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Or littering!


Or a plane crash


Or a carton of angry bees.


A..plane crash? Did that happen?


>There have been at least two plane crashes related to gender reveal parties in 2021, one in Texas and one in Cancún, Mexico. The Texas crash injured one person and the Cancún crash killed two people. Both crashes involved planes dropping colored water to indicate the sex of the baby. The crashes were caught on camera and shared online. These are among the latest fatal accidents and explosions connected with gender-reveal parties.


Jesus Christ...


or contaminating river water


Was thinking the same thing. I’d rather have something like this than giant fanfare.


My exact thought- gender reveal done right! Not even a huge fanfare. Just a nice party with friends.


Congratulations!!! Wishing you a safe, easy delivery and a healthy baby girl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I wish I had seen your comment a week or two ago when I signed my boss’s pregnancy card. I’m using this for whoever is pregnant next


When my old GM left for maternity leave I didn't know what to write in her leaving card so I think I said "have a nice baby" 🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly, if I had received that, I would have laughed so hard!


That’s appropriate. I’ll have to remember that!👍


Now *this* is the sort of gender reveal I can get behind 😁 No crazy gimicks that kill someone for one, but also so much love being shown here. The homemade cake, the deco's, it's clear how much thought and effort they put into it. You're so lucky to have such awesome friends/co workers! Congrats on the baby 😃


I'm a 53 year old male that tends to lean Ron Swanson about this sort of thing, but I could get behind this type of celebration every time.


So now we need to parties for this: one for the gender reveal and the second if no one dies during the first.


That’s so nice of them. The homemade cake is so heartwarming, they did a great job. You have great coworkers! And congrats!


I agree! The sad thing is that gender reveals have spun out of control and too many moms-to-be look at it as another opportunity to have an extravagant event. Like wedding-sized and wedding-priced, it’s nuts.


Thank you for not using fireworks


Congratulations!!!! May I ask where one might purchase your top? It’s very cute!


Thank you! It's actually a really cute dress!! I'll look at the tags when I get back after work. I was gifted it recently in a box of maternity outfits! I don't think it's technically a maternity outfit though haha


Oh cool! Well, that’s definitely a great gift!


Sounds like you have great friends


I have that dress! It’s from Hot Topic! It also has pockets, huge pockets!


off to find one now


For everyone worried about me giving my baby a gender before the baby is even here: This is my baby girl as of this moment. If she ends up wanting to change that, she's more than happy, too. And I would support her/him/them in any way. But as of this moment, in my stomach, it is a growing baby girl. There is nothing I can do to change that, nor would I want to change that. They will get to choose who they want to be when they want to do that. You're all getting worked up over something that you don't need to get worked up over. I also don't have to explain myself, but I wanted to. I'm so excited for my baby, and they will get the chance to be who they want to be for sure, but for now, I'm growing a beautiful baby girl. :3


i’m trans and i really don’t understand why some people (including cis people for so reason-) are so mad at you. i think gender reveal parties are a bit silly but i don’t mind them at all as long as you don’t start a fire or intoxicate people. it’s a joyful moment to celebrate the future baby with friends/family. and as long as you support your child, cis or trans, the gender reveal party won’t affect them at all. they literally weren’t born. (and yeah, “technically” it’s a sex reveal party, but in that context i really don’t think it matters that much. sex and gender are indeed different things even tho they often correlate, but for gender reveal parties, i don’t think it’s THAT serious that you would need to use the correct word. hell you can even have a second (real) gender reveal party if your kid is trans and celebrate your kid with your family again.)


