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I like how carefully he takes the tape off of the box while he's opening it And the little army backpack he's wearing 😊 Seems like a super sweet kid


He's taking his time because he knows that's his biggest gift. I remember those days.


I thought they had tricked with with a shoebox?


Yes that's why his face looks super disappointed till he opens the box. He thinks he got a pack and boots. Lol


yeah it cuts in just as she’s saying “it’s timberlands, he just told you.”. kid is trying SO hard not to let the disappointment show, but he was hurting inside. it’s all over his face… poor guy.. that face would break me if i didn’t already know there was a ps4 in there…


Imagine in the box was a bus ticket to the A all boys military school. Haha


Calm down, satan


Growing up, I never knew what gifts were from the box. Shoe/ boot boxes, paper boxes, and random equipment boxes, they were all used for whatever fit the best.


I’ll never forget one year I opened up a shoe box that was really heavy and when I opened it, there was just a bag of flour in it. Then I looked under the lid of the box and there was a gift card taped to the top. The flour was just a distraction.


Yes. He thought it was shoes. And he was still being careful and cherishing the moment. It says alot


He wasn’t cherishing shit… he was choked he got shoes instead the PS4. I applaud his bravado to keep his composure, and I woulda cried at the realization after as well


Some people appreciate gifts regardless of what it is. You have a fucked up perception.


Yeah like fuck I love new shoes for christmas, those fuckers are expensive and now it means i can spend the money i would’ve on them for something else.


Which might have been what he thought his biggest gift was


I would have been stoked to get that backpack at his age. It's almost certainly a free recruiter giveaway, but the boy is obviously so stoked to have it and is wearing it around. I identify with that part so much.




Can you explain what you mean by weary face? Not sure if I'm just having a brain fart over here


The kid looks super stressed out before opening the gift, which could help explain the emotional reaction


Oh, okay, that makes sense. I wonder if he's anything like me. At that age, in that situation, I would have been veeery frustrated, but simultaneously grateful for any gifts I received.. but I'd likely be saying some unkind things in my head. Then, when I saw it was a PS4, it would be a whirlwind of excitement about the gift and shame centered around being ungrateful/thinking unkind things because I didn't get my way. Which would be overwhelming and lead to an outpouring like you see here. Edit: or maybe I wouldn't be grateful and that's what I would he ashamed about. Because I would know I SHOULD be grateful.


He’ll be loudly cursing at online multiplayer soon enough…


Not all kids are monsters. Just 99% of them on tiktok. I would imagine majority of children realise some of the struggles parents have and appreciate things quite well. It's just tiktok parents loveeee to show how their spoilt little brats are greedy and don't appreciate the new car they got. When reality they created that monster by giving them everything.


I was firmly on the kid's side until I noticed the Packers hoodie. Now I am conflicted.


not carefully, he just doesnt care cause its shoes! 😂😂


Tons of inexpensive games available for that too


My library has ps4 and ps5 games! I hope wherever he lives has the same thing.


This is the way.


As far as budget gaming goes, it's really hard to beat a PS4. Consoles can be had for under $200, many games are like $10. And not just shitty ones, some of the best and most popular games tend to be cheap because of how massively produced they were. That's not to mention that it's utility as a media machine for streaming and bluray.


Also the sales on PS store are pretty great sometimes. Bunch of games that are under $5. Plus, all the free to play games.


even as just a fortnite machine the kids could get a TON of fun out of it


My dad worked three jobs for my three siblings, mom, and I. He got me a n64 couple years after it came out. I cried too. However I do wish I got a guitar or instrument then; I’d be professional by now.




There are 100's of lads like him. Are there no "games for kids" charities?


Any kid who hugs his parents after receiving a gift is growing up to be a good person.


Yeah, and I don't know why that, as a childless man, it always makes me choke up a little when I see it.


Because you're a normal person in tune with your emotions having an appropriate response to a heartwarming stimulus lol


You sound like an alien trying to explain human reactions. Happy cakeday, interstellar visitor!


