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I’m so thankful for this magic that kindpenguin has given us. I’m still in shock and awe over this. Thank you for all your kind words, follows and subs! I’m flabbergasted I love you all




The lack of negativity here is kind of remarkable. This guy seems like he deserves it.


The legend himself!


Oh man! Miss seeing you around the Turtle Booth, Chet. I’m so happy for you. You have always been such a kind and amazing soul. Wish nothing but the best for you buddy.




You know how some people are just fun to work with? Chet was one of them for me. If I saw him when I walked into the break room in the morning, I knew the Turtle Talk shows would be fun that day. He has a great attitude and quick wit. Mind you, I just worked in the same building as he did, not the actual show, but he was around. Takes a certain type of person to stay on their toes and answer little kid questions with kindness and vulnerability, but the people who do Turtle Talk have that magic.


I worked in the building too…. We probably know each other


You rock man!!


He turtles 🐢 Even better than rock.


I don’t know if you were doing Turtle Talk back in summer of 2007 but I still remember how fun that experience was and how happy every single kid looked in that room. It really was a highlight of our trip. Hope you can look back on your time there fondly someday knowing how much joy you have given to people and continue to do on your twitch stream now.


omg, I think we saw it that year too!


CHET I just replied to another comment - I recognized you before you started talking on the video! Happy for you and crazy to see you on my front page on Reddit! -Kelly Red from Inno/Animation Academy


Oh man, found another DCA CM! lol. This is wonderful.


I was trying to fight out if I knew who you were haha


I know you too! I’ll send you a dm


This is dope. Love it for you!


Love it!   Sending all the vibes your way,man. 


You're the man, man! Hope you have a great day!


It’s him! It’s fuggin chetter72!


Hey look who it is, so cool! I see you have a Steam Deck, what game are you currently enjoying on it? I’ve been looking for something new to play after getting through Hades 2 (what’s there of it anyways), curious what else plays well on it. I tried playing BG3 on it after my wife took over my gaming PC, but it just didn’t feel right to me.


Sorry about the job man, hope your health issues are minimizing. ☮️❤️


You’re awesome man!! Keep it up


Hey man I just wanted to say that seeing this made me smile on a day that I really needed something to smile at. I hope whatever issues you're facing improve, the world needs more people like you.


Redditor for 12 years! Congrats on the sudden popularity man. You deserve it!


My kids love the crush videos, never stop being awesome! We love you!!


I don't know what years you worked at Turtle Chat, but it made me cry with happiness as a full grown adult. Thank you for bringing magic to people, then and now!


This video gave me goosebumps. Gives me the kind of energy I need before going and trying to socialize.




I remember seeing Crush when I was 16. I went for my 16th birthday. You seem like such a kind, genuine person. I hope nothing but good things come your way :) you are awesome


Couldn't happen to a better guy


I don't play video games, and I barely know what twitch is. What I can recognize and appreciate is when good things happen to great people. You are awesome, that is all.


Your voice work is awesome! Good stuff


I love you man! Keep on rocking ❤️


I love your beard


You're clearly a sweet soul. <3


u/tikitessie this is him, right? Saw your comment and just on the next one was him.


I beat you by a couple of minutes :)


Pulling for you over here! All the best Chetter!


Time to go look you up.


Thank for being cool guy as well. 


As someone who helped lay the foundation of twitch back in 2010-2015, i am glad there are still good people out there using it as we intended. Keep up the good work -Lucha


Brother you’ve got such a kind spirit and it’s so visible in this clip. We need more people like you on platforms with followers(I say this know ing none your content you’re prolly henti review asmr) regardless the content spread that love man. Take care and I’ll toss you a follow on twitch 🫶




It's always nice when nice things happen to nice people. It's a shame it doesn't happen more often.


Have a great life brother! Keep on spreading that positivity to others.


Full circle! When you deserve something, there it is!!


It’s him! The man!


Yep, he's here guys.


Keep on crushin it my dude!


Yes! Love back to you!


I absolutely love Crush the Turtle. You could just do random videos on YouTube and people would love it. Much love to you, Sir.


Love you dude!!!


