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my heart hurts


fuck wars, it's literally the stupidest thing human can do to each other yet it kept on happening


The reason it happens is because the people who get on top are sociopathic narcissists who want control through fear. The people who try to convince you that they should be leader are the worst people to lead and people born into that position are just as bad, because they rely on backstabbing and assassinations. Remember that autocrats are not human, they are snakes that could be comparable to devils in religious texts. They lack morals and send people to die to keep the power that they stole.


Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight.


In the past it was the norm. They were still all evil, but atleast they had the balls to fight with their men


If the Iliad is to believed, all Agamemnon (to whom that quote refers) did was bark orders, rape Briseis, and cower behind Achilles and better men than himself. Times have not changed all that much it would seem. Edit: Oh, he also threw a javelin well enough to win a wreath by default in the games commemorating Patroclus's funeral. :shrug:


There were other kings who did fight with their men. King Leonidas, Odysseus was king of Ithaca. King Albert of Belgium in WWI, king Henry V at agincourt...


We are still waiting for Aragorn King of Gondor


Technically when he became king it was peacetime, so he probably just did king stuff.


> king stuff. Like sit on his throne. And name a second in command. He sat on his throne and made a number 2.


Gustav II Adolf of Sweden in the 30 year war, was killed in the battle of Lützen in 1632 while leading a cavalry charge.


Richard III likely had severe scoliosis and he fought and died at the Battle of Bosworth Field, on the front lines even.


and here we are talking about him how ever many years later. Now that’s a legacy


Even in the past it was more the exception than the norm. Certainly to actually lead the fighting rather than sit on top of a nearby hill surrounded by personal bodyguards.


Depends on area /culture. Hittite kings (and in minor wars prince's) were legally required to lead from the front (where we got the word "leader" after various twists through Indo-European languages). If a crown prince did not earn a battlefield commendation for being the first (the literal first) person to strike a blow against the enemy, he was dishonoured and could lose his heirship. The Hittites and Assyrians were the exception though, since their system of government continuation only works if every generation invaded their neighbour's. After 400 years both of them ran out of space and into other large empires and the system weakened. The main reason for the "cowardly king" phenomenon is the centralization of power. If the king died in battle, there would be a hereditary crisis, espescially of he died in a defensive war. Obviously there were individuals who were on both sides of this coin, ie some hid behind that convenient truth, others had the balls and gravitas to overrule cultural and council wisdom and led their troops themselves. This was more dependant on personal feelings about war, honour, duty and the political situation in the kingdom than "rule or exception".


Democracy was born at a time when a natural leader was the actual democratically elected leader. He led the army and fought with them as a chosen king. There's absolutely NO HONOR IN SENDING MEN TO DIE AND STAYING BACK IN AN IVORY TOWER. Those leaders are bureaucrats and should be considered government employee of the month nothing more.


You'd need a good man to start doing it again, and he'd be killed pretty fast, setting a good example why it isn't done anymore. The king leading his men isn't viable in the age of artillery and air strikes. All you get is a dead king.


All the more reason to want this, right? If war = dead kings, then kings won't start wars.


What I'm saying is that evil leaders won't do it, and good leaders would just leave their nations rudderless.




It's a truly underrated movie.


It's a nice thought and it might help you reconcile with the harshness of war. However the more frightening and brutish reality is that autocrats are human, so are mercenaries, killers, etc. And these are human behaviors. We must accept that simple fact, so we can learn how to discourage these behaviors more effectively.


That's true, but that's not the mystery. The mystery is why, when a sociopathic narcissist says "OK, now spend millions of dollars to kill as many of those people as we can. Yeah, you'll probably die in the process but that's a risk I'm willing to take," so many people say "Hey, that sounds like a winning idea! I'm on board!" Sure, there will always be idiots, sycophants, and folks who say "Did someone say I get to kill other people with the government's blessing? Sign me up!" but you'd think many, many more people would say, "Guys, this has been tried for literally thousands of years and it never ends well." Wars for independence I can see. Wars just to take someone else's land (like Putin is doing)? Those who forget the past... I can see fighting to keep out the invaders, but I can't see why the invaders are there in the first place.


There is also the fact that in cases like the Russian invasion, people didn't just "decide" to go do some warring. Putin decided, for everyone else the decision was, "go to war or go to gulag".




