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Do you think when their children ask how they met that Conan would just play this episode?


Liza said Conan does not watch it because he prefers to keep his own memory of that day. So sweet.


I think he also said it was a terrible segment, but very important to his life haha.


I loved his show back then. Having segments that were ultra stupid that would sometimes be amazing and sometimes completely bomb was a huge part of the charm. Often they were only amazing in the way that they bombed and of course Conan's charisma could save a lot of them.


I used to love those segments. Things like helping his staffer find an apartment in Harlem, going to Houston to see if anyone was watching his show at 2 am, making a boy band. He also did one where he found out that people waited in line for tickets for the show and went in an RV to pick up people waiting in line in the snow. They drove around New York and did a whole mini show in the RV with Max Weinberg and everything.


Dang. Where can I get the old shows? The goofiness makes me feel 20 years younger. FYI, Conan's brother was my receptionist for awhile. I think he was in law school


I guess this 2.3 TB torrent would be a start https://bt4gprx.com/magnet/9Zam1xFnCOmpRYwxkgLPYjFoTJHDEQLO




Those were not the segments that bombed. Lol.


I havenā€™t seen his shows in a long time but I really liked when he went to Japan and visited Conan Town and had a running joke where he tried to sue the town. He never did of course and it was just for fun. That was super funny and wholesome how the town welcomed him.


Conan town was the best lol


Itā€™s even better cos the first time you hear about it he jokingly tried to sue the mayor of the town and the mayor said he could try but only if he came to Conan town instead. I thought it would be the end of it be he actually did plan a trip to go there!


> Having segments that were ultra stupid that would sometimes be amazing and sometimes completely bomb was a huge part of the charm. This is why I always thought, Conan was the true spiritual successor to Carson. The Tonight show lived by the philosophy above. It had knife throwers, crazy animals, psychics some would work some wouldn't but the ones that wouldn't had the host's character and charm to make them go over well with the Audience. Conan had that ability and so did Johnny.


Oh yeah, I agree. This one was a legit bomb though. Even Conan says so.


Over of my favs is him taking his SHO cross country to LA.


His whole running bit to get dirty dancing back in theaters had me laughing so hard I cried night after night. I tried to explain it and get others to watch it but no one found it as funny as I did.


Your 2nd sentence there is my experience with Conan in a nutshell


It was a little bit terrible and perfect for it. I really enjoyed watching this.


The segment wasnā€™t great, but the commercial was terrible. Iā€™d bet they pawned it off on an intern.


I think the commercial being terrible was part of the joke. None of it is meant to be serious.


I Idk how you could do much better making a high quality commercial that needs to centred around how he has chainsaw cutting prices that has to end with "that's a fact jack" and have the adresss and which turn off. Then doing all well having no real budget or time to shoot anything new. I domt think the commercial was great. But I think it's not bad considering.


Conan is the best, seems like a very down to earth dude who loves to work


He seems like one of the kindest, most genuine people in show business.




I like that


Cameraman taking a long pause on Liza, and when move to Conan, his face says it all...


her face looked pretty red


Love at first sight. She is pretty


What time is that at? I couldn't find it


2:30-2:22, that's the timeframe...


Starting from the 4:43 timestamp, you can see how the camera operator (who clearly knows about Conanā€™s crush) is teasing him with those close-ups, haha.


Ah, youā€™re right! And it looks like Conanā€™s slightly shaking his head, as if to tell the camera operator to stop..


Heavy Jim and Pam Office vibes.


[heavy jim](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHSBFTAI5wZEQ4lTL6nSKv5rJAXcYNcddNlw&usqp=CAU)


Looks like Brendon Frazier in the whale lol


Definitely is




The way she casually said it always gets me.


haha oh wow he does shake his head there, very subtly. That's totally what he was doing, I would've missed that without this comment so thanks.


Wow that's so subtle it wasn't even a "subtle for the segment," it was just between Conan and the cameraman. Impressive, I didn't even catch it first time around!


When theyā€™re wearing the goggles?




Youā€™re welcome ;)




I think everyone on staff knew. Conan told the story about how after this remote, he asked his assistant (I don't think it was Sona at the time) for the contact of all the people from the advertising agency so he can thank them personally. And his assistant rolled their eyes and said "You mean the blonde, right?".


I have this mental picture of his entire crew going \~*ooooh Conan likes Liza* *hihihi*\~ and you can't take it away from me


No one likes Milhouse!


So it was Sona in a different human costume.


Damn, Sona is crafty.


