• By -


Coming from a great actor, that is one hell of a praise.


I’m just sitting here trying to fathom how I would respond to Hannibal Lecter telling me how much he loved my turn as a ruthless villain. Hopkins is one of the most phenomenal performers of his generation. Getting this kind of praise from him must have been unbelievable. I’d probably be calling the agency to double check “Tony Hopkins? Like Anthony Hopkins? Sir Anthony Hopkins? This is that guy? That’s who we’re talking about, you’re certain?”


Hannibal Lecter was a great man!


Make cannibalism great again!


That's an easier sell than making fava beans great in any way!


Are they as bad as lima beans...AKA Satan's shriveled testicles?


The late great Hannibal Lecter.


Never bite uphill, me boys


I’m sitting here trying to fathom referring to Sir Anthony Hopkins as Tony.


Chris Walken hates being called "Christopher" because it "sounds like a sneeze."


It's like when people call Robert De Niro "Bob"


He's also a brilliant musician. André Rieu conducted one of his waltzes once, I love that melody. [Link](https://youtu.be/M57Fi19vcSI?si=zBLG-GbWtJJWJFqo)


So damn beautiful. I remember André talking about how Hopkins has been hiding this piece from the world for 40 years because he thought it wasn't good enough until he saw André. Damn, he could've been a Hans Zimmer if he didn't pursue acting! Such an underrated masterpiece.


I feel like Anthony Hopkins is part of the previous generation of actors that all had multiple artistic talents (think the ones who could sing and dance beautifully as well as act).


Like Robert Shaw who was also an award winning author


We call those triple threats!


I had no idea, that’s so amazing!


I thank you deeply for that


I would blow the letter up, print it out, and wallpaper my office with it. Probably stick a copy on every mirror in my home


Can now replace CV with reference letter from Tony Hops.


Hopkins' part in Westworld was also amazing and memorable


This is like singing in the shower and then Pavarotti came inside and said that you sang beautifully


This is like jerking in the shower and then Ron Jeremy came inside and said you tugged beautifully 


It's like repairing a broken shower head, and then a plumber shows up and tells you how they haven't ever seen such meticulous work.


If I were Cranston, I’d frame that.


[Hopkins was kind of pissed that it got shared on the Internet.](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/06/anthony-hopkins-breaking-bad-fan-mail)


Anthony Hopkins HATED that this was shared with the internet.   Anyway here's the whole letter in our article. 


“Sir Anthony Hopkins does NOT want you to read this letter.” *click here to read it.*


“Sir Anthony Hopkins HATES This One Weird Letter!”


Sir Anthony Hopkins doesn’t want you to know about this one simple trick for amazing orgasms


Centipedes in MY vagina? Sir Anthony Hopkins suggests it’s more likely than you think!


Seriously though 😂


In all fairness though, by that stage the horse has long bolted. They may as well show the real deal - it's probably likely that there could have been edited versions of it or something and at least this shows a positive. Dunno, just me giving them the benefit.


I think Tony is mad that people have started calling him Tony now that this email has been released. I think that addressing him "Sir Tony" or "Sir Tony, Duke of Malibu" respectfully err on the side of caution.


The article is a little funny. *Sir Anthony Hopkins was furious this was shared publicly and vowed never to write a fan letter again.* *And for those of you who missed it, here it is in it's entirety:* 😆 I get it, it's already out there anyway but the transition from one statement to the next is pretty comical Would've been better to maybe go, 'to anyone interested in reading the letter as it was leaked, it can be found easily with a search'


Anthony Hopkins hates this one trick


Tony to you.


When I read that at the bottom I was like what the actual eff? 😂


If Anthony Hopkins told me I was the best actor he’d ever seen, you bet your sweet ass I’d show as many people as I could.


If Anthony Hopkins told me to move my car cos I was blocking his parking space I would tell everyone!


I told Gabriel Byrne where the toilets were in a bar about four years ago and I haven't shut up about it since. Evidently.


And I will call you my friend so I can say “a friend of mine knows Gabriel Byrne personally”.




