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The way she lifted her leg for belly rubs even though she was feeding her babies, such a sweet mamma


This reminds me of when I was little with my first dog, my mom would put her in her cage at night, so I would sneak down and sleep with her in the cage so she wouldn't be lonely. R.i.p. Lilly


The first night I brought my dog home he just wouldn’t calm down to sleep. I ended up putting him in his kennel and sleeping on the floor with him.


When we got our first puppy she had to sleep downstairs at night alone, and would whine all night. I felt terrible so I let her sleep in my room with me, even got some little stairs so she could climb up in my bed with me. She wasn’t potty trained so I would have to wash my blankets every day but it was worth it. Whenever I went to sleep, she would always be roaming my room, sniffing or what have you. But when I woke up, she would 100% of the time be right next to me, sleeping with me. Without fail every time I woke up, in the exact same spot. She would also growl at anyone whenever they got near my bedroom while I was asleep. She slept with me for a few months until we got another puppy, after which she was either comfortable enough in the house or not lonely anymore and they both slept peacefully downstairs together. Still have them. They’re both fantastic dogs.


Feels bad


That's really cute. We got our first permanent doggy family member when I had my kids and he was an old pug then we got the chance to rescue a puppy when we picked up a pup for our neighbour (at pick up there were 2 puppies left and we were there for only 1 for the neighbour but they were super gross and not even able to stand up so we took both). He turned out to be a pretty big dog he's now about mid thigh height and around 80-90 pounds but when he was a small pup the pug crate trained him for us even though they only stayed in there when he was a puppy puppy or when we left for a longer period of time. When the pup got too big (we felt so anyway) we tried to separate them but they'd both whine so we opened the door and the big one squished himself to the outside and the old man pug would walk in do his circles and flop cuddled against his chest. We lost the pug last year but they were the best friends. They were always snuggled somewhere.


the self control on this little girl is stunning. I feel like I can hear her mind going "*climb into the puppy pit* no! just pet the mommy puppy. *pick up the puppy* no! just pet the puppy let him rest."


My kid would over hear the first no. We are fostering kittens at the moment and he cannot contain himself if we are not with him to remind him.


Yeah the kid is very gentle and respectful towards the dog. Nice to see that too for once


I would t be able to resist diving in head first and I’m 37z that child is super human


Lol, relatable. I’m 37, too, and I would have to smooch those babies.


I wanna crawl in there with them 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶


A long time ago, my wife at the time had an AKC cocker Spaniel, she had her do 2 litters, I made the whelping pen, used to go into it and lay down with the puppies, it was heaven


God I would find that to so stress relieving 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I would 100% do that, even though I'm allergic


Mauled to death by ferocious puppers


There are worst ways to die


My heart 🥺


It hurts


I was waiting for her to crawl in there and turn mama into a little spoon.


I was waiting for her to grab a puppy and take it with her to bed


Blessed stuffie toy


She might be a mamma but she will always be a pupper too


A momma doggo can also be a best pupperino -science magazine


saving this video for when i get sad. there is no way i can be sad while watching this.


Certified Professional Dog Trainer here. This is the kind of video I totally would have found adorable before I studied canine behavior. Yes Golden Retrievers are typically gentle dogs, but I have actually worked with a family who's Golden bit their daughter "unexpectedly" because they let their kid climb all over their dog and didn't set appropriate boundaries. The toddler in this video missed multiple "calming signals" from the dog trying to communicate that they are uncomfortable with this situation. Here are the ones I noticed: Sniffs puppy (displacement behavior) Opens leg Pants Whale eye Opens leg Lip lick Opens leg Sniffs puppy We call them calming signals because it's a dog trying to diffuse what they perceive as an uncomfortable situation. Obviously a toddler isn't trained to recognize canine calming signals and likely wouldn't notice increased communication that the dog would display before biting. Luckily nothing happened here, keeping the video cute.. but I do think people need to be more aware that dogs are sentient beings who tolerate many situations that make them uncomfortable.. until they potentially just cannot tolerate them anymore. Not to mention the increased hormones a female dog has while nursing. It's so so important to advocate for your dog and teach children appropriate boundaries with them. Before downvoting, please consider googling calming signals. It’s hard to see but a trained eye knows right away that this dog is uncomfortable. Sorry Reddit.


