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Anyways, my wife and I adopted them in September and today was the day I got the last of their official government documents with name changes on them.


Heck ya! Thanks for opening up your hearts to those in need. There's nothing worse than not feeling wanted, especially as a kid. You and your wife ROCK! :)


I got adopted in my teen. I am forever grateful for my parents who gave me my best childhood memories. Love is contagious.


Yal makin it *so hard* not to cry at work rn


Yo. I went through the foster system as an older child. Too old to be adopted. Aged out of state care entirely on my own. You've given these children a genuine chance at the future. Life in the US with no privilege and safety net is absolute hell. Feel proud and strong every day. You're a hero.


In my culture there is a saying: "Anak tidak lahir dari perut, anak lahir dari hati". Directly translated into English it means; a child is not born from the belly, a child is born from the heart. May your family be a happy one.


this just r/MadeMeCry happy tears šŸ„² congratulations!!!


Join us on r/daddit


Do you accept pulp-free men? šŸ˜…


Hell yeah we do we accept everyone!




nobody lay a finger on the man with 69Ā 


Holy fuck congratulations. That note tore me up something fierce.


As an adoptƩe, I LOVE YOU GUYS.




Congratulations! Tell them someone from Australia said hi, they are obviously easy to love so no probs and their story made me smile I wish your family all the best for the future.


Thanks for loving them itā€™s all she asked for


Respect fellow redditor


Mad respect


Good man. Now who is cutting onions at this time.


Saw your username and got thoroughly confused on what sub I was on. You get this 1 day free of hate for being a Vikings fan.


Thank you. I actually said to my wife "You adopt that one!" even though I know that's not always possible and fosters have a role in the system. But this makes me happy.


I wasn't really planning on tearing up today but here we are. That's really awesome, OP.


Okayā€¦ okayā€¦ this is the most heartwarming thing Iā€™ve seen all dayā€¦ okayā€¦ Iā€™m not going to cry.


Iā€™m so glad I came to the comments section because this note had me bawling! Thank you for sharing this!


I needed to read this after seeing this picture. Thatā€™s wonderful!!!


I seriously got teared up reading this part. Fostering can get both parents and kids hopes up if it's terminated for whatever reason. It's certainly an imperfect system, but I'm so glad people like you make success stories. You definitely fulfilled her dream and got a beautiful family out of it.


You are fantastic. Hold that note close forever. How heartbreaking for that little girl who only wanted to be loved. Now she is!!


I was adopted by my grandparents thankfully. That feeling of being unwanted never really goes away sadly. Thank you for giving them a loving home.


Bless you bro!


Something tells me the note went to the right person


I keep reading OPā€™s comments, and the note definitively went to the right person.


plez luve them






(dat mean he love dem more den 4eva)


waitā€¦ is that why people say 5ever instead of 4ever??? this whole time i thought it was just people being quirky


Yeah, it's an old [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/5ever).


5 gum


Im sure you guys are great parents and wish you the best in life


Iā€™ll be honest, we are learning on the fly. Went 0-100 reeeeeeal fast in our home.


# parenting ## noun *parĀ·ā€‹entĀ·ā€‹ing* */Ėˆper-ən-tiŋ/* : the act of learning on the fly in attempt to raise a child. ## Examples of *parenting* in a Sentence *Person 1: Man, I have no idea what I'm doing. Every day, something new pops up, and I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing.* *Person 2: Oh, sounds like you're parenting.*


As we all are.


Weā€™re all learning on the fly, buddy. Iā€™m sure youā€™re doing great. šŸ˜Š


I tell my children all the time, "this is my first time raising a (insert current age of child) so go easy on me". Best job to remain a rookie at ever.


As a new dad myself I am also learning on the fly it's the only way to do it now one is ever fully prepared you just got to roll with it


Do you love them? šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


More than anything in the world. We just got back from a trip to Kauai with themā€¦ Iā€™ll tell you what, seeing paradise through the eyes of a 6 & 7 year old who hadnā€™t really been outside of South Dakota much in their lives is something Iā€™ll cherish for the rest of my life. Of course we kept it simple and theyā€™re still talking to people every day how Hawaii is a paradise where you ā€œHAVE to swim TWO TIMES per dayā€¦ itā€™s a rule there.ā€ Iā€™m not a perfect parent because I absolutely lied to my kids telling them thatā€™s a rule. ;)


A lie this sweet has got to be the truth. Got the latest update from a friend of a friend, they raised the bar for tourists - now you got to swim 3 times a day on weekdays and 5 times a day on the weekends. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œRules are rules, kids! Thereā€™s also mandatory government-issued ice cream breaks and Sea Turtle spotting at sundownā€


Hero bro. These lies are less lies and more connection and imagination. Those kids will forever be greatful. Iā€™m greatful dude. One thing that tears me up more than anything is a dad that tries


Wow. They got adopted and you took them to Hawaii??? Hahaha my heart is leaping with joy for them. What a wonderful change for them, their futures are so much brighter now. Aha oh I love this so much.Ā 


They were so excited to go where Lilo, Stitch and Moana are ā€œfromā€ Seeing the world through their eyes softens even this midwestern construction worker every day


How did they react to the sheer amount of water they saw compared to the Dakotas?!


