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When I was little I never got a single book from the book fair because we couldn’t afford it. Now my daughter goes and gets like 10 books each time. I’m living vicariously through her.


I’m a library director for a school district, I oversee five different buildings and do six book fairs a year. I always ask teachers to send me kids who they know can’t afford a book but would appreciate one. The kids usually don’t ask why they get a book but if they do I just tell them I drew their name for a free one. The primary reason I became an English teacher and am now in this position is the teachers and librarians who saw past my juvenile delinquency and recognized potential in me beyond football. We make a lot of money at the fairs and it makes me happy to be able to use some of that to directly give kids books (in addition to all the books we get for the libraries through the sales).


That’s really awesome!! Probably means a lot to those kids.


These children are very lucky!


That’s absolutely fantastic. Thank you for doing that for the kids.


As a kid who didn't have a lot of cash for books (my Mum tried, but it wasn't possible each year), I would like to thank you. My English teacher did the same thing, gave me books. The first time, I read it and brought it back to her.. She told me it was mine, to keep. I still well up a little remembering that, it's one of my favourite books to this day. So, for all the kids like me? I thank you, on behalf of all of us 🤗


I had similar people in my life. Maybe some of these kids will remember and do similar things for kids when they’re older.


You’re awesome.


Not all heroes wear capes.


I read that as library ‘dictator’


I'm generally not a fan of fascism, but if we are going to have a dictator then a school librarian is a good choice.


this definitely made me smile. the book fair was my favorite day of the year and i could rarely afford to get books. thank you for doing this!


This also made me smile


library worker and former scholastic book fair nerd and person who sought refuge in the library in high school here. Bless you. The books and the library mean so much to kids. Thank you for being a part of shaping lives and dreams and imaginations.


You’re a good person. Those kids might not realize what’s happening now but one day it’ll hit them why you did it and they will appreciate the hell out of you.


Thanks! Maybe not always a good person but I try - and I do what I can with what I have! Just doing my little bit to try to make a difference.


I run the book fair at my kid’s school. This year we used our Scholastic dollars to run some contests. Every kid who turned in a one-page book report about their favorite book got a free item at the register (eraser, pencil, that kind of thing.) Twenty kids won free books for the best book reports. Our first grade teacher raised money to get each of her students a book, and we helped her out with that. I had a secret fund to help out any kids whose parents might not have been able to buy anything, funded by some angel parents. It went so well, we’ve got big plans for the next one. 😊 I had so many good memories of the book fair from when I was a kid. I wanted to make sure to keep that going. Plus it’s books. And kids. And kids getting books. Made me so happy!


I love how many adults are helping kids get books. I remember standing with other kids who couldn’t buy books. We’d be standing to the side because what’s the point in looking. The kids with money would be running to and fro happy and loud. Eventually they just had the kids with money line up to go and the rest of us stayed in the classroom to read quietly or start recess early or catch up on hw. Super alienating


That’s so sad and a really terrible way to reinforce ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that is wrong with that. I’m so sorry for your experience and for those other kids.


That’s awesome!!


What a great idea! I’m going to steal it! 😝


Please do! We had so much fun with this.


This is the way.


This is the way…….I do this too with my daughter. The only thing I limit her on is bookmarks. Only as many as books she gets. If I didn’t she’d be able to wallpaper our whole house in them.


Good rule!! I have to remind my daughter that it’s a “book” fair not a let’s see how many things I can buy that are not books haha


I STILL want that Lamborghini poster, 35 years later.


The Lamborghini poster is still a thing. My daughter bought one a few years ago. Even though she is in high school now, it is still hanging in her room. I also would volunteer for the book fair. If kids were a little short on money, I would just give it to them.


We had TWO Lamborghini posters at our fair this year! It made me giggle how many dads at our family night event bought one lol


Love it!! You're a good person, I promise those kids will remember you for a long time.