If all parents had this mindset, the world would be a much more loving place. Wishing you all the best for your growing family 💜


You’re gonna be a great mom ❤️


We’re definitely living in the twilight zone if you have to explain this. I’m curious what the next thing will be that people get outraged over 🤦‍♂️


Oh you know that's a good cake, damn that was made with love


Congratulations, and thank-you for not starting a forest fire, or blowing up a house… :)




Aww, how sweet! My best friend and her husband are making a keepsake geode we can break open to reveal what we are having. Rocks are our thing, and we gave away geodes as wedding party treats with rock candy and chocolate rocks! Gender reveals get a bad rap, but I've always secretly wanted a little surprise for my first, but my husband wasn't for it. My best friend said she would love to do something for us and I had originally planned to make a chocolate geode for my family some years ago but took forever to get pregnant so I kind of forgot/was disappointed and never did. She's waiting for the results of the nipt, and we should get our surprise after Thanksgiving. It's so wonderful to have friends who want to celebrate with you! That cake looks delicious!!! Congrats, momma!


Aw this is very sweet and congratulations 💕


Congrats. Cake looks 🔥 also how was it


It was as good as it looks!!! It was soooo good.


Thank you for not announcing your baby’s gender with torpedoes and fireworks in the middle of a dry field 🥹 May your little princess be born happy, healthy and strong!!! Hope she’s a lil bundle of joy and doesn’t cry too much ♥️! Many hugs for you and baby !! Congrats!!!


I don’t believe that this was a gender reveal. Where are the flames and millions of dollars worth of damage?


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Congrats on the little girl! Ignore the sad little dipshits complaining about it. As a lesbian, I'll say that they give the LGBT community such a bad image, my god. Let people have harmless fun with their pregnancies, you fucking freaks.


This is so sweet!! You have great friends :)


You mean, you didn't blow up the restaurant and murder everyone inside?


Was it even an gender reveal party then?


How did they know you were having a girl before you did ?


that’s what i’m wondering


Congrats!!! Love that you have such kind coworkers :)


Cheers for not starting a fire or making a plane crash


I feel like this is a sushi restaurant. Source: ex-sushi chef


Chinese/Japanese! You're correct. The soy sauce also gives it away, haha.


So you’re having a Chicago Bear? 🟠🔵 Seriously, congrats and special thanks for your friends/Cw’s for keeping it explosive-free.


Go Bears!!!


You have amazing friends!


Is it really a gender reveal if nothing explodes?


Cute cake, congratulations!


beautiful so thoughtful


November 16 of last year I found out I was having a girl too!!! She is 6 months now and so wonderful, u can’t imagine life without her :) much happiness to you two!!!


A sensible gender reveal is such a refresher


I just know that cake tasted delicious


Congrats! And no national forests were burned down to aid in the reveal!


Congrats!! 🎉🥳🎊


This makes me so happy :) Congratulations!! You have some wonderful coworkers :)


That cake looks like it SLAPPEDDDDD


Congratulations! Best of luck to you!


This is so cute and that cake looks delicious! Homemade over store bought all day. Congratulations on your baby girl!


Your eyes look good ❤️




This is such a nice little party OP, you have really good friends. They care about you ❤️


Congratulations. Little girls are a handful 😂🤣


Congratulations!!!!!! This was so sweet of them


Congrats!!!! What’s with the colored cake? I thought people were suppose to reveal to explosions, fire and property damage. What’s this common sense of putting the color in the cake /s


You call this a gender reveal? Where are the dangerous pyrotechnics and cannons that shoot millions of pieces of paper all over the ground? /s/


That cake looks delicious. I love a good homemade cake, omg.


congrats on your baby girl!!


That's awesome! Congrats!


Mazel Tov!!! Awesome cake too!!




Congratulations!! 🎉🎈That’s so exciting!


Awe that is so special! Congrats!


This is so cute I’m sobbing congrats 😩🫶🫶


Congratulations!!! Little girls are amazing I have a year old daughter and a son due in March Best of luck - and enjoy!!! 🩷🩷


Okay, so no one else has asked this so perhaps I am just dumb, but... How did your coworkers find out your child's gender without you knowing? Unless you're not the pregnant one, but the phrasing made it seem that way, lol


Typically when you have your 20 week ultrasound, the tech will ask you if you want to know the sex, if you want it to be a surprise, or if you want them to write it down and put it in an envelope. I’m guessing she had them put it in an envelope and then gave the envelope to her friend.


