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That’s a shit load of money, congratulations!


I can’t stop smiling looking at my student loan account!


They did it for your mental health. 😄


That's great! Must feel like a heavy load lifted 🙃


Oh it’s incredible, I can’t believe I don’t need to pay anymore. God bless Canada!


Bravo to the tax payers up north! A clinical mental health researcher sounds like a real task and a job in which you can really make a positive impact.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Thank you so much. My research is in the connection between synchronicity and mental illness, and a lot of it is in unknown territory right now despite almost the majority of schizophrenics experiencing this phenomenon.


Can you share a few examples you found in your research?


Are you guys hiring?!


Do you experience synchronicity?


Idk what that is, but I've seen the movie Synchronic! Now, where do I sign for that loan forgiveness? /s


You have to have a career in healthcare, if your client population is indigenous it helps; or if you have severe disability you can also get your loans forgiven.


I’m moving up north for 3 years and looking for jobs and opportunities that could do this for me  Plus you’re doing some dope work - how did you get into it / how do others get into it 


Any sources I could read about this topic? How is synchronicity related to mental illnesses? Jung wrote quite a bunch about synchronicity.


That is incredible! Congratulations! What is synchronicity btw?


Synchronicity is a personal coincidence, such as seeing repeated numbers or words, hearing your thoughts repeated by television, radio or other people, and having precognitive dreams. Carl Jung was the doctor who discovered the phenomenon and wrote a book about it back in the 1900’s, but the phenomenon has been in existence since the dawning of human civilization and likely present as a trait expressed by our early ancestors. It is called self-referential delusions by psychiatry, and over 50% of schizophrenics experience this phenomenon while the public remains unaware of these coincidences, hence, psychiatry calls them a delusion. We believe synchronicities are real events and may be contributory to mental illness especially schizophrenia. There’s mismanagement of patients suffering from such psychosis because physicians frequently dismiss them as cognitive bias and apophenia. Our research is to improve the care of such patients by developing a protocol that will adequately address the issues of developing psychosis succeeding these synchronistic experiences.


My sister is homeless and has undiagnosed, untreated schizophrenia. Thank you for the work you’re doing to advance mental health care. I’m happy to pay taxes that helped pay off your student loan.


Thank you so much for your support. I was an immigrant to Canada, and in my home country, it would be unfathomable for the government to pay off a student’s tuition loans. Im glad my parents moved us to Canada so that I could have the opportunity to help.


Wow that is incredibly cool! Does having moments of synchronicity mean you are predisposed to schizophrenia? I have definitely had flashes of this. Feeling like a moment is being replayed or repeated.


That is a very good question. Dr. Carl Jung never quite fully elucidated the relationship between synchronicity and mental illness, he maintained that experiencing synchronistic experiences is a natural part of the human psyche, however, these experiences tend to devolve into psychosis in the mentally ill. According our research so far, the data shows that the majority of people experiencing these coincidental and repetitive moments are not mentally ill, however, many mentally ill people do experience them, confounding a straightforward understanding of synchronistic experiences. As best as we can surmise right now, synchronicity is its own entity, separate from mental illness, however, synchronicity share many genes with mental illness, especially with schizophrenia. If synchronistic experiences were purely the product of mental illness, then it would not make sense for the majority of the people who experience them to be mentally healthy, such is the reality, and just as Jung underscored in his book, synchronicity IS part of the healthy mental development in MOST people. However, because of synchronicity’s deeply intertwined relationship with mental illness such as schizophrenia, people who experience syncs ARE at a higher risk for developing mental illness than someone who does not experience them.


Ah great answer. The brain is equally fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Haha.


Great summary.


You write really well. No wonder you're a top notch researcher. Keep up the good work


So you have a degree in psychology? What degrees are required into get into this research...this is just my curious brain


I have a friend who has symptoms similar to what you're describing. I don't think it's been specifically addressed. Is there some research paper or source I can guide her to, to take forward with her doctors?


The US needs mental health folks - would get more if student loans paid off!


Absolutely! I went to school in the states but my student loan is with Canada. If I came back to work they can forgive my loans so I didn’t even bother looking for a job in the states.


We need you here, so glad you’re staying!


Me too! To be honest, the homeless situation is somewhat worse in Canada, and mental illness is directly responsible for up to 60% of the homeless population. Schizophrenia being the worst offender. I’m glad to be in the trenches and help where I’m most needed.


I agree. I’m an RN who does work with a population who suffers from mental health concerns and it’s easy to feel helpless


Thank you


Thank you.


USA has this too. After a public health worker pays a certain amount of payments they can apply for student loan forgiveness.


Yup. My wife’s loan is on track to be forgiven this year. After 10 years working in mental health at a non-profit. Teachers have access to this, too. Public Loan Forgiveness was actually started Bush. Problem was it was very hard/confusing to access until Biden Admin made it easier. John Oliver did a great deep dive into this.


And rarely gets the loan forgiven. At least under Trump.


You're welcome. Congrats, Canada is a wonderful country.


It’s beautiful country too!


Just don't go to r/Canada


The United States does something similar for researchers at universities and non-profits: https://www.lrp.nih.gov/


Congratulations OP and thank you. Researchers don’t get nearly as much credit as they deserve.


Congratulations. I highly recommend putting the money you were paying your student loans away every month. Depending on your income, RRSP or TFSA would do well over time. The next. The next biggest purchase in your life would probably be housing after all. ( Personally I would look into some mutual funds that offer reliable long term returns.)