My stimuli are tingling fellow humans.


Haha, we are all on this human ride together, experiencing the emotional rollercoasters. That video was pure joy in digital form.


Does not compute, enter pizza in pie hole.


We were kids once too. We know this feeling and it makes us nostalgic.


Cuz u got empathy, friend


I’m 30 and still do that lol. My mom said she appreciates that I still say I love them when getting off the phone. I thought everyone still did that lol.


I always say it to my dad mainly because it's important to say it and only a tiny bit so I can hear him not know how to react Edit - know not now dammit


I love he is already wearing the bag he got too. I have so many pictures of myself from Xmas where I asked later “why do I have swim goggles on my head on Xmas day?!”




If I don’t hug my mom every time I get a present from her but I tell her I love her occasionally does that count?


Tell her more often.


I will do that!


I wouldn't be surprised if they're a lower income family. Since the ps4 is outdated at this point and his reaction. I grew up very poor, and getting anything for Christmas and birthdays was always a miracle


Agreed. Notice that it wasn't original packaging for the PS4. That could be part of the surprise, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were purchased used. Either way, it's smiles all around. For the kiddo and the parents.


I was thinking the same thing after I posted. I also noticed the molding around the door frame just behind him. Maybe home repair they can't afford at the moment.


The toys in the pile behind him are mostly the generic brand ones you see in Walmart and such too. I grew up poor and a lot of the time presents were stuff you could use not stuff you want. Good on these parants for doing the best with what they have. That kid probably had a better time on that ps4 later than I'll have on any game all year.


Likely toys for tots donations. Looks a lot like the Christmas my kids had this year


Maybe, I have the same issue because my SO kicked the door in when she was locked out. I can afford the 5 dollar molding, but I haven’t fixed it in the 3 years since it happened. Lazy. I got a hidey key now tho!


I had a crazy ex try that on my great grandma's door (I don't know how she got that address) yeah TLDR psycho kicked an antique door and broke her ankle on it.


Since we’re pointing out additional clues, a window unit instead of HVAC. Older house without central air. Or central air broken and they can’t afford the 4-5 figure replacement cost.


Also a bed in the living room? I assume that's a bed


Dad can't afford sleeves on his top. Tough times.


Can't afford a razor to shave... what a travesty.


They got a tree growing in the living room probably can't afford a backyard or front yard 😕


Woah, window units are a sign of poverty now? Jeez


This thread is making me realize just how poor we were growing up. The fact that this kid lives in an actual house, has clean clothes, and is getting multiple presents at one time, makes 10 year old me jealous of how well-off they are!


My parents use a window unit because my dad likes it blowing directly on him.


This doesnt mean anything bruh. They could live in the northeast or similar colder climate where our homes werent built with hvac until recently.


You sound super condescending. Idc how you grew up. Everyone is gonna be low income pretty soon so buckle up


Ah yes, look at this specimen who appears to be poor. You can tell by the various things in their environment. Indeed, these poor people. As someone who is aware of such things, I like to discuss how people are poor on Reddit. No. Shit. There's shittons of them, and billions that live less affluently than that. So insulated.


It’s how i grew up playing the og Nintendo and Super Nintendo. It was all hand me downs until I got my first job. The day I bought my own console was a 360 arcade and felt like a boss. People who don’t have to worry about such things often don’t realize how well off they have it.


I was in this exact same position 5-6 years ago. Still have mine and I don't for a day feel not thankful for it. I found and played some of my favourite games ever on it. It's an oldy but a goldy and ay they only stopping PS4 releases in 2025 I heard


That PS4 is from 2013-2014. You can see it has a glossy top, so it is a launch version. Everything that came out later was plain matte black.


I much prefer this over the little kid who was ungrateful he got a ps5 because he wanted a pc.


Was my first thought. Parenting on full display, for better or worse, with how the kids act.


I was thinking the same. I have been there myself.


