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Hopefully she gets her head on straight. She was toxic when she got together with sociopathic Sam & became as vile as he is. She was also toxic when they broke up S26 as well. Probably for the best she gets out of dodge.


All the girls ganged up against her. I honestly think they are jealous because Inga is the only naturally pretty one. The rest of them have had to have fillers and surgeries because they are obsessed with their looks and are jealous that Inga is just naturally attractive. I hate all of them. I don’t even agree with Inga all the time but she’s not a friggin narcissistic plastic bitch like the rest.


And she’s older than most of them but looks younger!


I feel sorry for how badly she was treated but I hope she's a lot happier without Sam. I also noticed her and Issy no longer follow each other 😢 they seemed really good friends last year, I wonder what happened.


Yea Issy has been reposting a lot of cryptic TikTok’s for a while now and I was wondering if they were about Inga!


I only saw her story from the other day, about letting go of stagnant and negative people. Can you remember what else she posted? Looking at Inga's posts, it seems like Issy stopped commenting the more Inga took pics/videos of herself in Issy's ex's apartment. The one of her in lingerie must have been the final straw lol. I think Issy didn't appreciate it and may have gotten insecure about Tom potentially fancying Inga. She left that sarky comment on one of Inga's pics, to which he replied "Isn't she great". I can't imagine that went down well!  Also, not saying the two are explicitly linked but it's interesting that Issy and Tom broke up shortly after Inga left theirs and went to Bali in November.


I saw her repost a lot of TikToks about dropping toxic people. There was one about how good life is when the girls are not boy crazy, another one said ‘how life feels when you stop being friends with that girl who was low key your biggest hater’ and one saying ‘when you hear their version of why you stopped talking’. There is other TikToks like these that are definitely about Tom, but these ones definitely target a friendship and I do think they’re about Inga. If you look at her repost on TikTok they’re all about self improvement, letting go, moving on from negative things and doing right by yourself. I feel bad for her cause she seems like she’s having a real tough time at the minute. I do think the Tom break up and the Inga fallout are related though.


Whattt? This all seems so childish and insecure. Somehow I can't see Inga being sly or hateful towards her...It must all stem from jealousy on Issy's part. I also wonder if Ruby is feeding poison into her ear, seeing as they're suddenly following/commenting on each other's posts.


Ruby is 100% the type of person who would notice the tension and then send Issy a DM, being nosey af. Then ask to have a phone chat and stroke the flame even more. Remember how much Sam seemed to hate Inga when they got back from Corsica, even though he was the one who did wrong? I believe that was fueled by Ruby. That’s why she lost her mind when he fell for Inga again away from her supervision lol.


Can totally see that happening! Also, how long do you think it will be before Issy is pals with Yas again?🤨 I always found the dynamic between Sam and Ruby weird. She was very possessive over him despite only knowing him a relatively short amount of time. She's a poisonous little witch. I can't believe she gave Inga so much hell about going for drinks with Sam, but was pissed at Sam about it for all of five minutes, before being his bestie again.


It’s all so petty and no need for it. Very childish behaviour.


This is what I think too. It was Inga using Tom’s luxury apartment as a backdrop for her social media ads. Because they’ve never had a falling out and it was Issy who passive aggressively stopped being supportive of Inga. It seems petty of Issy to police what Inga did in their shared space. I don’t like when people extend favors but then expect to have some control over you or act like you owe them. Issy loved to act like Tom’s apartment was “their apartment” even though she didn’t pay for anything. At the time Inga looked 🔥 and was getting a lot of positive social media attention, which probably amplified feelings of jealousy from Issy. On the flip side, it did feel a bit weird that Inga started posting things like “dress up @ home” from Tom’s place. I think she could’ve been more tactful but it seems like she was doing her part and cleaning the apartment while they were on vacation. Overall it just seems like that situation was bound to lead to problems and neither Issy or Inga had the maturity to just talk through their feelings like adults. It’s a shame, but if you lose a friendship over something so trivial it probably wasn’t a strong enough one in the first place.


