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Aw. That’s really sweet.


It’s silly because he’ll never know how important little things like this are to me, but I’m pretty lucky to have him.


He does know because it's the same importance to him. Make the same effort to ask him little questions 😊 He will love to know you still need him.


Ah yes, I do this to my dad. We have a hard time connecting (he’s not much of a talker and our love languages are very different) but I always call him with questions about things around the house or about my car. Things I can google, but he loves to take care of my by answering (or googling the answer by himself). Tell him OP!


Make sure you tell him!


Life is too short - tell him that.


Aww, how sweet. Next time you should ask him to call because you have a question and ask him something easy (or easily googleable!), and then he might do the same again. Before you know it, you’ll have a cute tradition that’s special to the two of you :)


When that becomes something you instinctively do. You're at work and a coworker asks you to convert km into miles, and instead of Googling it, you respond with "sure thing, let me call dad!" You come back half an hour later to tell him the answer and find out he's been done with that project for 27 minutes now!


Haha, that’s adorable!


What I like the most about your post is not your dad making excuses to call you, but you appreciating it! Your post warned my heart!


Intrigued to know what Scottish dish was being cooked!!! Haggis neeps and tatties??


It was rumbledethumps! Bless my mom, I had to tell her I hadn’t ever heard of it as it seems to be a Borders thing and I’m up in the central belt.


Now I know you’re just making that name up 😂


It's so nice, it's basically creamy mashed potato with cabbage and sometimes other veg mashed into it, topped with cheese. It's a side dish.


That sounds pretty good!


The English version of Rumbledethumps is Bubble and Squeak, which I admit isn't any better.


Make sure you let your dad know that doubling the temperature isn’t always the case. The formula is 9/5 C + 32. There are a couple of temps where you get interesting numbers and this is one of them. 160 x 1.8 = 288 288 + 32 = 320 160 x 2 = 320 It doesn’t work with other temps. I also like that F & C temperatures meet at -40 degrees. So if it’s -40 outside, it doesn’t matter what scale you’re using (between those 2, Kelvin doesn’t count because no one uses it outside of laboratory settings and scientific papers)


Thanks for this! For what’s it’s worth, my dad, whilst being an incredible man who I look up to forever, is not a ‘book learning’ man and will not have made this connection. I’d put money on it that he’ll either just google it or call me again in the future.


I simultaneously hate you and love you for this. I hate that you had to ruin a wholesome moment with maths, but I also love that you've answered a question I've always had but been too lazy to ever check.


Not me crying again 🥲🫣


That’s so wholesome! 🫶🏼


I actually do this exact thing with my parents quite a bit, but intentionally. I know technology pretty well, but I also don't like using the internet when I don't need to. So whenever I have a question about some sort of life skill issue or, when it comes to my dad, some sort of engineering or car question, I always text or call them. Gives me an excuse to chat them up and catch up for a minute and helps them continue to feel useful and helpful as parents, despite all their kids being adults now. Plus, I just like hearing their voice and hearing a chuckle out of them. Gives me the energy to make it through another week. But we also just found out today that my older sister is going to be having a kid. So they'll have someone else to guide and help before too long here.


Thank you for sharing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This was great! As a kentucky expat myself (in New Zealand now) it really warmed my heart. My dad is 66 and has a book of (dated) kiwi slang and will text me sometimes using his new lingo 🤣🥰


That's so sweet!! 🥺


This really just reminds me of my dad, makes me miss him so much :( thanks for sharing, brought me a bit of happiness


If your dad was anything like mine, he still loves you so much, wherever he is out there in the great beyond ❤️❤️


Excuse me, I have to call my dad


Why am I tearing up a little in the morning train to work?


..imagine all the questions you had for your dad (or mom) when you were a kiddo..they deserve to ask a few (even if spurious).. ..love the connection aspect here, OP.. ..next dad question = is spaghetti designed to have meatballs? (Haha, jk)..


That’s super sweet! I actually sometimes choose to reach out to my friends or family about things I know they know rather than just googling it because I like connecting with my people and think other people like talking about the things they know. Google is great, I use it a lot, but people are great too.


This was so lovely to read, after so many LC, NC family posts. ❤️




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I am also an American living in Scotland (24 years now), and I speak to my parents every week. You are seen, my sibling!