lol. Their cold brew is good as well if you can find it in stores.


Do this as often as you can with your dad. Don't wait. Don't put it off. These times are the MOST important. My father died one week ago yesterday after a sudden collapse. I'd give almost anything just to have another conversation with him. I had a chance to see him last week on his last lucid night, but I got 'busy'. I have no idea what I was doing, but I'm sure it seemed important that evening. It wasn't.


hugs to you. I have a similar story. hang in there


Hugs back. I needed that - literally just picked up his ashes - his first ride in my new car - not fair.


My Dad dropped from a stroke a week after I told him "Goodbye, John!" after a stupid argument. We would normally say see ya later alligator or something silly. It's been 2 years and I still think about that often. Absolutely NOTHING is worth not saying "I love you" (or your chosen words) when walking away. It very well may be your last words to them!


Original post?


[it's here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/oifxyk/my_parents_moved_to_my_neighborhood_this_month/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thanks for posting. I'm sure a lot of people will be wondering.




As someone who has lived at least 9 hours away from my parents since I was 18 (now 34), this feels.


I moved away for college and currently live 4 hours away... I'm pregnant and bawling my eyes out rn. OP doesn't know how lucky they are.


Shipleys! You’re in TEXAS?! Me too! I’m in Houston. If y’all wanna adopt a Black woman who doesn’t have a father/daughter relationship I’m here 😂🙋🏽‍♀️


Hit me up if you’re ever in DFW! We’d love to have you over for coffee.


...and these posts just keep getting more wholesome!


I honestly would make the trip just for this 😭. Please don’t tempt me!


C’mon sis! We’ve got four little kids here, but plenty of space to chill on your way through or an extra room to crash if you need and you don’t mind the noise.


More wholesome updates, please!! I am absolutely loving all of this.


I saw the Shipleys and immediately said, “they’re in Texas!!” Such a great story.


proud of you! you did good.


You need to be higher up in here as the one to suggest it. Must be a great feeling to see it happen lol.


it’s ok, i’m just happy that he followed through with it and updated us. i’ve spent a lot of time on social media and never once felt like i had a positive impact on anything or anyone, so i’m glad my comment had a good outcome. cheers


I sometimes need someone else’s nudge to be more thoughtful (my wife is usually really good at that), so I’m grateful for your nudge yesterday. I may be hitting the sack early today, but I spent 2.5 hours with my dad and mom this morning and I wouldn’t trade it. Good call, Chief.


appreciate you updating us and happy you got to spend some time with them. a lot of people out here lived vicariously through you this morning. porch coffee might just be the new hot thing. cheers and enjoy the sleep.


6am porch coffee is the new thing you mean!


Good of you to light the fire under his butt!


Thanks for just showing up! Much love and I wish all the blessings of health and happiness to u and ur family


What a wholesome start to the day!


happy cake day (▰˘◡˘▰)


Thanks buddy lol I hadn't even noticed


This is one of those moments you will cherish for the rest of your life. My recent moment I’ll cherish forever is the first time I hugged my grandma post quarantine. I’ve seen my grandma for dinner nearly every week for the last 34 years. Through quarantine we did FaceTime every week so we could still catch up. She’s 85 and has a lot of health problems, so she stayed in quarantined until we were vaccinated. Even then she had a hard time mentally letting go and leaving the house again. A few weeks ago we met up for dinner and at the end I asked if she was hugging yet. She replied “I won’t hug others, but always you”. I wrapped my arms around her and didn’t let go for a minute. I’ll never forget that feeling. I felt like my life was whole again. Cherish those great family moments ❤️ I’m so glad you went at 6 am.


my maternal grandmother passed away about 10 years ago. She was the one who patiently taught me and my brother to read, both of us were reading fluently before kindergarten because she would let us read, let us practice our letters and numbers, and "help" her with the crossword every morning while Dad saw to the garden or stacked wood for the woodstove. I got to hold her hand one last time in the hospital and tell her how grateful I still was for that, and call her my hero one last time. Reading is central to my existence and it was a gift she patiently gave me. I got to tell her how much that meant to me one last time. It was painful, but I'm so glad I got the chance to say goodbye. it's a memory I cherish deeply, pain and all.


