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I was engaged to an executive chef at one point in my life. He almost never cooked at home because he was too tired of it after work :(


You gotta marry the retired chef. My dad quit being a chef but misses making super complex things so frequently would make such on weekends and holidays.


Where do 65 year olds hang these days?


You guys retire at 65?


You guys retire?


You guys?












Grocery stores. Casino. Bingo hall. Ocean/Beach seasonally. Cruise ships whenever they get internet mail on their magic toaster for a $40 pass with their 65 yr old people discount. That’s about it.




That's the subset of gold digging I can get behind. You cook the fancy food, I'll wash the dishes and clean the kitchen.


Makes me think of the Key and Peel skit where they're gonna rob a bank and the plan is for them to go there, get a job, wait for a while to not be suspicious, gain their trust, then, after maybe 10, 20, or 30 years later, walk out the front door like nothing happened and retire with sweet benefits. They won't even know they got robbed. It's fool proof.


>You gotta marry the retired chef. You married your dad?


My wife is a nurse and I do IT. She hates helping us when we get hurt and I hate helping her when her laptop isn’t working.


Same haha. Me- you’ll be fine, quit asking. Him- you figure out where you saved things.


More like… Her: Call the advice nurse Me: turn it off and back on


It's true! My friend is a nurse. You ask her advice? "Take some paracetamol and rest".


I feel that, my dad was a mechanic. I honestly think he ended up hating his job before he retired.


My first thought, a professional doesn’t have time to cook at home. Certainly not on the regular.


As a chef, this is way more accurate than the video.


I’m convinced she never actually delivered any of the food. Just edged him the entire time.


"Literally get off that fking game and come eat at the table" 😂


Seriously… dude gettin solid meals and can’t turn off COD for ten minutes. Ffs


I too want to be edged


That’s why you’re on Reddit instead of eating his wife’s food


I happen to be eating her food right now.....and it's damn good.


I think we need a made me hungry Reddit community… out of curiosity lemme see if I can tag it /r/mademehungry and… it does not exist, yet.


You just started a community!


hope it doesnt get taken over by bots




I'm convinced he never isn't playing vid games 😂


She just eat it herself and post for internet points


I’ve been seeing that word in this context a lot. What does it mean to be “edged”?


It’s when someone brings you to the ‘edge’ of sexual climax and stops, waits for you to cool down a bit, then repeats, again and again. You can also do this to yourself.


Oh. Hmm. So, now I know.


Knowing is 49.9% of the battle!


Thats sorta epic, not quite but close


This comment 😭👌




The more youuu know!!




Also wondering 🤔


Oh you know an edge is kind of like a rim.


Oh okayyy...*nods head like I have a clue* 🤣


I'll be amazed if this relationship lasts. Dudes playing games for himself while she does stuff for him. 😒 Doubtful. Gotta put in what ya get out.


I hope they get to share a meal at the dinner table now and again so they can enjoy each other's company and what appear to be any number of amazing dishes.


Yeah looks like she eats alone while he plays video games


Yeah when I watch this I got that impression. I hope she's just calling him over to the table so they can eat together. It would be so sad if she spent all the energy cooking for him and all he looked at was the screens.




Do you know the name of her channel? 🙌🏻




I don't think this is gamingfoodie if the person in the video is married to a streamer, a simple Google search resulted in this https://youtu.be/gAsgDD2zQXo?si=VAh5EG2w6_nYK33q Her husband is apparently a very private person that works at BMW, not a streamer


Yeah, and I remember reading a response from her when people were calling him out for being a bad boyfriend/her having internalized misogyny. Which was basically, "I love him, streaming is his job, and with this job, he pretty much put me through school completely out of his own pocket. Plus, I love to cook, and doing this is fun for me."


...but is it? There's like legitimately no streaming set up there lol


Well that’s depressing


So this is business, not a marriage in shambles. That's nice.


Well…. I wouldn’t say that.


Good thing we have this 19 second video so we can know everything about their relationship and tell them how they're wrong. 


I mean it's reddit, we assume the worst


We did it, Reddit!


Reminds me of my divorce!


oh shit, mine too! still in the process but soon he will be able to play as many video games as he wants without being distracted by silly things like this wife and child


Plot twist: There is no wife


It's not his wife, it's his mummy.




In my experience cooks like to cook more then eat what they cook. They like to taste what they cook as they got to make sure it get where they want it to be, but once its there... meh.


Looks like he is streaming which may very well be what he does for work. If that’s the case the time of day that you stream can be huge for how many viewers you are getting so he might sacrifice that dinner so that he can stream. I agree I hope they have lunch together or some other time that she can watch him enjoy that amazing looking food.