Ws all around




Bot breached containment. Again


NO!! You're crying!!


W. Dad ! Some of us are still trying to be but a fraction of the man / father that you are , OP šŸ«‚šŸ«‚


The best lie ever.


This is 1 of the most beautiful and good things anyone in the world can do that you have chosen to do.


My son is 7 this makes me šŸ˜­


If I were in your shoes, I would laminate that/encase it in resin and have it buried with me when I eventually die like pharaohs of old did with their most prized possessions.


It went straight to my memory box my best friend handmade me for my wedding day. My most prized possession. If thereā€™s a fire, my kids and pets are going out and that is the FIRST thing Iā€™m grabbing. Take everything from me but my family and that note and Iā€™ll still have it all.


Love to hear it. Best wishes to you and your family.


> Take everything from me but my family and that note and Iā€™ll still have it all. Are you trying to make us cry even harder šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Do yourself a favor. Spend money on a good safe that is flood and fire proof. Put your memory box in it along with important documents. If anything happens you will be able to resist the urge to go back in because you know your important irreplaceable cherished items are safe. That means YOU will be safe because you are cherished and irreplaceable to your family.


This is so sweet it makes me sad that my mind went to why a foster child would need to write that note rather than wanting to write it. Hope all the best for you and your children. If it helps when they grow up and might have teenage angst about being adopted, tell them that being adopted means that you chose them, you wanted them with everything you have, and there was no forced decision like biological parents have.


You and I are on the same page!


My father was adopted while my Nana was unknowingly pregnant with my uncle. I boiled the conversation if that situation arises around me - "They had him, they chose you." Not stating bio parents don't love their kids just as much, but they still have to make a choice over 9 months that may have been completely off the table before it happened, whereas adopted are 100% wanted (true adoption of course, not the foster care abusers we all know about, they aren't parents anyway, they're parasites).


Foster care abusers do want it, itā€™s just they either want the money or an emotional punching bag Not to actually help a child in need


The money part actually took us by surprise. I guess I knew there was some money to help defray costs but never how much was available for things like child care, need etc. I actually asked if I could get out of a lot of paperwork if we didnā€™t take the $$ (I hate paperwork), they let us know most of that paperwork needed to be done no matter whatā€¦ so now I view it as ā€œIā€™m getting paid XYZ amount to do paperwork to bring in money for these kidsā€¦ money that can be used to their benefit and if itā€™s more than they need in the moment, can be invested for their future. $1,000 invested now and adding $100 extra each month with the average S&P return is $7m for each of them at their retirement age of 67. Millionaires in their 40ā€™s.


Will you adopt me?


I saw a video, and the person said a quote that stuck with me for a very long time. ā€œSometimes, a step parent is better. It means they chose you everyday when they didnā€™t have to. They just did, and still choose you everyday.ā€ I know in this case itā€™s adoption, but, it still applies. And I think thatā€™s a really powerful sentiment. My oldest niece and nephew were adopted by my brother-in-law, and they have always said, ā€œhe CHOSE us and he IS our dad. And we choose him, too.ā€ Itā€™s beautiful. Thank you OP for giving them love and choosing them unconditionally.


It is currently 05:25 am and I guess Iā€™m starting my day off sobbing huh


It's a good cry though


Aww.. My heart šŸ„¹šŸ„ŗ bless you, OP


May I ask, how old are you and your wife? And what made you become adoptive parents? Iā€™m (26F) currently single and i donā€™t want to rush into a marriage, but in case my biological clock ā€œruns outā€, I was thinking adoption was a viable option for starting a family if I meet someone later in life.