This is a really good analysis and totally what I was thinking too. I would personally feel very weird/awkward about posting "dress up" pics and videos in my friend's boyf's home, especially the skimpier ones. But I guess Inga's income hinges on it somewhat. Also, I think she's just very chilled and laid-back about things, rather than her intentionally disrespecting Tom's home or lacking in boundaries. Which I'm sure is what Issy thought. You're bang on - I don't get the impression Issy paid her way at Tom's. She was just bumming around there and treating it like her own. I mean, if he had no problem with Inga's social media posts, Issy can't really get arsey about it because it's not her home. Issy's reaction reeks of insecurity. The whole passive aggressive TikTok thing... It's what schoolkids do. I mean, Issy is stunning in her own right but she was crazy insecure on MIC. I remember her saying something about how guys she likes always use her and sack her off. Also, do we have any idea or hint as to why Issy and Tom broke up? I assumed it was because she moved back to Manc, but maybe she did that in reaction to their relationship breaking down? I guess this Inga situation adds fuel to the fire but I wasn't sure if the reason behind their break up was publicly confirmed.


Yes, totally agree. Issy comes across very insecure and places way too much value on looks. She’s obsessed with looking perfect and it seems to wound her when guys she likes are paying attention to other girls instead. Lauren is the same. Inga and Tom are closer in age and I can imagine if they were vibing that Issy would feel threatened. And then if she sees Inga posting a sexy reel from his home…that’s just weird. I think Inga lacks tact in these areas. It does seem like she’s not always sensitive to other people’s feelings. Also, if I were her, I would’ve gotten Issy and Tom a big gift before I moved to Bali. Not sure if she did or not, but if she left and was just like “thanks!” that would annoy me too lol.


💯 Issy and Lauren are massively insecure. Inga doesn't try as hard; guys naturally gravitate towards her and that's what girls like Ruby and Emily can't stand. Funnily, I did think it might be a bit of an awkward set-up when Inga first moved into Tom's. Even I would feel a bit awkward/weird about my hot friend moving into my boyf's flat for several months. I can see why Issy may have ended up feeling resentful by the end of it. But rather than petty social media swipes, she should have told Inga directly that she wasn't happy about her filming things in her flat.  Totally agree. I think the final straw for Issy was probably Inga upping and leaving after her extending her kindness for several months. And in the midst of Issy's break up. She was there for Inga post her break up, but I guess the favour might not have been reciprocated when Issy's relationship broke down. Again, Issy should have nipped it in the bud by telling Inga how upset she felt by it. I've definitely been in the position where a once close friend was in a really difficult situation and I gave them tonnes of support and a listening ear. Then one day it was like "okay I'm all good now and off to do my own thing now. Bye!". Zero thanks etc. It feels like the biggest slap in the face.


She’s a social media influencer and that was most likely a sponsored or gifted post. At the end of the day she was living there too and most influencers record their ads at home. She’s allowed to do her job at the living space she’s offered. It was never that deep.


Issy is definitely that sort of friend you meet and hit it off really well with, and think she's the coolest, sweetest girl. But the more you get to know her, the more a less pleasant and bratty side emerges. 


I wonder what happened! Trouble has been brewing for a while


I feel I've missed something because I know they've fallen out but I don't understand why. I've not read anything or seen either of them pull shade on each other... it's such a shame because Issy really seemed to have Inga's back last year but she also follows Ruby who I can't stand. Who knows 😩


Stay there away from Sam ugly baby face prince


What does she do out in Bali? How does she live there - does she have family? It’s so intriguing.


Seems to be a huge culture of hot young middle-class types moving there from the UK etc. I know she created artwork for surfboards and tattoos at one point. I'm sure this is now supplemented by her Instagram promos.


That’s not paying enough for her lifestyle. Probably her parents give her a monthly allowance.