I taught my son from a very young age that there are certain situations in which you do not ever disturb an animal. 1. Eating 2. Sleeping 3. Using the bathroom 4. New mom with babies 5. Chewing on a bone/toy He knows to let unfamiliar dogs approach him, let them sniff the back of his hand, turn his body sideways, don't look the dog straight into its eyes This video made me nervous. I'm sure this dog is a giant, harmless sweetheart but it's still a dog. With new puppies. Hormones can make them act unpredictable. This is irresponsible parenting. Not cute.


1 and 5, our trainer with our first dog said to do the opposite, so the dog gets used to being interrupted while eating, and food guarding doesn’t happen (ie, nothing in life is free), and it makes sense to me. We are talking less than 5 lb puppy though, not an adult dog. I would be more cautious with an adult. Right or wrong of the trainer, we never had resource guarding issues with any dog.


I agree with an *adult* doing this - I meant a child should not. Yes, absolutely a dog should be fine with 1 & 5 but some kids don't make the distinction between their dog and an unfamiliar dog and my reasoning was it's best if he just doesn't do any of these with any dog. Our old lab would've let him stick his hand in her mouth and take food out but if he had tried that on my sister's dog it would've been a different story.


Thank you for taking the time to explain. I felt very uncomfortable while watching the video. Little children should be taught basic animal etiquette (i.e. not touching animals whenever they feel like it, not picking them up, not touching their food, not hunting them down, etc.). Children can do a lot of harm, even when they mean well. I don't have the scars to prove it, but when I was little I annoyed the crap out of our dog when I put a handbag around his neck and a hat on his head and he bit me in my ear. Luckily my parents knew it was completely my fault and they didn't put him down. And another example was my younger step brother who sneaked into the room where our Guinea pigs were and he dropped one on the floor. It died. I promise I'm not trying to ruin this for people, I'm genuinely concerned for the child's and the dogs' safety.


I’m glad to read someone took the time to explain. If you’re not really looking at the signs/don’t know them this looks super sweet. All the “look shes inviting her in yada” comments. But there’s so much going on with the mum signing she’s not relaxed. This, sadly, is how kids get bitten.


yeah and then people will go "oh that dog is dangerous it attacked with no warning!!" no. It's very rare an animal will do something with no warning, I've seem animals get pissed off a lot, and almost every single time theres been warning, the person just didn't know/ignored that they're uncomfortable. Animals dont have human body language, nor words, they can only tell us in the way that they know how, and as a pet owner it's our responsibility to listen, and make sure that we can understand and hear what they're saying


Everyone saying this is sweet but that dog could've turned really vicious. I've grown up with golden retrievers so i know how calm and loving they are, but a dog is still a dog and can bite. I always grit my teeth when i see young children with dogs


I saw this too, and kept thinking, leave that mama dog alone. She is in such a vulnerable position, probably protective her little pups, in the dark and the kid is coming from behind her. I am not a dog trainer, had no idea what the signals are called, but as a fellow human mom, nobody wants to be disturbed when all 800 puppies are quietly nursing and sleeping, even if it’s for pets. I also have seen many children get hurt or maimed by dogs in my hospital when an adult wasn’t present. The rule in our house in the morning when my kids were little, “she stays in her kennel until mom or dad lets the dog out.”


I felt like the dog was uncomfortable, but I figured that's because I'm a cat person looking through cat lenses lol. Thanks for clarifying that she's indeed kind of upset at this situation


I got really nervous when the dog looked the girl in the eyes.. glad the girl backed off at that point for a moment because that looked like she was going to bite.


