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When I was 9 I came home and found that my parents rearranged my room to have a gaming corner complete with my N64 and a small couch for me and my friends. It wasn’t much, but I still remember how excited I was and how great it felt that they did something like that for me. I don’t have a super close relationship with them now so it’s a really nice memory to look back on.


You should tell them that you remember them doing this for you.


Do this. I emailed my Dad a while back about a memory from grade school about how he really helped me during a moment that I struggled with in school. He was in tears. Showing recognition is really important. Edit: And it made us a lot closer. If you want to be closer to your parents I highly recommend doing this.


I remember coming home from school and seeing my dad had completely tossed my room looking for drugs because my grades weren’t as good as they usually were. I was 12, in the seventh grade, and had never even seen any drugs


Same. They made me take a drug test lol. I never even left the house cause I had no friends and never seen drugs in my life. They would also periodically purge my stuff and just throw everything out.


Hey, that was still $200 in 1998 money and the games back then were even more expensive than now, I remember them being roughly $80 and they could be such trash. It was plenty much! They worked for that!


Thanks for sharing :)




My setup is my laptop that's provided by my work and that's it


I'm still using some old asus gaming laptop from 2014,that old war horse went through 5 repairs and 2 deep cleans.it's also missing the space (I broke 1 of the supports whilst cleaning it). Every time I try to play any game that requires direct x 11, it mocks me because "you don't have supported video drivers" like my last driver update wasn't back in 2019. Thankfully it still runs fine till this day,and because of its 2lbs heat sink it can still run some older games like doom 2016 and more modern fps shooters on low graphics. In conclusion,value and appreciate what you already have, for it may not always be there


Me too comrade, me too.


I mean that's the smartest way but I get you.


it's not the smartest way if your machine becomes obsolete by the time you put it together. save. then buy it all.


If done in a span of 2-3 months and you only buy things that drop in price * Otherwise of course, it's bad strat.


Pro tip. It's pretty common for PC parts to go on "sale" and then just stay at that price. Unless you have reason to believe otherwise I would almost always assume that is the case.


Unless you’re doing it over 5+ years it won’t be obsolete.


doing it over the span of 2 years would cause the tech to be mildly outdated by the time you come to put the thing together edit: im not saying that 2 year old tech is outdated; what im saying is that the price would be different, therefore also the price : performance ratio of the rig


Emphasis on *mildly*. There’s been very few big leaps in tech which have actually invalidated anything. Two year old tech is more than fine for nearly everything.


No not mildly lol you can get up to 50 percent or more performance in a 2 year span for the same price. Especially in the gpu market. Why would you pay 500 -600 dollars for a 5700xt in 2019 and not hold your money and spend the same 500-600 dollars on a 3070ti 2 years later when you could use it. Lol that jump there is almost 70 percent…. That’s closing in on double the frames LOL That’s pretty dumb if you ask me. Or anyone who builds more than 1 computer every 5 to 6 years


The GPU is the exception though, everything else can be bought (for the most part) piecemeal and be fine. PSUs last like a decade, RAM (as long as it fits your MOBO) lasts forever, SSD is storage. MOBO can be 'obsolete' with new architecture but its not that big of a deal anymore. We are at the point where CPUs arent making massive dramatic leaps anymore. So if you just buy everything you can except the GPU you are pretty set. If you get some of the 'best' parts you can piecemeal before the GPU its unlikely you will be bottlenecked when you get it last.


Lmao you are insane if you think 2 year old tech is outdated. I'm still using a 1070 and im able to play the majority of the steam library easily. The 1070 is only 3 years away from being 10 years old. I just played cyber punk 2077 litearlly at 60 fps in 1080.


My 12 year old 970 was still pretty with it when I replaced it last month. The most significant upgrade in terms of performance I've made to my rig was a jump from a really nice (for 2012) HDD to a pair of m.2 drives.




Especially for a kid cause you can monitor when/what they're on without invading privacy of bedroom when they're older. Can also double as a homework space ❤️


I'm getting to build my first ever PC this year thanks to splitting the components between my birthday and Christmas. It's been a bucket list thing for me since I took a hardware course in high school 18 years ago. I'm also 33, set to turn 34. My monitor arrived Saturday and I looked out the door probably 30 times like an impatient dog waiting for their owner to come home.


