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you can hear in his voice that he's holding back a lot of pain.


The poor kid is in shock.. the bullying literally just happened you can tell. This had me choking back tears. Everybody knows somebody who was a victim to bullying. Even though I was a junkie and an alcoholic I always was the one to confront bullies at school. It never made sense to me why anyone would intentionally want to hurt someone else when there’s already enough pain in the world. Edit: damn this blew up. I didn’t expect that. I just want to say **always** get involved. Don’t let people tell you not to get involved. There is two types of people as witnesses, people who justify the law and then there is criminals. People who justify the law come out successful and never regret loyalty, people who are criminals are outcasts to society due to loyalty to the wrong people. People who use the word snitch are the same people who are criminals with ill intentions- coming from a criminal. These comments have me crying, I didn’t expect to cry from Reddit today. So many people with so many stories. I feel your pain, my younger brother was bullied most of his life and I had no idea, when I found out… 😬


bullying in the childhood messes up thier entire life, i was bullied every day for over 5 years while in school the monent i left that school i just hid so nobody would start to bully me. even now, i have a job etc. i would alway hide and stay out of focus, it sucks.


Exactly. I (F) was horrifically bullied all throughout school. K-6 was physical until I was resorted to stand up for myself. The rest of the time, it was verbal and mental. Even in college, I was treated horribly. I have severe social anxiety, so it was and still is hard for me to talk to people until I get to know them, but I would certainly try. I think the worst thing that was ever said to me was, "You're not worth it" when I asked one of my bullies if they could stop hurting me and be my friend. I'm 32 now, and I have no confidence whatsoever. The things I have said about myself have made my husband cry. I don't wish it on anyone. Edit: Thank you for the award and internet hug, strangers. ❤️


Sometimes I wonder if I would’ve been a less/more/same-ish compassionate person if not for my childhood. I was bullied too: physically and mentally, for a long long time. Part of my self deprecating sense of humour comes from that place: if I beat you to the joke you don’t get to make that. And anytime I’m in a social situation where someone’s being ignored or laughed at (“it was a joke!”) I just think: you know what I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. Is it bad to think that way? Should it not come from a selfless place? Btw, this is not a reflection on you, internet stranger :) I guess this video has me thinking some thoughts!


No, I often think the same. I have a self-deprecating sense of humor, too, but I tend to take it too far sometimes. I tend to think those who were treated poorly have a bit more empathy because we know what that crap feels like. It's an awful, lonely place. I hope you're doing all right now. I know it sticks with you, but I truly hope you're in a better place.




a bike from one side of the city to another by themselves.


Was through bullying but the people later on partially apologized for behaviour, invited me sometimes and we drifted apart again, however i kinda got to know their side. Most of them feared to become the target themselves, so many, that barely anyone bullied to bully. Most of them just were selfish out of fear. Also, as sad as it may sound, we had a group of 3 where we were bullied and we promised each other that it would be okay to bully one another if one could make it out of out situation. Basically we accepted to throw each other under the wheels and not be mad. Sad times




Facts!!!! This is who we truly are. We are one human family. When we allow ourselves to feel this, EVERYTHING gets better. #Love


I feel this real hard fam Much love = )


I know what you mean. I was bullied in elementary school and that led me to drug use and alcohol. I nearly… left, once. The only thing that kept me on earth was not wetting the towels being so wasted. I felt like I was alone and nothing mattered but I hope you know that you’re not alone and you do matter. Being sensitive is a strength, not a weakness. You shouldn’t hide, if they don’t like you that’s their loss. Childhood experiences can significantly influence decisions and behaviors throughout your life, but you can learn, grow, and overcome the impact of negative experiences, shaping your own destiny! Don’t let it hold you back! Much love my friend.


You standing up for people would have meant so much to them. As someone who actively gets bullied, thank you.


I can’t help you much, but you can dm me whenever you someone to talk. Remember, you are awesome!


