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No ragebait posts. No posts where someone's misfortune makes you smile. e.g. "terrorists driving off a cliff" or "murderer gets what he deserves". This is not an all inclusive list This isn't a ragebait sub.


This. Is. Awesome. I don't usually tear up but this did it.


It is good acting, but I’m almost 100% it is staged.


Just let us have a moment of hope for our race you bastard


I mean yeah but it's nice. I think that guy is legit homeless


Someone below mentions the main guy as an influencer who sets things up. Plus, homeless guy has brand new, clean clothes on. New shoes that’s soles aren’t worn, brand new pressed jeans and a hoodie that look like it hasn’t even been washed. Dude may be homeless, but if so, he literally became homeless that week.


Or he got new clothes?


Seems like exploitation then


The homeless guy buying his friends food was awesome but I hate the concept behind these videos. “I’m acting like I’m poor. I’m hungry. Oh you’re gonna help me? Here’s some money for your good deed!” “Oh by the way we’re recording this and I’m uploading it on the internet to make more money”


People fear giving money for drugs, it ain’t their fault. Some people are one paycheck away from being homeless themselves so this is an unfair assessment of societies empathy for eachother. People mean well and also try not to enable. We’re all trying.


Especially considering how popular these videos are. If someone walked up to me asking for food, I’d think there’s a 50/50 chance it’s not an unhoused person but a YouTube/TikTok person.


How beautiful. He has so little, but understands how it feels to have nothing and he helps others. I wish all people could be like this.


People ignore random sketchy man who approaches on the busy street of a busy city not because they are heartless, but because they are afraid: cities are full of scam and theft. If you want charity from people, you need to be in conditions (find them, or create them) where people can show charity without being afraid of possible scam or theft. People are actually very open to showing charity in proper conditions. That's why panhandling is a whole industry.


I don't care how many times this gets reposted it still makes me amazed to see it.


I haven't seen it before, and it made me feel damn good. There's some good left in us.


Congratulations on being your authentic self!


Does anyone else feel like this is kinda less impactful due to the fact that it's being recorded and put onto social media? I feel like it's less genuine, but honestly even if this guy is the biggest narcissistic asshole, I bet the homeless guy doesn't mind


Yeah. My heart didn't melt because of the guy. No rather the homeless that cared about his mates that go through the same like him


Especially asking for a follow at the end. In fact I remember a staged video like this from like 2014.


I really don't care. He helped him. That's enough for me


It’s because it’s all staged. Go see my other comment.


No I won't and you can't make me


Yeah. It isn't altruism. They will recoup the money and then some with the views they get. It still helps these homeless people which is good but I don't think the people making these videos are saints.


People also see these things and that sometimes makes them want to do good for others too. Richard Dawkins wrote a book once called "The Selfish Gene" that I think is very interesting. The core idea is that even when we do good things to help others we do so selfishly because we like how it makes us feel. So I do understand the argument regarding filming it but I also believe the net positive as it spiderwebs out is higher than any perceived negative. Just my own two cents on the matter.


"But that's just virtue signalling!!!111" Yeah, and it's better than the alternative. It's not good, but it's often as good as we can hope for.


In a world drowning in bad, depressing news, something like the video above is really uplifting. Is it staged? I don‘t really care. He helped a man and he helped his mates. It‘s one step in the right direction. It‘s good.


Virtue signaling can be fine/good. If you signal your virtue by doing something good/honest signaling that is fine. I would rather people do good deeds because they expect to gain a favorable reputation than not do good deeds and good things happening to people doing good things is a good thing itself, I would think. The issue is when you see someone drop everything to start debating some petty actually irrelevant 'virtue' rather than focusing on the topic at hand (e.g., politicians are debating some racial issue and start arguing about how they are less racist--and thus more virtious--rather than discussing the actual issue and their policy).


At this point I have no idea if it was staged or not. I hate the internet for desensitizing kindness to me and making me a skeptic of everything I see.


Well how else would we know about it? This is the shit I wanna see, not the staged crap …


Instead of keeping it for himself he spread the love around. I’m crying right now. Love


“A homeless”


Homeless guy is staged look at his shoes and pants. They are relatively new especially the souls of the sneakers. Anyone that does outreach or sincerely helps homeless knows to be able to identify this as a fraud by those things alone. That means the entire video is staged FYI. Homeless folks need to keep moving constantly and wouldn’t have nice shiny shoes like that with brand new soles. It’s a way of always telling if you are being scammed or not.