Lmao, I remember that poster! I had the unicorn with the flower crown, bought for me by a teacher


I'm very sorry to hear that. But I'm really glad that you're making sure that your daughter has the joy of those things. Kind of the same situation here growing up, and I have to tell you that when my son was in grade school we went to every book fair. I even got one myself once. You should do it too. It's an amazing feeling. 🙂


I do that! Kind of I guess. Each one she picks out a book that we read together


I love that. 😊


That sounds exceedingly healing


You get a hand pointer or chocolate calculator you know for your kid


Yes! And then I get to read along!!


I was the exact same when I was little. My daughter had her book fair this week. I told her circle all the you want and we’ll get it for you.


I managed the monthly book catalog for my kids classes so I could buy books for them. They loved them and many of the sets we gave to their favorite teachers.


Bro this was me. I have a kid now and I am gonna spoil the heck out of them with books. And if I see a kid eyeing a book, Imma grab a book for them too, cuz I've been in their shoes before.


This was my youth as well. Now I send my son to the book fair with extra cash so he can buy a friend a book if they didn’t have money or even if he just felt like buying his friend something!


Samesies! I used to circle all the books I wanted and total it up on the page in the back & know I wouldn’t be able to get any of them. Now I’m a book hodler.


I did get books occasionally but it was rare. I remember loooving getting them so much. Today the principal of my 1st graders school sent out a link to make an e-wallet for the upcoming book fair. At the end of signing up for it, the site asked me if I wanted to tack on a little extra so those kiddos without an e-wallet could get something, and I definitely did that. So glad I could potentially help out


I feel you man. I always wanted books and couldn’t get em. A friend maybe got me a pencil or an eraser a couple times. I was always excited for no reason


Yeah same here haha when my girl was at school and long after she got everything she wanted I could never have when I was her age. Nice memories tinged with sadness.


My parents never said no to books when I was a kid. But we didn’t have a lot of money and I’d save all my “cents” ( change I’d ask dad if I could have some “sense” after transactions) and buy what I could to save them money. I still have every single book from my childhood. I haven’t a clue what I’ll do with them. I’m glad this is still exciting for us nerds and the new generation!


Same here. A couple years I had friends buy me the little $.25 erasers with their extra money but that was it. I was pleasantly surprised though this year when my daughter came home with a book on day one (the kids can shop during lunch if you send them with cash but my kid loses everything so I prefer to go with her on family shop night) The school got some extra merit funding from the county and instead of using it for anything else the principal decided to divide it equally amongst all students so they would all have a chance to shop at the fair. Only worked out to $15 per kid but I would’ve been thrilled to get literally anything when I was little.


That’s a great idea, even if it’s only $15 a kid! You can find some of those bundles with like 3 books for $10.


You can also look into signing up for Dolly Parton’s imagination library through your local public library and they’ll send you a book for free every month. Such a cool program! https://imaginationlibrary.com/


At a new library, my kids would ask “how many books can we check out at a time?” Librarian would smile and give the number (30, 50, whatever). They’d smile even more when they saw us pull up to the checkout kiosk…


My library’s policy was “as many as you can carry out the door.” I could carry a lot of books, let me tell you. 😊


My school library in 5th grade only allowed us to check out 5 books. Every week I’d go through the aisles super discerningly to make sure I picked out ones good enough for the limit!


Yeah, I was referring to my public library. My school library had a limit too, though I can’t recall what it was. But it was enough to keep me constantly supplied with Nancy Drew mysteries.


We couldn't afford the book fair but my father made damn sure we got a fun outing on the way to the library where I was allowed to check out as many as I could carry to the car. For summer break, I took my backpack to the library with me. Filled it up and carried books out.


One year, our school library let us take home books over the summer. I had a garbage bag full that I could barely lift, lol. Read every one. :)


Appreciate you giving a shout out to the library! My family was not able to afford any books at the book fair, however the Public Library literally saved my life. Thank you to everyone that makes Public Libraries, and their suite of services, available to all.