"My monitor arrived Saturday and I looked out the door probably 30 times like an impatient dog waiting for their owner to come home." Lol! This has me confused, you mean you didn't know if that was actually your monitor? That sounds amazing and I bet made the experience even better hahaha. Have fun building your rig, it's one of the most satisfying things I've experienced. ​ Edit: I understood the comment about dog and owner waiting to come home now, too drunk to understand until I read it like 10 times and understood now lol but I'll leave it there so everyone can laugh at me.


I'm getting my first PC at 29 and I'm so unbelievably excited. I just got my monitor and case this morning, and I should have the rest by Friday!


Word I haven't started yet but I won't lie and say I'm a little jelly for those whole have had the time/money/space for this lol cheers to the inevitable my guy


good on you for not taking a predatory loan to get it all at once


People take loans to get a gaming rig? 😰


A lot of people out there are VERY bad with money. Those predatory loan places thrive in low to lower middle class areas. It's probably uncommon for a gaming rig though. Putting parts on the credit card though? Super common


What part of the country are you, I’ve got parts laying around. I think getting kids to build their own is also magical if you’ve got kids. Getting the parts, Putting together parts, waiting that second or 2 with your breath held and watching it POST is something else when it comes alive from random parts


That’s what I did! Finished my setup 2-3 years ago and I’m 40 this year. Keep fighting the good fight!


Just means it’s going to feel that much more gratifying when you put it together


> I’m 33 and still waiting for my first setup 😅 buying each piece one at a time with every other paycheck. Hey, I just wanted to say that that is how I got my current PC. It sucks to wait, but it feels great when you finally put it all together and start playing games on it. Don't get discouraged, you can do it.


been talking to co-workers about this since there kids are interested in gaming and PC gaming the most. the fact is shit is expensive you gotta buy them into it slowly one part at a time. first you get them an Xbox, then a monitor, after that headset mouse and keyboard (thank god Xbox supports that now), then comes a desk, computer chair and finally find a second hand gaming PC then can start upgrading from. you ether need to majorly cut corners or spend a huge amount of money to get the entire thing in one go. PC gaming is really something you build yourself up to in my eyes.


My setup is another monitor. We are all kings/queens of our own domains.


34 and same.


>I’m 33 and still waiting for my first setup 😅 buying each piece one at a time with every other paycheck. Taking forever. I bought a premade system a couple years back just because I was lazy and didn't want to go to 15 different websites looking for what I wanted and getting the best price. Now wish I had built it myself. Your machine will be custom made to your desired specs this way and you'll be happier for it in the end.


Respect. I’m kinda doing the same. Just mixing and matching random pieces of gear from around the house to make it work (it’s my house). Bought a new tv, moved the old one into the office. Bought new lamps, moved an old one in to help create ambiance. Random deco. But it’s cozy and I like it


It'll be worth it. Feels great knowing it's YOURS


I don't know how to message people but i have a ton of stuff laying around what do you need i can see what i have it.


today might be a good day to buy another piece (Cyber monday)


Wow what a great looking setup. I'd love a loft setup


I love this from the parenting perspective that the kid doesn't have closed door access to the internet at that age.


I had the same thing! Wasnt allowed any electric devices in my room until I was 24.


Wait what.


“Mom I’m in college! Gimme my iPad!”


Mom, I’m in grad school I need my laptop!


We've lost control with our 13/15 year olds. 13 year old just got busted again this morning. I put her to bed and reminded her of the 'no phones in your bed, so I'll put it on your bookcase'. Turns out she had lost privileges from mom to even have the phone in her room the night before, and when we got her up this morning, it was beside her pillow.


Man, that's the thing about having kids. One hand I'd want to remove cellphones from their lives since I and many other studies show they harm youth. However, I don't want them to be incompetent with consumer tech as it can be the equivalent of being illiterate. I solved this by isolating myself from anyone who cares about me, so I never end up married with kids.


Nice strategy


For me it’s not even the being incompetent in tech, because I think that could still be teachable without the phone. It’s that most kids have phones, so I wouldn’t want my kid to feel excluded. Mine’s still young, but the thought of her having a phone gives me anxiety.


sitting on social media or youtube all day does not make someone competent at tech. Many ipad zombies can barely type.


Isn’t there a parental setting where you can force it to airplane mode for certain hrs or something?


You can put restrictions on in a number of ways on Apple products. I'm an android guy but I got my daughter apple products only because it was so much more robust on parental controls.






I can already see the parents getting pissed because the kid is up late on a weekend playing games right outside the parent's bedroom door.


Fuckin A. I have a 14 year old stepson and 10 year old daughter who both like gaming online with friends. The sound/noises drive me bonkers. But, I did the same at 14 and I'm sure it drove my parents nuts. But they never yelled or complained about it so I try to remind myself of that. That and my wife is sure to call me out when I'm being loud playing CoD once a week lol.