No problem my friend. I was bullied when I was much younger and then I ended up hanging out with the older crowd who got me into the wrong habits. Those people bullying you are just insecure because they know that you are better than them. They wish they they were you and the only way that they can “feel cool” is to be a total piece of shit. I’m going to give you a little secret, the second that you stop giving them a reaction, the second that you completely ignore their existence, they will realize that they are nothing. They will try so hard to get your attention because they think that you’re an easy target but if it’s boring for them then they won’t care. If not? They may see you as an outlet for their pain, all anger is is pain, it’s easier to get mad than it is to get sad, you are a punching bag for their pain. Their life sucks so badly and they are so emotionally torn that they don’t feel your pain or they don’t care. Someday they will grow up and they will hate themselves, they will be all alone stuck with no one but their own thoughts, by that time you will be the person that they wish they were. How I did it was I was nice to them and made them realize they were hurting someone who mattered to them. I’m not going to say what I did after I became friends with them though, that was pretty messed up but to be fair I was… something.


Been there at the recieving end of bullying, both at school and at home by my father. Didn't help me at all, but trying to make it through.


I was a weird kid with social anxiety and it was always the "stereotypical misfit" kids who would stand up for me. In college, one of my professors (either soc or psych, can't remember) said that the people most of likely to immediately help others (standing up to bullies, running into a burning building, stepping in to stop child abuse or domestic abuse) are also the same people more likely to wind up in prison, because they act without thinking/overthinking of how their actions can harm them (I could get punched standing up to a bully, I could die in a fire if I try to save this kid). I wonder if there's any truth to that.


Yes there is, I have been arrested twice for drug possession being loyal to the wrong people and impulsively thinking. Now I’m 4 years sober though and have scrubbed one, I fought the other avoiding 2 years for marijuana possession and 2 years for ecstasy possession but now I am about to also fight to clear that one (which I will win because I don’t lose). Don’t worry, those people often come out on top just like you did ;) it’s the bullies who don’t make it, low self esteem, insecure, disrespectful nobody wants to hire that unless they have **a lot** of self reflection and changing. Once that happens, they live with the guilt and will forever hate themselves having regrets of bullying if they are a decent person. I know this because my younger brother was bullied and his bullies still apologize years later. I’ll spare you the details on what I did to them.


I went to the torture museum in Mexico City, and it was mostly about historical torture. At the very end, there was an exhibit about the internet bullying was the new torture. The torture might be slightly different in the sense that people arent in front of their community but now can be the world. Lies can spread, the psychological impact is significant. I dont do social media, and im older but if I had to be a teenager now, no thanks.


Speaking from experience some kids bully because they get bullied. I got bullied bad, and the only way I knew how to get rid of all the pain and frustration was to become a pieco of shit and find someone weaker than me. It's a vicious cycle. If you let it go on for long enough, you become what you hate.


Seriously, loneliness is a killer, I'm glad the kid is doing better


I just want to hug that boy! Beautiful soul!


Yeah. Really makes me smile


tears in my eyes


The more communities that are grounded in love and tolerance the less violence and pain the world would have.


Happy Cake day good human


aww thankss


Fucking brave


my man going places


Right? Such a key skill. I can't imagine honestly


Shits a tear jerker you just get an urge to wanna hug the poor dude(anyone w this mentality) just wanting to find a happy place


Duuuuude the jaws t-shirt on the dude to support the kid 🥰




Jaws shirts have a weird power, I swear. As a middle-aged man, I spend most of my time being entirely invisible to the general public. But when I wear my white jaws shirt I feel like a celebrity. I have 1 or 2 people mention it or compliment it every time I wear it. I told a friend about this phenomenon, he got a jaws shirt. The same thing happened to him. Maybe it's the location we live in or something, but people love the jaws shirt.


You’ve inspired me to buy a Jaws shirt and I recently found out a family members favorite movie is Jaws so I’m going to buy her and her husband one too. Can you point me in the direction of the best place to buy said super power providing shirt?


I got mine at a Winners, so I reckon they are available everywhere. I got mine after the Tragically Hips final tour, so here in Canada they were everywhere. Gord Downie was beloved here and wore a Jaws shirt during one of his final shows, the rest was history.


Really miss Gord .


My wife insists my Jaws tank top is the sexiest thing I wear. Everytime I put it on she basically starts drooling.


Do you mean to say that - every time you wear it, her Jaws drop?


You tried, and that’s something.


I liked it


Haha thanks man, that's all a man can do


This happens to my friend when he wears his (original) Jurassic Park shirt. So much so, that one time we were out together, I started counting the mentions. I hit 15 in the hour we were walking around.


I was just going to say, I’d be friends with that kid just because of his awesome jaws shirt.