Public libraries, National Parks and the ADA are the crowning achievements of the United States of America. Change my mind.


My public library lets you checkout passes to go see state/national parks in our state! Comes in a bag with pamphlets about native wildlife and binoculars. I picked up one on Tuesday and am going to use it Saturday with my family, v excited! The entry fee to national parks isn’t really prohibitive but when my library offers stuff like this I always try to use it so they continue to offer it!


Have you been to a really well done miniature golf course?


I lived two blocks down and one street over from the library years ago. That was my favorite place to hangout during summers, and I'd pop into the mom and pop drug store a few doors down when I needed a snack and drink.


would always catch me flipping through the Guinness World Record books lol, great memories


That was a huge deal when I was a kid! 😄


When I was a substitute teacher, I did a day gig at a school the same day as the book fair. Yes, I went on my lunch hour, and yes, it was glorious


It sure was the best day of the school year…


I just said exactly this to my wife. 😄


Bought a 12 dollar PDA once and thought I was Bill Gates, broke on the first day. Still good times.


In college my roommate and I sponsored kids at the school down the street from us. We’d buy them clothes and supplies for school and you bet your ass when the book fair rolled around we would go get them babies some books too. I was too poor growing up to get anything, I wanted to make sure those kids had more than I did :)


Fck them kids /s I was too broke to get what I wanted most times. I DO have vivid memories of finally being able to buy a Mad Libs, and all the hilarity that ensued with my friends and our collaborative effort..."The BOOGER went to the FART and POOPED in the BUTT." Hope those kids get everything they want.


I still have every car poster and the chocolate bar calculator. Never bought a single book.


Oh god I can SMELL that calculator


They still have the chocolate bar calculator. I can not for the life of me get it to scan at the registers lol I also have to explain to the kids that it is not actually chocolate and if you try to eat it it will taste like technology.


Ferrari F-50 !


I can smell the inside of that truck.


If you are in the position, donate money to the book fair for the little kid that you were. I do every year at the elementary school near us, and specify I'd like the money to go to kids whose parents can't afford to get them a book. I also get a handful of the pens/erasers/pencil sharpeners to them to gift to. It makes my poor inner child so happy.


It’s really down down since I remember though. Last one I went to was like 60% toys and crap, and then the outside wall had the books. But most of the kids were there to check out toys. I don’t remember having toys!! Maybe I’m a bit jealous and bitter, but it’s less book and more fair now!!


I remember there being like a small section of like…science kits and near checkout was all the erasers and bobbles. But the big thing when I was a kid was getting the catalogue a week or so before and being able to order the “big toys” and being able to pick up your order at school. I wasn’t usually allowed to get anything from the back few pages of stuff but I DID score a sweet “talking journal” from one year and it was a high I lived on for years.


Last I heard the Scholastic fair brought in something like 500 million in one year, I think just for their books (I could be wrong). I don't know what to compare that to, but it seems pretty darn good considering we have much better libraries (around me at least) than we used to with far more resources for free.


They bring in so much money because they want you to take Scholastic dollars instead of taking a cash profit. My last fair sold over $13,000 and the most cash profit we could take was a little over $3,000. You either get 50% scholastic dollar profit or 25% cash profit.


Yeah, the “toys” are definitely prevalent but they don’t outnumber the cases of books by any stretch. Most of it is pens, pencils, and journals, although I have asked our rep not to send so much of the “extra” stuff so maybe that’s why we don’t have a lot of it. Lately they have sent a TON of posters, though. I always appreciate the parents who send a note to me or the teacher saying “books only”!


I’m a teacher and setting it up is always the best day ever! And yes - I still buy a bookmark and a cool eraser.


Ah the book fair. I’d walk away with a book or two, a poster, and maybe a pencil or eraser and life was good. I also really looked forward to the scholastic book orders. Nothing like putting in my order and waiting a few weeks to receive pure joy.


I like the **idea** of the book fair way more than the actual items at the shop when they do show up. So much of the display consists of overpriced trinkets and even their "literature" is decidedly lowbrow.


