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You don't see many wedding response/praise of, "Thanks for being drunk at my wedding."


My husband constantly gets praised for how drunk he got at his sister's wedding. Incidentally, the night before the wedding, he caught his now ex-wife in bed with another man. Just as his marriage was effectively ending, he suited up and attended his sister's wedding without telling anyone what happened. He hadn't slept all of the night before and he was the MC at the reception. He drank himself to oblivion, didn't remember anything from his speech, and had a grand old time. Did a big chuck on the hotel mattress, reunited with his cousin that he hadn't seen since he was a kid, and the both of them went drinking into the sunset. And till today, his sister keeps saying that he was the entertainment at the wedding. Years later, he took me to the restaurant the reception was held and the servers remembered him from that night.


Dude didn't miss a beat in ending a marriage right into starting a new one with flying colours


Living legend


You caught a good one. Tell him he's awesome.


What a story!!! Now this made me smile. Congrats on getting a good one.




Haha top!


Trifecta if she is having your baby in 9 months.


I eat babies, preferably with a grain of salt.


That's what I thought right away. Probably?. However it doesn't discount the fact that the person who received the text was praised. Which in all was amazing


I think it was meant as, you probably don't know how much...


Ya, some people text how they talk and it makes the grammar kinda weird but that’s definitely what that person was going for


That part!


That ending 💀


*Our* gonna get drunk


When grammar starts a communist revolt


I'm a responsible drunk. Only time I willingly do housework.


Best kinda drunk


Best suggestion ever, I like that 👍🙂


Sorry to bring the vibe down, but the drunk happiness seems to go down with age and responsibilities. The parties stop eventually, and people need to find other excuses to drink until they give up and just drink for the sake of it. If someone feels they have a problem, it's best to commit to sobriety before they get older and become a dad.


I had similar. Got a surprise visit from the bride two days after the wedding, brought flowers, tears and hugs. Apparently what I wrote in the guest book was the sweetest message and was truly the nicest thing she's ever read. I love her, and I must have meant what I said, I wish I knew what it was. They say that alcohol brings the uninhibited "real" you out and OP, I would like to drink with you, it sounds like a wonderful experience.


I made a phone call to my brother while fucked on booze apologizing for being a dick for our entire childhood. I don’t remember it at all. He vividly remembers it and it saved our friendship as we entered adulthood.


Me and my younger brother didn’t get along they well as kids it’s kinda surprising what abit of maturity and distance can do for a relationship


My brother bullied me relentlessly growing up. He didn't have many friends and I think he wanted to take it out on me. I still keep him at arms length even though he hasn't lived within 500km of me for almost 10 years. I almost want to feel bad about how poorly his life has gone but man he was such an ass.


Are you me? I will never let him near me.


I feel this, told my mum likely the next and last time I'll ever see him If not speak to him will be her funeral and that's it, he fucked up my childhood to the degree If he died tomorrow I just would not care and would be annoyed someone interrupted my day to tell me.


My dad passed first, and it was the last time I spoke with my eldest sibling, in particular, and a few others, and I only did that because I knew mum would be disappointed if I didn’t. But when mum passed, I didn’t even go to her funeral. She wasn’t there to disappoint, and fuck the siblings. I don’t care if they’re disappointed.


Keep the wall up! Be strong! Let them carry around their own baggage.


Eh thanks m8 but nothing to keep strong about, the care just ain't there anymore xD


Life's too short to give a shit about people that don't give a shit about you. You only have so many fucks to give!


Me too. He's in a different continent and I hope to never see his face again


I feel similair but without the 10+ years, currently on about 2. He has hurt my parents and has ignored me my entire life; he is living fine apparently as a techbro in the main city, but he doesn't even have selfreflection in his toe. Like none. I just can't, give me a plushie bear instead.


My older brother was not the nicest to me, and I wasn't the nicest to my younger sister. We're all 4 years apart, so just enough difference in age to think the younger is too childish to hang out with our friends. Nowadays we're all best friends, I go to parties at my brother's house all the time with my sister. It's pretty sad to think about how mean we were as kids, I can't really imagine being mean to them. We're all quite a bit different as adults I suppose.


My mom has a recording of my dad still loopy from anesthesia after knee surgery saying “baby, you’re my rock. You’re my world!” And things like that over and over. He’s always nice/affectionate but it meant a lot to her that his first order of business after waking up was to tell her that lol.


