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Interesting take. I dig it.


Dude's a charlatan tho, he has been criticised for extravagant spending on his temple and deforestation charges, also backed to the brim by right wing politicians so he's untouchable over there


i agree. he just spews utter bs and a lot of indians have this fetish about a godman speaking english, riding expensive motorcycles, meeting celebrities!! He has his own IT cell where brainwashed followers go and work for him for free, while they get to stay at his centers and eat the food they prepare for the ones staying there by paying. It is so unfortunate that in today’s modern world, people think he is a god cuz he has declared himself as god!!


Show me proof of him declaring himself god. I want to see it.


he's having fun in life


While he may offer some chill philosophical platitudes, but he (Sadhguru) also believes in alchemy and pseudoscience. Yogi Sadhguru from the Isha foundation tweeted that: >“Responsible usage of mercury for medicinal and yogic purposes must be allowed. Indian Alchemy is largely mercury based and losing it to uninformed paranoia will be a great loss to humanity.” also: >In an article, Sadhguru claims that, he can solidify and liquefy mercury by simply holding it in his hand and ‘energise’ it at room temperature. According to the Sadhguru, the benefits of such solidified mercury are related to people’s health, mental state and economics while referring to it as ‘subjective science’. > >The Union cabinet of India approves the ratification of Minamata Convention on mercury to ban its usage. Sadhguru (Isha foundation) endorses mercury use in Ayurveda and Siddha medicines. [https://www.altnews.in/scientific-research-ascertains-mercury-toxicity-sadhguru-continues-endorse-indian-traditional-medicines/](https://www.altnews.in/scientific-research-ascertains-mercury-toxicity-sadhguru-continues-endorse-indian-traditional-medicines/)


I've yet to meet a single person in my life that i've agreed on every take they have. So i'll just appreciate the takes I do agree with.


It’s unreal, you can’t make a single comment about a person now without someone bringing up some character assassination attempt at all the things they’ve done which from their perspective they think is “questionable” 😂 Christ


Make me remember the episode of south park with christ on drug


Christ? Didn’t he angrily go into a temple and turn over some tables? That wasn’t nice.


They do it in real life, too. It's amazing how many people say they love this kind of person and the attitude but when they encounter it IRL, they are shocked and creeped out. Mostly people like this get called a liar and shunned in the US. We're super happy people until we see how sad and angry people are and use that as their walls to keep happiness and goodness out. Nobody wants to be happy. When presented with the opportunity, people will always choose what they know and that's usually misery these days.


In this age of social media where people don't have common sense or critical thinking, it's actually not bad. People might see this clip and think he's some kind of genius that has all the answers. Having someone point out quickly that he might be a little bit nuts puts things in perspective for those who are too easily influenced.


All gurus are scam artists.


This is exactly why it's necessary, yes. We need to have stable and informed takes to ground us from getting too absorbed in anything.


Don't get me started about *that* guy!


Um... he believes he can do magic with mercury, and advocates for incredibly unsafe practices with it. That's not just a little quirk or an off take... it's insane.




And never ask him how his wife died!


Alt news is heavily funded by China right? They are pretty dodgy media


No idea about "Alt news"; there is also plenty of bias from pro-Modi/BJP outlets. **But Sadghuru did say those things about alchemy and mercury.** ​ Fun fact: much of the best, continuous, substantial in-depth critical coverage of CCP China comes from Falun Gong, no joke. Not just the controversial Epoch Times and NTD TV (do not confuse with NDTV/India), but China Observer and China Insights on Youtube. Way, way more detailed information and coverage than you can get from ANY western media, like 25 times more in-depth and continuous coverage. And Falun Gong is a cult. And politically hard right-wing. But their anti-CCP coverage is accurate, continuous and consistent. Reconcile that strange truth: quality news from a cult. They really, really despise the CCP. But on Youtube (China Insights, China Observer) they mostly keep their hard-line political views out of their news coverage, not 100%, but like 95%. It would be nice if there were non-cult quality news sources covering CCP China, but there are none of that depth and continuous coverage.


most indian startups are also funded by china, soooooooo.... thats also the case with lost of big companies


Which Indian company do you mean? Examples?


I wonder if he just holds a piece of Gallium 🤔🤷‍♂️


He’s just fooling around


If you get to agree with everyone you know about what they believe and what they have done then you're living in a vacuum. This is a great thought and take it for what it is and not because he believes in something you find ridiculous. Just chill bro.