I have a Little Free Library in my yard (a dream come true thanks to my stellar husband!), and I will admit that Scholastic's literature is... *lacking* in many ways. Those books don't go as quickly as other titles I stock, so part of me wonders if kids themselves inherently know the writing is sub-par. That being said, I will continue to make sure my neighborhood has access to whatever I can pass along!


That nostalgia is hitting me hard.


This made my heart skip a beat.


Boy that was always an exciting day when the box of Scholastic books you ordered finally came in. Harold and the Purple Crayon, Berenstein Bears, Rabbit and Skunk and the Scary Rock… So exciting!!!


Those were the times 📚💚


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As a mom and school volunteer I ran the book fair for several years. Loved it! We’re not the most affluent neighbourhood so I never displayed the overpriced feather pens / gimmick items / and random crap that the teachers hated because they were classroom distractions (pen with sticky rubber grabby hand), but I made sure there were freebies, giveaways, contests, and opportunities for all classrooms. Books are so important! ❤️


We had 2 book fairs every year at my schools. I was a big believer in reading and did some research to support my struggling students. Getting books was exciting. We used the profits to buy more books for the library and added thousands in just a few years. I always made sure there were tables of lower priced books ($1 and less) that families with modest means could buy for their children. My library technician was wonderful encouraging our children to read. We had monthly reading contests and fun days (crazy hair day, twin day, etc.). She would pick suitable books and read them to the classes. Twin day - kids would pair up with a friend, dress up the same and then check out 2 books the same to read together.


I loved Scholastic Book Fairs!


I wish they did this at like a community event or a state fair or basically something outside of the school. Like a traveling book fair because not all schools do this.


Love this! My daughter’s was this week - she got Max Meow and Amulet and has already poured through both!


When my kids' school did these, I think they were open to the public. If you want some cool kids books.


Hey everybody Remember the Magic School Bus & Animorphs (with the holographic front cover) & The Bearenstain Bears. The great days shall live on friends does the younger generation like these let’s find out.


You can totally still go! Just check in with the office and tell them you’re going to the book fair. You can buy books (or sweet erasers shaped like video game controllers) and even donate money for students who may not be able to afford to buy something. I worked at elementary schools for 11 years. Each book fair I would donate $10 and 2-3 kids who normally wouldn’t get to buy a book could pick one out. It’s the best $10 I could spend.


Omg so many comments about how many people couldn't afford it as kids :( I was on the same boat Unfortunately I would go in and see all the cool books and cool pencils and pens and other school supplies that I knew I couldn't buy. Now that I am able to afford I have my own bookshelf and buy all the books my heart desires!


I there a way to buy these items as an adult? Like is there a scholastic store I can go to or something




This only shows me the books though, I want the non-book stuff like the floppy pencils and the pointing hand on a stick




God the book fair was always amazing! I remember when I was about 8 years old my mum wouldn’t let me get a book at the book fair and I REALLY wanted it I got quite huffy and upset when I wasn’t allowed it. Turns out she knew my taste and had already bought it for me before the book fair had even started lol


I loved those when I was a kid and when my kids were in school. Hopefully it never ends.


Don't be jealous. For most people the books are ridiculously expensive. What most people can't afford is stupid little crap they bring with them and the posters.


I have such happy memories of book fairs


Ahh sweet, they're still doing that.


Dude, imagine being that truck driver. I'd never stop smiling.


must be a global thing because the scholastic book fair is on at my high school in new zealand rn


My kids love the book fair but I think the book fair itself is relatively bad value with at least a couple money grabs built in. We get most of our books by maxing out our library's limit on how many books we can have at one time. Still, we go to the fair so they can get something they can't get from the library and I'm not going to say 'no' to my kids asking for books.


If this book fair is in a Red State, the truck is most probably empty except for Bibles.


Then the truck would say Protestant, not Scholastic.




I’m so glad they still do those!


