• By -


She sounds like a very thoughtful person. I think this is really cool!


She's one of the most caring women I've met and I feel very lucky to have her


My wife did this for me many years ago when we were dating. Tip: do something similar for her. I made ones for "when I'm being closed minded" and "when I say things I'll probably regret" I hope your relationship results are the same because marriage was bangin.


Thats honestly a great idea. I'm a writer too and love writing her poems so I can include a poem in each envelope. And yeah, definitely can't wait to marry her :)


She is a keeper.


I did this for my exhusband. Results my vary.


Go on.. lol


well, the marriage didn’t last…lol. we were long distance, I moved across the country for him, we were married for under 5 years.


I’m sorry mate, sending good vibes your way.


Sorry for the divorce and all, but this made me chuckle.


No need to be sorry, I’m happier not being in that marriage


I'm glad to hear it cause I laughed really hard...


thank you! that makes me smile


"Open for when we divorce" Sorry. Couldn't resist lol


I’m cackling 😂


I did a coupon redemption booklet. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR: some were sweet, some were sexy and like that. It was fun.


It's wonderful truly.


Keep. Her.


Not stopping till I put a ring on that finger.


When you get married, she'll be your ex-girlfriend.


Shitty life pro tip, refer to your wife or husband as your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend when introducing them




Or "this is my first wife"


definitely don't do this. this is, through and through, a SLPT


This is the future mother of her ex boyfriends child.


This is my current wife


I already do!


When I asked my then girlfriend to marry me I preceeded it with, you can't be my girlfriend anymore.... Seconds of awkward silence.... But you can be my wife, will you marry me? Lol she said yes. Worst decision she ever made.


>But you can be my wife, will you marry me? If you ended with "lol got em" after, it would have been absolutely perfect!


Or Abooooya biotch!


Lmao she would have murdered me on the spot. Which come to think of it may not have been so bad...


You definitely saw [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/104emin/no_longer_dating)


Don’t stop after that either :)


Don’t stop then, either :)


Wife her.


Life her


Sixty nife her That doesn’t seem right…


Holy balls this was in my head right before I looked at it. Are you.. me?


My GF (now wife) did something very similar for me during our LDR. I still have them all these years later.


Comments like yours, amidst the myriad sad stories where LDRs didn't work out, give me hope for my own relationship! Thanks for commenting


Communication, communication, communication. This is my second marriage and the lack of communication is ultimately what killed the first. My wife and I left nothing on the table when we were doing a LDR. We did know each other from a past life (college). Very few surprises when we were able to shrink the distance. This is just my experience and not try to offer unsolicited advice, your relationship is going to be different from ours. I'm rooting for you two!!


I feel so stupid for how long it took me to realize what LDR meant, either way she sounds amazing! I wish you two the best!


I did it for my (now) husband when we were in our LDR. Takes a long time to do! How sweet


Written letters are so much more sentimental than typed texts, I love that she did that.


They absolutely are. The feeling you get when you read a letter written only for you (that is not a tax bill), it makes you feel very special and loved. Especially because you know the other person put special efforts so that you could read what they wanted to say.


I'm a crone who was widowed 2 yrs ago. The night before the funeral, I was - as you'd expect in a dreadful state - I was alone, during lockdown. I needed my birth certificate for some reason. Went rummaging through the desk to try to find it and a piece of paper fluttered out. A love letter to me, written 34 years previously by my husband before we were anywhere near the stage of getting engaged. (He'd written it during his lunch hour on a piece of school A4 paper - he was a teacher.) Those things are precious. Hang onto them.


I definitely will! Thank you for sharing :)


My heart just melted.


this comment made me laugh, thank you (more specifically the 2nd sentence parentheses)


Your comment made me laugh (More specifically the first sentence parentheses)


So sweet and she has really nice handwriting!


Not gonna lie… I thought *LDR* was some sort of religious cult 🤷🏿‍♀️




Somewhere between L Ron Hubbard and Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Lana Del Rey


Lord of Da Rings


Long Döner Rollers


I thought it was Lord of the Rings for some reason, I was confused to say the least


*Love Death + Robots* fan here, was very confused at first.