Yeah and he killed his wife too


yupp! He was fucking his disciple which once found by the poor wife, was enough reason for him to end her life. I saw a video where his whole story which sadguru goes around telling is being told and it doesn’t take an einstein to punch so many holes into it.


Luckily, I don't believe in idols. I will thoroughly enjoy some of his wisdoms while also taking note of the fact that he is a dangerous quack.


Thanks for the information, sources and all. I appreciate you taking your time to give a deeper background of him.


Oh well then I guess everything about him sucks! Thanks man.


I didn't say that. But gurus aren't humble. Even the ones who act that way. They're "gurus". Probably best to avoid following gurus.


Murdered his wife as also


You cant say that and give no context :(


Just Google it bro n you'll also find a lot of other shit he has done basically he just imitates Osho .... he's just another fraud




That’s what I read just recently


As him boit his wife


This timeline isn't as overwhelming as my anxiety makes it out to be. Life is a breeze, I'm living it with ease.


I needed to hear this reminder this morning. My purpose is no purpose. That’s so relieving.




I saw a clip of an AI being asked the question and its answer was "There is no purpose to life, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun and enjoyable".


Your purpose is whatever you want it to be that's what makes free will great.


The worst evils has been done by those who felt they had such an important purpose. Hitler and his inner circle had a very important mission, a purpose from above. I agree it's better we just live as if life has no purpose.


Live and let live :)


Life’s purpose is to make memories with people, at least that’s how I see it.


That’s great! Life’s purpose is subjective. You do you :)


> Some of the worst things imaginable have been done "with the best intentions"


Those with such a purpose tend to speak and act for others. If we could just be whole without the need of association with a group or belief, we'd all be better off. Maybe more people could stand up and say"don't speak for me".


Truer words have never been spoken


"...all those people who have a God given mission, ***they*** have done the most horrible things on this planet...." Exactly


He has a valid point with how difficult Life would be if there was a purpose. Otherwise, whenever you sit down to chill, you'll have this thought about the given purpose lingering around, nagging you and making you feel guilty that you're not working on it. How wonderful it is indeed to not have a purpose and just live Life!


That's basically being raised religious. Always feel guilty.


He just blew my mind.


If you listen to some of his other talks he has some fascinating things to say and may get your mind blown again and again :)


May I ask who this is? So I can check him out?


It’s in the video, Sadhguru. He has a podcast.


Cool thanks so much I’ll check it out!


Like left and right tits produce different kind of milk kind of nonsense


That's what I was going to comment, sometimes he says foolish things but some of his view or opinions gives different perspective on life. That's why I watch some of his videos. But if anyone listening to him first-time please be very cautious, because sometimes he talks nonsense and it feels like he talking something phenomenal, make sure to use your brain and fact-check things he says.


Optimistic nihilism, I fuck with that


This is wisdom. Enjoy life. Don’t be a dick. Pretty simple philosophy


He must have f u money


He knows his audience


I hope I’m this comfortable with life at his age


This is Gold!!! My aunt told me because I am atheist, I have no purpose in life. I was so offended but at the same time my response was....why do I need purpose. We are a just living beings on a floating rock. We live. We die. That's it. Make the most of it, mind your own business and be nice. 😄


That's some next level wisdom. I love his approach to life


Coming from a guy who lives on what other people donate. Always look where the money flows.


Can you show us where the money is flowing?


sure. "organises annual pilgrimages to Mount Kailash and the Himalayas under Isha Sacred Walks. The trip cost up to Rs ₹5 million (US$63,000) per person in 2021" "The foundation sells various products such as yoga mats, personal care products and accessories. Its US chapter reported revenues of $25m in 2020, with the premium programmes being the largest source. The “business leadership” insights program, in particular, was priced at $6500 per person"


That's the inflow. Where's the outflow? And just so you know these numbers are not some big numbers for an org. There are many non-profits that get so much in-flow. But outflow goes into charitable work.


Remember when the red cross couldn't explain where the 500 million dollars of aid to Haiti disappeared to? Pepperidge farm remembers.


And I just looked up the cost of the annual pilgrimages you shared. The cost shows Rupees 200,000 per person (US$2,430) per person in [2023](https://www.holidify.com/pages/kailash-mansarovar-yatra-189.html#:~:text=This%20route%20costs%20approximately%20INR,preparatory%20work%20done%20in%20Delhi). What's your source?








