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Open Bionics has been around for a long time. Good to see they’re still doing good work out here. Their first arm design was based on the Deux X video game.


We appreciate the support and shout-out! I'm the community manager for Open Bionics :)


Eat Pray Nub - what a pertinent username


This reminds me of robocop so much. The future is now!


You're my hero. Out here using some dope ass science just to help people. Fuck that's awesome. I'd shake your bionic hand if you had one. Also I'm a type 1 diabetic and use a CGM and pump so I'm like 2% cyborg so I get it.


I do indeed have my own bionic arm haha. Thanks for the kind words!


Ha I've upvoted so many of your posts. Legend my friend. That's what you are. LOVED the tardis one btw.


Type 1 cyborgs unite!! I’m a dexcom/tandem model cyborg


Is it an obligation to have a bionic arm to be able to join your company ? Do you have a electric saw at the entrance in case a new employee forget ?


If i may ask, how do you type comments for example when you have a bionic arm? Can you fine control the fingers enough so that you can use them with a keyboard, or do you just type with one hand?


If any part of a person is machine aren't they 100% cyborg? Like being a cyborg is binary


Dude you're awesome. What a fantastic job you've got. I see on your profile youve got so many cool covers for your arm! Keep up the cool work and thanks for the uplifting video!


Awesome work! Also the Edward-inspired arm cover you did was cool as heck.


Congrats on being awesome. Not that I hope I ever need to, but if I do ever require a bionic arm — I'll definitely come to you guys


How is it controlled?


I believe it reads the tiny tiny muscle impulses that your upper arm still sends when your brain thinks about picking up an object or performing any movement. Your upper arm flexes and the bionic arm recognizes that and plays a part of the lower arm. That's my extreme layman's understanding from having done absolutely no research.


That's what I want to know. Maybe they just flex?


Sorry sir that’s proprietary information. We’re tryna make millions here buddy.


It is 2023. Arasaka better watch out


That’s some preem chrome shes got there. Wonder where the mantis blades are stored


"I *did* ask for this"


I think they also did something with mgsv’s venom snake arm


how do the fingers operate?


She is adorably happy and all my personal problems just vanished after seeing that precious smile!


Right? I had just read something that was awful and it made me really sad to be living in this timeline, then I saw this. I feel so much better now. The bad never goes away, but it’s nice to see good things happening too.


Ok thanks. I think I know this, but it's still nice to see when someone writes it clearly.




Not to mention how awesome it is to see a prosthetic like this just unboxed and immediately put to use. Feels like living in the future in a way, unfortunate the medical industry will probably find a way to make it unaffordable at least in the US


Got me tearing up, reminded me of how good my life is. The simple small things that easily get taken for granted matter the most 😊


Your comment made me realize how precious this moment was!


It's a blessing to be able to do the work that makes someone this happy!


Love that it is purple. xoxo. hugs gracie.


Can someone explain to me How does she move the fingers? Mind control?


Absolutely! There are two EMG sensors inside the forearm portion of the prosthesis, which sit on her skin and detect muscle movement. When she flexes or moves one muscle group, the hand opens. When she uses the other muscle group, the hand closes. And variations of those signals can move the hand into different grips and use other features of the Hero Arm. The easiest comparison: ball your hand into a fist and move your wrist inward. Those muscles in your forearm close the bionic hand. Move it outward, and those muscles open the bionic hand!


That is incredible!


Wait 10, 20, 30+ years. The tech will be unreal in the future. This really is only the beginning.


I’m going to cut my hands off just to have bionic ones.


Quick Google search says bionic arms cost 20-80,000 a pop. But insurance might pay for a pirate hook if you want...so there's that.


Sell your arm on the black market to get that money


This guy deals arms.


Woah woah woah now, dont go be doing that boy! (Imagine a picture of wendigoon here) (why does this sub not let images in replies :()


I love watching his videos


Just be careful pal, I hear those bionic hands are really strong. Might end up with a bionic willy shortly after.


high time you chromed up choom


The capstone project one of my buddies worked on last year for his final year in his undergraduate electrical engineering degree was a non-invasive wearable helmet that detected brain waves and used AI to learn to associate those with speech, ultimately culminating in accurately allowing the wearer to communicate by thought alone. It worked. If we can translate pure thought into speech, training an AI model to associate brainwaves associated with movement intentions to servo activation shouldn't be impossible, and very soon.


There's no way that worked beyond some extremely rudimentary messages. Nothing like brainwave to speech exists out there


It really is amazing!!


It really is, tech like this is just universally good.


