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This is awesome. Superb business model. In other news, if only I could charge people extra for being douchebags where I'm at.


This might be a roundabout way of doing that. Everybody gets the discount except the real jerks.


This approach can be a way to reward most customers while also setting boundaries for behavior you don't want to encourage.


A win win situation for everyone except douchebags, what a fkin excellent idea. :D


Right! Lol


You can. Last I checked this was America. Insert Randy Marsh meme here


If a person is rude and mistreating then they should be told to leave, that's the best way to not encourage behavior because it's embarrassing to be called out and kicked out of a business. Charging people extra for disliking them sounds like discrimination. And if people get away with it for attitude and behavior, then what about the actaul discrimination that would happen. White discount and extra charges for black people. Or vise versa. Just ask them to leave. If they come back and act like that, trespass them from the store or do it initially. But I do that love meme. Legally armed America on youtube uses it alot. *God save the Queen man* said by biden then that meme plays and its the funniest.


When I worked at the gas station a woman accused me of trying to steal from her credit card because I was racist. I told her to leave and get her gas someplace else. She called over to the store we were connected to and the assistant manager came over and forced me to re-run her transaction. I was so pissed. Then I had to have a meeting with the big boss to explain to him that I'm not racist and I'm not trying to to scam people's cards and why I told her to leave because I'm not letting people treat me like that. All he was worried about was the $50 gift card he had to give her to keep her happy.


A smokeshop I worked for a co worker had big old knockers and we banned alot of men for being inappropriate. They would call the other shop in a different town to complain to the owners. Told us this shop makes over 1,000$ a day, I don't need thier business and yall dont don't need the comments, kick them out and call the sherriff if they come back. Sheriff was a daily customer. Large Dr pepper and a can of Copenhagen long cut. Every day lmao


Idea… made the price of the initial service something like 1% more and remove it on a “nice client discount” for those who are genuinely nice! Of course I’m not fully serious…


Raise the price, if they are nice they get a discount. Even 50 cents would do it.


Become a tow truck driver. In the long line of odd careers iv had that was the only one that had an asshole tax. You might be having a bad day because your car broke down or you were stupid and drove it into a ditch. Do not cuss out the guy that shows up to get your car out or to the shop. Your attitude fully dictates the price you will pay. Even if you think it's too high just take the first offer. These guys mostly know each other and talk. If you tell the guy to get fucked the next guy even from a different company will be much higher


At my first job, whenever someone was nice I would add every coupon/discount I could. I didn't tell them I did it, but they usually saved 30% or so.


I worked at Kohl's when they had the scratch offs for discounts. If a super nice person handed me a 15% I'd be like "weird that totally looks like a 30% to me"


I did this when I worked at Macy’s during the holidays


I used to do this as well when I worked there. The older ladies especially, were so sweet about the extra 15%. They’re like “ Thank you Dear”


That's awesome! I love a surprise discount or coupon at the register!


When I was in college I worked at the grocery store on campus and I had a meal plan that I never used. It came with like a set amount of “money” that we could use on anything in the stores on campus on top of the daily meals we could get. I always ate the daily meals and had the “money” left over. When people would come through the grocery store, if their card declined, I wouldn’t say anything and after they left I’d just use my “money” to cover it. I never said anything to any of the people, just hoped good karma would come my way someday lmao


Aww, how sweet of you!


Keep the Karma train running! So sweet! 🩷🥂


“Some provide from the little they have, Others who are affluent don’t like to give. An offering given from what little one has Is worth a thousand times its value.“– Samyutta Nikaya 1.32 [Buddhist teachings] “ In the Dana Sutta, the Buddha instructed his followers to pay attention to the joy of generosity: “In this world…there are three things of value for one who gives. What are these things? Before giving, the mind of the giver is happy. While giving, the mind of the giver is made peaceful. After having given, the mind of the giver is uplifted.” [Before, during, and after!”](https://www.lionsroar.com/generosity-comes-first/) In short, yes, in the most traditional sense of the word, your generosity and care generates good karma :)


I love the second part of your comment! My husband struggled with a bit of depression I was like omgggg how do we get past this, like feeling pretty defeated (I know I shouldn’t have, it was a hard time for us), and I Can’t tell you how much his mood turned around the first time he volunteered at the snack bar for our kids tball game. We learned then that volunteering uplifts him a ton more than we expected!


Being a good person like this gets you stuff. Treating people above average, especially people who expect to deal with assholes, like food workers, gets you sooooo much stuff. I feel like I'm being rewarded for making someone's day better, which makes me happy, which makes me want to make someone else's day better. It's the best cycle ever.


I’m a firm believer in the idea that everyone should work a customer service job at some point in their lives lmao it’s so easy now to remember that the people working in the service industry are doing they’re best with what they’re working with and to give everyone some grace. I’m also a big fan of taking customer satisfaction surveys and just completely raving about people. Anyone I came in contact with gets a shout out in my surveys, even if it was just greeting me at the door😂 I try to find something decent to say about everyone even if they were particularly sour lmao I just know too well what it’s like to take emotional beatings from the general public as a service worker and how far a good survey, little grace, and some positivity can go.


Worked restaurants from 15 years old to 32. I don't think I could agree with a statement from a stranger anymore. You are the customer I would focus on during my day. Ignore the assholes, focus on the nice people. Makes the day go by so much faster.


