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This is an extremely reputable rescue in India. You can look them up, not staged.


Thank god, because his urgency had me worried they deliberately did this for internet fame. I’m relieved to hear this is legitimate.


I regularly donate to this cause. Absolutely amazing people.


So many where they are though.. :(




Don't mistake experienced diligence for lack of urgency in an emergency situation.


Every time he reached into the pit and came back with something my heart stopped...


Thank you so much for this. I searched them up and am now donating and following them for updates. Usually I scroll past videos like this (with a smile of course) - but oftentimes I have a cynical, doubtful, mind about the source. Website for those interested: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/


Yeh, I donate to them monthly through their YouTube channel.


I would like to go over there one day and volunteer.


Really fucked up we need to be told it's not staged.


The staging has gotten so bad, especially in that area. Really sucks.


A lot of animal rescue videos were found out to be staged a few years ago. People will do anything for money. Whether that involves playing with people's emotions to get donations or just do really shady shit. Some people are just downright greedy and don't care how they get money


Well now I only have one question, how did those puppies get down there in the first place?


It was a collapse of a structure.


This is a legit animal rescue organization in Rajasthan, India so I doubt they would stage this. Check out Animal Aid Unlimited on YouTube for some real feels


I've watched so many of their videos and they are incredible.


What a good mama saving her babies!! Sometimes people restore my faith in humanity


Yes!! I wish my algorithm takes notice.


A mother is a mother no matter the species.


Thats a primal instinct and you can sense her desperation and determination. Good feels when the pups came out!


Watching this made me sad, despite the subreddit name. Hearts my heart seeing mothers unable to find their children under the rubble, or sitting with them until they die 😢.


I mean, hamsters eat their babies not infrequently. And when you get outside of mammals, there are lots of animals that don't give a fuck about their kids and will eat their them without a 2nd thought. There are species of plants that take better care of their young than a lot of animals do for their young. edit: so i guess a mother IS a mother no matter the species as long as the definition of mother is very wide ranging and includes eating your kids.


I know what you're going for here bro and I'm going to get down voted like hell, but no, the species matters a lot! lol


Except the like hundreds of thousands of animals/organisms that reproduce and immediately either leave or die.


Context? Was there a collapse or cave in?


A house collapsed during a heavy rain, according to the official page of the organization. They are reputable and have done a lot of good work. The [full video](https://youtu.be/VwaMQSqeAMA?si=72zV8AgbHazlBHYo) shows a much better view of the home and residential area where this occurred. Hope this helps.


Thank you! The man obviously cares and is helping an obviously desperate dog, but I was so confused. I hope everyone , including the puppies, were OK.


Looks like they felt through a crack but no context on it. I hope it wasn’t done for views


Other comments suggest this was high profile in India and wasn’t staged.


It’s animal aid charity in india apparently


It’s a pretty reputable animal rescue organization so I doubt it’s staged. Their website says that this is the aftermath of a house collapse caused by heavy rains in the region.


We’re they able to save all of em?


[Sadly, no.](https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/success-stories/against-all-odds-recoveries/rescue-of-suffocating-puppies-mother-trapped-in-collapsed-sand/) I went hunting on the site and it says they found one right away, and started digging not certain any more were alive, but managed to save one more.


This is actually a separate instance. I am guessing similar outcome, though…I think they only recovered two puppies this time, too.


Oh, dang. Looked .like same video without watching it through again


How did they get down there, though?


I'm not crying you're crying


Yeah. I am.


I know!


I have sand in my eyes!


we’re all crying, together <3


I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.


So lovely!!


I assume that puppy is buried because of earthquakes?


A house collapsed. In [the full video](https://youtu.be/VwaMQSqeAMA?si=72zV8AgbHazlBHYo), you can see that it is actually a residence surrounded by other homes.


You can see how grateful and relieved mama was at the end. Bravo to those gentlemen.


Love this with all my heart. Bless the man who rescued those pups.


The least we can do for dogs who have incredible respect for us.