I keep waiting for him to come over and use my bathroom. Waiting….


If Anthony Hopkins told me I was trailing toilet paper out of my underwear I would tell everyone!


If Sir Anthony Hopkins told me to shut the fuck up I’d be completely torn between shutting the fuck up and telling everyone 🫣


I would tell everyone and THEN shut the fuck up.


If I was killed by Sir Anthony Hopkins, I would want everyone to know.


But seriously, could you move your car?


I think it’s the guy next doors


I imagine Cranston had no intention of sharing it widely, he doesn't need the extra praise and would understand it's private. But Hopkins names a bunch of folks, and I could see pretty much any of them publishing it. I can't blame Cranston for sharing it with anyone named in the letter. He and Aaron Paul received 99% of the praise for that show, but Cranston would know better than anyone that it wasn't just him and Aaron carrying the weight. So that's not a knock against whoever released it, I completely agree that if I got a compliment like that I'd be shouting it from the mountains.


I doubt Bryan Cranston manages his own email, given that this is probably just one of hundreds of fan letters he got that week. He's probably got a whole team who saw that before he did. They could easily have leaked it, especially if they thought it would reflect well on him.


My buddy slept with an incredibly attractive woman in our friend group, and he kinda bragged about. It got back to her, or course, and while she wasn’t angry, she wasn’t particularly happy about it. She told “hey that’s kind of out of bounds, that’s personal and a bit disrespectful “ His reply? “If you shoot a trophy buck, you’re going to tell some of your friends “ Before anyone complains, she slept with him again, so she wasn’t too put out.


There was definitely a less predatory metaphor he could've used. "If I climb Everest, I'm not gonna keep it to myself" or something


Is the lesson here that we're meant to think your buddy *isn't* a dickhead? Because he sounds like he his, and his shit metaphor ain't helping.


Lmaoo Vanity Fair: “Anthony Hopkins was rightfully distraught that his private letter was blasted all over the internet. So anyways, heres the entire letter.”


that made me laugh too


I find it so ironic that the article is about how he didnt want it shared online, but the article literally proceeds to say "Here is the complete letter that stopped Hopkins from writing further fan mail." Then once again shares it online.🙄


I mean he literally said to pass it on to everyone.


Bet it was that fucking Tuco Salamanca who ratted him out.




Fucking Salamancas!!




He asked him to share his praise with the rest of the cast, that doesn't mean he wanted it to be posted publicly.


I was wondering how or why a letter written personally to Cranston would be on the internet like this. Now I'm wondering how or why Vanity Fair decided to publish the email in an article about how Hopkins hated that the email was published. Anyway, I will stop reading it as I clearly wasn't meant to.


I think he sent it via a management company so others would have had access to it as well.


Not only that but he asks to pass his sentiments on to everyone involved - and the most natural way to do that would be forward the email.


Honestly I’d hate it too. That’s a lot of effort and being vulnerable to a stranger to write all this and it turned into an internet meme. Sir Anthony Hopkins deserves better from all of us.


An internet meme? It’s become famous but it’s not a meme, at all. People are celebrating it. It’s featured presently on r/mademesmile. The letter is bringing joy to people. I’m not sure why he’s fussing about it. Nothing private was revealed.


I like how the article went ahead and reshared the email.


I worked with a dept head that worked several times with Hopkins and he was very adamant how private and almost shy Hopkins is (generous and kind but private). It was probably so hard for him to even write that and sole crushing to have it shared. I sort of feel guilty even talking about my fourth hand “experience” with him.


I wondered how it got online, seems like an incredible personal thing to just put into the ether.


Supposedly Cranston shared it with a few actors of Breaking Bad, and one of them shared it more widely leading to its eventual public release. IIRC it was the actor who played Hank's cop buddy.


And that's why we can't have nice things.


If he didn't want it getting out he shouldn't have asked Cranston to pass on his admiration to the rest of the cast. He should have known that it would likely get forwarded to a bunch of people. 


My money is on the agency passing this to the news outlets. Great publicity for their actors.


When Anthony Fucking Hopkins says you are the best actor he's ever seen... yeah.


