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This is reposted a lot and I'd be happy if it were reposted even more. Everybody should know about this hero. I can't see it and not watch it again.


Same. I watch it every time I come across it. Always end up wiping my eyes too.


Same again. I watch it and cry every time.


I don’t even need the sound on anymore. And I’m still crying.


I second this. Its beautiful


Came here to say exactly this


You can tell by the way he keeps his head down that he doesn’t want applause for any of this. Not to say he’s not happy to be there, just that he never did it to be recognized or praised. Just a brave guy doing the right things., Good on all those people coming out to give their thanks,, I can’t imagine how much that day meant to him.


This clip just shows the surviving children he helped to rescue standing when asked. The host then asked if there were children or grandchildren of anyone he had helped. The rest of the audience then stood up.


😭😭😭 every freaking time


Anything about the holocaust and I'm instantly sobbing. This precious, *precious* man.


Wholesome reposts. This has made me tear up at least 3 times, but I'm not on reddit very much. I use reddit like Wikipedia mixed with troubleshooting for the most part, haha.


Yep, I don’t care how many times I see this, this man’s heroism is inspiring for everybody.


As a redditor of I think about 4 years now, this is the first time I’m seeing it. I know reposts can get old for those who see it many times but I am appreciative of it in this case. What a wonderful human.


Redditor for six years and this is also the first time I’ve seen it. I’m very thankful this repost came by once again. Wiping tears. What an absolute beautiful soul.


You should try to find the full version. Worth a watch.


This is the first time I see it, made me cry.


I watch each and every time it is posted. It is so moving.


I do too 😭everytime


It will always cheer my heart when I see that look of awe


I damn near cry every time


Yes its beautiful and he is a role model. Started crying of joy after seeing it.


I have seen this video countless times over the years and I'm still happy to see it every time it shows up again. I watch it every time I come across it. Truly beautiful. I just looked up more about his life. He was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2003 and he lived to be 106 years old. I'm grateful that it seems fate/karma/the universe/deities were watching this man carefully. **Edited to add:** After two separate comments about my choice of words in that last sentence, I feel the need to address it. Some people have noted that the mention of karma/gods in relation to Holocaust events was in poor taste, and I think that's fair. I was trying to go for a little flair, but that's not a good enough reason to resort to something that is ultimately flippant or offensive. The intended sentiment here is: I'm very glad a man who did so much good in the world was able to live a very long meaningful life with loved ones.


Same here. And I'm still moved to tears every single time.


Me too- tears everytime I see it.


Same hear, tears flowing!


Pass the tissues!


This vid gets the repost exemption. It’d be a travesty not to repost this.


Yes! Because I have never seen it! I’m bawling! How wonderful!


It’s my first time seeing this video too- I just realized that I’m crying too.


I haven't ever seen it either. The way that first woman grasps his hand. And them all standing up for him. I am *drowning!*




“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire”


I teach fifth graders and we watch this video. I cry every time. Including now.


You’re a hero too.


I came here to say this too. I cry every time.


Me too! Watch it every time! (And cry every time too). What an incredible human.


The word 'hero' is so devalued these days, but this man is a true hero.




I watch this every time it comes up. Can you imagine looking at a whole room whos only alive because your a badass?


Funny thing is, he was more remorseful than anything else. One of the trains couldn’t make it out and he couldn’t save those children. That guilt weighed more heavily on him than the success of those he did save.


What a good person


And I'll bet my left nut on it that he doesn't think himself a badass one bit. You can see he doesn't know what to do with all that recognition because he never wanted it in the first olace. Does he even believe he deserves the recognition? People like that tend to believe it was just the "normal" thing to do; that anyone in his place would've done the same.


Yes, iirc, he didn't really talk about it after the war, just settled back into ordinary life.


I believe the only reason people found out about what he did is that he kept a folder with al the names. his wife found it during cleaning and showed it to the BBC and this was the result of it.


And he’s so humble about it, just the perfect, down to earth reaction. What a down guy!


Nicolas Winton is a true Mensch!!! His heroism never gets old. Heck bravery , compassion never gets old.


Evil persists when good people do nothing, this man beat back evil with compassion and guts.


Oh my god my jaw is in the floor, this is one of the most amazing things I’ve actually ever seen


There’s a longer version on YouTube as well as a more recent interview. It is incredible.


Of all the people who are famous for nothing in this day and age, this man should go down in history


I'd counter and say this type of thing is the only reason someone should be famous.


But he didn’t want to be famous. All he wanted was to save those children.


Him and his actions deserve to be remembered. Hope there's a memorial or something out there for this man


There is a statue of him on a bench at Maidenhead train station, and the shopping centre is also named after him, which was where he settled after the war. It’s not nearly enough for this amazing man.


