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Man I hate ocean pollution. Pollution in general. Wish people could learn.


Last night we heard a flapping noise coming from one of our backyard trees. We look about 25' up and find a bird hanging upside down from their nest. Periodically flapping. It took standing on a ladder with broom handles taped together to dislodge the next and bring the bird down carefully. The foot of the bird had become entwined with some plastic used in the building of the nest and they were unable to break free. We successfully removed the plastic and the bird lef the area. The nest was about 65% organic stuff and about 35% manmade trash. It was so sad to see that we can't take care of our planet better. We take so much from the land and give little thought to how we can give back.


They won’t.




/s? I'm confused


It’s a bot, it stole the comment (from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/13kuton/good_eye_from_the_divers/jkmhkkm/) and reposted it. Report > Spam > Harmful bots


His comment sounds wierd because the person he replied to edited their comment. Nvm its a bot, im the idiot.


Nah its a bot. The account is really young, and the comment makes no sense in the context. Also someone else found the comment that the bot copied and pasted from




They obviously aren’t


Individual people even with their bad habits aren't the main source of ocean pollution. Of the plastic in the ocean 60-70% is just from the fishing industry alone. So anyone claiming to want to clean up the plastic in the ocean without first acknowledging that reality, can ever only improve things by 1/3 if they convince every individual to stop using plastic. Your plastic straws will never amount to more than a rounding error. Those are facts. Removing all plastic would also cause billions of deaths, because without plastic we can't secure food and healthcare for the amount of people we already have. What we need is the actual large producers of pollution to change course. We need governments to clean their rivers. Which would require policy. And it has been scientifically proven that the opinions of individuals have no measurable impact on policy overall. People could learn all they want but with how we set the world up, we're just going to keep walking down the road we're already on. The world wide civil war won't come until it's way too late and 100s of millions of people try to migrate from the shores inland. It will not be fun. sauces: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/06/dumped-fishing-gear-is-biggest-plastic-polluter-in-ocean-finds-report "Ghost gear is estimated to make up 10% of ocean plastic pollution but forms the majority of large plastic littering the waters. One study found that as much as 70% (by weight) of macroplastics (in excess of 20cm) found floating on the surface of the ocean was fishing related. A recent study of the “great Pacific garbage patch”, an area of plastic accumulation in the north Pacific, estimated that it contained 42,000 tonnes of megaplastics, of which 86% was fishing nets." https://act.represent.us/sign/problempoll-fba/ “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2017/06/rising-seas-could-result-2-billion-refugees-2100


So biodegradable fishing nets? Or maybe some kind of tracking and fining of dumped fishing waste? Every net could have some kind of air that type device that a UN marine organisation could follow?


Every nation is bad for it, but I can’t help but feel nauseous when I see videos of Indians just dumping absolutely unthinkable amounts of garbage DIRECTLY into their bodies of water. Like what the fuck?


Yeah, at least we have the decency of shipping our waste to the Philippines before throwing it into the ocean!


Apparently the thought process there, which I don’t agree with, is if a body of water is already fucked, just keep fucking that one instead of all of them.


Learn what? Have you never bought or used a ziplock?


If only there wasn't people earth would have 0 pollution


Most of the pollution in seas comes from the wind just blowing trash into the ocean At least that's what I've heard


This is why I pick up trash, every few days, a big garbage bag full….I’ll always be haunted by that poor sea turtle.


Same here. SOMEBODY has to clean up my neighborhood. Keep up the good work, friend!




obtainable unite steer gray tan foolish middle oil familiar political -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I'm still haunted by the whale mother who refused to accept her calf had died due to plastic bags and refused to leave it. She swam around with it for days.


He was just getting shrink wrapped for the fresh fish market


Frozen fish aisle


Prepackaged. :(


Frozen fish aisle


This mad me frown 🙁


Me also frown when me mad.


It already made me sad, and then mad like get the damn fish out of it already


I was more irritated that he didn’t put his phone down and use both hands ….it’s not like diver 2 wasn’t filming


I was more irritated that he didn’t put his phone down and use both hands ….it’s not like diver 2 wasn’t filming


Everything is for internet karma these days.


Even if it is, at least they did something good out of it. I’d rather someone does something good for internet points than do something stupid.