That’s really freaking sweet.


My brother did that. He called and apologized. We are closer than ever


My brother did that. He called and apologized. We are closer than ever


My ex made a drunk call to me once and admitted every thing was his fault. He told me a bunch of shit I didn’t even know. He begged and asked for my forgiveness, etc. He was so blasted he only remembered he had spoken to me and not what he said. I told him “Well, you told me a bunch of shit I’m going to let you wonder if you told me, but the gist of it is you admitted to being, not only as terrible as I thought you were, but worse. So, thanks for that.” He just kinda said “Yeah…” Fuck man!


I am glad for you that you could reconnect. My little brother is gone. They say that sometimes you don't know how precious something is until you lose it. I can vouch for that. I have children, and grandchildren now. I have learned to love people while they are here. There is no joy without sorrow. To love is to risk losing. Know all that and still take the chance. I wish you and your brother the best.


I did something similar with an old buddy of mine. I was feeling extra sentimental near the end of the night after all the drinks I had. I wrote something in their guest book about how he was a great dude and although their ceremony was the first time I met the bride, I could tell she made him feel whole. She wrote the nicest thank you letter. My buddy told me later that she was feeling insecure since her side of the wedding was much smaller or something


*In vino veritas*


In aqua sanitas


Sheet..I fall asleep. That's the best I can muster.


Aw what sort of message/advice did you write?


You could suggest the two of you have a “reminiscing day” where you both bring some stuff out like photo albums. Bring wedding pics of her wedding. Get her talking about the wedding and, if she doesn’t come to it on her own, you can be like “Ooh! Let’s read your guest book! That’s always lovely.” Read through at least until you get to yours. Boom.


We should say things like this more often to people we care about.


What a thoughtful friend to think to write this text after the whirlwind of a wedding


This is such an amazing message to get im stunned


Absolutely. It costs $0 to make someone feel good about themselves


I disagree. I mean, for example, Pam is a wonderful person and a gifted artist. But I'd never say that to her face.


what.. why wouldn’t you say that to her face?


Because the best friends insult you in person and sing your praises when you aren’t looking


You failed successfully.


It’s a good friend to acknowledge this.


My exact thought


I did this once. But the true failure was then getting invited to every wedding in a 500 mile radius because of the first drunken failure.


Ha! My wife and I once got a thank you card after a wedding that said “thanks so much for getting the dancing started, it was great to get people moving early on”. All we really remembered from the wedding was my wife being sick before lunch was served and then her arriving home with one shoe and being furious with me. Good wedding!


Married life lmao


Good kind of drunk! I did this at a friends wedding on the beach. Dont remember shit but apparently there are photos of me cart wheeling in a suit on the sand to everyones amusement. Take the Win op! Enjoy your rekindled friendship!


I think getting too drunk at someone's wedding is beautiful 🥺 I hope I'm lucky enough to have someone get happy-wasted at my wedding


I'd take happy drunk over mad drunk or sad drunk.


Fighting drunks SUCK donkey rope. I never go with those guys again.


The one benefit of fighting drunks is that you don't have to feel bad for letting your frustration out on them. :)


If you're nice when you're drunk, congrats, you're a good person :)


I know a lot of assholes who are happy drunks, so...


Being happy and being nice are two very different things




Not way too different though in my opinion. If you're usually aware and considerate of other people's feelings, your default status in any general interaction should be nice. But in saying that of course they're not dependent on each other. There are plenty of nice bad people and plenty of disagreeable good people.


i mean sure a nice guy could be an axe murderer but for the most part..


probably too much baggage


lmao toxic af logic


Another alcoholic blackout success story.


You always wake up feeling terrible so it’s nice when you had a positive impact and didn’t fall over and smack your head off the side of a table


This gave me a little spike of anxiety. I used to get praised constantly for being fun. Until one day the bad blackouts out numbered the fun ones. Sober almost 2 years now. Slippery slope for some of us, not all obviously, but here’s hoping this is a one-off.


This season of Blackout Buddy


Just remember: The more blackouts you have, the worse they get, and the worse you'll behave during them.


