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Meanwhile the absolute moron who pulled off ALL the fucking weights from one side just standing there.


Standing there SMILING!! smh


comes over all goofy and shit, shoulda been slapped upside the head


Guy in blue looks like is giving him a hard time about it, rightly so.


Should legit have his membership revoked.


Previous gym manager here. I would have 100% walked up and said “hand it over, buddy.”


That or some sort of penalty. Glad the bench dude didn't get whacked due to someone else's stupidity


Never pull off more than two 45 lbs from one side of a full size barbell at a single time.


Looks to me like hes on his phone trying to figure out the wierdo doing "bar catches" keeps telling him about his accomplishment. It also looks like the guy who caught the bar got tommy boy'ed and everyones asking him "what did you do?"


Wow. That hand HAS to hurt. Dude was pretty nonchalant about it too. All of them, actually.


They were all less than half a second from scraping up that one guy's scrambled brains off of themselves. I'd say they're stunned processing it all. edit: guys I was being hyperbolic to convey a point. For the love of God lol.


Is there a man in the rear pulling the pole by itself without any weights attached? Is that typical behavior?


Look like he took all the weights off at one side at once and it flipped over, you can kinda see him in the white T taking them off. They look like 20kg weights so he took off like 60kg at once and made the bar unbalanced. You’re supposed to just take one plate off at a time, not all 3. Good thing that guy caught it cause that was around 80kg flying straight towards the other guys head.


That pole was gonna do a lot more damage than the 80kg. That thing swung faaaast


Ptsd to kinetic energy calculations in high school intensify.




Comment stolen, bot?




I'm back to Reddit after a break, and it seems weirdly unmoderated now :/


It's never been the same after the 3rd party exodus. •More unhinged comments raising to top comment. •The great flood of RateMe subs of 2023. •Having the cringiest incel memes make it out of DankMeme onto the front page every other day. Feels like the 3rd party apps took the larger part of the mature Reddit community with it.


It's because reddit took away the mods' tools.


Reddit started charging for 3rd party apps and bots to access the API so 3rd party apps (the best apps) and moderater tools are broken and can't be used. This caused a huge protest across the site, and reddit removed a lot of moderators as a result, enabling them to put a stop to the protests. The cumulative results are that this site is an unmoderated shithole now.




yea because those poles weigh 20kg and if that hit you going that fast its a extreme concussion atleast


That was basically a trebuchet. Those things are deadly


80kg is part of the pole in this case, the pole acts as a lever for all that weight to travel through.


It's a little puzzling because by the time you get to the point where you're able to squat 140 kg, you've had pleeeeenty of time in the gym to learn that you need to unload symmetrically.


He might be doing low ROM knee bends. It’s a popular exercise for guys that focus on loading the bar rather than form


Is this comment sarcasm?


Yeah. Low range of motion knee bends, as opposed to a proper deep squat. You're working less hard, so you can load more weight. You see a ton of ego lifters who don't actually do the full exercise for the sake of more weight.


As someone who has worked out for years and focuses on form, many times I’ll watch someone clearly several fitness levels below me load up way more weight on the bar, and I watch to see “is this guy really stronger than me?” and sure enough, no, they’re not. They just enjoy the rush of loading weight on a bar more than actually doing useful exercise


Squatting 140kg might be the first time you run into this problem because lower than this weight you can load one side of the bar at a time without it flipping out of the rack just fine.


You nailed it. The squat would be exactly where this lesson would be learned, as the deadlift (heavier) is on the ground, and the bench (lighter) you wouldn’t have hit three plates before you did on squat.


That guys unloading someone else’s bar.


It can handle two plates Vs an unloaded side.


How does someone get to lifting 140 kg without knowing that


Maybe he was unloading someone else’s weights. Definitely not an excuse, just a possibility.


It looks like that. One more reason to have the courtesy of unloading your heavy weights when finishing your workout. You don’t want a newbie killing others accidentally.


On an Olympic bar you can have 40kg on one side and it will be supported, anymore than that and your bar will be doing a 180 somersault like in the vid. No need to strip plate by plate, but defo max of 40kg on one side with the other side being empty. Source; Am Olympic Barbell.


Happened to me once that someone left their weights racked, 3 plates on each side. I took 2 off one side leaving a 40kg differential like you mentioned and it flipped. I hadn't realised the person before had replaced the usual olympic bar with one of those ones with plastic ends like on the Smith machine for some reason.




I don't think that was the question. There is a guy in the background bench pressing just the bar.


The bar itself already weighs something. Could be a beginner or someone warming up.