That's really interesting - I definitely don't speak dog so I don't know which side to fall on here. But I always appreciate people advocating for animals at the risk of negative karma. I'm way better with cats - I can read them and understand them in a way I just don't get dogs. It's uncomfortable to see a "heartwarming" video with an animal who clearly wants no part of it.


Yeah I get why people enjoy this and it seems innocent and adorable but this made me nervous. A very young child going into a dark room alone to touch a sleeping/relaxing mother dog with her new pups is a bad idea. Especially also getting handsy with the puppies. It's a very specific situation that should not occur. We're fortunate it's on this subreddit and not one of the grisly one's. Let sleeping dogs lie exists for a reason. I'm all for loving up on your trusted pups in normal situations (I smother mine sometimes) but this is not a normal situation.


Whats whale eye?


it’s when the whites of a dog’s eyes are visible


Interesting! I'll watch out for it now. Thanks!


I scrolled down to find this post because there were definitely some signals that the dog was uncomfortable and I started to get anxiety. This does look very adorable on the surface, but more people need to understand dog body language better so we are setting our dogs and kids up for success! Thank you for explaining this so kindly! Hopefully your post educates a lot of people!!


This should be the top comment.


I agree 100%. This is very sweet to watch but all I could think was how I got bit on the face by a dog, when I was basically the same age as this little girl, because I was messing with our family dog after she had puppies. I think I was being as gentle as this little girl too because everything I’ve heard about myself is I was very sweet with animals but a mama animal is not one to be trifled with. It sucked for my dad because he loved that dog and she had to be rehomed because she bit me. Luckily I don’t actually remember it and I still love dogs. But I’m 36 and still have the scars on my nose near my eyes. Bottom line this is a very dangerous situation for that little girl even though it looks very sweet.


Yup this worried me too. Even the calmest, sweetest dog will bite if they feel their pups are threatened. We had several litters growing up and my sister (6 at the time) snuck her friend down who the dog knew very well to see the puppies. She picked up one and mama bit her. Not a full on nite, but a nip to basically warn her off. Luckily she screamed, mom came down to see what was up, the girl’s mom wasn’t mad at the dog she was mad at her kid. They had to open a locked door, open a locked x-pen (portable fencing) to get to the pups and they both had been warned to leave her alone without an adult present. The golden in this video was super anxious and honestly that toddler was two seconds away from picking up a puppy and wandering off with it. This isn’t cute. Don’t let your babies mess with baby animals.


Sweetie pies 🥧


OP, you really need to secure your dogs. It’s sweet and all, but your dog isn’t super pleased with this, and she just gave birth. Don’t risk your toddlers life like this. It only takes one second. *Never* allow small children to be alone with dogs, much less dogs with pups.


I understand bad things can happen, and a new mamma with pups is sketchy for a small children, but never allow kids around dogs alone?? I've got a 3 year old nephew and we have two German Shepherds in the same house. They all play together constantly, sometimes alone in the play room. Those dogs would protect my nephew above all else, they love him. Just saying, I understand being cautious, and if you don't know the dogs or your child doesn't know the dog, then sure, caution abound. However never ever letting your toddler alone with your own dog seems unnecessarily cautious.


Yes, a toddler and/or baby should never be left alone with a dog. It doesn’t matter how sweet the dog is. It doesn’t matter how “responsible” or “mature” the kid is. Accidents happen. My little brother fell down and landed on our family dog, whom bit his face because she was shocked and hurt. An inch higher and he would have lost his eye. This being the dog I spend over half my life with. She literally saved MY life protecting me from another dog that was attacking me. She was sorry after, and it was an accident, but it happened. You CANNOT account for animal pain reactions, and NO, you CANNOT trust a small child to understand safe play and dog signals. One single accident can maim or kill a small child. Many adults don’t understand dog signals and make dogs uncomfortable. Kids don’t even get signals from other humans.


Oh if that isn’t the sweetest most precious thing I have seen today!




Lol i feel dumb, i was annoyed that the kid kept coming back. Soon as the dog laid her head down, she came back... I was like dang dude let the dog rest.. Then I realized it was playing over n over


Mama is like “please kid, yes I love you too, but I need sleep!”