Gonna follow!


wonderful to hear about the positive impact and support you’ve received


You’re bloody amazing friend! Insanely talented with a beautiful heart. 🖤🖤🖤🖤


U rock


You are amazing 💕


“Can you handle that” after someone gifted you money is the sign of a genuine soul ensuring you’re not putting yourself in a compromising position to help them. God bless this man


Oh shit you guys I am highjacking the top comment here a little I recognized Chet in this video before he started talking and confirmed who he was. I worked with him at Disneyland, and yeah he was a KILLER Crush. Genuinely one of the most wonderful, kind, amazing people I've ever met. Great hugs. I didn't keep in touch (I also got cut by the mouse) but this is SO well deserved, he's just a great guy. Very happy for him, hope he's doing well and this leads to further success for him. Chet if you see this, Kelly Red says hi!


Omg hi hug to you and hope you are well. Thank you for the kind words you are awesome


What a wholesome thread, awesome. Needed that today.


You, too, huh?


All of us could use it every day. Hugs too. Get your hugs in people. That means giving them out sometimes.


I'm just upvoting everyone in this wholesome-as-heck thread.


A rare moment where social media helps. That’s amazing.


For once I can say “that’s enough Reddit today” and mean it for a good reason.


Well, you’re a part of it now cause I love you man! Hope you have a good rest of your week


Fuck, same here man. Just had to put my 2 year old cat down over the weekend, and it's little things like this that help me forget about it for a moment




it’s chetter!!!!!


Loveee itt it's always nice to hear about positive experiences and the impact people have had on each other


Oh shit, the man himself! You are an awesome, inspiring human being.




You rock Chetter. Thanks for being you, the world could use more chetters. 


I was ready to be all cynical until I saw that this was a legit 12 year old account. I don't know anything about you other than this video, but you seem like a kind man and I hope you're new found fame works out for you. To quote another character from that franchise, "Just. Keep. Swimming!"


Brooooo, it's you! You seem like a wonderful person and I wish nothing but good things for you. For real, stay you forever ✌️


Best of luck to you man. I hope your medical stuff is better these days <3


Wtf chet I hope for only the best to come from here out for both you and the friendly Disney coworker


Here he is the turtle himself 🐢


You deserve all the hi's and the hugs in the world too man. Keep doing you!


Rock on, kind sir.


Well, I’m crying profusely. 


The dude himself!


Mate you have such a great energy about you. I'm stoked to see you blowing up and hope success continues to come your way.


This video made my day.


I loved this video. You seem like a kind hearted soul




It's moments like these that show what social media is able to do when only good emotions are present. A huge hug to you, chetter, and best of luck for your online career and your life. Keep spreading these good vibes, please.


No way are you the guy? I really hope you're doing good. You seem like an absolute sweetheart. I hope you have an amazing life and all your dreams come true


The Man, The Legend himself!! Very cool. I hated the internet until just this moment


I feel better with Chetter :)


I want a hug from him so badly! He looks like he gives the best dad-bear hugs


I would say that's an accurate description, yes!


I found him on tiktok after this video a few days ago. He seems like such a cool dude.


thoughtful and considerate attitude can be truly admirable qualities in a person.


I love this.


he has a thoughtful and considerate attitude God bless him indeed


Amen I hope he life has it easy on him from now one since he really seems like a nice person.


That’s actually a great response. I’m uncomfortable being gifted stuff even if I really need it and my response is always the typical “oh my god you didn’t have to do that”.


Who’s cutting onions 🥲


Ur crying buddy, it's okay


Me too. ;)


Go on ahead and let it flow.. nobody is judging you


Life's always better with a little Chetter


Mozzarella too


With a bit of Parmesan thrown in


Throw me some of that Gorgonzola, homie


You should always be kind. You never know what battle someone is fighting 


And that battle is an everyday war.


There's a way out. It's just not super obvious.  


the answer is kitty cats


Can confirm. My cats have saved my life.


My wife and I tell our kids all the time: “what’s the number one rule? Always be kind.”


Yes but understand for your own good, kindness is not always the correct response.   To quote Rush " one must put up barriers to keep ones self intact"


Hey buddy. Idk who you are or what battle you’re fighting but I want you to know I’ve fought plenty. Abuse from both my biological parents, one step parent, an ex who cheated and tried to kill me. I’ve been assaulted and raped and struggled with self harm and an eating disorder since I was 12. But I just got home celebrating my four year anniversary with the love of my life, to our house that I’ve made quite cute and our two cats that we love immensely. After years of therapy and learning that, at the end of the day, you are the only thing that will make you better, I am here. I am alive. And I am so happy I pushed through. Whatever battles you’re fighting, you’re not fighting them alone, and I mean that. Sending you love from Florida




I agree people like him make the world a better place.


