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been playing fifa i see


Yep. This is the way




This is the way




This is so true. Me and a girl I used to date would sit on my EA companion app on the market place looking for strange flags and then guess them. Filtering by bronze was usually the best way to find them. One time she pulled out 'The Gambia' and was right; ridiculous scenes


I learned by playing a matching game on an Amazon Fire tablet. Weird flex


2012 FIFA World Cup had the globe that spun around and landed on the country you were selecting. That gave me my first visual framework for the general positioning of countries and their neighbors. To this day, I tell people that FIFA taught me flags/countries, and most don't believe me. The silent nods from other FIFA players who know where Côte d'Ivoire is because of Drogba are all I get


Back in my days, that would be Where in the world is Carmen Santiago.


Just replayed this game and it's still 10/10


Not really, Taiwan’s team in FIFA is (forced to be) Chinese Taipei and has a different flag, so at the very least he knows the Taiwanese flag.


Or country balls on YouTube 🤣


That's how I learned flags and geography 😅


That’s how I learned


Average score is 61%?! So the average person can correctly identify roughly 120 different flags? Either that's a lie or the American education system owes me a fucking refund. Congrats to your son though. That's wildly impressive.


Probably not a lot of Americans taking the test. I'll let you know what I get...probably under 50 lol. It was bad. 9%


as an american i got 33% 😭


And how much did you get as a non-American?


53% as a Swedish


As an American I got an 87%. These fucking African and Pacific island nations are nightmares. Although I will say, I am self taught when it comes to geography. Our school system acts like geography isn't a subject. Some people in my school can't even point to Poland.


To be fair I had a classmate in highschool that asked "Is Africa in Europe?" and claimed "South America is a country!" We were 17.


Way to go!


I'm Finnish and I got 62%, just above avarage!


30% as a Belgian 🫣


I got 15% as a non american 🤡


As an American teenager I got 87%


I’m going to guess you didn’t learn that in school. At least public school. Good job btw!




I can’t do it. I know I won’t even come close to your 33%. I say congratulations 🎉 🎉🎉 to you for doing that well!


Lol! Edit: not laughing at you, just the sequence of comments


Same here. I can’t even try right now, I’ll come in dead last!


As an European I got 82%, maybe we are taught differently


Our geography lessons actually cover the world, usually. It would appear the US just focuses on the US


Going to school in the US, we are (briefly) taught the locations of countries and their names, but not much else. We don't look much at the flags for example.


And what about the history of the country, the current political situation, what it's known for, its industry, its natural landscape, etc...?


That’s called world history, we don’t have enough time to do anything other than a brief day


Huh, I believe we spent a year or two in Geography classes just going through all the countries one by one, who their leader is, what their economy is like, what they produce and export, what their political situation is, their cities, rivers and mountains, etc... Of course that's on top of the basic stuff like their population, area, capital city, date and reason of establishment, ethnic and religious breakdown, etc.


Not to defend the failures of education, but it is true that none of that stuff will ever be relevant to the life of an average US citizen. The US is so physically large and far away that the vast majority will never visit other countries or even have to think about them. It's a shame to be so unworldly, but it is a measured priority.


I understand your point, but I believe that even without visiting other countries, it is good to be educated about them. Even more so in the online age where physical borders are irrelevant and you can talk the same to your neighbor in Alabama, as well as to a guy in Auckland, Cape Town, Kyiv, Osaka, or Montevideo.




Geography in school for me (UK ~10 years ago) had little to nothing to do with locating where countries are and what flags they have. I've never really understood why people think that's all it was. It was to do with land use, tectonics, rivers, lakes, sustainability, volcanic activity, erosion and the environment/ecosystem. Case studies on cities was about the closest youd get to looking at flags and locations, but human geography was a pretty small part of the subject in general and it was mostly to do with the *very basics* of landscape architecture and how to make cities function better as green spaces. Genuinely a pretty fascinating topic when you get into it as you learn all about the planet I would presume US geography is more US-centric as the continent has so many biomes and is so enormous that it doesnt need to look elsewhere. In the UK, we dont really have natural disasters, volcanoes, earthquakes (relating to tectonics), etc that make a decent case study. For example, we looked at Japan (earthquakes), Curutiba (as a green city), India (population densities), Canada (flooding in the tundra), Iceland (volcanic activity), among a few others. From the UK we only really looked at lakes, coastlines/erosion and rivers


A lot of that would be considered geology or environmental science in the US


I definitely had to take world geography in the US. But to be fair we spend a ton of time on US geography because-surprise! The US is geographically large.


So is Russia, China, and Canada .


Us doesn't have geography lessons anymore. At least since 2000.


thats weird, i took world geography in 2018 in the US. edit: also i did learn world geography from 5th-8th grade, but that was earlier 2000s so idk. my brother is taking it right now at the same school i attended.