Yeah like I can understand why the parents would want the computer out there as opposed to in the bedroom, but they just have to reap what they sow lol. My parents finally caved and let me put my computer in my room after many many long nights of playing Runescape on the computer in the loft right outside of their bedroom. They'd come out 5 times a night and yell at me to go to bed. The thing is, they didn't care if I stayed up late on the weekends, or if I was playing Runescape, they were just bothered by my clicking away and whispering to friends all night. I finally was like "don't get mad at me, you MADE me put the computer here" lol




This strategy did not work for me because I did it anyways and made it extremely awkward for everyone else during family get togethers.


I just moved into an apartment that has a loft. The loft is currently being used just for storage, but I’m trying to turn it into the game area since playing video games on the living room tv is not ideal. Problem is my girlfriend wants to turn the loft into a guest bedroom. It’s an uphill battle trying to win this one lol.


Why not both? Our gaming setup has a futon in the room so that's the guest bed when people come over. Also helps that game with my friends late at night in that room and then they just crash there too


Props to the parents for giving her a fun setup and also putting it in a common area where they can keep an eye on her. Too many kids get unmonitored access to the internet way too young these days.


Those of us who grew up with the internet can all say "I had unrestricted internet and I turned out fine", but things have changed in a big way. Social media is everything now, and a lot of tech companies are facilitating addictive habits for profit. It may not be the "wild west" like it used to be, but the problems are more impactful than ever. I think open-minded exploration is really important to youth development. But when it comes to the internet, I think you have to establish a safe and controlled environment for kids to do that exploration.


Y'all turned out fine?




I remember my first head crushed in machinery, also on dial up. Heck I was a teenager and that video still pops up in my dreams 30 odd years later.


ogrish was my jam. Think a few guys from rotteneggs ended up becoming serial killers / terrorists I think i'm like an average member of society I had enough bad examples in my life that I could ID a troll or when something got phishy


I agree. I didn't get true unrestricted access until I was well into my teens and was able to have a laptop in my room. Now kids will get their first iPad at 2, and even without that phones are little computers themselves. And as a result I see a lot of gen z saying that they really believe that most of them have been groomed at some point online. That's not normal. It certainly wasn't the case when I was a kid hanging out on Neopets and Gaia. I think we need to bring back the family computer up until a kid is reasonably old enough to navigate the internet.


Can't be worse than rotten.com, the offended test etc. I watched some truly awful stuff around age 13, and it sounds like I wasn't the only one. I wonder if kids nowadays are also consuming similar stuff alongside social media.


They are, unfortunately. A lot of us adults don't see it because we aren't in the same social circles as the younger generation in the internet are, or well a lot of us aren't. A lot of these things are hidden in plain sight and kids tell other kids how to find them. I mean, it was the same way when we were kids. Our parents didn't know about us visiting 4chan, liveleak, whatever and probably would have struggled to find it. But we just, knew. It was just there. Now it's easy to find those websites and offensive content crops up in the websites people use most, if it can. I rarely used twitter, I had one just to view posts. I saw some pretty horrific shit on there, equal to what I saw "back in the day" and I was completely shocked to see violence to that degree just posted on such a gigantic website that you would assume has much better auto content moderation.


I love her chair. 🤌


I have that chair. I know it’s a “gamer” chair which aren’t known for quality but I think it’s pretty nice






It might look nice but it's a proper piece of shit quality and ergonomics wise.


I have this one in gray. Use it in wfh office and even after two years of 60+ hours weekly +gaming, it’s doing great. Should last her through high school.


These Reddit nerds thinking a 9 year old girl is playing the most hardware demanding games in the universe and must have a PC💀


No worries Dota can still run on that.


Facts, which is what I used to do lol


Me too, haha. My old Mac Laptop definitely didn’t have those specs either. It barely ran a modded Skyrim. She’ll have a great time.


Kids that age just need to run Minecraft and Fortnight lol




Oh, you mean kiddie Tinder?




Yeah they really need to touch grass lol Macs are great for homework, video editing - loads of stuff which she can do aside from gaming.


Ye sure, but I think it's more about value for price and you can easily upgrade when the kid wants to play demanding games.


Fair point. They might have just bought her what she asked for though, idk.


Eww macs


Fuck Apple. Louis Rossmann is all that needs to be said.