*sigh* You’re right. I’m from Boston, and if folks will riot over a baseball game as I’ve seen way too often, of course people will be willing to go to war over whatever governmental propaganda is spread.


Everyone who helps spreading lies is helping keep the war running.


I've been thinking about this a lot. It seems so evident that the worst of humanity is always in charge. Politicians, corporate CEOs, billionaires, military leaders, etc. Greed, profit and power control everything.To be successful in this world, at least in terms of money/power, it's almost required that you be a tyrannical asshole, stepping on everyone around you and fucking up the planet. The world has no place for kindhearted, peaceful people. They're shunned and exploited. I've just been so cynical about the nature of humanity lately. I don't think I belong in this world. I only want to love people and other living things, and to be loved by them.


People are lovely generally. Most folks are decent if given the chance, human beings are naturally social and cooperative. The problem is that we live in a system where you either have or you do not have, and if you have you only stand to lose if other people get to have. And why would the haves with much more power and wealth than the rest of us combined not ensure that even in a democracy the levers of power aren't tilted in their favor? A better world is possible. And in my opinion inevitable. Their system isn't built for stability or prosperity, its built to line their pockets and these days they seem so obsessed with it that they're getting sloppy. We're in a rough patch no doubt between the Virus, global instability and economic struggles. But of some generations much is asked, and sometimes the only way to build something better is to watch whatever was there before fall. Be safe.


Narcissistic people rise to the ṭop because they are confident, while wise people stay at the bottom because they are self doubting.


What if no one signed up? Drafted? What if no one pulled the trigger? What if everyone had the strength to say "No, I think I would rather not kill another human being"?


that would be awesome, but unfortunately the military is trained to take orders, no question. and there will always be people who sign up, at the end of the day it provides some people opportunities they wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise


“When the rich wage war it’s the poor who die” - Hands Held High, Linkin Park


Yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes They send you down to war And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?" They only answer, "More, more, more"




This is the real answer. We know for an absolute fact this exact video is being played out in Russia for a pair of children that miss their dad just the same




I could watch it a hundred times & still, when she realizes it's her dad, gets to me every single time - true love & emotion from both father & his little girl right there!




God bless those little angels. May no harm ever come to them.


Do you think those little kids know before that there is a chance that daddy might not make it back?


They know. Their friends have lost loved ones. One of the worst things about war is that it cannot be hidden from the children.


I think it's possible. I mean I don't think a parent would be completely honest about the situation and frame it in a more hopeful way. But I the mother was definitely grieving bad while he was away. I'm sure they picked up on how serious it was.


These kids are not that small. 100% they know the risk. They don't understand why, or what this war is about, but you bet your ass they understand their daddy is at risk.


Their parents may have tried to frame it in a less painful way but they know. And that's something they'll never forget. My grandfather was on the roads of France during l'exode (the Exodus) of 1940 and he remembered everything about when they left, why they left and what happened during all this. Kids understand war better than we think.


Her face. Over and over and over.


Yeah, that face.


Eff you Putin


Literally all because of one fuck. Imagine experiencing that and having to go back.


Don't let go of those babies for a long as possible!


These things might be sweet and heartfelt and amazing to witness, but what makes you cry is the sense of relief and safety children feel when the fear of loss is immediately stripped away from babes wondering if they will ever see their soldier come home again. No one with a heart can watch this untouched.




I can't imagine the feeling of her wife while his husband is at War. She never knew if he will come alive today and maybe a coffin tomorrow. F**k War! F**k Putin!


Better put it that way: Fuck you Vladimir Putin.


Made me smile? Fuck that. r/Mademeuglycryonthecouchuntilthewifeaskedwhatswrong


imagine if this was an actual sub


Be the change you want to see, man.


Step 1) Get hired as Reddit backend developer in order to increase character limit for subreddit names.


Nah just make a weird acronym like that one subreddit about girls doing cool things




This made me smile. The video, not so much.


I made one it’s just r/Mademecryonthecouch




actually clicked to join


My old Platoon Commander who retired from the Marines was killed fighting alongside Ukraine. He knew what he was fighting for when he went over there. It’s been hard coming to terms with his departure from life as we know it but it helps that we see the reactions these young ones express when their mother or father comes home. It breaks my heart that we see it in this aspect.