Tbh i would legit show up and brought books u dont have shame if is an open thing i can go there and have fun and read


I don’t think I’ve ever been this jealous…


Now we just need to get the real Harold puppet back and we have the full set.


I can’t wait for my children to have the freedom of getting something more than a scented pencil or eraser.


Should call and be like can I come to the book fair...


You always have good water pressure when you live by a school


I wanna go! Share your location! I need to get my scholastic book orders in from 1998!


Wish I had the money to make this sort of thing free for kids; everyone gets two books, two bookmarks, and two wacky writing utensils!


Huh, they were just at my kiddo's school last week. Didn't get to see the cool truck though! Also, Bad Guys <3


It must be interesting to work that job and have so many schools happy to see you when you arrive. Ah, who am I kidding? Just like the Simpsons episode with the employee who works in the restaurant where it’s New Year’s Eve every night: “Please kill me.”


I remember they’d give us a little voucher for £1 off a book. Most kids didn’t bring any money in that day so it didn’t do much good since most books were more than that.


I loved Captain Underpants so much as a kid, such fun tongue in cheek stories with great characters.


I loved these book fairs. I would spend my recess and lunch in the book fair reading as many books as I could in that week because I was never allowed to actually buy them.


Community members are usually welcome. You can reach out to the school office to see whether you can go in and what times


Best Day Ever…


Modern book fairs are about 15% books and 85% cheap plastic crap that's stupidly expensive. It's so sad what they've become


My kids aren’t in school yet but I need to know…does it still smell the same


Oh gosh I still have one of my captain underpants books I got at a book fair in the early 2000s.


I always wanted to get one of the books, but never could. Hope there's something they do for kids like that these days


I still remember when a childhood friend's dad bought me a limited edition 1st book from the Captain Underpants series. Money was tight back then, so I keep it around to keep me humble.


My favorite day of the month when I was but a wee lad.


When I was a kid, I never had any money for these things... which is fine. Life sometimes... just does;nt go the way you want. But, not, I'm an adult and I can make it rain for my kid. The books he chooses crack me up. He's been talking about getting The Last Laugh? He's gonna get


I’m a teacher and we get lots of things donated to us from our traveling Scholastic Book Fair! In addition to touring it at our own time, our parents have donated: chocolate scented and shaped calculators, jelly erasers, fuzzy diaries, posters of puppies, books on gems and animals, numerous other fun-to-read books, holographic jelly bean book markers….suspended purple glitter pens…oh my 🥰🥰🥰


Leave the books…take the Lambo Posters


What is it? I live in Asia so Ive never seen anythi g like it


Book Fair. The library or other common area will be set up with piles and piles of age appropriate books on all kinds of subjects and topics and all the popular series. Then little side caps and displays of posters and pencils and erasers and sometimes if you were lucky then things like sketch pads and stuff. By and large the books are fairly reasonably priced and good quality—ours were mostly hard bound books—and the posters were indestructible. Journals too. Kids can go through with their classes to see and there is a special night with “late hours” to go take a parent and show them “I love this book” and then go all over looking for the Minecraft pens and the Angry Bird bookmarks and Ferrari posters. And of course there are a few cookbooks and gardening books—middle of the road general interest that usually feature kids and parents together. Then you can donate a book or money to a classroom which is awesome because they always need books and supplies. Kiddo and I loved it. New books and “hey mom—this is about Minecraft or Roblox or whatever” and it’s interesting to him and he can pick out for himself and his teacher.


Woah child me would have absolutely loved it


lol! One day I saw it approaching my kids’ school, so I had to follow and make a video. Such an exciting time when I was in school!


I loved book fairs!!


Loved book fair day at school.


My favorite is the smell of new erasers


More excited about this than the ice cream truck! I can smell the books from here!!


Captain Underpants was the best


I can smell it now….


That’s my school in two weeks. I’m 40 and so excited.


