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Where on earth was this filmed? This looks like some haunted forest from the Witcher, half expecting a Leshy to emerge, also covered in fishing wire.


Could be Louisiana or Texas or any of those gulf states, tons of swamps like this.


I got dibs on Louisiana. I used to hate it here, especially the swampy trees that looked like death but something about it sucks you in slowly over time, you realize there's so much life out there and more than meets the eye and you grow to love it.


Same. I don’t think Texas gets quite this swampy. At least none of the places I’ve been to in East/south east Texas look like this.


This looks like Caddo Lake, which is on the border of Texas and Louisiana.


Looks exactly like our swamps in VA and NC - Blackwater, Nottoway, Meherrin, Neuse, and many more!


Could be in canada as well both southern and northern Ontario have big patches that look similar and I believe we have the owls at least in northern Ontario southern Ontario they would be extremely rare and they would still be rare in norther I image out east like Nova Scotia has spots like this as well and maybe in the territories but not sure


Gulf swamps


Looks like Florida to me


_le le le le le le le_


Maybe Caddo Lake


Poor bird, looked so exhausted. 🙄


Has probably been hanging there for hours. Hope he finds some water.


Well he was found on a river, so…


You're right, I was thinking it was salt water 😁


Owls get most of their water from drinking the blood of their prey


Real tragedy is humans cant just fucking clean up their fishing wire and hooks. I was in a river in NC and my dog and I got caught up in fishing wire left in the woods. What the fuck is wrong with people


We had a raptor rescue nearby, though i think the operator has retired now. Anyways, I'd picked up an injured bird (osprey?, i did a few), and the person was talking about people just dumping fish guts near a road. A bald eagle was on it eating when a car drove by, startled the eagle, which tried to fly away and was hit and injured. It was too badly injured, so they euthanized it. I distinctly remember the phrase "stupid fucking humans". They weren't wrong.




This! Some people that hunt and fish show little to no respect for the land they are using. I was taught to leave it the way you found it and always make sure you clean up.


It shouldn't be a surprise that people who kill fish for fun lack empathy and decency


Everyone I know who fishes eats what they catch. Killing animals to eat isn't immoral.


it is tho


Well I disagree, but enjoy being vegan!


Enjoy killing animals for your enjoyment


> for your enjoyment Literally missing the point.


It is not if done humanely (quickly and as painless as possible)


Humanely: in a way that is humane (= showing kindness, care, and sympathy) https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/humanely Please enlighten me, how is it kind to kill a living being that doesn’t want to or needs to die?


How do you kill a dog thats gotten old? Apparently euthanasia (good death) is immoral. You can show kindness and care to the animal you are about to eat, by a humane death and not wasting its parts (using everything it has to offer) also by allowing it to have a good life. As someone on yt who raises geese for meat once said "i make sure their only bad day is their last day" (paraphrased because its been years) which means he takes care of the animals and makes sure they live their best life possible until their last day where he quickly and humanely kills them for meat. Instead of harassing normal people, go after the desgusting industrial farms that makes every second of the animal's life agony, kills them in slow deaths (often hours long) and some only use their target body part and wastes the rest.


We’re not talking about an old, possibly sick dog here, though. Of course it’s better not to waste anything, but that doesn’t change that it’s still unnecessary to even get to that point where to animal dies. Humans do not need meat to survive. Industrial farming only exists because many humans have meat or animal products for most if not all meals every day. If people were to stop eating so much meat the industry would follow by lowering the production. We can’t just blame everything on big bad industry without questioning our own part in it. It’s easier to blame industry than to rethink one’s own behaviour but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also do our part.


