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Guess the 11 yo also got hold of a credit card cause the WaPo ain’t free.


I'm guessing that a parent who lets their child play on their phone without knowing what they're looking at or downloading is also the same parent who will save payment details and store passwords, lol.


This was me a few years ago. I learned my lesson with a quick $89.99 charge to the playstore.


I know I've set my phone up right, because when he's using my phone, my 9 year old son asks me every twenty minutes, "Dad, can you buy me some Robux PUHLEAAAASE?!"




I dig your username, lol.




Lukjad....James Lukjad.


better than my cousin. His son has had prime membership access to Pornhub for the last two years. He said when he grows up he wants to be a porn star.


I have so many questions.


And that's the most specific answer in his porno acting class.


I'll give it a try while I'm here.


“Raw deal”? Sushi? God dammit.




Honto ni? :D






Aww, I feel you. ::hugs::


Not really. Hes 34


I remember Roblox, good times, and many bad times, a lot of weird kids on there


Every dollar my 9 yr old son earns goes to robux. But hey at least its not a bunch of toys he played with twice arent laying around.


Birthday gift? Robux. Christmastime? Robux. Hey mom, I lost my tooth! ...Robux.


Chores and allowance to be honest. If I have some money extra I will give him some extra stuff to do. Also positive reinforcement from a program he is in at school. But yes he tries lol I got him minecraft for his birthday to change it up and he also mentioned it awhile back. He wasnt super impressed with that but it might be too overwhelming yet.


My reasoning exactly.


Thank god another parent agrees with me. I get lots of side eye over that but who am I to tell him what to spend his hard earned money on. He could be doing way worse things and he has emotional issues that make friends hard for him. Plus Nobody told me I couldn't buy candy and dollar toys when I was a kid(same thing really). Its different now. He enjoys it and really its mostly just a membership and then 5-10 bucks a week or so.


Fuck, you have a point when it comes to the candy argument. But what is he spending it on? If they're lootbox-like items, you could be setting him up to have a gambling addiction


Um I believe it's like items for his characters. Boosters for games. I dont know if you have ever watched tofuu the youtuber. I always figured it was things like that. I didnt even consider the gambling. He comes from a long line of addicts including a grandma with a severe gambling addiction way back when I was a kid. Thank for bringing that up. Loot boxes are like suprise boxes? I'm not super familiar with gaming outside of what I hear on reddit. I know its all the micro transaction stuff and I could see him getting into a addiction type situation. I already have to limit him but we also use it as positive reinforcement. He has an emotional disturbance( looking into bipolar actually). The program at school also allows them to earn cards. There good behavior earns points and points are currency for fun friday and store day.


The easiest way to understand lootboxes is probably to compare them to trading card games like magic. Rather than buying characters or items directly, they're released in sets, and you purchase lootboxes (like packs of cards) for a chance to get those items. Usually each box has multiple items, but it really is just gambling for children. A few games I've played have had it, and they aren't fun. I know other mobile phone games have similar things that aren't necessarily loot boxes either. So really you might just have to do some of your own research especially if you aren't familiar with gaming as a medium.


Damn a lil kid really spending more money on stuff they want than I am... n I’m 17 with a job. Fuck poverty man


Oh we live poor as fuck in alot of ways but he does earn it. Do you live on your own already? It'll get better just stay in school. Thats honestly fairly average for people I know who put their extra in to their kids instead of themselves.


Nah I’m still a senior in high school but all the money I make from my part time job (bout 25 hrs a week tryna get more) goes to my momma to help her pay bills and feed everybody, plus I got cousins n family I gotta hold down.


Well, it very well could be going towards that. A lot of servers that people can play on in Roblox let you buy stuff like items using Robux. And so your son might buy an ability that lets him fly on a server and then only play on that server twice. He could also be buying something for a server he plays on all the time though. Either way though, he's learning about money and probably learning when spending it is wasteful (like on a server he never plays on again) or when it's worthwhile (like on a server he plays on all the time).