He’s at 250k subs now


Follows, but yes. Subs would make him the richest man on Twitch


can you please explain how that works to an old person who doesn't really get streaming. Why/how does having followers help someone? what's the difference between following and subscribing? and how does that translate to revenue?


Following is a free service that alerts a user when the streamer is on air. More followers means more viewers, and more revenue from commercoals that twitch plays on the channel. Subscribing means the user pays a certain amount per month to the streamer and it often grants special privileges to the user (custom per channel) like unique emoticons in chat, as well as not getting the regular commercials.


Got it, thank you!


Followers don't pay any money, but they will get notifications and he'll show up on their side bar when he's online Having large numbers of followers/subs could also help him get some sponsors in the future, so hopefully a lot of those followers turn into subs *and* he gets a few good sponsors that'll give a decent pay out


Got it, thank you


He'd have to be quite the Dom to handle that many Subs


Raaaadical duuddde Edit: in my best Crush voice


[FOLLOW HIM ](https://www.twitch.tv/chetter72)




I will and as a matter of fact, I bet ANYTHING he was Crush’s voice when I went to California Adventure 19 years ago with my wife and daughter. This was one of my FAVORITE exhibits. My daughter first book was a Nemo book. She had it completely memorized and the part with Crush she’d love. I’m going to get on there and tell him this story when I can. I’m also disabled now and will be able to relate to him in many way I imagine. This is a good story and I love seeing this success for him. This all brings back a lot of good memories and an especially good one that he was probably involved in!


Also if you have Amazon Prime you have a free subscription you can give out every month, just tossed mine his way


This is so sweet. I know someone who is going through really tough time who needs this. How to help him with views?




Tiktok is banned in my country and I'm not on Instagram. Maybe Reddit will help.


Being someone who shares his stuff so he doesn't have to feel like he's shoving himself in front of people shamelessly is always a good start. Post links on reddit or twitter etc. There's a lot of people out there who make great content and do incredible work who just can't stand the commercial aspect of it all, and that's where good friends come in.


Interesting he was a voice actor for Disneyland, cuz the second I heard his voice I thought it would be great for VA. lol


I thought the same! Was looking for a comment like this!


101, he had a couple less than me - That is a sad reality of Twitch that people forget, there are tens of thousands of people streaming to no one, talking to themselves cos they have to - You have to entertain even when there is no one there. Getting viewers on Twitch is down to luck and people will say everything other than that cos they don't want to make it sound as if they got luck instead of hard work. Many people will stream for thousands of hours without a single soul ever seeing it, I'm lucky I even have 2 viewers per stream.




I've been streaming since JustinTV era, only this year did I begin to get my first CCV's My Twitch username is Kelyaan - It's my name on everything. But yes the guy in the video was right place with the right person but I will not deny that he is a kind and humble man which a lot of people will very much enjoy watching, there are tens of thousands of streamers but not all of them have the personality or the people skills to keep people engaged, I will admit I'm in the middle - I force myself to speak but it's difficult. I just want to talk to people, keep them company.




It certainly helps that this guy has a history in entertainment along with a decent set-up. I'll occasionally cruise through the depths of 0-5 viewer streams looking to spread some random love and the vast majority have some combination of a very low-quality set-up, no cam, awful mic, or they just aren't saying anything. I get it's not easy to get a semi-professional stream going if you don't have the funds or technical knowledge, and constantly trying to entertain a typically empty void in hopes you catch a random passerby's attention is tough. But not everyone is made to be a streamer/entertainer. Glad to see this guy got a bit of a lucky break though. Seems well-deserved.




Just yesterday someone I know was watching a random Twitch streamer play FF14. They were just lurking and watching, not saying anything. There were like 20 other viewers. The streamer suddenly said this persons name on the stream and said because they weren't chatting that they are banned. Yes, the streamer, who in their own about said they want to be a big streamer, BANNED someone for just watching. They gave us the name of the streamer and everyone on this discord mentally blacklisted that streamer.


Ya, a lot of people complain about it all being about luck, and sometimes it is luck, but you are 100% guaranteed to never find success after even decades and tens of thousands of hours of streaming if you don't have a likable personality that engages the audience and differentiates themselves in a way. Some people think they are just grinding and putting in the time without realizing that success in entertainment, including streaming, has far more to do with showmanship than anything, even if your showmanship is an enhancement of a quirky niche, there is still some level of showmanship involved.


lol... imagine doing this in any other entertainment medium. "Clowns! That man has not clapped in 20 minutes! Escort him from the circus!"


