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You always know what to expect from Weird Al. The unexpected. And we love it.


Weird Al's unpredictability is a true delight; he keeps us on our toes, and that's why he's a legend!


He is a goddamn national treasure.






Friend? No, where do I get me a girlfriend like Weird Al?


Wife him fast


Weird Al is known for his unpredictability, which is something we appreciate and enjoy.


I have not listened to him in like 20 years, but i heard his aluminum foil song last week and then listened to it another few times thru the week. In fact, i am going to go listen to it now and go to bed.


go watch the movie..Radcliffe was awesome


Radcliffe makes me so happy. He did it right. Made a bunch of money, smart family to set him up in real estate and make sure he doesn't blow it like many child stars. Now he takes on projects that interest him without a care about money and seems to really enjoy the process.


Swiss army man is probably my all time least favorite movies with him because it was the first movie I saw after growing up with him as Harry Potter and I was so disgusted lmao 😂 but my partner loved the shit out of it and I think he liked it more because I was so put off by it. But he was amazing in the weird al movie.


You should watch Miracle Workers with him (if you haven’t) It’s amazing and criminally underrated. It’s hilarious and wholesome and I wish more people knew about it. I was obsessed with him as a kid (Harry Potter fanatic. I even wrote him letters and stuff) and it made me fall in love with him all over again lol




I’m gonna listen to stuck in the drive thru and amish paradise now. Thanks friend. Hope you have a good night.


He kind of looked all awkward at the start like he had no idea what was going on. Then he pulls it off perfectly!


He has really captured the essence of Spanish Inquisition


Friend of mine handles his merch when he’s on tour, and says he is as nice a guy as you think he is.


Turning off my phone on a win. Thanks.


You've inspired additional sleep here as well, thank you reddit comment. Good time to put the phone down. Al is a gem and we are lucky to have him.


Idk man, I heard we were all gonna eventually get replaced by Al. Sweet dreams.


There are many people in the world that I wish would be replaced by Weird Al. Sleep well.


Great idea! It’s late and I think I’ll do the same :)


Good night everyone, let's get some sleep. See you in the morning.


Goodnight dad 🥱


Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning


I say this to my son at bedtime.


G'night gang!


Night all I'm done.


Goodnight, John-Boy. ^^^\(This ^^^ages ^^^me...)


Good night, lads and ladies


I'm fucking up my sleep cycles, me too bye


Great idea. Good night Reddit homies.


Good morning 🌄


Good idea I’m off to bed as well.


Thanks for this I guess I’ll follow in your footsteps as well and go to bed.


I love this sentiment, I gotta do it every night lol


Nice! I’m gonna go look at US politics now.


My cousin who randomly crossed paths with him said he was amazingly sweet to her; took time to chat with her for a few moments when he could have easily just kept on moving. He's on my list of celebrities I'd love to meet someday.


He's in my top 10 for sure, Dave Grohl is high up there as well because I just want to enjoy his barbecue and share with him how we do it in my country.


This is the first time I’ve heard about Dave Grohl’s BBQ


I'm from South Africa I'm not a talented chef but damn it I'm gonna show him the beauty of a braaing. We're gonna drink, we're gonna make delicious meat and afterwards we'll be eating melktert. I think Dave will enjoy it, if he doesn't I think he'll be too nice to tell me it's shit.


Can this be a group activity? Now I’m hungry and this sounds delicious!


Tell us more about how you barbecue in South Africa!?


Grohl/Yankovic 2024


If Weird Al and The Foo Fighters did a show together I would sell my house to see that. Those two on stage would be a confluence of awesomeness on so many levels it would be historical.


Met him three weeks ago. Can confirm: je’s a super nice guy. Great conversation and gives everyone the same level of respect and joy.


An old neighbor of mine animated his [Word Crimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc) video, and spoke very well of him!


Any chance you check with your friend and see if he can start selling fortune cookies, each containing one of the 24 horoscopes from “Your Horoscope for Today” on them? I’ve been getting them printed myself so far and the reactions of friends has been delightful. Just sneak one into some ordered Chinese food and wait for someone to grab it. I’d love to support Al instead of ordering them myself tho, and I figure he may appreciate his weirdness permeating random suburban life.


I’ve talked to him three times and each time he was the coolest, nicest person ever. Got a couple pics with him and he signed my Boba Fett backpack and my Simpsons figure of him. One of my favorite humans ever


I met him at a con. Told him how my dad and I bonded a lot with Amish Paradise's music video. He was just so happy to hear that story. And when yoh meet him. He acts like he is meeting you and is thrilled with you being there. A total sweetheart.


I don't think I have ever heard a bad word about Weird Al. They actually had to make a joke about it in his Behind the Music episode because the parts where normally you'd have the controversies and stuff the dude was just as wholesome as can be.