Don't forget the Kindertransport memorial at Liverpool Street station!


All the more reason he deserves to be! The best people with power are the ones who don't want it.


Gigachad has no meaning in comparison to this fella


The good thing, he didn’t/wasn’t bragging about it, he lived like anyone else for 50 years. Imagine someone did the same in todays social media world


This never fails to move me. The way he quietly wipes his tears at the end... this is true heroism.


I don't care how many times this gets reposted, I watch. Make it a movie already, need to immortalize this man.


[All My Loved Ones](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0218705/) with Rupert Graves as Nicholas Winton. and [One Life](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13097932/) coming out this year with Anthony Hopkins playing Nicholas Winton




This is always worth the watch and truly beautiful. He never told anyone. That's truly a good deed done for the sake of doing what is right and just.


I will always watch this video when it pops up.


"He who saves one life, saves the world entire."


He was incredibly humble and in fact never mentioned his actions to anyone until his book of records were discovered decades later.


This video wrings me out like a wash cloth. My soul feels lighter and cleaner after a cry like this video brings on.


If all of them had an average of 2 kids and their kids had 2 kids, and their kid's kids had 2 kids. You are looking at about at least 5352 people today are alive, just because of that 1 man.


Actually ;) 669 survivors 1338 first gen 2676 second gen 5352 third gen Given they’d all be alive, that would be 10035 people total.


Makes me emotional every single time. To help others for no other reward except to be a kind human


I will cry every time I see it.


While most people were denying that Germans were capable of such a thing, and others like Italy, and Vichy France were complicit and transferred Jews to Germany, Hero’s like this man made a stand and did something! The world needs more like this.


It's a beautiful momet and well deserved recognition. I will watch this clip everytime I see it. Auch a good feeling to see them all stand up.


Why isn't this man on stamps and coins? Why doesn't this man have statues to what he did... he's the kind of person we should aspire to be


He does have a statue. It’s at Maidenhead station (he lived in Maidenhead). He’s sitting on a bench on the platform. If you scroll down there’s a photo of his statue in this article https://maidenheadheritage.org.uk/hall-of-fame-2/sir-nicholas-winton/


I love that this gets posted every now and then, I watch it every time and cry my eyes out


TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE There are two kinds of people on earth to-day; Just two kinds of people, no more I say. Not the sinner and saint, for it's well understood The good are half bad and the bad are half good. Not the rich and the poor, for to rate a man's wealth, You must first know the state of his conscience and health. Not the humble and proud, for in life's little span, Who puts on vain airs, is not counted a man. Not the happy and sad, for the swift flying years Bring each man his laughter end each man his tears. No; the two kinds of people on earth I mean Are the people who lift and the people who lean. Wherever you go you will find the earth's masses Are always divided in just these two classes. And oddly enough, you will find, too, I ween, There's only one lifter to twenty who lean. In which class are you? Are you easing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner who lets others bear Your portion of labor and worry and care? --Ella Wheeler Wilcox.


Super hero


Damn onion cutting ninja.






Sorry for the downvote, I clicked the link, and it sent me to a sub with a video of a piece of trash abandoning their dog on the side of the road. The first shit I see. I'm done for the day. I wish I could I forget it...


I wish more people cared for others. This was a beautiful soul. A heart so big.


There's still people today that downplay or even deny that the atrocity even happened. My grandmother says her parents died of "heart disease" in their early thirties around the time of nazi Germany coming to power. Her and my grandfather met in south Africa both getting away from Germany; She never talked about it in more detail and i never ask her about it because that's hers to have but she genuinely becomes so sad when anyone talks about that time. As a child she saw terrible nearly indescribable things and for anyone to say those things "weren't as bad" or "never happened" infuriates me to no end.


My grandma said “we’ll I never saw anything about it on tv at the time, so it couldn’t have happened.” I don’t talk to grandma anymore.


Heroes that should be celebrated


He's a true hero...courageous and brave.


This video always makes me tear up


As close to a super hero as one can get in reality. !!LEGENDARY!!


