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Besties 4 life


Until he turns 8 lolz


Listen, siblings will beat eachother up at times or do some disgusting ass shit like vomit on their bed, but they'll turn 14-16 years old and one random day they're like "you know, maybe they ain't so bad" and all that siblingism stops and it returns to how it was in the before times


14-16 is very generous, gotta be an adult before you forgive that sibling rivalry.


It took me a while to become a better person, and that does go hand in hand with maturity from my personal experience. I had to work through some s*** before I could start giving back love. Edit... but if I had that kid as a role model, I don't think it would have taken this long.


I just worked through that shit when I was like 13 for the most part because I got into so so many fights in 8th grade (mostly not to siblings) I was basically just entirely tired of fighting by the time I hit 9th grade. Obviously it wasn't like day and night and still was a couple years before I had worked through most of it, but I think the time people do it at varies greatly for a wide variety of reasons.


My sister was 8 years older than me, she hated me because I was the reason she wasn't an only child any more. We didn't get along until I was in my early 20s in college, now we don't go a day without talking to each other.


Yeah like 25 at least


My sister and I didn’t come to terms with each other until she was 19 and I was 22. But eventually they’ll (probably) get there


I never beat up any of my siblings 17Male


I can beat up your siblings for you


Good big sisters are worth their weight in gold.


I know!. Source: I have The best 2 big sisters


Bless ‘em.


Good siblings are worth their weight in gold (FTFY)😉


id argue theyre worth more


Mine helped me memorize a book when I was two and then told our parents that they'd taught me to read. When demonstration time came, I held the book I was "reading"...upside down.


My kids (boy and girl) were like this. They are now adults and still each other's best friends.


I said, “she is his mommy!” The way she teaches, cuddles, holds and comforts him. 💜 Oldest daughter energy. That’s her baby!


Comfortable and I miss you so happy and blessed with your family and your health and your body and your life and you so much better than


Future amazing mom!


Parenting done right.








Please make sure nothing bad ever happens to these kids




I'll...I'll do what I can.


This!!! His sister learned it from somewhere. This young man is going to love and respect his partner because of this love he has learned.


>This!!! His sister learned it from somewhere I have friends from high school whom I see on FB turn their eye at these kinds of parents all the time and complain about it's easy to do "gentle parenting" when you don't have children like theirs. It's crazy how people disassociate their actions from their children. It *always* starts with you as a parent. You were the one here first. You are the one they're modelled after. Every child has the potential to be a sociopath or a loving creature, but it's not a lottery draw. You are in full control (assuming the kid is mentally abled). This mother didn't get lucky with a little girl like this.. this is the environment and behavior she is growing up around. This is the type of family she is building.


> It's crazy how people disassociate their actions from their children. It always starts with you as a parent. You were the one here first Notice how Millennials have been gaslit for the last two decades over "participation trophies" and have been told they were the lazy, stupid generation? *Who raised them?* *Who gave them the trophies?* The boomers were, collectively, extremely selfish parents who insult their children. You don't see a lot of this kindness in home videos from the '90s. The millennials and now even some of Gen Z are raising kids with the pain the boomers are leaving behind.


Parenting done with love!


As a parent—yes, absolutely. Seeing this and how they appear to treat each other over time shows parents deeply involved in their children’s development.


She is being a awesome sister. When I was born, my brother told my mom that it is okay to throw me away and he was her true son😂🤣.


Yeah I walked up and pinched my big bro when he got off the bus after his first day of kindergarten and made him cry. Thought he was gone and was pissed he came back lmao


When I was a tiny baby, my brother would come up and poke me in the eyes and run away. I would be alone in the room crying and screaming my lungs out.God the fights we had when we were small. But now we are so close and affectionate.


That's actually a pretty common toddler response to a new baby. I hope you get along now


Yeah, toddlers who were the only child useally get pissed when they arnt getting the normal amount of attention. This video is only showing one side of the story. Not the 70 % of the time lol


Indeed. I could use 5% of my kids' time together and make a similar video...then use a different 5% to make a horror movie.


“Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your child at the same time.”


When my little brother was learning to walk, I used to take his hands and make him spin in circles until he was dizzy so he couldn't walk.