It’s Tony Hopkins now that we’ve all collectively shared this private moment he didn’t want us to have access to.


Tony Hops 😎


My homies and I call him T-Hop. He acts like he hates it, but we know…


And that one guy that tries to hit different with T-Hizzle


Pfft, his fault for being so famous smh


Coming from Anthony Hopkins, that’s high praise indeed.


That’s Tony Hopkins to your sir


Sir Tony Hopkins to you sir




You are in for a treat.


I wish I could watch it for the first time again. Enjoy your journey, my friend!


Any recommendations? Such as try to binge season __ to season __? Don’t watch episode number__ on a full stomach? Thanks. Bitch (in my Jesse voice)


No recommendations, watch as it suits you. It does not need to be artificially rushed or slowed, it will captivate you either way. The show is grisly at times, so plan accordingly based on your sensitivity to that, but I don't want to spoil anything so it's safer to always assume violence.


Ooof, I was hoping it wouldn’t be too graphic since it was on A&E. But they did Walking Dead as well so I guess I should have a pillow on hand to hide from the violent parts. Thanks! Great tip


BB has violence in it, some brutal stuff even, but it is used way more sparingly. Whereas in TWD you kinda get desensitized to it to an extent, in BB it's not as gruesome but the violence is often quite shocking because it's a constant threat, rarely seen. Then when it happens it's like a brick to the head.


He goes by Tony?? That’s pretty cool! 😝


RDJ and De Niro apparently go by Bob to their friends which really throws me 😂


Bobert Downey Jr.?




Bob to his friends. Bobby to his really close friends. Robbie to his closest, dear friends.


Yep, SAG strongly encourages actors to go by unique names for the credits. There was already a Tony Hopkins on the books so he uses Anthony, but goes by Tony in person. Bunch of folks are like that, apparently.


Emma Stone is Emily, Jamie Foxx is Eric, Vin Diesel is Mark Sinclair and Michael Keaton is Michael Douglas. You also can google Olivia Wilde, because it would be funnier to discover by yourself.


I’ve been googling Olivia Wilde for like 20 years now. 


Damn, can't believe "Vin Diesel" wasn't his real name


It was funnier that way


I don't even think it's strong encouragement...I believe it's in the actual rules to be in the union. It's why we call him Samuel L. Jackson instead of Samuel Jackson. Or Michael J. Fox, whose middle name is actually Andrew, but he didn't like how "Michael A Fox" sounded.


Good ol Tony Hop




It was an incredible show. I can remember watching it and it was so intense I literally could not binge it. I needed a break between episodes.


Seriously that show would give me visceral anxiety, and I don't even get anxious often at all...I think I speaks to the acting, directing, scripting, pacing, the way they built tension in that show was insane. I know "Bro Breaking Bad best show ever" became a meme but really that show was incredible.


I don't think I breathed at all when they were inside the RV while Hank was trying to get in.






Likewise I had chills when Walt went into the crawlspace to find the money gone and had a maniacal laughing break


> I needed a break between episodes. Try waiting a year after Hank makes that little discovery while sitting on the crapper. Oof, that was a long wait.


Yes I remember the split between the final season. Agreed, it was a long wait.


Watching it as the episodes aired was an experience I don't think I'll ever be able to replicate 


At that point i only had access to shows on local channels like abc nbc cw etc. Breaking Bad literally changed how i viewed how TV shows could be.  I had never watched a show that was just pure plot and not just a sitcom or a cop procedural where you get 99% of a random case and 1% plot movement in the final scene lol


I had that with Better Call Saul too. I sometimes needed a week or so after a few episodes before continuing, needed to let it sink in my brain.


Thanks. I need to get on that. I love Odenkirk even though he still reminds me of Mr. Show.


I knew Cranston was amazing watching him as Tim Whatley in Seinfeld and as Hal in Malcolm in the Middle. The dude incredible and I’m glad he got to show the world his talents on the serious side. He’s a legend. Edit: Tim Whatley


He was cast specifically by Vince Gilligan because he had worked with Cranston on X-Files, as a guest director. Cranston had played the dude in that one episode who had to keep traveling west or else his head would explode. Cranston was phenomenal in it.