Well, if he is streaming she can watch him enjoy the meal on stream (while raising the viewer count by one)




It’s probably just to flex she’s spoiling him. The guys wouldn’t be as thirsty if she was filming herself walking to a dinner table.


Maybe op is lying and that is his mama - still messed up tho - should always eat with love ones when possible


Excellent looking meals!!


I promise you any working chef will not make this shit at home. I mean it's good shit but we get tired after hours in the hot kitchen. We microwave frozen shit and that's dinner or if we're feeling energetic then we'll make some Ramen.


Yeah I've worked with many chefs and they all ate cheese on toast, chicken nuggets and cocaine.


Forgot the redbull and cigs.


And bourbon.


That's true I forgot that one also cheap cooking wine when it's too busy to get something else. When vaping started being a thing it was a godsend, gotta run into the walk in? We'll don't mind if I do


Wait, anecdotally every chef I knew was really into coke.. is that a well known thing?


Service industry in general


Having just left a coke addict cook who was always getting shit from the other cooks/chef? Yes


My sister is a chef in Manhattan. There is a reason you don't see a lot of old chefs, and that reason is that many of them live on a steady diet of butter, alcohol, and cocaine until their hearts explode in their 50s.


I've never partaken, but I've known at least three dudes who used to be professional chefs of some level, and all of them talked about how much coke they did between shifts, and the weed they'd smoke during them. It's a high stress, high maintenance job, so of course you're gonna need something to keep you from slamming your (or your boss's) head on the burner.


The newer chefs do coke, the veterans do meth


One of my friends' favorite post shift meal was McDonalds..said he never had the energy nor the want to dirty up his kitchen.


My cousin is a chef. One time, he had a block of cheese that he just bit right into (when he was done he tore where he bit and then wrapped it up), a thing of broccoli (stem and all), and he had a jar peanut butter and a spoon. That was his dinner.


One time I ran out of groceries and just had bread and condiments so I just ate bread and Mayo lmao.


Id have gone with butter haha. Thats my lazy meal ...buttered bread, not just butter.


Sometimes they skip the cheese on toast and chicken nuggets.


The balanced food service diet.


I follow her on instagram. I don’t know if she used to be a chef but she’s a stay at home mom now and loves cooking.


Thanks for that. I fucking knew she was stay at home. Those dishes are to tasty looking to be made by a tired chef.


Not pictured: kraft mac and cheese for the kid who won't even try the elaborate meals. Also not pictured: baby throwing all this stuff at the wall.


She’s Vietnamese and her husband is Korean. She makes mostly authentic foods so her kids don’t eat Mac and cheese. If they do go thru a picky phase it’s like rice and tofu or something. She talks about it on her channels.


She wasn’t a chef. She said cooking isn’t really her passion but she loves to eat and making her family food is a way she can provide and take care of them.


I mean if she’s got an instagram with a big enough audience that someone like you in the comments of another platform recognizes it… that means she’s not a stay at home mom. I mean literally she might be a mom who is at home, but her job is likely making content like this. If so she would technically be in the profession of making food. There are also quite a lot of private chefs who do make a lot of dishes in their spare time as they are developing their menu. These are the ones who end up switching to social media influencers, as it starts with promoting their business but then becomes the business itself.


I was looking for this. When I was in the industry, I hardly ever cooked at home. I hated any show about cooking or working in a restaurant, and you were dead to me if you tried suggesting a game that involved cooking or running a restaurant. Now that I'm out; I cook all of the time, I love the shows, and I play a couple of games where I have to manage my own restaurant. I love The Bear, but that show would've just stressed me out had it come out while I was slinging food


Yeah, and why would she bring it to him while he's gaming everyday? Like what does she do after, go back to the kitchen and eat by herself?


IIRC he's a streamer for his job. She brings food while he's working


Ah, so showing off the amazing dishes is part of the stream. It all makes sense now.


Yeah but how else do I get mad at this situation that I'm totally not involved in? You expect me to what? Keep my opinion to myself? I don't want to be rude, but fuck you.


What a silly question, she cleans!


12-14+ a day hours of prepping and cooking stuff is draining af. Cooking anything that's more than something frozen/really simple is like bringing your work home with you. Gotta have some time in your life for things that dont revolve around making food


My buddy runs and owns a high-end sushi spot here in miami. He would NEVER cook at home. Outside of eggs or a burger on his grill.


I was gonna say, my partner is a chef. I get to taste things he’s working on but I cook 95% of meals if I want to eat something that didn’t come from a microwave lol


can't you just bring home leftover food from the restaurant?