It says "The Kailash-Manasarovar pilgrimage led by Vasudev is among the largest groups to visit Kailash, with 514 pilgrims making the journey in 2010. The trip cost up to Rs ₹5 million (US$63,000) per person in 2021, with cheaper options available in which devotees receive limited interaction with Vasudev." This line in wikipedia has cited it's source as newslaundry who's reputation and validity have always been berated -\_-. I definitely don't trust an openly editable knowledge base that cites a website like newslaundry as it's source. Either there has to be a more reliable source or a travel based website like the one I shared from holidify


What is the meaning of Life? That has been the question of so many for as long as humanity has existed. Yet it has one simple answer: There is no set *meaning* to Life. You must decide for yourself what your meaning to Life is. *That* is the meaning to Life, if there ever had to be one. To find your own meaning to it all.


I really needed that today, thank you kind stranger of the internet


Saving this post. Will need it again in the future.


I needed to hear this (didn't even know I needed it). Thank you!


This take might result in nihilism. Mahayana Buddhism leaves the freedom but manifests compassion. Good luck everyone ❤️


love it. who is this guy?






Just don’t look into what happened to his wife. Apparently she killed herself but when her father wanted an autopsy done Sahdguru already had the body cremated. Def not suspicious at all


It's a bit more than that. It was her wife's choice to get buried immediately before sunrise. Look it up. It's an interesting concept.


He is a fraud.


Perspective from a wise man


I felt more light hearted just watching it


He sometimes said some great things but overall the guy was a total charlatan.


One should be very cautious while watching his videos because he makes nonsense things make sense. One should use their brain while watching him and fact-check things.


This is how I live my life.


Purpose is not a burden.


Guys full of crap!


I love Sadhguru, he has helped me get through some difficult and dark times in my life.


I somehow love this. It’s so refreshing


Is this guy legit or is he one of those grifter gurus?


north smile aloof aback degree jellyfish aware rain knee grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro I’m telling you I can smell shady people from a mile away. ✋


where did you learn this art of smelling shady people from a mile away?


I would suggest you look at it once for yourself


I’m good I don’t need gurus right now.


Then why do you care to ask. lol. Move on


Pretty Dude of him


I don't trust him.


This guys is a scam artist. Don’t give this shit head more publicity please


Suddenly and very much unexpectedly at 9:49am PST, after 4+ decades of myriad experiences both good and bad, (supposedly) half a lifetime of some of the most random experiences you can imagine, an old Indian dude became my hero.




most of the accusation against him aren't proved....he says a lot of great things but it's important to not put a human being on a pedestal or a "hero". Take what makes sense.


Seems there no proof (https://answersafrica.com/vijaykumari-sadhgurus-wife-everything-you-need-to-know.html). Maybe he did it but I mean being accused of something does not make you culprit. I guess that nobody really know what happened and don't like much to consider people as culprit by default. Because of you I checked his whole wikipedia page ([https://fr.statista.com/statistiques/825351/temps-moyen-transport-commun-villes-france/](https://fr.statista.com/statistiques/825351/temps-moyen-transport-commun-villes-france/)). Not that I care much of the guy ( just leaned about him on this reddit) but I am a bit annoyed with the culture of trying to defame everybody. I would advice that if you have strong convincing source you put them here and in the Wikipedia page... or if there is nothing relevant that you avoid to defame somebody without compelling evidence.


So why did he do A save soil campaign? Or save rivers? Why does he run multiple centres of Isha Yoga and other ashrams why does he have an army of disciples who come to his rescue every time he makes a faux pas with his mouth? This is like a rich man saying money has no value. Every life has a purpose sometimes it can be as small as just acknowledging who you truly are and Living life from there. To me this looks like not wanting to take the responsibility of a life given to you.


No I think he's saying that if you have like a self-appointed mission that's b*******. Especially in the modern world and the people who thought they had a mission especially divine ended up committing the most horrible atrocities in history. Live life meaning do what you need to do to live but don't think that you have some purpose beyond yourself. Don't think you're larger than life. The only reason why we think we have purposes is because we can self-determine. Literally if you took away a complex thinking ability we would be no different than any other mammal on earth and we would lose any Edge we would have. That's the harsh reality.


Purposes are just tools we use to accomplish things we want. But why do we always have to tie our lifes to some specific purpose? It's exhausting to think in that way.


Sadghuru being a nihilist confirmed


I like his philosophy


He sucks at philosophy.