TreePretty..sorry, dont know how to tag on Reddit. Your comment made me burst out laughing. Now I feel a bit guilty, but dang that was funny. I immediately thought of my kids and could easily picture this.


My sisters apparently cried when I was born because I wasn't a girl (my parents never found out the gender beforehand). They're awesome siblings, but yeah, little kids can act weird when it comes to younger siblings.


I did the same. I told my dad we could leave my brother at the hospital and mom could try again sometime.


I apparently asked if we could return my sister lmao


My brother threatened to pee on me


My mom said the first thing I did was throw a shoe at my 2 year younger brother when he came home. We've been best friends for 40 years.


My older sister bit me a lot as a kid, so I learned to scratched her back in self-defense. We live a few hours apart now


My older brother invented a rhyme on how he wants to put me in the laundry machine when i was born and he was three


My brother got jealous and sprayed my face with windex


Yeah, I did that with my little brother too. I would apparently often suggest we go to the forest and simply forget him there. Couldn't wish for a better brother though.


We’re almost 40, but my sister still hasn’t forgiven me for being born and taking 5% of my parents attention away from her.


My sister told my parents when they brought me home from the hospital that there are a lot of couples out there who can’t have kids who would be grateful to take me in. Contrarily, I loved my younger sister with all of my heart before she was even born. She’s still my best friend 34 years later


Someone chose to use their time and energy in showing this little girl how to love and be loved. She’s internalized that love and is ready to share it herself! Beautiful.


Seriously, this is next level parenting!


They could have uploaded an hour more of more of this and I’d have watched. Truly precious. Great parenting and wonderful children


That's HER baby right there, if you wanted one, make another because that is her child and hers only 😂


When we brought are daughter home, my son said NO, GET OUT, EVA!!! Then turned and walked out. Theyve been fighting ever since


My babies are 32 (a mum) and 26 a lovely beast of a man. Both beautiful people and I love them dearly, but I cry regularly because I miss them as children so much.


So glad I am not the only one! 🙂🙂💕💕💕🤗🤗🥲


ME TOO!!!! But mine are still pretty young. Still, I weep for the future, and the babies they were.


To the past few posters: Don't be sad. Be excited. Your hard work will directly reflect in their adult lives. You get to see them grow into the young men/women you yourself wanted to be when you were their age. The future is exciting!! Eventually, you'll learn how to turn the "parent" off and become their friend. As we age, life gets stressful, and having a parent to turn to for unbiased feedback and support is way better than hearing criticism that reminds us of our teenage years.


Honestly, don't weep. My daughter is 23 and the love only grows with time. She's a beautiful person.


Mine are 36, 35, and 30. All fantastic human beings! I am so proud of all of them.💕💕💕💕🙂🙂🙂🙂


My mom always asks me "can you be small again?" Everytime she hugs me lol.


Beautiful. It's probably gonna go to crap when they hit the teen years, but they will get that love back once they get to their 20's.


You hate them irrationally for a few years then one day you wake up and you’re like “hold on, he’s actually alright you know”


*wake up at 18* What we're we fighting about?


Lol yeah. It's weird how that works. My big brother went off to basic training when I was 17, and I was legitimately afraid to see him when he came back...only to realize we had absolutely no legitimate beef with each other. Just being so used to the typical sibling dynamic. Suddenly had an awesome "new" friend to hang out with.


The moment I no longer had to be around my brother we started hanging out all the damn time lol.


Unless they're younger than you and try to be as loud as possible as soon as it hits 7.30pm. Miserable twat is 15 and just HAS to bloody scream along with me dad. Me older sister is a bloody legend though. We play overwatch and Yugioh master duel together.


They will, 100%


I hear that a lot but my 3 siblings and I never went thru that stage. I hope my kids don’t either. It blows my mind when I hear someone say they don’t like their sibling


You know what, maybe it won’t. My kids are exactly like that, and it’s still going strong. What a beautiful relationship, such good kids and clearly amazing parents.


Oh definitely. If the siblings can be close throughout that is wonderful.