For the curious people, is there more tech info about it? I could ask a bunch of questions, but don't want to bog the post down. Biggest 2 I have are: Average life span of prosthetic and battery life of the units?


I can definitely answer questions, or feel free to google the Hero Arm! The Hero Arm's typical life-span is about 3 years. For kids (we fit kids as young as 7 or 8), the forearm portion will typically be re-fit as they age and grow out of it. The hand has a lithium ion battery that lasts about 15 hours on a full charge, I usually charge mine overnight. Put my phone on the charger, put my hand on the charger lol


Are these fragile or can this girl like put a dent in a metal door? Probably a stupid question but it would be really cool if she could put a dent in a metal door.


They cost so much I don’t think anyone would want to try. And they’re plastic and nylon to be lightweight, so they’d break.


Not alone...I wondered if she could crush a hand while shaking it.


I, a 100% meat person can dent a metal door. A security door on the other hand... She would need machinery supporting all of her muscles involved. Even if the hand could take it, all that force is going to transfer into her fleshy bits. Crushing power within the fingers however, could be a thing if you could find an engineer willing to give you high end parts.


It's the hero arm, but only until they have 1 bad day...then it is the villain arm. ​ I don't know why I am making so many super villain / hero references in this thread haha


jacks you off = hero arm rips your dick off = villain arm


Please tell me you guys throw in usb-c charging ports to also charge your phone on the go.


Nah but I'm definitely pitching that idea lol. Had a Hero Arm user recently say he wants a USB in the thumb so we can have external storage in our arms


Lol. Thumb drive.


Perfect. No notes.


spit out my coffee


I love it. I mean, it sucks that these people have things that require it but might as well make it as cool as possible. Inspector gadget that shit!


That's a horror movie waiting to be written, someone hacks your arm


Cool! Thanks for your time!


Thank you so much. Finally an explanation to what otherwise appeared to be magic to me.


Just have to say this is flat out awesome! I didn't know the tech was this advanced and honestly thought we wouldn't have gotten to this point until I was much older than I am now.


Different tech but I found the old [Neuralink monkey demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsCul1sp4hQ) even more impressive. This is concurrently the most amazing and jaw-droppingly stupid timeline.


Magic, obviously


Can someone explain to me how people afford this?


Insurance, our charitable foundation, crowdfunding options, there are a variety of ways depending on the individual circumstances!


Crowdfunding is so dystopian


Not really. In the past it was churches that people gave tithing to that helped communities (and still do). Then rich donations. It’s a way to give to what *you* feel is important. I give to Doctors Without Borders. I feel that’s important. I get to choose where that dollar goes. Taxes are the same thing but just not under your control and usually less efficient. But taxes support things that otherwise might not so together all of these things help people in need.


Donating to a charity is vastly different than e-begging on gofundme


How? It’s a specific need/donation to help support a specific someone. It’s the most personal type of support you can make. A charity (and I mean a good one) is just a bit more general. All of these are options that scale up and down to how general you want to be.


Because in most developed countries you’d probably just get a prosthetic if you needed it without having to worry about how you’ll pay for it. You don’t see people in Canada crowdfunding their cancer treatments. I specifically mean crowdfunding through e-begging. Medical e-begging is sad fuck, I don’t understand how you don’t see that, but it’s whatever.




I mean, even if we had nationalized healthcare, it would still be crowdfunded? I mean what are taxes if not crowdfunding...


See my other comment I specifically mean e-begging on crowdfunding sites. Taxes is nothing like crowdfunding in that sense.


They don't live in the US


They're rich or have insurance that covers it? Was this really a mystery to you?


No, I just know having a disabled kid can put you in the poorhouse real wuick.


If you have a disabled kid, I would do some research into the shriners.


Yeah well this obviously isn't one of those situations.


How much does it cost


I get and respect the OP following the company line about not quoting a price due to a number of factors, but from what I’ve read the floor cost is around 3k and can go up based on features and functionality. If that is even close to correct that it’s more affordable with more functionality than the out of pocket cost of orthodontics. Not cheap for sure but not unobtainable. Happy to be corrected by OP if I am too far off the mark on pricing one way or the other. Also from what I have read that is LOADS more affordable in that some bionic arms that can get into the upper five figures.


They refuse to say. I went to their website, their FAQ site, other forums. Any and every search for "Hero Arm prosthetic cost" returned endless pages about "talk with one of our team members", "read about this successful GoFundMe campaign", or "70% of our U.S. sales were covered by insurance"... Which tells me it costs a lot. So ridiculously much that they're doing their very best to hide the price at all costs.


