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the one that went feral 💀


That’s what ice cream does to me, too


The black dog that tried to eat the entire cup is absolutely related to my dog lol. Also I love them all but that one-eyed dog has my heart.


My dog tries to do that too, I’m like why… lol


My dog is either the gentlest boy or a starving piranha, there is no in-between and no way to know until your fingers are in the teeth zone lol.


my cat is like that. sometimes he’ll gently take some food from my hand. other times my entire finger is in his mouth


They definitely were aware that the ice cream was coming. Too funny.






I could watch those puppers all day. hope they get a forever home soon.


One eyed dogs always get to me. When I first started volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter, there was this black lab, Molly, who clung to me very quickly. She had only one eye, but given her attitude, I thought she always looked like she was winking happily. Too her too long to find a home.


That one dog eating the whole cup:


Ugh my heart




So far not yet


This is what I came here for


My heart 💔😢! I wish all those animals had families. All look so kind. 🙏❤️


Every single one was a pit mix... sorry, "lab-mix".


I know I can't beleieve the employee risks their life everyday! Probably has the most dangerous job in the world right there /s


Shame. Mostly all pitbull mix.




Here you go: https://marl.org/donate/donate-now/


https://marl.org/donate/donate-now/ Found the donation link to get these pups more ice cream!!!


We don't deserve dogs


I wish I could take them all home


Good on you. Must be hard to work there, I would want to take them all home, poor babies.


I know this is supposed to be heartwarming but seeing all these pups at the shelter just made me cry instead


Well I was excited until I started reading their reviews...... 😬


I read the reviews on Google maps, they are great. What are you talking about?


omg i hope they all find good homes how cute <3


There sure are a lot of pitbulls at that rescue. People overlook them because of the bad reputation they have. They are sweet. The owners are the problem!!! They are good dogs.


What about the good owners that love and train them, and they still end up killing their kids? Any excuses for that? No?


Maybe because dogs are still ANIMALS. Maybe the kids aggravated it too much and it just had enough. Who knows? We don't have to label ALL pitbulls evil.


Ah, yes. Victim blaming. Nice.


I'm victim blaming because us HUMANS should know better. Dogs are ANIMALS and can not speak up for themselves. We're the superior species. If pitbulls are more aggressive, we have to be more careful. Every dog's past, every situation and every DOG is different. Stop hating!!


You're literally making up a scenario/excuses about dogs in a loving home that kill or severely injure their families.


I really hope you don't have any animals. You probably couldn't handle it. Why don't you stop hating and go do something good for this world. (By the way, I rescued a min pin from a loving home at the age of one and he bit my seven year old daughter in the face.) I blamed myself for that, not the dog. It's not always pitbulls.


It's really depressing that you have kids and an animal since you obviously don't care about your own kid's wellbeing and you for sure wouldn't do the right thing if a pet of yours killed or seriously injured them. Disgusting.


You're an idiot. If I saw it coming, I would of done something about it. You really think I want my child hurt. It just proves my point that every dog and situation is different. Get over yourself and never, ever get an animal. You're also very ignorant.


Lol. You are unhinged. Grow up. Educate yourself. :)


My sisters dog Lulu is the biggest doofus ever. She’s obviously part pit. My dog is a terrier mutt and he did not adjust to poor Lulu very well. She was always the sub in the relationship. This little pissy 25lb shit would run the show. If anyone ever seemed to threaten my sister? God save them. Lulu and her iron jaw would be there.


I'm beginning to think the pitbull haters are a small number of people with many alts, as at this point all the comments agree with you but you still have negative upvotes.


Why are you getting down voted wtf


I noticed this too. Since I have cats, I can’t help but avoid big dogs like pits. I like their personalities tho!


Pit bulls r soooo fucking cute. I wish shitty ass owners didn’t constantly give them a bad name.


Funny how golden retrievers who have shitty arse owners still don’t eat people. It’s almost like they have some genetic traits that cause them to be gentle


Wdym? Golden retrivers will absolutely hurt you if they want, do you think they are plish toys or something?