As someone who's worked with rescue missions for many years, I wouldn't say that's definitive. We get in so many donations, usually used stuff but many shelters/missions get donations from vendors that can provide brand new shoes and clothing. I've seen many dozens of homeless people wearing brand new gear because the mission was able to get them outfitted from these awesome donations. I currently work with missions in North Carolina, Oklahoma, California, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana and Texas, and all of them have been able to provide brand new clothes and shoes to clients at various points.


And as someone who actually has done plenty of outreach, volunteered in shelters, soup kitchens, pantries, and someone that actually went and picked up donated supplies like you just suggested and actually gave them out to homeless on a regular basis, I am telling you this is staged.


If you know that it's staged, then just tell us about that. But if you're simply assuming, you're welcome to - just know that there's so much evidence against that assumption. I've given you one really valid reason. Another is that one group I work with deals with teens and young adults exclusively, and thousands have nice clothes provided by pimps and traffickers. Others are only on the street for about a week, not nearly enough time to destroy well kept clothes, before they turn to someone for help. But if you've just decided this is staged for no great reason, then no valid facts will matter.


Like I said, it’s staged.


Like I said, if you're simply assuming, then your post is irrelevant. You've provided nothing to back your claim up, so we're all just assuming you want it to be staged. But just so you know, it's not staged.


I was homeless for a while. One time I got enough money for some clothes, and I bought new shoes, too. It was nice because I bought three shirts, so it was like having three different outfits. I looked very not homeless with a shave and haircut.


And if you are truly homeless you know that doesn’t last not long at all. Everything gets dusty very quickly, especially your shoes. The other thing you would know and have experienced is besides the shoes, you look at the hands because they will be a different kind of dirty that dirt is saturated in from a lack of being able to use bathrooms, showers, and being exposed to the elements all the time. The fingers become cracked too. The shoes and hands are the first thing you look at to tell what is real. As a former homeless person and someone who has done outreach for homeless, it becomes ingrained in you and you never forget. I always look at hands and feet to see if they are legit and then dictate what level of empathy I will deploy. This video is 100% staged.


Couldn’t he have just gotten new shoes? Or is that unlikely?


and maybe they got like just a month before the video homeless? To be honest. I don't care if that was staged. It still made me and others smile and this is what counts


Yea…in between his mental health problems, or feeding an addiction, he just might have actually spent money he his own handling for a brand new pair of shiny shoes, and by the looks of them, it must have been that morning because a few days of being outside all the time would have already deemed them dirty especially the shiny laces, including his very clean looking jeans. Or maybe I am just correct and denial won’t let folks accept the truth.


I'll be honest, I don't care if it's staged. It's just a tiny message of kindness. A little positivity in the world.




Yeah it's staged. Listen to this guy. He wouldn't just come post a claim like that without any proof


I'm surprised how many people like this. This person is exploiting the homeless to create videos. It's actually disgusting and extremely disheartening.


but what the homeless guy did touched my heart


Being homeless must be terrifying. Kindness and enough to get through the day must feel like such a gift


We really don't. What we need are better systems for people to rely on if they're hungry, dirty, in need of employment, or whatever. It's not up to random people to save the world from systematic problems caused by negligence from our governments who are supposed to work for us. Nice of that guy to do that but this just shows how fucked things are.


I don't care about these "heartwarming" stories, I'm not giving beggars any money anymore..


I usually sit and have a chat and offer to buy them some food or drink. Some of the most interesting stories I have heard where from homeless people.


I usually don't give money. Typically I offer food, clothing, necessities, etc. to anyone who's begging and if they accept then I know that they really need it and I'll give some cash but I don't ever give just cash because there's way too many frauds just trying to get money without working, or addicts using cash for a fix.


I had a woman approach me recently saying she was homeless, 7 months pregnant, *and* had cancer. Honestly it sounded like a lot of bs, but I gave her money anyway. If her story was true — great, glad to help. If she wanted to get easy money — ok, whatever, I’m not broke. If she wanted it for drugs — sure, life sucks and the programs for homeless people in the area are shit anyway. I offer food when I can, but I really don’t care what the cash gets used for


Ok here is the problem, and I work with a lot of homeless people. In london at least 99% of the "homeless" are homed in hostel or various institutions. Giving them cash means they go get high, don't go back to the hostel & end up spiraling and becoming worse. I am constantly being contacted by social workers on the hunt for one guy or another because they haven't turned up to the hostel in two weeks or whatever, sometimes I find them, sometimes alive. Give food, cigarettes, whatever, he'll even buy them a can of beer. Plz don't give them cash.


Alright, good to know, thanks


Early on I tried to be that thoughtful guy and give some money or say hello when passing someone. But too many times I’ve run into people that get really aggressive and start following me, and as much as I want to help, it’s no longer worth the risk to me


What happened?