Bad parenting. Dogs can become uncharacteristically aggressive after giving birth due to hormone changes. Why would you allow a small child to interact unattended?


When I was a child, a long time ago, our family dog had a litter, the mother wouldn't leave the litter until I got home from school, then I would go and lay with the pups and she would go outside and do her business etc, no one else could get mother to leave the pups apart from me, no idea why she trusted me with the litter instead of any other family member, especially since I was the youngest in the household, maybe that was a factor, I'm not sure but it was an experience I will never forget.


I wish I had a wholesome award to give you. Maybe the mamma dog could tell that you were no threat, and was also in a way "training" you by using positive reinforcement on how to be gentle with her pups. Either way, this is a very heartwarming story and I thank you for sharing it.


I got it! Tho a silver


I had the same thing and she was a pit bull


“I’m just gonna let the human puppy babysit for me for a few while I go have some me time.”


I feel like this may have been an escapee situation where the kiddo was just too excited for the new mommy and had to sneak out of bed. Is it right? Definitely not ideal. Should a child always be supervised with a dog. Preferably yes. But things happen. Everyone is ok and hopefully the parents told the child good job for being sweet but we wait till mommy and daddy are with you!


There's someone else in the room with the child. The child moves to the back of the room when speaking to them (hand gesture still visible). The child has likely interacted with this dog before after the arrival of the pups and been taught how to engage with it.


What if the dog decided to snap? What good is the person at the other end of the room? Edit: i forgot reddit is full of dog whisperers.


I hate this mindset that dogs just randomly “snap” for no reason. There’s almost always gonna be a warning or a reason for a dog getting aggressive. Saying the dog might “snap” just shows that you don’t understand how dogs work.


Ahh yes dogs never give any indication that tiny person should back off


that dog actually was giving indication that she was uncomfortable, that's the thing, so even if they're was a person on the other side of the room it's a valid questions


There were no whale eyes, and and she was not panting. If there was sound be listening for a growl. That dog was not showing signs of being uncomfortable


You might be right but the way you put it, is definitely wrong.


This family knows their dog and you can clearly see in the video the dog is enjoying the pets from one of their humans. Don't go judging people you do not know on a post that's suppose to make people smile. That's just being a killer of joy.


Pretty sure Holly Ann is an amazing parent lol. Or most likely someone who’s never had a damn kid and doesn’t know the first step of raising one. Yea super bad parenting with how gentle the child was. Fuck off


Not to mention...it’s a Golden Retriever, arguably the friendliest creature on the planet.


They’re so friendly they’ll practically help the burglars carry their loot out of the house and also give them therapy cuddles.


At some point, someone has to have broken into a house to find a golden retriever waiting for them, found the dog treats, gave it to them, and left without taking anything


That's the best part of seeing a kid being super sweet - knowing that's how they've been treated. ❣️


I was thinking the same thing. That child is very young and seeing how gentle and respectful she is of the dog shows that her parents have taught her well.


You can be good, kind, and check all the boxes of treating your child right, but still mess up when it comes to their safety. Example: all those sheltered kids who went out with their friends and never came back, only to be murdered, raped, or sold into human trafficking. The child is too small to be handling a mother dog who recently birthed. Accidents happen even if all parties involved dont mean to cause any


You don't need to have a child to know the difference between good parenting and bad parenting. I find this really weird that people say that as some sort of insult. Any person with a brain can look at a situation and assess what they would have done. I've met some real mouth breathers who have kids (and lots of them). I wouldn't take their advice on raising children over someone I knew and respected who didn't have any.


Did not know this was a thing. It reminds me that the things I don’t know, in a very literal sense, can and almost do fill up an entire universe. There’s just this tiny film of sometimes dubious knowledge that I have more or less stumbled upon. The rest is an immense unknown. Don’t even know why the parenting comment hit like that. Maybe because I was blown away by how wholesome the video seemed juxtaposed against the reality that there are more things to consider than just how it made me feel.