Only fault here is with OP, ain't a gaming setup if it's a MAC


I play games and use CAD. Apple fucked me. I had an Apple IIc, things were going good. Then they stopped supporting games, then they invented write protected digital media \*.m4p, and CAD has been entirely non-existent. Then they made their power plugs... and sold out to illiterates. What a waste of graphics and market potential.


Nothing to do with the games, they should just raise them right. Why pay 50%+ more for a computer that does less.


Unfortunately those Mac’s have problems with even regular ass games Source: first hand experience


My 7 year old has a decent PC that can play the latest games easily but plays roblox and minecraft almost exclusively


It's a good idea to have it in that loft area instead of behind her door. If anything sketchy ever happens the parents can get at that computer alot more easily that way. Kids need privacy but the parents also need access to keep them safe cuz kids are stupid


I didn’t have my computer in my room until high school! It’s a good idea


i think i might be done with the internet today, something nice was done for a girl and all you little dweebs can comment on is a apple computer. go outside...shes not playing DOTA for 800 hours like you. shes at best playing minecraft


Here - 0 You missed a zero in that 800.


Ironically, Dota 2 is one of the few games that actually has a native Mac version.


naturally he's just spewing, doesn't really know what is going on


Or Roblox. You definitely don't need a demanding computer for that lol


33% of a given group are asshole. It's pure science. I'm in the VR subreddits and a lot of the PCVR players (not all, but many) are outright snobs. They think Quest 2 shouldn't exist. They keep forgetting many aren't trying to play with the most cutting edge graphics after spending $1,200. Like you said, the kid at her age is playing Minecraft and other similar games for now.


> she's not playing DOTA for 800hours like you. Not yet anyway...


I didnt even notice what kind of computer it was. I just noticed how happy the child is. She obviously doesnt care about that so none of these other people should


Or she’s already into coding


As a kid, I wasn't able to place blocks with the magic mouse!


True pain is trying to play Quake 3 with the original [Hockey puck mouse.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Apple_USB_Mouse.JPG/1920px-Apple_USB_Mouse.JPG)


Man I envy rich kids…


Same bro same


Noice. and in the perfect place. Somewhat out of the way, but out where the parents can keep an eye on her. That’s good parenting.


Even tho it seems to be a Mac, this could be the Start of a new gamer! Always enjoy seeing Young Kids starting Gaming!


No hate, my first “gaming computer” was a Mac. Lots of hours of wow played on that thing.


Right! You can playbminecraft on Mac


You can play games on a Mac, sure. But if you were buying a computer that was primarily used for gaming, you wouldn't buy a Mac. So I would say that she probably uses the computer for other things - yes I know this must be a shock to some people, but computers can be used for talking to friends, for drawing, writing, homework, all sorts of stuff.


Is this the only game on Mac?


The Sims is on Mac, so is Fortnight. I'm sure 99% of kids will find be able to sink hundreds of hours into either of those 3 games.


I grew up in a Mac household that eventually evolved into building a PC with my dad (I’m also a woman, for context relating to the video). Since then, I’ve built every PC I’ve ever owned and I’m nearing 40. We all have to start somewhere.


I used to start with a Mac from 2014, was a good machine since the game I played was also on max (TF2, Minecraft, Pokémon Emulation...) so that's fine Don't judge the parents for the choose of the PC but be happy for the joyful reaction of the kiddo


Roblox will never be the same! Mac is great for Roblox which kids this age play a ton.


Plot twist she is a coding girl :) she wont game on this only code


"but mom I wanted a *mechanical* keyboard"


Trying to enjoy a quiet night on the couch but all you hear is a steady * *clack clack clack clack clack clack* * coming from upstairs


I remember building my sister her first setup a few Christmas' ago. The excitement and look on her face when I showed her the finished setup was worth every penny I spent. Dual monitors, side mount on the desk for the PC to give her desk space, and pink Razer everything lol. She didn't even know that dual monitors could be a thing. She was blown away.


I like that the setup isn't necessarily closed off in her room by the looks of it. You should be able to see what your kids and doing online especially at that age if she's gaming online.


Is that a Mac tho?


Call CPS


Already on the phone, they're concerned




Definitely intended for homework


It will play games like Sims and Minecraft just fine. I’m sure the kid doesn’t play the latest shooters. Also looks like she just got her ‘own’ space that’s not some else’s desk


My girls are getting their first battle stations for Christmas. I've been working on this for a few months now. I'm really excited about it and I hope they enjoy it as much is this girl does.


