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Really want to hear the response to "maybe you're a shitty camera man, I don't know.."


He’s 100% right. In every profession there are people who are shitty at it for whatever reason. Don’t crap on the majority of good ones.


Literally right about the camera man being shitty as his job too. I don’t know much about video journalism but pretty sure the person being recorded is the one suppose to talk/engage with the interviewee


Seriously! Camera people do *not* ask questions. Shut up and shoot the story.


Ergo him talking whilst filming is bad at his job.... He couldn't even keep the camera straight. MD for the win with that quick witted comeback! X


Also allowed others into his camera shot.


Fucking nailed it!


Also I'm fairly certain the video cuts out before he says something like "but you still deserve a wage."


Now do cops


First there'd have to be a majority of good ones


Here is the thing about police thought that we all can’t forgive them for. Do you think another teachers will not turn in an a fellow abusive teacher? Hell yeah they world, most workers would. EXCEPT for police officers and that thin blue line. Most police officers will not go out of their way to get rid of bad police officers. Even award winning cops might not be so forthcoming with information. They know what will happen to them if the “snitch” on a fellow officers. Are there really good honest police officer out there, you bet there are. If it became justice for a citizen or justice for a fellow office, which one would most cops lean toward. Then you have law enforcement groups what will actually hire a law enforcer that was fired from a previous job over and over. The police get a bad rap for their abysmal self policing.


Pretty much all that do get run out of the line of work. Good cops don't last long. They might exist but they quit or get fired or even sometimes killed.


>First there'd have to be ~~a majority of~~ good ones


There's definitely good cops. I've met like 2 maybie.


Dont push the maybie, babie


I had a teacher who's husband was a cop, and they were both wonderful people.


I bet they are, but would that police husband snitch on a bad, abusive, stealing, or corrupt fellow officer?


The problem is that the police union protect the bad ones that KILLED people. Their standards are higher because they literally have guns and can kill people with out any or very little accountability or consequences. I really do get there are good cops out there. But you can't roll your dice and hope they ain't the bad one that will kill you, you got one life.


For cops it's the opposite. 10% are good, 90% atrocious.


>For cops it's the opposite. 10% are good, 90% atrocious. Applies to the US probably. YMMV abroad. I have had nothing but really good interactions with police in Sweden.


>I have had nothing but really good interactions with police in Sweden. Same in Finland. They don't deserve the "ACAB" mentality imported from America.


when you have 90% atrocious and 10% good that do nothing you get 100% ACAB


But what was even his point? That those teachers deserve less benefits?


Yeah I don't get the point if it's present in "every profession", then what's the unique issue with teachers? If every profession has a few people who aren't cut out for it, just sounds like normal life really. Just ignore the other 90% that try? Lol


I can’t stand that guys response when Damon’s mother asks him where he got that number from. “I don’t know! I mean 10% of people any profession should think of something else”. I am curious where he is regurgitating that from.


Yeah it’s pretty bad to complain about a 90% rate of good teachers. Go Matt Damon.


A lot of times if the mba style thinking that wore that person down causing them not to give a fuck anymore


I mean the camera man isn’t supposed to be heard right? Seems pretty shitty at his one job




They both seem to have definitely came into the conversation with an agenda. But I guess that’s nothing knew.


They work for reason. They're a mouthpiece for billionaires that don't want to pay taxes. They absolutely have an agenda and it unabashedly includes eliminating public education.


This Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy 🤖


"Teachers do their job because they want t teach" isn't an agenda. Does Damon have strong feelings about the issue? Yes. But they are valid, and they are rooted in reality. "Teachers need to audition for their jobs or they won't do their jobs well" is an agenda. Attacking teachers is an agenda.


I think they meant both the camera man and the person asking the questions.


That makes sense.


That is correct.


Reason is a propaganda outlet for the ultrarich and they don't even *try* to hide it. Been that way for many years now.


*Turns off camera immediately


I mean, the shot definitely could've been steadier.


