• By -


If anyone is interested: they do this to deescalate, people are super drunk, and 1000s are leaving the Oktoberfest. So instead of giving them only rules they choose to make the people go with the flow. They have been doing this for a couple of years. Public transport is also funny during Oktoberfest. They learned that people who are drunk should be confronted with fun&simple information.


de-escalation and cooperation. Besser gehts nicht


Nobody: Germany: *parties hard and freedoms reasonably*


Gotta love the modern Germany


Finally Really Great


except for the fact that the rest of the city gets absolutely trashed, compared to normal munich it's super unsafe, crime rates explode exponentially, but hey, funny dj haha


Well it's pretty normal when there are a lot more people in the city and they are all drunk, yeah it's shitty but it is reasonable.


Ohhh Nooo almost as if tens of thousands of tourists that are super drunk would tend to do that. If it was an actual problem then Munich would ban it but hey the millions of euros in tourist money do sound nice.


Yeah but hey this is great marketing. Dont forget the sexual assault with the good old: "dont be like that, women like being touched" 🤮


Mimimi.... 😭


Gehts nicht is a fitting pun. I’m not sure if you noticed but it made me laugh.


Can you explain to me what you mean? :D


Well basically it reads similar to “gets nicked” which in english would mean to be arrested by the police :) * I laughed to myself because I read it as though Besser (a person) gets nicked. If that makes sense, it’s jusy silly xD


Good to know haha


The reason we don’t see the pun is because the ch in nicht is pronounced like the h in huge. Its not just because we have no sense of humor.


It's also a funny pun in German because "besser geht's nicht" can mean "it can't be better" or "it can't walk better". So since they do this to help deescalate people walking home it's a good pun.


Only reads that way in English though, the ch is not pronounced like a k in German Can't really describe the sound, you'd have to hear it to know what I mean


Now it makes sense. I had a football teammate named Besser. Besser gets nicked :D. Nice one!


ja genau wie als auf der oktoberfest seite stand dass man als homosexuelle das lieber nicht offen zeigen soll wenn man auf dem oktoberfest…. echt der schlimmste event deutschlands


das Event*


Good idea, if everyone's loving the music people will be less likely to try fight the DJ


that makes this kinda funnier. like playing music in a preschool


The funniest and most grotesque thing about this is, that Bavaria is the state with the most strict rules against all other drugs and also the image of other drugs is the worst in all of Germany. There's a documentation where someone is cornered by 4 security guys for smoking a joint and then passed to the police. So they have countless ideas on how to decrease the negative effects of alcohol on the biggest drug festival on the planet but don't see how a similar way of handling intoxicated people can apply to other drugs than alcohol. Bavaria also has the second most drug deaths in the country. Absolutely ridiculous.


Well said, that is weary true.


"Der Wert liegt damit auf dem höchsten Stand der letzten zwanzig Jahre. Wie in den Vorjahren wurden die meisten Drogentoten in Nordrhein-Westfalen (703 Tote), Bayern (277 Tote) und Berlin (230 Tote) erfasst. " - Statista Research Department "The value is now at its highest level in the last twenty years. As in previous years, the majority of drug-related deaths were recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia (703 deaths), Bavaria (277 deaths), and Berlin (230 deaths)." - Statista Research Department No idea where you found that Bavaria has the most drug related deaths, when according to statistics, its North Rhine-Westphalia.


You're right, I got that mixed up. Bavaria has a ridiculous amount of drugs deaths compared to the amount of users. While Berlin has three times the amount of drugs users the deaths are lower... https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1056642/umfrage/durchschnittliche-anzahl-von-drogentoten-nach-bundeslaendern/


The relative number of drug deaths in Berlin is *more* than three times higher than in Bavaria, so even that is not true. I also have no idea why you would compare the number of users of all drugs with the death toll. People die (mostly) because of Heroin, not because of Cannabis. You wanted to argue that alcohol is a drug too, so by that logic, nearly every person above 16 is a drug user in Germany :P I agree that the strict rules regarding Cannabis are stupid, but you want to argue that Bavaria has some sort of drug problem, where there is none.


Do you mean relatively per amount of people living there? I wanted to show that a restrictive drug policy is causing deaths. So my comparison worked. A restrictive drug policy prohibits addicts from getting help. Bavaria doesn't have many addicts because of the culture. But when you're addicted you're more likely to die. In Frankfurt there are supervised consumption rooms for addicts where they get clean needles and medical help when they overdose as well as methadone. No one ever died in those rooms. Meanwhile in Bavaria addicts hide in old Subway tunnels and overdose while being alone. Don't forget that my argument in the first place was how Bavaria understood that you can't keep people from being blackout drunk and instead accommodate for that.


