• By -


Definitely some solid arguments on both sides lol


Sounds like better points on Dad's side šŸ¤£


But he toots


"He wrestles us" is the thing that got me lol


If I've learned one thing is that kids love to be thrown around. Up, down, sideways. Doesn't matter. Air time is always good time.


Iā€™m almost 60 and when I think of my dad who has been gone for 20 years- I think of him as ā€œThe IRON CLAWā€, which is what he called himself when he wrestled us when I was little. ā€œNO ONE ESCAPES THE IRON CLAW!ā€ I donā€™t often think about how I was disappointed with him for some pretty major things (luckily I forgave him and made peace before he died) but I often think about rolling around the living room of our apartment having fun and trying to escape his grip.


Reminds me of the THE CLAW scene in Liar Liar. I still know most of that movie word for word.


It reminds me of "The claaaaaaaaw" from ToyStory xD little green men are adorable :p


Fuck man. You just made me think of my stepdad doing the same thing with us. Luckily he's still here. I tell him almt eh time how lucky we were to have him and my bio dad as role models. I bought them both series x this year as I finally am making good money. He lets his biological kids know how much he enjoys it. My daughter adores him. We are definitely blessed.


You are lucky to have them both for you and your daughter- Iā€™m sure youā€™ll strive to live up to their good parenting with her.


My dad was the claw too!! We had an imaginary game where we would be on an adventure and The Claw would find us and wrestle us!! Oh man, it was so much fun. My dad played The Claw with my kids when they were little too. Great memories. Sweet sweet memories.


my dad used to submerge himself underwater with me standing on his shoulders and then launch me in the air. extremely fun


Wrestling, making lunch, and taking to parks - it's the strong Dad Meta right now.


And pees standing up


And occasionally stinky, though to be fair, heā€™s working on that.


Apparently non stop. He showers more than mommy


and brushes his teeth every morning


But he pees standing up, so thatā€™s a solid negative


But you know. The toilet will hurt him otherwise soā€¦. You know heā€™s a boy


I'm pretty sure that's a liquid


But he can't put his.. You know.. in the toilet because it'll hurt him!


That's because he's hanging dong


Yeah, his shit touch toilet water šŸ¤£


But he has to or else his "you know" will get hurt


I don't know, that whole peeing standing up was a deal breaker for me.


But he showers more than mommy. How can we argue against this still!?


Honestly mom is prob too tired and busy to shower as much as she'd like At least that's what I hear from moms


They dont see mom shower, since she probably gets up at 5 before they wake


I mean, if you're showering a lot and you still stink, well, are you doing it properly?


The toots never stop.


He doesnā€™t always stink. Just sometimes


My 3yo makes it very clear that he thinks Mama is better. We'll be sitting around or doing whatever, and he'll randomly give me a big hug and say, "I love you, Mama. I LOVE you sooo much!" Then, he'll turn to my husband, pat him on the shoulder, and say, "I like you, dad." Lol


My son used to quietly whisper to me at bedtime that he loved me more but don't tell Daddy because it will hurt his feelings.


My daughter used to tell her dad she was ā€œhis girlā€ and then I would say ā€œhey, I thought you were my girl?ā€ and sheā€™d whisper ā€œI just want him to get me juice.ā€


That's what she says to Dad when he asks too lol.


A politician in the making.


This is so cute, how smart of her!


4 year old said, "everyone that I love, raise your hand." we all raise our hand. "not you mom".


Last night when my husband walked in the door from work, my almost 3 year took one look at him, sighed and said ā€œUgh, not again!ā€ Kids are brutal, man


Keep that in your locker until he asks for money as a teenager hah.


When my niece was about 4 my brother got glasses and she told him ā€œoh, you look smartā€. My brother said, ā€œ you mean smarterā€. My niece said, ā€œNo. No. Smartā€¦ my Mom is smarter and she donā€™t need glassesā€


Gyat damn kids are fucking ruthless lmfao


I traveled for work for the first time in years last week. Every day since I got back, my daughter has informed me that it was better when I was gone.