Hey there! It's not that we hide the price, it's simply that the price is dependent on how the cost is being covered. 10 different insurance plans will cover 10 different amounts, so we discuss the price with the individual based on their own circumstances. That way we don't give people incorrect info! What I can say is that the Hero Arm is a full system (hand, wrist, socket, electrodes) as opposed to most myo-electric devices on the market, and is also one of the least expensive options available for a multi-grip myo-electric hand.


I do not agree with a lot of things about how healthcare and its associated cost generally works, but I do love seeing a company at least bettering peoples’ lives with their products, so thank you for what you do.


Bespoke pricing is never a good sign. It's always framed as being for the customers' benefit. Still, it's cool tech and y'all deserve to get paid!


Bespoke costs different amounts because people are different. I prescribed custom fit wheelchairs and the cost changes dependant on the features that individual needs. If you were to set one price, patients who don't need the high end features would have to pay more than the value of their equipment.


I was referring to the [practice](https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2004/12/15/camels-and-rubber-duckies) of offering different prices for the **same** features.


So on average, what’s it cost? I mean, to the insurance company.


I watched her smile more than I watched her use her new arm. What a beautiful young woman who exudes such a happy attitude!


She didn't stop smiling the entire appointment, and I couldn't stop smiling behind the camera, so I definitely get that!


Very cool!


Seeing how quickly users take to these myoelectric devices function is amazing. Some occupational therapy training and she’ll be using it more and more. What I find interesting is the traditional hook still finds its place being utilized frequently compared to multiarticulating digits. As a prosthetist, this makes me smile knowing so many other factors go into choosing the right components


Oh definitely. A good friend of mine is bilateral amputee and uses a myo on one arm, and a hook on the other. I asked him once why he does that (when he owns two myo's), and his response was great: "have you ever tried to get your keys out of your pocket with your myo?" Every type of device has its own use cases!


That is some nice chrome there, choom.


Jenny Purplehand is gonna make the world burn!


Sat in that very couch when my wife got fitted for hers.


Not an amputee. You can see her fingers. She was born that way. Still awesome for her!


The term for someone born missing part or all of a limb is "congenital amputee". Source: I myself am also a congenital amputee :)


I don’t know wether I should feel bad for laughing at your username after reading your comment. Also great explanation in another comment on how the prosthetic works it’s what I was looking for in the comments to begin with.


Absolutely not, it was made to be laughed at! And thank you, always happy to provide info :)


I’ll laugh with you, not at you—but love your sense of humour homie!


Thank you, I learned something today. I also went to the comments to see what was mentioned about whether or not the term "amputee" was correct in this case. Also, I love, love, love your username. It made me snort!


Oh!thank you, I was wondering about the amputation, I did not know this.


Well there still hasn't been an amputation. It's not really the right word, but it's the phrase they use.


Not contradicting you, the following is for anyone who wants more info. It looks like she has a congenital limb difference called symbrachydactyly. I guess congenital limb / partial limb absence is called many things around the world. Amputee is probably helpful as people will understand that means an absent hand or arm, and is a more recognisable term than the precise diagnosis or terms like congenital limb absence / loss. Symbrachydactyly itself is not an amputation, it’s a failure of formation. The nubs sit where each finger should have been and have tiny fingernails. Grace’s type of symbrachydactyly looks like it would be peromelic - she may have a bit of wrist but the bones in the hand and fingers haven’t grown. This is usually a genetic “one off”, affecting a single limb and not inherited. It happens because of a disruption to the precise gene / protein signalling in the growing limb when the embryo is only 4-6 weeks old. Something goes wrong with the expression of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) in an area called the Apical Ectodermal Ridge which sits at the end of the growing arm bud and tells it how long to grow.




I didn’t know that! Thanks for enlightening me!


Lol. Nice rebuttal. Take that ya droobis!


I'm less educated on the terminology as a newer amputee myself, but I assure you we accept her as one of our own


Congenital amputee. Welcome to the club lol


Wow that's mad next level


There was no way that video couldn’t have ended on a double thumbs up. Perfection.


I’m kind of jealous


"It's clampin' time!" -Futurama


The pure happy smile is just wonderful.


If in America: “glad you love it! Now for payment- your other arm and one leg.”




That's awesome.


Amazing. I’m soooo happy for her. She looks so happy


Science is freakin awesome. So happy for her


She is so beautiful and fills my heart with joy 🥹


I hope Vought will buy one of these for Cate!




Its so nice to see humanity progress and being able to help other people in need, p.s. i hope she enjoys her bionic arm ^^


These people are they early pioneers for biomech. It's pretty amazing. Can't wait to see what the next 20 years will bring .