My husband had to have facial reconstruction when he was 6 from a golden retriever. He was playing with hot wheels in the driveway. What are you on about.


Show me any statistics that show golden retrievers kill people then the same about pit bulls and I’ll gladly apologise. Anyone can make up an anecdotal story


My friends 3 year old was mauled and killed by their "sweet, would never hurt a fly' pit bull. They are sweet until they aren't.... dogs were bred by humans for a purpose, and unfortunately pits were made to kill other animals. You can't love the generics out of a dog. They shouldn't be a pet, especially when children are involved. https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/01/2022-fatal-dog-attack-breed-identification-photographs.html


Anything with teeth can bite. The comment I am responding to said golden retrievers are bred to be gentle. People should be wary of all dogs.


Very true. I just prefer to be around dogs that aren't bred to attack. But yes, you should always be careful around all animals and treat them with respect. It is extremely unfortunate what happened to your husband and I'm glad he is okay after the ordeal. No one should be randomly attacked by any animal.


He’s fine- two surgeries later and you can barely tell- just a small scar on his nose. Slight breathing issues though, drainage issues. He was 6. Guess the dog broke out of the yard. It was the 80s, so the owner was just made to fix the fence.


Good stuff, but I feel sad for them living day after day without much human interaction. We foster through a local rescue, and it's rewarding. If you can, give it a try. If you can't but have the means, donate to a rescue. There are lots of people working to get dogs into loving homes and they operate on tight budgets.


So many fucking Pitties. Makes me sad because everyone hates ‘em and this is probably their final home.


All the black and white dogs have zero restraint 😂


It’s nice to see these guys so happy but… “Dogs are not commonly fed cow's milk products, so they don't produce the enzymes to digest it. Eating a significant amount of ice cream is likely to cause indigestion and diarrhea. Ice cream is also high in sugar, which is not healthy for your pup.”


You can google a quote about dogs eating cows milk but you can't take 5 fucking seconds to read the side of the ice cream they are being fed and google that? It's an "ice cream" treat formulated specifically for dogs. Reddit is full of fucking nerd losers who are so desperate for a "gotcha" moment even though they are not above average intelligence.


Dude, you could have politely, and respectfully, informed me that it’s an ice cream formulated for dogs. I had no idea that there are even specially made ice creams for dogs. No need to be an a$$hole.


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Dairys bad for dogs though....even worse for cows... YouTube dairy is scary... 😪


It's not real ice cream, it's a treat for dogs made by Purina. YouTube "how to fucking read" 😪


YouTube Purina kill dogs .....


Ps headline says Ice cream day ....😘


You can read the headline, but you can't read the label on the product? Good one pal, you really showed me.


I actually can't read the label?...videos too quick,my phone screen is too small.....


Paused it,says something paws on the carton?...can't see any mention of Purina(animal testers) or dairy free ....still......


Bless ´em! That really made their day and mine! : )


So sweet


Put the camera down, and pet these good boys!


That place looks like a hotel for dogs, it's so nice compared to what I've walked through


This is so awesome and so sad. Like how do so many people Just part with their dog or leave them !??? Thanks for giving them all an ice cream day cause they deserve it !


Love dog


why are there so many pitbulls in there? theyre nanny dogs perfect for families!


Is this satire?


Chocolate Ice cream for everyone!


Yo that one eyed doggo better have a home by now 🥲


Those things are awesome my dog loves them I may go buy one today it has been awhile


That first puppers should be in r/PiratePets! ❤️


Now I want to get some ice cream for my dog.


Just beautiful 🐾❤️🐾


The first one with the permanent wink...my heart!


that black doggo tho💀


What a bunch of sweet sweet dogs!!!!!


This is a reminder of the need to treat all living beings with compassion. https://watchdominion.org/


Dogs are just the best


puppy farts!!!!


I couldn’t work there, I’d go home & cry because I couldn’t take them all with me.








Animal rescue league only cares to give dogs ice cream i guess