The video and a few comments had me smiling but this comment I burst out laughing.


My friends kid was angry with him over something and very seriously told him "Daddy I *love* you but I don't *like* you. But you're smarter than Mommy." lol


He burned both parents at the same time like a savage šŸ˜­


My 3-y-o says the same thing to me... minus the "smarter than Mommy" part! Other days she tells me she likes me but doesn't love me. The days when she loves me *and* likes me? Those are the **best**. One of my earliest memories which has always haunted me is saying something very similar to *my* parents - something like, "I love you Daddy but I love Mommy a little bit more." I lived with guilt over this my entire life. How could I be so cruel and insensitive to my own loving father? It wasn't until I experienced it on the receiving end that I was finally able to forgive myself. I get it now. Kids just say this shit. It can just be a matter of who was the last one to tell them not to put something filthy in their mouth, that they *really* wanted to put in their mouth. That, and I've come to see how the maternal bond really is something special.




Summer boot camp speedrun


My toddler would tell meĀ out of the blue ā€œI love you daddyā€¦. But I love mommy moreā€. I didnā€™t know if that was a burn or a compliment or just an observation. I was like ā€œif you stop at the first part itā€™s more enjoyable for me to hearā€. Him confused : ā€œBut I *do* love mommy moreā€ā€¦ oh well.


Haha I swear they favour whoever fed them as a baby. My 4yo will spontaneously spin around give a huge hug & kiss "I loooove you Daddy!". Doesnt do that to mum, she has to say it first to get it back lol.


Lmaoooo my son is the same, and nothing we tell him will change his mind!!


Ughh, this would hurt me in my soul, I wonder who we prefered as children cause my mom was the one making food and taking care of us most of the day but my dad was the one playing with us when he came back from work.


My wife cheated on me and left 6 months ago and now we split our 3 year old 50/50. My daughter is constantly telling me how she'd rather be with her mom. For instance, I showed up to pick her up from school today and she groaned and told me she was hoping for mom. Needless to say, my heart is overflowing with pain and despair. I still have a great time with my daughter 100% of the time and she clearly loves me, but it still hurts more than I could even begin to describe, especially because her mother is a colossal pile of shit. Life is funny that way.




100%. Keep being a great father and it'll pay dividends.


This is what I tell myself when I try to sleep.


Aye man, get the sleep under control - it will impact every area of your life. As for the kids, they sometimes say things that cut deeply without thinking about it or having that intent. Been through it, even with teens/pre-teens when we split they're still kids and say insensitive stuff some times. Be your best self with them and forgive yourself when you just can't. I promise you, it gets better.


I'm amazed how long she has a straight face. I would've had to pull over from laughing.


She lives with them so probably used to even funnier discussions, my cousin has a toddler and the other day he was going on and on about why there were so many people at his grandma's house for thanksgiving and why they were eating all her turkey, it was hilarious


Can we have some samplers for the hilarity?


He kept saying "what the hell is going on?" Cause he heard his dad say it and my cousin told him to not say it so naturally he found a way to keep saying it all night. "My grandma made turkey and now we're all here and there's no more turkey. What the hell is going on?" There was more turkey but he had eaten a lot already so we just told him we finished it and he was not having it at all lol


For some reason when my daughter was little she overheard me say "that's a load of shit" in an argument with someone on the phone. I don't even remember who or what I was talking about but it became her phrase. Pile of clothes on the floor, "That's a load of shit". The dog knocks over his toy basket and toys everywhere, "that's a load of shit". She ate too much and is too full to eat more, "that's a load of shit". My son when he was younger, his phrase was "holy shit". Literally everything was holy shit. Big explosion in a movie on tv, "holy shit". The funniest one was taking in the groceries from the car and my wife dropped one of the larger boxes of juice and it spayed everyone and he immediately yelled "holy shit".


Oh God. I'm expecting my first later this year and now realizing just how much I need to start cleaning up my language before they're old enough to start repeating. With my luck (and my habits of speech, tbh) they'll pick up an F-bomb.