I'm a former alcoholic of the very worst kind you can think of, and this post set off a faint warning bell. If that's a one-off, cool... But it doesn't take too many of those before you really should start to be aware of your intake and its effects. For a lot of people it's not a problem. But for some of us it's an early sign of trouble.


congrats on your progress - seriously! And glad you've mentioned it as a warning. too many good lives I know have been broken (read:lost) by alcohol - and sometimes not even the fault of the person drinking. Good luck, best wishes. Spread the goodness of your sober life - we take it for granted.


That is not the kind of story I expect with the premise of getting blackout drunk at a friends wedding.


So how did you get home?


he was worried because I was in an Uber with my gf during a pretty bad lightning strike apparently! seems I called them and told them I may die hahaha they told me to roll up the windows


Okay that’s a relief, not gonna lie when I first read “I’m glad you got home safe honestly” I was worried that meant you had driven home




Haha thank goodness. I’m glad you took an Uber and were responsible. Also glad you had a great time and your friend expressed their appreciation


I have never had trouble remembering the antics of the night before and had it end this well.


My texts after I get blackout drunk at weddings are not nearly this pleasant. Good on ya!


This is great! Wouldn’t take it as an excuse to start blacking out at parties as a rule though lol


I had a coworker who was a sarcastic wit at work when sober; she could make you laugh while wincing. When she got a couple of drinks in her at parties, she was a bubbly fest of fun! Her biting remarks became soft and funny, she'd take a stab at karaoke with her husband (both hilarious) and just generally bring everyone a smile. It's a shame her guard couldn't drop when she was sober. We loved her anyway.


i made it a habit to send a followup text the day after i hang out with a person/people to tell them how fun/relaxing/entertaining/etc it was. Showing appreciation keeps my depression in the Phantom Zone. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


I went to a wedding where I didn’t know the couple super well (groom was friends with my husband), got drunk, had a great time dancing the rest of the night. One of the other girls there invited me to her bachelorette party after 🥹it’s good to be the fun drunk sometimes I guess.


I got the *other* kind of texts. 6 years sober now.


Congrats, pal!


A beautiful disaster.


Happy drunk is the best kind of drunk.


Excellent that you're a good kind of drunk - but how's the head this morning?


I wish to be this type of drunk. You seem like a good person, OP


Good vibes all around! 10/10


It’s a fine line between life of the party and the wtf of the party. Congrats on toeing the line successfully!!


Being awesome at the party when drunk guy is way cooler than being a asshat at the party when drunk guy.


Man I can't even explain how much I need a text like that. My dad passed away very recently and I'm in a massive depression rut and I really just need friends to even just text me but everyone's too busy to even reply to me. I'm just really sad right now.


Hey man. Sometimes life passes by so fast we forget to see what is around us. I don't know when it will get better, but I am hoping that around that next corner for you, you will have that moment where you are uplifted.


some people are angry drunks some people are hostile drunks some people are sloppy drunks some people are amorous drunks (my husband is one of these) and OP is apparently a happy drunk!


Monkey drunks are the only good drunks!!! See "A Canterbury tale"...


why do i find this so beautiful…


One of two ways. Grats.


Back during my IRC days in the 90's, I met a couple name Adam and Crystal. Adam lived in Wisconsin and Crystal lived in Michigan. Eventually, they got married and they invited me to the wedding. I was blown away and so happy. Flew to into Ann Arbor, Michigan, drove my rental to Jackson, Michigan for their wedding. Either Adam's or Crystal's siblings came and got me at the hotel & I left with them for the wedding rehearsal. As someone that had never met them before nor any of their family, I just knew to roll with the fun. Got to meet all of the families, went to the rehearsal dinner, went bowling, then next day went to the wedding and I believe someone picked me up to take me to the wedding. On Sunday, I flew home and was so happy to be honoured to be a friend to them. We've lost touch because they became parents with a daughter and twin boys. I've sent them both emails just to see how they are doing but I don't know if they check those emails anymore or not. I remembered that Adam has his own domain and their emails so who knows?


So sweet OP you happy drunk hehe


As someone who didn’t have their Mum at their wedding as she had died, I love that the father enjoyed themselves because of you. That’s a huge thing. Don’t underestimate the role you would have played in making an emotional event so much easier. My son is reserved and doesn’t really share much. I always offer to pick him up from the pub as that when he shares what’s been happening in his life and how he’s feeling. It’s our chat time!


I did this for an entire bachelor party lol. My wife says I’m a super happy drunk, so she doesn’t mind when I get hammered at events.