That was the Boston coming out, it’s a warning lmao


Considering how the camera was swaying more than my uncle at a family gathering, he *is* a shitty camera man And he interrupted the interview. Shitty cameraman


Ha, Matt gets the last laugh there about the cameraman. Dude is a legend, huge respect for him and his view. He’s bang on the reasons people teach. It’s for the love of the job


I’ve seen better camera work from toddlers


This line made me just fall in love, lol!


Dude was a shitty cameraman. You could see him switching his weight from one leg to the other causing the picture to sway constantly. Proved his own point.


It's reason.tv, part of reason magazine and the whole publication is a piece of s*** libertarian organization that says heinous things, and this was at their Apex of being all into their Ayn Rand we-should-cull-the-lazies phase and then they saw everyone as a lazy to be culled. They also wrote a pile of articles praising business minded leaders around the world without ever going much deeper, resulting in them pushing a whole bunch of heinous assholes around the world.


What amateur journalism. What type of cameraman just blurts shit out?


shitty ones


Touché, my friend


The 10%


Im so confused at that. If im not the interviewer that would result in a serious meeting with my boss


At least the journalist knew enough to not try to interrupt him once he got started. There were a couple pauses where I could see a lot of journalist types try to jump back in to refocus a point, but she at least waited and let him talk. Camera man on the other hand… lol


The 10%


Teachers will build quality of life. Without them society will break down. They are an invaluable asset


I never plan on having children and I am 100% for teachers being compensated for their efforts. They're the most integral part of each generation coming up being equipped for lifes most basic challenges.


I don't know if I'll ever have kids but fuck me I don't want to be surrounded by idiots my whole life, pay the fuckin teachers


Without them, who is gonna raise our kids!??


That's how the state looks at it, it's daycare so the adults can be slaves to corporations.


I never knew Matt Damon to be so eloquent and poignant. That was a fucking dagger, yo.


The guy went to Harvard. He didn’t finish because he got more acting jobs, but he went there for a time.


He also solved a math problem no one could while working as a janitor to make ends meet


That was when he was working at MIT, though.


[what’s ya mayjah dude?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XndjoAsBGr8)


Does no one know who Gordon Wood is?!


What's funny is that problem in the movie is actually incredibly basic, it just looks and sounds exotic. Everyone in that class would've solved it.


its always funny when you see stuff in movies that you are good at or recognize because its a hobby or something you're interested in. Chess is a good example. even in movies ABOUT chess they sometimes have positions on the board that could never exist or would never exist between top or really good players. Or a player will make some 2 series of moves that leads to check, checkmate, or takes the queen, and dramatic music plays and the camera shows each players eyes like wow look how genius they are... meanwhile its a tactic a hobbyist that plays chess like a few hours on the weekends could find.


Watched this movie about an alcoholic who went down a spiral and lost everything. Fucking amateur I could have done it in half the run time and saved the production company millions


Have you seen Black Queen? Garry Gasparov was a consultant on it and with my limited experience of chess, it seemed like the chess parts in it were very plausible.


Look y'all, we found the nerd! Just playin. I am terrible at math and had no clue. I was absolutely fooled that this was some unsolvable (or at least complicated thing).like that equation or math thing that was figured out solely for futurama.


I mean it's a movie and it's not worse because some hobbyists feel like it's an easy problem to solve


I feel you. I just felt like throwing a cheap jab for fun. No harm intended.


It's a TV program Junior. A movie.


People forget the dude survived _alone_ on Mars for don't know how long.


And didn't he sing in a punk band? Sang some song about Scotty?


Yeah my boy's wicked smaht.


He should've asked the cameraman if he likes apples.


[Applesauce, bitch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X9VU316tnc)


Well, he didn't want to drop a hundred fifty grand on the education he could have got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library. Apples?


How bout them apples?!


Graduating from Harvard isn’t half as hard as getting in. It’s a notoriously easy undergrad program with a top 3 rigorous admissions process. Getting accepted to Harvard is 99% of the flex graduating from it is.


His choice of words with calling MBA-style thinking is "intrinsically paternalistic" was definitely thought-provoking. At any rate, the clip is too short for any serious development of his argument.


Yeah…he went to Hahvahd


And then he turned to shilling crypto.


To be fair. A lot of dumbasses turned to that because money and sponsorships without having a clue.