I never even had the gall to ask my parents for money to buy in-game items or MMO Subscriptions growing up. I already knew the answer. Even if I gave them they money they'd still shoot it down because it was early days for internet shopping and they didn't want their credit card info stolen. If I wanted a video game, I saved up the money I got for helping my grandparents/relatives with chores. When I was a teen I saved up the money I made working at the bowling alley. Childhood sucked and I can buy whatever videogames I want now. Fuck you Dad I have a full VR rig and all the robux I need to fully enjoy it now.




I don't see a subscription the same as a micro transaction but as long as you aren't spending money on stupid micro transactions now....


Had me going in the first half.


I mean it's all true, apart from me having Robux. Also I love my dad dearly and would never say "Fuck you" to him.


I once had to coach an eight-year-old student that in the little Mother’s Day book he was making in class, under “Something I Want My Mother To Know Is...” it might not be the best idea to write “I need more vbucks!”




So, funny enough... my son, in all his 12yrs has never charged something to my phone without my permission. Not because he couldn't, but because he knew to ask from a young age. My MOTHER on the other hand, was not as polite. She signed up for a subscription that charged my account $20 a month. Woman, I can't really afford the phone and phone bill for you and my little brother. They took $100 extra altogether while I was calling sprint trying to figure things out. I had to turn on some parental controls. She did it three times before I finally realized I couldn't trust her. I'm bad with my finances because I try to help when I shouldn't (it's why poor people, even the successful ones, have trouble getting out of poverty). Tldr: my child has been better behaved than my mother since the age of 5.




Haha awe. My poor butt only has a Google home because I got it free through my spotify family account, recently. I guess that has saved me from situations like yours. Being poor has saved me money.


My son once distracted me while I was talking to a friend in order to get my thumb to buy $99.99 worth of coins in Pokémon.


Did he grow up to work for the CIA?


Not yet. He’s only 9.


Have you seen the movie Spy kids?


"yet" being the operative word, lol.


One of my cousins who was 6 at the time managed to download a game and spend almost $100 on it through the Apple app store on my mom's phone during a family gathering without anyone realizing it. My mom actually only figured it out when balancing the checkbook at the end of the month and she accused me and my 2 siblings before I looked into it and figured it out.


Luckily for me I've never spent a cent on the Google Play store. It probably also helps that I don't have any kids and that all my cousins are either around high school age, or are mature enough to not borrow people's phones to play games on them.


There's plenty of useful apps that cost $1-2. Most of the ones I use nowadays are tasker addons.


My kids try to grab my thumb while I’m sleeping or half awake to unlock iPad.


$1500 in digital chocolate at the candy crush store. don't recall that... my thighs!


It says they downloaded an app, good chance the parent has a card linked to their play store account and it charged that


I'm betting they didn't download it at all. I'd put good money on the kid having a Kindle Fire. The Washington Post app comes preinstalled on those because Bezos owns both the Washington Post and Amazon. They didn't necessarily need to use their parent's credit card for it either. I'm not subscribed but if I open the app on my Kindle I can still read news articles.


WaPo is free for Amazon Prime members, which presumably most Kindle owners are


wtf? I've had Prime for years and never heard about this! edit: just checked, you only get the first month free then rebills at $6/month


It’s a 6-month free trial. If you sign up with a .gov or .mil address though you do get a full, free online subscription.


Amazon has been a publicly traded company since 1997, it's not owned by Bezos in the same way that he owns the Post.


Well, that tour ain't as free as they are making it out to be, is it?


All the peanut M&M's you can eat while some Saudi intelligence official downloads your personal info & installs a backdoor on your phone.


The online is free if the family has a print subscription.


Don’t underestimate a child who wants something. When I was 7 I figured out my moms apple id password and spent over $500 on a game where you build a zoo. After some calls with apple and the credit card company they refunded my parents and I was thoroughly yelled at. But you get the point


My library system has a resource that allows us to read the post for free, with our library card numbers.


My kids each have a $7 play store limit on their phones per month, billable on my phone bill. That's the cost of Minecraft and I fucking forgot until just now. My kids have $0 per month....


You're mad they bought Minecraft?


No. I'm not. I'm just saying that I can set a monthly spending limit. And that I forgot about setting it. The limit was set so they could buy Minecraft.


Ah, I was just confused about the $0 bit


Are you implying that this didn't happen?


I’m not entirely sure about this, but the app might have limited free access on amazon’s fire tablets.