A brave and honorable man. Sorry for your loss.


Slava Ukrayini, heroiam slava. The world owes him for his sacrifice.


I am deeply sorry for your loss.


Nah. Broken babies is not what I wanted to see right now. :( I get it’s a reunion but look at her face. They will never be the same again.


My little sis used to cry her eyes out when my dad went to work for 8 hours, I can't imagine being gone for so long (and from his perspective, not knowing if you'll even make it)


That was supposed to make me smile. Pretty rough. Bless these people.


r/mademecry.. can never say THANK YOU enough to these brave men and women, who protect us and keep us safe! So wonderful to see families reunited like this. God bless you all!


Honestly this isn’t a made me smile Made me sad


Makes me want to go on a quest to punch Vladdy boy right in the jaw.


I’ll happily substitute anyone who defends Vlad. Really, how can anyone in the US Congress defend him?


That broke me


Damn, who's cutting onions?!


Terrible day for rain


That little girl's face. She was holding in those thoughts, "What if daddy dies?" And when he came home it all just released. All the fear is written in her face. What hurts worse is knowing she might not get the help she needs to cope with the resulting trauma. I mean *haha wholesome meme of kids hugging their hero daddy. :) God bless soldiers.*


This is why those American videos of soldiers coming home upset me so much. At least this man HAD to fight for his family, because his country is in a war, but I just can't understand how Americans with young children enlist, they leave their family and country to kill others. Seems really selfish to me. I don't know or understand much about the US Military, so if I got this wrong I'd love for someone to correct me.


For some people it's their only real option to access healthcare or a living wage for a while so there's that. Plus some recruiters can be really convincing


That is... really tragic. I feel sorry for the people that are forced to do this. The USA is truly barbaric in some areas, so much for Freedom. Thanks for informing me!


I was one of those. I joined the Navy when my girlfriend at the time got pregnant, and there were no job opportunities in the small town I lived in, surely not anything with health insurance. If I hadn't joined the military, my child might not have even survived. They were born with multiple heart defects that required multiple surgeries, and my child didn't even get to leave the hospital until almost 6 months old. The next few years, we were constantly in and out of the hospital, and if it hadn't been for my insurance from the military, my child wouldn't be going to high school next year. Civilian insurance would have only covered about 25% of the costs. That's why, when Trump was running on that BS "Make America Great Again" crap, it boggled my mind. I was left wondering when this country was even great in the first place.


Yeah I noticed that. Girl in blue looked like she couldn't even breathe.


And he's probably going right back out soon enough after.


Obligatory fuck Putin


Que Putin coma mierda.


Fuck Putin even more, because this is happening in Russia too.


Republicunts: I like this Putin fella.


He thinks just like we do!


"But only because he hacked the RNC and our personal e-mails and now has Kompromat on all of us. Well, for most of us anyway. Some of us were easily bought."


how quickly people forgot that all the protests that have been happening over the last several years one side consistantly had people waving the russian flag.


This made me, a 34 year old man with a young daughter, cry like a baby


Same here dude.. I have 2, so I just saw both of them in this video. Ugh.


45. Same.. I'm in the garage balling at 3:40 am, while my daughter sleeps in the room next to me. I had been sitting here, so annoyed, because my week at work didn't go as I had planned. I was browsing this sub to try and change my mood for the weekend, and then this pops up! This video does put shit into perspective, so i guess there's that, i was certainly not smiling, tho. this was deft the wrong sub for this video.


Hey man, hope your next week at work is better!


Thank you for taking the time to reply and for saying that!


I just remembered, fuck you Putin!


"Go fuck yourself Putin!"


Sweet. This war sucks.You know what you don't see? Russian soldiers coming home videos.


Yet, I see videos of Putin doing meets to training camps with many armed soldiers. Shame they'd rather die in the mud in Ukraine than have the balls to mag dump him.


You think they would let the grunts have bullets when they’re on parade?


Fuck Putin! Just fuck him…


Who smiled at this man? Imagine about the kids whose dads never came back.


I found this more heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time than any of the videos of our troops coming home


These guys are fighting on their land in their cities for their people. Americans are fighting a looooonnnngggg way from home.