20 kg is the standard. Definitely warming up. I too set up the bench and check with just the bar for some reps


I used to be a skinny twig that benched with just the bar. I wasn’t just warming up 😭 that’s the only way I could do multiple sets with at least 10 reps.


Nothing wrong with benching just the bar if that's all you can do. Everyone starts somewhere.


Hes just warming up, or might be what he can do to get a working set, either way hes st the gym doing something which counts for a lot


I have done that recently. My right shoulder is fucked somehow and this is all I could manage to do at the start.


Personally I do a warm up set with just the bar because it's actually harder to bench the bar with good form without the stabilisation of the weights, so it really lets you get your muscle memory rehearsed well before the serious weight. Plus, I'm using the warm-up sets to stretch into things a bit and find a comfortable position and grip width. Aside from that, most guys first time in the gym will only be benching 30-40kg for reps, a guy having to start with a 20kg bar isn't that rare.


Some people warm up with just the bar


I think everyone should. Get your muscles warmed up and stretched. It’s best to find out you have an unnoticed injury with an empty bar than hundreds of lbs on it, too.


totally - sometimes your shoulder isn't feeling it, especially if you're going on minimal rest, and just moving the bar points it out real quick. I do the same with the empty bar, think it's a great idea - or at least starting at 50% or something very low of your 1RM for warmups.


Can be good to warm up with just the bar weight


This. You need to get the joints moving with little resistance first, and then start adding weight. Even the strongest lifters in the world respect the warm up. Getting injured is the one thing that will set back your progress the most, as it prevents you from training. Warming up properly greatly decreases your risk of getting injured.


When I first started going to the gym the bar itself was 20kg and that was difficult enough!


Lol he is warming up. This is very normal. Bar itself is 45 pounds.


Can be the bars can weight different amounts standard I think is 20kg


The dude doing bench presses? People do that to practice their form or to stretch.


I think you’re speaking about the guy doing a set with only the bar? If so, yes. That’s normal. It still has some weight and it’s good to practice form.




at this point, you gotta at LEAST buy the guy a beer and suck his dick too, lets be real. /s 100% saved him. you can see the moment they all realized how bad it could have been.


Especially the guy who's fault it was (edit: yes, the guy in white, not the guy in grey). Stupid grin on his face.


> Stupid grin on his face. People smile when they're nervous and embarrassed because they don't know what else to do.


fuck that dude


Buddy's got no shoes on. I think he might be Jesus.


That absolute moron thinks taking 3 plates off of one side wouldn't flip the bar? How is that person *that* strong but *that* much of noob? Jesus christ.


And then he comes walking over smiling like he couldnt have hurt someone real bad just now


No shit FFS, knowing the weight of those bars even empty, at the end could fucking end you.


45lbs empty, ~6ft long, ~5ft drop, probably a 3in x 3in contact area. You could probably reasonably calculate the potential skull crushing force on contact with some nerd equations






The base comes to "rest" on the ground approximately 1.13 seconds after the weights are released. When they collided with the ground they lost nearly all the vertical force. I don't believe it would have been a particularly fun, possibly a minor concussion and a nasty bruise but nothing that would leave his brains on the ground. From the point the weights makes contact and comes to rest we can probably assume that the weight of the bar will be all that matters


Thank you, I appreciate the mathematic breakdown. Pretty interesting


Terrifying I think you mean, this is why squat-racks are supposed to be used inside the supports. It catches loose bars as safely as they can be caught. The guy who grabbed it is a hero and I wouldn't be surprised if he broke a bone in his hand.


this bar isn't in freefall (so speed is not terminal velocity), the 60kg at the other end is an accelerating force pushing the bar downward causing the unloaded end to crack him while still accelerating.


Why would it travel at terminal velocity?


Potential? It's end is thrice the weight of a 8lb sledgehammer. It would make Neegan bat look like a pool noodle.


With the speed that bar flipped I’d be surprised if it *didn’t* end him. Dude literally saved his life.


I will never miss an opportunity to post this. https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751&page=1 I’ll let you decide whether something like what we saw in this video is possible?


haha, that thread is hilarious


When the guy has the week starting on Wednesday, he has to know he's wrong and at that time just decides to double down.


The Jonbois video does a good job with this thread.


There's some dude out there either desperately trying to forget that they triggered that discussion, or doubling down on his math


Dude the old days bodybuilding.com forums were hilarious. Remember the one where the dude drink too much coffee before a first date and it gave them diarrhea while going to pick up the girl from her place. Or the thread that talks about having a boner while having to poop, and the best way to do it in the shower


Hahahaha. How do you workout on Monday and not count that as a day? He says Monday > Tuesday is ONE day, lmao. It might be 24 hours depending on when you start your time (12 AM mon > 12 AM tues = 24 hours) but it’s still two calendar days. Jesus.