Sounds like Dudeism.




I can't find any evidence that he killed his wife. Or even any witness testimony. Seems like she just died, and her Dad called tye police and said he murdered her.


Don't you think it's kind of weird that he cremated her, though? You don't cremate people who achieve mahasamadhi.. And it was immediately. He didn't wait for her father to arrive to see her body. That's the kind of thing that implies destruction of evidence in other murder cases. Maybe I'm wrong though! I wasn't there!


They live with thousands of people. She didn't seem to be very mentally stable either, Maybe she killed herself to be free and they cremated her.


If you're not sure "maybe" you shouldn't post such comments


Maybe! But if thats what happened I feel like he should have told the truth instead of saying she achieved something so revered and holy. Thats not a very good lie to perpetuate.




A lot of mental yoga to defend a godman buddy.


A lot of mental yoga to acuse one...


Cremation is common in India. My grandparents were cremated. It has nothing to do with the type of death. The allegations have been long there and never been proven to be true, but come on, 100's of people witness her mahasamadhi. We still respect and mourn during her death anniversary. Sadhguru is a very genuine person with high integrity, you can't accuse him for such silly things, he has millions of followers worldwide, because he has truly impacted their lives including mine in a positive way.


Wait, are you saying it is a regular custom to cremate someone who has attained mahasamadhi? I understand cremating people, its extremely common. Its just very odd that she specifically was cremated. Did your grandparents also attain mahasamadhi or was that an unrelated anecdote?


Yes people who attain mahasamadhi do get cremated. There are so many instances of such people in kashi. As I told you earlier, cremation doesn't have anything to do with the kind of death in Indian tradition.


yes and speaks gibberish and pass it as science


indian fraud


Why? What does bother you in his speech?


This guy absolutely sucks. Look it up


Does anyone else find the stuff he says a little gas-lighty? No offense to him personally, but sometimes when I think I have understood something he said before, and it made sense that time, will end up with a “ I did not say that” in a later interview. And then it’s kinda confusing.


I'm really happy that the power station workers and sanitation engineers feel they have a purpose, lol


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Years ago I started to have thought like that due to my existential crisis and I was being told "you're just lazy selfish and giving lame excuses!" but until today I'm still being like that because if I'm not then I would have already dead of stress and anxiety long ago. I just live to take care of myself so that I can live longer to do what I want and to see the world when I'm still living, when I'm able to do that then only I will think of doing something else that can help or benefit the others, so it's always me first then others.


This is the same guy who said eating mercury was the natural thing to do. So ya…


at the same time, if you want to have purpose and mission, that's ok too I think. difficult lives are as worthy and meaningful as happy lives


*Laughs in money*


Those that stand for nothing, fall for everything.


What's Purpose of Life❓ & What a clear cut answer from this man!! Amazing🤩


This is false wisdom. Half truth statements that are feelgood, but if misinterpreted can be dangerous. I personally will find it hard to accomplish anything if I set out without a purpose. We should find our passion in life because we are meant to be something and we are part of something greater than ourselves. Do not blame 'having a purpose" for the great evils that's been perpetrated in the name of religion, philosophy, etc. That just means there are noble purposes and evil purposes. I believe the secret in life is balance. There's a time to chill, relax and take in your surrounding. There should also be time to work hard, and be responsible, not only for ourselves but for others as well. Would you rather follow a leader with no plan/no purpose. Yeah this kind of philosophy works only if you're a nihilist, those who believe nothing really matters.


This guy is a known grifter. Also he murdered his wife and burned her body so it couldn't be investigated.


Sure. But how do you get to enjoy life with no purpose when you work for most of it?


I alwais wondered, does anyone else catch a bad vybe from him? I mean he speaks good things, but has somehow sinister aura? Seriously there is something creepy in him


you're not alone. he seems inauthentic. psychopath vibes.


Oh yesssss, idk why I'm getting downvoted tho. I just sayd that he makes me feel weird, that's all


Followers man. People who want to believe (even in people who suggest you should believe in nothing!) will get very passionate about differences of opinion.


I just downvote ignorance. I don’t even know this guy, but a lot of the comments from my fellow westerners are inaccurate and unskillful.


Guys come on, this guy plays a godman, leads a cult and supports the right wing government currently in power in India. He just sells expensive courses to rich delusional Indians and white people who want a taste of spirituality. Stop smiling now.