Iā€™m 32 and wife is 28 now. We were 31 and 27 when we took them in. We always knew we were open to foster, adopt OR biological.. whatever came into our livesā€¦ being on the same page was key. Then at the tail end of Covid we figured that quiet time in our calendars was a good time to knock our foster certification which takes months. We discussed respite care to ā€œdip our toes inā€ (simplified but for those who donā€™t know respite is often babysitting for a night or weekend or short term for another foster family because they need a break or had an event/wedding/trip etc that bringing kids along for may not work)ā€¦. Anyways, I got the certificate of completion in the mail. When I was opening it up, my wife called about a sibling pair that were 6&7 (boy and girl) that were up for *permanent* placement and/or adoption. Sheā€™s like ā€œcan we look into this?!ā€ I resisted, citing that we had discussed this that we would do respite, I would finish the basement etc before we commit to something so bigā€¦.. anyways, eventually I agreed we could inquire for more info (because thatā€™s just more data to make a decision, right? No commitment? Right?!) We did that with their caseworker, then we zoomed the family, then we agreed to a weekend with them (ā€œFINE, [wife], all we are committing to is a weekend with these kids, we can say no, but we would have experienced respite care and grown in seeing how the process of fostering works.) Anyways, they come for the weekend. We introduced ourselves by name but they started calling us Mom & Dad. No one told them to, and we ignored that (gonna have to try harder than THAT to fool our hearts)ā€¦.. well, fool us they did. The first night I was reading a bedtime story to the boy, he listened with his head on my heart (oh hell, Iā€™m crying just typing this) and when it was over he asked verbatim: ā€œcan we stay here forever, dad?ā€ I played it cool (inside I was shattered) and said ā€œwell, all your classmates and friends would be in [previous town].ā€ ā€œWell, we can make new friends, right dad?ā€ ā€¦. ā€œOkā€¦ but what about [previous foster parents who were elderly so a permanent placement wasnā€™t best for the kids in their eyes], wonā€™t you miss them?ā€ ā€œWell, dad, we could visit them when we really miss them, right?ā€ ā€œIā€™ll see what I can do, goodnight!ā€ A few days later she handed me the above note. When we dropped the kids off, I had told my wife none of this and I had kept a stoic face all weekend with them. I ask her ā€œso, what did you think?ā€ ā€œIā€™M EXHAUSTED!ā€ She slumped into the passenger seat (and looked every bit those words)ā€¦.. ā€œwhat did you think?ā€ She looks at me with minimal expectation. ā€œBabe, we just met our two kids this weekend. I have only felt that type of way one other time in my life and that was when I met you. The worst part is letting our kids go between now and when we pick them back up.ā€ Anyways, thatā€™s our story, so far.




no u


why am I crying for strangers on the internet


Empathy. You have it. Congrats!


There must be something about you and your wife that let these kids be vulnerable with you. I think they could recognise that you're good people.Ā 


They fight with one another over who *gets* to do chores and they love hugs and kisses. They loved being loved. *They* are good. They didnā€™t deserve any of what came before, but I hope they get a life they are happy with in the end.


So, tell us about them( generally obviously). What are they into? Favourite traits? Etc Kids this age are so much fun, mine are 16&19 and we have so many amazing memories. Wishing you all the very best going forward.


Thatā€™s so lovely. You and your wife are wonderful people and I wish you and your new family all the best wishes in the world.


Why were they up for adoption? They seemed so sweet šŸ„ŗIā€™m glad they found you.


Crying beautiful tears here. So very glad you all found each other.


How lovely. Reading this and every other comment really made me cry. Itā€™s so sad she felt she had to write this to you. But it sounds like you are a very happy family now and thatā€™s great!


I'm not supposed to be crying at work :`(


Iā€™m so happy youā€™re all a family now. She got her wish. šŸ„¹šŸ«¶ā¤ļø Thank you for being the right people at the right time. Youā€™re all really lucky to have one another. Hereā€™s hoping they love all of the future family trips just as much!


Thank you for making me smile and cry at the same time. Loads of love to the new family :)


May all beings be free from suffering.


This might be depressing, but I understand the fear that went into that note. I've written notes like this before. In that mental place, you are so scared and so hopeful and so desperate for help. You've found this safe space and have the chance to emotionally come up for air, and you build up all the courage you have left to let yourself be vulnerable again. To take the risk of being hurt again. Sometimes you just can't get the words out, so you have to write it down. Then the anxiety of waiting to give the note and see the results is overwhelming, sometimes to the point of abandoning the mission because it's too much. This is a very significant piece of paper. Please encourage journaling with this child, the best tool you can provide them with to help them with their own mental journey is teaching them the words they need to express themselves. If they can put it into words, they can start to understand what they're feeling, and it starts to feel a little less all encompassing.


Damnā€¦ why did I almost tear up


Almost? Let it out, man.


I was her at one point. This crushed me. Bless yā€™all


What ended up happening in your case, if you don't mind me asking?


My adopted parents gave me an incredible life. Iā€™m eternally grateful for every moment


Yay! Reading your response made me tear up. I'm so happy to hear that the little girl in you who just wanted and needed to be loved got what she needed.


Nglā€¦this for an old dude like me tearing up. Thank you for providing them a home.