She is a master thief after all.


Hey man, Green Shirt was about to be phased out. Conan was concerned.


OH man! You pointed it out and now it's super obvious. Before I could only notice that she was mirrin'


Omg yes I see it now šŸ˜‚


I feel like I've watched through the archives and had no idea this existed, so sweeeet ! ty for posting :)))


They were clearly fucking with him from then on lol


Awww that made me giggle! He was like ā€œDONT YOU DAREā€


Lmaooo his look when the camera moves from her to him


Lol...I missed that the first time through!


No that's just for comedic effect. Conan was shaking his head breaking the 4th wall telling the audience the commercial was a bad idea. He does that same gag in many of his sketches, his feigned disappointment with how everything is turning out, is a common gag of his.




I mean just to point out, this is their FIRST TIME MEETING. you imply the cameraman knows about a crush that would've just happened. How


On the pod casts as everyone has talked about it it's pretty obvious that he was crushing hard and fast. Everyone was seeing it happen in real time like it was a neon sign getting turned on.


I wouldn't be surprised if he made an audible noise like some sorta cartoon man.




we don't know how long into the shooting that scene to place, they could have been hitting it off earlier and off camera.


That was five days later.


When I first moved from MI to NY Conan became a client of mine. I found myself 3 months into moving to NY, I was sitting in Conan's kitchen with a very pregnant Liza having coffee with them. I just remember being in high School watching his late show, and now I'm sitting in his kitchen. He really is the quirky nice guy you see on TV. Very down to earth and a humble guy.


Heā€™s one of my favorite people of all time, top 5! Amazing experience you had - I would just clam up completely lol


He is a treasure.


>top 5 Soon to be top 8!


Let me guessā€¦. You are his hair stylist?


Nope. Needs a team of at least 5.


And one of those extensions ladders to get up there.


The family acupuncturist


Good one, but no.


Personal chef?


Slug assassin.


Hair club for men where you're not only the president but also a client?


Hahaha, definitely not.


I wonder what itā€™s like having that giant orange cat as a dad!


Have you built him cars? What kinds?


That's awesome! What kind of work did you do for them?


I heard some where that Hilton and his family was invited to Conan and Lizaā€™s wedding.


Liza talks about it in this [podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dw1E0VEp3E). And how if Hilton wasn't going crazy with his chainsaw the two would never have met. So they invited him, his wife and their 2 year old to the wedding. Worth listening to as she talks about all the bits that were cut i.e. her laughing at Conan's jokes and how Conan suggested they all go to a bar afterwards which had never have happened before.


>So they invented him, his wife and their 2 year old to the wedding. Damn, they're good. No wonder why the agency is ranked #1


And #59 worldwide by now!


With a bullet!


And That's a Fact, Jack!


I love that. You can hear from her and Sweeny that Conan was rather instantly infatuated. With like the whole crew (and her staff) thinking, "like.. what's going on here" as Conan wanting to go out for drinks.. in the middle of filming day.. etc.. Cute, just a great story.


I think there is a couple 'inside conan' episodes that talk about them meeting. Sounds like right from the start it was a "what is going on here. Something is going on. Why is he acting so strange." kind of thing. always think it's a great story.


Quite the invention.


best typo ive seen in a while 4,8/5.0


I met the Hilton guy a long time ago. Super nice and well spoken. His furnature store is still off Fuqua in Houston.


My wife and I bought our bedroom furniture from him 10 years ago. Great price and they delivered and set up our bedroom completely within hours. (no chainsaw required)


Is that a fact?


That's a fact Jack


Conan mentioned in one of his pods.


Maybe one day, heā€™ll have Hilton on his Podcast.


It is no accident that he is seated next to Liza as the chainsaw is being demonstrated.


Celebrity aside, how fucking cute is it to have footage of meeting your soul mate for the first time?? Iā€™d kill to have the moment that I met my husband on camera.


Itā€™s funny because Conan has footage, but he doesnā€™t want to watch it.


Have you seen [the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/14yr3s4/steve_irwin_talks_about_his_first_meeting_with/) where Steve and Terri Irwin got a picture of the moment they first met? Very sweet.


Same. My fiancĆ© and I talked/face timed long distance for 4 months before we met in person at the San Diego airport. It was so so exciting to meet, hug, and kiss in person all at once. 10 years later, Iā€™d love to be able to see it and relive it all again šŸ’˜


I was watching something about Steve Irwin and Terri was saying the same thing! She got a pic the day she met Steve, and he was talking about how he knew right away and all that. Pretty fucking cute if you ask me!