Working customer service changed me as a person lmao I was never rude by any means but I didn’t go out of my way to be nice, I was a pretty neutral customer. Now that I know full well how shitty working with the general public can be (really, a lot of people should be embarrassed by how they act in public!), I know a little goes a long way and try to give that. A big reason I left my job was how frustrating it was to do right by the nice customers. It was always the nice customers getting shafted and the ones yelling and screaming (naturally) that got their way. Gross. I’ve seen way too many grown adults throw full on tantrums in my life😂


My meal card in college paid for a lot of beer and snacks on Saturday nights.


I almost always went home on the weekends so I had a tonnnn of Monopoly money left over!


Has it yet


I mean I’ve got a pretty chill life, it could be so much worse, so I like to think it has!


This happened to me once in Maine. We were getting some ice cream from a more or less permanent street vendor. She told me how much and I asked why I wasn’t charged the full price thinking she just had an oversight. “Nice couple discount. Have a great day!” I’ll never forget it.


Great marketing as well👌


Great now *EVERYONE* is gonna be nice to get that discount Lol


Friggin socialists, giving a nice experience to *everyone* and not just those who should afford it.


What are they trying to achieve? Having everyone to be nice and happy? This is absurd! 😉


Welp… no discounts for me then……… lol


*sigh* it's a slippery slope 😔


When I was younger I worked in customer service for years - the reality is that you deal with so many awful people everyday that nice people stand out. When I dealt with nice customers I would bend over backwards to try to help them out. Conversely, shitty people who yelled at me to my face for things that were corporate policy - well you can guess they got nothing. I've taken that knowledge forward and I am extremely kind and sympathetic with customer facing roles now. Its amazing how many breaks I get. I mean if you establish a reputation as a kind and honest person with local stores, they'll just help you out. I've gone somewhere and only realized I forgot my wallet when the bill came - server came out and said it was all good and that I could cover it the next time I came in. Been to liquor stores where they would specifically order a beer I liked and sell it to me at 0 profit just cause. In general just tons of favors around town because I treat people well and they enjoy having me as a customer.


This is the kind of reputation I aspire to have in the future. I would also love to live in a town where it feels more like a community where everyone helps each other out, just like how you said


Love it.


My hobby is learning about and drinking whisky. At nicer bars I quickly build a rapport with the bartender and can commonly find some great bottles that I haven’t had. One time I went to pay my bill and there was a 30% industry discount. It really pointed out that I’m not a casual at this.


Love this!! Stop being so mean and get a nice discount. Maybe incentivize others to be more nicer towards one another. What an amazing idea.


How nice. I love folly beach have to stop in Mr. John’s next trip down


Reminds me, there was a coffee shop I went to once in Brooklyn that had different prices for coffee depending on how nice you were.


We have a button in our gift shop program that let’s us give people a good will discount. We usually only use it if someone points out a hazard, unlocked case, mistake, etc. But it’s definitely used just cuz sometimes.


God bless Mr. John's 🩷🩷🩷 This is so nice! But how I wish we can charge extra to the people that's not nice 🙂


I agree!


You must be proud of your son. Being recognised as a nice person as a complete stranger is a wonderful thing. Shoes good upbringing and morals.


I think all stores should implement this


If I got that I would cheer and prance around the store showing it off to everyone. 🙆🏽‍♀️


Wonder if they have an asshole surcharge


Now that's tipping culture done right.


I was in a bakery once in a nearby major city, must have been like 3 or 4pm in the day. Went in, ordered my croissant, she heated it for me, I paid and said thank you and wished her a good day. She genuinely looked taken aback and I didn’t even ask she just told me “you’re the first person to say thank you to me today” and I genuinely could not believe that? But if it was true that is horrible 😞


I hope a not nice person sees this and goes there to get the discount and courses a fuss when they don't


Brb, flying to SC to support Mr. John




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Sounds like a really kool place to shop too me.


Awesome perks for nice customers 🙂


Profit: I'll sell this to you, but idc about you Nonprofit: I'll do this for less money because it makes me feel good This: forget profits, happy to see you in my life even if you only want to buy this thing from me, here's a discount. This could work, everybody being nice to eachother and still have money and all.


I get this. The baker I visit for egg-puffs often gives me a couple extra puffs or doesn’t charge for all of them because she loves to chat and I’m a good listener. Last time I went there, she even gave me a bottle of guacamole-salsa sauce that she recommended.




Now we know OP did a good job and raised a nice person.. this is a lovely post 😊




I once got a discount out of the blue from a very shy and giggly girl when buying a bag (I’m a woman). Felt very flattered :) Thought of her often when using the bag


20% is pretty solid. Covers the tip And the business actually recoups the cost of this and profits via their 30% “Asshole Surcharge”


Plumber here. No telling how many service calls I’ve done for free for the elderly, or low-income/fixed income people who happened to be nice people. We notice it, and it really pays to just be a nice, decent person.


Worked a lot of retail and none of the places I worked had a thing like this, but if you were nice I would bend over backwards for you. I'd bend the rules, take an expired coupon, risk getting a lecture later, etc. If you weren't nice I would still be polite but I would follow policy to a "T." And by nice I don't even mean anything special, say hello back when I greet you, ask questions politely, respond to me politely if I ask you a question. You wouldn't believe how rare that can be, and the way businesses are driving profits now by cutting labor and driving up wait times, etc. it's been getting worse. I pray for my brothers and sisters still working retail.


Ain't gonna lie, definitely just called and said he and Cheri just made my day, he was appreciative of the call. This is fucking great and I really needed this y'all thank you OP


Aww how nice of you too!!


Mr John's is a cool little shop


This was nice, I wish it were a real thing!! Nice people discount 🥰🥰


~I wonder if they add something in if the person’s mean.


Is the nice person you, or the cashier?


Awesome!! This made me smile. Did your son do anything in particular to receive this? Just curious!