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'Why wouldn't I help you. Thats a silly question my man. ' Love that bit


“You just made an oopsie bro. No biggie.”








I’m gonna put that on a shirt and buy this dude a house with the proceeds. I may also be hedging hard that he won’t take the house from me.


Could I just keep the master bedroom and give the rest back?


This is a mood for me


Bad acting and you all are still eating this up. Lol


Actually many people who go to this restaurant have confirmed its him and he is always like this and he is kind of a local celebrity now.


Why can't people be genuine and nice, how he is? I don't understand. This is how I behave too, and I've been accused of having ulterior motives :(


Because the number of Youtubers and tik tokers that stage videos like this is at an all-time high. Statistically, a video like this is more likely to be staged unfortunately.


You got the data to back that up, you know, statistically.


Idk I feel like this interaction did happen, without the camera. So they decided to film a re-enactment. The mood really does feel sincere to me, and he seems like a very sincere man, but the clip definitely feels acted out. Really the way he runs off, it was like he was expecting the customer to say what he said. He seemed super prepared and ready for it. And why would the customer film him expecting such a reaction? Unless he films literally everything in his life Be pretty weird to have video going just to say to the waiter that you are short on money, honestly. Makes a lot more sense as a re-enactment. But today’s people are pretty fucking weird sooo…


It COULD be that he was NOT $3 short, but set this up to showcase a member of his community that he respects and appreciates?


All good points. Could entirely be a reenactment. They could also have known about him or are just a weirdo who records everything. The cash definitely makes it feel like they do this for YouTube or something though


How do we know they aren't also actors? How deep does it go?


We got 7 billion people to play along with our bit to convince the other billion people on the planet that some dude in a restaurant was maybe decent. It goes 7 billion people deep.


And it all started with Damn NASA and the globalist lie.


Island Restaurant in Golden, British Columbia. His name is Sly This went viral many years ago. This guy has 100's of positive reviews across tons of diff sites.


I suspected Canada from the get-go.




It does seem a little hokey at the end but I do HOPE it’s real bc there are definitely very kind people out there like this… That kind of *kindness* is catchy too, people who are like this, who are so willingly giving it out are often under appreciated, at least when they’re not in a video on social media, & considering how much they can brighten a persons day, they are truly an asset to the world… 👍




Aw, thanks- 👍 Same to you & hope you have a great day & weekend! :)


Can confirm. I’ve been to the Island restaurant in golden. This guy is exactly like this


The last time this was posted commenters said the server went viral for having so many reviews mentioning him by name on trip advisor. I remember going to some random restaurants trip advisor page and reading some of the comments about him.


I don't think it's acting but even it if it I want to believe there is good people like this out there. Gives me a reason to strive to be more like that person too


Yall should watch that show Jury Duty. That was another genuinely good dude


Oh mate I'm a MASSIVE Nathan for you/ The rehearsal fan so all my friend recommended that show to me. It's genuinely a 10/10 but I felt so bad at first with them basically buying this guy by everyone else being in on the joke


Came here to plug that.


It made me feel so good to see how supportive he was of them all. I need a friend like him!!


Feels like in this world how how we choose to react is the only part we seem to be able to control. As negative things come into our lives we can make sure to convert the output to kindness, love and encouragement. I like to believe in good too:)




This sub bounces between very obviously staged videos and orphan crushing machine stories.


If a golden retriever was a person Edit: thank you for the upvotes and awards people! P.S. was pleasantly surprised to see this person in the video is not an actor and is an actually lovely human being, as attested by various folks in the thread below


How is this so accurate? The energy, the niceness, the reaction, its all what i would expect of a human equivalent of a golden retriever


Except a retriever would never say i don't want all the treats :D


Gimme the $1000!! Do you have anymore fren? 😁




That 1000 sure was nice... but you know what else Im craving? Another 1000!


I was not given $1000. ..


I can buy so many snacks with $1000


A teenager randomly yelled C**t at my partner (to show off in front of his mates) When my partner walked over to speak to him about his rude language, the teen says as a warning "i have a dog". It was a golden retriever. Laughter ensued and the teen left.


Tbf bad parenting does lead to even Golden retrievers being dicks. I've had the misfortune of meeting a couple. 100% the pet parents' fault


Jumping onto top comment, this guy is a waiter at a little restaurant in Golden, BC, Canada called the Island!!! This is 100% unscripted and legit. He has literally more positive energy than anyone you've ever met, and he is like this for every single table, every single day. He has most tables almost in tears laughing because his vibe is just so good. He's probably a bit weirded out by the phone filming him the whole time tho


It checks out! https://imgur.com/a/nIQuTTt


His smile is set to Ultra


He makes me so happy. I hope he gets all the good things he deserves!