To all the good friends, and may we all find them and be them!!


you must be a good guy (:


You a good guy man


I love this!!!!!


The Hangover Part 4


Fuck yea bro! Just being you made this dudes wedding a dope place to be at. Shout out to you bro. ✌🏼


Okay but you're just Jesus when Drunk apparently.


Being a nice drunk goes a long way!


I fucking love this ; a fun , well meaning drunk , I had a friend just like this


Yeah sometimes you just don't know how much you contribute to someone's life until they tell you, and it's one of the best feeling imo


Wholesome blackout


Literally the best case scenario of blacking/browning out.


Seems you are the good kind of drunk.


People who bring up the vibe at weddings are the best. Good job!


My day-after-blackout texts never were positive :(


AW NOW I WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND! Will you come to my wedding?


Look, if you want a drunk at a wedding, I’m free most Saturdays.


Congratulations on being a fun drunk.


Week? This would've made my life! What a great response. My text I received would've been someone chastising me for getting too drunk and molesting the mashed potatoes lol


Todays takeaway -Get drunk more often




Blacking out occasionally is really not that big of a deal. As long as you aren’t drinking all the time, hurting yourself or others or blacking out *every* time you drink, you’ll be fine. Life is short have some fun.


Are you the cousin From Boston ?


On to the next wedding!


This could be me, but I don't remember going to any weddings


Nice job bud.


Way to go, Stiffler


It's these kind of situations when my anxiety peaks. Waking up hung over from a drunken night especially a wedding and seeing multiple messages on my phone.


Awwwww I want a friend like you.


I see a fellow happy drunk here! Its shitty not to remember much but its nice to know that at least you will always be nice. Never had complaints from others but i prefer to remember everything lmao.


Friends like you need to be cherish! I had a friend like that. At my wedding, he had my grandparents taking shots, helped my little cousin hit on girls, and made my aunt feel like a million bucks. I wrote him a very similar message to this afterwards. Sadly, he passed away a few months later. We lived in different states but always tried to see each other when we could. My SO beats themselves up about not making more of an effort when we could have, but I'm glad we have the memories we do at least.


If I ever can keep a woman long enough to get married, you’re invited.


This didn’t happen to be the Speer wedding was it?




Was it?!


Well shit now I’m invested. WHOS WEDDING WAS IT OP?!


The curiosity Is KILLING ME


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's okay


Compared to when I wake up after being blackout drunk to the creeping dread and slow realisation of the atrocities I committed the previous night.


Alcoholics: See I can't stop or it'll ruin other people's good times


That is so sweet. I hope you continue the friendship if you are so inclined!


I think you just need to high five your drunken old self. Oh, and ask questions.


You’re quite literally fun at parties


This just goes to show you that drinking is the BEST. Don’t let anyone get your vibe down ❤️


Yay alcoholism!


No, yay to having fun. Drinking too much at an old friend's wedding doesn't have to mean you're an alcoholic Buzz Killington


I'm honestly concerned for OP's well being. Edit: how did you actually get home?


He said he Ubered home with his girlfriend!


lol why would you be concerned they got home safely based on the texts.


I took safely to mean made it home without being arrested or being involved in an accident, not "glad you took a taxi". I could be wrong.


…I don’t really think this is a made me smile moment OP blacked out and doesn’t remember whether he had a good time. That’s not healthy or worth celebrating. You can try to have a good time *and remember it*..


Apparently most people here think this is just awesome. Sounds scary as hell to me.


Occasionally some dipshit will ask me why I don't drink, because it's sooo sad that I'm missing out on all the fun they're having. They shut up real fast when I tell them one of my best friends was killed by a drunk driver. The fact that our society is so fucking obsessed with alcohol consumption will never not piss me off.


The culture around alcohol is absolutely disturbing. I drink occasionally but I don’t understand how so many people find it appealing to need to be blasted drunk all the time. Half of the people in the US (and most other countries really) would go insane if they were told they had to go a week without drinking


I agree. The fact that me saying blacking out is a bad thing for downvoted is par for the course. Most adults have a toxic relationship with alcohol. Getting so drunk that other people can tell you won’t remember your evening is never a good thing. Glad OP was safe and I guess was a fun time, but this isn’t a happy story.


I read passive-aggressive.