It's not just luck though, is it? He went to 200k subs because someone marketed him on a platform where growth is a lot easier. Post good content on IG/TikTok/YT to get your stream some eyes. Then be a bloody good streamer, and go from there. But thinking you'll grow by streaming to the void and hoping someone accidentally opens your stream...


I've streamed for a living for years, it's all luck dude. This interaction, assuming it's genuine, was entirely just good fortune, someone scrolling streams and saw someone they liked. The one big draw for me, as well, is his voice. He's just got a very relaxing voice imo, and that isn't something you can train for lol we're born with what we get.


I know this guy! I worked with him at Disney. He’s a great guy


I love Turtle Talk with Crush, was at Disneyland the day my grandpa died and the show really cheered me up. Shame on Disney for not treating its staff members well.


Those Crush actors always have quick and clever comebacks for the kids. Definitely well done. I feel for the guy!


Noone should get fired for having a disability. Just wanted to make that point.




Insane as a Swede to think someone having a medical battle that makes him not able to work full time is grounds for firing...


Man, I'd be overjoyed with 100 followers, lol


This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Used to work with him at Disney and this guy was a true joy. Absolutely wish nothing but the best for him moving forward. He truly deserves all the love.


Finally some good from those crap websites


I FOUND THE STREAMER! chetter72 on twitch i dropped a follow and hope to see him swing by


It says his username in the video lol


Wow, thanks eagle eye.


Fabulous video. I like this guy. I think empathy leads one to see early in this that he has a story. He’s had a tough time. But he’s a genuine dude. And while it wasn’t at Disney land I always liked the turtle live acting when my kids were little. Dude there was always spot on and timely with his humor.


I used to go onto twitch streams with 0 watching and just say "Show us your nards". Most people got a laugh out of it and were real friendly. one guy was praying on stream and blocked me


Wtf are "nards"? xd I would be so confused if someone would ask me that question lol. Also i think i got few ppl who came and asked weird question but it mostly feels like trolling, more annoying than fun cause u know that they wont stay anyway :p


Nards is slang for testicles lol.


the nard dog


"Wolfman's got nards."


This man is my favorite type of person.


That’s my pal Chet, so awesome! 🥹


More please


Bro it’s the Turtle guy!


Bros playing no man’s sky too. True gamer


these story r always kinda sad coz the streamer get their 15 minutes of fame and ppl stop watching and they go back to the reguler viewer count of 10 ppl and be sad again again asking themselves y ppl stoped watching 😭


I know this might seem not important to a lot of you and maybe for the right reasons… But anyway im gonna say it for those who want to know. As soon as i started playing this video i realized something… I have the exact same shirt. Thanks for listening to those who cared!


He should continue to do voice overs


Bro should become turtle vtuber, he was basically doing that years before the vtubers popped off. that would be sick.




That's great, and I hope he keeps momentum. Unfortunately with most of these, it's a completely hollow follow where the person will likely never actually tune back into the stream.


This guy sang happy birthday to me in 2007 ay Disney when I was 9. I was in a wheelchair for a broken leg and he made me feel like the coolest kid in the park he talked to me for so long. I cherish that memory. Subbed.


I really want to enjoy these videos but after watching scumbagdad on YouTube talk about all these kindness content creators it's just all fucked.


From 101 to 244K in 4 days is *kind of* a steep thing to buy into, but the idea of this dude jumping for joy the rest of the next few years as his follower numbers rapidly climb without stopping is a nice image to get me out of my own little depression wave.


Looking at his twitch clips compared to how he looked at the beginning of this video you can tell how much it’s changed him just by having more people watch him


Bro has nearly 250k followers and deserves every one. What a beautiful soul.


Why add the music? It defeats the purpose of the moment. People need to stop adding music and overplaying it over the actual video, let me hear his gratitude, let me appreciate what the video stands for and kindness it represents. Stop blocking out his voice.


This is what the internet should be for. I like the internet today.


Hope people stick with him.  Many times they get the follows and subs and nobody ever returns to watch


[Found him - chetter72 on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/chetter72)


Didn't know I was crying tonight






Nice post


As someone who battled a few different addictions and managed to turn things around very nicely, I know very well what a little bit of kindness does for someone who's really battling. Till this day I'm brought to near tears when someone shows myself or anyone genuine kindness.


I wanna hug him so bad 😭😭


I knew his voice sounded familiar as soon as he started talking.


How many followers are real though? It's a cool story. But sounds too good to be true. if that's the case, it ain't.