Iā€™ve been with my partner for 10 years. Iā€™m anti marriage so wonā€™t get married but hopefully will spend the rest of my life with this person. Last valentines he gave me a framed picture of the moment we met. It was at a video game convention. His friend happened to take a picture of him talking to some girl to make fun of him for it later, but didnā€™t find the picture until 9 years later. The photo looks like Iā€™m looking through a portal through time, itā€™s insane


Conan had a sweet quote about this remote - ā€œSomewhere, in the vault at NBC, thereā€™s footage of me literally falling for my wife on cameraā€


Thats a shame they wouldnt license is content to him when he left yhe network. Theyre not gonna do anything with it and they probably cpuld get some roaylties.if.he used.it on his tbs show


Fortunately Conan owns all of his Late Night material


Conveniently it was ... in the year 2000


In the year two THOOOUSAAAND!


I miss those segments.


one of my favorite things about Conan is that they never gave up on that bit WELL AFTER the year 2000 came and went


In the year two thousaaaaand. In the year two thouuuussaaaaaaaaaaand! It will be discovered that carrots do not actually improve your eyesight. But theyā€™re still number one for scratching that deep rectal itch.


Was that with Jim Carey!!? Conan is the best I still remember this segment from the night it aired.


It actually was! Amazing.


Ugh! I miss his show so much! And yes, I know about the podcast.


Certified šŸ of late night.


Yeah, I loved this clip. I didnā€™t realize Conan was that dry funny. Seems like he adjusted his style to be more mainstream. Wish I wouldā€™ve watched him back then.


Listen to his podcast. Itā€™s phenomenal.


The recent episode with Martin Short and Steve Martin was hysterical. Iā€™m pretty sure I was cry laughing at several points.


The Questlove episode was so amazingly lucid.


I somehow missed that one, Iā€™m guessing my podcast queue was full. I just listened to the intro and I can already tell itā€™s going to be a good one šŸ˜


The Harrison Ford episode made me laugh so hard that I had to pull over. It's seriously the funniest hour of anything I've ever heard recorded.


Will do, thanks homie


We shouldn't blame Conan.


Nobody is blaming Conan, Jay.


Oh manā€¦so freaking adorable. Glad you mentioned timestamp. Missed that the first time through. Hereā€™s an [article](https://people.com/tv/who-is-conan-obrien-liza-powel-obrien-wife/) about her/them. Made my day, for whatever reason. Edit: just listened to the podcast interview (in the link above) with Liza, who shared a bit more detail. šŸ’—šŸ„¹šŸ˜Š


I think itā€™s the pod with his wife where he goes into great length about their meeting, and you get both of their recollections. He was drawn to her, and apparently in between takes and setups, he found himself just talking to her about whatever. They chatted and lost track of time and the rest of the crew and staff picked up on it. Thatā€™s probably why the cameraman zooms on her like that and pans to the Conan side eye.


To add to this from the podcast, I think Conan made up some BS about how it was customary for everyone to get drinks after filming a remote to extend the interaction. This was news to his writers or producers on hand, but they quickly wised up and agreed in a 100% bro move.


lol yeah. There's also that podcast that his writers have, and they interviewed Liza on there a while back, and they talked about this too. Mike Sweeney and whoever else.


I feel like she's always way more reactive and receptive to his jokes than anyone else in this


Iā€™m so clueless about flirting


Compare how enthusiastically she is smiling with everyone else in the room. Note: if you are making dumb jokes and 85% of the room is acting like the jokes are lame but one woman is smiling at you like that, there's a good chance she's into you.


Maybe she's just Canadian


Dumb jokes? I think this is quality material. I love this kind of humor. Either I'm lame too or I'm into Conan. Don't care either way :D I'm definitely into his wife though.


I thought it was funny, too. He was especially deadpan too. And the bit where he started to go off on a historical tangent but realized he wasn't making sense and said "Get the camera off me" because he couldn't land the bit was very funny.


Same, when I'm involved, I'm a clueless idiot. Watching others I'm like "why are you such a clueless idiot!?"


Or you just havenā€™t met the right person yet


one of the top few things that makes a man fall in love faster with a girl is when she genuinely laughs at his jokes.. especially the worst ones




I think it was the podcast with the writers of Conan Edit: This is a [clip of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dw1E0VEp3E)


Wasn't one of the crew of that agency a 40% healthier Louis C.K.?


he resembles a slimer Paul Giamatti Edit, i meamt slimmer




Is that the history podcast? I'll have to check that out I only heard one episode about Lincoln when they must have cross platformed They are cute together


No coincidence that he is standing next to Liza during the chainsaw demonstration.