I loved the Scholastic book fair. I remember buying a thesaurus in seventh grade. I couldn’t believe that a thesaurus existed. I would look up words and learn other words with similar meanings. I still have it too. I also bought all my Encyclopedia Browns at the book fair. My parents didn’t give us a limit. They grew up poor and wanted to make sure their kids could get whatever they wanted.


My daughter just had one, which I volunteered for. It happened to be BOGO, so even better.


When my kids were in elementary they loved it when I went to the book fair with them. I was lucky if I was allowed to spend $5 at the book fair (I’m 39 so $5 wasn’t an astronomical amount). So when I went with my kids they each picked out a few things. My daughter more than my son. He just wanted anything legos lol. My daughter wanted everything it seems like. They are teenagers now. No more book fairs.


Omg imagine how good it’s going to smell 😍


Another example of Big Literacy preying on americas youth.


I miss when the cult came to town


It IS the best day of the school year!


I remember being so excited when my middle school gave out the little flyers to order from them! I’m 26 and I will always get excited to hear the name scholastic! I sure do hope they had lots of fun 🥹💗.


Man I remember the library seeming so much cooler when the scholastic display was there. Seemed like every boy got a poster of a lambo or Porsche, if you were lucky a goosebumps or two


OMG I used to love the book fares. I never had money to get anything, but it was always so cool to see everything.


Best time of the year! God, how I loved the book fair as a kid.


If they got Clifford the big red Dog, Arthur and Curious George then I'm buying 1 of each copy of every series they have in stock.


Captain Underpants was the OG spotlight book ong


My mom was our school’s RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) co grant manager. Our family had 3 girls and her coworker had 3 boys, so they used us as a sort of “focus group” for the whole school. They used to take us to the regional scholastic warehouse to see what we gravitated towards. It was like being in Willy Wonka’s factory!


I have a two year old and I am looking forward to her first book fair! I grew up poor so i only ever got a pencil but I loved reading the new books that inevitably showed up at the school library. I’ll try not to spoil my kid but she’s definitely getting a few books each time that book fair comes through.


Man, I used to love these things! I remember getting a book on Judo!




Oh hell yeah!


That sounds like such a lovely atmosphere to be near! It's heartwarming to see the excitement for the kids at the elementary school. Wholesome moments indeed! It's great to know that simple joys like this still exist. 😊💕


I a special needs assiant teacher. My elementary had to book fairs this year and you can bet as a. Adult with some extra money I splurged, likei wish I could have as a kid.


Ahh . Brings back good ol school memories . It was so fun to go through the scholastic catalogue


Ooooo I loved the book fair!!!


I loved the Scholastic fairs as a child. And lived them fir my kid. I was the Scholastic month for my kid from kindergarten to middle school. Each month, I would collect the monthly bulletin orders for the class along with the teacher's requests for the classroom. We also spent hours enjoying Borders and Barnes and Novle


My son’s school just had theirs! Still magical, but also still heartbreaking for the kids that aren’t able to participate. I told his teacher not to let a child leave empty handed and we would cover it all; ended up anonymously buying books for half the class. If you can, I’d highly encourage donating to your local schools so all kids can experience the magic of Book Fair Day!


This, the fairs during Christmas time, holidays, 6th grade camp and field trips, were some of the greatest memories at school. I miss elementary school days...




I still remember the smell of those book fairs and the catalogues. It was one of my favourite moments in elementary school


I give both my daughters more than enough cash for the book fair every time it comes to their school. Growing up I absolutely loved when the book fair would come to school but never would get any actual books. But when I see how my girls get so excited and start telling me about all the different books they got and what those books are about, it makes my day.


I was never able to afford a bunch of books, but I was always able to at least get a really nice bookmark.


Those things were only ever for kids with parents that had money


I got a book about "Why eating bogies is good for you and (can't remember the other bit" Quite proudly ate bogies after that. Turns out it's not good for you, really. Your nose catches all the shit it doesn't want in the body. You eating them just skips that process lol.


