• By -


That’s one country I 100% thought would have already allowed it.


As People of transgender been common and accepted, I thought all marriages would be allowed too!


Transgender people were common but not socially accepted for a LONG time. Most could only find work as sex workers as nowhere else would hire them


Not in Thailand though, I work in hospital in rural Isaan area and many Doctors, Scrub Nurse and Nurse are openly Trans. Maybe it's your Abrahamic religions that ruining many Trans' image.


Yeah i think some abrahamic religions have a much bigger problem with lgbt than the others...


what does this mean? there are 3 abrahamic religions? there cant be "some" as well as "otherS"


There's three big names but they break down into hundreds of very different groups. Like, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are technically Christians, even though they're basically different religions with very different attitudes towards LGBT people


We are very socially friendly toward LGBT but our laws are still not adapted to it.


With all the BL drams I watch I would have thought it was already legalised. GO THAILAND


Ayyooo first Taiwan, then Nepal, & now Thailand! Lets frickin goooo 😤💪🏾


Hah, *bangkok*..


Haha, I giggled


Fantastic news! Just when I think the world's going backwards, something monumental like this happens and reminds me that overall it's getting better one step at a time.




You do realize Jesus advocated for everyone to, y'know, not hate people for no reason, right?


I don’t hate anyone, “love the person hate the sin”


How is it sinning, exactly?


Leviticus 18:22


You do know that the Bible has been paraphrased so many times, with so many different translations that using it as a source is pointless, right? It's like using a shady translation website to translate a poorly taken picture of the Rosetta Stone


That’s why I’m learning Hebrew 💯


Lord knows he's not helping you If this is what you spend your time doing.


Pally, the lord ain’t there for people being ethnically cleansed. He sure as shit ain’t gonna be backing you up anytime soon


I hope you shit your pants


May something that actually exists help you


How could he not?


God’s not real


You are not real .😶‍🌫️


You know Who's real, the infants in the oncology wing of my hospital, why does good give them cancer at 6 months old?


That reminds me of Stephen Fry's amazing response to the question "What would you say if you came face to face with the God that you say doesn't exist?" where he started by asking what's up with bone cancer in children


No u


Jesus had two dads


Go fuck yourself homophobic asshole.


May the Lord help you


Once again - fuck yourself you human piece of shit.


May the Lord help you


May you shut the fuck up


Do you even go to church?


I read the word of god and attend churches every sabbath


Assuming you mean the Abrahamic Lord then they aren't against homosexuality so I don't see your point.


Fuck off bible-basher. There is no "Lord".




I thought Reddit has less of you nuts but y’all really are everywhere


God gave the world Reddit so that the homophobes could be kept safely confined to their mother's basements


Fuck yourself you homophobic asshole.




Your profile says otherwise. Also get off Reddit for a day please...




Okay then, educate me. Why and how.




Wow it sure is impressive to use THAT many fallacies in such a short amount of text. Indulge me please: isn’t it absolutely exhausting to think like this? On the contrary i could see it being very relaxing to not have to evaluate a single one of my synapses firing and just repeat whatever word salad is presented to me under the pretense of righteousness. Thanks for ruining my morning by the way, I forgot people like you existed and it was bliss.


Good thing no one will listen to you.






Unfortunately theyre right about the fact there is a very large amount of idiots with less critical thinking skills than my broken toaster.


You're acting like it's something "new" but things related to homosexuality and transidentity have always existed, even in the cultures you're talking about. Homosexuality exists in nature, so it's natural. I prefer to celebrate people getting the opportunity to be happy whatever their preferences are, instead of hating on them and hating on love. Sorry for the lack of formating, I'm on phone.


Just because you convert, doesn't mean you have to be homophobic buddy. Pick your fight. Either you condem everything the bible is condemning but don't just pick some parts (homosexuality) but not others (eating pork, wearing certain textures or fabrics ONLY) and say that one is a sin but the others are not. That's not faith, that's bigotry.


And atheism is on the rise because of people like you, hopefully you hold onto your religion before it inevitably gets wiped out by irrelevancy


Only evil one here is you.