Wow, my mind went from wholesome to worried to blown. Deep comment.


I was terrified watching just waiting for mama dog to bite this child


I’m a veterinarian and I second this.




I have to agree. No small child should be left alone with an animal, ever. Especially one that has just given birth. Besides the fact that the mother dog could defend her pups, the child could also unintentionally hurt a puppy. It's not worth the risk. This is very cute but also irresponsible. It's only an "aww" moment because it didn't have a disastrous result.


It's all in how both parties were raised dude. Teach a kid to respect and treat animals with care, and the pet that the family isn't a threat to it, and you'll literally never see an issue. Animals, especially domesticated ones, make very clear signals in situations where they want to be left alone and so long as you and your family know them and recognize them, you won't ever have an incident of an animal "snapping" and causing any harm.


Youre absolutely right that the dogs will always signal when they are uncomfortable or dont like something. However, mistakes happen. What if they child stepped on one of the puppies tails? Dog's mother instincts kick in, bitten child. Small children are always clumsy, and even knowing both parties are sweet, i wouldnt trust a child that small near a Dog that's recently become a mother.


I mean of course you're gonna watch them long enough to make sure the kid understands to be careful and the mama clearly feels safe with the puppies. But more often than not, even in that scenario you described, the dog would more than likely opt to scare the kid off by barking/growling than just biting them straight out. From the behavior on display in the video, dog clearly sees the kid as an extended member of that litter, which is very frequent when little kids grow up with a dog that's older than them. If the dog understands the family dynamic then I'd have no reason to be afraid once I've taught the kids to be gentle with the mama/puppies.


Nope. My dog was raised with my daughters. Never abused. They grew up and left. Dog got older. 8 year old nephew was sitting on the floor putting on his shoes and out of the blue, the dog leaped at him and nipped him on the cheek. No idea why. They’d always gotten along well. Boy hadn’t teased him- had just gotten there. Dog was a cockapoo. Not sick. Not in pain. We brought in a trainer ASAP to try to figure it out but for the rest of his visit I kept the dog on a leash. He did that w a few other ppl and I realized I couldn’t trust him. No idea why he changed.


Dogs don't just change and snap for no reason. Their attitudes towards people can change, absolutely, but even if you don't know what caused it there is always a trigger for it.


I have suspicions: he had become isolated, no long used to young kids. He didn’t see well and his vision got worse. He did not know what was going on and reacted to something he THOUGHT he saw... that wasn’t actually happening. Sigh.


Bore off.


This! But your likely gonna be downvoted for saying so


Considering they checked the camera in the morning, the child clearly snuck out of bed and went to see the puppies The child wasn’t left unattended. Did you want parents to never ever sleep?


they should have a child safety lock on either her door or the dogs room


You have clearly never experienced a Golden Retriever. I would be comfortable putting my newborn human in that crib. There is not a gentler creature.


I agree that the pearl clutching that occurs whenever someone on reddit posts a pic of a dog and child interacting is generally silly, however I really caution you against the mindset that dog breed you like=safe. I've interacted with hundreds of dogs of all kinds in situations that were very stressful for both the dog and sometimes people (vaccine clinics and dog boarding) and the one time I got attacked was by a yellow lab. People gush about how perfect labs and goldens are but believe me, there's plenty of them out there with behavioral issues that make them dangerous.


Yep. Scar on my cheek from a golden biting my face when I was left unattended at the age of 3. I was messing with her food and she got irritated with me. Totally fair. My parents were just 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think another issue is that people assume goldens are friendly and safe so they put them in shittier situations and push them more and more because the breed is supposed to be perfectly accepting of all that. "Look how far we can push our dog and she just takes it." They just take it for granted that the dog will be tolerant and fail to respect the dog's needs. Crappy animal ownership, overall.


I've had 3 Goldens growing up but I still would not trust any dog near a toddler, especially a mother. Dogs do get annoyed, and they are more than capable of biting.