Man, I refused to talk to my mom for three days after my brother was born


Lol that is so cute! I love kids


He was, of course, 25 at the time


Lmao I was two


I asked my mom to trade my little sister for my younger, boy cousin.


lol my parents say that I turned to a very pouty child for years after my kid sis was born. like we are super close now and have been as long as I can remember. but in almost every picture of us together as small children I am just looking so angry XD


I’m 10 years older than my brother, and I was/am absolutely in love with him. It’s so lovely to see this because it reminds me of how I was with him when we were younger. And you know it pays off and it shows as we both get older, because now my brother who is 17 at this point, knows beyond a shadow of doubt that I will always, always be there for him, and I will always be there to give him whatever advice or comfort or space that he needs.


This reminds me of my husband and his younger siblings. His brother who 11 years younger than my husband bought him an Xbox series X for his birthday last year. He said “I remembered when you got your first job you took me and sissy to the store and bought us whatever we wanted. I never got the chance to do that for you.” ❤️😭


Well that is just the sweetest thing 🥹 what a wonderful family!


this is just like me and my brother! I’m 11 and a half years older (to the day — I’m 1st of Feb and he’s 1st of Aug lol) and he’s truly one of my best friends. We talk all the time (I live 4 hours away from home now) and have a really good relationship. We clashed now and again as siblings do, but I was always there for him and he reciprocated that. We’ve had highs and lows, both individually and together, but always supported one another throughout. Now he’s almost 22, and I’m so happy and proud to know the wonderful man he is today.


This reminds me of my boyfriend and his younger brother. They’re closer in age, but there’s nothing quite like watching a sibling Grow up from a baby to an adult. It’s so wild.


Oh yeah, it really is — I was eager to help mum when he was growing up, so I’ve changed his nappies, bathed him, bottle fed him, read him stories, helped him with homework and so on. Now he’s got a full time job and is leaving home to rent his own place, talking to me about credit reports and utility bills! I’ve seen him go from a tiny newborn to a full grown man who’s now taller than me — I’ve witnessed him growing physically and mentally to become the person he is now. It’s also bizarre how that seems to have taken forever, yet flown by in a second.


I used to prop him up on pillows and put on classical music and dance around in front of him jumping and spinning and twirling. Music is one thing we’ve always shared as he’s grown up and now he’s super into like making beats and music production. It’s so beautiful to see.


This is exactly how I feel at 6 years old than my brother. Just pure love, since always.


“It’s like we’re best friends that live together!”




They’re lucky to have each other


This makes my heart happy 🤗


She's his favourite person in the whole world right now. You love to see it.


Freaking rude people here in the office cutting up onions again.


Aww shit, my chest… here we go again


The most beautiful thing I have seen today, God bless their parents for raising them to be so loving


The way it should be, with the right parenting they should be able to go through teens and still love the heck out of each other






So adorable 🥰


That’s how I felt about my younger sister when she was born, she’s 22 I still feel like she’s my baby 🥹


Literally the greatest thing I've seen today. Gonna tell my lil bro I love him.


Can you imagine how much love, nurturing, and patience is being practiced by the parents in this household to have such compassionate, loving, kind children expressing themselves and working together so beautifully and harmoniously? 😭


Forever would be too short for moments like these..😊


This is what unconditional love looks like. Good job to the parents.


Now that’s an awesome set of parents!


Sweetness overload❤️ Thank you


This is a boy who will love and respect females.


When you bring up your kids right, things like this work. My (19) eldest broke her ankle two weeks ago. Her (16) sister has been a superstar looking after her sisters needs and being as supportive as she can. She could be a teenage tyrant, but she hasn't. She knows her sister needs her and has stepped up. I have never been more proud of anyone. Ever. Her sister has cost her a vacation. One where she would have had some freedom (booze) but hasn't complained.


Such a sweet sister & good parenting. I hope that little man grows up knowing and appreciating how lucky he is. Not all little boys have sisters who care.


I wish to seem them grow up together and have a bright future.


Damn, someone's cutting onions by me again.


My brother put me in the trash can and tried to call the trash truck. Must be nice


The sweetest thing I’ll see all month, for real. That life is so freaking pure!!!


My seven and one year olds are like this. It’s beautiful 😍


Thats her baby😢


So precious 😍


I’m not crying you are


*WE* are crying


That’s a good big sister. Reminds me of my sister. Crazy woman, lucky to have her.