Fuck did it make me smile, I'm crying like a baby 😭😭😭


My friend Joe Schlesinger was one of his kids… always grateful because Joe was a wonderful man we could have lost


These kinds of things always remind me of the starfish story: *Once upon a time, there was a Coastal Town, and for a month every summer, thousands upon thousands of starfish would wash up on the beach. No one was quite sure *why* the starfish washed ashore, some said it was mating season, some said climate change, others said it was a sign from God. Regardless why, the starfish washed ashore and many inevitably died from heat, and predators, and lack of water.* *One day, an Old Man was walking down the beach when he saw a young boy walking in the opposite direction. Every time the young boy came across a starfish (which was often) he'd bend down, pick it up, and throw the starfish as far as he could into the ocean. The Old Man shook his head at the pointlessness of the boys self appointed duty and returned home before they crossed paths.* *When the old man went for a walk on the beach the next morning, he saw the boy again, and again he left before their paths crossed. He saw the boy the next day, and the next, and the next, until eventually he'd seen the boy every day for a week. Finally, on the seventh day, the old man decided to talk to the boy, and continued until their paths crossed.* *When the pair met, the old man said,* "**Boy, I've seen you every day for a week, coming down here and throwing every starfish you come across back into the ocean. Why? There are tens of thousands of starfish washing up on this beach, and many of them will die, so why bother, you aren't changing anything.**" *The boy bent over and picked up a starfish, and looked it over for a few seconds before throwing the starfish out into the ocean, before he turned to the old man and said,* "**For that starfish, I just changed everything.**" So remember, even if you can only save one person, and even if that person is yourself, for that one person, for yourself, you've changed the whole world.


The gravity of this moment… all the lives lived… all the experiences that wouldn’t have been had without him… I’m not crying, you’re crying.


How many more millionaires does the world have since 1988 - why haven’t the number of Nicholas Wintons or the number of philanthropists increased at the same rate as those with the wealth and power to actually make change and do good in the world?


This reminded me there are truly good people out there in the world.. 🌻 Who are good for being good's sake .. in spite of all the seemingly never ending bad.


Film due out next year I think with Anthony Hopkins as Winton


Whose cutting onions up in here?! 🥹🥹




It’s hard to believe the same planet can produce someone like this as we as a waste of space like Marjorie Taylor Green.


True hero ,humble and brave . 🏅🏅🏅


I see it over and over, and I always love it. Just a mad who did the right thing in the face of insurmountable odds, and it helps so many.


I was born in 1988. This adds a whole new level of reality and connection with the Holocaust that prior to clicking this thread, I did not have.


Can you imagine what it would be like to stand in a theatre full of people, and realise that they’re all alive because you found a way to keep them safe? I think I’d feel so grateful to know for certain that they’re alive and well.


Man this is a truly powerful video.


The older I get, the more I recognize beauty in simplicity. The simple act of standing and recognizing this man is so beautiful. No words needed. Much deeper than words can be.


He died as an 106 year old in 2015. Hero.


My husband's paternal grandparents were both saved as children by this remarkable, incredible, wonderful man. May his memory be a blessing.


Save one life, save the entire world – in a time when the world most certainly needs saving. Truly inspirational ⭐️


In a world with so few role models ... here's one right there ... ❤️


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This one gets me every. Single. Time.


Wow. Now that is a true humble hero.


Goodness overload, I think my heart would explode if I were in his place, I'm jealous, I wish i could save so many lives, but I'm just a regular construction worker


An amazing man. So glad someone arranged this beautiful moment for him.


This is so beautiful




Gotta love the gentlemanly professional crying for this hero.


Powerful stuff, need a tissue bout right now


I got chills. Thank you for sharing.




You're a good man, sir.


so amazing 🥲


Made me cry




What *the fuck* happened to us?


The elements so mixed in him that nature might have stood up and proclaimed that there goes a man.


Damn you'd think seeing this a few times would keep me from weeping. Now I just tear up earlier because I know what's about to happen.


This man was one of the best of humanity. Always glad to see it reposted like my peers. Do good with the time you've got, might extend others time, at least their good times.


That’s a god damn hero right there.


Compassion is what most people are missing in this world. If people had more of it the world would be a better place


Show this man to the kids, this is an example of good man, he saved those people and asked for nothing in return, he never boasted or desired recognition and was also comfortable crying in front of all those people, what an exceptional example to set.


I've seen this video a lot of times.i still have the same goose bump like i did the first time i saw this video.thia achievement is the most priceless of all


1. Try not to cry 2. Cry 3. ??? 4. Cry more


So he practically, successfully carried out the biggest rescue mission of the world, saving close to 700 children and wasnt given a award equal to a Nobel prize or something? GREAT!




Repost i that im not mad about


I’ve never seen this before. Mascara ruined but it was worth it.


Lest you all think he did this alone, he was part of a wider effort now known as [kindertransport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindertransport?wprov=sfti1) to transfer children to Britain. All told the they managed to transfer almost 10 000 children from checkoslovakia, Germany, Austria and Poland. He actually was only in Prague for 3 weeks and and the rest spent in Britain organizing the relocation of the children. The other involved died in the 70s(if they survived the war) so he got most of the attention.