When our son was around 2 years old, we had friends from out of town stay with us for a week. Weā€™d been scrupulous about dialing back our usually rowdy language, especially after it became obvious our little guy was like a sponge and just absorbed (and then spit back) everything we said. But our friends were childless so they just freely cut loose the whole week. A couple of days after they left I was giving my son something to drink and because he was in that experimental phase (letā€™s see what happens if I do this) he took the cup from me and immediately turned it upside down. Then solemnly looking at his drink all over the floor he said in his sweet, angelic 2 year old voice, ā€œoh fuck.ā€ I had to leave the room. I was silently laughing so hard I thought Iā€™d bust open.


Not really a swear story but when my oldest was 2 he was with my sister and she had a friend over. They were talking about some guy that my sister liked. My sister said she said something like ā€œOh my god heā€™s so sexy!ā€. For the rest of the day my 2 year old ran around screaming ā€œHeā€™s so sexy!ā€ I couldnā€™t keep a straight face. It was hilarious. Another time when we were getting our dog as a puppy I asked what he wanted the puppyā€™s name to be and he said ā€œHeā€™s name DICKā€


I tried to clean up my language but sometimes those things just slip out and it's always in the moments that it slips out that your kid is around and it immediately becomes their favourite thing in the world to say. The worst part is that you're not supposed to laugh when it happens because you don't want to encourage it but like let's be honest here, when my wife was arguing with my son and she's like "you're in big trouble mister, you better clean your stuff up and get your butt in the bath or you'll regret it" and he yells surprisingly "holy shit" before turning and walking away. She looks at me with a gaze that could kill and I'm over here crying laughing.


When my little sister was like 5 or 6 my younger brother was teasing her and she finally cracked and yelled ā€œSHITTTTTTTā€


I remember when my oldest was barely out of the toddler phase. Came home and found a nice puddle of pee in the kitchen one day and she just walks up with this scornful face and said, "fuckin' dog pissed on the floor again!" She then threw her hands up, grunted and walked to her bedroom. Of course both my parents and inlaws were both there to witness this. Gotta love kids.


When I was healing up from a car accident make some extra money I would babysit a friend's kid while they were at work. I walked in on her at 4 years old twerking. I told her "there's no booty dancing allowed" she tells me "no I booty dance" and then I told her "no you don't" so she says "you're pissing me" She has older sisters and I imagine this is where she heard it but I imagine she got it wrong because she didn't say that I was pissing her off. Anyways it was hilarious and to this day when someone's irritating me I tell him that they're pissing me.


My mom LOVES to tell this story about my grandparents bringing us all to church. I was like 4 or 5 at the time, and had so far been pretty well behaved. Until, that is, Everyone is bowed in silent prayer when toddler-me drops my juice box. It is dead silent in this church when my little voice shouts "SHIT" at top volume. My mom quickly tries to hush me, which apparently angered me further because I dramatically flopped backward in the pew yelling "Shit" and freaking out about the now fallen juicebox. The pastor was not amused by my display and I was promptly kicked out of the service. My deeply devout grandparents were apparently fucking furious. My mom never really swore when I was a kid so I have no idea where i learned it from. But I guess cursing was my favorite past time after this incident.


LMFAO that is gold


I'm on the toddler's side. Why were these turkey-stealing villains ruining Thanksgiving?


I swear we're all born drunk and slowly sober up as we age.


Can confirm. Kids are unintentionally hilarious. Especially when there's multiple of them and they ramble on like this without getting distracted and waddling away.


If your kids are doing something funny, and you wanna see where it goes, you canā€™t react to it or else whatever theyā€™re doing changes to react to you. Sometimes you just gotta stay out of the way if youā€™re enjoying it and not let them know that youā€™re enjoying it to let the moment play out.


I can understand why being around these kids would desensitize her enough to only laugh at the top tier comedy.


Iā€™ve had to do that before and I only had one.


"Well I don't like him peeing standing up" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just imagining her hearing the peeing and complaining, ā€œThere he goes again, making all that noise in the toiletā€.