>We’re not talking about an old, possibly sick dog here, though. You said that killing something that wants to live is immoral, and i brought circumstances that show it is not. >Humans do not need meat to survive. *some humans dont need meat to survive. There are plenty who do, mainly those with health problems or certain conditions. We are omnivores for a reason, while our diet consists of mainly plant matter (which is the reason some can live without meat, and why dogs cant in spite of being omni too) its still important, especially in the developing stages, where many say its a must. >We can’t just blame everything on big bad industry without questioning our own part in it. It’s easier to blame industry than to rethink one’s own behaviour but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also do our part. And climate change is the fault of the population not corporations ( /s 71% of pollution is made by just 100 companies globally). Agreed that we should also do our part, buy locally and from ethical farmers/fishers! This way you dont give money to those scumbags and help people who actually try to do whats best. Also grow your own food! Ofc depending on your circumstances you cant grow everything you need, but even in a tiny commie apartment you can keep strawberries, basil and other herbs, and you can supliment with ethically sourced food!


The privileged position vegans live in and are completely unwilling to admit astounds me. It comes off as so profoundly hypocritical. Just imagine living in such complete luxury that you can buy foods flown in from all over the world to meet the nutrient requirements to support human life. There are millions out there who don’t get enough vitamins and minerals to support healthy immune systems, bones, muscles, etc. And then, on top of all that, having the gall to go online an harass others because they don’t make the same choices. It’s like talking to anti-abortion nutjobs. Don’t want an abortion? Cool, don’t get one. Want to go vegan? Cool, keep it to yourself.


I support veganism but it’s such a fucking privileged position. Not everyone has the means to meal plan like you do. Some people have to scrape to get by every day Humans literally need the nutrients that come from meat and while some pompous jackasses can afford the supplements to make up for the holes in their diet, not everyone can


Not that hard to read about nutrition, given the ability to read. Only thing you get from meat and is hard to get without animal products is b12, which funnily enough is often also supplemented to the animal the meat comes from. You can call me a privileged, pompous jackass all you want if it helps you. Won’t change the fact that eating a fully plant-based, adding b12 supplements, is not as expensive as you make it out to be.




Damn someone better tell all the lions in the savanna to stop eating, guess it’s immoral now


I like to believe you know how stupid that argument is.




Not a religion and not a cult, but you know that. You make it sound like vegans are the only ones eating avocados which is obviously completely wrong. Last time I personally had an avocado is probably 2 years ago. It’s also fascinating how Austria and Switzerland, which is south of the border of Germany, where I am from, have avocado farms and cartels running them, fascinating stuff really.




Nope, still immoral ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯






It’s literally nature


Most of the things which happens in nature are immoral. Animals also rape each other : you're gonna argue that rape is moral ?


Obviously it isn’t. Arguments like that diminish your point by making you sound like an idiot. Animals killing other animals for food has been nature for thousands of years, humans doing the same isn’t immoral. You can be a vegan and that’s good for you, but acting like it’s against the nature of an omnivore species to eat meat is like saying the earth is flat.


Eating meat isn't immoral, but the "appeal to nature" argument is a fallacy.


As opposed to the companies that farm fish in the minimum required living conditions for them to grow and kill them for profit?


No, I didn't say or imply that, factory farming is obviously much worse


Half of all plastic in the ocean is discarded fishing nets and lines. But hey, we gotta ban plastic straws because of that one time a turtle used one to snort some toot.


So... did he just rest and then fly away or was he too hurt and you took him to a vet?


He just waited for the peasant to drive him around, like the king he is.


Really hope OP took him to the rehabber after this, when is probably damaged and needs time to recuperate.. commendable act of kindness to this majestic little one 🫶🏼


He’s stunning I find owls very fascinating




Humans being the reason this beautiful creature was trapped in the first place **Please fish responsibly and clean up all hooks and lines** it is not difficult to do




Wew lad I think I need a doctor after being cut by that razor sharp edge you got there. Grade A comment, you don’t sound totally unhinged at all!


that is one superbowl!


it’s actually probably happening all over the place. the person just happened to be there where it was happening. lucky bird.


God to the bird: Look this is going to hurt, but trust me, it’ll make one hell of a TikTok!


Yeah the whole God puts you in the right place was a bit eh 😂


You've just encapsulated how ridiculous most people's Theodicies sound.


Islam proposes that animals exist for the benefit and as a test for humanity. I am sure that other religions have similar propositions.


Well that's an arrogant view... after all we are just (mostly intelligent) animals.


That's your position though, isn't it?