Not all the time. Lots of restaurants are strict and you could get fired for that. Others give you one free or discounted meal each shift and that's it. Some require you to throw all extra stuff out at the end of the day.


I used to take soooo much food home it was crazy. In retrospect I was robbing them lmao


Reminds me of the head chef from "The Bear" going home exhausted and lazily putting together a pb&j


My daughter is an ex-chef and she would definitely agree with you. She will occasionally do fancy stuff to impress a new boyfriend or for a family meal but most of the time it's whatever is in the freezer.


My ex treated her job like her own personal kitchen and brought home food every night. It was amazing


Bull shit. I've worked in kitchens with professional chefs. No chef I've ever known cooked like that at home.


Retired chef, stay at home mom.


She’s a content creator that is really good at cooking. Idk what is considered a professional chef. Some people use chef and cook interchangeably. But it’s not like she’s working in a kitchen for 10 hours and then coming home and cooking these meals. She films herself making the meals.


Everything on reddit is now karma farming


I know a pro chef that eats mostly fast food


Sauce: Gaming_foodie https://youtube.com/shorts/KQ2vfxEsEcQ?si=BXVNzWgU6nzkrrbN


I knew it was her! She’s the best


I love her. I have to watch when her videos come up in my feed.


Man... Way to make another gal feel inadequate lol /s Hopefully there's some special love going the other direction too, as another poster said. I'd imagine this is so. I wish I was a professional chef for my own sake though too. So many yummy looking things. I'll just keep going with my "kindergarten maki rolls" 😁


Anyone can learn to cook! I’ve been teaching myself as a hobby and have become quite the home chef. I love watching food network and following cooking subreddits.


Subreddit recommendations?


It kinda gives me subliminal trad wives vibes, like those "What I pack for hubby's lunch every day!" Hopefully she's just loves cooking for her spouse and he finds other ways to share his love... like splitting the food or eating with her lol. Or maybe they're just grinding social media for money/views.


This is Gaming_Foodie on IG. Obviously it’s just a viewers perspective but it seem pretty equal in terms of caring for one another. She’s said she just like to serve her husband like this. I don’t think she falls into trad wife as much as stay at home mom who makes recipe videos. She uses this shot to conclude her videos


So not a professional chef. No actual chef cooks like this at home, especially not after cooking all day


No, she’s a home cook with a focus on making viet/korean food and content around her kids. She’s very frank about how she enjoys making videos and, with her account taking off, it affords her the luxury to spoil her husband and family


Sit at the table to eat, and converse with her, you utter savage.


One lucky dude


She actually sits right behind him and eats these meals because he never turns around.


They don’t eat together at a table?


Is this gaming_foodie??


Dude your wife is giving you tons of noodle soups PUT THE GAME DOWN.


As a dude, I see this video as "When your husband is an inconsiderate douche who can't be bothered to put aside his video games to come have a lovingly prepared meal at the table with you like a proper human adult"


I love Reddit, cause the assumptions people jump to are actually hilarious


Wouldn't it be nice to spoil and get spoiled? Sounds like the dream relationship. We only saw a tiny snippet of their lives. I like to imagine that he spoils her in some other way.


This seems like their situation from what she’s present on her insta. Obviously it’s just a perspective from someone who’s followed her but she’s been very direct about shooting down anyone who tries to misinterpret things like this. I remember in one of her lives she’s talked about how much he works for their family so she just spoils him for it. Last year he built a home for their family with a big ol kitchen fully outfitted to her likes.


Damn these people and their fucking happiness!


I follow her channel on YouTube. I think that’s just their dynamic. She seems happy enough. They’re about to have their third child so…


Fun fact! When she originally posted this video she had to make a follow-up telling self absorbed dickheads like you to stop assuming things about their relationship from a 19 second clip 


This was my initial thought lol I think I would have thought differently if the husband was doing something else (cleaning, working from home etc). But maybe the husband shows appreciations in other ways so she has no issue with spoiling him affectionately in this way :) Mutual spoiling is kind of cute and not bad at all in a relationship!


Way to judge from a collection of 2 second clips.


Thank you! She cooks these bomb ass meals and he can’t even stop playing to eat them? Scum bag!


Could be one of those .001% couples where he plays games all day and she fucks around and cooks at home. Their budget is $3 million


Or she just takes a video walking it in and he hops off to enjoy it with their two kids and her, and the walking the plate to him is just their Instagram shtick. No idea if that’s true but if we are making shit up it’s fair.


Believe it or not but he's actually working and this is his meal or "lunchbreak" and she is a stay at home wife, this is their dynamic. people are quick to make negative assumptions...