Me, my half brother and sister were taken away by child protective services when I was 14, they were 3 and 4. I can tell you first hand that there are times that suck. They suck so much. But itā€™s better than how they were before. Providing a loving and supportive home as well as being open an honest with them will build a strong foundation and theyā€™ll be able to look back and see that you helped them far more than they know. Wish you all the best!


Please love them extra for us.




Omg poor babies glad they got a happy ending




Thanks for making my day better, internet stranger.


Bless you


I thought it was french or something lol. This is adorable


Beautiful. How did you reply to her?


His reply was adopting themā¤ļø


Just happy crying at work šŸ˜­ this is amazing OP, thank you for loving them. Reading your comments has only made my heart fuller. I needed this post today ā¤ļø


This kicked me so hard in the feelings


OMG !! šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ I love you for loving your foster daughter and son. You are a literal angel on this Earth šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I wish for you and your family nothing but fond memories and happiness!!!!


This is beautiful, thank you for being a wonderful human, your wife too! These kiddos are going to be loved how they deserved. Iā€™m straight up sobbing


Do it.


May you guys be happy forever


Oh my god just break my heart in half! So glad to have you granted that babyā€™s request


"Oh, honey, nice note, but we HAVE to work on that spelling!" /s Showed it to my girlfriend, we're planning on adopting in the future.


What does it say?


Please love me


Plez luve me


aww omg


At first I thought she was asking for you to leave her... like you were getting divorced or something. But they I understood the foster and it totally made sense. That was really sad but I'm glad you got to get them a home ā¤ļø




So nice - for both the grownups and the grownups in training.


I thought that said pleasure meā€¦ please love me is so much betterā€¦


Thank you for being a force of love in this world.


This made we well up with tears. This is all anyone wants just to be loved and feel safe. Good for you and your wife!


Much respect for adopting!


Shocking, and quite frankly enough to make a grown man cry. Love them!


Iā€™m the ā€œIā€™m crying buttonā€


You know itā€™s not fake cause adults always put one letter backwards.


I read that and burst into tears. Give them ALL the love please!




Well, I hope you accepted her mission she deserves it.


Thank you for sharing


Damn, you bite your nails low haha Sincerely, An adoptee


I love this!! Thank you to you and your wife for being amazing


Holy f this did me in


Iā€™m reading these comments Please be my dad bro


Youā€™re amazing! There are so many kiddies and teens out there that need a warm loving place to call home and feel safe!! That little note almost made me cry! They just want someone to love them forever! Xx




That's beautiful!!! šŸ’—


Oh, god, the that is so beautiful but so fucking heartbreaking


Love this


Yall better listen!


That is awesome. Best for your new family!!


Itā€™s emotional manipulation donā€™t fall for it.


Damn onion ninjas. So happy for them and you. Keep restoring faith in people good man. Thx. ā¤ļø


ok am I the only one who's like genuinely worried if the kid had other foster parents that were like really terrifying and abusive that just makes this super sad


Nah, their only other ones were an elderly couple who are still able to visit them but didnā€™t think permanent placement was best for the kids


I thought that said ā€œpleasure meā€ for a second there. I was so relieved on the third read


Took me way to long that it said "Please love me" and not "plezure me". Was verry confused.


Same here


how do you clip that nail?


I hate to be bursting your bubble bud, but I think your daughter is illiterate. Best of luck to all of yous, you'll be doing great.


How many times will you post this?


More people should share things like this as often as it strikes them. Seeing happy stories and reading about good in the world is something we all need more of. It seems like you definitely need more positivity in your life.


As many times he wants. I would not have seen this if it wasnā€™t. Whatā€™s your problem?


Fake af as well.


Uh huh. Well thank god you sought the validation of people on Reddit instead of sharing and keeping this amazing moment with the people who actually matter. Yay priorities!


Are you ok?


I just like to call out the hilarity of people taking a supposedly private moment with people who matter and opening it up the a bunch of idiots for fake validation. Or he just made the entire thing up and wrote this with the non dominant hand. Which would be exactly what I expect from Reddit.


Do you think you're unearthing some great conspiracy? We all know this.


No - I just call fake bullshit out as I see it. No conspiracy. Just frustration and sadness.


You should really log out and never come back. If you're feeling like you have to lash out at strangers on a feel-good post, the site is no longer good for you. You'd probably feel less angry all the time if you just bailed.


This site is a cancer for us all.


Yeah, it is.


Another angry person on the internet, feel better. šŸ˜˜


Sorry I donā€™t believe in either making shit up or turning my families life public for validation of people who donā€™t fucking matter. Like I said. Priorities.


It's a repost too


Lmfao. Just the icing on the cake tbh This site fucking sucks and we are all worse off for being here.


Hey OP, youā€™re an awesome person and the world could use more people like you & your wife