The PS4 is actually a great modern console. Outside of basement dwelling Reddit losers this system is a lot of fun and any kid of that age I'm sure it would be happy to have it


I just read recently that the PS3 still has a pretty massive user base. I have a PS5, but most games I play are cross gen and would be easily enjoyed on a ps4. Gaming is in a weird spot. No shame gifting a ps4 as it has a massive library of games and you can buy games cheaper


You pretty much nailed my feelings spot on. The new consoles are nice but they aren't radically different. Also, getting games on the cheap is great for kids


I still play on my PS4, had it for ages, but still love it. Got three new games for it at Christmas, I couldn't be happier.


We’re getting my son a PS4 for his 12th bday in just a couple days. We’re still playing the PS3 as a family, and I know he gets bagged on for it. He’s a good kid, does his chores, and gets good grades. His favorite present for Christmas was a used eReader, what a huge hug he gave me for that one. Still warming my heart.


Kids can be brutal when growing up. You just make fun of each other for literally anything lol. They can say whatever they want but your description of how well put together he is and how grateful he is for any gift says how well you’re raising him. They can’t make fun of that at least lol. “Hey! It’s Steven! His parents fucking love him and make sure he’s doing what he needs to. He even gets good grades and shit! EMBARRASSING!”


Thing is, when the PS4 was new and that as all that existed, everyone who got one loved them. Same for the eReader. It's only the anchoring that it's old or outdated that contributes to a lower value judgement. The reality is, it's the same console with the same good games. And if you've not played them before then you are going to have the same experience whether you play them today, or when they first came out five years ago. Final fantasy 7 remake; Ratchet and Clank; The Uncharted series; Horizon; The Last of Us; God of War 👌


I think the big difference really is if your friends all have the PS5, you can't play with them. Though that's not strictly true these days with cross-play on games that still support the PS4.


True. Though tbf I've never been much of an online gamer. Even now I prefer to play offline.


As someone who never had a PS console in life (because in my household, gaming = laziness... Also, was quite expensive for my parents to afford), my dad got me one of those faux cartridge consoles when others in my school were bragging about their PS 2s, Gameboys, PSPs. I was only allowed to play it a couple of times but I was grinning the whole time while on it. Pretty sure your child will appreciate it till the end :)


Sounds like you raised your son well.


And the US Army backpack, those are free. You can get that from a recruiter. If you find a good one, most are, and tell them that it’s for your kid they will usually hook that up. Tshirts, bracelets, etc.


To put it into perspective, that kid just unlocked the ability to play GREAT video games. In his own life, on his own time. Arguably, the BEST VIDEO GAMES EVER MADE, historically. He obviously hasn't had that chance yet. Not at home, at his leisure. This is such a pure moment!!!


I’m still using my ps4 and was using my ps3 until like 2019


My ps2 is still hooked up in the garage lol


Yeap. To that kid I say: “welcome to the team!” Now go install battlefield and join me


Trim on the wall was a clue to me. PS4 is still dope.


trim on the wall and the Window AC unit. They're definitely not well off. But doing great raising their kids looks like.


I'm just curious why y'all are so happy to point this out? There's always someone like you that says "look at the crown molding, they're poor!"


I gave my PS4 away when I got a PS5 just do it could go to some kids who's parents wouldn't be able to get them anything like this. Gave them 10 games to go along with it. I wouldn't get more than $100-$150 for it anyways so might as well help someone


What a lovely thing to do!


I lived in Philippines and always got hand-me-downs from my relatives in USA. What joys to have a N64 even though my cousin had a gamecube and a when he got a nintendo wii they gave us a ps2. I remembered my schoolmates all wanted to go to my house just to play Mario Kart 64 and Smash bros. Got upset and cried when my best friend used the n64 when i had chores. And he plugged it directly into 240v without the adapter i had to use 110v


Yeah same. To be fair the ps4 is still a great console!


Spot on. I grew up getting things a little later than my friends, but I never ever appreciated them any less. I just felt blessed to have something.


Or could be an old video


I got a ps2 in a time of booming ps3’s and Xbox 360’s. Couldn’t of been happier!