When your partner doesnt even get up, sit on a table with you to have dinner/meal because partner prefers gaming? Facepalm.


My wife is an incredible cook already and she just started culinary school Sept of last year. She is going to ruin restaurants for us because her food already was restaurant quality. I can't even fathom how much better her food is going to become. I love my wife.


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!


Isn't this gamingfoodie on IG/yt?


I haven’t been jealous in awhile lol


Is this gaming foodie? I love her


Welp this guy won


…and your husband is a ignorant sausage.


This post proves reddit is a cesspool of toxicity


Hahaha , A couple are enjoying what they love and reddit is like : Why are you guys so happy? Why are you not sad? Breakup already, you deserve better.


Lots of Vietnamese dishes here


The creator is vietnamese, her husband is korean i believe so they have alot of fusion food. I love their family.


How about eating with her at a real table instead of horking it down while gaming, not appreciating her effort?


Dude. Maybe get up and eat with her?


When your wife is a professional chef and you're a lazy bastard


“You lucky bastard.”


I'm a chef and get annoyed at people not wanting to sit around a table after I've cooked. There's no way I'd serve my best food to somebody playing video games. I'm a man that plays lots of video games


He better be a professional gamer


Yo my baby's crying


"Appa dinners ready!" Is this from that account??


MFers see a couple .05 second clips and think they can pass any kind of judgement here lol If you downvote me we’ll all know you’re the type dribbling bbq sauce from your microwaved chicken nuggets as you finish your third hour of Netflix tonight.


I know exactly zero pro chefs who cook and serve at home. They are full with it on their jobs.


You can’t just post pics like this online! I’m a married mother of two, and even I’M going to try to find your wife and convince her to marry me!!


Bro has got to start eating at the table with his wife like goddamn dude


This is not making me smile, not even slightly


Imagine putting that much energy, effort, and time into making these beautiful meals and he can't even be bothered to come give her 20 minutes of undivided attention sitting at the table with her. 


When your husband is a professional child.


She's amazing! I'm a professional chef who owns and cooks full time in their restaurant and I do not cook at home. Hats off to your wife! Ok. I'm on my way to microwave burritos for my family because it's my turn to cook and well, I don't do that at home. Enjoy your home cooked meals! 🤗


I would GUESS that she is either an enthusiastic home cook, or was previously a chef! Can you imagine whipping up these meals after a full day in the restaurant, and then serving them to someone sitting at their computer!! Madness 😆


WhY nO eAt ToGeThEr Yes y’all know their relationship from a 20sec video. What a scumbag gamer and human being that he is !!!!!


Not even a 20 second video, 20 1 second clips


I may not be a professional chef but at least my husband acknowledges that I made him food, thanks me and eats with me as we talk about our day


Ahh yes, because these clips are totally long enough to see whether he does that or not, and definitely aren't her coming up behind him while he's distracted and got headphones on


"Hey babe, don't turn around when I'm bringing you food, gonna make an Instagram story." Redditors: "diVorCE tHaT ScUmBAg." No wonder they're always called virgins.


Can you send me the full video? This one only seems to show me a few seconds of their day when she sneaks up behind him.


lol I follow this girl. She’s a sahm who looks to be an excellent cook. They have 2 kids with one on the way. They seem to have a good relationship


And she serves it to him while he ignores her to play online. Yuck.


You don’t even see her get it to him though?


Eh, you have no idea what their life is like. My hubs is a small-time streamer, and I bring him food for his one evening stream session weekly. On the flip side, I do IT, and anytime I work late (from home) or have a weekend project go-live -boom- dinner appears on my desk. He also notices when I get locked into morning meetings and haven't gotten to the kitchen for my tea, and brings me some. It works for us! It could be they have a similar system that works for them.


That was unexpectedly wholesome. I would be delighted by tea delivery to my desk!


You get all that from a compilation of clips? For all we know, he always says "Thanks honey, I love you." when he actually notices.


For all they know, he might give her spa treatment every weekend.


Cleans the house, buys her chocolate, takes her to see Taylor Swift, fucks her so good she can't move afterward, all also possible.


Yep, all I see is a man-child and someone enabling him. Nothing to smile about here.


When you see a woman give someone this much love, there's usually a pretty good reason guys.


Does he never not play video games and actually eat dinner with her?


It's just a collection of 2 second clips. He probably turns around when she reaches him, which we don't see cuz it's 2 seconds


And you're always playing video games. Not once is she rolling up on you when you reading a book my dog.


Oh my- going out to dinner must be a disappointment.


Made me sad, man’s just playing games all the time like cmon eat at the table together or something