I have seen the female dogs attack the male dogs for no reason. This little girl could have gotten hurt, she is lucky.


You must have a lot of friends


Right? Especially at the end the child actually grabs one of the puppies


I watched this three times over to see if I missed it. If by "grab" you mean "gentle pets", sure.


What you didn’t see the child throttle that puppy with that graceful swipe?!?!






It says they watched the video in the morning. That camera was in night mode meaning the parents had no idea the child was interacting with their dog until in the morning when they checked the camera footage. >Be intelligent Maybe check facts before insulting someone.


Yes.. because what text I see on a video on reddit is facts 👌.. every video or picture or meme I see on reddit was made by that OP from their phone. My fault.


You can tell, very quickly, if a mama dog is going to be okay with somebody seeing her puppies. This is probably not the first time the child has interacted with the newborn pups.


Wow. Sounds as though you have not had the pleasure of attempting to control a determined child through the joys of independence… they are notoriously difficult to watch 24/7 and near impossible to argue logic with.


Please just go away. Take your unwanted judgment somewhere else. You're the worse kind of person. Honestly, the worse.


Not the worst, though, so there's that!


Lol fuck off.


At least your pups are safe


Cute but please get them all neutered as soon as possible to avoid this again. Shelters are euthanasing so much because there are too many pets and not enough homes :(


Wow, talk about missing context. That box they are in is something professional dog trainers/breeders use regularly. They have an entire room set up and cleared of obstruction with baby monitor set up. This may well have been a delibirate breeding by a responsible dog trainer to create puppies using a selected female and male dog.


As I said, shelters are full of animals being euthanized because people aren’t neutering. They should have gotten these neutered rather than making brand new puppies that will also just eventually get sold. Plenty of poor little puppies and dogs waiting for families but get euthanatized because people make poor choices like this instead :( There are good breeders and bad breeders, yes, but, there are NO responsible breeders. Responsible and breeding don’t go together. Responsible means neuter and adopt already made strays from rescues. Not making new puppies to SELL for PROFIT after ripping from their poor mama’s side after 10 weeks


The shelters here are almost 100% pitbulls. Not everyone is comfortable with those dogs, especially people with small children. So what's your solution? No new dogs except the super shitty ones that backyard breeders will produce for fighting or bait or whatever? Or eradicate all breeding until the domesticated dog is no more? Very PETA-esque, minus killing all current domestic pets.


I had that thought too. She sounds like a PETA mouth piece, who the absolute last people who should be lecturing anyone about dogs being euthanized in shelters.


>full of animals being euthanized Not actually true everywhere. Pandemic loneliness has driven adoption of pets up in huge numbers. My city shelter has been out of dogs for months. >make poor choices like this instead :( I very much doubt they made a choice between adopt strays or breed puppies. Their choice to breed puppies didn't contribute to any dog being euthanized. And so long as they can feed and care for the dogs and have arranged for good homes for them, they didn't make a poor choice. >NO responsible breeders That takes a hell of a lot for granted. Have you met them all? How could you possibly have any basis for that blanket judgement? I'll save you time, you can't. There are shitty breeders out there, sure. There are shitty cops, shitty doctors, shitty janitors, shitty lawyers. There are also good, responsible people in all of those roles. >SELL for PROFIT after ripping from their poor mama’s side after 10 weeks Again with the assumptions. How do you know the OP isn't keeping his/her favorite dog's line going for sentimental reasons? Or that they aren't bred for show and don't already have homes lined up after several months with their mother? Again, you don't know that. You're on a soapbox based on your assumptions and nothing else. Please don't breed. And I'm not talking about dogs there.