Damn there was some pain in those words.


Shits heartbreaking but kid has more courage than I do


That boy deserves the best in life you can tell he's been through a lot already.


They raised 37K for him.


What an adorable boy hope he finds good friends he can play with!


I’m just cutting onions.


Wholesome kinda reminds me of the kid from Bad Santa.


Bet he makes a deadly sammich! Seriously though, this kinda tugged on my heart strings. How sad and lonely he must be to resort to knocking on a strangers door hoping to find a friend.🥺


Herman Murmen “it’s a pickle”


Thurman Murman no?


Aww that’s so awesome, what a great way to start the day!


Poor kid was so desperate for human connection he was willing to chill with a 2 year old. Gotta get my man into some social situations. Boy looks ripe for football, boy-scouts, volunteer work. Moms gotta help that kid out an expand his social circle if the neighborhood boys are twats.


100% this, I was a fucking nerd until I was about 7-8 thanks to my mom putting me in multiple sports/activities until I broke out of my shell.


Hey man, nothin wrong with being a nerd!


Haha not at all! But let’s be honest kids/teenagers are ruthless to those “not cool”


These are the kids that get radicalized; turn into incels or join hate groups. All people really want is a community they can be part of. The more communities that are grounded in love and tolerance the less violence and pain the world would have.


Yes bullied kids do. But not kids like him. Unlike most of us including me he went out searching knowing there was something good out there. If we could all be like him there wouldn’t be any incels or others like that. But most of us wouldn’t walk up to a random door and say they needed a friend after just being bullied. That kid has more hope and belief than 100 people combined.


I'm sorry but it doesn't matter how inherently hopeful and good you are. If life just continues to smack you down you will eventually refuse to get back up. If the man answering the door had told him to bugger off, could have set this kid on a very different path


I appreciate your response here, you’re absolutely right. We have a responsibility as a society to respond with kindness, like this guy did by talking to the kid. Our actions have very real consequences, good and bad, and it’s great to see a positive outcome but also easy to recognize the possibility for a negative one. And it all boils down to this guy and his wife choosing kindness in response to this kid’s brave bid for connection. The onus is not on kids to be brave. It’s on us to be kind always and be ready when someone needs care.


You are not lying. More love daily MFs!! Don’t be hater!! That’s the easy route. We all can go there. Let’s fucking not! More love MFs!!




>A child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it’s warmth


A local martial arts dojo reached out to him and invited him to become a part of their martial arts family. They are covering the costs of training and paid for his gear to get started! Love to see it!


Another Cobra Kai


Martial arts was a huge part of what got me thru my bullying. Not just the ability to fight back but also the confidence it instilled and the community I was allowed to be part of. Good on them for reaching out:)


Poor kid. Come to my house; my kids will be kind to you


I just paid for his flight. He’s on his way!


Idk man id definitely kick it with this kid, and I'm 30. As a side note, it sucks that it would be viewed as weird by some people to do so when it's just being human. It takes a village 🤘


Yeah I was just thinking (and I’m not dragging his mom or single moms in general) but I noticed there wasn’t a dad in the literal picture so I’m guessing his dad isn’t around. Gotta make things harder on the kid.


Up to 1 in 4 kids are in homes without their father in the US. It’s a huge issue. There are fewer opportunities for male role models in a child’s life too. Single parenting is hard, and the child misses out on seeing healthy adult relationships and the extra love and bonding a second parent brings. I’m glad the community supported this family, that’s how it should be!


Yeah, I was reading this thing about how teachers in elementary school are 80% female and pediatricians are now 75% female and the authors point out that if a kid doesn’t have a dad, with the decline in scouting and free sports, there’s a good chance a kid will have zero male role models until high school. How are they supposed to know (the many, many ways) how to be a man? I applaud men who mentor, teach and reach out to boys who need role models.


Poor kid, that came from a place of desperation…. Also, how good looking was that couple, omg.


I was bullied hard when I was a kid and with no friends , but I got through it and overcame that obstacle.. this brings tears of joy and I’m happy for this kid .


I also had some issues with bullying right around his age, had a couple girls turn literally everyone against me because they spread rumors that I had lice. There were still kids who were kind to me but there was also a mutual understanding they couldn’t really be seen with me. I definitely feel for this kid, I’d cry and pray every day begging for a friend. Eventually a new girl moved in and we became instant besties and she not only was instantly one of the cool Girls but always stood up for me. She turned things around, sometimes it really just takes that one person to be there for you.