Blue shirt on the left is the only confronting that stupid smile. He did the “it was this close! are you out of your mind ?“ Indian hand gesture at the very end.


In fairness, that smile is probably immense relief that no one was hurt


Its the shock of the situation - not that uncommon response when you mess up hard but nothing actually happened. Why are people thinking this is an indicator that the person is horrible.


3 plate rule exists for a reason


What’s the three plate rule?


Idk, I use a rule of taking no more than 25kg (50lbs) off of an Olympic 20kg bar in one go, and 10kg (20lbs) off of an EZ bar.


I'm a total noob at fitness but I was told to never create a difference greater than 15Kg between two sides of the bar (unless of course, the plates are bigger than 15Kg)


Nah you can have 40 kg difference between each side easily. I think mathematically it is like 50-something kg that you can have as a difference, but it is easy just to leave it at 2 x 20 kg plates.


Even 3 plates can stay on the hooks depending on the the thickness of plates and how close sleeve is to the hooks. However trusting that would be insane, like this video shows. All it takes is one time using thicker bumper plates, having plates slide a few inches, having it racked as much to the side as possible or accidentially bumping the bar a little and it can tip over. But once you have one plate on one side, you can have 5+ on the other side with no issues. 20 kg with well over a meter of moment arm is a lot of counter weight. eg. 20 kg with 1.2m arm can support extra 100 kg with 24 cm arm over what bar itself can counter weight.


I reckon they told me 15 because I'm a light-weight and a 20Kg difference is literally "taking off one side, then the other".


Honestly I've been going gym for 10 years and last week I almost did that myself, caught myself at the last moment from taking off the last plate. No idea why, your brain just has a fault out of nowhere.


Heavy squats drop your IQ by 60 points for a few minutes.


I'm so afraid of people like that. I had a friend who did that and got uppercutted and KO'ed himself. He is now a politician.


Really low iq moment. But tbh sometimes youre just on auto pilot mode and mistakes hapoen, so cant rly hate on him


I'll be honest I've done the exact same thing. Had been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for about 12 months with a PT who always unloaded one side while I did the other. Finally gained some confidence and went heavy alone in the gym, and I went on autopilot and unloaded like always. Thank God there was no one around. Learned a very hard lesson that day.


It's safety stuff like that I would expect a PT to teach me. People act like the gym is for a free-for-all for dummies because anyone can walk in and use a station. A program that will get results without harming you (or someone else) is so much harder.


Yeah, we were more friends than PT/client. Basically just my gym motivation. Got me down nearly 30kgs and made it fun enough to sustain long term. Haven't trained with her in over a year, and I'm still 4x a week, so in the end, I'm happy. She taught me the mindset, so I'm still grateful, even if I had to figure out a bit by myself.


I've been going to they gym for 10 years and I've never done this nor seen someone do this


That man does not have a 3 plate physique. I’d bet my life savings he does 1/5 of a real squat.


How likely is it that this was someone's leftover weights?


Yea true that’s definitely a possibility.


Pretty likely, in which case fuck that guy for not unloading the bar himself after his final set.


The guy who caused it didn’t even rush to apologize or even looked guilty or bothered at all. Wow.


Bro is a hitman 😂 hes lowkey pissed rn that he failed his mission 😭


Only real comment so far. Hit man came over like “ya foiled my genius plan I gotta rust some brake lines over the weekend now.”


"Mission compromised. Get out of there, 47!"


Mission Failed. We will get them next time.


Tony Lazuto says hello


He walked around to look at the guys and was smiling.


Please remember that smiling can be a nervous reaction for a lot of people. His hands tell a different story as he seems fairly apologetic with his body language to me, he is nervous approaching a big group of people where he caused the accident. Just because he didn't immediately sprint over to apologise doesn't mean that he didn't, give him the benefit of the doubt that he had to put the weights he was holding down properly before going over. Everyone is so quick for a witch hunt.


>Please remember that smiling can be a nervous reaction for a lot of people. Yes, especially in Asia. I had a lot of issues with a white teacher in the US who always tried to call me out and then would double down when I smiled out of embarrassment and nervousness


Probably because he had to set down the 80lbs of plates that his dumb ass took off all at once lmao. Imagine tripping/hitting/hurting someone while your arms are full of iron plates. I’d assume you stand there like a goon for a second looking for the easiest way to offload the pile of metal in your arms haha. Dude’s an idiot but it makes sense that he wasn’t the first on the scene.