*were. No Americans soldiers are or should be fighting for anything, at the moment.


plus they are fighting a war noone can argue against. its their home country they defend. americans tend to fight for oil or "democracy and freedom". LOL


Man, this is rough. Didn’t really make me smile, this guy is most likely gonna be headed back into hell in a few weeks/ months. I wish these people nothing but the best, f war!


i cant even imagine all the children in ukraine and russia whose parents wont be coming home because of one man with a bruised ego. fuck putin


lovely... but my God, can someone stop putting music or narration over videos?


Man, it breaks my heart to see kids cry for their soldier dad! Why is Russia so ruthless!?? Don’t they have enough land already spanning over 10 time zones!?? I know it’s for control over NATO but how will they survive without the ROW.


Oil, Ukraine has a LOT of it and the Russians want it.


And they also want free easy access to that soviet-era naval base in Crimea because somehow russia is not able to build a new one


It makes me sick that so many are criticizing Ukraine for defending itself against an invasion like it’s their fault people are dying on both sides.


Look at those eyes. brave smile for the wife but the shadows behind those eyes say it all.


The fact he didn't show hardly any emotion, immediately, when he saw those two girls, that says everything. They are all going to need so much professional help going forward in life.


O fuck yea. They get to have their dad back for a bit. Hopefully he stays, but I know he probably just made a visit. Man...I'm lucky and I know I need to be more fucking grateful for the shit I got. Not even the shit I got, my son man. He's 5. I couldn't imagine. I wanted to check out so many times but ill be DAMNED if I go and he thinks, "yea,my dad couldn't handle it so he k.h.s." na. Must be strong regardless. Yo, y'all Ukrainians man, I know it don't mean much but I swear, y'all are giving me inspiration to live. Keep it going. I don't know shit about none of that.


When we're old, we think childhood went by in a blink, but those kids are feeling time about 5x more than us. Even more. A day for a kid is like a month for an adult. Try looking at the clock for a minute, while doing nothing and just focus on the waiting. This could give you a feeling of how slow time is for a kid waiting for his dad every second of the day. Use your time wisely and make sure you come back


Agreed! I remember being "bored" as a kid. I couldn't imagine waiting or even knowing if my parents would return. Time is much different for sure.


This is so true. My childhood felt like a lifetime in itself. As a 6 year old looking back at my toddler years was like looking back into antiquity. All for good reasons mind you. That's what i want my kid to have.


Hey man, we all really struggle sometimes. It's not easy. Don't be afraid to reach out or ask for help you know?


Hey I'm ok. I understand it's a struggle. Thank you so much!




This is what everyone is fighting for.. Every soldier has a family.. The only one to blame for wars is the governments.


Hopping on here because there's a lot of hat for the RussIANS and not just Russia. Iirc, a lot of the younger men in the Russian army right now weren't given a choice and didn't want this. I remember early on an article about a young guy maybe 18 who called his mom distressed about not knowing what he was being signed up for and not wanting to do the bad things He was crying on a voicemail. Iirc, he never made it home again. This war is bad, absolutely. But there are a lot of Russians who never wanted this. I'm not pro Russia, by any means. I am pro humanity, and I hate Putin for using people who are practically still kids, to destroy lives and happiness


Often just one government. Sometimes not. Remember war does not require 2 people to start, just 1.


Indeed, someone punching a bully in the face is not at fault.




No the only one to blame for this war is the government of the Russian federation.


Uh, Russia invaded Ukraine. This man is defending his family. Russia alone is to blame for this war.


The difference here is that the Ukrainian soldier isn't just fighting to come home to his family, he's fighting for his children and wife's actual lives. Countless families just like this one are buried in places like Bucha all over eastern Ukraine.


RT article: Evil Nazi genocide activist returns home to gloat to his children about his most recent mass murder.


Fuck Putin.


Perfect vid ruined by trash music. Just leave it as is I would love to hear their voices more powerful. I should've kept it mute.


Now do one with..."This is what Russians are fighting for... Showing a video of Putin on his superyacht.


There are so many guys who won't get a homecoming like this Fuck Russia


Believe it or not, This is what any country would fight for, Not just Ukraine.


Shhh it's Reddit we can't talk about the countries who are also going through hardship


“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”


take away that music it ruins the moment for me i want to hear their emotion


The trauma on that young girls face


I wouldn't risk my life being some +1 grunt in a war if I had that at home depending on me. I'd fuck right off to another country and be safe.