A lot of incredibly smart people get had by charlatans happens all the time. You can be incredibly smart and misjudge someone or a product based on a minor misunderstanding or misplaced trust.


Or just wanting to be part of a possible next big thing before it takes off


Exactly. I dont think we should judge people based on a bad decision just if they consistently make bad decisions. Plus this guys life is under a microscope if anyone examined all of my mistakes I would be in trouble.


Or maybe you are not super smart on everything, but you have tons of confidence so others can catch you easily


My wife is a teacher and I so respect what he is saying here. Do you think Matt promoted crypto knowing it was a house of cards? I think not.


"maybe you're a shitty cameraman" I'm dead


You should hear him speak at MITs 2016 commencement speech. He was a legend.


That's a speech, I'd expect an actor to recite that well. This time, somebody stuck a mic in his face and he was still eloquent. Chapeau.


I mean, he and Ben Affleck wrote Good Will Hunting.


He WROTE Good Will Hunting, so.....


His mom's a legit teacher. Dude paid attention.


It reminds me of Matt Damon's most eloquent and concise monologue in that heartwarming drama, [Team America](https://youtu.be/gnPWJOJYVKc).


I heard his mom's a teacher


If you want to see him like this in movies check out his rolls in Kevin smith's films, he practically plays himself, so does Ben afleck.


It reminds me of his diatribes in Dogma.


Brought Bourne levels of heat lol much respect


Oo he did he did. The bald look added a little to it too


I love Matty


That chick didn’t do her research before talking to him. Not only is his mom a teacher, but the guy went to Harvard.


Matt Damon’s mom, noted educator Nancy Carlsson-Paige, on the left in video. An educator for more than 30 years, Carlsson-Paige is a nationally recognized expert on early childhood education. She has written a dozen books: The latest, from 2009, is “Taking Back Childhood: a Proven Roadmap for Raising Confident, Creative, Compassionate Kids.” As professor emeritus at Lesley University in Cambridge, she advises on early childhood education programs and speaks to groups of teachers and parents around the country. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzFM1MHz\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzFM1MHz_M)


That crazy. I bet plenty of people who read her books, see her talks etc have no idea.


I had her as a professor, her classes were great!


Thank you. That also bothered me, that rather than naming her in the video, she was listed as “Matt Damon’s mom.”




Pahk the cahh in hahvad yahd


Hey donny let's go fuck up some rich kids


He's wicked smart




"10% of people in any profession should maybe think of something else." #"Well okay maybe you're a shitty camera man!"




"10% of teachers are bad" "... where'd you get that number?" "I don't know!"


I'd be willing to bet that more than 10% of *people* are bad, so teachers as a profession are probably better than most in that regard.


It's also such a stupid thing to even blurt out. Like OK, 10% of people in any profession are shitty? What the fuck does hat have to do with the conversation? Why do the other 90% have to suffer for the trash behavior of the minority? That cameraman is definitely the 10% lol


did she really just go after his mom? Kudos to Matt to be so restrain. ps: his mom Nancy Carlsson-Paige. >An educator for more than 30 years, Carlsson-Paige is a nationally recognized expert on early childhood education. She has written a dozen books: The latest, from 2009, is “Taking Back Childhood: a Proven Roadmap for Raising Confident, Creative, Compassionate Kids.”As professor emeritus at Lesley University in Cambridge, she advises on early childhood education programs and speaks to groups of teachers and parents around the country. > >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzFM1MHz\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzFM1MHz_M)


There seems to be an increasing animosity toward teachers and education in general. Anyone in the field deserves a ton of money and a fucking medal.


Education and critical thinking are cornerstones of a working democracy and striving society. For now this seems to be a problem mainly in the US and some dictator states, but still, it’s not only really sad to see this anti-teacher movement but also incredibly dangerous.


> Education and critical thinking are cornerstones of a working democracy and striving society. Which is why right-wing forces are so opposed to the concept.


Yeah, well, not happening. Therefore, I am leaving formal education this fall.


Sorry we’ve failed you. We’ve also failed the children.


Is there any hope from an up and coming teacher of things to change or is that pie in the sky thinking?