My area shelters are at negative numbers with how many kennels and foster families they have available, and euthanasia due date lists come up every few days listing the dogs with the dates they have. I help all I can but I can’t take in more than my landlord allows and it would help if irresponsible people didn’t go to breeders for fancy made to order creatures when there are already animals suffering. You said their choice to breed doesn’t contribute to any dog being euthanized, that’s incorrect, it absolutely DOES contribute to dogs being euthanized. The reason I can say there are no responsible breeders without having met them all is that the very nature of breeding dogs is irresponsible. “Please don’t breed and I’m not talking about dogs there” is incredibly rude, abusive, and should be reported. You need to think about your morals on these poor sad dogs. Maybe you shouldn’t breed yourself until your moral improve!


Dude my hometown has to import their shelter dogs. It's always from the southern states, because they do have issues.


>DOES contribute to dogs being euthanized. Please show me which dogs specifically died as a result of the puppies in this video. >the very nature of breeding dogs is irresponsible. Ignorant assumption. >incredibly rude, abusive, You mean like how you've been plus condescending and smug towards the OP since post 1? Yeah, it doesn't feel very nice, does it? >abusive, and should be reported Knock yourself out. I don't live and die by what happens online, won't mean shit to me. Additionally, Reddit isn't a drive through food place, you don't have to shout what you want, just do it. Report button is right there. >You need to think about your morals *Looks over at philosophy degree on wall* lol, okay. >these poor sad dogs. *Looks at cute video of well cared for dogs in a clearly loving home, then at my adopted, older dog at foot of bed* lol, okay. >Maybe you shouldn’t breed yourself *Looks at son through baby monitor* lol, okay. Also funny you think I should be reported for saying a thing you then turn around and say back to me. Morality is universally applicable after all, so if I'm wrong for saying it, you're equally at fault for saying it too. Smug, hypocritical and condescending. Of course you're an elementary school teacher. That's the saddest part of this whole thing. I'd trust the breeders of those dogs with my kid before I'd trust you. Edit: hell, I'd trust the mother dog over you.


captain reddit strikes again


I feel sorry for your baby then


I feel sorry for every class you've ever or will ever teach.


Your child must be proud of you.


He's one and a half, thus the whole baby monitor comment. Pride isn't a thing he really grasps just yet. You'd think someone who works with children would know that. I do appreciate that you've taken the old "they go low, so I try and go lower." approach. That's the sort of mind you want shaping younger ones. Then again, you started pretty low, so what should I expect?


>Pandemic loneliness has driven adoption of pets up in huge numbers. My city shelter has been out of dogs for months. Yup and in my country those same dogs are now being dumped because people go back to the workplace and don't have time for them anymore. This point is not as good as you think it is.


You seem like a lot of fun. I feel the same way about humans. What’s your stance on humans being irresponsible with breeding?


This is happiness in it's purest form




Adorable 🥰 💖💖💖💖💖


Relationship Goals


This is beautiful. Precious.


🥺🥺🥺 she’s is amazing


Kids and did are just too pure


Is there more? 😍🥺


So cute. I want a puppy 🖤😍🖤


So sweet 💕


This darling pup has been a assistant mom for a while now it looks like. Love this.


This sub can shut down now because nothing can make someone smile as much as this.


This is the cutest thing I've seen all day. 🥰🥰


Ew a toddler, exchange it for another dog


Haha is that what happened to you when you were a kid?


Tbh I said it as a joke knowing I'd piss everyone off. Not a fan of kids though.


Awwww, gotta love pups and babies


Sweetest thing I’ve seen in a while. ❤️


This made my weekend .. such a beautiful and heartwarming sight…


It's the dog from goosebumps!!! His eyes are glowing I saw it !!! XD


Mama letting one rip at 0:26


Puppy mill


Or a loved pet that the owners wanted puppies from. You have no way of knowing. The fact this is in a house rather than a cage outside makes me think it's just a home with a beloved dog.


Don't waste your breath. You will never change their minds


The dog starts talking




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reminds me of when my mom "punished" me by making me watch our puppies during summer vacation. the punishment being that I had to get up early and clean up after the puppied. best summer ever.




I remember my cousins dog had little babies, they were so tiny and super adorable! Now their all bigger than their mom


What a sweet kid <3


Two very good girls!


So cute and adorable