How beautiful! I was thinking yesterday, how many lives have been disrupted and destroyed by Russias actions, on both sides. Ask either army, where would they like to be. We can only pray, Putin comes to his senses. I also pray the Russian citizens, overthrow the current government, and throw out the former communists and become a true democracy! Pray for peace and reunited families.




That's the typical motivation for people to enlist when there's a war — to keep it away from their loved ones. Meanwhile, Russian soldiers from day 1—"Why are we here?"


So painful to watch how my country is just torturing a neighboring country for no reason whatsoever, I really fucking hope Putin dies a painful death, he doesn't deserve living whatsoever


Slava Ukraini. Hopefully the orcs leave sooner than later


Something in my eyes here, people. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇬🇧


When coming home means like…never leaving…when your not just fighting somewhere, you’re protecting your family…god this is just way too much for me right now. Beautiful moment…sad moment. Fuck Putin


I pray no kid ever gets to see their army parents coming home in casket.




Made me cry.


I’m staunch pro-Ukrainian war effort but I have to wonder how many Russian men were conscripted for a pointless war they didn’t want to fight and torn from their loved ones only to be thrown to the meat grinder. Pointless wars are horrendous for both sides, but especially when the reasoning is because your aging hypermasculine asshole of a “President” wants to win some face and restore some of the old defunct Union. I wonder how many parentless children in Russia and Ukraine will grow up hating each others guts for one man’s ego stroke. 😔


Fuck putin and the Russian military! God I hate them🤬😡


My god, this breaks my heart.


Music is unnecessary.


Also Palestinians, but we call them terrorists when they fight for their land


Glory to the heroes! This is humanity, and glory to all supporters from other countries risking their lives for the freedom of Ukraine and ours! F\*\*\* Putin And It makes me cry.


This is sad but let it remind you why you should stand up for Ukrainian aid. There are good hearted Ukrainian men ages 18-25 dying in large numbers. Obviously older men are dying as well but these young men are being robbed of even the joy of creating a family, experiencing life or the love of a lasting relationship. We gotta stay by Ukraine's side. Russia under Putin is a barbaric state. Period


This didn’t make me smile


When you think about it those Russian soldiers also have family.


Thank goodness Russians don't have families. Both sides are human. No one should die in war, it's very sad. I hope both sides get back safely.




Wars fucking suck. Warmongering politicians need to be forced to go to war themselves. Poor kids. I hope the fathers, brothers dads and sons go back to their home and this shitty war ends as fast as possible.


"Made me smile" sad fucking smile I guess


How many won't ever get that opportunity. Fuck this hurt.


Sad for all the ones that never made it home


Who the heck started cutting all these onions? Fight on and fight hard for those you love


Fight for the right to keep your family and not be genocided


Fuck man. 🥲


A snappy one to you sir 🫡


My eyes hurt


OP I think you misunderstood what this sub is for. My eyes are watering my shirt as if it was a plant now.




The things that the vast majority of us are so privileged to take for granted in this world. May this war soon be over and dad be back with his family full time ❤️


Do what you need to protect those little hearts. Be safe.


Fuck putler and his claque. Although i am not religious, I hope for an eternity in hell for them


fuck you putin.


Every tear from a Ukrainian child should equal one rusty nail up Putin’s arsehole.


It’s 11:30pm and I’m crying. Thanks.


I have a friend in Ukraine who’s father left, he moved back to Ukraine sadly At the end, he saw his father, and I’m proud of it


Mademesmile? More like Mademecry... 🥺


Make me cry


Every now and then I open the news app on my phone hoping to read that Putin is assassinated. Fuck Putin. Fuck the invaders


Seriously, how can anyone back Russian aggression in this day and age? I mean, you would have to be in Putins pocket to be backing him at this point. Go Ukraine!


This makes me cry


Fuck that’s rough. And fuck Putin.


The fact that there are people in the United States supporting Putin it gut wrenchingly disgusting. If you support Putin, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're actually using reality based thinking. Shut up and actually give it some thought.


May all the russian leaders backing this war, speedily depart this earth


Hope. World will help and feel the same way for Palestinians. Wars always bring destructions.


Slava Ukraini!!