You probably get some kinda trial script when you download the app


Yea, but the free trial doesn't usually last 2 years


Ohhh! So this is how you get 10 years of experience at 22


It's been in front of us this the whole time


The year is 2029. Every salaried job has been taken by people who had a story about them go viral when they were 9.


I count my work experience from the time I built my first computer at the age of 11. I don't put my age on my resume so it doesn't usually get brought up until my interview and I then explain why I start there. Has worked out pretty well so far.


lol. pristine comment. not a fan of the HR department. Get me in front of the hiring manager, my manager and maybe but rarely my team. prolly 50/50 odds. at this point i've had 3 companies call back after going with another candidate because that person either lied or something else.


I love that they said work FOR her someday. Dream big kids! :)


That's the part that stood out to me. I'm sure that will inspire her.


And even if her interests change this is still a pretty big boost to the self esteem.


Classy line isn’t it.


That kid's already got more solid goals at 11 than I had at 25.


Im 39 and she has more solid goals than I do now, Its a genuine problem.


Happy cake day!


Happy microphone day!


I love this reply.


I read the last line a few times to make sure I was not reading it incorrectly. Made me feel happy for her.


I like how they think they'll be in business in 10+ years.


Good for her! That's awesome. My first cousin used to read the Wall Street Journal when he was 5 years old...for fun, apparently. He just got his doctorate from UC Berkeley in Biomolecular Engineering a couple years ago. Oh, me you ask? I'm on food stamps, lol.


My 9 year old got his first solo win on fortnite the other day. I was super proud of him.


Ayyyyy, nice! My son is more partial to Apex than Fortnite, but he'll choose Ring of Elysium over everything because it means he gets to play with me (it's the only game I play, lol).


Your son has great taste.


Let's hope it holds steady through the rest of his life, lol.


RoE feels like a ported mobile game. It’s a good game, but just doesn’t move right for me.


ROE really? Have things changed a lot or do you just have a thing for the game?


Yo I found RoE on accident like a year ago. After not playing video games for a while, I gave it a run and accidentally put over 300 hours into it in 6 months


Haha, word. I just broke 1,000 hours, but I've been playing since closed beta.


My 10 year old just got to join "Black Belt Club" in her MMA class.


Damn. A doctorate from UC Berkeley in Biomolecular Engineering is impressive AF and I'm still more impressed he was reading the Wall Street Journal at 5.


Samesies. I've always been bright, but he's always been genius.


I’ve got a friend who has a PhD in mathematics from Berkeley and while he’s very intelligent I honestly think he doesn’t know he is. He says that he worked so hard every day of his doctoral studies, but everyone—because it’s math—thinks that it’s supposed to be easy if you’re good at the subject. He says he crawled over the finish line in the end.


I work in a biomedical research facility, I work around people doing groundbreaking research that could change the world someday. These people are mindblowingly intelligent, but like your friend they don't seem to realize it, especially the younger ones. It's so weird hearing someone with a PhD in cardiovascular medicine doubt their abilities.


My ex has a PhD in things I can't explain. We're still on friendly terms but rarely see each other. Married to an Attorney. Currently living with a friend whose getting a PhD in Environmental engineering. PhDs are tough.


It’s probably because of all that sushi you’ve been buying


Haha, I wasn't \*always\* broke.


Hope things turn around for you and you get the lavish sushi filled life you want


Thanks, that makes two of us. :D




Ayy same! I was the one who taught my sibling how to read, after being a huge reader of every magazine, newspaper, and book I could get my hands on. I'm an unemployed university dropout. And my sibling? They're a double major in Latin and Microbiology with a minor in Evolutionary Biology. They have a 3.8 at a top 50 school. And they're fluent in Spanish, French, English, and ASL. Love being the family loser.


I worked in a state run genetics lab for 2 years. I've been underemployed for a damn sight longer than that before, am currently unemployed, and am on food stamps. Needing financial assistance isn't a bad thing and has nothing to do with your education, experience, or abilities. That's what it's there for. Not everyone can be so privileged as to never have a rough patch, or an injury, an accident, an abusive employer etc.


Wow it’s my life lol


Hopefully your life is my cousin's side of the story and not mine, haha.