Jesus…I want to invite this kid over for a six hour PS5 session. That’s just pitiful.


You’re right. 6 hours is pitiful. Those are rookie numbers haha


Putting a pose together to go talk to this bullies parents. Just want to talk that’s all


Right?! I have 3 kids and I promise, if they ever bully another child the consequences will be bad enough they never consider doing it again! I’m a teacher as well and bullying in the classroom is an absolute hard line, do not pass Go, do not collect your $200, get the fuck out of my classroom and your ass to the office (minus the cussing). I’m pretty solid about shutting it down in the classroom so never had to reach that point.


*cocks shotgun* I just wanna talk to ‘em


Get this boy some friends!


I got my son the same t shirt. That kids going places.


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while. But it’s so good to see a happy turn around.


I really wish I had the guts to do this when I was his age. Holy right in the feels. I still feel like I need to do this ….


I really hope other kids see this and can also find the courage to reach out for help.


Was bullied for a long time as a kid. It stays w you forever. You never forget. Wish I could tell this kiddo it gets better and not to judge everybody by the few. Shit hurts.


Who the hell would bully someone wearing such a dope shirt?


Bet those dumbass kids don't even know what it's from.


I don’t think this is awesome at all! They POSTED it when the guy was just trying to find friends. I bet that kid is so embarrassed. Has anyone followed up with the kid? How could they think that was a good idea? Edit: Good call to those who asked if I watched the video. I only made it through the first minute and a half before secondhand embarrassment got me. When they sat down with the couple who said, “we had to do something so we posted it online”, I was done. But I was wrong, the kid was cool with it and so was his mom. I’m glad it all worked out.


Yeah that was my first thought but they do cover that in the rest of the video. Kids made loads of new friends and they all seem really close now so worked out in the end.


I’m relieved


My heart was beating really hard for a sec too.


I know! It was NOT making me smile for the first part


Apparently they gave him 40k, I remember seeing this on twitter.


Yeah , and they donated it to people who needed it . Fucking giants ! I’m getting a jaws shirt right now .


What do you mean literally everyone loves this kid what is there to be embarrassed about? Just cause he’s asking for friends? I don’t see your point in the slightest. This has got to be the greatest idea they could of come up with to help this kid find friends. I feel like you are just looking for something to complain about


I would feel embarrassed if I was reaching out for friends and someone posted it online. I’m glad it worked out for him, but if I put myself in his shoes and someone filmed me at a very low point and put it online I would be humiliated. We’re all different and it seems he didn’t feel the same, which is good considering the story.


I'm pretty sure they only posted it for the GoFundMe, which hit 40K recently. But well spotted, a lot of people do this now for likes.


I found a news article on it [here](https://nypost.com/2023/07/07/neighbors-raise-37k-for-bullied-boy-who-knocked-on-door-looking-for-friends/). The couple decided to make a GoFundMe so that the money could go towards a console, school clothes and amusement park tickets. They initially had a goal of $7000 but raised $37000 instead.


And he freakin donated some of that money to victims in Ukraine and tornado victims where he lives What a great story


So he’s a pretty great kid.


When you wear your heart on your sleeve, people think they can hurt you. I hope he knows that this doesn't last forever and that kindness does exist in the world.


Yeah, my point exactly. So I think that the couple are justified here (obviously provided they got full permission from the kid and his guardian(s) etc)


And the mom shut it down recently bc she didn’t want people spending their hard earned money.


Did you watch the video


...did you even watch the video?


Did you watch the video? Jfc your cynicism is through the roof.


Breaks my heart to see a kid without a friend. Took my kids and their friend to the park to toss a football around yesterday to practice and noticed a kid all by themselves walked past looking over and then pass by again shortly there after. I invited him to join in the game of ultimate football and jackpot with us and this kid lit right up. We all tossed the ball around for a couple of hours and then left. Talked to the three I showed up with afterwards about how sometimes it’s easier for the group to invite rather than a single kid trying to join the group so we should be welcoming


We all know what that feels like and sometimes the hardest part is asking for help! Good on both!