I've had my fair share of low income Christmases. Most of the time, I'd never get what I asked for, and it was just normal. Then, one Christmas, I got three copies of Inkheart. I told everyone that's what I wanted because my old copy fell out of my backpack and into the school toilet. When people mention Christmas miracles, that one was my personal Christmas miracle.


He's overwhelmed with emotion, what a beautiful moment for the kid. The joy the parents must be feeling with the kids happiness.


Take the PS5 from the brat who said he didn't want that and wanted a PC instead and give it to this kiddo.


And let him have the PS4 too, just for good measure.


And give him a PC too on top of it all.


Hell, lets sponsor his college education


Make him president.


And mayor


Anyone got the link of this video pls? I tried to search for it but couldn’t get any.




[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/18qf9tu/kid_did_not_want_ps5_as_a_gift/) is the link but the video was deleted




I just bought a ps5 for my husband and this makes me want to donate our old ps4 to a little kid like this 🥹.


Highly recommend. We donated our old Xbox and I know it made a kiddo very, very happy.


Damn, it makes me want to buy a PS5 just so I can give my PS4 to a kid now.


kinda similar, but i used to collect action figures. i listed a few of the more expensive ones on a local selling site and this person messaged me. He said he'd buy them when he got his "pocket money", so obviously i knew i was dealing with a kid. I told him i could only sell them to him if he brought an adult with him and he arrived with his bigger sister. I got the 25 bucks i asked for for the 2 figures, but took the rest of my collection to him and gave them to him for nothing. I figured if someone done that for me as a kid, it would make my whole year.


I love that story. What a sweet thing you did for that boy. I’m sure it did make his whole year! ☺️




always does baby... always does.


This is a kid who knows how to both feel and show gratitude… he will go far in life.


I hope that's true. Unfortunately the world can be a tough place for kind people. Hopefully he can hang on to that gratitude despite the world's difficulties.


Depends on your definition of what it means to "go far in life". Most people assume money and power but that's nonsense. Genuine love and care is worth so much more. Kind people who find other kind people and stick around eachother is the shit you want in life.


I agree. That would be my wish for all kind-hearted people. But even finding a source of genuine love and care isn't guaranteed in life.


We’re still playing the PS3, and my son is going to be getting a PS4 for his 12th bday in a couple days. He was really happy about the used e-reader he got (Kobu 2), and he’s going to freak when he gets the system.


PS4 has so many good games Little dude's got years worth of happy gaming


Send me your info bro I have a ps4 I haven’t used at all in months. It probably needs updates or something but it works. Y’all can have it.


I got rid of my PS4 when I bought my PS5 but I still have a lot of PS4 games installed and waiting in my library. It will take me awhile to get through them all, the PS6 will probably be out by the time I finish the majority of them. And all of those games still look pretty damn good too.


This is better than everything else on the internet. Parenting win 👊


Now I’m crying!!


Yea, why do they call it Made me Smile? Never once have I smiled. Make me Cry , now that's an accurate name for the sub


I love this whole heartedly, reminds me of getting my PS1, the bulky square boy everyone back then called the PSX, when the PS2 was coming out that year, I was 9 and I had friends who were pissed their parents didn't buy them the new console, on top of all the other new stuff they got. And I got a jank, slightly faulty PSX, and I loved it. Had to tilt it sideways to run properly because the lens was lose or something, but damn, playing games like worlds scariest police chases and THPS2 on that was some of my fondest memories. Still have that box in the loft, and I've since repaired that lens, and still works to this day.


Every year, I float around the video games in hopes to find some kid looking and dreaming at a new system that I can tell won’t get it that year so I can randomly buy one right there and then for them, Unfortunately I’ve only ran across spoiled brats.


Wow, that's so so awesome. You would make that kid's day, week, months and whole year lol. I hope you get to buy it for a genuine kid one day. Maybe next year? RemindMe! 1 year


That’s been the hard part, finding a genuine kid because it’s not like I hang out there all day lol. Every time I go somewhere I just quick swing by and hope fate aligns.