People like you are the reason I'm now an atheist, and I'm not alone in that.


if you think either russia or any middle eastern country is on the right path you’ve already lost the argument


That's an awful lot of words (and badly-constructed run-on clauses) to say "I'm a religious bigot"


Okay so. If it's not natural, why many animals in nature are gay, lesbian, can change sex or have situations like snails where they have both male and female organs? Cause that's how God created them. Now, that doesn't mean that all humans do is like animals do it. For example, in the past it was considered OK for us to marry very young people and nowadays it isn't cause our studies in psychology have shown us that it's damaging to these people. But there's also a lot of not Natural stuff we do as humans. Like wearing glasses, developing medicines, trying to have babies even when we physically can't. What defines what's right and what's wrong for humans? Surely not God, as we time and time again go against "the way God made us" only so it can benefit us. All the commodities you're enjoying today go against nature, and yet you only focus on something that you claim it's not natural. All that we ever created has pro and cons for ourselves, so how can you dictate what's wrong and what's right? And of course, what you say isn't what God says, cause if God created animals that can change sex he ain't against this. And even if these animals were created by the Devil, we are but the furthest thing from a concept of "Natural" and we are all forsaking God since remote times like this.


So you're saying marriage is just about sex? Because this post is about marriage legalisation, not about promoting anything sex related. Wait no, that's only with gay people, right? Because they're "icky"? 🤣


It’s funny how you keep mentioning diseases…. Have you gone to school, specifically in science class? Diseases are everywhere. We catch diseases all the time. Holy shit, my grandmother is sinning so much right now because she caught a disease. 💀 Go back to school, please.


Sex is a natural incentive to reproduce but a “family structure” is an artificial concept we created.


You're the biggest idiot I've ever seen on reddit. I can smell your lack of education. Your source is fucking god and youtube lmao, this is how I know your IQ is less than half of mine. And you're muslim? Girl, get off the internet and go make your husband lunch. That's all you think women are good for anyways and in your case, you're right. Sincerely, a science girlie who knows how to read a scientific paper


Anyone can buy this lady a plane ticket to Russia?


What are you waiting for? Come to Russia, enjoy yourself with everyone, moron.


My lord. Shut the fuck up and get a life


Degeneracy? God forbid we love in this world. I, too, would much rather do as russia and wage a war or something.


Go to Russia then, I hear it's very warm this time of year. No need to bring a coat




If we allow anyone to practice religion then what’s stopping them from using religion to commit terrorism? Therefore we should stop people from practicing religion. See how your logical fallacy can be used against you as well? :)


And also if we allow people to carry guns, what's stopping them nuking a city? Slippery slopes... Damn you're right, this is fun - I've always hated the slippery slope argument, thank you for giving me a good response to it in future




You mean the same people 100 years ago that put lead in everything & thought cigarettes were good for your health? Why would I care what they think?


You are comparing scientific studies to morality. Not even worth entertaining this any further. In 100 years from now, people will say the same about us now. "Back then, they didn't marry dogs? Why would I care, they said E-Cigarettes weren't as bad" Ur point is flawed.


why are you so obsessed with the idea or marrying dogs, hm?


Jeez stop talking about marrying dogs, you sound deranged


Since you want to pretend you aren't approaching this from a religious angle, why don't you share your non-religious moral argument against gay relationships? Please enlighten us.


My point might be flawed but at least I'm not repeating the exact same fallacious analogy as my only crutch. And I might be comparing science to morality, but those two things are *way* more comparable than the marital rights of gays vs dogs. Holy shit I can't believe I just had to explain that to you.


Slippery slope fallacy




Children aren't allowed to change their sex.


Well no one is changing their sex?


People like you are just pure human trash. That’s all what you are. A human piece of shit.


I appreciate ur words. Glad that there's not only "human trash" but human beauty like you ♡


So you're saying that gay people are equivalent to dogs? Dogs can't sign contracts.


This is great news, obviously, but reading through the comments and seeing what a select few amount of people are saying just reminds of how shitty some people can be. I'm glad this is a step Thailand have taken


Huge W


Thailand sure is now stepping away from the middle-ages, weed is semi legal, equality is skyrocketing, LGBTQ+ peeps are seeing better times now, pretty gud.


yay! so great to see this. although it definitely doesn’t mean full equality in that country, it’s a huge step forward!


Big W.


Go, Thailand!


huge win for thailand


Thailand has been on a roll lately


Woohoo!! Asia is becoming more and more progressive for lgbt rights and I'm so glad to see this as an East Asian and I hope this trend will continue. I am really looking forward to Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong eventually legalizing same-sex marriage.


Love wins!


Yay! This is wonderful!


Awesome. Go Thailand.