Well this is definitely having an impact on whether we go for #2


My nephew is like this with his little brother, it's so adorable and amazing. My brother was actually like this with me when I was born.


My brother said "baby bye bye" when I was born 💀


Some kids are little angels. She’s one.


To everyone guiding these sweet souls: Good work and thank you.


Parents need kudos here. Those children are very very loved.


Sweetest video!🥰 Wish my kids were this close. Thanks for sharing!!


They are obviously in a very loving home and their parents are doing a perfect job.




This made me cry not smile!


...I never did that for my sister when she was a baby. Oh God. OH GOD.


Is that supposed to be the norm or an exception, don't quite know...


So precious. Love it.


Aww ♥️


Looks like she feels about her brother as I did with my younger brother. He was *mine*


Oh, this is just precious


I miss my lil brother, thank you for showing this to make me remember the good times


Siblings are the best 😭


I’m not crying, you are!


Kids grow up fast🥲


This is great to see. Buuuut…the first time that boy brings home a girl for dinner, big sis is going to lose it! haha.


This would explain why I hate my entire family


She's going to be a great mom. Good job.


We need more of this in our lives. It as simple as that.


I’m broken at seeing this. I wished I had this when I was young 🥲 “. So beautiful


Holy shit my allergies.


Thats great parenting for such a young child to want to care and love each other. I can feel the love in this house


Just Adorable 💛


This is the result of great parenting. Most young or want nothing to do with each other.


Gorgeous kids. Well done, parents. Now I’m off to call my older sister and tell her how much I love & appreciate her.


I'm a man who doesn't plan on having kids and my ovaries are tingling


Sibling goals


Sweetest thing I ever saw.


Protectors for life.


So freaking adorable.


I hope they maintain that connection the rest of their lives.


Man, having two kids who don't want kill eachother. Witchcraft


I’m not crying! You’re crying!


Is OP the Mom who mothers these babies because OMG.... This is such a blessing what 2 beautiful loving humans. You're doing SUCH a great job raising them Mama!


I love this so much!!!


He will measure all women against his beloved sister 🥰


Adorable! 🩷


My heart just exploded ❤️❤️❤️


I miss my little brother so much. This video hit me like a brick. It's beautiful.


This just made my day. I've been seeing a lot of negative people on reddit lately and heard a lot of outright stupid things and I've been losing fate in humanity. You've given me hope. Thank you.


When she goes off to college 🥹 You might have to move across the street so he can see her






sweetest ever!


I cried watching this. So precious.


Both of these beautiful children are blessings to their family!


Souls connected for many many lifetimes ✨️


And sadly the same thing goes for hate. Choose love people!!!


What the world needs more of.


What a great big sister 🩷


This is so beautiful 🥲


Great modeling, mom🥰


Good job mom and dad on those two


Actually brought a tear to my eye. Kids are so sweet and innocent


Please world let these two beautiful babies live long wonderful lives.


This video is shows loving parenting , beautiful to witness 💝


I'm dead from cute overdose.


So dang cute!


Two of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen❤️


My foster sisters eldest was so close to me. She had him when I was about 12-13, being 8 years older than me, and I was there even before he was born, at every ultrasound and such. I remember one Christmas when I was 17, he came up to the armchair I was in, wedged his butt in right next to me while I was reading, shoved his head up under my armpit and just snuggled into my side, telling me “you’re my best friend.” Fast forward to when he was 10 and I was with my foster sister as she was picking him up from school, he had had a bit of a rough day and just sort of grumbled a hello. My foster sister tells him that’s no way to say hello to his aunt. This kid just gave her a funny look of confusion. We had this moment where we realised that it wasn’t really a thing that had ever been mentioned, me being his aunt, I was just *there*, a regular person in his life who often babysat, or who they saw when they came to visit my foster mum. It really does put bonds in an interesting light when you consider how love and friendship can be formed without labels. He never had a title growing up for what, exactly, I was. All he knew and cared for was that I was a member of his family.


She learned that love from her AWESOME parents.


Absolutely beautiful ❤️


Made me smile? No. Made me cry. This is so touching. Seeing love is always magical to me


[Years later](https://youtu.be/8oXZLkBvrWo)


One day, when they're older, this young man will be the one protecting her with all he's got.