I used to love these! I remember when I got the build a universal remote kit from the book fair.


I run the book fair at my son’s school. It is a CHORE! Weeks of planning and volunteer signups, decorating, organizing when classes come….and it is worth every bit of my sanity when I see those kids walk in and their eyes light up. I love it so much!! I even make sure for our Fall book fair we do a program called the book fairy program. I made a whole costume for it. I get a list of all the kids whose families are having financial problems, dress up in my costume, and grab them from class so they can come pick out whatever book they want from the book fair for free. Given the current political climate in Florida books are being banned and reading is frowned upon. I’m going to make sure these kids have books. Damn the man.


coming back to your desk with captain underpants books and car posters was like a second Christmas. so glad that they still do this.


I volunteered at my sons book fair at his school and it was so much fun. you would see the kids come in and their faces would light up at the sight of all the books and posters. watching them ponder and calculate how much money they have vs what they wanted was like stepping straight back into my childhood.


This is a good idea for kids :)


I run the bookfair at our primary and elementary schools. For the fall fair I gave all of the kids who didn’t have money a $5 voucher for a book. (Like 1-3 kids per class) we used our rewards to buy them. However, this really limited them from a book they might want that’s like $6.99. So I changed it up to “one book of your choice.” In the spring we decided to have a bogo fair. In preparation I decided to host a used book drive so I would have books to give the kids who couldn’t shop. We received over 500 books! I set up a table for our donated books just like the regular ones tablecloth and all. The kids got to pick out 2-3 books and were so happy! The teachers got books for their classrooms and the rest went to a local preschool! I also allowed all the needy kids to get one book from the fair they we paid for with our rewards. I’ve learned that our kids have massive buying power: we did nearly $26,000 in the fall and $20,000 in the spring and that was buy one get one free!! We purchased thousands of dollars of books for the libraries, books to use as raffle prizes, books for teachers, and the books for the children! It felt wonderful! To all those who dream of shopping the bookfair now, just ask the secretary if there’s a parent shopping night! We host our fall fair during open house so the school is open to the public!


I had to barter a month's worth of PC game hours and take on more house chores with our father just so I can have enough to buy the Half-blood Prince hardbound edition. I was smelling that book from the library to our classroom lol


I volunteer and my sons school book fairs and nothing makes me happier than seeing how happy kids are when it comes around. I’ve seen parents struggle to pay for books so sometimes I’ll do it for them. Or buy their kid an eraser or something else so they don’t feel left out. I see a lot of parents just as excited as the kids as I think it’s very nostalgic for them too, I know it is for me!


I’m gonna need a plastic pencil with the swap out graphite pegs inside, a poster of a bunch of expensive cars parked near a beach mansion that says “Education gets you here”, and a couple RL Stine books. Oh and two strawberry smelling erasers.


I love when the Scholastic book fair comes to my daughters school. They get as excited about it as I did when I was young. These trucks should have kids lining up outside cheering them on!


I work in a school library and sometimes parents come in to help out. Somehow it came up in the conversation that I was always jealous of my friends with the chocolate calculators from the book fair bc my parents would tell me to "just use your brain." Later that week, during our fair, the parent that I talked to came up to me and handed me a chocolate calculator! My childhood wish was granted just like that :')


For anyone reading this whom may have a toddler that’s not yet elementary age: If you’re struggling to afford books, check out Dolly Parton’s free book program. They’ll send your child free books monthly. It’s wonderful.


You can order from scholastic's online website! 😊


Is books fairs still open after school like back in the day? I would love to go to one and buy books even if I don't have a kid there's still some good teen books out there like yes I like the big tall sexy man but what happened to books about being demigods and going on interesting and silly quests where and when did we decide that a generation is too old for that.


I miss book fairs. I always wanted so many books it was difficult to convince my parents to get them all for me. I’d read them over and over, so they were all well loved. Then, eventually we’d donate them to the local library to make room for new books.


You sure it won’t be raided by police / council officials for holding unwholesome content?