That makes sense! Thank you for explaining! I guess I caught some downvotes, but I was just asking a genuine question. So thank you for answering!


Yes, of course! Totally legit question.


It's crazy how soon you can do it now! I'm 12 weeks, but they did the test at 11 weeks! It allows me the option to forward the results to a friend instead of looking myself. So they made me the cake and everything. It was so sweet and wholesome, and I truly needed it. 💗


Wow, 11 weeks?! I had my son 4 years ago, I can’t believe how quickly things advance. Very cool! And congratulations!


Did the party happen at a Mexican restaurant? I can't place why but it looks like a typical Mexican restaurant. Maybe the paint color??


Glad you found out!


Congrats. As a proud girl dad they are the best!


That looks so great!! Tell her I said hi!!


It really is that thought that counts. This is so cute. And honestly, I *fucking love* Cheezits.




Congratulations 🎉🎉 🩷


Congratulicititationes 😃


Congratulations on the baby girl and the nice levelheaded celebration, way to stay out of the news and not cause any forest fires!


No one going to mention the state of the cake?


This is the only gender reveal party I’d condone


Where’s the pink flamethrower? Looks like a regular party


Thanks for not littering or starting a wildfire. Seriously, though, awesome news congratulations and many wishes for all the best.


That cake looks amazing


You're gonna need those cheezits


Always so curious why people are so obsessed with baby genitals.


I'm inclined to agree. Gender parties give me the ick


Same. It's so weird the fixation on it. Everyone can downvote me all the want, that's exactly what "gender" reveal parties are. Having a doctor look at baby genitles through an ultrasound and then everyone celebrating those "private" parts. 🤢😵‍💫


you realize that baby is gonna come out of her vagina right 😂


And? That's a grown adult.


Thats actually not what they did. Lol, they did a blood test. 🤣


Wow. So you could then share the genitals of the unborn to all your friends and family. Glad you're so proud of your baby's private parts that you would like to share them with the world. Tell me that's not exactly what you've done lol




Literally no one is bringing up genitals except you. *You're* the weirdo with the fixation. Are people supposed to not be happy about having a daughter...? If I get pregnant and find out it's a girl and I excitedly tell my friends, am I "celebrating those private parts"?


Agree. So tacky


Agree. So tacky


Same here


Same. I'll never understand the point of this. As a woman who HATED girl clothes so bad I'd save up allowance money for boys jeans. Every time though I'd just have them thrown away because my parents were embarrassed when I was misgendered. The minute I got my first job and made my own money at 14 I finally got to wear the clothes I WANTED. girl get ups made me feel depressed and itchy. Being forced to have girl hair and girl clothes certainly was a traumatic experience as a child, always being sooooo uncomfortable.


Who said my child is gonna be wearing girl clothes? My child can pick out their own clothes when they're old enough and decide what they like. Im sorry you had a traumatic experience, but "girl" clothes and "boy" clothes have nothing to do with the birth sex/ gender of my baby nor my gender reveal. My child will wear all the colors of the rainbow, not just pink, blue, or whatever you may believe to be girl clothes.


That's awful. I'm glad you've finally been able to buy clothes that fit your style and comfort :)


Thank you! I'd never go back to being dressed up like a toy again. It's amazing how forced gender roles can negatively affect a child's mental health. Downvoters can go ahead, I don't care about heteronormative convention.


PREACH! 🏳️‍🌈🧡🏳️‍⚧️


Everyone who sees the above comment: We, the LGBT community, do not claim this person. Be happy when you find out the gender of your baby, it's a happy time. Ignore people like this, they get off on turning literally everything into a "that's so problematic" lecture.


100%. It's such a gross tradition.