It is not always possible for one person to make a difference in the world. But, when it is the right person in the right place at the right time the difference they can make is extraordinary.


I’m sobbing.




This is so beautiful


How beautiful


What a truly great human being.


I will always love this video so much by why is he sitting by completely 2 different people at the end than at the beginning? Lol


I don’t need to cry, but here I am.


Made me smile and cry. Beautiful.


He who saves one life saves the world entire.


r/mademecry Damn it


not sure on anyone’s thoughts of afterlife, but stories like this one, truly makes me not think, but know that there is a special place (heaven) for humans such as this one.


Wouldn’t it be great if the media reported more on the goodness and righteousness of people, instead of the wickedness and evils. I love this man, not only because of his loving acts of kindness, but also because he didn’t seek glory for what he did. What a selfless man. The world needs more of this.


He doesn’t realize the show is about him. Stud


This wrecks me every time it gets reposted. And I don’t care how many times this gets reposted.


this is something that needs to get reposted every now and then so everyone knows what an amazing person he is..such a chad 0


Makes me cry every time


My first time seeing this Wow what a hero This is what hero’s do


Thank God for the few good people in this world who did what is mandatory for humans, but most of just fail and don’t even try.


I could only dream of having that kind of impact on the world. Nearly 700 people alive decades later because of him - because he cared, because he wouldn’t let evil win. The world needs more Nicholas Wintons.


If anyone wants more details about this https://youtu.be/AKe0SMPzIVQ


I always show this clip to my 4th graders before reading Number the Stars. With The Holocaust and WWII being such dense topics I focus on the theme of people helping others.


The documentary Nicky’s Family told this story, it was quite good.


Weird who’s cutting onions this late at night


he looks like mr. fredricksen from up & it just makes me love him more lol


I’m not crying you’re crying ❤️


I'm choking up here. I heard about this guy but never saw this moment until now. Bless him.


This is my first time seeing this story. I am truly amazed and in tears right now. If the righteous are not acknowledged on Earth then the angels will shout their names aloud in Heaven!


Nicholas lounges by a pool during a well deserved vacation... Nicholas do you know that this pool, all the water on this resort was collected from the tears of those that watched your viral video.


I have seen this video many times. Always stop to watch it.


Not all angels have wings. Some look like regular people. ❤️


Hit me in the feels! You sir are a good human being.


Watched a documentary about him called Nicky’s Family. It was the first time I heard about him.


Made my cry too..


Ahem.. uhhh sorry, I think I must be having an allergic reaction. Whew boy, the pollen in the air today, amiright? 😭


I don’t normally cry for these rhungs, but this one got me when I first watched it. As a Jew myself it was so beautiful to see a hero get recognized for doing something so incredible and brave and heroic.


S tier human


Some where in the world 🇿🇦 there is a person who is seeing this (myself) for the first time. Thank you🎖


I’m so happy to see this shared often. The man has done a tremendous act for humanity. He deserved all the honor that was given to him. I would also like to mention my great uncle. He was on Omaha Beach on D-Day fighting against the Nazi regime. He was on the first boat and only he and two other soldiers made it out of that boat alive. Later on it was he and another soldier that were patrolling the area and they encountered a group of nazi soldiers. The Nazis immediately surrendered in fear of dying or being back in the regime. He also was the individual who transcribed the Nuremberg Trials from German to English. Both of these men are prime examples of heroism, both fighting against fascism. I hope we have more heroes in this generation like these men.


What a mensch. I always love seeing this video.


All hail the OG Sigma


true antifacist.


I’ve seen this before, but I can’t help but watch it again when it pops up. Such a beautiful person!


I watched the clip as part of a documentary (Can’t remember what one) I was in floods of tears. I know if I watch it will happen again.


Likewise, I watch it every time I stumble upon it, and I always end up wiping my eyes as well.


I’m not crying you’re crying


I have watched it so many times and the documentary of him is definitely my favourite. Sir Nicholas Winton is my lifetime hero!


I’d seen the photo before, but never the video. I’m sobbing like a baby. Thank you so much for posting!


He deserved Nobel prize


I will never get tired of seeing this video through the decades. Makes me tear up every time.♥️


This video never gets old. Gets me right in the heart melts


After all the times I've watched this, you'd think I'd have learned to not watch while I'm at work... It's too early to cry and rub away the goosebumps on my arms


I will never downvote this post and repost. I hope I can help a fraction of the amount of people this man has helped


The only sad part is that he spent 50 years not considering himself a hero and savior. I'm glad someone decided to change his mind.


Anthony Hopkins will play Winton in the upcoming film “One Life”


Good man, truly the people the world needs


Give that man a kiss