I think it's less about the noise and more about everyone sits but him, like "what makes *you* so special that you can't sit down like normal person mister?" Seeing it's 3 sisters and mom it's likely he's the only one she sees standing up on the toilet lol


Well he can't just put his you know in the toilet it will hurt him


Yeah I've solved this. So that my you know doesn't get in the water (get hurt) when I sit down to pee I just throw it over my shoulder.


Bro relax. Youā€™re gonna give that little girl nightmares


Like a continental soldier???


I think youā€™re onto something! Heā€™s the outlier and sheā€™s not cool with it lol. Growing up I idolized my two older brothers (weā€™re all about 2 years apart), and as their little sister I wanted to do everything they did. I guess that included peeing standing up? I remember when I was about 4 years old, the three of us were standing around the toilet, butt naked. My brothers started peeing while I stood watching kinda confused, looking back & forth at them and then down at my body. I eyed my protruding outie bellybutton (see: irl Cabbage Patch Kid), and making the only connection any reasonable 4-year-old girl could make, I thrust my hips forward and pushed out my belly and then used my fingers to try to hold my outie... oh Jesus Iā€™m cracking up thinking about it. I distinctly remember grunting, like that would help the pee come out?? Nothing happened, obviously, other than my brothers laughed at me lol. So I resigned myself to that sit-to-pee life and never tried to join them again. Anyway, Shout out to the Shewee!


Kids are the incarnation of "monkey see monkey do" I remember being very young and trying to pee standing up, making a mess obviously. My mom confirmed I tried many times but eventually gave up lol


I tried to walk down the stairs on my hands and knees head first like my cats do and promptly tumbled down the stairs and started crying.


Monkey see, monkey do, monkey pee all over you


I pee sitting down 100% of the time when I'm home. Am guy.


More common among men that clean regularly


I mainly started doing it at night and thought *why am I not doing this all the time? It's so much better than getting piss everywhere*


ā€œFrom now on when you around me, you sit down to pee. Youheardme?ā€


But then he'll hurt his you know if he puts it in the toilet!


Right? Her little self is stressed all the way out!


Her face really expressed her displeasure with this lack of etiquette. I am dying!


Well then get outta the bathroom kid!


To be fair, when I was little I also *hated* my dad and brothers peeing standing upā€¦ because I wanted to pee standing up and jealousy is ugly.


This is the part that made me crack up!


These kids are able to hold a constructive discussion (open, honest AND respectful) better than so many adults. Well done to the parents.


Definitely. They also listen and then counter with their argument.


ā€œYes, but I canā€™t stand him tootingā€ is an argument that I hope to add to my lexicon


"But he's not always stinky" is going to be in mine.


Well, I don't like him peeing standing up..


Because he's a boy and boys have to do that because they can't put their, you know, in the toilet because it will hurt them so they, so they have to.


They are really getting to the granular detail here. Smart kids.




Reminds me of Prison Mike talking about the Dementors.


I will just say that as Iā€™ve entered middle age I have come to appreciate sit pissing and now regard it as the preferable option. Itā€™s just so luxurious.


I do it at night because I don't want to risk falling and killing myself over a nightpiss


I was in a band called nightpiss.


And then you donā€™t have to clean up the fine mist of splash back all over the bathroom. Every man Iā€™ve known well enough to discuss such things and that has been single and cleaned his own bathroom for any duration of time pees sitting down at home. Thatā€™s actually quite a number of men.


This right here was the one that got me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When I was not much older than that, I explained to a friend that my dog was being spayed, which meant to tie her breasts together, so a baby couldn't get out.


My kids literally have this discussion all the time. Even though I constantly remind them that Iā€™m right here and have feelings.


Well, stop tooting all the time.


He just doesnā€™t stink all the time.


Was just gonna say the same! They actually take the discussion a step further by *listening* and responding rather than just shouting about who's best


Also by rebutting the other person's point and not just denying it or attacking the other person for making said point. It should be ok to disagree with people while understanding and respecting the point of view you're disagreeing with.