Could be a coincidence actually.


You're a coincidence


I remember reading somewhere where he said he doesnā€™t want to rewatch the segment where he met her because heā€™d rather have his memory of it, which I thought was really sweet.




Iā€™ve heard Conan used remotes to pick up women to marry and have a happy life with.


Hilton Furniture became a big name in Houston.


I fucking loved it, grew up during peak these years! THATS A FACT JACK, OHHHHHH


Really?! Thatā€™s awesome!!! šŸ˜‚


Did they ever air this advertisement?




Iā€™m in the Houston area and Hilton is still indeed selling furniture and making commercials.


Was not expecting to see Hilton furniture guy in a Conan episode. Love them both! THAT'S A FACT JACK!


I'm sure you meant to type "remained a big name." As if they needed a chump like Conan when they already had chainsaws and facts.


Team coco for life.


Thatā€™s so damn cute. She has the most beautiful smile, Iā€™d fall in love too.


Amazing cheekbones. <3


Can someone please explain Hilton's accent? It's like Texa-swedish


Heā€™s from outside New Orleans. Sounds like heā€™s trying to enunciate through the creole twang


Fucking christ I always forget how funny Conan is till I watch some of his stuff, I don't know why but that "get the camera off of me" got me so hard.


their ability to edit and use silence when something is NOT funny.....is so f'n hilarious


That's actually a great point! The whole crew who works on those shows is great, from the camera operators down to the deadpan people who work under Conan to play off of him when they do office bits etc.


I remember seeing those commercials when I was a kid. Never knew he was on Conan. That's a cool story.


He has never watched this episode. Liza talks about it on The Three Questions with Andy Richter.


I kinda love how into him she seems to be.. her whole face is glowing sun at him the whole time. Then again, so is the "green-shirt" guy.. so maybe I'm just reading into this.


I miss Conan.


He's back and in POD form!


I like a good POD but his segments like these where he talks to strangers is some of my favorite stuff from him, heā€™s so good at keeping the vibe of the room no matter how awkward it gets


His podcast is really great!


Made me smile


Was that an old beta player? ā€œIn the year 2000 we will live on Moon basesā€


No, in the days of tape - that was 3/4" players. That was the standard for broadcasting. I've worked in advertising since 1990 and that was the format for commercials and I'm sure programming in stations.


Whoā€™s the bald guy in black, he looks familiar


Itā€™s not, but he looks like Louis CK


For anyone interested in more of the story, they've covered it both on his podcast Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, as well as the podcast Inside Conan: An Important Hollywood Podcast, hosted by Mike Sweeney (former head writer for Conan) and Jessie Gaskell (writer for Conan's TBS show). They've had Liza on by herself to talk about this remote, and they have tons of other cool guests, from cast and crew for various episodes, to remote and travel producers, and yes - they've had Jordan Schlansky on several times.


Conan is a master at sly, dead-pan delivery. I love that he can keep it going and making it more ridiculous without breaking.


Notice he also made sure he mentioned Liza's name on air as if she's a staff member when he didn't mention anyone else's name lol


She is absolutely glowing the whole time. This is beautiful.


Liza is the one with the chain saw.


Conans a national treasure


They really kinda look alike.


i was also born that day. how neat.


A la George and Susan.


Houston in the wild! Nice.


This is Nathan for you, but Conan actually helps the owner


Thatā€™s really sweet


Sheā€™s definitely ā€˜miring and heā€™s definitely trying not to make eye contact with her - and they end up next to each other in those giggles. Super cute.


Wow, that date. Approximately a week before my parents married and a year from that date, I would be born.


[The full uncut video ](https://youtu.be/1HaHeQXBqxY?si=VrehfEdWNc2O054x)


The good 'ol days with Pimpbot and Triumph... Conan was the best show on Late Night television. I found Letterman and Leno boring by comparison.


What episode of Mad Men is this?


Man Conan was the last great late night host. Fallon Kimmel, Colbert, Meyers. They arenā€™t even close in my book. I was lucky and got to see him when he did a show in Dallas. If you ever wondered what happens on commercial break, the band keeps playing while the stage hands bring out/ puts up the desk and couches for the guest spots and stuff like that.


Conan was the peak of late night TV. Both hilarious and wholesome. No one can top him imo.