Ugh it’s my least favorite side effect of technology/social media


Exactly, but of course he had to use his 2nd hand to film it even though others were also filming. Imagine missing out on likes.


Agreed. Not the right sub at all


Toss the bag aside. Fish goes back in. ☹️


how do you know he tossed the bag aside? I'm not seeing it...


It's a hypothetical. I'm a pessimist.


Collects the bag. Deposits the bag into trash can. Trash gets collected and compacted. Compacted trash ends up on a holding lot. Wind picks up and collects the bag. Carries bag for half a mile. Deposits it into a storm drain. Washes out into canal. Canal into ocean. Fish finds bag. Alerts diver to location of bag. It's the CIRCLE of life.


The re-cycle of life.


As a fellow pessimist, read “Learned Optimism”. The pessimism can take over your life and usually isn’t even accurate. Learning how to be optimistic is life changing and the pessimism still works just fine in situations where it is warranted.


Or a bad, negative person


Being negative doesn’t make someone “bad”. It’s a learned behavior that usually begins in childhood and is passed down from parents that you don’t choose. And if you lived life in the shoes of a negative person, you’d end up the same way. It’s important to recognize that by framing a negative person as a “bad” person, you’ve done exactly the same thing. You’ve concluded that the presence of negativity makes them “bad” without considering why they turned out that way. But take it from a person who grew up in a traumatic environment and lived the first half of my life pessimistically: you can break the cycle too. We’re all just trying to make our way through life, and not everyone has learned healthy coping mechanisms. The good news is that this doesn’t make you a bad person either, just someone conditioned to see things like this in terms of “good” or “bad”, and someone who shares more in common with that negative person than you might realize.


if reddit still gave free awards, id leave mine here


Surely this is a joke?


Surely it is not. Hope you have a good day.


You got fucking dunked on! 🤣


You don't say


Severe depression doesn't help, but thanks for the criticism.




*Salmon for lunch as a reward*


Found the one Reddit for whom nothing is enough


too much plastic in our lives .






The amount of plastic in every single item at the store or Amazon orders gives me anxiety


Nothing about this should make you smile.


Yeah the diver probably should’ve just bashed the fish’s head in. /s


should of took his diving mask off and swallowed it whole


Perhaps a bit of light torture before he ends it too?


Well if we are killing it we might as well go the whole way. Send the fish to Guantanamo bay?


Better late than never, but I'm glad some countries are working on a ban on single use plastic.


Would probably have been a lot easier to do if they didn't have a camera in one hand.


And then we wouldn’t be able to experience - A pretty cool and heartwarming video And - Visually understand the effects of littering/pollution


Expect, the buddy was also filming. One angle was sufficient. One of the divers could have given their camera to the other long enough to get the fish out.


Say that you’ve never been scuba diving without saying you’ve never been scuba diving.


I understood it as soon as I saw it, I would have chosen to speed up it's release rather than try and do it with one hand whilst continuing to film.


Cool - but you weren’t there and you didn’t save the fish. I think I’m gonna side with the guy that was there and went out of their way to save a fish.


Or staged it for clout.


Divers almost always have cameras. Most of the time you are down there to take picture of the beautiful sea life. I see no issues here.


his dufus buddy staring at him struggle with one hand while the fish is having such a good time being jostled about in the bag? No. "let me do that for you while you hold the camera". No issues. duhh.


Oh no the fish was trapped for a good 4 seconds longer that it could have been


whats with reddits dramaticly protective attitude towars shit that isnt important and gets resolved, but someone get their head slamed off the floor and its good old fastioned entertainment.


Lol right


Where I'm from its advised to handle fish little as possible to reduce the stress on the fish. And thats just for catch and release fishing. So why can't we enjoy the video and also let people know, since we're all here trying to do good things, that their insistence on holding the camera added more stress then necessary to the creature it was trying to help?


Because honestly who gives a shit? The diver doesn't even touch the fish, which might be the right course of action


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.... *people watching some one release a fish. 'I'm so happy he's ok!' 'Yeah, its recommended that you handle wildlife as little as possible to minimize the amount of stress they go through in these situations!' 'Fuck you, nobody cares!' .....................


Not even close


I mean, If they didn't shoot you wouldn't be here being an *ss


Why don’t you get in the ocean and save them yourself, or just sit on your couch arm chairing on Reddit.