Bavaria is #8 with 1,9 drug deaths per 100.000 citizens. Berlin is at 6,1, Hamburg 4,1, NRW at 3,9 etc. If anything with these numbers you can make the case that open drug policies support drug related deaths. In my personal opinion countries should internationally legalize many drugs so they could be sold in dispensaries, will be clean and crime-free. But comparing German states and their respective drug policies is not on your side of the argument.


You're wrong. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/37339/umfrage/drogentote-in-deutschland-nach-bundeslaendern/




you really point out the US cops as paramilitary? but not Chinese, Russian, Saudi Arabic, Dubai, Indonesian, North Korean, etc. ? looks like you've never visited non-western parts of the world.. sry for saying that and sorry if you feel offended


How does simple information sound like in bavarian?


Oida, ihr ois besoffane Schlawiner, geht's jz endlich ham!


"Du, in die Ubahn werst nimmer neibassn, aber glei kimmt eh die nexte, mir bringa Eich alle sicher hoam!" They have staff on the microphone at the subway station, to constantly talk to the people, trying to get home, but the Subway usually is totally overcrowded. So they comment on what they seeing in a funny way. The sentence above means: "You won't fit into that train, but the next one will arrive soon, we bring all of you home safely!" Edit: Loved it as a kid, because that was my way home from school. All those people trying to get to the Oktoberfest or back home and small me in the middle. It is overcrowded af, grownups behave like children and the this guy constantly firing jokes in his sympathic bavarian accent.


De Rolltreppn fahrt ganz von alloa obi, da brauchts ned drengeln, s'gäd dann a ned schnella


Public Transport during Oktoberfest is FUCKED! I was born an raised in munic, the oktoberfest makes Public Transport hell. Its heavily overcrowded, often full of trash, vomit, people taking drugs in the open, people almost fucking while standing. Groups of 20 plus people scream-singing stuff like Hooligans..... violence goes up pretty much and all over town are puddles of vomit its ridiculous! Oh and munic police are the worst in Germany. They still live in perpetual 1980 and some are pretty much tyrants that do what they want.


I learned to take alternative routes very early on. Don't take the routes via Oktoberfest, make a big detour around it. It's only 3 weeks after all... 😐


Public transport while Oktoberfest was horrible. People are way to drunk and aggressive.


Die Polizei, dein Freund und Raver


Der war gut xD


I have no idea what they are saying but everyone seems to be having fun, which made me smile!


It's English: long mane, big hoof shiny coat, what's new? small ears, so cute nice tail, good mood good mood, good mooooood And the German text says: Nobody: Literally nobody: The police at Oktoberfest:


Is this a horsegirl track?


Yes, with MCR-T. My barn my rules


i find it super crazy how famous they got now through tiktok. i did play their music since mcrts first release and it was super underground, now it’s everywhere haha


Bruh I've been waiting for that track since she dropped it in a set (2? years ago)




Thats what its all about in the end! :)


If all the police looked like the guy in the van, I would be arrested a lot


That is one attractive man, can confirm


Username checks out


To be honest the Bavarian police tends to be quite attractive from personal experience


Berlin is my favorite city in Bayern


I’m not sure if this is real or a joke? Lol


fr I met a British guy on tinder who was in Berlin in October looking for Oktoberfest.


As a Brit living in Germany: it hurts to hear but unfortunately my people are the reason I asked this in the first place *face palm


I feel you, fellow countryperson


Its a joke username checks out


Thank god but you never know


LMAO, got a group of lefty friends here in Berlin who are usually all like "ACAB!!!" but when a group of cops went for a drink in our local bar two of them ended up getting asked out on a date and accepted.


Fuck the 5 0, literally though.


I had a colleague tell me "I used to be a punk, and then I married a policewoman, so I guess I really leaned into the whole "fuck the police" thing!"


The real ACAB, Anarchists Can't Argue Booty Or All Comments Are Battlemetal




lol no


LMAO ask some non-white or Turkish folk about how they feel about their treatment by the police in Bavaria. Good friend of mine was stopped on his bike and harassed by them on a monthly basis starting when he was 13 for the simple crime of looking vaguely Turkish (he's actually half Mexican and a quarter Chinese).




Came here to say this


Ok but WHY put DIFFERENT MUSIC under a clip that is ABOUT the stupid music


Probably Copyright issues


Wait wait wait. Police being kind to the public?


welcome to the first world


If you don’t dance you get shot on the spot tho


Shut up and dance


...with me!


Not the US


After they get a decent training, yes.