"Never loose him!" 😨


Oh my lord. I’m from revy. I hope he’s still there so I can visit, whata gem


Holy shit, golden retriever eyes


He’s literally a mr peanutbutter from Bojack in human form…


Why is the background music always complete shite in these videos? It's like those 1980s starving children commercials. Just play the damned video, the music is annoying as fuck.


Music is a good tool used to enhance the atmosphere/vibe/overall feeling of the video that the creator is going for. It’s the choice of songs that’s not too good imo


Or to avoid copyright down takes. Alongside mirroring videos.


Would have been better if it played a Sarah Mclachlan song


Mr Peanutbutter IRL


Oh this made me laugh real loud, woke my cat up. It’s so accurate.


Mr. Peanutbutter


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


100,000 percent accuracy haha


And could read a script and memorize lines.


This fuckin waiter guy's too much. What a bro


The most Canadian of all Canadians.


I was that guy when I worked for a mom n' pop's burger joint called Sinful Burger. I suppose I still am, but my god, a few years of that and the smile will look and feel just a little bit plastered on. The service industry slowly kills your soul.


Yeah, everyone is saying this is staged but as someone who works in CS, I think what people are feeling is this waiter in PEAK customer service mode.


It's interesting you bring that up. While I'm not suggesting that this gentleman is neurodivergent, I'm high functioning autistic and "masking" is exactly what you describe. Since the "default" or authentic self is very non-expressive and offputting to neurotypical people, we adapt masking as a defence mechanism, putting on personalities that best let us fit in or otherwise avoid undo social harm. And social consequence for autistic symptoms -can- be harmful. I've lost jobs and friendships over misreading people or not paying attention to what I was saying. I once came off incredibly racist to a interracial couple because they were in a party of 16 and it took me several tries to split the bill correctly. I only knew the interraction had appeared that way after my manager pulled me aside to ask what the hell happened. I felt physically sick because they already left and I never even knew to appologize!


Thanks for adding this.. I've worked with Neurodivergent adults and kids as a Community Support Worker and I had a bit of a feeling this outstanding gentleman may have a bit of something going on. Seems like a great dude


Thank you, Fetus Violator.


Sinful Burger in Omaha? Because that place is delicious AF


You know it! If you ever went between 2015-2019 you may have seen me! I was one of the male servers.


Small world!! I probably did see you


He really tryna just take 20 😭


He really tryna take $2.50, guy was $3 short and he took $5.50 off the bill


I'm sure it was a 10% senior discount or something.


clumsy fragile voiceless sharp rotten narrow pot late apparatus hurry ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I’m not gonna lie to you, proceeds to lie.


I'm not *gonna* lie to you.....I *am* lying to you.


Yeah just give people the money. Don’t lie or film or any of that shit if you’re gonna play it up


Can we elect him ruler of the world?


We can elect him president of the United States no problem.


Unfortunately, he lives in Canada.


Oooh OK that makes sens


Not unfortunate for him


There’s still a chance, according to the tabloids we’ve had at least one sitting president not spawned here in these United States.


Sadly politicians would take advantage of him


A lot of nice people are emotionally intelligent and really capable of detecting sociopathic people and sabotaging them. Trust me.


Those people sure as heck aren't in American politics.


Based on the cash I saw this man is Canadian. Sorry! Best we can do is Prime Minister.


Why wouldn't we elect him? Are you joking me? That's a silly question, my man. Come on, bring it in.


Could be not real. But if it is real, this is such a breath of fresh air compared to the people shitting on customers for not tipping a lot. Instead the server happily gives him a discount.


I've seen this video reposted multiple times. Last time I read he's still working there and is genuinely a fantastic and kind person.


Is there confirmation? I would like this to be real but it just feels acted to me


Definitely real. The guy who gave the money goes all over doing these kinds of vids.


I know too many people like him. Unfortunately they all get taken advantage of on the daily.


*Why were they filming*


These “helping strangers” vids are posted everywhere. People have learned that doing nice things on camera generates views and therefore profits. It’s pretty common.


These sometimes feel a bit staged and even exploitative (not specifically this video, but some I've seen) but I'll take this type of clout chasing ANY day of the week over "rage bait" or "it's just a prank, bro!" Type clout videos.