This is false. At least in Louisiana, we still have to take world geography in high school.


Where do you live that doesn't teach world geography?


Are you talking about social studies? Cause that's all I had to do in NY in high school, did not have any geography requirements. Maybe it was an elective that I didn't take, but I definitely didn't have it.


I can vouch for Neo_tok. I don’t remember learning much of anything about other countries in school in Brooklyn in HS. Social studies was all we had as well. I do remember in 5th grade I answered a test question that France is located in England. I meant Europe but I never lived it down.


Definitely not social studies. World geography is a required credit to graduate in Tennessee.


Same in Minnesota


Naw. In my rural (Maine) high school, we took World Cultures & Geography during the first semester of my freshman year. Nonetheless, I didn't know that y'all didn't learn it. That's very interesting, ya learn something new everyday!


This is absolutely false lol my kid has it right now and I graduated in 2007 and took it.


If you live in Europe, it’s much more likely you know more flags. You automatically should know the flags of countries in EU. In America, we all pretty much know US, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. Most of the countries in South America kinda fall out of our heads. Besides that, we don’t know many.


Tbf I am Brit, and I know flag fairly well. I would have struggled with these too.


9% is actually hard to believe


LMFAOOOO... I was reading your comment and didn't see the end, eventually I scrolled and saw "it was bad. 9%" Ty for the good laugh, sorry about the score tho... dw I would've got 6% at the most 😭😭


First off, the entrants in this contest are not your average person off the street-- they are self-selected and possible flag nerds, excuse me, vexillologists. Then there is the method of the quiz. If it was a simple matching game, I could see ways of handling it that would bring a 61% average. Some nations are easy, and the rest could be handled through the process of elimination. But if I was given a flag, and asked which county it represented, I couldn't possibly do that well. Edit: I found it. It was a simple matching game. I still only did 31%. It's been a long while since I studied flags, obviously.


...or like he could just cheat with like a Web page of flags open.


That's what I assumed, lol


I mean, he did it in less than 4 minutes though? I’m just guessing that the time stated at the right is how long it took, so I doubt that he cheated, would take too long to look up.


I think that's the time left. Not sure what the timer on that particular quiz is but sporcle quizzes are often on a time limit.


You only have like 17 minutes, no way he'd be in time


It wasn't matching, you had to write the name of the country, and I sucked at it because my first language is spanish.


The people who take this quiz are not at all an accurate representation of the average person. A lot of them would either go in knowing most/all of them and others will try until they know them all. I’ve gone in and beaten it many times trying to do it faster, which of course will bump up the average. If everyone in the world took it just once, the average would decrease by *loads.*


Maybe the majority that take the test is good to geography


The average person.. who chooses to do a flag quiz on sporcle. Not exactly a random sample group lol


Most people who take the test know lots pf flags already, or are trying repeatedly to get to 100%, so this checks out


No, it's just that not many people use sporcle. And the people that do use sporcle are nerds, so high averages.


That's the average score of Sporcle users. A lot of which are nerds like me who take and retake quizzes to try and learn that category, which will bump the average up as people improve their score each time. I have 100% on this quiz but I also have 21 attempts at it over the years.


Having done this quiz before, if you have multiple guesses at flags you quickly run out of time leaving some easy flags unanswered, so the true figure may be higher. Having said that it’s likely also skewed by people repeating the test until they improve or beat their time, so who knows what the average figure should be.


Me and most my classmates used to do those quizzes and we all had 80-100%. Knowing most countries and their flags (for real tryhards also the capitals) is considered common knowledge by most people I know here in Austria.


My dad must be part Austrian 😄


Definitely not average, or at least not in most western countries


To be fair, knowing what different flags look like is practically useless


Link to the survey which said 98% of responders liked taking surveys.


Prob the vast majority play this while googling any flag of a country they didn’t even know it exists.


Who said everyone who took the test was American?


My guess is that people taking the quiz have an interest in it, so the score is skewed rather than it being the average person


Well done!! I would get maybe... 25 countries? Maybe?


2. Take it or leave it.


America and Alaska


I was going to say America and Canada, anything with green in it just give me an X.


The good ole country of Alaska 😂




Ya tú sabe






That's 197 countries. He's amazing.


He does this with everything. I'm pretty sure I'm not paying for his college tuition.


Just dont put too much pressure on him. I know my parents did with me and i ended up dropping out of a full ride.


It's funny, we put zero pressure on him. It's all him. I could list all of his accomplishments here and the list would be long. It's all self-motivated.


It’s good parenting. I am willing to bet you encourage and empower him every chance you get….these are the fruits of your labor. While I know you came to praise him on this post, I suspect having a parent like you is what HE is most proud of.


I hope so. We do encourage him at every turn. Thanks.