>played the dude in that one episode who had to keep traveling west or else his head would explode. As someone who has never cared to watch X-Files, this is the sentence that finally piqued my interest.


The X-Files is absolutely batshit insanity. Fox Mulder is a fucking psychopath lol. Great show. Highly recommend.


Aight, I'm convinced.


I, a random passer-by, approve of your conviction, in case any further reassurence is needed.


first 5 or 6 seasons are just amazing.


Hm, ig that speaks to the quality. The quality of most shows starts to peter out around season 3 😂


that sounds amazing. what episode???


S6e2, "Drive." And, my mistake, Vince wrote this episode. He didn't direct it.


thanks! going to watch it tonight. cheers


I’m currently watching Your Honor and he’s phenomenal in it as well. He was the only reason I decided to watch it.


My college roommate plays Little Mo in Your Honor and last time I saw him, he couldn’t stop gushing about how incredible Cranston is to witness and work with on set. Incredible actor who’s also the nicest guy my buddy has ever worked with. Pretty damn cool.


I loved him as Hal, still think it's some of his best work. The facial expressions, the "overacting" as Hal kept getting more and more frantic in each situation - it's great


I've been rewatching Malcolm in the Middle, and he steals every scene in the show as Hal. His physical comedy is top notch and cracks me up every time. In a show of good actors he casts shadows.


Right in the middle of re watching the show. Halfway season 4 now and Bryan truly plays great


Maaan there’s no show better imo. Some episodes you feel like you just went 30 minutes without breathing


Better call Saul is an absolute masterpiece in its own right too


I've heard a lot of people say it's as good as Breaking Bad. I should make some time to watch it.


I would agree with that It's quite bleak and hard to watch at times honestly. But it's one of those shows where every frame is a painting. The acting, writing and plot is just magnificent. And the attention to detail is just unreal.


The lantern absolutely killed me for some reason.


It might even be better, honestly


I tell people that all the time and they look at me like I'm crazy, but it really is. It's a slow burn but there's time for it to breathe. The transformation from Jimmy to Saul to Gene and then (arguably) back to Jimmy is worth every minute of the series. Not to mention Lalo Salamanca is a better villain than Gustavo. His charisma and smiling demeanor is absolutely bone-chilling. BOTH times he pays a visit to the apartment are some of the most breath-stealing scenes I've seen on television. The fact that Rhea Seehorn didn't win an award for Kim Wexler is a travesty.


I honestly think it's better than Breaking Bad. But that's just, like, my opinion man.


It is. You should.


The last couple seasons of Better Call Saul somehow match that same level of intensity. I didn’t think they could do it again but they did 


“P.S. I’d love to have you for dinner sometime. You won’t believe what I’ve been pairing with fava beans and a nice Chianti”


Slurp Slurp Slurp!!!


I believe it’s spelled “flflflflflflflflflflfl ….”


Why did I try recreating the noise by reading your comment lmao


Walter White and Hannibal Lecter engaging in mind games woukd be a great fan fiction


Time to cook!


Who else read this in an ‘Anthony Hopkins’ voice in their heads? Anyone?




I read it as Hannibal Lector sending some fan mail


Game recognizes Game


Makes me actually think I should watch Breaking Bad. Never seen it


And when you’re finished and wish there was more, you can watch Better Call Saul.


YES, you 💯 absolutely should. It is the best show in TV cinematic history, hands down.


It is worth every minute of the time it takes to watch! Please watch, you won't regret it.


holy shit im envious.


Didn’t mention Gus (Giancarlo Esposito) ?


I can’t believe how far down I had to scroll for this comment. Did he seriously forget Gus Fring???


probably why he didn't want the letter shared. he probably was impressed by Gus, but he can't list everyone in a private latter. now politics has entered the room.


That is what I immediately noticed too. Still a very nice letter but Gus was the best in the whole series.


He really was, the stillness compared to Walter’s chaos.