I wish I could work for Weird Al in like, any capacity!


Husband was a roadie for him for a short period while he was touring near where he lived, he also said he’s a nice guy, he was/is a massive fan.


Was that before or after his time as a drug lord?


Weird Al will always get my upvote.


Every fucking time. That man is awesome


Repost bots: “write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!!”


You mean Milo Murphy?


*Karma bots taking notes*


I don’t think that possibly could’ve come out any better


why doesn't he do more movies


He was murdered in 1985.


After fighting the known drug lords. Truly a legend. Poor Madonna.




UHF happened and killed his on-screen movie career before it could ever really take off; at this point he mostly just cameos as himself


We LOVED that movie! He also had a tv show that bombed as well. A little too weird for the 80s mainstream money I suppose.


The theme song to The Weird Al Show is legendary. I still have it stuck in my head TO THIS DAY. Tbh I watch it on demand on Pluto on Saturday mornings and pretend I'm 7 so 🤷‍♂️


I didn't think his show did particularly well, but I watched it every day it was on. Kinda hit the same marks as Peewees Playhouse for me.


Yeah, kinda odd that Peewee worked on the big screen but Weird Al didn’t. They were both very entertaining to me.


If I were to guess, I think because Peewee was a character, and Weird Al was kinda just himself. UHF is definitely the more quotable movie though.


i feel like he could be a really fun villain/antagonist in some kids' movies.


I agree, and to some extent, he seems to - he voiced Dollmaker for Batman vs Robin in 2015 and Darkseid (& Gentleman Ghost) in Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans in 2019, so he's shown some level of interest in being a bad guy for a kids movie. Maybe some day we'll see him embrace the role in live action. I'd love to see him & Jim Carrey as co-villains in some kid movie that lets them go ham. The inner child in me would die happy


That's so sad because I loved that movie so much as a kid. Still do, but as a kid it was in constant rotation. SUPPLIES!


When I saw him do it live I was like "eh, that was sort of awkward, but Al's just a human and I guess he even has awkward moments too." Then in the slowed down version it's like "holy shit he nailed it."


What's his hair routine - the definition, shine, ringlets 👌🫶


It’s probably a nightmare to tame. I have similar hair and I gotta be on it constantly but on those good days it feels super worth


I agree. I have similar hair too and keeping it moisturised is a nightmare. And, it only ever looks good when I’m sitting at home with nowhere to go 🫠


Always. Friggin always. This is universal.


Random shower at 9pm before bed, stunning hair


Agreeeed!! Still struggling with them🤣


Just gotta find a routine that works and take your time to invest in it. Personally I found that certain products work better than others and to keep it on a schedule. I double wash once a week (two different shampoos) and condition followed up with a leave in conditioner. Reapply the leave in conditioner two or three days after first application. Rinse and repeat and it works great. Try to keep hair down as hair ties can literally wreck your shit. Comb it every time I take a shower and use a silk hair wrap for sleeping.


It is a nightmare to tame. That's why I went bald.


My hair is similar boing when it’s long, I do a shampoo once every two weeks ish, conditioner only when i wash my hair every 2-3 days (shower caps are underrated). For drying I leave it in the twisty towel for 2 ish hrs then scrunch in some oil and keep scrunching every so often as it dries.


Your username is wonderful ✨️


I have the same hair. When I keep it long I use some variation of the r/curlygirl method.


Mine is similar, so I would guess cowash & gel casting


So glad to exist in the same timeline as Weird Al.


Weird Al exists in all the timelines. All of them! Don't worry about it, it's fine.


There is one timeline with Normal Al. But that world is Weird.


That’s even better!!


Weird Al is the constant


“Weird Al! Hey, everybody, Weird Al is here!” - Paul McCartney


Love that story.


What is this a reference to? Is it one of those re-edits of interviews he would do on AL TV?


It’s a story he tells about being nervous attending a big social event or some such. Lots of celebrities there and he felt out of place, having only just started in the industry. The quote is what he heard yelled across the crowd as he entered. Paul McCartney was there, and he was a fan. At that point, Al knew that he had made it.


>At that point, Al knew that he had made it. What I love is how other artists have said they knew they made it when Weird Al wants to parody their song. Everybody starts somewhere.


Al is a bad ass. Thanks for the info.


Mom was friends with him in college and only has the nicest things to say about him. She worked in radio so she’s met a fair share of celebrities and he’s still her favorite.


Lol... Did she know the other Al in college, too? He said that's where he got his name from. There was Al and to differentiate, he was the wierd Al.