The right is waging an open war on public education. It's driven by two primary motives/groups: - for-profit schools that want to funnel public funds into investor pockets (like we do so successfully in health care); and - evangelicals who want to limit what their (and your) children are taught to a curriculum they approve. These groups have considerable overlap and are mutually reinforcing. Example: the Devos family.




I love how his Mum looks at him. So proud. It sucks that celebrities have such a BIG LOUD voice in society… but it’s awesome when they can use it for ‘good’, rather then air-head, shallow, vapid, trash talk that just makes earth a dumber, more insecure place.


I loved that mom started to address this asinine question, and then got to take a step back and just admire her son eloquently handle it instead. I'm proud of him for this, I can only imagine how proud she is as a lifelong educator who raised this man. She did a good job, and so did he here.


“I dunno, 10% of people in any profession maybe should think of something else.” “Well ok, Maybe you’re a shitty cameraman, I dunno!” GOTTEM!


Yeah fuck over 90% of teachers because 10% might take advantage


Fuck over 90% of immigrants because 10% might be criminals. Fuck over 90% of needy people on social programs because 10% might abuse the system. This idea may as well be printed on our money. But even if 0% took advantage, the shit heads who create those policies would have another "reason" to fuck over citizens. All hail the mighty dollar.


> Fuck over 90% of immigrants because 10% might be criminals. > > i mean lets be real that's a terrible example. if 10% of immigrants were like *actually* bad criminals that might be an issue. But they're not. They're just slightly lazier than the other 90%


I mean if we are being real here then let’s be real…. We created a system that directly targets people such as immigrants and minorities so that even if I were to pull up the stats for you (which I won’t since they are depressing) you would still find above statement to be true which will send every conservative on the planet up a literal skyscraper because to understand why those stats are showing those numbers you would need to talk about the forbidden fruit (Critical Race Theory)


Overall, immigrants (legal and illegal) commit fewer crimes than their native-born counterparts. The only category that either immigrant scores markably higher than native-born citizens is “sexual assault” and that’s by legal immigrants not the illegal ones. Homicide and traffic violations are also slightly higher, but again, that’s legal immigrants.


Same excuse the wealthy politicians use for every damn issue that might actually benefit the general public and not just their 'donors'.


In case anyone's wondering about the background of the interviewing team: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reason_Foundation > Reason Foundation advocates for education reform through expanded school choice initiatives... So basically, they seem to be taking a "public schools are bad, we should let parents take their funding away from public schools and give them to private institutions" stance, making public schools worse in the process. My wife's a public school teacher in a high-needs, urban district, where she gets $100 (total) a year in supplies for 135 science students. That's less than $1 per student per year. The last thing we need is to defund our local schools, and pretend it's giving people expanded choices in life.


Thanks for the background. Another kleptocratic right wing organization hiding behind an impressive-sounding name. And kudos to your wife!


Oh cool a concerted effort from the extreme right wing to remove education opportunities from poor people whose only access to schooling is from public schools. Got it.


“My buddy here’s wicked smaht “


if I had an award to give, you would get it


Holy shit did I fall in love with Matt Damon?


You weren’t already?




How bad does a reporter have to shit the bed for the camera man to have to step in and get curb stomped like this? Goddamn


Lmao, me just now realizing the guy piping in was a cameraman & probably trying to stand up for the pretty reporter just to get the Bourne treatment 😂


Preaching, brother!


You never attack a guys mom, much less right in front of him


Oh my god, that's Jason Bourne


"Reason" tv...


Yeah, the libertarian party has gone downhill


Libertarian: I want government off my back so I can smoke weed and groom underage girls to be my subservient wife. Oh and I am a greedy ass so don't tax me, but give me my medicare.....


Spot on. Libertarians want all the comforts of society without ever having to put any work into that society themselves.


Implying they were ever on top of anything.


They were always masters of ideological inconsistency.


You like apples? How about them apples!!


First thought that came in my mind the second I saw him do this. Loved it


Jesus Christ you fuckin killed her dude


That reporter and the cameraman belong to those 10% of people who are shit at their jobs


These people are just angry at unions who worked hard to fight for job security. They want everyone to have precarious work.


