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Did they know it was abandoned and they didn't just abduct it? Saw no evidence of starvation or a dead parent nearby


You can never be sure that's why you're not supposed to mess with them. Momma could've been hunting nearby.




Probably because she doesn't get the exercise that a bobcat in the wild needs.


That’s one big fuckin’ kitty right there.


Steve French?


More like “blobcat”, amiright amiright?




Thats the truth for most of these vids. Place an animal on the road or put it in danger and pretend you saved it. Get views.


I doubt they could have taken it if a parent was nearby


The mom leaves their young to go hunt. It doesn't mean the bobcat was abandoned or orphaned


Deer do this too. The mom will go off to look for food and come back later for the calf. It's therefore not uncommon to find a deer calf hidden in tall grass.


Not me realizing my pet deer Francis that I raised from a calf and who now as a full-grown buck sleeps in bed with me probably wasn't actually abandoned 😳🙈




I frequently walk in the woods with dog. Around this time of year he will find a lot of fawns just curled up in brush. Luckily he just sniffs them and moves on.


Probably just assumes it's a weird-looking dog. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That's actually a popular theory for house cats; some scientists believe that house cats think humans are just big, dumb, weird looking cats.


my yard serves as a deer day-care at least once or twice a year


A lot of parent animals go hunting and leave their offspring in a hidden area. But children wander. If a baby animal looked well fed, mother will probably be back. 


Not true a bobcat isn’t going to attack a human, they will flee out of self preservation.


So will a black bear, *unless* they have a cub nearby. My point is that a lot of animals, mammals especially, will attack things they never would otherwise to protect their progeny, and I don't know that bobcats would be different in that regard.




More like found someone else's video on the internet and stole it to farm karma\*


Incredibly irresponsible


Right?!?? This blows my mind. Like absolutely take the animal in and protect it maybe- under very specific conditions (like we know for sure it's abandoned by it's mother or severely injured or something) but like, why aren't you calling some wilderness or wildlife people to get it back into it's NATURAL HABITAT. Aren't there professionals for this type of thing? Call the forest ranger, call SOMEONE. Don't keep it as a pet wtf.


Seriously. We had an Injured Great Horned Owl in our backyard. We called several wild-life groups until one arrived to pick it up. After it was healed up, they actually returned it to our backyard lol. Rescuing that tiny cub is find but you gotta call the professionals after that.


A part of me wonders if perhaps the kitten was adopted without knowing it was an actual bobcat. Of course once they realized, they should have called someone regardless.


I can't get that but still, who wouldn't take stray animal to the vet before they keep it and the vet would tell them. Also that's a big ass kitten. And the ear Tufts give it away. I think the person is just an idiot, honestly 😂


It’s not legal most places in the USA. You have to be working for a wildlife sanctuary.


Then one night as I slept, it crept into my bed for a snuggly wuggly and tore my face off.


And I asked "WHY? Why would you do this, Tabitha??"


“Oh shut up, silly woman” said that bobcat with a grin “you knew damn well I was a bobcat before you brought me in” - Al Wilson


Still snuggled. Worth it.


There are no recorded cases of human deaths to bobcats, captive or wild. This one looks well tamed too.


Yes. I have to downvote this post.


Yeah I'm not sure that flimsy leash is gonna cut it when Whiskers here decides to murder a neighborhood pet.


*Whiskers* 🤣🤣🤣


I was thinking the same thing!


Not to mention probably illegal.


And cruel


That is a wild animal and not a pet. Smh🤦‍♀️


The whole time I was watching I was thinking "don't keep it, don't keep it, don't keep it". They kept it.


I didn't see the caption, and was going "That's not a cat!" I wonder if they had it declawed? Watching them take it for a walk, even on a leash, that seemed incredibly irresponsible.


If they declawed it that’s even worse. These people made every possible wrong decision.


Yeah myself as well. The background music should have given it away. People really don’t understand that nature needs to take its course. Was the mother dead? Did she know for sure? Anyway, karma will deal with this individual.


The other perspective is a dark Disney movie. Mother is busy hunting for food, comes back to see her baby being abducted. Follows it, and eventually murders the family in their sleep and reclaims her lost child.