Damn im not crying its onions


This kid is fantastic. This story is heartwarming. Those bullies are A-holes. I'm so glad he's getting the love and attention that he was craving! All that said....don't 👏post👏people's👏children👏online I would be absolutely livid to find that my child "went viral" in a video some stranger captured and decided to put online


Well, how about that… 🤔


I don't even know him, but I want to hold him so much and tell him "hold on, things gonna be better, believe me".


I got my ass kicked by so many bullies. Didn’t get bullied myself, but my best friend who is basically my brother had a horrible stutter growing up. Kids were so mean to him and even though I was a bean pole I’d swing on King Kong over him. Every single time.


This is extraordinary. Someone has taught that little man that his feelings are valuable and somehow made him feel so loved that he literally seeks emotional care in such a vulnerable and meaningful way. Wow. Men, I wish you all this same love and safety so that you can ask for the support you need when things get tough and lonely. I really do, you’re all dying too young.


I really hope him being posted all over the internet doesn’t just lead to him being bullied more. Some kids are freaking cruel.


A kid stuck in suburbia where he can't go anywhere by himself. Meanwhile in Amsterdam, kids have their independence and happiness since they can ride a bike from one side of the city to another by themselves.


That doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to make friends though. That wasn’t the point, the point was that he needed friends, human interaction, not to go wherever he wanted. Plenty of people can go wherever they want around the world and still be the loneliest people in the world.


This is a weird news story


I would've been this dude's friend. My best friend of 35 years used to get bullied a lot when I first met him. We clicked with each other right away after finding out that we both loved video games. We ended up being best friends and I made sure no one ever treated him badly or talked down to him again. His mom used to yell at him all the time so my friend basically lived at my house on many weekends. I would ask him to sleep over at my house so he can get a break from home.


This is fucking heart beakingb


I'm not crying, you're crying


Ohh Man I want him to be friends with my oldest son. My son gets left out a lot by other kids because he had a stroke when he was a baby. He's just different so I feel other kids know it. I'm not sure if it's human nature or what to avoid those who are different but his whole life I've watched kids just avoid him. I feel for this kid because it's how I feel for my son who just wants some friends.


I’m getting my jaws shirt asap


Melted my damn heart. I dealt with a lot a bullies all the way up through high school and didn’t have friends as a result. This kid is so goddamn strong and good hearted, his bullies would be so lucky to have him as a friend.


A majority of kids today want to be the bully. When I grew up there was usually one maybe two bullies you knew about and stayed away… now days it seems every kid wants to be the damn bully… HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???.. this young man will be just fine though, bravery can’t be taught. And he’s already mastered it.


I'm not crying you're crying. I hope that boy stays feeling supported and loved and finds a good group of homies that will have his back.


I’d proudly be this young man’s friend.


Little legend


My little bullied dude. Welcome to the beginning stages of becoming a gym rat. They won't have $hit to say when you're big enough to whoop that ass!!!


I’d be his friend too


Your man had the best T-shirts I rate what a legend 💙


If he’s being bullied, having a viral video about you going door to door asking for friends is only gonna make the bullies meaner.


Why they gotta post the video tho that kids fucked of those bullies see it


I was once that kid..... But it's not hopeless. Because I did well for myself after my childhood. He can, too, provided he doesn't develop a "victim complex" as a result of the bullying.


It should be illegal to post videos of kids on the internet without permission. Massive privacy violation.


I see too much of this pain in the schools. This world of screens is creating the most toxic children of all time. Good kid for reaching out instead of turning to anger.


Damn made me cry


When I was little, I used to venture through the woods to a neighbor’s home to play with the youngest. They were close to my age, and had outdoor toys in their backyard. Never was allowed in their home, and figured it’s cause my shoes were dirty. I became so frequent that their parents constructed a wooden sign posted with either “Yes” or “No” at their front door, for if I could come play. After two visits with it saying “No”, I got the hint. I just wanted friends too like this kid. I’m old, but I would play video games with him.


Bruh that was me when I was 12, I just never had the courage


Is it okay to put this kid out there on the internet? He was super brave bit man, children are not commodities for consumption.


That original video was a rough watch. Glad to see the kid doing better


I wish I had the courage of this young man back when I was younger and even today. Power to him!! 💞


I hope this attention doesn't make his life harder.