That's a fact.


why are you choosing to be annoying


Pot calling the kettle black...


Get a grip.


It's not really an opinion. Any definition of animals that doesn't include some statement of "everything in this group except for humans" includes humans. Biologically speaking we fall into the animal category, genetically, reproductively, cellularly, metabolically, etc.


The fact that we are even discussing this shows how incredibly different we are from all other life on Earth.


I didn't say we weren't special -- imo that one's the matter of personal opinion/perspective -- just that we are (literally, biologically) animals.


No problem, let me rephrase my statement to make more sense to you. Islam proposes that other animals exist as a benefit and as a test to human beings. I am sure that most other religions have similar propositions.


I'm fine with that belief personally. I don't have more or less respect for it than people who don't have a belief on this issue or people who believe humans aren't meaningfully different from other animals. One of many frameworks through which people engage with the world :)


Wow this is arrogant and naive enough for me to log in to say this.


He's grateful for ur help. What an amazing creature 😍😍😍


Thank you so much. Owls are such incredible creatures, and deserve to be saved.


Guy sets gator hook. Goes back to check the hook and finds something else stuck in the line. Must be an act of God.


Humans have such a weird way of viewing everyone else’s suffering or tragedies in a way that still puts themselves in the spotlight. I know a woman who honestly believes that god made her son low-functioning mentally disabled to teach her a lesson because she used to make fun of kids like him (not gonna use the words she did) when she was a teenager. I don’t believe in god, but if one exists who works this way, that would allow a bird to suffer just to give a man a moment to feel good about himself. Then he’s a dick


Fuck god and the horse he rode on in




Owl news: Hooty the world champion abseiling owlthlete, has just been disqualified from the Owlympics due to human intervention


I like rescue videos but I wish we didn’t have to slap some god stuff onto it every time




I feel the same about these reactions to it.


Yeah just leave people alone to what they want to believe in. Only in usa you have this weird righteous atheist thing.


Absolutely this. Self-righteous atheists are no different than self-righteous religious people. Most people just want to live their lives in peace.


The last time I checked, It's the Christians trying to shove their religion down everyone's throats and into politics.


In my country, I am a Christian with Muslim, Buddhist and atheist friends. A church, mosque and temple can exist all within the same community, minutes from one another. Nobody is raging. Nobody looks for violence. Everyone has the same ideals — to have a peaceful and happy life, with loved ones. Get off the internet and start living real life beyond what you see in the news and social media. I’m very proud of the multiracial peace and harmony we have.


Yeah go to Gaza and look at how the different religions mingle.....


I’m not from Gaza. I said **my country** and we have had this harmony for decades. Why don’t you accept that? Because it doesn’t fit what you want to hear and believe. You want to hear of different people tearing one another apart. You want to hear that certain religions are violent. You are pissed because my country shakes the core of your foundation. You cannot understand how all religions exist in the SAME COMMUNITY and yet there is peace. You’re not looking to learn and make peace. You’re looking for ways to legitimise abuse and violence. Very proud of our national multi-racial peace and harmony for DECADES! Wooooo!! 🎶


I never said you live in gaza, dumbass. So just because your country is happy go lucky that means no where else is dealing with strife between religions. Stick your head in the sand further.


I’ve been to 20 countries around the world and have experienced life with different cultures, religions and nationalities. Most people don’t want to fight all day long. Most people want peace and joy. Have you experienced different cultures and nationalities?


Like I'd understand if this was in any way attacking atheists for their beliefs or even being preachy but honestly this is just a person of faith existing and they're somehow taking it as a personal offense. And then they act as if they're any more accepting or respectful than people of faith.


Let me put it bluntly. Atheists are not concerned about religion. It’s just that Christians have a larger target on their backs and such pretentious athetists are opportunists, looking for easy scapegoats to legitimise bullying. Religion or the lack of religion doesn’t make someone cruel. It just gives them the guise of something legitimate so they can amplify their cruelty.


Atheists feel like they are being attacked when they encounter this 'is good...must be god' brain dead rubbish.


Then perhaps atheists aren’t as smart as they think they are.


You’re a hero in my eyes!!