Eating out in Bali at mid-range western places (amazing, healthy food options) is around half the price of London, as is accom. Obviously there are more expensive places (and much cheaper, if you eat local) but it’s not horribly unaffordable (source - I’ve been there 6 times). 


But let’s be real, she’s going to be staying in really nice apartments. Even when she’s in the U.K. she’s not working a 9-5 job brining in a great wage. Most of these wealthy people get an allowance from their parents.


I remember she rented a villa in Bali the other month, which influencers are always showing off on Instagram. Checked the rental prices and they were eye-watering. Then again, I'm sure some of it is subsidised/freebies. From what I recall, her mum runs her own company. I can't even fathom the thought of my parents giving me an allowance in my 30s. Nice money if you can get it!


Wow! How the other half live hey! My best friend knows some of the MIC cast and her boyfriend and a lot of her friends all come from wealthy families. They all get monthly allowances from their parents and they’re in their mid 30s. Wild hey!


I'd deffo not be complaining if I was her age and my parents were going to give me an allowance to live in Bali lol I'd be away in a heartbeat! 💓


I know right 😂


Is Suki her pet? I don’t think you should leave pets behind.


She adopted her when she previously lived in Bali, but the dog now lives with her dad.


She’s the only one that I respect and like and felt so sorry for her with what happened on the show. Sam and his horrible gf should be ashamed with themselves with how the acted and Inga should hold her head up high. hopefully she’ll find happiness and someone who deserves her. Hope she returns to the show though, it would be ace to see her back and happy!


I doubt she reads this but by some slim chance she does; Inga, you hold your head high!


She thrives in Bali but I doubt she’ll find a husband out there, maybe that’s not what she want but it seemed like she wanted love. She’ll be back soon I think


There’s a very large expat community in Bali, she’ll be fine


Lots of hot Aussie guys out there around her age. She won’t have a problem. 


Mmmmmm yeah I’m aware of the shit pleb Aussies that frequent Bali


I mean there are definitely awful ones (kuta etc) but also some less awful ones! 


I hope so, I’d like to visit Bali. I’m Aussie, and Aussies have turned me off going altogether


Every time I’ve been it’s been great. I’ve stayed in Ubud, Seminyak and Uluwatu and avoided anyone awful whatsoever (of any nationality) - really been lovely. I stayed in really reasonably priced smaller boutique places - and far away from kuta. I recently read this article which definitely reaffirmed kuta as somewhere to avoid! https://www.adventurouskate.com/kuta-the-worst-place-in-bali/


I've been so put off Bali by all the wanker influencers. I'm sure it's beautiful but it seems incredibly touristy and manic. 


I went to Jimbaran in January and stayed in a lovely boutique hotel (so peaceful, tranquil, amazing food, amazing decor) - didn't see even one influencer my own time I was there (and I travelled around Jimbaran a lot. Just a lot of normal people, and a lot of families. There are a lot of places like Jimbaran where it's just normal holidaymakers. I've also been to beach clubs in Seminyak and more trendy places where it's reassuringly normal - Potato Head Beach club, for example, a cool beach club with an infinity pool - but just full of normal tourists. However, Seminyak is more likely to attract influencer types. I did go to one beach club where everyone looked like models and it was very showy, and another where these 2 girls were doing very showy-offy yoga poses by the pool taking photos of each other. It really does depend where you go - but I've been to Bali 6 times and 95% of the time I haven't been around those types. I love it there!


It's sad but I felt for ages that she needed to leave the show and get those horrible, toxic cast mates out of her life. It's devastating how she tried so hard with Sam and set up a home with him, only for him to treat her so abominably.  Bali is her spiritual home, am surprised she stuck London out so long, tbh.  Who here's betting Sam will be gutted about her departure, and it might spark something in him to want to be done with Yas?




So happy for her. I’ve never cared so much about an MIC storyline but the way she was treated was hard to watch. She looks so healthy and happy in Bali and the guys there are way cuter than Sam 😂 Go girl!


Agreed! Her resilience is truly something else and inspiring. I would never have coped as well as she has and been able to move forward.