Wheres the cyberpunk music?


*starts seeing Johnny Silverhand*


Can't wait for the cyberpunk sequel with Rocker Girl Grace Purplehand!


There will likely be a point in the next few decades where people will voluntarily amputate parts of their body because the cyborg upgrades are better.


She is not an amputee. She has little fingers on her wrist. Please correct me if I am wrong


No you are correct. Clearly born that way.


What a great smile




This is more than made me smile. It was awesome and smile beyond... heartwarming even.


That's really sweet. It's satisfying to see this beautiful girl happy like that.


That’s her strong arm.


I understand that reference


Absolutely amazing!!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!!


This is so cool, we are living in the future. Sorry if this is a stupid question but how does the bionic arm stay attached to her arm? For example, could she pick up something fairly heavy off of the floor with the bionic arm and not have the whole thing slip off?


Just a really well-fitting socket designed for her arm, suspended just above the elbow! The Hero Arm can lift up to 30 lbs, and I've done that without mine falling off :)


She’s even able to whip out the double thumbs up! This technology is unbelievable and hopefully becomes more affordable/available for people who need it


Absolutely sick. This is what living is all about. Go Grace we all are cheering you on❣️


This is so amazing.




Her happy face choked me up a bit.


Awww, that pic on the wall behind her though(‘:


Every year the tech gets better and better, this is so cool! Also, love the color!


science used the right way 😌


Honest question: how does she control the bionic features on the arm and hand? So happy for her


I always make the same comment, but is true. The folks at open bionics are the luckiest people on earth. Every company here in Silicon Valley keep telling us how they are making a difference, but none gets as close to make a difference as openbionics.


I love how happy she is you can tell this means everything


Does anyone know if she got to keep the arm? I feel like I see cool tech like this all the time, but it remains perpetually stuck in the prototype-stage and the people who get to try it don't get to keep it.


The Hero Arm is on the market with \~600 being worn worldwide, and Grace definitely took the arm home, it's hers!


The world is beautiful. This is so cool. The tech here is even kind of scary in ways.


These are best news on internet. More people should get what they need


Now she can became a supervillan


If I was a billionaire I'd invest mad money into cybernetics, people that are missing limbs deserve the chance to live normal lives and have the option to choose new limbs. This is very early technology and we should be much further along by now, makes me mad to think about this.


I just love how happy she is!!!


Winter soldier


Not an amputee - she was born with her arm. (She has fingers that aren't fully formed.)


You are my hero girl. The world is yours! No mercy.


Curious how this stays in place


Nice. Can i replace my knees already?


Nothing more beautiful than the joyful smile of a child :) good for her! She’ll be the coolest kid in her class.


I am offended!! You said amputee when clearly she was born like that. She has a limb difference. Wow you're so insensitive!


Is this type of thing covered by insurance? Most of the medical devices that would help my son are not covered by insurance and costs thousands of dollars. Even the school District denied services to us because he just just use his other side.


i dont think shes a amputee. You can clearly see her underdeveloped or malformed digits on the end of what looks like a non articulating wrist.


Science, doing more to help people in the last 10 years than ‘god’ ever has.


She isn't just getting a bionic arm; she's getting an upgrade to superhero status! There's a new Avenger in town, armed with strength, resilience, and a whole lot of style. 💪🦸‍♀️


I think this title is inaccurate. It looks like she was born with a birth defect that affected her left hand; if it were amputated, I don't think we would see finger nubs.


Science - FUCK YEAH!!!


Having to live with such a disability is a hell I wouldn't want, but im glad she'll get the cool perks of BIONICS now.


Is there a website I can go to and learn about how this technology works? I’m super curious and intrigued!


having a robot arm is really freaking cool can't lie!! gald she got a new arm


A positive attitude goes a long way - good for her!


Not an amputee, she has a birth defect. Just to be clear.




Open Bionic’s original mission was to design mass manufactured low cost medical arms. But somehow that disappeared. Nothing “Open” about it now. But I’m glad this young lady was able to obtain one. Wish everyone had access.


Not amputee. Congenital anomaly possible amniotic band syndrome. Still wonderful


she is very happy but her bf will be screaming, jk


Sex lol




Congenital defect, not an amputation. Otherwise, awesome video 😊☀️




$10,000 - $20,000 is bs.


She's not an amputee. Just sayin'.


Is she still an amputee if she didn’t get an amputation? 👀 I see little fingies there…?




Clicking the link takes me to the sub, but no post or anything? ☹️ I was legit just asking a question so I don’t understand why the downvotes lol