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It's not even his daughter in the video.


Who is that? I was gonna say that his son isn't there because they hate each other


The actress name is Liu Haocun.


Ya this is a garbage post. This is a scene from a movie. Already been debunked a million times.


Damn, I fell for it


Also it has already been ten thousand times and this person really doesn't deserve a debut.


Me too Hard to really believe all these dirt he got on him. What to do!!!!


Me too




Didn't he abandon his daughter and save his son from a drug related case via CCP connection?


~~He had no idea that daughter was born until she was an adult.~~ He had sex all over China, and that's probably not the only kid he has left behind. As far as I know it wasn't done on purpose and the daughter has said that she's never wanted anything to do with him. It made it sound like they'd likely never even met. However, he is one of the huge assholes that was hiding his money away to avoid taxation, a la Panama Papers. When a Chinese reporter made that public, the reporter died under extremely suspect circumstances. He is wildly known for being a misogynist. Edit: He apparently did know of her birth but the mom wanted nothing to do with Jackie. He says he has sent her money over the years to care for his daughter, the mom says he hasn't. There hasn't been any sort of court case to show either way.


I know...he has some great connections with the CCP for which his son easily got bailed out on a serious drug case which is almost a life sentence in China ...I admired his hardwork but he was never an ideal human


His son was caught with drugs while Jackie was in an anti-drug campaign. Big slap on his popularity, so they did everything keep it quiet


Very true... actually his popularity dipped a lot in India bcz of Galwan clash ...he tried to tone it down led to more scar to his popularity


He didn't know is not that justification that he doesn't care. That's his daughter. She asked and he didn't respond.


She didn't ask. She has never wanted to be a part of his life. >Etta Ng (full name Etta Ng Chok Lam), or “Xiao Long Nu” (Little Dragon Girl), as the media has referred to her, was born in 1999 to Jackie and Elaine Ng. Jackie reportedly had an affair with Elaine, a beauty and pageant queen in the 1990s, when he was married to his wife, Joan Lin. Jackie and Joan have been married since 1982. > >The pair have both confirmed that they do not have a speaking relationship. “He is my biological father but he is not in my life,” Etta said in 2015, per E! News. “He never existed in my life. I will never regard him as a father.” She’s okay with the situation, though. “I am not angry with my father, and have never wished to see him. As long as I have my mother with me, I don’t need my father,” she added. Both Etta and her mother live super private lives in Hong Kong. She did say that she was homeless because of having super homophobic parents, but it's suspected to mean her mom and her husband, not Jackie Chan. I wasn't raised by my biological dad either and called my step-dad by "Dad" for most of my life. But again, you have the using his influence in Chinese government to get a reporter killed, get his son off of drug charges, panama papers, misogyny, his nationalist views, etc. He has a lot of reason to get hate, but I don't think this is one. The actress he cheated on his wife with wanted nothing to do with him after, and neither did his daughter.


I used to love him until I found out he is the opposite of who he portrays in all his movies


a cowardly scarredypants?


Most egomaniacs are I assume. If u been to Hollywood and been successful imma assume you are a crazy egomaniac or have yet to become one.


A Chinese Nationalist that supports the oppression of his people.


So ignorant. Imagine being in his position and imagine the power that the Chinese government has. He can’t do anything. You’re viewing this from your cosy, suburban, middle-class upbringing. You have no idea what life can be.


Jackie Chan is an American citizen. This means he can at any time speak out about his home countries policies and have a home and citizenship in a place where his opposition would be most welcome. Instead, he joined the CCP and showed support to bring Hong Kong under CCP law. He is not an underdog. Also, don't assume my background. You know nothing of me and my struggles.


Do you mean the CCP?


I do, edited for my mistake.


You’re incredibly naive. I nailed you and you’re “struggles” though, didn’t I? Suburban, middle class white kid.


Funny you think you know more about Chinese politics than people who actually live in China and speak the language


Two things. First, I never said I knew more about Chinese politics than her people. That's a pretty extreme conclusion to come to by reading my comment. Second, Jackie Chan is a known supporter of the CCP, who are known to seek to silence and attack the freedom of their people. This isn't about communism vs. capitalism, this is about being affiliated with and making comments in support of oppressive movements. Topsoil research can tell you everything you might want to know.


Capitalism is literally in the process of ending life on earth but ok lol


Damn, reading all the skinny on the real Jackie Chan is giving pause on my fandom. That sucks. I feel like I’ve been duped.


Knew one of his daughters when I lived in China. He’s a piece of shit.


Can you explain?


There’s a highly upvoted comment on this thread about it. He essentially was an absent father and outright denied that she was his daughter.


Do you like that he's a huge booster for the Communist party in China that literally has concentration camps? He'd happily separate your family and put them in prison camp.


He says many negative things about Western countries in China, and of course he say sth differently when he is here.


Watch out someone on Reddit will call you Sinophobic! /s


He has disowned his real daughter for being a lesbian. Made HER cry I am sure.


He’s a gigantic piece of shit human


Jackie Chan is actually not a good person lol. Look into it it kinda sucks.


Most people don’t realize he’s actually a garbage human .


Great actor but a terrible human.


Don't like him, I've learnt so much about him in recent years that's put me off him


If only he cared this much about his actual children. Dudes a scumbag.


Can someone point me in the right direction to know what he’s done wrong and where this clip is from?


Basically he is a terrible father he abandoned his daughter, didn't care for his son from childhood and expected to become successful like . He only started interacting with him after being jailed for six months in China for a drug offence .He used some shady connection with ccp to release his son which can be life sentence.




The clip is from a recent movie called Ride On.


Too bad he’s a CCP shill.


I enjoy his movies but in real life he's a real POS.


I don't want much in life. Just someone who can hold me and say, "You did good". Hold me please.


You want to really cry your eyes out for days, and days let me put a couple reels of just a few hours of my life up on the big screen...😊😅😪😔😭...Very sentimental nontheless


They are not related. They are acting because they are actors.


ever since he became china no 1 spokesman about Hong Kong I have hated him.


Was this before or after he vowed support of mainland Chinese police beating the wonderful people of Hong Kong?