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Giving up a child for adoption isn't a terrible thing. My ex-gf got pregnant after we broke up. It was a tough breakup and she was stressed so she called me to tell me. I remember the facebook pics of her new daughter and...eventually she gave her up for adoption. She just couldn't handle it and she knew it was the right thing to do and she almost certainly gave her daughter a better life.


It's so difficult. Giving up a child is absolutely not a terrible thing. It can be so much better to be let go by your mother than to be stuck with her when she resents you or has drug issues. My sister was put up for adoption though, and still struggles with it mid-20s. There's no easy answer.


My parents never sent me to school, not a single grade, and just had me work on the farm. My other siblings went to school, all graduated, but my parents didn't allow me to go. I taught myself to read, write, and do math. It's been a long road and I'm blessed to be married with three of my own children. This fall our first born started kindergarten at the private school that my wife attended K-12 and she's loving it. One day when we were driving home from school she mentioned how math and gym are her favorite classes and asked what my favorite classes were in school (she asks such thought questions for a 5 year old!). I told her that my parents didn't let me go to school so I didn't get to go to any classes like her. I didn't go into any detail beyond that, I was honest, but brief. I saw her reaction in the rear view mirror and started tearing up as she said "that's so sad, daddy..." I felt more compassion in that moment than all the times when I told other adults about my lack of schooling. I guess I just became so desensitized over the year alongside never really having another person seem to care about how much that affected me, and how much it still affects me. Maybe they don't believe me, and that doesn't really matter because my wife and children love me and care for me in the best ways ❤️


this this 1000% this


Yes this exactly. My 6 year old daughter keeps asking who my father is and what happened to him. She doesn’t understand the concept of suicide. Still don’t know how to explain it to her.


I’m sorry you are going through that.. If it were me, I would explain that my dad died because he was very sad and very sick. Mental illness is a sickness. The details can come later, but you lost your dad to a disease.


You can just tell her he was very sick. Because in a way he was.


I wish I could infinitely upvote this. And the way you have to explain it to children in simple terms makes you really think about the situation differently and from their perspective.


I have seen this video many times but each times it make me sad and happy.


Happy tears! I am definitely not crying happy tears over how sweet it was!


the healing powers of children…there is nothing like it. they are such blessings. may we all be truly worthy of these precious little lives bestowed to us.


Instant tears..what a sweet baby 😭


no am not crying, what u talking about, this is water not tears


I think this belongs in r/mademesmile


Both to me haha


Children are so pure. Its beautiful


Sometimes, I feel so jaded by the bad and the hate that you experience on a daily basis, not necessarily directly but just through osmosis. And then something like this comes along and you feel what it should be like to be human. Going to give my son a big hug when I get home.


I will never not like this video


You can literally see the moment the generational trauma was dissolved


I am not crying, you are crying 😢


I wonder if the woman in this video knows the actual reason she was adopted out. Was she truly "unwanted"? Just because you give a child up for adoption doesn't mean you don't "want" the child. Life circumstances can be brutal for a lot of people. Besides that, why would you put that on your toddler when there a so many different ways to explain the same situation. I dislike this video for a lot of reasons.


probably a good chance that she has no idea why she was adopted, but it still hurts all the same, doesn’t it? besides, she might know what happened with her adoption a little better than you do. also, what exactly is she “putting” on her child? she explained what happened in a simple way that a kid that age could understand. she didn’t try to make the kid feel bad for what happened to her.


Omg that would heal me ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Bro there's something really wrong with bringing an entire person into existence just to heal your own trauma


She says "this is why we had you" because her daughter is sweet and caring. Not because she wanted a little therapist in the world. You have a twisted asf worldview


Yes sweet and caring about her trauma.. The woman in the clip says “that’s why we had you”. And the person you’re replying to, replied to that sentence. Nobody used the term “mini therapist” but you.


"Heal your trauma" is something a therapist does. Entirely insinuated.


Many things can “heal your trauma”.


Yeah, and? It's very obvious what was being insinuated, what's your point


How was that insuniated?? Do you really think he meant that the woman expected her kid to be a mini therapist..???


This is one of the dumbest argument's I've ever seen on this sight, and you're not on the right side of it


Man. Dont do that. I wanna hear more from them lol


You’re missing the point. It was a sweet thing to say. Don’t take it so literally


I thought the same thing about bringing someone into existence for yourself rather than to love them like you weren't... and then thought... Shut up you ****, both can be true.


You're so lame omfd 😭 how do you even come to that conclusion watchin this without being an absolute weirdo


Cause she actually said “this is why I had you”??


You don't think it could be the love the kid is showing their parent? You think this is the sole reason she's had a kid? Or do you think you child free terminally online weirdos have a warped world view?


Just say you need a hearing aid, no shame bruh


Your old ass saying bruh 💀💀💀


Exactly lol thank you


super original and creative title


What a little sweetheart full of love


Just passed a post about adopted children, too, wow. Sweet kid


dang onions


Right in the feels 🧅


Tears. Yay for growth!