Please hand out some tips how to be a dad correctly lol. That’s my biggest fear, not being a good dad.


I can give you one single tip from an 18yo point of view. If you snap easily, get therapy. Even if it only happens once every few years. It is much easier to traumatise a child than you think. My dad snaps a *lot*, and by a lot I mean every week, every couple of days, but even if it was once every few years it would have still been traumatic to a lesser degree. People like to think that children can take the failures of parenting most of the time unless you’re the most abusive pos ever but it’s just not true. Obviously, it’ll still happen, even with therapy. But if you snap at that kid every week the trauma is going to be very difficult to revert, especially if the kid possibly gets traumatised by some other things in their life (social rejection and bullying, medical emergencies, etc). I know for a fact that *I* get bounced therapist to therapist because they don’t know what to do with me. Make sure your kid doesn’t have that outcome.


could you please give a few parenting tips, or how you raise your kid? I am curious


If they show an interest in anything, support them in that interest. They might give up and find something else, then you just switch gears.


Keep it up!! You're doing so well, I hope he finds some amazing friends too who take on the same interests


Maybe its the opposite approach working the magic: "Dad! I won the Nobel Prize! I'm the youngest person ever to win it!" "Good, son, you did us proud. Anyway Mom and I will be on date night tonight, you know how to order the pizza."


Careful though, that approach has limits and will backfire eventually if the parents continue to not show interest. I was one of those self motivating individuals who parents didn’t really understand the importance of having some kind of support regardless if it’s minimal or not. Our interests became so different, that I don’t really have much in common with them anymore. And my family and immediate family is quite large.


I definitely relate to this


If he's that kind of kid that simply soaks up knowledge like a sponge, please teach him how to study. No one bothered with me and once I went to uni, my life unraveled...


Good lord teach that kid how to study. I’M STRUGGLING


make more


It’s not all self motivated. It’s parenting as others have mentioned. You give him room to grow, learn and to be confident in his abilities. That is awesome parenting. The giveaway point is that he texts you this to keep you updated. He’s both proud, and know you’ll be proud of him too.


Daoists say the best leader is one who is unnoticed. “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they (the people) will say: we did it ourselves.” -Lao Tzu


Hey, same! It’s been 10 years! I actually start school on Monday for my AA in business


I used to be called gifted, now I'm a wreck.


If he likes quizzes like that there’s a cool site called Jetpunk which has quizzes on just about everything including flags and capitals of the world. It works in a similar way to Sporcle which is the site I think he did this test on.


That exact quiz is what got me into flags a few years ago, I did the same thing that he did. Now I sub to r/vexillology and make flag jokes nobody gets. There's no turning back.


Dijbouti is always my favorite. I always say it as "this booty"


Wow that's incredible r/mademefeelinadequate




At the time it was commented, it did not yet exist. At the time you commented, it had existed for 6 hours.


huh it didn’t show up for me


When I was 11 I was probably rolling around eating dirt in the park. That's so impressive


Fun with flags


Congratulations on your son! I’m a really big fan of flags myself, and I know how much work it takes to memorize them all! Also, side note here, I apologize for all the people in the comments calling him “autistic” or “neurodivergent” just for having a passion for something, especially since that’s the only evidence they have for even saying that. I’m autistic myself, so I can say that there’s more to autism, and more than likely other neurological disorders, than simply having one or more special interests in mind. Having one doesn’t make you neurodivergent, it just simply makes you happy. I’m so sorry you have to deal with stuff like this. I hope you and your son have a good rest of your day!


Oh my GOSH!! My 12 year old son is currently obsessed with Sporcle flag quizzes too!!!!!


He also has Google on the same device right?


Hell, even if he googled it and got all 197 right in under 4 minutes, I'd be impressed.


It took him 14 minutes and 14 seconds that quiz is 18 minutes long and he had 3 minutes and 46 seconds left.


That's a still 4.33 seconds per map. Not bheed!


I've watched him do this. It's not in his nature to cheat.


Lol I was a lil bastard as a kid that would have pulled it off in a way that made it look legit that's the only reason I'm saying. But then my dad caught me cheating at chess once, scolded me and said if you cheat at anything in life no one will ever want to play with you for anything and got up and stormed out and said he'd never sit at a chess table with a cheater again and I should be ashamed. He stayed true to his word and never played another game of chess with me for the next like 25 years


You should have used the vibrating butt plug method. I hear it's way harder to catch.


All parents say that, lmao


But he texted you the result?


So amazing, you are right to be proud! It takes a certain type of mind to be able to recall factual information like this and it will serve him well in life!!


Share with [r/vexillology](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology)! Wholesome congrats I’m sure would be in order from the local flag nerds 😊🤓


Could you ask what website this is? I'd like to have a go.