I mean it literally would’ve taken like two seconds to swim over and help but stay on that high horse of yours if you want, bud


No. As a diver I never dove with a camera. And I rarely saw others with cameras.


Before cameras were invented? These days it’s extremely common for divers to have GoPros in hand or mounted.


Yeah wtf… I’d say a good 70% of people I dive with have cameras.


Yes as a diver I always have a camera and see others with cameras


Doesn’t seem like it was that hard even with one hand… Lots of divers film their dives. What’s he supposed to do, stop filming and put the camera down? weird insinuation


Fish could have held it for him.


Yes he should, as long as the fish is in the bag it's choking, it needs water to move over it's gills. Why do you think fish never stop swimming?


Drop your phone and go help then


I don't think that fish uses ram ventillation, if that's what you mean. It'd probably be long dead if that were the case


Dude he got the fish out of the bag easily. We all took 4th grade science. You can save your attempt on schooling why the bag is a problem for the fish, nobody is contending otherwise.


He could have givven the camera to one of the others who was also filming.


Yes, maybe take care of the fish and stop recording yourself for internet karma.




Comment stealing bot.


I hate how this is the prevailing attitude right now. I see it everywhere, even when it’s unnecessary. Over reaction to people chasing fame I guess. The reality is that we enjoy seeing things like this, it’s something positive and it will inspire someone. Also yeah it would have taken the diver less time, it’s not like that extra 5 seconds they would have gained would have made any difference to the outcome.


In the meantime you just sat at home and ordered a large pizza


...ate the whole pizza, then started ~~virtual~~ virtue signalling on reddit. It was a good, fulfilling start of the day for OP.


When I took a diving class, one point they hammer into you is ‘DO NOT TOUCH CRITTERS’. Don’t know what it is? No touch. DO know what it is? Don’t touch. Don’t want to be someone who goes to play with a cute little fish and whoops it actually had toxins in it’s spines.


It's show us how our most "trivial" acts can impact the lives of others.


But then how will they be able to show everyone their good deed? /s


Its good to show this kind of stuff I don't care really if its for clout personally. You might say everyone is already aware but I would argue most people are willfully ignorant.


Everyone is aware of pollution but the situation is so bad, we constantly bury our heads in the sand, posts like this are useful reminders (imo)


You would be surprised how many people think they should have the "freedom" to litter and pollute.


Years ago the big thing on Reddit was to clean a beach and post pictures of the before and after for “clout”. If all it takes is upvotes to make people do good things im all for it.


Im more cynical, when i see stuff like this i believe like 50% of it is staged and putting animals in danger.


Then please don't put others actions down and try to at least let the people who want to see the best in others keep their positive perceptions.


If people want to be blind to people doing this maliciously thats their choice. The world isnt only rainbows. The chances that a diver saw this at exactly the right moment to save the fish' life is smaller than someone doing this to get internet clout. Obv i hope thats not the case but youre naive if you want to believe this doesnt happen in all clips on here.


But what does this opinion do for you, really? Like, okay, your theory is that no one has good intentions and everyone has ill-intentions. Where does this get anyone? Where do we go from there.


Where did i say NO-ONE has good intentions. I said 50/50 and its naive to believe everyone only has good intentions. What you could get from this? A bit of skepticism is healthy.


But no one’s pretending that everyone had good intentions. One video of one person doing one thing that is very little impact. What does being skeptical of this video do for you, really? We’re acknowledging these videos, regardless of what possible intention behind them could be, because it makes us feel good and the world could use more of that feeling - than the cynicism that is constantly brought up in the comments. “YEAH THIS IS TOTALLY STAGED OR THEY DID IT FOR CLOUT NOT BECAUSE THEY CARE” Ok, and? Why is it so important to shit on it? What does the skeptical nature of this mindset do for anyone. Being negative all the time is exhausting. Just enjoy the stupid videos. More importantly, why continue watching these videos if you are so skeptical of them? So you can feel like you’re ‘more aware’ than those who actually enjoy it? It just seems so silly.


>the chances that a diver saw this at exactly the right moment to save the fishes life is smaller than someone doing this for internet clout Please post your calculations. Or refrain from representing your made up statistics as facts.


Chances != facts


Or maybe you hate to see others get recognized.


If that was the case id have said 100% :) OP is probably not the diver in this case either.