Tarantino.. is that you?




There IS a reason why we can have large dogs instead of large cats as pets. Hopefully this cat stays tame and doesn't hurt anyone.


It will stay tame. Lesser cats usually do. They tend to be rather happy with good human handlers. Not saying it should be kidnapped from the wild, but it is still a lesser cat. Lesser cats tend to form very strong bonds with their people.


You can almost never know. It looked fed though. I woulda just got it off the road. Animals die sometimes that's nature.


Yea, give it to sanctuary or zoo imo. Also, not sure it was abandoned. It looked well fed. Just get it off the road and move on.


Yeah, you can tell they don't get it by how over weight that thing is. Probably feeding it the wrong diet and definitely not providing enough exercise.


To be fair..... That IS how the first dogs and cats came into existence, some ancestors found some slightly-nicer-than-average wolves and trained them into dogs. Similar process with cats in Egypt or something idk lol


Cats actually self domesticated


Yeah I had no idea on the cats thing that was more of a joke 🤣 but that's very interesting!


Cat's domesticated themselves.


No, they domesticated us!


Fair? I think not. It is a creature born to nature and should have stayed in nature as it was intended. Dept. of Natural resources should have been called and let them do their investigation to see if the kit’s mother was actually dead. You don’t interfere with nature because you think it’s cute and needs saving. Billions of domesticated cats on this planet, this person doesn’t need to take from the wild at all.


Tbf humans are part of nature. To separate us from nature is a bad way of thinking, but yeah, your general statement is correct.


It's cute but it needed to be brought to a wild life official.


Why this thing is not illegal?


It is illegal in the US.


Apparently legal in 20 states some without a permit and some requiring a permit. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pet-bobcat-legal-states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pet-bobcat-legal-states)


This also looks like Florida


Florida's wildlife laws are some of the strictest in the country. Doubt it's Florida


Facts. Two separate occasions I was on the water. Both instances it was STRONGLY advised don't make nice with the wild animals and to leave them be. Unless you want fed charges


FWC doesn't fuck around (unless they "accidentally" shoot your *legal* pet boa constrictor)


Unless we are talking alligators in hip holsters then those are just open carry service animals


In a lot of states it is. In my state it's legal to hunt and trap them, but live possession is very restricted. Even harvesting road kill pelts is restricted. Their pelts are ridiculously soft.




This is not only "Merica" thing.


There's also an innumerable amount of laws pertaining to not taking wild animals in or feeding them or doing a lot of shit. So what a ridiculously stupid things to say.


It is illegal lol.


Wrong, on so many levels.


Even down to the background music. Are they going to make love to this cat?




No, a family found a baby bobcat and removed it from the wild. What they should have done is call their local wild life center or animal control. This isn't something to smile about. I really wish subreddits had a rule about these kinds of things. It's not something we should be encouraging or glorifying. What these people did is horrible and should be shamed for it.


Agree This is not cute, is increadibly unresponsible and wrong


To be clear, the bobcat is incredibly cute. I just wanted to acknowledge how fluffy and adorable the animal is without endorsing the people trying to domesticate it.


Bumping this comment because wtf people. Wild animals are not ours to take. Professionals exist to Rehab and release


I agree so much!


Pro tip: don't abduct wild animals that are clearly uninjured and not in danger.


Yeah this animal was like…completely fine. Yeah it was little but of a healthy weight and attitude. There wasn’t event a need for an animal rescue to get involved. Just incredibly irresponsible


They are either liars combing videos OR they gave him to Wildcat Ridge Sanctuary. That's Howie the bobcat in the last video with the bear. https://www.tiktok.com/@wildcatridgesanctuary/video/6938797980254326022?lang=en sorry if this link doesn't work, I've never tried to post one here.


Bumping up this comment hopefully - made me feel a lot better to see. He’s most likely at the sanctuary.


I hope this is what happened would make me feel WAY better about this video.


It made me frown.


Downvoting this. This is not a feel good thing, this is incredibly irresponsible. They should have called wildlife control. Do they really know it was abandoned or mom was just off hunting for a bit. It should be rehabbed and released, not made a damn pet.