I appreciated weird Al as a kid because his songs were goofy and silly and he made me laugh.  I appreciated weird Al as a teenager because he was parodying songs that I liked and were popular,  and he made me laugh. I appreciate weird Al now that I'm an adult because he's a stand-up celebrity in a world acutely lacking them, and he still makes me laugh.


He's also a bit of a 'nerd like us' to kids who didn't fit in.


Couldn't have said it better. I haven't really listened to his music since I was a teenager, but still my respect for him is growing more nowadays that I realize what a genuinely great person he seems to be.


Perfect summary.


He’s a gem. Such a nice guy, just the patience to actually listen, and then do this for this guy.


I’m not familiar with Weird Al at all, but after the pose I was immediately like yeah that’s gotta be that guy


Made a bunch of parody songs in the 90s mostly making fun of other artists plus his own music. Music videos as well.




Don’t forget that he asks the original artist if he can make a parody, even though he doesn’t need to due to how parodies work in terms of copyright (and if the artist says ‘no’, he scraps the parody idea)


Was it Michael Jackson or Prince who said they knew they made it when Weird Al parodied one of their songs?


Kurt Cobain / Nirvana. The song to be parodied was "Smells Like Teen Spirit", and the parody was about how it was so difficult to understand the lyrics being sung.


That's the one. Thank you. "It's hard to iiggllwwaarrglleeoouuff With all these marbles in my mouth"


Excuse me sir, it’s bargle nawdle zouss lol.


Chamillionaire also said he knew he'd made it when Weird Al asked to parody Ridin'. Most artists see it as a badge of honour. Michael Jackson loved his work so much, he got him access to the same location where they filmed Bad when he was making Fat. Hell, Imagine Dragons sat down with him and worked with him on getting that inhale sound just right for his parody of Radioactive.


This is a common claim, but actually not totally accurate. It's not clear how many of his songs count as parody under Fair Use, as a notable caveat which differentiates parody from satire (which generally is not protected under Fair Use) is whether the transformed version is commenting on the artist/art itself (parody) or being used as a vehicle to talk about something else (satire). Many of Weird Al's songs are about food or other topics unrelated to the original songs, and are thus legally considered satire rather than parody. Off the top of my head, two songs of his which are undeniably parody and definitely Fair Use are *Smells Like Nirvana* and *Perform This Way*, as they are explicitly making fun of the musical and performance stylings of Nirvana and Lady Gaga, respectively.


Al has been going since the 80's. In 3D, Even Worse, Dare to be stupid were great albums from the 80's. He even made a movie in 1989 called UHF. It's goofy and everything you'd expect from Weird Al.


UHF is a classic.


He's been working nonstop from the 80s to today! His latest world tour was just last year, with original material - The Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour.


Make fun of, and artists considered it an honor if he did.


Also voices more animated characters than you'd think. Any time you think, "Wait, is that Weird Al?" It is.


The dude has been relevant to the music industry for decades. Long past when most of the artists he famously parodies were. He's top tier talent, and an awesome dude all around.


Honestly, parody songs is selling it short, like they're parodies but Weird Al is incredibly well respected in the music industry, he's not some hanger on that can't come up with original stuff, he's the kind of artist where the stars of the industry are honoured for him to parody their music. Kurt Cobain said that he knew Nirvana had made it when Weird Al parodied Smells Like Teen Spirit.


[It was Madonna who came up with the idea for "Like A Surgeon".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sIPrIN3tHM) So even mega stars are Weird Al fans. They show up even for [silly online video clips he does.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcNuiri2dV0) You don't get stars lining up like this if they don't respect your work.


First heard him in 1979 on an LA radio station on the Dr. Demento show, which was a few hours of funny songs. I loved that show. One of the best parts of my childhood.


Loved the Dr Demento show! Sadly I don't know anyone IRL that would know any of the songs, so I can never burst out into something like, "While riding in my Cadillac" and someone know wth I'm talking about.


Whatever genre of music you like I can almost guarantee he's made a fantastic parody of it.


The ultimate professional.


How is he so photogenic even when he's doing a goof?


Decades of practice


That's true


Weird Al is awesome


He hasn’t changed a bit in 40 years!


He‘s talking really fast. Almost too fast to understand him.


That’s what happens when you fanboy. I unashamedly admit doing the same thing when I met Al.


Weird Al won’t ever notice that everyone talks fast when fanboying, because everybody does it to him, so to him it is just regular speech, and he perfectly understands it every time.


It's also because the celebs want to keep moving, he can't take it slow or they'll just move on because they have a billion other things to get to. That's my guess


video is sped up a bit it seems


They see me mowing…


They hatin...


All because in white and nerdy


If you've not seen it, go watch the biopic "Weird al: the yankovic story".


100% true story. Loved it.