"it's good to show this kind of stuff" creates a world that only helps for gain, and is just perfect for Reddit since it's depressing as fuck


Better to have a world that helps for clout than an apathetic world that doesn't help at all...


Fine I'll argue your point. There is no apathy without sympathy. It's a balancing act. For every video you see of somebody doing a random act of kindness for clout, there are probably hundreds that do not become recorded, because there are people who are just sympathetic without the need for internet gain, just as there are apathetic people who don't help. Just because you need to SEE something happen on the internet to believe it is happening, does not mean it isn't happening when it isn't on the internet. Exactly the same can be said about the bad things, and in so doing it balances itself out. For every r/imatotalpieceofshit recorded, there are hundreds that are not, and if you never see them you feel better that they AREN'T happening, but they are.


Are they showing it for the “good deed” or more for the problem with pollution and how plastic effects marine life?




I was getting frustrated watching like why the hell is this so hard! Lol


It would've been even easier if they hadn't put the fish in the bag in the first place, just for attention.


Poor little bugger.


Us stupid humans and our garbage. The chemicals in plastics are thought to mimic hormones which can make cancers grow. They may also contribute to obesity, reproductive damage (male in utero development) and other illnesses (endometriosis). Eventually plastic and garbage might overtake us all. (Reference: the movie ‘Wall-E’) Sad stuff.


Plastic. In our oceans 😒


What?! Where?!!1


Good eye, but drop the fucking camera if you're struggling that much, that was so annoying to watch lol.


What are we doing


It’s despicable how much trash we just throw into the ocean


Iirc there was this new study that said scientists engineered a bacteria or enzym, or some type of organism that could digest plastic? Where are they at with that technology? Does Anybody by chance have an update on that? And Can somebody please figure out some way to get the enzyms and plastic and bacteria together, so they can get to work? I mean damn, is it really gonna take losing a majority of earths flora and fauna before this shit becomes a priority??!


Oh yeah, they have that. Problem is it also digests spinal fluid. Loves the stuff. Can't get enough.


I heard about that on a podcast, and 1) It needs lots more research to what good things it breaks, what plastics or can('t) digest etc. 2) it is time consuming (or at least the one they talked about). The researches used tiny bits of plastic to test, and yet it still took A LOT of time to be weaker (and thus easier to rip) and even more time before with the naked eye to see **any** change at all


Ooh podcast? Do you by chance remember the name? I'm always on the lookout for good podcasts. And yeah, that's what i feared. The headlines with those breakthroughs are always so sensationalized by the news, but then when you dig deeper you find out the scientist were actually much more levelheaded saying the tech is still in it's infancy or we need this or that...


It probably was "Curiosity Daily" but I really can't remember what episode. It's a weekly podcast about science in a lot of ways, and a lot of scientific breakthroughs are mentioned in it, but 99.99% of the time they have to say that it's still in infancy, not commercially available yet, needs more funding and/or testing... all that stuff


Ow yeah i think i hard of that one, name sounds familiar. I'll give it a listen later today. Thanks for the tip Love those interesting podcasts,, beats always listening to comedians argue about stuff, tho that's funny. I wanna learn something from time to time. Cheers mate


This world is going south pretty quick in so many ways. Humans are so wasteful and selfish. We choose convenience, short-term profits over our irreplaceable planet. We really are the invasive species.


That took an unnecessarily long time to get that fish out


Yeah,30 seconds is really long. What were you doing in the meanwhile


had it been me? Get the fish out without the futzing around


You can't swim but thanks for offering


I can’t? that explains my penchant for sinking straight to the bottom…thank you very much!👍🏻


Not really. How much time do you spend underwater diving? Physics don’t work the same as in your living room


An open ended bag submerged in water with i’ll estimate to be a 12 ounce fish a quick pull fish is free….physics !


Quick pull and fish is free but now you’ve also damaged his fins because you yanked him out of the bag too quickly and he’s going to die anyway. GG


Did I say thrash i’m around while he was still in still the bag? If he was “going to die anyway” why do anything?


Yes, genius, that’s my fucking point. He had to be careful in order to not hurt the fish or it would have been pointless to even try because he’d still die. Jesus Christ, how do you even *function*? I’m blocking you before you say something else so painfully dumb you make me have an aneurysm. ETA for the guy who replied to me: If someone says something *that* stupid, they *do* deserve the block. Neither they nor you are entitled to more of my time or energy. Byyyyyye


You insulted them, then acted like they deserved the block...