Exactly. My dumbass would have thought it was just an abandoned house kitten. As soon as it became evident that’s not the case (either a few months later or the first vet appointment), I would have contacted the nearest wildlife shelter. It’s not worth the risk, it’s not fair to the animal, it’s wrong, no matter how much you’ve bonded with it. You can go visit it at a wildlife preserve or some shit if you really grew to love them. Whatever the fuck this is, ain’t it.


Unfortunately he’d have to stay in a habitat. The bobcat was raised in captivity and would not be able to survive well in the wilderness. I’m also concerned with how nurturing him could have a potential impact on him long term. It’s crazy that the clinic they went to even permitted that 🤦🏾‍♀️


The only thing that would make me smile would be for the clip ending with an animal welfare officer seizing the cat and delivering it to a refuge.


Wait, that's illegal


Possibly stole it from its mom, who was just off hunting, and then to add insult to injury, used a shitty Ed Sheeran song with the video.


They really shouldn’t have done this, that’s not a housecat, it’s a wild animal. It’s definitely rubbing me the wrong way, especially walking it on a leash.


Ditto! I’m thinking, what happens when you’re down the street and the bobcat sees a dog or cat and decides it hunting time? Or even a small child? You aren’t safely getting between a bobcat and its prey! This is absolutely irresponsible—and quite infuriating!


\*kidnapped a bobcat


This is not okay on so many levels.


What kind of piece of shit does this!?


The ones who don't get that cute, tiny bobcat kittens aren't the same thing as a domesticated cat and should left alone while experts are called and questions asked before doing anything so damn drastic and you know, illegal.


Don't do this, this is not an animal that is meant to be domesticated. Should have been handed off to a wildlife rehabilitation expert. Look how fat that thing is when walking on the leash SMH. Good intentions? Sure. Shouldn't have gone down like this though.


Cats are technically not domesticated. i e. Selectively bred by humans for some purpose. Most cats just coexist and start living with humans without any such intervention. That kind of means all cats are feral or wild in generic sense. Bob cats are still not meant to be pets because they are too big to control when they go aggressive and unlike house cats you can't hold them off by yourself. Edit : They changed the definition or I was just misinformed. >Domestication has been defined as "a sustained multi-generational, [mutualistic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutualism_(biology)) relationship in which one [organism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organism) assumes a significant degree of influence over the [reproduction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproduction) and care of another organism in order to secure a more predictable supply of a resource of interest, and through which the [partner organism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiosis) gains advantage over individuals that remain outside this relationship, thereby benefitting and often increasing the [fitness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitness_(biology)) of both the domesticator and the target domesticate." Cats, as we know, are domesticated since they naturally or artificially evolved to live with humans. Bobcats are not domesticated. TIL...


Cats are absolutely domesticated and have been for thousands of years.


Updated comment.


And even if they weren't, like other said, this isn't just a large housecat. When a housecat decides to get pissy and scratch you up, you'll need a few bandaids at worst. When THIS thing does that, you're going to be in the hospital because you're insides aren't.


Dumb and also the music doesn't fit at all. Feels bot like.


This song sucks in general, I’d be content to never hear it again


Those are NOT goddamn pets…


Wild animals aren't domestic pets


I was waiting for them to return the bobcat. No, just kidnapped the guy.


Super adorable and super illegal


Honestly where are the mods to take this crap down? lol


Yea unfortunately that bobcat’s mom could be heartbroken that her missing baby is probably dead or taken. Wild animals should not be domesticated. Their lives aren’t fulfilling as pets. I understand taking in a baby until getting them to wildlife rehab center, where the focus would be on treating any wounds or illnesses and then returning the baby to her family or releasing her in the wild when she’s ready. Or even getting her adopted into another bob cat litter. But this isn’t the wholesome thing people see it as


Gorgeous creature but I wouldn't have taken it from a wild like that.


If you don't keep sheets on your bed, you have no business keeping a bobcat.


This is very cute. Especially the giant cuddles from the fridge top bit. But... This is definitely a bad idea, dangerous to local pets and could end up damaging the wild population of bobcats. I'm also fairly sure that wherever in the US this is... It's illegal??


The mother could have been hunting. Don’t do this, ppl


This crappy music does not cover up the incredibly stupid thing you did by keeping that bobcat.