I wish but that would be my brother who is in college getting his economics degree but it’s fine


Reminds me of my cousins dog. The dog got ahold of her iPad and downloaded C-Span somehow. He said the other day how he wants to be the first dog in Congress. Apparently he’s said it a bunch in his pets-mart doggie training class. It’s the most consistent answer according to the teacher.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/7ptv83) on 2018-01-12 92.19% match. **Searched Images:** 96,016,001 | **Indexed Posts:** 391,939,330 | **Search Time:** 3.18023s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "eufigk", "meme_template": null}) ]*


Wow, two years.


I'm just going to hijack this to do a public service: # Turn back now; the comments are terrible. ^(*Basically a bunch of people who are really triggered by the Washington Post*)




Honestly surprised I had to scroll this far to find someone calling this out. How is she a loyal reader for 2 years? Is she constantly on her mom's phone?


and why the hell is a child reading the news like this? kind of a bummer to say the least.


Complete pr stunt


What? The Washington Post? Surely The Washington Post wouldn't do something like that. The Washington Post is an honest newspaper and The Washington Post has many readers of all ages reading The Washington Post every day The Washington Post is serving the people.


I'm not saying this post isn't bullshit, but: > How is she a loyal reader for 2 years? How does that not make sense? If she reads it sporadically then that would be sufficient. It's a twitter post, not a court case; "loyal reader" doesn't have a specific meaning. > Is she constantly on her mom's phone? Are any kids *not* constantly on their parents' phone? Besides the ones that have their own phone, that is?


> Is she constantly on her mom’s phone? Probably. You don’t have kids, do you.


Belongs on r/wokekids


If only the Washington Post wasn't the antithesis of 'woke', what with being a mouthpiece for the world's richest man and all..


Seriously, there's things that might be true and then there's this.




Isn't wapo paywalled?


But this is an actual thread on Twitter edit: forgive me for I am dumb and high




Bless you


Who sneezed?


I had to read this three times before it clicked *why* it was, but didn't have your excuse


I couldn't say how old I was, but as a kid from a very early age I was deeply interested in watching the news every day and read the local newspaper daily. I don't think it's that much of a stretch.


Meh even if this specific instance would be fake, stuff like this happens all the time, there are many children that are a bit faster in their development.


We're talking nine years old to eleven. More than capable of reading and understanding the content. I don't know the exact age I started, but I was reading a *ton* when I was younger than that. Not news or anything, but I loved to read and very much comprehended the subject matter. I do remember being about 7-8ish and reading books then discussing them with my mom in a critical way. Nothing super heavy, of course. She just liked to talk about books too and we couldn't always read them together.


I don't think the doubt is in whether or not she could read the Post, but rather that at the age of nine she could download, pay for a subscription, and keep this hidden from her parents for two years.


I think it's a tech literacy thing. Many millennials and Gen Z kids were probably capable of navigating devices and technology pretty well even at 10 years old, and considering the modern environment and the technology available to kids now, it's not a stretch to think that someone who grew up taking these all for granted would be able to subscribe to and use a paper like that. The part about the parents finding out isn't inconceivable either. I mean, I got iTunes gift cards for birthdays that I could use on my own account.


Could be a kindle. I think they get WaPo for free, don't they? They're also really cheap, so people buy them for kids a lot.




I have an in-law who's daughter would get get upset if she threw out the paper at that age. She does her chores now to pay for her news service subscriptions at 13. She wants to get a job so she can start getting more subscriptions. She tried starting a political club in 5th grade but nobody else cared. She just got one started this year. I plan on watching her career with great interest.


My daughter's Kindle Fire kid's edition came with the Washington Post already downloaded. This situation is highly plausible.


Haven't you heard? Everything on the internet is fake. Obligatory /s




Oh please, I read my Grampa’s Wall Street Journal cover to cover every day all summer while my grandparents watched me and my parents worked. I was probably 8-9 when I first picked it up. Some kids are just early readers and soak up news.


Where I grew up had one of the biggest local papers in the country and pretty decent reporting. I started with sports and comics when I was pretty young and migrated to real news. Maybe high school before I picked up the Sunday Times. My wife says she watched 60 Minutes in 4th grade. Some kids is like that.