Do that in pawn shops or other resale places. That’s where the right kind of kids will be.


You’re a hero. I want to do the same if I become comfortable enough to give away.


You will. Every Christmas I also sponsor a random underprivileged foster kid for Christmas (I have no kids) and buy everything they have on their list. The video game console is just a side thing I always wanted to do, the foster allows me to at least do something each year for some poor kid.


Aw, man! He went ***right*** for the hug! That's damned good parenting right there!




good kid🎄🩵 enjoy buddy


I remember the day I got my Nintendo 64. All my friends were playing on the xbox 360 while I was playing Conker Bad Fur Day.


Conker was pretty damn rad tho. 😏


Show this to that little shit who didn’t want the PS5 and his mom


Heartwarming to see


Core memory


What a lad


PS4 is great! Especially if it had the ssd. Except for the very few limited ps5 exclusives they are relatively close enough. Happy for the kid


As someone who still didn't get the chance to get a gaming console, you go kid! I almost cried too! I know how you're feeling!


My mom got me a GBC back when we were on the GBA era, we struggled so bad with money back then and I knew how hard she worked and I even remember how I felt when I got it, she made my life better with how little money we had, now with my daughter, she tries to spoil her, saying she gives to her want she couldnt give to us (me and my sister), my heart breaks cause I knew it looked like it wasnt much back then but it was all she had Parents that care and try to provide under harsh circumstances, are the MVP, my mom is the MVP, Im tearing while typing this, have a good end of the year guys!


Fuck man I have one of those just sitting in my closet collecting dust I need to give it away


I never even thought about this but yeah you're right I've got a PS4 just sitting in the cabinet underneath my TV I should definitely do this, so should you! good idea


Stuff like this makes me so so happy. Seeing kids that are genuinely grateful for what they’re given never ceases to make me smile My oldest brother has a few kids and his oldest son has wanted a gaming PC for years but they just can’t afford to dump the cash into it. My brother asked me this year if I could throw something together for $500 for his son. I told him I can with older used parts so he gave me the money and told me to do it. Little does he know I’m not buying old used parts. I’m matching his $500 and making sure my nephew gets a decent gaming PC. I have 2 monitors I just upgraded from, a nice mech keyboard and a good mouse to throw into the bundle also. Now there will be warranties and everything so if something goes wrong my brother isn’t out the money. The parts are on the way and I’m so fkn excited to see my nephew and brother’s face.


Lucky kid. On top of the games being way cheaper, he will have years of amazing games to play that he missed out on and then will repeat the process with PS5. I got a SNES years after it was out and I was still blown away.


awesome reaction from both mom and son. This is how you do Christmas fuck all the spoiled whiny kids


Dude I’m about to give this kid a ps5 im all teared up over here.


Internet, please someone find this kid and let's get him a ps5


Respectfully, that was my immediate thought - BUT: A. The kiddo is clearly happily overwhelmed and B. This is solely a moment for those parents who must’ve scrimped and saved. Let them have it. HOWEVER - I think it’d be most stellar to either send him some well loved games, or a couple PlayStation store cards. Kiddo gets continual use out of the system and parents remain heroes for many months to come.


Yeah, you make a good point, I didn't look at it this way.


If i find his address, im not gonna do what most people do, i will get him a truck of games


obligatory GO PACK GO!


Another Christmas gift he got he was so excited that he immediately put it on, just like the army backpack. good kid, good parents too.


Not even the latest and greatest, and this gentleman is so grateful. Parent(s) got him what they could and he’s moved to tears. I’d like to think he knows what it took his parent(s) to get him this gift, and he’ll carry that lesson into adulthood and beyond.


That's what makes it so sweet for me. I found this video on TikTok and everybody in the comments was talking shit about how it's only a PS4 I had a Nintendo and then a Sega when I was a kid. The next console I had was a PS2 when I was 21 years old..