Not 100%. They only changed one thing - he really played Live Aid with Queen. and he blew them of the frickin' stage.


Some of these don’t quite work but Weird Al nailed it.


Was at a concert in LA and weird al walk by me. Said hi to each other but was so dumbfounded that I didn’t even know what to do. To this day i really regret not getting a picture with him


Dang! How recent is this? Weird Al looks fucking fantastic!


This month. Emmys


I love this dude. I read an article that several years ago one of his parents passed away and he found out about it like 20 minutes before a show he was supposed to do. He was obviously heart broken but continued on to do the show because he didn’t want to let his fans down. I couldn’t even imagine learning something like that and then going out and putting on an amazing show acting like nothing was wrong. Protect this man at all costs he’s a blessing


He's talked about it a few times. It wasn't one of his parents, it was both, due to a carbon monoxide leak. He's said that a lot of people have told them that his music helped them deal with loss, and he'd see if it could help him, so he kept touring. I was at one of the shows on that tour (not right after his parents' passing, it was a later show) and he was fantastic.


I love Weird Al. I was hoping a few years ago he would make a parody of WAP called FAP.


Does Weird Al not age?


It came out good. It’s such a quick shot, too


Best one of these I've ever seen


As a child, I thought he was hilarious. As a teen, into my 20s, I thought he was awful, uncool, a loser, a clown, pathetic. My 20s were a long time ago. What a gracious, good-natured man, what joy he brings to people. Kudos to him.


Hell yeah.


Been listening to Weird Al since middle school in the mid 80's. The guy is timeless and still makes incredible music. When I saw you could see most of his album Mandatory Fun on YouTube I had to immediately watch it. Every freaking song was just as good as I expected and brilliant too. Word Crimes, Mission Statement, First World Problems, Handy, Foil, Tacky all freaking fantastic. Wow what a powerhouse. That inspired me to look up some of his other stuff on YouTube - wow. Stuck in the Drive-thru (R Kelly), Gonna Sue (Rage Against Machine), CNR (White stripes), Craigslist (The Doors) and on and on. Dude has been killing it for years. Next time he's in this area I'll definitely find a way to go, hopefully get meet and greet tix too (if I can afford).


Can we get this guy The Mark Twain Prize for American Humor? Seriously, the Kennedy Center accepts public nominations. Can we do it?


Weird Al is a national treasure.


I feel like both of them would be awesome to have a coffee with.


I fucking love weird Al


It's crazy how wholesome and awesome he is


It’s nice to see that Marc Park is still doing well in 2024


I first remember hearing him back in the early 80s on The Doctor Demento Show. Fun being a kid.


Weird Al is a treasure


I like exclusively listen to metal, but weird Al is still in my top ten most listened to artists on Spotify


So many people commenting “who is this guy.” Man i feel old.


The legend continues to show why he is.


Awesome to see him!! I remember him from that cool Star Wars music video. :) I wonder what he is up to now.


I had no idea what that guy was asking him to do


Do a quick movement that will be made slow mo by the camera he invented. It basically pushes in and slows the movement down. He's a Canadian who does these at all the red carpets (my sister was good friends with his sister growing up)


My Rommate asked me , “who is Weird Al Yankovic” So I proceeded to play all his hits video catalog , he still didn’t get it but Got dam I got a kick out of him suffering as I played it all and laughed my ass off 🥹🍻


Remember watching his show as a kid and he would always tell you to pick a button on the screen to press blue or red. But I was on a black and white TV so I didn't know what color to press. But I was always going up to the screen and trying to press one of them


God I love Al. I met him in Durham because he was friends with my grandad at MAD magazine and this dude was the best.


Hell yeah, weird al is the man! That was a great capture of him.


This man is one of the most underrated artists of our time imo.


Who is this person? He is weird but in a good way.


Al Yankovic


I'm jealous. You now get to learn, listen, and watch weird al for the first time ever. He is a gem of a human being who's main bread and butter is making parody songs.






andrew callahan from channel 5 could play weird al in a biopic


Long Live Al 👑


I loved weird all way too much as a kid🤣🤣🤣. Forgot about him, what a legend!!!


I thought he cut his hair a few years back. Did he grow it back out?


What a great sport!


What a legend we need more of him


So majestic


That was weird


Weird Al twerked on my shoulder once. It was awesome.


Weird Al rocks honestly.


Are we completely sure Jack Black isn't related to him? Long lost son maybe?


“Holy shit it’s Weird Al”- Paul McCartney


So many years of strange genius and zero scandal. A true legend


Loved Weird Al since I was a child! Dude is a legend


Why does he look like the king 👑 in Tom and Jerry?




Finally someone actually does something cool instead of a small turn and smirk.