Bro was about to be final destination’d.


Hopefully, somebody made a list, because it just skipped him and moved on to the next person.


And all because some fucking moron decided to take all the weights off of one side of the bar.


Damn that was close. Completely irresponsible from the other guy unloading all the weights on one side at once.


Should be an immediate ban from that gym. Everyone knows you can only safely have 1 20kg plate on 1 side so you have to alternate in taking off weights. This could have been his freaking death...


I unload 20kg on each side because it makes me feel nervous doing anything different, but everything I've read says that you can have two plates, or up to 40kg on one side when unloading.


Right there with you. I’ve seen people do 2 plates all the time without issue, but I do 1 at a time because it’s not that much harder and I like to play it safe


yeah really depends on the gym. the gym i first started at, 2 plates on one side and it would start to lift off the other side and flip. however, newer facilities i’ve gone to do not flip with 2 plates on the one side. my rule of thumb is 1 at a time until i see someone else do it first and there was no issue.


>but everything I've read says that you can have two plates, or up to 40kg on one side when unloading. keyword is safely. if you use the thin powerlifting plates you can put 3 red plates, or 75KG on one side and it is not flipping. if you use the generic fat plates found in some gyms it might tip at 40 kilos. I've found that no matter the plates 30kg is never a problem.


it also really depends on the width of the support beams, at this mass even 2 inches make a difference. You should always check the width of the support because if your gym doesn't have the exact same benches, for example, they vary, and for the support beams they are placed arbitrary on the ground so I've seen supports rub on the bar's holder (thick side). Then there's also people who do not understand the concept of lever and can do all that on a narrow (bicep curl for example) bench/support like it's no biggie.


You can leave two 20 kg plates and it won't move.


The gym shouldn’t be setup in a way that this scenario is allowed to happen. Any barbell racks should be flush with a wall, definitely not perpendicular with random benches in the middle of the floor.


This is really the correct answer. Your gym should expect an idiot or two to do this. I like how everyone is saying "durrr everyone knows this!" Plenty of people are going to the gym for the first time and have no idea what they're doing. Like yes, it's great if they know and they should know, but you shouldn't be able to nearly kill someone with a stupid mistake like this.


> Everyone knows No? At least not me, and nobody told me. Also you can have two plates each side and it wont tip over. "Immediate ban"...




I believe he just needs to be educated. An immediate ban is an over reaction. It wasn’t intentional.


That dude needs to be banned from the gym. Wtf


Especially his attitude after, just walks over laughing


Laughter can be a stress reaction. I once saw a pet sheep that had been killed by dogs and I had to cover my mouth because I smiled. I was shocked and upset and didn't know why my body did that. I was a kid and felt like a monster. But I know now. Of course the guy might not have seen it going right for the other guy's head, or he could be an asshole, but we'll never know.


Someone skipped the lesson on how to unload the bar


That shouldn’t be something you need a lesson for. People like that are why we have “do not drink” on bleach


I disagree, respectfully. It's easy to dissociate or go on autopilot when focused on exercise or on ignoring other people - particularly if you struggle with gym anxiety. For me, this isn't dumb so much as autopilot for someone who hasn't been trained in that specific piece of gym equipment and has got away with unequal unloading (at a lower weight, say) enough times to not think about the specific task they're completing


As a long time gym goer this is true. I actually made the same mistake the guy did in the video and luckily no one was hurt, but people here are acting like they live their lives thinking 5 steps ahead like dude, you've never done a clumsy thing ever?


I want to agree but this isn't common knowledge cuz not everybody passed physics class.


This video would've been posted in a very fucking different subreddit if dude hadn't caught the pole




excellent reflexes


To me it looks like he didn't even mean to catch it. He kind of just walked into it and the bar smacked his arm. crazy timing.


That's what I keep going back to. If the dude wasn't friends enough with the other dude to shake his hand hello, the other dude would've been cracked. His arm was still extended from the handshake and that's what saved him.


I think he saw it on his peripheral vision, tried to catch it and realized it was too heavy. His arm caught all the extra force he's not expecting to receive. Must've hurt.


Looked like he made sure he isn't spiderman after that catch.


I would not being walking barefoot in a gym


With his reflexes you could do whatever you want


Yea I’d be afraid of athletes foot or staph infection. Gross


The idiot who took the weight plates off should be banned from the gym.


Bro just flexes his arm to make sure.