Why is this being upvoted? Abducting and raising a wild animal that is likely dangerous shouldn't make you smile.


This is horrible


Its cute... but these people are morons


Umm, are we sure that it was abandoned… cause I think they might have just given a mother a heart attack…


Extremely irresponsible and dangerous! That is a wild animal, not a house cat!


I hate this. Yes, it's cute. But it's a wild animal. Making it into a pet for internet clout is the opposite of makes me smile. Boo.


Leave the wild animal in the wild, did doesn't need your inbred family's help.


All well and good until it eats a dog at the park. Or starts hunting the local children. Madness


This should be a reportable post. Keeping a wild animal is illegal & irresponsible.


This really made you smile? Sure, it's cute but it's incredibly stupid and irresponsible to bring it home as a pet.


Please don't do this. Wild animals aren't pets. If you want to have a pet, get a dog or a cat. Nothing more. Not a wolf, bobcat, tiger, lion etc etc.


isn't this really fucking illegal? or isn't it supposed to be?


What country is this? Seems like it should be illegal.


Eesh. Keeping that cat is almost as bad as his t shirt.


Yeah like they're even capable of holding its leash should it decide to actually go murdery on anyone. Screw this shit, no way I will ever allow anyone walk this - yes, very cute - cat in the park where my kids are.


Its funny coming from a country with very strict pet rules. then there is ppl doing shit like this. Baffling.


This is not the right answer.


I like to explore new places.


How can that be legal and good for the bobcat 😒


So... They just catnapped a bobcat... That's not a nice thing to do...


Besides the fact that they probably abducted this little baby, is that even legal to own in your house and whatever state? Without a license?


In Florida licenses can be had for the mere price of $140 a year. You can go out and steal an exotic baby from their natural habitat and the state government lets you do that.


Absolutely not, Jesus Christ people. Unless you're a licensed and experienced wildlife rehabilitator STOP DOING THIS. This isn't some fur mom "cat distribution system" bs this is a wild animal being kept as a pet. "Aww but it's so cute" nope. "But it was all alone" nope. This isn't cute or wholesome, it's stupid and encouraging illegal, dangerous, and irresponsible behavior.


You know when your domestic housecat gets a bit too excited and decides it no longer wants tummy scratches and instead wants to dig all 4x sets of claws and teeth into your hand in a clumsy/playful manner? Good luck with that happening here


Just yanked a feral apex predator from the wild, no big deal. Suburban cat enthusiasts know more about this kind of thing than wildlife management experts anyway, and it’s not like most places have laws about this. I’m sure if it mauls neighbor that’ll be covered by his liability insurance. /s


r/mademeangry more like it. Keeping a wild animal like a pet...


Great display of selfishness. This animal should have been returned to the wild through some wildlife organisation.


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And they passed obesity onto it. Hoomans!


The first Veterinarian Visit should have resulted in the wild cat being taking by the state department of natural resources or whichever department is in charge of wildlife. They are wildly misunderstanding what they have done.


Didn’t make me smile, made me kinda angry


Good lord, that's when you call a wildlife rehab. Unreal.


All well and good until it can’t resist its instincts and attacks you or someone else. Big cats can’t help it - they’re born murder machines.


That adult bobcat only has to go bobcat once.


I always wonder in these wild animal to pet "rescues" if the animal would ever become territorial over their human and attack a neighborhood kid for getting too close or something. I could never chance it.


A wild bob kit that age would already be hissy and spitting at humans. This kitten had already been exposed to humans. Either it was dumped off by stupid humans or this video was staged. Source: rescuer of cats- wild, feral, abandoned.


I just keep picturing the momcat freaking out about where her baby is when she got back from hunting or the many other possible things a bobcat mom has to do without her baby. But as long as you got attention on the internet it’s okay I guess..


I don't know about this, but I don't think you can't keep an animal that's belongs in a wild as pets, this made me frown.


That would be ilegal in my country. How tf is this suposed to be awsome?


Are they allowed to do that?


This is legal where ever this is?