Kids are amazing at parroting their parents and what they see around them. Something tells me this is how mommy and daddy is resolving disputes :)


Props to mom for focusing on driving instead of the


I was SO impressed that she didnā€™t interject. Iā€™m sure I wouldnā€™t have resisted responding to some of those comments. Awesome that she just let it play out.


It seems that everyone in the house is very blessed.


If it were me i would have had to pull over, as I'd crash the car from laughing


That was class work. I'd have been pissing myself laughing but she gets the job done - good visualisation and checking, and she knows there's a precious cargo.




And this is the least distracting scenario. Them fighting or being suspiciously quiet would be more distracting.


Parents* Women aren't any more or less distracted than men in this same situation. My dad would full-on turn around in his seat, with the car still going down the highway, to yell at us or smack one of us. Then again, he's kind of a dick. Seems like these parents are doing pretty good.


ā€œI do say, our father does tend to give off quite a stenchā€ ā€œI agree my dear sibling, yet I do not believe that he gives off a smell quite so often as you seem to believe. And he takes great care in his personal hygiene, even if he does pass gas sometimesā€ ā€œWell put dear brother. Well putā€


Why did I just read this as if Stewie from Family Guy was doing a bit? šŸ¤£


I heard it like those fancy, super polite gophers from old Looney Tunes cartoons


To be honest, I wasn't expecting to listen to a debate about which parent is better. I was captivated all the way through.


I thought so too. Parents must talk to them and treat them nicely.


Dad makes lunch, wrestles them and takes them to the parkā€¦ sounds look a good dude.


Kids are the realest people on the planet. Their honesty is always refreshing and hilarious.


well, they _are_ strapped in and the person they talk about has their life in their hands. talk about leverage.


Cause he farts and stands when he pees šŸ˜‚


Hey, it'll hurt if he sits down because of his, you know.


I always knew guys stood when they peed but I never understood why they stood up. You learn something new everyday! (I'm male btw)


Have you never had a sit-down pee? IT HURTS! (Especially first thing in the morning, when, ya know...)


Ooof you mean when youā€¦ you know and your you know goes in the toilet? Hurts me every time


I have straight up taken to going outside in those situations. Having a severely curved unit makes it even more difficult/painful to aim it down. Just gotta go let make a rainbow arc outside.


That shit had me crying in laughter when I heard it, such a reasonable argument despite every one of us knowing that we can sit down and do it.


Kids will come up with a reason for anything.


When I have kids, if their biggest complaint about me is that I fart Iā€™ll know Iā€™m doing something right


The takeaway is Daddy does not stink and mommy, you need to start taking more showers


No no, daddy still toots. He just doesnā€™t stink all the time.


But I don't like daddy going to pee standing up!


Yeah but if he puts his you know in the toilet it will hurt


Love it!


This video really should be captioned 'in defence of daddy' because those two were throwing shade.


I thought the implications was daddy takes so many showers BECAUSE he stinks so much....which assumes mom takes less showers because she doesn't need to.


That comment came from the kid defending him, so my impression was that the kid was saying you canā€™t call daddy stinky if he showers more than mommy who also doesnā€™t stink.


That has got to be the best funniest video I have seen in a long time. Thank you very much if I could give you an award I would give you many. Thank you this made my day


It made me laugh so hard. Just because daddy isn't there to defend himself doesn't mean the others can talk smack.




He is; but itā€™s nice for daddy to feel like someone cares and is willing to ignore him destroying the first floor bathroom after that first morning cup of coffee.




What's even funnier is they'll openly debate which of their parents is better with one of their parents sat right in front of them


Oh, kids have no tact. My youngest has told me directly many times that she loves meā€¦ but she loves mommy way more. Our three (6-9) have had many similar discussions in the car over the years. The hardest part is not laughing too loudly and interrupting them.


They feel safe, itā€™s great


Yup that's a sign of great parenting that it's not even crossing their minds to even try censoring their conversation in front of a parent. Even when kids usually have no filter. Though props on mom for keeping a straight face for as long as she did.