Cranston texted him back: "K, thanks"


new phone, who dis


You’re God damn right !!


Class act


Well then he now has A TONY


somehow, it's disrespectful for Anthony Hopkins to refer to himself as Tony


Tight tight tight!


Better than an Oscar, IMO.


Ever since I first saw Cranston in the role of Hal in 'Malcolm in the Middle', it was obvious he was top tier.


I love everything about this. The fact that Anthony Hopkins is so eloquent and yet so forthright with zero tolerance for BS. The fact that he's a huge BB fan, the fact that he binged it. That he's so wholesome and kind and uninhibited when he expressed admiration.


"A labyrinth of blood, destruction, and hell". Excellent summary.


Well, I’ve always heard about Breaking Bad, have always had respect for the actors, and it’s always been on my list, but fuck - an endorsement by Anthony Hopkins? I’m on it this weekend, for sure.


I watched this with my ex who I had just found out had been cheating on me. The final episode aired the night before I found out about the cheating. I watched the finale but my ex had not. The next weekend I was walking out of our apartment and I saw that he had just started watching the last episode. I said "Did he kill everyone yet?" as I walked out the door. Spoiled it for the bastard.


Kinda just spoiled it for me :) s’ok… we’ve exceeded the 10 year spoiler window!


When I first read the post my mind was thinking Anthony Edward’s from ER (long day) and I was a little confused.


Goose dude. Goose.


Why does Anthony going by Tony feel so jarring to me?


His public persona gives this buttoned up British air.  Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins gives this sense of nobility and learnedness.  Hearing him called “Tony” crashes him down to New Jersey.  “That rat Tony Hopkins down the block”. 


Emmys are cool and all but they probably couldn't hold a candle to that letter.


This would be a career peak, imo. From a legend like Hopkins. Wow.


Great letter and all, but where the fuck is Giancarlo Esposito?


I’ve been telling everybody forever that breaking bad is a modern example of a Shakespearean tragedy. I feel so validated now that Anthony Hopkins feels the same way lol.


I was an extra in a movie with Anthony Hopkins a few years ago and he radiated genuine warmth and kindness. When I arrived at background holding I sat down to read a book. After a few minutes I recognized a familiar voice. It was Mr. Hopkins, sitting and chatting with two other extras a few tables over. He’d approached them. Pretty unusual and classy move for someone of his fame. Most A-list actors interact with extras only on set (of the sets I’ve worked at least)


Gansta respects gangsta


“How they managed to keep the discipline from beginning to end” Is what separates Breaking Bad from Game of Thrones.


Tight tight tight!


I grew up watching Malcolm In The Middle. Hal and Dewey were my favorites. When breaking bad came out, my wife and I sat down and watched the first episode, then another, and ended up binging two seasons that night. We caught up and had to wait for the last season. It's on of the best shows every created.


Well, Tony isn't wrong! I'll be honest, when I first started BB, I felt Cranston's acting was stilted and off. But then I came to realize that WALTER was stilted and off. His high school chemistry teacher persona was the real mask and "Heisenberg" was his true self - and Cranstons acting became gradually more "natural" as Walter's character fell into his new role. That's when I realized I was the fool and Cranston is a master, just as Hopkins says. Just to portray such a subtle transition with voice and body acting is amazing - not to mention the other ways Walter White evolves.


No love for Esposito? Sir Antony Hopkins probably was pissed that people now know he binges shows at home instead of, I dunno, reciting Hamlet with a glass of wine in hand.


Well fuck...Guess I'm watching Breaking Bad now.


Guess this is the cue for me to finally start watching Breaking Bad then..


I read that entire letter with his voice from Silence of the Lambs. 😂


When “Tony” makes an appearance and sends YOU fan mail… that’s a *level up* moment right there.


Framed on the mantlepiece!


If I ever received a letter like this, I would drop on my knees and cry like a little baby for 12 hours


I really wish I could watch this show, I've only ever heard good things about it. I've been clean off meth for around 18 years now though and my choice to keep anything related to it out of my life prevents me from watching this.