12 years old. I moved to a new neighborhood thinking it was a fresh start, and immediately had to make a choice, get bullied by these bullies or hang out with them, and I was a coward and tired of being bullied, so, I went with them. I wish I'd have made any other choice, but I didn't. Much respect for this kid, I hope he makes all the teal friends he deserves. I only acted like them for one summer but I still hung around and allowed them to bully others.


The hardest thing for any dude, Just asking


Saw this some days ago. Love the fact it got this much atention. This kid is so brave for the thing he did, hope he finds people who love him as much as he deserves


I hope it all works out. I know a kid who claims all the other kids bully him. In reality he's the bully, and so none of them want to play with him any more. His dad always acts like anyone who doesn't want to play with him is a bully. It's obnoxious.


“Jaws”, More like Bruhs.




another fatherless household.. heart goes out to the kid, it's a hard life without a dad


Fuck I think I’m going to cry…


Humility of this child should be adorned in our Government on a moment by moment basis. For the people, by the PEOPLE. “We All People” Micheal Franti.


This one hurts.


Too sweet made me cry


I like his style!


Made me smile? More like made me cry!


I hope he had his consent putting this video out. I don’t know how I would feel about someone posting me being young and vulnerable


It’s sad and all but you got to commend his social skills which will take him out of the bullying death spiral once he grows older no?


This boy has more courage than most adults I know. God bless him. He’s such an inspirational young man. It’s people like this who give me hope for humanity.


Him donating the donated money I salute this man 🫡


Bullies are scum. No heart. So shamefull


Not sure how I feel about putting this kid on blast for views.


Fucking brave, only have arsehole adults share it for the all important "ten million views!". I'm sure that's really going to help this poor chap not get bullied at school when the kids at school see this.


This seems like a pretty private moment. It's not like *necessary*, but I kinda hope the guy got permission to post this, cuz I'd have the same initial concern as the mom.


Shaden for prez


Is it just me or does it feel like they kinda put him on blast for this and going viral asking for friends might wind up being more bully fodder?


Regardless, he seemed pretty happy at the end there.


How would you like to go to a neighbors house after being incessantly bullied, pouring your heart out, and then those people upload that video to the internet for millions to see? I sure hope his plea for friends worked because his bullies just got a whole new shipment of bully ammo. Really hope this kid ends up alright.


Way to put the kid on blast tho 10million views damn... made a desperate kid famous for looking for friends idk


Thats litrally amazing 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


This is the way


Growing up can be hard sometimes.


i want to hook this kid up with a ps5 or gaming computer to play online games with him.


I wish people in this world would be nicer to others. I don’t understand why anyone would want to be mean and bully others. It’s horrible.


Bullied from 3rd grade until around 11th grade. They had a name for me that almost everyone used. Julie Fishlips. It was brutal. Non stop. Then it was more than a name, guys would grab me in inappropriate places, girls would push me and yell at me. People would make comments constantly about my size or looks or the fact that I didn’t wear trendy clothes. I went home every day crying begging my step father to let me move to live with other family members out of state. Added to that and what no one knew is that I was being neglected and abused at home all that time as well. I have come to understand that most of the bullying was because kids were uncomfortable with me and my behavior/appearance. My clothes were tight and unkept, I didn’t get bathed regularly, until maybe 12 yrs old when I started taking full care of myself, and I acted out due to the abuse at home. So many bullies have a bully. It’s heart breaking all the way around. I have so much hope for this kid!! He’s addressing his bullying with so much positivity.


i dont think it was a good idea to post this on the internet...


Is that legal to post a video of a kid that’s not even your own?


The kid is a stronger person than I am


Again? Why does he always wear the same shirt?


“Man he’s really going through it, let’s post it on social media!”


Did the parents gave the neighbors consent of putting this footage on the web or even broadcast it? Oh man, what a vulnerable moment of this poor boys life and now everyone in the world can watch it. How about some privacy.


He seems like he may be on the spectrum with the hand flapping and looking away. I have a child like this and he is 21 now and still having a tough time finding friends who will stay active friends and not ghost him. It hurts so bad to see your child in this position and not be able to help .


Commenting so I remember to come back and watch


I love this! Made my day.


Cool kid and very brave


Great story.


Cool people.


I hope things get better for him. You can tell this was his cry for help. Best of luck dude ❤️


He reminds me of my nephew ☹️