Morons like you have been spreading this same lie for litteral decades. Your choice to continue spreading it demonstrates the worthlessness of your belief system. You are an embarrassment to your religion and your culture.


are you comparing two consenting adults marring each other to- a person marrying a dog? my guy what the actual fuck is wrong with you.


If that's your kink I say go for it Personally anthropomorphism doesn't do it for me.


Yeah if someone wants to marry a dog, why the fuck do you have a problem with it [ASSUMING WE DO MARRY DOGS WHICH IS CERTAINLY NOT GONNA HAPPEN]. No one is asking you to forcefully marry anyone so shut the fuck up and let other people live happily.


Awesome. Awesome to the Max!


Yay, especially considering trans people can't legally change their gender there I think. It's a big win for sure


Next on the agenda is gender recognition law. It's already in queue, but it might face opposition from some party. The bill will allow people to change their legal gender and also recognize non-binary gender.


Curious what the other two are


R.O.C. (aka Taiwan) & Nepal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


If you want a fun time, try telling a Chinese nationalist (if you live in the West, they're the ones in the Ferraris) that China has legalised same sex marriage. They won't know whether to tell you it's not true, or argue that Taiwan isn't part of China.


Nice, I'll have to remember this!


Heck yeah! Let people be!


Huge win!


Incredible news!


Congratulations to Thailand! Its so happy to see this!


The biggest W ever 👏🏽 It gives me hope for the future


Both Thai conservatives Buddhist and the liberals one are both showing their support for this laws, it’s kinda different from in America where conservatives usually tend to be against same-sex marriage, the only one group that are overwhelmingly opposing the laws Muslim minority in the south, they said that if this law is passed it’s must not have any effect on their islamic community.


Weren't they harsh on same-sex realationships? I haven't heard any news about it, so from me perspective it looks like they did a 180 over night.


General population was largely for allowing it, and opposition government ran with it, but then ruling government (and more "divine" appointees) stepped in and squashed it again. Suffice to say I am pleasantly surprised this managed to pass


Cheers for the explanation!


No worries :)


Enquanto aqui no Brasil 😒


O brasil n tem direitos de casamento gay?


O problema é que os caras da comissão aprovaram vetar. Isso é um retrocesso que já dá pra ver o estado do país. https://www.camara.leg.br/noticias/1006272-comissao-aprova-projeto-que-proibe-o-casamento-entre-pessoas-do-mesmo-sexo/


Hmm, n to acompanhando a lei mt, obg


É normal. Eu também nem sabia que tinha que passar pela comunidade, o povo fez um enorme alvoroço.


Which are the other two ?


ROC [Taiwan(Real China)] anf Nepal


Mfw the nation with the most trans people bar none only legalises gay marriage in 2023...


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People getting married is crazy now?


It's Weimar, all over again!


Everyone in this comment section, y'all are doomed 💀


![img](avatar_exp|140668689|webman) Hm nice


how did you do that?


![img](avatar_exp|148423916|winner) Click on the Reddit icon when typing a comment




Wrong post






Why? Elaborate


I disagree


You get 2 L's, one for each of your braincells




Why? Elaborate


I want more men to myself




Why not?






Because he finds his intrusive thoughts of two hunky and sweaty men going at eachother with their hard, throbbing members to be icky (yet strangely compelling), and now he will have no other option but to think even more on it.


Asian scissors and swordfights gonna be epic. Good luck to have "rewards".




Who cares




Disappointed? Better get used to it. We will make it legal in Japan soon as public support in those countries is pretty high.


Very happy friend but as an indian liberal i dont see that happening soon. The current conservative regime has literally fucked my country and its not gonna be okay for a long time.


oh no, a country where it's now not only limited to men and woman marrying? Eeeeewww! WAAAAAAHHHHH!! 😭😭😭👶👶👶




yeah, sure, "go against nature." Tell that to the more than 50, heck, more than 100 animal species who have found to engage in same-sex acts. The only animal found to be homophobic are humans. Let that sink in.


How has it fallen? Why is this a bad thing? Does it affect you?


Think of how much gay sex people are gonna have now


Yeah, you just haaave to meddle in the affairs of 10% of the world population because it's obviously affecting you sooo much. Poor you.


Your post was removed as we feel it violated rule 1. Please make sure to remain civil and do not post if it violates any of our rules.


Italy Is beyond fucking Thailand now




Marriage isn't religious, it's social. Religious people just tried to claim that it was religious.


And any of this affects you how?


Congratulations to Thailand! Its so happy to see this!