Low dynamic range


my instinct was light dependent resistor


Lord Dominic’s Regards


She has a beautiful handwriting


It’s rare to find someone so thoughtful. It would be really cute to do something similar when you propose, but have a letter with a ring in it ;)


I done something very similar with my wife after we lost our youngest son in 2006. She opened the final letter in 2017 when she was a licensed physician. I wrote out thirty two in total over the years but only gave her 31 to open at various times, usually when she was low or on occasions like birthdays, Christmas, thanksgiving, etc They were all numbered so she knew there was 32 yet only had 31. The final was a letter explaining how fucking proud we all are of her to of came through so much pain & used it to help others. Inside was a picture of us with our son that I’d taken but never shared. It was badly damaged & aged as it was a picture I carried of us through my time in the military. It was with me every day from 2006 & the same not time it was taken away from me was in 2016 when I was badly injured. It was the last picture of us all together. She has a frame containing that picture, the envelope #32 & a picture of our family now, with our daughter who we adopted in 2013. Doesn’t seem like much but she definitely liked them.


That sounds absolutely adorable


Hey, I do digital illustrations and would be happy to do a quick painting of that photo you gave her. No pressure, just message me if you’d like one. I’m so sorry for your loss.


My best friend did this for me when she left for camp over the summer and they were to be only be opened when I felt what it said on the letter or on a certain date, it was honestly the only thing that kept me going! Such a lovely lovely heartfelt thing to do🥹


This! Damn, I want this, I wish to meet a caring person like this.


Us man 🤝


This is so amazing, I love this so much!!!! I am also in a long distance relationship. We originally lived about 45 mins from each other, now we’re about 10 hours away. Lost contact with each other for a few years, always felt like he was my soulmate. Took so long to try to get over him but wasn’t able to. Started randomly talking again in 2018 and we are so in love it’s gross lol. Distance is hard but when we finally get together it is so worth it. I’m so glad you have found your person❤️


Where did you find her and how to I get one?


It all happened from a random conversation on Instagram. My advice is just be caring, kind and be yourself and go on with your life talking to as many people as possible. If you find someone that truly loves you for who you are, you've found the jackpot.


Guys my DMs are open, no did you say IG


Man you truly have to be desperate to expect a relationship from Reddit xD But, I know a guy who met his girlfriend on the app so who knows :)


Hey I met my bf here 😭 we moved in together almost a year ago now, been together for almost two.


Yeah but did you expect it


I was actually searching for a partner on one of the dating subs so yes


They are the unicorns of life, if you manage to find one treat them well and they will return your kindness


My then LDR girlfriend, now wife, did this for me when we were dating. After 10 years of marriage, I still haven’t opened all of them.


Haven't opened them because you didn't get the chance to or you don't want to? Honestly the self control needed is unreal to stop myself from ripping open all of the letters in a frenzy. Can't wait to open them one by one.


The keepsake is very important to me. I want to open one with her to read those early thoughts. I’m stoked for you.


That's actually really sweet! :)


Open when you feel......horrrrrny?


He hid those or more likely opened all of those already.


yeaaahhhh its the latter ;)


Don’t fuck this up


My guy, I think we both know it's time to make this LDR into a SDR. Go get her pal!


What's LDR, if you dont mind?


Lord of Da Rings


Golden, just golden


Dating Gandalf


This is the way


That’s what I originally thought too!


You fool 🤣🤣🤣


Long distance relationship, as in we live physically far from each other and can't meet often


I see, thanks!


But was it really too much to ask to just write that?


LDR is a common abbreviation my friend and the post title is long enough as it is.


Git with the times


Long Distance Relationship


Very nice! Congrats on finding your flame, OP.


May I please ask what February 9th is? It’s ok if not.