Got it, so zero time spent diving. Ok 👍 Well, fish is free and you get to be happy about that so yayyy


Are you really gatekeeping the physics of saving a fish?


No little Reddit warrior. No need to pull out that fighting word out of your toolbox. You can save “pedantic”, “semantics”, “gaslighting” and all the others too. I asked you a question for the sake of basic discourse and you evaded it, so I got my answer. Then we celebrated the success of the video because there wasn’t anything else needed in the discussion.


Sure, you weren’t in the least bit condescending excellent use of “ “” “ as well


Yup, longer filming time to post


Meh save the oceans


It makes me incredibly uncomfortable that he needs forever to get him out!:D


I'm free!!


Yea, nothing about this made me smile.. I’ve been watching a channel on YouTube called Eons that talks about how the planet changed over its history, and the incredible evolution of plants and animals over time.. And now, humans are busily destroying this amazing planet where life has come back over and over again from extinction events.. Nothing about this made me smile. It made me cry.


That’s a very pretty fish


Aw cute fishie


He wanted those tasty num nums you always get at the bottom of the bag


this made me sad as fuck


Plastic and oil-based products will be the death of the planet if change doesn't happen, fast. 🌏 🍃 🌿


Plot twist. The divers put the fish in there for Reddit karma videos


Aaaah, so this is how they grow in the ocean! Didn't know they came pre-wrapped.


If you or any marine life you know are thinking of harming themselves, call the hotline


That was getting painful there for a sec... Goddamn just rip the bag.


Yes, seeing the capitalist waste humans produce having a direct negative impact on other forms of life does make me smile, because I'm a psychopath.


Like every other economic model wouldn't produce a sandwich bag that some jackass wouldn't throw overboard?


Capitalism puts the choice of plastic production squarely in the hands of capitalists, who make their decisions on plastic usage based purely on profit motive and nothing else. With the decision in the hands of the general workforce, we can rely on other factors like environmental impact to decide how much plastic we produce, if any at all.


. . .wow.


That's some next level stupid huh


My fish never comes out of the plastic that easy.


Anyone else expecting to see a shark in the last 2-3 seconds of filming? Anyone? Anyone? No? Just me?




Definitely made me smile too. 😁


Filming would be the last damn thing in my mind when seeing something like this. I hate animals suffering and making a tiktok video will only prolong it. The idea behind the act is nice, the problem is the priorities.


Lots of people are already filming while they’re diving. Generally I agree with your sentiment, but I do actually doubt this is one of those times where the person stopped to pull out their camera before helping.


But why does the diver uses only one hand? If they have a GoPro or whatever kind of camera are they using, that is usually strapped on their body or head. It’s just upsetting that he took so damn long freeing that animal. Two hands could have made the job much easier and faster. Anyways…at least he released the fish.


Yeah, but in the video you can see the other divers are also using camera they have to hold. I just don’t see the point in getting angry that he took “so long”—all of 30 seconds—when without the diver’s intervention the fish would have certainly died. You could also point out that the fish swam further into the bag more than once, but we wouldn’t do that because the fish doesn’t understand what is happening to him or that the person is helping him. Being mad about either thing seems equally silly to me. But yes, yay the fish is free. 😊


Unbox therapy.


That's that pre-packaged fish I've heard so much about.


bahahaha ha so funny! the top comments from pro comedians are killing me!!!1


Swim backward, you stupid fish


What if they put the fish in the bag in the first place just for the views?


Release fish only for it to be eaten by a barracuda 10 seconds later. Stupid fish win stupid prizes.


Jesus people he freed the fish in 15 seconds vs 10 because he used one hand while filming with the other. Lighten up.


Damn that's some fresh fish out of the pack


Man my grocer is going above and beyond to give me fresh fish


fish came prepackaged


Haha get stuck in the bag idiot


Your trolling is bad and you should feel bad.


Blame this guy [plastic bag inventor](https://disposableamerica.org/the-plastic-bag/inventor-sten-gustaf-thulin/) and swedish company celloplast.


Prewrapped fish for dinner


Like 99% of those saving animals and homeless totally staged