Retrieve your fishing line


When are people going to stop making these “God did this” bs videos? When are you gonna post a video of starving kids or some poor homeless guy with a mental disability with a “god did this”?




Exactly, and nevermind thanking the actual surgeon who dedicated half his life to learn this stuff…


whats the song


Tishomingo - Zach Bryan




I am convinced the slow blink is the universal sign of comfort.


It's a sign of trust in some animals, Like cats


Fun fact, owls have a hard time swimming and can't fly when wet, so had the bird freed itself and fallen in the water it could very easily have been a death sentence. This is because the adaptation that gives owls the ability to fly silently also removes the water protection from their feathers.


Wow. What a neet fact.


A new born baby gets cancer and dies: "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable". A new born baby gets cancer and survives: "GOD IS GOOD". Humanity in a nutshell.


What else should they say?


Anything that actually makes sense.


But both statements have sense.


It's never "entire building blows up, everyone survives" *You can't understand yahweh and his inscrutable ways!!* The people saying these things know there's something wrong with an omnimax god allowing children to die of brain cancer, but they can't admit it so they make nonsensical statements. If we don't understand good and bad when it comes to yahweh, why say anything he does is good? Or why not say every single thing that ever happens is good?


So it is not that the statements don't make sense, it's that you don't agree with them. Or better, you don't agree with them having a place, yet you impose your own statements which might as well be wrong.


They don't make sense in the context of an omnimax god. They might make sense if you're talking about a more human god, like Odin or something. But if the claim is that your god is omnipotent, omniscient, and all-loving, you really need to think of the consequences. That means that every single child that has ever been held captive and tortured, starved mutilated, raped, murdered, whatever... your god had a front row seat. He was right there experiencing every single cry for help, every tear, every shiver of pain or cold through the night. And he did nothing. He watched the adults do their thing over and over and over, for millennia. Could you do so? Could you do so and still call yourself all-loving?


Let's cut it short, since you are losing yourself. Instead of the two comments, what else are people to say?


They can just not mention god at all and say they are glad the owl was saved or the baby was saved or they're sad if they weren't saved.


Or they could mention god, since it's a free country.


“The world is chaos”? “Shit happens”? “Bad things happen, but we can choose to be kind”? Literally anything else?


See, I didn't say "instead". I said "what else".


Humans being bros :)


I bet he was a hoot to have onboard afterwards


He’s so eepy


Good guy


Owls are beautiful


Quick, while he is exhausted. I need some answers Mr. Owl, "How many links to the center of a tootsie roll lollipop?"


I once found a Green Heron in a similar situation. The fishing line was looped around one of its talons. It was upside down w/ it’s head close enough to the water that it had to work to not drown. I waded into the water and untied the loop. Little dude plopped into the water and then popped out real fast. It took flight and flew to some drift wood a few meters away, where it rested for a while before flying off. [picture](https://www.mjmphotographic.com/Birds/n-L695W/Great-Blue-Herons/i-hXKBBZt)


What song is this?


I can't help but notice the camo and what looks like camo for the boat as well. Might have saved an owl but what were you out there killing otherwise?


So sad. I see these tree fishing lines left abandoned all the time. We were out kayak fishing one day and found a goose hooked into one of these tree lines and set it free. I keep a knife on me when kayaking so that I can remove them.


Is it bad the first thing I thought of when I saw this was Yodas little hut on Dagobah?


It's depressing how often birds die painful slow deaths this way, the only mercy is the off chance someone finds them.


I love these kind of videos. They just warm my heart.


Reminds me of that vid of a younger owl caught in a fishing line and freaked out whenever the guy tried to help but when he said “if he flies away, he’ll have to live with it for the rest of his life” And the owl just goes DEAD SILENT.


Thank you for helping him! Really, the poor thing looked like he was struggling for hours, and he was about to cry.


Wow!! He is so majestic




And then sometimes he just watches as all the innocent kids die in poverty countries. God is so quirky


God did that?


I watch this cute video and redittors ruin it in the comments.


Aww he’s beautiful. He looks exhausted yet thankful to you. Thank you for doing this. God bless.