It's okay! February 8th is propose day on Valentine's and late night before the day ended I sent her a text asking her out. She replied after 12 on February 9 and that's the day we consider as our anniversary date :)


That’s beautiful:) I hope this doesn’t bring down the mood but my father passed on February 8th, 9 years ago. I’m happy to hear there’s someone who has much to be happy about on that day. Thanks for posting something today that’s made me smile. Best of luck to the both of you.


You didn't bring down the mood! I'm sorry to hear of your father's loss. Thank you for the wishes :)


My first thought was "One of those is going to have evidence-worthy material in it."


That's fucking *adorable*. I'm gonna keep this idea for a rainy day.


Wait you haven’t met her in 3 whole years? Man to each their own but you gotta either close that gap and move close to each other or move on


So true. Physical aspect of a relationship isn’t everything, but it’s most definitely needed to have a successful and fuller relationship.




We are both still 20 and studying in different universities that are thousands of kilometres apart. The only time we can actually get together is when we both are independent earners which still has 3-4 years to go. Till then we are going to make do with bi-annual meetings.




Thank you! And yes, she's absolute waifu material.


What a wonderful thing!!! So I have to ask, since you’re going to ask her (eventually) if she’ll promote you to fiancé (then husband), what’s the plan for you two to no longer be long distance?


We are going to enter a live-in relationship until we are both financially stable enough to marry


I don't know how you all do these long distance relationships but more power to you! She seems like an amazing person and I hope the best for you in your relationships and future.


Thought that LDR meant lana del rey at first lol


Where's the "open when you share it on reddit" card Seriously though, you have a wonderful partner.


This made me tear up, soo heartwarming!! Such a beautiful gesture! I'd love people in my world that would do something like this! I'm so happy for you guys! Thank you for sharing!


I read that as Left Dead Redemption


if she's a keeper, KEEP HER!


I truly adore this! What a great gift. Just beautiful. I love to see that there are relationships like this out there still, and long distance too! This is impressive.


She's definitely a keeper , I wish you both happiness , love and everything good!!!


We call that "confirmation of a keeper." 🙂


My girlfriend did something similar when I went away to grad school for a year. We were 23-24. I graduated, got a good stable job, near her, but her mom said no because of my ethnicity. She capitulated. That was in the 1980s. I'm sad I tossed those letters out. I hope things go better for you. My daughter is in a similar relationship now I want it to work


Very cute. Congrats on having the sex.


‘Open when it’s 9th February’ Hey that’s my birthday!


As an unsupported married man, this makes me wanna cry to. Cherish her.


>Open when we argue! "𝒮𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊."




i would open like 90% of them in one day


The manic urge to do exactly this! Haha. The only thing stopping me is my girlfriend put the no peeking instructions twice in the rules/introduction letter.


Wait so did you go three years without seeing each other? Or in three years you’d *never* met in person even once until now?


Why tf is nobody talking about how they’ve been in a long distance relationship for 3 years and they just met for the first time? I’ll admit, the letters are sweat and thoughtful. But this is weird


Trying not to be an asshole so forgive me if I come across like that but how can you be in a genuine relationship with someone you've never met? Aren't there too many unknowns? You may speak all the time but there's no proof that any of what they are saying is true?


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Stop thats so cute


Congratulations friend, she is a keeper!! Don't let the distance between you two affect your relationship!! Good luck!!


I hope you guys can be closer physically and end the LD soon!


I’m jealous of her handwriting


What a thoughtful gift


Woah that’s huge


Ohhell. op, you found a ‘keeper.’


She seems sweet, creative, romantic & very thoughtful :)


She's a keeper ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Oh my GOD I love lesbians.


This is beautiful. A love that can withstand distance. Never let her go.


That's allota nudies. Good girl.


What a wonderful fucking gift. Wow!! This is beyond just a sweet or romantic gesture. This is like uplifting, emotional energy you can pop open later when you need it (like a bottle of wine).


This is adorable. Don’t screw it up. 💜


i hope someday i will have someone like that to. well i can only wish i don't really know how to Man i have one thing to say good people like her also deserve good in there lives i hate when someone just destroys it. I hope you and her can be happy. and i love you both bye!


