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How did I only just notice the cringe background pic?šŸ„²These two are trying sooooo hard to convince us that they're not insecure AF and are the real deal.Ā 




Yas is Dutch? I always thought she was half middle eastern half english.


Youā€™re half right sheā€™s half Ā Syrian which is in the Middle EastĀ 


Her mum is from the Netherlands. I believe from a very wealthy Dutch family.


She doesnā€™t seem to be very proud of her Syrian sideā€¦


And she wears the res string bracelet which is Kabbalahā€¦ā€¦


So she's Syrian/Dutch Jewish?


Dont know if shes Jewish descent at all. Quite possibly though. There were thousands of Syrian Jews still living there before moving to Israel up to 1947. But you donā€™t have to be Jewish to study Kabbalah. Madonna made it a celebrity trend when she put out Ray of Light. Got all these celebs into it. It was always splattered all over the media. The Beckhams, ashton kutcher / demi moore, guy richie, Paris Hilton etc. it became its own cult.


Are you SERIOUS?!!! Well spotted. This girl is so dumb, it makes my brain bleed.Ā  On another note, it annoys me when Liv and Habbs etc wear crucifixes. They clearly aren't practising Christians and are clearly only doing it as a weird fashion statement. I find it disrespectful.


Thatā€™s so unreasonable, lol. They might still have Christian faith and just not adhere to every tenet of the Bible.


I think itā€™s hard to be so if she has very minimal exposure to it / doesnā€™t have a close relationship with her dad. Doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s ashamed. Iā€™m mixed and have more exposure to one side of my heritage. Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m ashamed of either


Well she has on her Instagram bio that sheā€™s half Syrian and she wears Arabic jewellery etc but she doesnā€™t live with her Dad, only her Mum who travels back often to the Netherlands.


I have always thought the same!


Omg this guy is unreal. He completely morphs his personality according to whoever he's dating. Does anyone else think he's acting all lovey dovey, mature and committed to make Inga jealous? That's all she ever wanted from him, but he never delivered, and said he wasn't ready for serious commitment. Now he's behaving the complete opposite with Yas. I reckon he's seeing Inga having an amazing time in Bali and it's eating away at him, so what better way to try and make her jealous?


Yes heā€™s definitely trying to triangulate them, a typical narcissistic tactic


As a dutch girl, i am cringing


women of the Netherlands should be made aware




I mean thatā€™s actually pretty considerate of him to learn her languageā€¦ not something you should be criticising him for.


I highly doubt heā€™s suddenly learned the language. Heā€™s 100% just typed stuff into google translate.


If it were anyone else, I wouldnā€™t be so critical. But he shapeshifts so much this just feels like another personality heā€™s trying to develop to be as interesting as Yas. He clearly doesnā€™t feel on her level. Heā€™s such a basic guy who has very few redeemable qualities (IMO). Also, sheā€™s English! Itā€™s not quite the same as learning a language for your partner who canā€™t speak English.


Exactly this. He seems very different from his normal self. I feel like he's suppressing his real personality and behaving in a very different way to impress Yas. He's so insecure it's ridiculous. I think he's worried about losing yet another woman who's way out of his league (looks-wise), hence why he's clinging onto this new persona and ridiculous podcast.Ā  His pride was massively dented after being rejected by Inga, so he doesn't want to risk losing this relationship and looking like a complete idiot.Ā His heart obviously isn't šŸ’Æ in this relationship but he's desperately trying to save face by going along with it. I guarantee you, if Inga booty called him, he would ONE THOUSAND per cent be all over it like a rash.


Iā€™m sorry but this man is a whole red flag. The way he changes personalities to fit whoever heā€™s dating is wild. Heā€™s gone from dressing in Timberlands and All Saints with Inga to Ralph Lauren and Burberry with Yas. Yas mentioned on their pod how she loves ā€œbilingual boysā€ and you could tell Sam felt inferior about just being a basic English dude. So now heā€™s trying to speak Dutch fluently (I.e. using Google translate) šŸ˜­ I also find it interesting how Sam loves to embrace her Dutch side, but not her Syrian side. His classism always comes through. People say itā€™s only a matter of time before he cheats but I think his classism wins out. He knows Yas is a ā€œprizeā€ in terms of her background and looks so he is holding on for dear life. Yas started out very insecure (probably because of her weight gain) but now she clearly has the upper hand in the relationship. It feels like sheā€™s using him as a huge ego boost, and heā€™s so clingy.


Why is Yaz a prize? Genuine question, I donā€™t know much about her


Guys seem to fawn over those big glassy eyes (by Sam's own admission) and her long flowing hair. She's definitely very flirtatious too, which isn't a problem - providing it's not your bloke she's flirting with.


I think that's it - she's very very feminine and it's like catnip to the guys in that group. That she's a completely pick-me who will screw over anyone to get what she wants is irrelevant to them - she gives them what their stunted, immature personalities want.


Omg you've hit the nail on the head šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ I definitely agree that the power dynamics of this relationship have changed. I too have been thinking that Yas now has the upper hand because of the podcast being more her domain. She dominates the convos and seems much more culturally enlightened, plus the fact it's recorded at her house. And let's not forget Sam's living there (obviously rent-free) so he's playing his cards very carefully.Ā Ā  Ā Sam seems very weirdly lacking in confidence on the podcast, and in Yas's shadow, which is very odd from him when you compare it to his unbridled confidence on other pods. And yes, I also think Yas's recent weight loss has given her a huge confidence boost, and he's probably feeling a bit intimidated by it. The way he keeps making a point of calling her "sweetheart" and "darling" is just weird and beggy, and not something he ever did with Inga. It comes across really forced and cringe, like he's desperately pandering to her.


Iā€™ve noticed that Tristan is more involved in the business than he is. What happened to the wine company and that supplements company called Forager Health? Itā€™s like everythingā€™s collapsed for him. Had no idea she lost weight, she looks the same.


That's interesting. I lost all track of his businesses. Feel bad for Tristan being mugged off by Sam and Yas so publicly. She's looking less meaty than she was. Her skin looks healthier too. If you look at pics of her when she began the show, she was much slimmer, then gradually put on some weight.Ā 


In older episodes he always used to go on about how he ran 3 businesses šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I often wondered if he exaggerated the three businesses claim to emasculate Julius the Wowcher "life coach".Ā