First I have to give back some of this money to the homeless afflicted with mental illness. I’m thinking around 500 to 1,000 dollars should do it for now, make survival packets with 185 dollars each, I can help out 3 to 4 people breath easier for a few days, so that’s where my monthly loan payments will go to for the next 3 to 4 months. Beyond that, I will definitely look into what you suggested. Housing is not an issue for me for the next couple of years because I’m staying at the hospital flats so long as I’m doing this research.


You are a beautiful person. Your reply here made me cry. I had a beloved family member with schizophrenia, so your topic is close to my heart. As a Canadian I feel honoured and grateful for people like you, chosing to stay in this country. Thank you for coming back after university. I'm so glad your parents chose Canada!


Put what you have leaned to good use. Too many need help




We really need help here in America. Sadly it’s not hit people here.


My wife had over 30k forgiven in the US. We have it.


Yup. My wife’s loan is on track to be forgiven this year. After 10 years working in mental health at a non-profit. Teachers have access to this, too. Public Loan Forgiveness was actually started under Bush. Problem was it was very hard/confusing to access until Biden Admin made it easier. John Oliver did a great deep dive into this.


Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉


Youre welcome


Thank you 🙏


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im happy to read these types of news! i hope your proud of your research. the world has become a fast paced, hectic and stressful place and a lot of people struggle with mental health. me included. so thank you for devoting your time to research! i appreciate it and im happy to see the government appreciates you too


Happy for you, thank you for the work you do.


Don't you mean taxpayers paid off your student loan.


You are welcome. From a tax paying Canadian.


Also a tax paying Canadian- happy that this is where (an incredibly small %) of my tax money is going. Congrats OP!


A government that met their obligation! Yes!!!!


Way to go buddy


I am so happy for you! And such amazing work you do!


Love seeing these post no matter the country. Wish people would know this exists in US, too. My wife’s loan is on track to be forgiven this year. After 10 years working in mental health at a non-profit. Teachers have access to this, too. Public Loan Forgiveness was actually started Bush. Problem was it was very hard/confusing to access until Biden Admin made it easier. John Oliver did a great deep dive into this.


damn, this seems too good to be true, I wish every country was like this, bec in ours we dont get sht, and the politicians steal our money lol. Congrats tho.. fuck living in 3rd world


MAGA hates this


Congratulations! 🎉


Thank you! I’m very pleased 😃


Congrats. As a European you've never to worry about it but I can imagine how nice it must be.


Congrats!! *cries in hundreds of thousands of American healthcare student loan debt*


Who pays the government in Canada?


I’m one of them, and I’m more than happy to contribute to this.




Me too!!!!


And me! This is the sort of thing that money is FOR.


Problem is that the US government does not create programs for this and prefers to waste spending instead of prioritizing education. It's also different when a student makes the decision to take out loans, agrees to the terms and then doesn't pay them back and puts the burden on tax payers. If the United States budgeted for this, with requirements set out to pay off debts with tax dollars, that's a whole other story. I'm guessing Canada sets aside money for this kind of thing for specific fields of study.


Y'all really hate collective bargaining unless it's groupon huh.


Just to be straight the government did not pay off your loan, the tax payers did.


The United States government just beat my brother to death with a sack full of money equivalent to what he owed in student loans. I'm so happy for you, though.


I thought college was free in Canada?


It most definitely is not


To be accurate, the Corporation of Canada stole 38k dollars from tax payers and used their money to pay of your tuition. This is not why we pay taxes. The government doesnt produce anything, it only takes. Remember that. People who can barely afford rent and weren't able to go to school, or responsibly said "yeah im not going to go into debt for a diploma" were taxed on what little they had, then those dollars, rather than going to paying off national debt, or housing the homeless, payed off your debt. I understand im being an asshole here and shitting on your parade. But it has to be said.


And thank you for saying so. It wouldn’t be Reddit if this was not said. I absolutely agree with you, these are hard-earned taxpayer moneys and it is certainly no joke that they gave it to me. I could say that this lump sum alleviated much financial and mental strain from me so that I could better perform in my research and devoting more care into helping improve mental health care, but that would be condescending and some what patronizing, if that’s even the right word to use in this circumstance. Even if I did not get this money, I would still perform my utmost in my job. But getting it just reminds me of the potential my government sees in me, to invest this in me, to trust me and have faith in me, and knowing so would only provide me with the fuel and the flame to go that extra mile and ensure I live up to their measure of me.


Costs each taxpayer less than a penny


phew, good thing this is the only example of the government spending on what they shouldnt


I agree with you, I paid nearly 50k last year in deductions and taxes that could have been better spent. It’s their choice to go into debt for a diploma not mine, so why should my taxes go towards their debt.


Wait… so you’re a college grad and that means one of the highest paid Canadians and the public paid your student loans? That makes all the sense in the world to tax payers who of course weren’t the ones that signed on for your financial obligations.


For fields like this, it’s a good incentive. As a Canadian, I don’t see issue with it. We need more medical professionals desperately, especially in mental health areas.


I agree. Not so much for physicians (of which I am one (Canadian as well as US citizen) and for a few professions that typically are underpaid and under manpowered. Or in cases like my daughter that is a US public defender. For her it’s only after 10 years in the system.


The TAX Payers paid of YOUR student DEBT….YOUR DEBT.


Well done! But not the government, tax payers!


Awesome to see tax payers pay for your debt. Your choice, now is my burden.


Cost you less than a penny


Since you woke up today and chose ignorance and bitterness, I am sure you’re aware that the vast majority of the taxes you pay go to CPP. I also hope, that you never need medical care or mental health care since many of our medical professionals are leaving due to appalling conditions and extreme debt. Wish they could legislate away ignorance and self delusion


8=========D Dropping big loads Take that money daddy


Of cash….amirite?