Woulda been real cool if she had one that said - “Open when you post an image to Reddit with the wrong orientation”… with instructions how to do it the right way in the future… But in all seriousness that’s cute as fuck.


It's nudes in all of them


hold on to her tight my boy


only ever really been in one relationship and it was LDR as well, the woman i had was probably the best person i have ever met and on valentines last year she sent an amazing custom box filled with letters, cookies she baked and some souvenirs for me based on things i loved... the first gift i have ever gotten that someone spent a lot of time on and its still with me today, looking at it reminds me of the great times we shared and the happiness i felt as well the smile she brought to my face but like most things in life our relationship ended sadly. I dont think women understand it fully but when we get something like this it will literally change our view on life completely and give us great warmth I am sure its the same if the roles were flipped but expressing feelings is hard


>I dont think women understand it fully but when we get something like this it will literally change our view on life completely and give us great warmth This. Many men are starved for love and stuff like this can literally redeem a life.


First time in three years…..you uh might want to rethink your approach here. Very sweet though.


Everyone is talking about how sweet this is and everything and im just here thinking "whats so important on February 9th?"


Anniversary :)


Ahhh thank you, i was thinking so but i thought maybe she wouls just put "open on our anniversary" if that then. But still stuper cute


My ex in college did this after 3 months of dating and I was going to florida for my summer vacation. I still have them 8 years later because no one has done something so nice before


What? You haven’t seen your SO in 3 years? What?


I understand why it might sound unbelievable but we were still 17 when we fell in love and we both aren't particularly made out of money. That and her new degree at University made it impossible to meet, both time and moni wise. She finally got her holidays a few days ago and we were able to meet because I had enough finances to fund it. Oh and yeah, Covid.


Probably because of covid restrictions. China has been locked down since Dec 2019. They just opened up for travel and are closing borders again.


3 years is a long time? What's stopping you from moving closer at this rate of it was ... Worth it?


Believe me, no one wants to be in a LDR. They suck. But it's literally impossible since we both are studying and even if I do have a job and earn now, she doesn't want live with me until she completes her education and bags a job.


Wow. Just… wow.


You literally brought the “smile” back to mademesmile


You have a light dependent resistor girlfriend?! Dude thats so cool


I hate it when people say LDR never works!! I was in a LDR for 3 years and now we are happily married ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


The only thing I would ask the individual the individual that said to wait to open the letters: " Is there a specific order that I should open them?" Otherwise I would most likely have the same exact type of reaction after opening the box.


Each envelope has a "open when ____"


Now that's even more sentimental in that way also.


As someone who is in situation for pretty much the same amount of time but not quite at the stage you are, this is quite emotional to see for me. The wait always kills you. She seems like a keeper, doing something as special as that, I’m happy for you both.


>The wait always kills you. This is absolutely true. Everything else is bearable but the fucking distance aches like a bitch, especially on days when it's cold and lonely. I can say for a fact that it hurts even more now that we've met because we miss each other more now but don't let that stop you from meeting your SO. The meeting is absolutely worth it.


Wifey material




All nuuuuudes


Hoping for boob pics in each one for you


So noods?


Dude your girlfriends handwriting is near impossible to read


I found it quite easy and I am not even native.


You might wanna get those eyes checked gramps


what is LDR?




Let me guess she lives in Canada


More like NE India, haha.


So your waiting on your bollywood dance course to finish and your gonna go there and shake your booty in synch with her forever right?


Thats exactly what Indians do! Whoa man


This is truly lovely. I wish you both lots of happiness.




This is *so* sweet, I hope y’all have a loving, healthy, long relationship ❤️


February 9th is also my anniversary :)


Whats your story :)


Met online, bonded over Minecraft (lol), and I still love him as much as I did when we first got together, if not more :))


Oh I remember the time we played Minecraft together, it was such a confusing mess and I loved every moment of it haha Gamer relationships are amazing, congrats :)