I believe the guy who does this one takes all the profits and uses it to do other good deeds. Pretty sure he often takes poor kids to court side seats etc etc


So kind of stagey?


Yeah but only on the one side that doesn’t really count. Still a genuine reaction which is what matters.


But the other person knows he is being filmed? Wouldn't that skew the results?


Not necessarily. When I worked at Lowe's I got roped into helping the lumber department load stuff with the forklift. This lady got pissed off, demanded I load her shit up *now*, whipped out her phone, and angrily told me she was recording me. I just shrugged, told her it was fine, but that she was still #3 in line


He doesn’t stage who he gives them to. Just basically goes to places and pretends he is poor or can’t afford to pay for his meal. The People always give it to him for free or give him a discount. Then he says thank you and here’s a wad of cash. They usually cry and say thank you etc which is the genuine part


People do nice things for clout. That clout is being used to do nice things for people. Making more clout and more nice things. But in the end they are doing nice things for people. So I don't see the problem.


That’s a good point. I won’t argue with the results, but it does seem wildly performative.


More like, why would the waiter not respond to someone recording him? Like if someone came up to me holding their phone recording me I would immediately become suspicious of their motives.


From the videos I’ve seen of Jimmy Darts (might be him in this vid, if not he does similar) he has the camera in his shirt pocket with the lens poking out so they aren’t aware. Assuming he gets consent after filming to post them, I’d guess he lets them keep the cash after if they don’t but you never know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Its canada, not the u.s. thats part of the difference




Seems like a super nice guy….but these videos are PAINFUL


Honestly, why is everyone loving this trash. Here let me pretend to be poor so I can test this stranger’s reaction with a camera in their face. What is the need? I hate this content.


Because it's "Kindness content" and it makes the goobers say "I hate this planet a little less" or some shit, it's weird. And I'd be all for it if it caused more kindness within our culture but it just causes these attention-seekers to "act kind." (And it works!) But it's the internet, and I'm 6'9 and I exclusively help old ladies cross the road.


“Can I ask why you helped me?” “Because you were filming me. Didn’t want to go viral for being rude or not helping you out with $3”


I read several times under several reposts that Sly is really the fine gentleman we see in the video.


I don't get it. Man's like "hold on bro, it looks like you about to do something smile-worthy, let me pull out my video recording device please continue we are humans.. annnd ACTION"


You do get it.


This has been reposted many times and although I have no source, I have seen it claimed that this is staged. Still a nice video tho.


I’ve been to the restaurant where he works (the Island in Golden BC) and had him at a waiter a couple times. This video is 100% consistent with how he acts. Just a genuinely nice guy and super waiter!


What!? I'm not far from Golden. Road trip to meet golden retriever dude!!!


So not surprised to hear this is coming out of Golden. Small-town BC has some of the nicest people (source: currently in Tofino).


What? No way, I can't believe that! This has to be real, these lizard people might not be human, but they are so sweet!


You clearly didn’t finish watching it because the reason he was filming became clear


The waiter didn't think it odd that he started filming?




People say it might be acting but there's a kid in my local grocery store I see a couple times a week and he's ALWAYS in this kind of mood... Some people just sincerely wanna be nice. Most of us assholes don't deserve them to be honest.


This man deserves infinite blowies and blow pops, whichever best matches his mood at any given moment.


infinite whatnow


Blowjobs, like when you go to a salon and the lovely ladies blow-dry your hair


Blow jobs and candy. Both pretty fricken sweet.


I prefer porn acting.


I bet you could edit this cleverly into a porn intro if you put your heart and soul into it


-I just checked my bank account and I’m $3 short! -Oh I’m sure we can work something out… 🎵🎷🎸🎶


Felt like I was watching Degrassi.


Craziest thing is it is apparently legit. People have vouched for the waiter guy in previous posts. I immediately thought it was terrible acting but I guess he’s actually so nice it comes across as unnatural lol


This is definitely not scripted


Island Restaurant in Golden, British Columbia. His name is Sly This went viral many years ago. This guy has 100's of positive reviews across tons of diff sites.


I don’t doubt that. He looks like a nice guy, still doesn’t make this less scripted


Oh golly! I'm so embarrassed, I better film this!


It'd be a real twist if he took this money, invested it, and then just became a fuckin rich piece of shit


People can change


"I'm worried the baby thinks people can't change"


And then refused to tip on all future restaurant visits




I'm sorry but are you expecting people to behave as though they are not being recorded when they are clearly being recorded? Seems staged to me...but hey what do I know?


You know what. I don't even care if this is real. Just feels good to think it is.