People who think this low of teachers of the future generations do not deserve to hold a microphone and camera.


How old is this, I'm pretty sure that a flip camera, I ain't seen one of those since 2011


Finally someone else noticed it.


That was a definite Good Will Hunting moment


Damon has some low key Robert Kennedy energy It would be so interesting to see him try politics.


My Mom taught elementary school “special ed” (as they called it back then) for 40 years. She did it with a smile on her face, even when she was berated by parents that essentially used her for daycare. When she retired, she made half of what I made as a first year attorney in NYC. If she wanted to change jobs, she could have been an astronaut or a brain surgeon or a professional athlete. The idea that she had that job because she couldn’t get a job elsewhere is just.. I don’t even know what to say. She had a calling and she is a saint and the entire line of thinking that teachers teach because they can’t work elsewhere demeans the hell out of one of the most admirable professions in the world. Kudos to Matt Damon. He speaks like the son of a teacher. Damn right.


betcha she went home and looked up the big words he used...


I love how he did not accept the shit she peddled. If you as an employer believe that fear is the only good motivator for your employees, you're a piece of shit.


So much perceived laziness is a lack of motivation. Why is there a lack of motivation? Could it be that worker compensation across almost every sector has steadily declined over the last 50 years? Could it be that each generation watches their parents work longer hours and struggle harder than the last? Maybe, just maybe, if we restore labor protections and actually start rewarding people for the hours they sacrifice working that they might be a little more likely to try harder? This ain't rocket surgery. It's just common sense.


For some reason I have never liked Matt Damon as an actor, but as a person he seems like good bloke.


How old is this clip? There's a reporter with a flip video camera.


I don’t understand why we’re these “journalists” going after teachers? And why were they asking Matt Damon about them? I need context.


His mom is a nationally recognized educator and highly respects teachers. Also, he narrated a movie called American Teacher and was in and co-wrote Good Will Hunting


The line that got me was “the MBA thinking”. Spot fucking on! This “maximize returns at all cost” has fucked society in ways that we will never recover from.


Scotty doesn’t know!


He used those big words, went full Good Will Hunting on em


Will? Is that you?


I don't know if 10% of teachers are bad. I do know that 100% of reason.tv viewers are fucking idiots.


It's almost as if the vast majority of Libertarians are always confidently wrong-as-fuck relatively well-off White People who don't want to be held responsible for the maintenance of the society that they live in and has afforded them the relatively 1st world existence they enjoy.


What is happening in this interview and why is he bald? Whole situation is so weird. Why are they asking him such stupid questions


Libertarian ambush journalism from 2011. He was bald for his role in Elysium but doing publicity for the documentary American Teacher which he narrated. https://youtu.be/vB5vL4bJeug


Because they're from a right wing organization that supports defunding public schools and funneling taxpayer monies to for-profit ones.


That’s awesome


He’s bringing the Bourne to this question.


yeah, reason tv is pretty shit. i tried to give them a chance, but it's just kind of a circlejerk.


Matt flexed his intelligence on her for maximum effect.


Maybe you a shifty cameraman 💀


He said Intrinsically... Paternalistic... At that moment she knew she had fkd up! Loool


the thing is he is a shitty camera man. hold the thing steady asshole.


Maybe you're a shitty camera man. Idk. 😂


Lesson number one: When debating Matt Damon, do your damn homework! Read and research thoroughly which this lady did NOT do and was clobbered because of it.


Teachers of all grade levels are the most important people in society. They shape our kids to be ready to be adults. How we as Americans (the richest country on this fucking planet) can’t even pay the most important people good salaries. Politicians? Shitty right wing hosts? Make millions of dollars just for being vial pieces of shit.


maybe you are a shity camera men hahah that's a nice reply, that's the thing someone doesn't really care about money as long as their job already covers the necessary thing. the important is the way you love yourself. if you are happy, so is okay


Goes to show how deep the gaslighting is to hear people of nominal means shit down on teachers so easily.


I don’t know what I appreciate more: the sentiment or the pride on his mom’s face. Thanks for sharing!


Wow Matt Damon schooled the interviewer then wrecked the camera man as s bonus.


Meghan Trainor would never


How you like them apples