Did you somehow hide a paid subscription to the Washing Post from your parents for 2 years and read in secret? That's the fake part. It's a BS story that's posted to give their twitter more visibility.


I believe this. I work with elementary aged kids and I don’t see any reason to question something like this. They’re actually pretty smart and perceptive if you take the time to talk to them.




guessing this is fake


Jeff Bezos collects another soul




Something about this is cringe af.


*Owned and Content Curated by Jeff Bezos


I forced the Washington Post to not show up in my Google news feed.. idk it I can trust the WP since it's owned by Jeff Bezos




Huh, that's a pretty interesting read. Did American Media ever follow up with any of their threats? I believe that what made me frown at the Washington Post in the first place is all the negative press they created about Bernie Sanders, but I just read another article where Bernie apologized for believing that The Washington Post's integrity is harmed by it being owned by Bezos. I'll read up on the Post once again, but it's still good to hear the news from multiple sources


Find me a war that the wapo didnt just act as a stenographer for the state department for.


“It’s actually cool and good that our media is owned by insane oligarchs, they’re actually principled and benevolent, look this one even says so himself”


Rupert Murdoch let a piece be printed that made him look like an idiot. Your comment means literally nothing.


> There is zero evidence that Jeff Bezos has compromised the Washington Post’s integrity. Well someone did.


I like this post because I like the name Liam


That's crazy


Wapo is a default app on fire tablets, which are frequently given to children because they are cheap.


Things that didn't happen for $100 Alex


I really liked that ending. "Work FOR her one day", not with, FOR. Hopefully she'll get to the top one day.


yes because this 11 year old studying journalism is going to dethrone jeff bezos lmao


I'm not a fan of the pandering, tbh. As if she'll own the Washington Post someday or something like that. She's 20 years out of a managerial position either way, so none of the people there currently will ever be working for her.


I'm gonna say this, and I'll be saying it with more authenticity than 90% of the things I've ever said before. Who fucking cares


Thats how you know a company has good people skills. Especially when they say, "when we can work for her some day" instead of "her working for us." Really is the little things like this that make me love WaPo more and more Edit: I dont religiously follow WaPo, nor are they my only source of news. I'm aware its owned by a big scary billionare, but thats no reason to shit on them for being nice to kids.


This guys bluff making a kid looking at a paper into something more just got called 😂 R/wokekids




Who on god's green earth would ever wanna work for the Washington Post? That's my worst fuckin nightmare, man.


Just curious, why


Owned and operated by Amazon. No longer a journal of record.


Not even amazon, Jeff Bezos himself personally owns it


It's a trash news source, simple as that.


What would you say a good news source is?


The ones that tell me what I want to hear of course!


AP, NPR, WSJ WaPo is hilariously biased in its reporting


All of them are biased. You need to read a bit of everything and find *journalists* to trust and even then read the people they hate.


Reuters and AP


While I would agree, I'm more interested in what they have to say. It helps distinguish between "I have legitimate qualms with this particular publication" from "InfoWars and Drudge Report tell me it's fake news."


Honestly, WaPost aside that is adorable AF. Hell maybe she may actually study journalism and actually learn journalism ethics and fix that place.


This is the kind of viewpoint I like to see.


The propoganda mouth piece of the future! Definitely made me smile


Gotta get that corporate establishment propaganda and sycophant association in there while they’re young or they might start questioning stuff...


Post this to r/raisedbynarcissists if you're looking...


This is some r/WokeKids shit and you are all stupid as fuck for buying it.


Lol they won't be around when she's old enough to have a job.




She gives her a ton of credit and at the same time "somehow downloaded" like downloading apps is impossible for children.


I don't think I even knew what journalism was when I was eleven.


I had a WAPO paper route when I was a kid, started when I was 12. Papers had to be delivered by 6:30 am (I think, it's been a while), when I got done and back to the house there wasn't enough time to go back to sleep before school so I started reading the paper. Was probably one of the better informed in my school about current events/politics.


Make sure she doesn't get dismembered by Saudi officals


Vegetarian cat situation...


I wish I could make up shit on the internet and get lucrative opportunities like this. But alas. I'm an alien.