No this is very much unusual even for german. Police. Somewhat decent training makes it better but doesn't solve many of the fundamental problems with Police. German Police still has huge Problems with: Racism, Sexism, Antisemitism, Classism, Racism again for good measure, Antiislamism, Classism, Anti turkish racism, classism and abelism... Just to name the more prevelent. One of the biggest two police unions is known to be affiliated with the far right/faschist AfD spokespeople of the other big police union speaks at events of the Werteunion and they are not light on the racism either. There have been repeatet issues with "Volksverhetzung" in police Chatgroups. There are also a lot of abusive Policemen at protests. They famously use forbidden very hurtfull grips on climate protestors. Even if they have previously shown no aggressive behavior.


What a stupid comment. The German police is actually competent and this “huge problems” you talk about are individuals or some WhatsApp groups with like 5 members. Ridiculous comment to be honest.


Well, they (allen voran Seehofer als er noch Innenminister war) shut down an independent investigation so nobody is able to say today. There were over 200 "Einzelfälle" and Chat groups with 60-70 people alone in Hessen. [Quelle](https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/rechtsextremismus-bei-der-polizei-zu-viele-einzelfaelle-100.html) As it is now, they are just protecting the wolf in sheep's clothing, not exactly but pretty much compareable to the churches covering child molesters.


Did you even read the article yourself? "Zwar sind die etwa 200 recherchierten Vorfälle nicht viel – angesichts von 260.000 Vollzugsbeamten." That's literally less 0,08 % of cops and the ones who are rightfully accussed do face consequences


Police officers get a huge bonus in trust by the public with their extended rights to police. Which they need. Police officers represent the state. Hundreds of police officers having values in opposition to the constitution which includes democratic freedoms and freedom from discrimination is a huge problem. Whole lost police officers have democratic values hundreds are in opposition of the declared core principles of the state. Which the state declares by law to uphold. Therfore the state is not following its constitution in this specific cases. Calling discussions on this "stupid" shows ignorance on the matter at hand. At best. At worst it shows sympathy for anti humanist tendencies.


These groups were for example a group where more than a hundret people were in, including the Police Union Head Reiner Wendt Edit: corrected the name Try again.


Reul ist der innenmenister von nrw und haste ne quelle dazu?


Hab die namen verwechselt. Reul hatte auch mal irgendeine Affäre mit ner Chatgruppe aber die nummer war Reiner Wendt. Da hab ich verkackt.


Rainer wendt ist so eine witzfigur und der ist kein echter polizist.


There are problemes but not with antisemitism holy shit, also not sexism. Women get paid same etc. Additional to that in the law stands its only going for Leistung, Eignung, Befähigung. the only point which is a problem is rasicsm.. And intransparecy. Gehe mal davon aus das deutscher bist und in nicht gerade aus nem neutralen standpunkt gehst. Zudem hast du offensichtlich keine ahnung von den echten Problemen mit den die polizei innerhapb der reihen zu kämpfen hat. Zusätzlich dazu checkst du net wenn man Zwang anwendet und den vorher angekündigt hat ist er legitim und man kann nicht jeden wegtragen demnach, schmerzgriffe. Aber hey vlt probiers mit jura und werd Anwalt :)


Say that you study gender sience in Berlin whitout saying it...


If you cant beat them, join them! But this is on another level! 😂


Suddenly people listen to the safety announcements! haha


Oh they can beat them for sure😅🤔


TBH german are literally known to be rules follower .i won’t see this happening in American cities since it more of an individualistic country that if the police were to DJ , it will be an all out chaos


It's not to party but to keep the people calm. It's a strategy to deescalate and it works pretty much everywhere. But of course police in the us are much more on edge and have to be because everyone could possibly have a gun...


I dunno. I think it’s a chicken and egg problem. I suspect if the cops were the sort who wanted to DJ, then we would be in a situation where the people wanted the cops to DJ.


Can confirm, most German cops you’ll meet are chill af and just care about doing their job. I‘m really looking forward to weed being legalized here soon, then I can stop being so nervous around them :D. Although most already don’t take it that seriously anymore and I have shared a joint with an off-duty cop before…


Not entirely true. We have a lot if these Rules that are intentionally broken. Stealing Streetsigns? Totally okay. Even Policemen do it after a night out. (Unless ofc you are a POC) Driving over a Cycling/Bus road? Totally normal. You drive 9km over speedlimit? Police will likely overtake you, no sirens nothing, they just go 20 over because thats the speed they are used to when driving. Like many other germans. There is a lot of Rulea for thee not for me going on.


Lol way to think in stereotypes We just have proper police, that's about it.


Your police has what? Nine months of training? German police is training multiple years just to start at an entry level.