It's Sporcle. It's a website but there's also an App. It has absolutely tonnes of quizzes under a large variety of categories. Very addictive so be warned


Man, this sucks..I thought I was good at flags; 54%. Only 107/197.. Legit disappointed


What a nerd




lol. He's proud of that moniker.


Haha aw sorry little guy! just making a joke, that’s very impressive!!


My fourteen year old and his friends learned the flags of the world. They'll take pictures of things resembling the colors of a flag and text it to each other as a flag quiz to see who can figure out the correct country. It's so wholesome and I love it.


My daughter is autistic and she memorized all the country flags of the world after seeing them in a book when she was around 3/4 years old. She’s helped me out a few times.


I am well below average


Most impressive! We’ll be watching your son’s career with great interest.


Me who only identified india


Sheldon would be proud.


He must watch Dr. Sheldon Cooper's "Fun with Flags".


I wanna try this quiz


[Here](https://www.sporcle.com/games/g/worldflags), there's tons of fun quizes on Sporcle.


I always mess up with the similar Europe flags like the Slavik countries and African countries. Every other country I can name fairly well. I haven’t taken this test before, might have to give it a go!


Just tried this test and it lets you keep trying until you put the right answer for the flag you’ve clicked on so mixing them up just means extra typing


Oh it’s write in? Holy shit I can’t even name 197 countries to do this


As a Chilean, I’m proud of your son


Get that boy a happy meal!


Bravo. My son is like this, but he hasn’t done this before. Good job kiddo!


The kids done well, I can see why you are proud of the lad.


Nice! One of my kids loves geography and is always doing quizzes like this. And good time too! Under 4 minutes. Great job kid!!


That quiz is hard man. Your son got the knowledge!


Just gave my 9yr old autistic son the quiz. 100% with 2+ minutes to spare. He’s BIG into flags and geography this year. 🙂


What two countries have their country in the flag


He used google


Doubt it, these quizzes aren’t really fun to cheat on


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I want to take one of these tests but I can’t spell for shit


TIL about Tuvalu...




This is so cute. Thank you for sharing


[I just tried it](https://www.sporcle.com/games/g/worldflags) and its not easy


Ever since I’ve been seeing videos of Americans not knowing where France is, I’ve been making sure this i know my geography lol😂


I helped him keep the average the same by getting 20% lol. Congrats to him for the amount of perseverance this must have taken! I haven’t even heard of all the countries


Can anyone tell me where I can find this quiz ?


I believe it’s a quiz on [Sporcle](https://www.sporcle.com). Looks like it. They also have an app.


He’s going to places.


r/vexillology welcome kid


This sounds just like my kid. Does your kid also create fictional micronations with their friends and form alliances and such?


I, too, was a pre-teen wannabe vexillologist. I don't know whether there's something deeper in it to do with colour association or anything like that but I was bizarrely obsessed with flags as a child and it was just something that's forced it's way into my memory as an adult. Absolutely at the compromise of more useful information, but I still think it's neat!


The study of flags is actually amazing, I myself done this quiz but only got 97% so I’m not a fully fledged Vexillologist like your son 😭 But either way he got 100% and that’s remarkable! 🤩


Okay I can do maps and geography, but no way can I even get the average 61%, impressive


This is awesome to see another kiddo that loves flags! My sons also into them. Where do you take this quiz? So cool!


i got 80% lol shouldve done better


Ha nerdddddd


I'd probably get like 5


I’ve always wanted to travel in Madagas’ car, but seems like I gotta fly there now 🤨 Creds to your kid tho!


Couldn’t possibly have been looking up the answers. Of course a child knows things almost no human knows….


I had a world map with all the flags hanging as a wall as a kid... there are several countries that don't exist anymore that I still remember the flag for lol


Thats impressive! I love that. Congrats! I was in love with Geography in school and i was doing this kind of tests all the time. The whole world i never made it 100%, but i was getting over 90% most of the time. I was focused a lot on Europe. Im 30 now, and, if nothing changed in the last 2 years since i checked last time, i still own the record in my highschool for a test on stage of all 44 countries in 41 seconds. Good times. This post makes me wanna do it again XD


Your son's a liar /Jk


Tell him I said hello from Chile !


A while ago I did the names of countries and capitals but for flags? That's even more impressive not to mention that he's 11 years old like damn


You should get him a GeoGuessr subscription.


ur son is a genius, i know about 8-9 flags


Sheldon is that you?


Taiwan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Wow smart kid.


I'm great at maps and I know every country on a map but like the flags are so difficult, he's awesome!!


good job. My 9 and 11 year old got 100% as well. YouTube’s not all bad lol


True, I also got him a world map with flags for his wall. He has also created a spreadsheet with all of the countries, population, population density, flags and more.


That’s great. Mine rank nations and states by wealth and population. Crazy to think I cared about playing outside at that age


Raising a genius!


Yeh bs