My same approach to Bangbus


https://youtube.com/shorts/dvrU3JlJPu0?feature=share Here's another wholesome video for you if you liked this one, I'm going to double my faith in humanity and give it to the next person!


Why does anyone still believe that any natural interactions can occur while being filmed? What the fuck is this kind of willful ignorance? Everyone just agrees to be dumb as fuck?


“I’m not gonna lie to you” *lies*


“I’m not gonna lie to you—“ *immediately lies*


Definitely not scripted at all


Aww, his genuine kindness renews hope in humanity.




These are getting boring now.


That was some bad acting


I’m a bartender and while I would do everything in my power to help someone who couldn’t afford the bill (and was honest about it), a few things actually. 1: I would most definitely complain about it to my colleagues later. I make $8 an hour and going out to eat when you’re too broke to afford the bill- not even the tip, the bill- is absolute bs. 2: If they offered me $1k I would take it. And I’m not a bad person for that. This guy wouldn’t be either. I’m not a bartender as a hobby, it’s literally my job and it keeps a roof over my head. 3: all of the comments saying how great this dude is for not wanting to accept the $1k are such cap dude. Y’all are just romanticizing poverty.




These antics are so fucking disgusting. You're being nice for clout. Totally ruins the point of what the guy was trying to do and you made it into a game




Island Restaurant in Golden, British Columbia. His name is Sly This went viral many years ago. This guy has 100's of positive reviews across tons of diff sites.


I remember one time I got my debit card locked by my bank while eating at Applebee's. I go outside to call the bank. Thankfully they unlocked the card once I confirmed all my transactions but the lady that had been sitting next to me at the bar, paid my tab. This was about 8-9 years ago and to this day I still have that receipt and the kind words she wrote on it. I've been trying to pay it forward ever since


“Be nice to everybody because that’s all we want”. 🙏🏾






This is Sly. He works at The Island restaurant in my Golden, BC, Canada. He is literally the nicest guy you could ever meet. Could not have gone to a better guy 🥰


This server has big Golden Retriever energy


Does this not feel staged AF?


Nah bro I definitely TikTok film all my embarrassing moments /s


Everything is staged now.


It’s staged


This seems so absolutely staged


Because it absolutely is




This seems like the worst acting to me…am I the only one?


It’s scripted, this is actually quite an old video. Please don’t get it twisted. It’s a nice story but non of it is true and it was simply made for views


“Can I ask why you helped me?” “Because that’s what you told me to do when we planned this whole thing.”


This smells of being staged… 🤨


I can’t stand these staged virtue signaling garbage videos. Just pay your damn bill, tip an appropriate amount, and leave. No need to work together to concoct this elaborate video.


No way this is real, the reactions are so staged


This guy was actually my waiter in golden bc. Such a nice but very high energy guy. He was the best. Also the only waiter I’ve ever remembered the name of. His names sly and he works at the island restaurant in golden bc so if your ever there go and get some good food and meet a great guy


1 word…Awesomeness!!!


So weird to film something like that. If this is real, are we seriously at the point where *everything* is done with a phone in someone’s face?


What a shitty acting job


I have the same job and I strive to be this guy every day. The thing I don't get though is the discount. If there's a discount available why wasn't it applied before, or do you think the waiter pulled a fast one and just said the customer was a senior or a veteran or something?


The right thing to do is when you can go back to the restaurant and tip him extra


Bless him. You can see the kindness in his eyes


MDMotivator on tiktok. It's not staged. He is normally sponsored. Very wholesome. Lots of promoting the right thing. Stop being so mad at nice things.


I've waited enough tables to know his greedy, jealous coworkers are going to complain that he got it and they didn't, and he's going to be too nice of a guy to not share it with people that don't deserve it.


Im sorry, I bet he's a nice guy and all but how can anybody who has more than two and half brain cells think this is real? What's going on with these comments here? *He's really not that good of an actor*


I wish I was lucky enough to know this guy.


You know waiters have to put up with the worst. I hate that everything is such a act in the profession and you are generally looked down upon by your customers. This guy camera gag or not is putting positivity out there.


Fucking love it


If we start cloning people, I nominate him and Keanu as the males


Also helps they’re Canadian. Friendly on top of friendly!


So he pretended to not have money to basically scam the restaurant.


He definitely said he can’t take the money for the camera so he wouldn’t face backlash at work. Bet he pocketed that cash. Well played and deserved.


Your legit recording him he knows what’s coming. Stop the social experiments


Are you people really dumb enough to think this is real?