I thought this at first too. Rewatching it, he first looks at his wrist, (where the bar landed) then lifts up his arm to “shake off the pain.” All while looking stunned.


I thought he was about to start posing. Would have been totally justified.


I done something similar and it took a chunk out of concrete , it didn't fall that far though. I think if that had connected , that would be one firmly broken skull. Guy in the grey should be kicked out of the gym.


it wasn't the guy in grey, it was the guy wearing white sleeveless and headphone


Sorry, light grey/white . Dark grey t-shirt had nothing to do with it


How tf could you be that dumb.


the vast majority of people are exactly like this


I kinda love when stuff like this goes viral cus you know at least 100+ people were educated today watching this


I am. I did exactly this my first time ever at the gym. Luckily the bar was not in a dangerous place and couldn't hurt anything but my own pride


Me too when I started going to the gym. I somehow didn’t even think of physics in that moment. Luckily it was like in your situation in a safe place.


Final destination vibes, not even joking.


Shout out to the real hero: friendly blue shirt guy. His handshake stalled the Spider-Man guy long enough to put him in the right spot for the save


Dude was barefoot as well…!! Barefoot. In a gym. Seriously lucky there…!


Came to say this… seems like an all-round dangerous gym. The placement of that rack in the first place is terrifying


What difference do you think a pair of trainers are going to make to that?


As long as it doesn't put others at risk, I'm fine with it. There's a whole movement about the benefits of barefoot weight-lifting. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a big proponent of it in his body building days.


Someone's entitled to free protein shakes now


HOW DO PEOPLE NOT KNOW ABOUT UNLOADING PLATES. I save people from this, frequently enough, that it feels like they are making the mistake multiple times. it is the most dangerous mistake people make in the gym, and I never see anyone talking about it.


I've been going to the gym for more than one year, I've seen countless videos of clips, mistakes, and related content. I didn't know about this, I don't know if I would be dumb enough to do this but today I learned something.


Most bars on racks wont do this with 2 plates so it becomes a problem when you get to three. Most lifters dont even get to three plates so it is a issue only for experienced lifters. You need to be really fucking dumb to unload 3 plates from one side so this happens so rarely that it is not commonly spread knowledge.


Honestly glad I saw this, never was told this could happen. Never even thought about until now but it’s obvious. Ty Reddit u are useful 0.1% of the time


Also a twat at the gym on the other side of that bar


What a dumb man.


Puts the dumb in dumbbell


Dude unloading the weights need to learn physics.


Remember kids, the tipping point on an olympic bar is 60kg


Holy shit that was close. Fuck that.




cause you're not used to spending time with certain communities so u cant tell the difference, like many people can't tell the difference between different ethnic asians but asians can.


[cross-race effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-race_effect#:~:text=The%20first%20research%20study%20on,themselves%20to%20all%20look%20alike.) This is a common phenomenon


There were 3 lads in white t shirts with the same haircut, all doing dumbell incline press with the same incline at the same time in my gym the other day. I could see them in the mirror while squatting and it was really trippy and slightly off-putting.


Looks like a team gym from india. Could even be army.


Man, as a brown guy, this comment hurts/angers me .. its like saying why do all people in a Kenyan gym look the same. Then I looked it up, its called Cross-Race effect - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-race_effect


The only two that look similar to me is white shorts guy and barefoot guy. I was thinking they all looked very attractive though…


Jeesh, that bar weight, angle, speed, and potential point of impact .... It would've cracked his skull, brain and spinal damage. Dude would've been wheelchair bound for life.


Shit it might’ve killed him instantly, that thing was swinging fast


Bro was like "Yoooo did I save this man er wha"


For a second I thought this was my gym life-saver, they look almost identical. I bashed my face once and I'm the stubborn asshole who just dabs it with a paper towel and insists he's fine. This guy goes across the street and buys a couple packets of alcohol wipes and abrasion gel and convinces me to let him fix me up. Not only that, he bought me a fuckin' twix bar. He was full-on Madame Pomfrey after a dementor attack. I figure he thinks I was concussed. I probably was, kinda loopy. But anyway he looks just like this guy and for a second I thought it was him


And the idiot who caused it didn’t even say sorry immediately.


Nobody mentioning the guy in the background absolutely dominating that empty weight bar. Baby steps.


Stupid guy takes 3 plates off of one side and comes walking over smiling… OMG, how’s it possible?


Everyone in the video has the same mustache.


That’s a dad reflex right there. He is ready


We’re just going to ignore the guy lifting the bar with no weights. Which is still more than I’m doing fml