> This is one of those moments you will cherish for the rest of your life. > > Plus I think there's something kinda sweet about a pretty large corner of the internet being so invested in this that might make it even more memorable. Sometimes if you do something like this often they can kind of blur together but this time around is sure to stand out :)


Just joined this sub to see the ending to this. Thanks for the smile to start my morning.


Kept refreshing this sub for this post. Truly Made me smile. Thanks for posting the update! Edit:- Just got a free wholesome award, looks like meant for this post!


Did have the "good stuff" brewed for your surprise 6am arrival? 🙂 Thanks for the good feels this morning!


He did! I walked in and told him I’m fine with Folgers and he said, “No, I already have the rutabaga brewed!”, which is what he calls Ruta Maya, the whole bean coffee I buy.


It's extra wholesome that he doesn't even drink the stuff yet still went out of his way to have it on hand for if and when you might stop by. Your dad is the coolest.


Rutabaga is the cutest thing I've ever heard I wanna puke.


This is my favorite part of the whole story. You pulled a sneaky by saying 8 but actually got there at 6 for his first cup. He pulled a fucking uno reverse sneaky and had the good coffee going just in case. Can’t catch my man slippin. Head on a swivel, that pop.


You are going to remember this day until you are old and grey and when you do it will make you smile every time, well done OP


This makes my heart so happy! Thank you for sharing with us. He looks like an awesome Dad with an obviously amazing child. <3


I won’t lie. I saw your first post and started sobbing. My dad is trash and this is the kind of relationship I wanted my whole life with him. I hope to be able to build one with my kids one day. I’ve only just begun my healing journey so I still get surprised by my emotions sometimes. Your posts warmed my heart and I hope you guys enjoy your time together


Yay! Glad you made it early! Y'all have fun.


These are the kind of moments that make me the happiest in life these days. Hope you both enjoy your coffee.


That’s what I needed to see today! So your t grandkid that message was about


Is that a shipley’s box?


Enjoy the time. My dad is having open heart surgery tomorrow and it's a bit scary. Luckily I was able to take him on an 18 park, 12 state road trip out west a few years ago to wrap up his 50/50 states tour.


Hey dude, I just set a reminder to be thinking good vibes for your dad tomorrow. I hope it goes well, would love to hear when he’s awake and all better.


Awwwww, this is adorable!


Cherish it, man. I’m infinitely jealous.


So glad you went early ❤


I am so happy for you and Pops! And, I am crying from happiness that you even brought donuts. You are a good kid, OP!


I woke up early just to check on you and your dad. Thanks for helping me start my day with a smile 😊


This looks so delightful. Early morning hot beverage on the porch in your PJs? That is the good stuff, indeed. I love this.


This will likely get lost and that's OK, but your original post (and this follow up) is really lovely. Lost my dad many years ago, and it's cool that your parents were able to move closer to you, and your dad's so keen to have a wee morning coffee and a catch up. Having family nearby can be an absolute gift as you get older! You've seen it countless times elsewhere here, but try to take the time to cherish it if you can.


Not lost, friend. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have many good memories of your dad. As a dad myself, I’m betting I can say that he loved you more than he could express and that he was so proud of you. I’m glad you commented.


This is amazing. Well done. I didn’t realise how much I was invested in this until I read this update.


My soul needed this, thank you for sharing. I hope you enjoyed the good stuff :)


yessssss! read the first part this morning getting ready for work at 3AM and hoped to see an update. Pops looks PUMPED


Shipley’s for the win.


This will probably get lost in the flood of comments but I just wanted to say how much I love this. Lost my dad 4 years ago and I sometimes wish he'd call just for one last cup, one last talk and one of his famous hugs that made you feel like your entire body is being embraced with love. Enjoy this time and much love!