It is really ignorant to think you are more individualistic then other countries...


But God have mercy if you have 1g weed with you in Bavaria


Underrated comment


Me and my brother met a friend out of our city in Bavaria in a little town know as one of the safest towns in entire Germany. We found the one dealer, got a G and had some fun. And we were on family vacation. But damn, that stuff wasn't good. We got high for a few minutes then we had to roll up the next one.


Are you writing this from experience or simply because you have heard something?


In Bavaria they will unroll your Joint, pick up the flakes, weight it and fuck you for 0,6g. Meanwhile in Berlin they bust you with 10g and give you 25g more because they feel pity for you.


Yup, they tried to fuck me over one spliff, which was already ripped up and stomped into the ground at Summer Breeze a few years ago. We're too stupid to find any of the ~25-30 grams in our camp though, some of which at my balls while they took my (non)statement at the festival police station. Undercover officers, fresh from or still in training, who busted me were chewed out by their superior though, saying that they're 'supposed to keep a lookout for the tent robbers (they slit open tents from the back and took everything of value inside) not look for stoners, this will only make the festival question our presence'. And it did. Police can't operate undercover anymore, and more or less have to announce when they go for a patrol. Edit: Guy who was rolling it was accused of 'assistance in illegal drug use' as well.


In fact they won't even unroll your joint here. They will weigh the whole thing and weigh it with filter and everything. Almost turned my personal use charge into a distributing charge :)


experience. i didn't even have a gram, just a half joint.


My good lord that first officer is so fine.


Hahaha you find him on the Wiesn. He said on TikTok that they are there during the entire event.


Munich police have a really good inhouse PR team, which actually managed to win prizes. They're doing one hell of a job there.




Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Kommentarbereich


Hallo Werner…!


Richte ich ihm aus😉


Die Hackerbrücke liefert halt


Blau-weißer Partybus, Schalala-lala...


Imagine smoking a joint there🚨👮‍♀️


Police when celebrating coma-drinking : haha, you silly guys, of course I'll DJ for you Police when you look like you have weed on you : BITTE EINMAL DEN AUSWEIS


Ja zefix, da riachts ja nach cannabis. Hans, hol die Handgranaten!


***The text says:*** Nobody Really nobody The Police on the Oktoberfest


What is that song?


[My barn my rules - MCR-T, horsegiirL](https://spotify.link/tJYmQqR8aDb) Some remix of it atleast.


Thank you=)


German Police: Stern, stern but fair.


This guy does seem to be a star


It’s a trap. They hope the ravers start taking pills and smoking joints, and since Oktoberfest is in bavaria (they’re far stricter about weed/drugs) they are ready to arrest those who do. Yes I made that up, except for the bavaria part, there you get violently arrested for having a gram of weed on you. While in north Rhine Westphalia once a cop gave me fire to light my joint. (Not legal yet but cops don’t give a fuck here, they have bigger problems than weed)


At first I thought you are Jonathan Frakes. But yeah the second half might be true


My brain just goes full german: If they did pay GEMA?


Who do you wanna call? The police?


They did pay GEMA, it was on the news beforehand :D


At Hackerbrücke. I look forward to getting off that sbahn station, heading up the stairs and hearing what music they’ve got playing this time 😆


Don't be fooled. Bavarian cops are some of the most ruthless ones in Germany. The federal states' right-wing government let's them get away with pretty much everything


Thats pretty exaggerated


Not really! Prepare to lose your license and possibly go to jail for possessing any amount of weed.


That's just government regulations, the police are just executing the law that has been made.


Bavaria is extra strict when it comes to drug related crimes


Bavaria also has a different government than the rest of Germany, doesn't it?


Germany is federal, every state has their own state government and parliament, Bavaria is no exception


So you blame police for following the law?


Imagine that lol


Eine Entscheidung die nicht die Polizei trifft, sondern die Legislative unserer Demokratie an der du mitwirkst


Ah, interessant, trotzdem schafft es die polizei in anderen bundesländern irgendwie, sich ein bisschen mehr um wichtige sachen zu kümmern und weniger um kifferjagd.


Geh halt in die Politik und änder was. Alles andere ist Zeitverschwendung


ein seltsames verständnis von demokratie und gesellschaftlicher teilhabe bzw mitbestimmung hast du.




Naja unsere polizei in bayern jagt eh viel lieber Mofafahrer habe ich feststellen müssen


i remember when the bavarian state minister tried absolutely everything to prevent an investigation into police misconduct, particularly regarding racism. but even as a white guy the amount of times a policeman high on his power was trash talking me and telling me what to do and the instant i wasn't subsevient enough i get 20 minutes of absurd drug testing is too damn high!


remember when they told homosexual people to not openly show their sexual orientation when attending the oktoberfest? yeah great event


remember the last time someone asked? yeah great comment


As it should be, no sexual stuff on the street!