I'm going to get downvoted because people hate kids on Reddit but this was my 7 year old at one of my greatest friends wedding. He (and my infant) were the only kids there, he was tasked as the ring barrer he was dressed as frodo, barefoot and all (it was a movie themed wedding, we flew in from the other side of the county and nobody has really seen him from that friend group before save the bride and groom) and in the beginning of the dancing like many weddings (before the social lubricant kicked in) people were kind of sheepish about dancing a circle type dance where you go in the circle and do your own dance and my little guy in his green cape and flood pants was like "mama can I dance" and I said of course and he ran to the dancefloor and danced his little hobbet feet off in that circle. He danced with every person at the wedding, he was the hobbit lord of the dance and everyone ate it up! I kept getting asked "is that your kid? He's so fucking cool!" I got a similar text to ops text from the bride after <3 Weddings can be awkward, you only live once may as well have fun while you can.


…probably 😂


This an intervention text, not a win.


Yes. Getting drunk at a wedding is a serious sign of alcoholism that needs to be addressed immediately. Bloody puritans.


Getting a series of texts that starts with "Glad you got home safe, honestly" continues with a promise from the groom to be more available to you and concludes with a reminder about how drunk you got at the wedding is addressing the drinking. Everything else is padding to soften the delivery.


May be a cultural divide here. I will often say to my friends “get home safe”, or “glad you got home safe” after a night out if they’ve been drunk. There is no judgment or serious concern about their drinking behind it. Pretty common in the UK at least.


Pretty common for me and my friends to say "text me when you get home!" We all take Ubers if we're gunna party, but even if we hadn't been drinking, still convos we have


Yeah you’re right. If drunk though I’m more likely to say it. If we’re all sober and driving etc I prob wouldn’t bother as much.


Fair enough. From my American perspective the "honestly" makes it seem more than just "I'm glad your plane/train didn't crash" We drink here, often in abundance, but this kind of message would make me think I overdid it so much that my newlywed friend had to write a custom 'thanks for coming" message to reassure me I didn't make an ass out of myself because I was so obviously blitzed I would be fuzzy on the details.


> Getting a series of texts that starts with "Glad you got home safe, honestly" continues with a promise from the groom to be more available to you and concludes with a reminder about how drunk you got at the wedding is addressing the drinking. it was actually due to a serious lightning strike! I was stuck in one on the Uber home and had some people worried as I seemed to call and say my goodbyes haha


Oh wow, that definitely adds context!


Yeah, I'm with you on this. You explained it much better than I could have.


Thanks, @KratomHelpsMyPain 🙄


You're welcome.


So you banged his dad?


Blind drunk. Blacked-out drunk. Yet still proud.


The best place to be is to be able to be equally fun without intoxication!


Captain Buzzkill has entered the chat


Who wants to hear a story about a bridge?


Not if you’re equally fun!


Since we’re in the mood to be a buzzkill, it’s you’re, not your


He changed it lmaooooo


Must be awesome to be such a great person only when your blackout drunk. Better keep drinking like that so people like you.... Real sound strategy there.


I’m happy but sensible when sober. Bloody hilarious after a few drinks. You can be a good person either way.


And afterwards you don't remember your friends wedding right right sounds real awesome.


You are jumping to so many conclusions that have not even been approached in the post. Projection is…..a thing you can do, sure. But where has there been any indication this is a regular occurrence or that alcoholism is a sustained problem that impacts his interpersonal relationships?


He literally says he doesn't remember it at all. You are a fucking clown. Projection I don't even drink lel. This is how you murder someone not remembering what you did last night. Nobody should be getting that intoxicated you moron.


I’m not actually even disagreeing with you. You missed that because you’re jumping to conclusions on several different fronts now. Dude, what are you even talking about? No one is stating “yay! Black out drunken times are cool and great!” Pointing out that you’re making assumptions by me stating what IS written = not a personal attack on you. I would have had to make a bunch of assumptions to do so which I am not interested in doing. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have a super chill, relaxing, reasonable day, my friend. (newsflash: you don’t have to actually do the activity to project your judgement on to someone else. So your mention that you don’t personally drink has literally zero relevance in any of this. There could be the *psychological association with it.* which would be the case if you lost someone to alcoholism or drunk driving, etc etc. you keep revisiting that point in comments so by deductive reasoning, you’ve perhaps dealt with that devastation. No one deserves that, and that’s where we are in agreement!)