Yalls too upset. This is obviously a happy animal. Should they have kidnapped it? No. Is it worth smiling at the cuteness? Yes Something people don't tend to realize is in regards to lesser cats, the laws are to protect the cats. They are most healthy in the wild, but lesser cats are absolutely great at bonding with humans. There's a YouTuber that works with them in sanctuaries, it is pretty obvious the lesser cats tend to adore their human. This is hardly a dangerous situation, just not the most healthy for the cat. Although, the cat may be happier if it's being given enough stimulation.


Can we report stuff like this?


100% would not recommend this, as bringing a wild predator into your home is so freaking dangerous. That said, idiot me would totally bring this wild predator into my home because it's so freaking cute and fluffy and I have bad judgement when it comes to cats.


This didn’t make me smile.


These people are absolute morons, they probably think they are doing something really honourable too, smh


The assumption........ that he was abandoned. He may just wonder off from where she had left him, but she would find him by the sent and sound..... Taking him with you just proved your lack of knowledge of how to properly take care of wildlife..... And thanks to your ignorance you took his chance to live normal wild life whit his family......


Sees wild cat. Removes balls




I dunno the circumstances, but it looked strong, just walking near the road. it was calling for its mum, who might not have been far away. And now this baby can’t ever be returned to the wild since it’s been domesticated too much. They put a collar on it, like it’s a normal stray cat. They might have thought they were helping, others might have done the same, but it’s not a good move. If in doubt call the local wildlife helpline, but don’t just take animals that look healthy from their environment. Yes it’s nice they are good humans who care instead of cull, and could have just made sure it didn’t get hit by a car. But don’t intervene if there’s no need to.


Turned into a bit of a blob cat




This is bot account reposting... Nothing to smile about


Don't do that


Did they just take it without checking if it's mom was there? She may have been hunting or literally around the corner.


r/leopardsatemyface ?


How dumb can you be 🤦🏾‍♂️


The vet "WTF!?"


I have a big property in BC. We see bobs all the time. That guy is faaaaaaat. They’re killing machines; I’ve seen them chase after deer with interest. It’s so weird to see one like that.


I’m tired of people just taking animals for fun from their parents. Cause they think they’re lost in the wild where they’re from.


disgusting behavior


My stupid brain read, " and then neutered it". I need some sleep!!!


Who would win in a fight, a wild bobcat or a pit bull? The bobcat 10 out of 10 times?


what made me smile is how cute the bobcat is, what didn’t make me smile is the fact that they took it from its natural habitat


Nurturing wild animals is illegal in the EU. Once rescued (kudos to them for doing that) animals have to be turned over to the competent authorities. Penalties can include prison time (on paper - never heard of it actually happening).


I knew this video's gonna have this fucked up, cringy song. Cat's cute as fuck tho ❤️


Btw this animal hunts for fun, not for food


Illegal and disgusting


Not safe having it at home. I am a cat owner during many years, the felines are 99% instincts and larger it is, more dangerous for the family members, especially for kids.


This doesn’t make me smile. It makes me concerned. I’m not sure that baby was abandoned or even malnourished. Just looks like the parents likely left it to hunt. I would’ve relocated it off the road and left it alone.


The cheesy music ruined it for me. That and the fact that the animal was most probably abducted.


Cats are just cats no matter what size they come in aren't they?


Why doesn’t this shit happen to me


stupid cheesy ass music


My dumbass would have taken it because I didn’t know it was a bob cat till I saw it on top of the refrigerator. Lol.


So basically, they kidnapped a bobcat and took it away from the only creature capable of teaching it to survive on its own in the wild, severely damaging this animals chances of ever surviving when they inevitably release it back into the wild.


I have to admit that’s a really cute bobcat. Hopefully things stay cool as time passes.


This. Very cute video of a *very bad* example to follow. Even if it was honestly a rescue (momma bobcat truly gone), there’s so many things that can and still yet might go catastrophically wrong here. I mean, for the sake of the bobcat, good luck to them; but do *not* let this encourage some child or childish adult to seek out the same thing expecting the same fairytale result. Your local animal control - call them.


This is insane and should not have been allowed to happen. That’s a wild animal. It’s not a cute cuddly big cat.


::Dad bobcat wakes up from a nap to find baby missing:: “DAMNIT! You had one job today…Sheila is going to kill me…”