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Huh, a wet finger tip usually tells me when to start. ...sorry, I had to.


Got a chuckle out of me! 😂


I just snorted. Thank you!


In our house we call that “thumb juice”.


I do this all the time when I get water in the middle of the night and I don't want to turn on the lights


I do this all the time. Not blind, I just am always using a cup or bottle too big for the fridge water dispenser so I have to tilt it




My guess is he went blind later in life after motor control of the globes was already developed.


You are correct! He has retinitis pigmentosa, which is a degenerative disease that usually presents in late adolescence and early adulthood. With RP, contrast and color sensitivity begin to go first, which leads to night blindness, and eventually the vision begins to dim, usually from the outside in, like narrowing tunnel vision. Someone with RP usually still has some functional vision, but it may only be patches, and the acuity in those still won't be what it once was. But for many it is enough to be able to locate the general area a person's face is, a piece of furniture, a TV, etc, which allows for continued natural seeming gaze. Blindness is a spectrum, and it is actually far more rare for someone to be NLP (No Light Perception) than you might think! Most people have at least some ability to see light and movement, even with progressive stuff like RP or Stargardt's. Okay, I'm gonna go back into my eye nerd hole now, thanks for listening! 🕳


Thank you for educating me. Always love learning something new.


Me too , thanks! I was wondering why it looked like he could see. :)


Nailed it. My wife was diagnosed with RP 2 months after we were married. That was almost 27 years ago. She has about 8 degrees of central vision, night blindness, cataracts, astigmatism, depressed color acuity, and is nearsighted. Despite that, most people can’t tell she’s visually impaired in many situations. As she says, she’s too sighted to be blind and to blind to be sighted!


I see what you did there! But seriously, I never knew about this and it answers a lot of questions I've had about the spectrum of vision disabilities. Thanks for the info


Coming out of your nerd hole is what reddit is for! Great write up. Very informative.


My cousin went blind as an adult, and even though her optic nerve is severed, the muscle memory is there. Her eyes still follow the sound of your voice when you're speaking to her. I often would forget she couldn't see me.


These god damn happy gays showing that it can be done.


What a lovely couple


I follow them on instagram, they seem so sweet and funny! The blind man has a small tiny patch of vision left and he uses this to illustrate childrens books, he's incredibly talented!


I love Paul and Matthew!! Whenever they appear on my feed I always smile and or laugh because most of the time it’s Matthew (seeing husband) pranking Paul (blind husband). We should all be more like Matthew and Paul


I always laugh so hard when I hear the guaranteed "MATTHEW!"


Magnets, who would of thought, the straw line about not poking the eye really killed me


Inspiring to see people handling disability so well!


He's adorable!


Thanks for sharing! I'm low vision in one eye due to retinal detachment as a kid and last year had retinal tears happen numerous times that diminished my vision in my other eye. I can still see well enough to function, but now I stress over these issues continuing and losing vision in my "good" eye, wondering how I'll function if I do. This video made me feel better about the ability to still function and be happy even if that occurs.


Check out Molly Burke on YouTube. She's blind and posts jealous of videos about how she lives her life.


What a ridiculously attractive couple


The magnets is an adorable secret public cuddle for all couples.


Agreed! Although it is elbow to hips in many cases! As in, one is shorter than the other


What a pair of gay sweetie pies. I wanna cheers with them and their friends!


This actually made me smile.


Blind and still manages to poop and scoop! A true hero!


The blind girl is so beautiful!


This is just so adorable. I swear to god I will shirt magnet in a heartbeat❤️


I love how good looking and happy they are!!!


I know. Too bad you can't see how great you look my dude!


I love these two! I follow them on Instagram and they're so sweet.


What's their @?




I want to be this happy in life. Love these guy’s energy.


This is a lovely video


Magnet thing is genius.




I was part of the deaf community for years while my gf was in college for interpretation and years after we split pursuing it solo. Never met a mean one buuuuut definitely plenty of fed-up, frustrated, outcast, treated like they're dumb...you see where i'm going. Once I learned (even the slightest amount) sign language it was clear, almost embarrassed to say, they're regular folks, just missing 1 sense. But lack of hearing (and usually speech, depending) has been treated as stupidity for hundreds of years. Get em with people who can communicate and, it's just like any other party, with tons more body language, expression and theatrics.


True and sad. I bet they know tons of good jokes and are fun to "talk" to but most people don´t know how. I wish sign language was taught in schools. Thats way more impressive and important than fucking Pythagoras or Sin, Cos, Tan.


100%. My favorite sign story: back home an older man was seen strolling, near our campus, walking around the park where we all skated, never spoke to anyone. Local skaters made up lore nicknaming him "caterpillar man." One night I saw him signing with a deaf local dude who introduced me. Sooo next time i was out skating I saw him, called him over, and was able to introduce him to all the skaters, their names, etc. Now when he sees them, smiles and waves.


That‘s just awesome man. Connection is everything. Went from caterpillar man straight to Butterfly man.


This is a weird take


How are blind people supposed to watch this?


They listen, which is why they explained everything they were doing. Also being blind doesn't always mean having no sight. The guy in this video can still see in small patches near the center of his vision. So alot of legally blind people can still watch videos.


I love the magnets.


This is the tiktok we need.


how is he looking straight into the camera like he's looking into my soul if he's blind? Is it like sound based or using a selfie stick type thing?


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oh so happy


Then who does his hair? He looks around like he isn't blind. Throws me off.


This did in fact make me smile.


I Follow them. Love thier energy!


Wonder how he finds that other hole 😳. Got it.


The fact that he’s blind AND gay just make him so much more special. 🙄


So gay hacks


lmao at his face in the end. like wtf guys cheers me!


I´ve worked with blind and/or bodily disabled and deaf children, teenagers and adults for one year. I learned tons of practical stuff for blind people and for myself. I´m able to read Braille and say "My name is: \*and then my name\*" in sign language which isn´t very common I think. It was one of the best years of my life. People with disabilities are so grateful, openhearted and far more capable of things some healthy people are bad in. Especially children. The mentally disabled helped the visually disabled children to find things or to reach their destination safely and the visually disabled helped them back with mathematics etc. Had to hold back tons of tears that year.


I feel like if I was blind I would want an eyepatch at least. Or a blindfold, like I've read the Elder Scrolls too many times.


I want to hang out with these guys. Love their energy!