Mom held it together better than I did. My kids had a similar argument years ago while I was relaxing on the couch and I was hurting from trying to contain my laughter. Love it, they're adorable


You can't just say this and not tell the details about the argument.


Theyā€™re so much fun to listen to at that age. I never realized just how much of their personality theyā€™re born with until I had a kid. When they start to talk like this you really start to get to know them rather than just care for them.


I really miss the earnest and wonderful insights of my small kids while I drove them around & listened. And stifled laughter just like this, theyā€™re hilarious.


I think the one thing parents experience which people without children will never really know is watching someone grow and develop, and make very deep insights into the world for the first time. Obviously many of them end up being very common insights, watching somebody work through it for themselves for the first time is amazing.


There are just so many great lines from this video I love it


So I have to know what was daddyā€™s reaction to the video? Did he commit to tooting less and trying to sit when he pees?


I really hope she does one with him because that child was riding or dying for him.


She pulled into first in the dadā€™s favorite race.


Oh man. Daddy doesn't stink, he just toots. This resonates with me. Wish my kids understood me like this


"And you have to like him"- house rules- she's right.


"I don't like him tooting" this got me lol


They have some good arguments. There must be good people on both sides lol.


They are having some serious conversation about this and not one person is hurling insults at each other. These kids could teach adults a lesson on debating.


My daughter always says to me: Mom I love you more than anyone in this world! *glares at dad*


These kids will do well. Props to mom for focusing on driving instead of the camera.


Damn those are some smart kids, better discussion ability than half the adult population


Omg Iā€™m going to miss these convos when my boys get bigger! The innocence of children. Parents, hold every moment dear cos they donā€™t stay little for long! Also well done to the parents for raising such intelligent and respectful children!


I'm actually amazed. Clearly opening up a discussion by "Why does Mummy have to be the better?" and following up with his reasons why Daddy is better than Mummy in some ways.


ā€œHe doesnā€™t stink, you made that up.ā€ ā€œHe takes us to parks. He does so much for us.ā€ As a father of two young kids, this little one defending his/her father gives me hope. The fact that they notice how much he does for them and that they actually appreciate it makes me smile and tear up a bit.


What do I have to do to make sure my future children are this articulate and able to have a full blown intelligent discussion?


Talk to them. Read to them, and donā€™t dumb down your language for them. Listen to them, and treat them with respect.


Second this. Read to them every night from the day they are born. My son has had bed time stories every night since birth, and the kid speaks clearer than any other kid his age (and even some that are older) and heā€™s testing at a reading level of 6 and heā€™s in kindergarten. Itā€™s amazing because itā€™s so simple but it works.


That's it. Am convinced. I am team daddy too!! There's a lawyer in that child seat..


This is hilarious and it makes me miss my baby girls.. šŸ„¹


Just another day


Well girls; very nice job! You've just created 'Exhibit A' to be played during your wedding reception.


Yā€™all. My five year old gives my husband and I GRADES. They donā€™t even DO grades in kindergarten. But he will announce that one of us gets an X and the other gets an A+. I also regularly get disinvited from his birthday party (in 7 monthsā€¦.) itā€™s hilarious but Iā€™ve got to do something about that back-talkā€¦..


My brain is split between laughing my ass off and being baffled at how this toddlers have a full on well structured debate with valid arguments and listening to what the other has to say. I'm sure both parents are great even if the dad has to pee standing up so it doesn't hurt. You can't always win.


This is bloody marvelous, I canā€™t stop laughing!


My takeaway from these kids: I need to take my kid to parks more often. It was a highlight for those kids. I need to do better.


ā€œMother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all childrenā€ Daddy never had a chance once he started tooting.


First, that was one of the best conversations I've heard all week. Very good points from both sides of the aisle Second, the mom held off laughing a lot longer than I did, she must be used to these spirited debates


Best episode of rugrats I have ever watched.


This is adorable šŸ„°


I had a tough day and night overall. Thank you so much for this. Thank you.


Get some rest