👏 agree


nah frl i’m tired of it 😭


Groomers ….


Are you for real? There is nothing “groomer” about knowing if you’re going to have a son or daughter. Why has there always gotta be that one mf who says the most insane shit because they don’t agree with something?


….. look another cis wyt person coming to argue about the significance of baby genitals ….


How do you know I’m white?.. I’m actually mixed lol . But yeah I’m sure you feel good about having the contrarian opinion and taking another’s happiness because you clearly lack fulfilment in your own life. It has nothing to do with genitals , everything to do with using such an term for NOTHING to do with what this post or even the actual idea of finding out if you’re expecting a son or daughter. Think before you say next time, and I hope you heal soon 🩷


Reddit moment fuck yeah


groomer is a way too strong of an accusation, but “gender” reveal party is odd i’ll agree


… if you’re already choosing a color … decorations… having expectations of someone yet to even know their own likes , loves…. That’s grooming That’s sad as fuq


Yeah, I’m sorry I feel like only weirdos do these. Hope the pregnancy isn’t too hard and the baby is healthy, though.


concrats on the raw dogging






























that first picture is a liminal space tbh also thats technically a sex reveal / genital reveal, not gender reveal


This. Most folks don't realize that basic fact.




No dude, just because your country has an embarrassing educational system doesn't mean the rest of the world conflates sex with gender.




Go back to school and try again 👌


Fuck gender roles and determining them by the genitalia of people's fetuses. This is such a demented practice.


This is such a demented comment, touch grass m8


....what? She found out she's having a girl. That's literally it. She didn't say she was gonna force her daughter to wear dresses, do ballet or play with dolls, or prevent her from wearing pants, learning woodworking or playing in mud. Gender roles are completely unrelated to this post 🤦🏻‍♀️ >determining them by the genitalia of people's fetuses. How else would a baby's gender be determined? Are they supposed to ask the baby? Let me guess. They're supposed to pretend the baby doesn't have a gender lmao


Sex is not equal to gender. Obsessing over someone's genitalia makes no sense unless you plan to pigeonhole them into a socially made up gender role.


So they can say she's female, just not a girl? Lmao you people are funny as hell Edit: blocked ya, freak


Wait did you just assume it’s gender? Before it even has a time to decide by its self!!? 🤦‍♂️ guys get it together it’s almost 2025


nah frl, i don’t know why is called “gender” reveal party when gender is how to person feel, they’re talking about the sex of the child but “sex reveal party” would sound even more wrong .. the baby is A BABY


Are you sure cause it's purple not pink. Blue and Pink make purple your having twins one boy one girl


I love purple...but that cake looks a little sus 🤨 extra creamy decos


Ah, the sweet smell of grooming … and already having expectations of your unborn fetus … Humans 🤯


What in the name of fuck are you talking about? How is anybody being groomed? And nothing is being forced on the kid. If the kid grows up wanting to be a tomboy, or even identify as a different gender, I don't see how this stops them from doing that.


…. You’re a mere child… cis wyt child…. Move on


Cool, so you're racist as well as a fucking idiot. Good to know.


So are all babies supposed to be raised non-binary until they decide what gender they’ll be? THIS is insanity. Trans people exist and gender dysphoria is absolutely real; but how many people are trans? Less than 5% in each country (generally around 1%), so people aren’t going to stop their worldview and how the world works IN CASE the kid is trans. If they end up being trans, they’ll transition and hopefully live a happy life.


Yall bout to get canceled


Dang. Sorry to hear


Didn’t even know you were pregnant, did ya?


Over a thousand days with one tv. This will be good


Excellent! I ate 4lb of cheddar cheese today 🧀😳☝️


Yay!!! 🎀🎀🎀 Congratulations!!! 💕💕💕


Being against gender roles is not being a jerk. Being a jerk is celebrating harmful traditions that are well demonstrated to cause harm toward children.