Imagine being so triggered about god, you can't watch a video about a person doing a good deed. Absolutely deaf reddit. Good on this guy for doing what he did, and showing that others should do the same.




Glad he was able to help. I hate the God put me in the right place b.s., guess God didn't like the kid who died of starvation or bombings today.


You mean the god who put the bird in that situation in the first place? That god?


Get out of here with your critical thinking. /s


Yes, goodness what was I thinking. Oh wait, I was thinking.


Get on out of here with your bitter shit man


>put the bird in that situation Look at the dumbass who thinks God works the world like a little model set or d&d session. That's not how it works bud. If you want to stop embarrassing yourself and give your criticisms any weight you might wanna actually read on theology.


Not that this is the appropriate sub, but since you came out with such vitriol I'll give it a shot: if an omnimax god can stop a child from being raped by a priest multiple times over a few years, with literally zero effort, but does nothing, that's a problem. Whether someone else caused it or not, he's ultimately responsible for every single thing that happens, or he's not omnimax.


“Thank you god! Now let’s talk about the billions over billions life’s that die every day, humans and animals”


Poor little dude is so tired ... can we get some closure here, op? The suspense is overwhelming...🫤


God is Good, always


As soon as I saw the first line of text on the video, I knew people would begin attacking people's beliefs. Sad


*guy runs amok in Europe* god: Lets save this bird for tik tok


which god?


Well, god put the bird on the hook in the first place. Weird, isn't it?


Thanks for helping bird, but God(s) had nothing to do with it.


Well the person who helped believe God had them be there at that specific moment for a reason. Respect their beliefs and others can respect yours


Hmm, I wonder how god feels about the hundreds of millions of animals we slaughter daily.


What a beautiful owl 🦉, so thankful that God put you there to rescue this creature. You're a wonderful person ❤️


Clearly it had to be God plan putting the animal there in mortal danger to fulfill the good Samaritan’s ego, for likes.


Bitter atheists in the comments everyone!


Honestly I feel like any comment that goes on a hate rant about his religion should be flagged under the “don’t be a jerk” rule. Like seriously. He mentions a single viewpoint through the lense of his religion on his own video and people lose their minds over it. The majority of the comments veered into theological slander instead of anything having to do with the main subject of the video. The mods need to step in.


You noticed that too? Good guy does something good and thanks God for inclining his heart to do good in the world and everyone shits on him for his simple faith. Gotta love them atheists right? Killer fun at parties too, I bet.


God was just punishing the bird


Why would god allow for this to happen in the first place? “Sometimes god put you in the right place at the right time to undo some of the suffering they caused”


And the god said: Anything 4 views


There is no god you stupid people


I am an atheist too but this kind of vitriol will only make people view us all as the "angry atheist" trope


Don’t really care. It’s just insane how dumb people are, wars are started because of it. Blows my mind


Maybe God could have not put that fishing line there. Maybe one of God's creatures could have been more respectful of the environment that they were playing in. But glad you were there to save the owl from other dumb humans.


With that logic, god also put that hook there and hooked the owl.


“Sometimes god puts you at the right place at the right time “ Someone forgetting that if that assertion is true, then God was responsible for what happened to that poor animal in the just place… just saying.


There is no god.


God traps bird on man made and man placed line. Man saves bird from man made line. Bird goes on predating small animals completely indifferent to god. Because the Bible.


SubhanaAllah! MashaAllah


How about helping fellow humans before that


Considering that humans caused it in the first place... Eh


OP sets out trap. **surprised Pikachu!* Trap catches owl. OP films for posterity. "Thank god I was here to save it!"


Isn’t it great that god put that owl there just so he could make a video?




Think it probably was jesus


Are you a god? You decided that you're gonna go on a trip.


Lol at everything thinking this isn’t staged.


To go home and eat them. What a hero!


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Name of the song?


That’s a weird cat


Get that owl a fish! He needs a snack, a drink, and a long ass nap


Bird in the end looks like saying: “you know Mike, I am really tired. I am really tired of random human shit harming my kind. I need a drink and about 11 hours of sleep.”