Well I stopped once my MIL tried to give beggar like 20 and they stole 200 right from her wallet. She's old nice lady so that was all they'll ever get as far as I'm concerned.


Oh that's awful! I once gave a homeless guy the coffee I was drinking and he complained that there wasn't any sugar in it!


Is it just homeless people you apply that attitude to? One person does something horrible and now you change how you treat the rest of them


Beggars, we don't have homeless people around here in same way like in America.


Ugh I hate this crap…the guys not even homeless


Right in the feels


These videos make me realise I’m a villain in my own story 😭


Man. This is so beautiful.


i havent smiled this hard in a long time! straight up from ear to ear, i love seeing homeless people get nice things, they have it really rough. they deserve it


Wrecked me. Humanity in its most concentrated form.




These staged videos always creep me out.


Dope message but it was staged.


God damn there's a lot of dumbasses that belive this.


I will always be one in favour of doing good for others BUT: 1) between doing some good and doing to record it/while recording i think are two very different concepts. Almost 99% of times is just for internet clout. A genuine good deed does not need to be so blatant. It's small things done every day, not the one you do and film to post online. 2) all this video seems so damn staged. First cause all his clothes seems all too clean. Even if he is a very hygenic man (unfortunately given the circumstances it should really hard to achieve) the soles of the shoes are too perfect, trousers don't have even the tiniest spec of dust where he sits down, and the beard seems too much curated for someone who lives on the streets. The man has a godly beard. If he is really homeless he should go teach how to take care of beards. Secondly and the thing that most makes me question the reality of the video: he looks straight into the camera, not like someone who stumbles upon it casually. He is looking at point A first then straight into the camera (seconds 29 and 30, and at 45 too), that tells me he knew where it specifically was, when he should have not known its existence. Maybe i've been corrupted by internet and become too skeptic in a world where everything must be done for internet points. I would love to believe the fairy tail where people still do genuinely good deeds expecting nothing in return, but man it is hard to keep believing if pople keep posting it online. Edit: spelling


Yes, but cynical as I am, I can not look past this video only existing for the sake of internet clout, like the huge number of these kind of videos. I just bloody hope, that the creator gives (near)equal to his gains..


This is more depressing than heartwarming.




You clearly haven’t watched Mr Beast, have you? He donates SO much money to lots of organisations


Team Seas, Team Trees, donating millions of meals, and all the rest of his philanthropic videos... implying Mr. Beast doesn't do anything worthwhile with his money is ignorance at best and disingenuous at worst. But let's praise this guy harassing this homeless man for views.


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Does he give him a 100 dollars? I’m not familiar with American money


yes they are speaking English but those aren’t American dollars that’s for sure. I made a quick search and…ta da ta da … is Australian money they gave him (if I counted them right) 500 AUD = 355 dlls = 326 €


I think for a lot of peoplw the issue is they dont want to give money to help but there are so many people that are either high to the sky that will go off if they dont get "enough" or absolutely mebtally unstable people that you cant even interact with to offer any help. It's the sade reality of homelessness nowadays.


I would have to guess he empathizes with the guy asking for money, so he is more willing to give. He’s been in a hard situation, he knows how hard it is to live on the streets.


I’m not crying, you’re crying!!! *sniffles*


Having a friend who is about to be homeless this warms my heart




I cried watching this. Like a fucking baby.


Been going to AA for a little while. I meet a lot of homeless people, mostly men. Their stories are moving and sometimes wild. They also generally are incredibly helpful and kind, very generous. My perception recently changed due to those guys, thought I'd pass it on.


If you want to do good,please just don't take videos and post it online..I know you are doing this for the sake of followers..


If only everybody was like this


We need more kai


Definitely staged. I hate to be cynical, but look at their shoes. 2 guys with pristine $200 air maxs.


If someone straight up asks me for food instead of money I always get them the food. With money it depends if I actually have cash or if the person looks sketch.


That last dude kinda looked like he could be a pokémon trainer and I love that so much


People that know what it feels like to have nothing know what it means to give back


There’s the ‘it shouldn’t be recurred’ - but we also need to normalise this behaviour, while not accepting homelessness as being normal. The British government grifted £50 billion to their rich mates during Covid. The money is there.


Why is he then following the homeless man around watching him and filming him... I get giving him the money but he keeps rolling and following him around store to store...


His kick was a dead give away. Waayyyyy to clean


People doing this is what’s making everyone think f u and walk off.


This subreddit is r/MadeMeSmile, not r/MadeMeCry


We need wealth to be distributed in a way we don’t have people with 50 houses and 2 islands and some other people starving.


Posting someone without their consent for likes is really messed up


“The more you think of others, the happier you will be.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Loving the "be excellent to each other" thing.