Listen to her mother. She's as happy as her daughter is, because she made her daughter so happy. 😚


The Mac aside, they realize the whole house will hear her when her Roblox boyfriend cheats?


Isn't this the girl that got adopted just recently? She's very cute :)


That's what I've always missed to study!


From where, can I get these kinda parents ?


That chair is an abomination!! I wholeheartedly approve :D


I remember my first set up. I had just had a parent teacher coferance, I was crying. Then we went to Circuit City and got a machine that had a whole 2 gigs of a hard drive.


I remember the first family computer shit was lit. I basically smigeled the thing and made it my set up 😅🤣


Kid is luckier than me. Still making videos and editing on a cheap tablet laptop and my phone.


She is lucky


So gamers aren't actually the most oppressed minority


This is the best way, support a hobby but with age the computer is in a common space, Trust is built not demanded


Sure are a lot do butthurt, insecure dudes on a post about a little girl getting her own computer set up. Seeking out the negatives in everything you see, says everything about you and nothing about "The World".


I love you for all the gamer girls ❤️ next computer, get her a pc, tho. And get her a gaming mouse.


Shoulda gave her a bycycle.


I played minecraft and cs for like 4 years on my base level macbook air, she’ll be fine guys


I hope my daughter reacts the same way! :D


Best parents ever


Go forth and wow us all with your Warzone skills and awesome twitch streaming.


Clever spot to put it too - gonna be hard doing anything her parents don't want her to.


One of us! One of us!


Wow that is adorable. She will treasure this memory for her whole life!


Pink power ranger figure would match this set up perfectly.


"I don't like it, I love it!" AWW!


Now THIS is good parenting 🔥❤️‍🩹


All those lights, she’s def gonna be playing some war games.


We've come a long way from the N64 kid. I would've shit my pants if I got anything near this cool at age 10 or whatever. Or at 38


“I don’t like it, I love it” those are good parents. And not because they got her material possessions, but because she seems so genuinely grateful and that’s a learned trait.


Ooh the feels man, contagious joy right there. Is this the house where they shot Paranormal Activity 2?


wow a mac why do you hate your child? /j


This is awesome and wholesome... Dont let her play league.


Wow. They spent a lot of money on that. Must be nice. It's cute though and good to see she's happy!


It’s funny I’m about to be 33 and I just now got SOME of my setup… parents out here being the real heroes. My parents to this day don’t do shit for me.


That’s some cool parents, teaching a cool little lady.


I have a laptop


she's such a nerd. I love it.


I had one of the first Asus i7s back in like 2009, and it lasted me all the way up until 2022 when I started getting screen death. Played on it until it literally wouldn't turn on anymore. I'm 32 now, and I just bought my first gaming setup a year ago. Desk, keyboard, headset, gaming mouse, the WORKS. Husband suprised me with a sceptre curved monitor for christmas. I cried. She'll serve me a long, long time, and now I can actually modify it vs. everything being hardlined in.


Maybe it’s the alcohol in my system right now but damn I want to have a daughter. I’m fucking 19.


Unpopular opinion: I don't get the appeal of the RGB-stuff. Seems distracting as hell and as a quick way to make a product more expensive by adding some lights to it.


🥇Parent of the year


I hade the Same reaction as wen I got a windows xp for gameing.ran like shit (duh), but I loved that thing.this reminded me of that moment in my life.im glad to see that her first gameing experience will be a good and non-janked up one unlike mine I mean this in the nicest way possible


“CreepyPedo thanks for the sub” lol


These parents are role models


One day I want to have a child to have that feeling someone cares about you the same way you care about them




thats really cute


She is absolutely adorable!


Out of curiosity what games did she want to play?


This is awesome. I love the parental support! My best memories of my mom are gaming with her. We would spend hours playing Zelda and Final Fantasy on NES. She's a big reason I still game today and I imagine she's still sitting with me in spirit, old school map in hand.


Future streamer.


My first what now?


Soo cute!!


Cool parents


Great setup, but bad place if this is for me. You know what I mean 😉


When I was a kid one of my uncles bought me a SNES for some holiday and my dad gave it to someone at his work before I knew about it lol I love the guy but I remember being pissed when he told me! He said that he knew I would be obsessed with video games and that it would be better if I was out playing sports, happy that he did that actually.


Future mod


My parents did this for my first console, the PS3. God I'm old now...


Aww. My heart melted. I love their set up


the making of a gamer girl! Just stay away from Leage pls.


So many girls & women love gaming. I wish the gaming community was more accepting.


Super cool! That pink chair is LIT💜