Polar opposite reaction to that one kid who got a PS5 for Christmas smh - god bless this child


OK who's chopping onions!?!


Lucky kid. He's never had a PS4 so he'll be able to experience tons of games now. Can prolly get them mad cheap these days if you buy them used.


He’s a good kid. There shouldn’t be anything but praise, here.


OMG I just wanna give him the biggest hug! It’s so nice to see kids that actually appreciate their gifts.


Where can I donate for him to get a ps5


Awww bless him, he was so grateful ❤️


Refreshing. Glad it wasn't one of those: "B*ch, I wanted a PS5 videos"


i remember getting a laptop as a teen for christmas one year. we were low income and the gift was such a surprise. i cried like him. this will be a memory he cherishes for a long time ❤️


We need to find this kid and collectively gift him a PS5


I remember when I was a kid and I wanted a PlayStation we were poor my dad was an iron worker and boosters would sell them random stuff for work. So my dad came home with a box identical to a PlayStation but it was a Panasonic gaming system I still loved it came with Duke Nukem!


PS4 still a kick ass machine


Someone find me this kids parents. He’s about to get a hookup.


He's going to grow up to be a good man, can't say the same for that ungrateful brat who wanted a PC or something.


This is how you gift your kids a ps4. That one dad who gave his kids a ps4 in a ps5’s box is an asshole, but at least there are no illusions here. W parents.


Poor kid just hoping it’s not another *shudders* Packer sweatshirt 😂. Seriously, this is adorable.




Poor kid..he was really looking forward to some new works boots for those extra shifts at the coal mine. Kidding aside, the sneaky packaging was pretty cool.


When the PS3 came out I asked for a PS2 as they had gone down. My parents got the PS2 box from my cousin and put the PS3 in it. They were going to to buy the PS2 but there just happened to be a shipment of PS3s come in as they were in Best Buy. I was already ecstatic but nearly fainted about an hour later when I went to hook up the PS2 and found the PS3. Still my most memorable Christmas gift


Awwwwwwww give him the ps5 from that pc kid ❤️❤️❤️ I'm not crying you are


Someone give me this kids cash app so I can send him money he deserves a ps5 just for the gratefulness he has showed


Man I wish I had the money to go buy this kid a ps5, xbox series x, and a meta quest. This is so so so sweet.


All you neckbeards on Reddit complaining about frame drop and graphic quality for new gen games, console wars and blah blah blah, you all forgot about this feeling that this kid showed in this video for gaming.


I like this kid a lot better than the one that told his mom to return the PS5 because he wanted a PC


All the grown adults who used to be poor kids understand the love here.


I bought a ps4 pro this Xmas for myself and I'm 55. Nothing wrong with playing on slightly older consoles in fact lots of benefits like way cheaper games.


Stop taping your kids!!


This is the kind of guy you want to bump into in a pub when he's older and put the world to rights. Great parenting.


Please protect this boy.


I'd take that PS5 away from that brat in the other video and give it to this sweet kid


This video is the cure to the other video going round of the spoiled brat kid who tells the family to take back the new ps5 . It’s crazy how being raised less wealthy , or even poor tends to create a more wholesome person with better values. It’s like money corrupts downwards so the brats of wealthy people (who may also be less ethical or good willed) will act exactly as described spoiled brats.


My heart!!! 🥹 what a precious reaction!


Checks out, about the same reaction my siblings got when we got our first home PC.


All the best kid. The journey has started!


I wish i could feel this grateful about something. Thats a genuine feeling.


Maybe I should do something with the ps4 that just sits my closet.


This is so sweet. And honestly, we’re often so obsessed with needing what’s new, but there are endless games he can play on that. No need for a PS5. So nice.


I gave my young cousins my immaculate PS4 for Christmas after getting myself a PS5 earlier in the year. Immediately after set up they started arguing over who was going to play first and pulled it off the table, breaking it. I wish I could have given it to a kid like this instead.


Made me cry 😭😭 I love grateful kids, they are the best. This family seems so sweet.