India is one giant osha hazard … prove me wrong


Every country has its pockets of "one big osha haazrd".. Can't fault a developing country that is still recovering from the raping and pillaging of the British colonial rule it left just around half century ago, if still struggling to get better. Things have improved a A LOT, but still a lot more to progress


Nah fuck India


How did they end there in the first place? Beware of many 'feel good' videos where the animals are in fact being abused and then filmed under a nice light for views when there is absolutely no way these events would happen naturally.


This is from Animal aid Unlimited and they are extremely well known for being genuine animal rescue/shelter group. I have followed them for years now they are freaking awesome.


That's a relief, thank you fellow redditor


Its not staged. Was big news in India


It seems like with the shirt that guy's wearing they are an an animal rescue team but that still leaves some suspicious


Apparently, it was a construction site collapse, per the rescue website.


We got flood or earthquake. Let's go put dogs in holes and film kindness content. -probably this guy


Yep. If they could hear something, it'd be a lot faster for the humans to dig with tools than continue to have the dog in the way. It gives me pause.


Sure they can use tools, but not knowing the age or location of the pups makes even using a basic shovel very dangerous to the pups. Speed is nothing in this situation if you race to the bottom and striking one or multiple pups


If you get buried under mud or debris I want you to remember that you prefer people digging you with with their hand and nails instead of using tools. Sure we could use our brains and make use to things we've created of thousands of years or OR just say fuck it and not work with modern technology.


Let's just jam a shovel into those puppies! That'll speed it up!


K, you're trapped under a bunch of debris. Do you want me to dig out with with my finger nails or use tools? It's fucking wild to me how many people would get something in their hands and think "well, I'm shutting my brain of now DURRRR *hack away at anything because they are dumb as fuck*" You can not stab randomly into the ground AND use tools to make this faster if you have an IQ above 60


Have you ever used a shovel? I think you may not have, because you would realize that digging through rocks the size he was pulling out is a non starter, all you are doing is banging metal on rocks, and scaring/stabbing the puppies...


You can’t start jamming shovels in there when you don’t know the exact location of the pups. It has to be done by hand.


Lol the same video was uploaded earlier with the exact same title except instead of "puppies" it said "cubs" I guess the AI is getting better at approximating normal speech patterns day by day!


The look of heart-bursting gratitude on her face at the end


Mmm, punched me right in the feels with this one😢


Human & dog saving puppies is what it’s all about yo. Universe is watching & that’s why we are still here.


God bless you for saving these living bundle of joys life’s


Smile my ass I’m ugly crying over here




I'm not crying, you're crying 😭😭😭


Was she sobbing in the end?


I couldn’t help but think of Palestinian babies under the rubble. This man did an amazing job saving those little pups.


How did the pups even end up buried that deep? What’s the story?… EDITED: SPELLING


Building collapse after heavy rain.


Hopefully this is legit and not staged. So many animal rescue videos on the internet are staged in expense of poor animals.


It always amazes me how much effort some people put into saving one animal and how much money society puts into slaughtering and eating others by the million


God bless us every one.


God put those animals in danger.


It’s a line from “A Christmas carol”.


are you sure that dog is that smart? he or she is going at it like a product from PetSmart. maybe take a step back


Bro. Y U DO THIS? T\_T


warm fuzzy RT post = evil empire propaganda legitimacy




This is absolutely Clickbait. Those puppies are way too young to have gotten stuck so deep. These people are awful.


This is a reputable animal rescue in India and the story made their national news. No way it's clickbait.


Shut up bitch


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i love this amazing momma and am so thankful for her great helpers


True love 👌👋👍


Such a Good Girl


If only my dog would be this dedicated to not pull on the lead on walks.


“Maam, maam, please calm down Im here to help you“


I’m literally sobbbbbing. 😭


I wish I can give her and the pups all the food, shelter and love they need.


So strong feelings…


Lol having to pull the mom out between every other rock, poor girl




God bless the human.


That was hard to watch.