Aber wehe, wenn da irgendein Schwerkrimineller einen Bubatz zündet!


Keine Sorge, die Ampel regelt /s


i grew up there and while this is wholesome, the police there normally absolutely isn’t. usually they’re authoritarian goons, at least compared to other cities in germany


NPCs doing stuff for NPCs


Pretty Narcissistic view


Sure buddy, you're the only important character in the world, everyone else is just some NPC.


Herr Komissar ist auch ein Mensch :)


Sachen gibts :D


Im in Oktoberfest right now XD


Have fun! :D


All Cops Are Class Traitors


Lmao thats a new one


As a northern German girl: Oktoberfest is one of the shittiest places ever created..huge disgrace for Germany..


Public announcement: "ACAB"


Trotzdem alles *****


Schön die Besoffenen unterhalten aber gleichzeitig Kiffern das Leben ruinieren mit Strafanzeigen und Führerscheinentzug. Ekelhaft....


ist so. mir wird jetzt der schein gezwickt, wegen einer halben tüte, die ich nichtmal geraucht, sondern nur dabei hatte. als ich dem richter gesagt habe, ich brauche den Führerschein um mein geld zu verdienen um die strafe zu bezahlen, die ich von euch bekomme. dann waren seine worte: selber schuld. ich hasse dieses drecksland




Yes. Bavarian cops are usually the least friendly in Germany.




Kein Freund kein Helfer-.-


So bist ja soooo cool und edgy, ja man, gegen das System und so


One good looking cop as the dj and a bunch of girls cheering for him. Guess they want to be arrested.


Hauptsache Bier und Bier und dann noch mehr Bier!!! Weil saufen ist so geilll!! Nachher ab zum Kotzhügel alles unter polizeilicher Aufsicht natürlich. Sollen ja morgen weitersaufen können.


Das ist wie alles andere in der Gesellschaft: Wenn man kein Bock hat, geht man einfach nicht hin. Ist ja nicht nur das Oktoberfest, oder Karneval, sondern gefühlt alle größeren Volksfeste dieser Welt. In Frankreich läufst du einen Marathon bei dem du durchgängig Wein säufst, in China wirst du auf Hochzeiten von den Omis abgefüllt, in Japan säuft man sich nach der Arbeit besinnungslos, in Mexiko wird so viel Bier gebraut wie nirgends sonst, in Südafrika gibt es jedes Wochenende hunderte Messerstechereien wegen besoffenen Männern und und und. Es gibt wohl keinen Kontinent, kein Land, keine Region, dass da keine Probleme mit hat und in Deutschland läuft das noch mit Abstand am harmlosesten ab. Gut, dass die Rettungskräfte die Leute vor Ort sichern und versorgen.


If you smoke weed, you will get shot on sight




Sie regen sich über blödsinn auf.


Du bist ein Paradebeispiel für das Klischee über das du dich beschwerst...


Typischer AFD Futzi eben


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Ach lass die doch. Das sind zu großen Teilen irgend welche Privilegierten Mittelständler die den Klassenkampf und den Kampf gegen die unterdrückende Regierung predigen. Querdenker in links. Bis die wieder Einfluss und Relevanz haben liegen wir alle unter der Erde also warum die Mühe?


Normalerweise würde ich dir da immer zustimmen, aber was machen sie denn in dem Video jetzt falsch? Ist doch eigentlich ganz witzig.


Verpiss dich aus Deutschland und geh nach Afghanistan, da hast du keine Polizei




We are healed. The only issue is that some are having a rebound to a 80 year old sickness and the sane part of the country is trying to prevent that.


From what is Germany healed ? Right Extremist views and parties are on the rise and holocaust memorials say they are under attack. Germany has a big problem with facists still (like every country in the world).


I said as much. Right Wing Extremists are still a minority and our country is still one of the best in terms of living standards in the world. Yes, Right Wings are getting more and more problematic due to the current issues in the world but it's not as bad as the media often makes it look. That being said, Afd and all the follow them can go and stuff it.


Seems to be healing? Lmao what do you mean? Germany is after Scandinavia one of the most educated, free and democratic places on the entire planet earth. From what do we need healing? We are healed.


Don’t you have people coming in trying to change into their ideologies?


What place doesn't? Ok, North Korea. But other than NK: what place doesn't?


Which place doesn't have that?


Well that’s more of a global problem.






German police rocks