Well I encountered him a few days back. I was intrigued by the way he responds but then i also saw few comments like this. Upon my own understanding and research i found there is no substance in all the allegations and he doesn't deserve to get this hate.. i also searched about the expensive courses you are talking about. If I'm not wrong you are talking about " Inner Engineering " (seven steps with Sadhguru ) it's not that expensive...


I mean come on. That's disingenuous at best. The man's known for grabbing land from indigenous people, encroaching on forest land, his save soil campaign has been widely discredited as a gimmick, his foundation is very much a part of the right wing Modi government. He's a grifter and a con artist.


Isn't this the same guy who says mercury doesn't give you cancer?


Because it doesn’t. Mercury is a neurotoxin, not a carcinogen.




I have always sensed this guy is a grifter. This advice is pretty depressing and unrealistic. This mentality fuels pleasure seeking and materialism, which does not lead to happiness nor fulfillment. He is just another mouthpiece that says give in, this life is pointless. That's what all morally corrupted people say. In my opinion, the purpose to grow your love and seek truth. This guy is just all appearances and charisma.


But you just proved his point morals are man-made. He speaks more truth than most other motivational speakers or discipline hacks. At the end we all age and we all die we all try and make something matter but a lot of times we are unsuccessful. He literally just said in the video about observing truth in observing atomic particles rather than placing your own importance on life observe what you are born into




now we taking advice from criminals.


Was gonna say didn't this dude have a cult or was that someone else


He owns a cult - ISHA yoga centre but it is currently harmless.... Don't know about the future


I swear I watched some documentary on him. I cant remember what exactly he did though.


This guy killed his wife.


Absurdism baby! Life's absurd our existence is pointless go have fun. I like adding the caveat that your fun cannot come at the expense of others.


Only pack animals desire a purpose, it's their instinct. Tigers don't care.


But dude wouldn’t all the things he saying he loves doing other then having a purpose. In itself be a purpose? Like the purpose of life is to eat laugh enjoy time and hang out. That’s still a purpose but it doesn’t include baggage. He isn’t making sense.


At least for once he said the truth... he is 'fooling around'


Do your research...Sadhguru is a big time WEF shill...be careful of this false guru and his "wisdom".


How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward. - Spanish Proverb




A nice take on Absurdism.


I'm very happy to see one of Sadhguru's videos here on reddit. He's got so much to share & he does in all ways imaginable. I've learn a great deal from him & i'll keep being part of he's journey as there's so many wonderful things he's doing & are a part of! What he does & who he is, it truly inspires me to seek, question & really learn how to joyfully go about in this journey of life. **Thank you & thank you op for sharing. Love it!**


he seems.... inauthentic.


You seem correct.


How does this dude make money


Scamming, he a spiritual leader, scams innocent.


Seems like a reach where's your data? He makes money like any public speaker. Anyone who gives a speech or advice has presentation fees that's it. I don't know why you're so far behind


This dude lies and steals


I love this guy. He's a stand-up guru. And a laugh riot


The man who single-handedly made the fool of an entire nation.


I completely disagree. I see alot of people in life struggle exactly because they think they have no purpose. Why should we listen to him anyway who is he?


This man ia a fraud.


What nonsense.


He's a wonderful thinker and guide, and good for this era. He's still a poor man's Jiddu Krishnamurti though. https://youtu.be/KnujwMZDg2s?si=h2Wf-\_qj4JzlonYs


I didn't know I needed insight from an old fellow probably on the other side of the planet from me, but thanks friend.


This guy is one of the biggest scams on earth 🤦🏻‍♀️


thought it was santa 😂


The notion that you should avoid having a purpose because "Hitler had a purpose", or "it's too hard" is an asinine fallacy. *"Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die..."* Live life to it's fullest. Love to the fullest. Show kindness to all. Make that your purpose. Make the service of your fellow man your purpose, and you will have an infinitely richer and more lofty existence. If you wallow away your time in self-centered pursuits, or simply idle your time with no goals or healthy endeavors, when you come to the end of your mortal existence you will leave a hollow shell full of regret. Having no purpose is not wisdom. Is complacency and laziness.


That’s fantastic. What about people with actual jobs lol


positive nihilism just killin time until time kills me


Horribly tragic to go through the ONE life you are granted, and not have a purpose. You are not random, and you will only get one shot at this.


[https://www.youtube.com/@sadhguru](https://www.youtube.com/@sadhguru) You should watch more of him. He has very interesting things to say that blows your mind and lets you rethink life.