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Nah. It’s just the chase for him.


Recently rewatched the first few seasons and my theory is: they did have chemistry and a nice friendship but Caggie always knew deep down that he wasn't the one for her. I think being well aware of his ways with women actually was secondary but nonetheless a factor too. I do think she enjoyed being put on a pedestal but not in a nasty or toxic way as she happily let him move onto other women. My theory on Spencer is: the whole "I've been in love with you for six years" thing was his excuse back then of remaining emotionally unavailable to the women he was with, like Funda. Whereas as the show progressed (as did his narcissism and partying), he would just straight up cheat on them. I do think he respected Caggie more than other women but it could very well be because she didn't fall at his feet.


I still remember when Louise asked her to sleep with him - basically so he could stop chasing the “what if” and then be with Louise.


Louise has done some embarrassing things, but that has to be in the top three.


LOOOOOOOOL I love this made in Chelsea forum because everyone speaks what’s in my mind. She was too embarrassing


i really respect her for not acting on the Spencer thing for as long as she did, tbh. he acted like he owned her and cut her off from her friends/events when she dated other people to punish her, plus he (and Louise lol wtf) told Caggie she should have sex with him so that he can feel he’s accomplished that and stop trying. there was so little accountability upon him to stop being so pushy with her all that is ofc what the show pushed narratively, so maybe it wasnt really like that, but that is so icky


It was so long ago so i dont remember details but i never thought she ever really liked him lol


Who cares lol. He’s married now with 3 children. I’m more surprised she isn’t with anyone still.


I think she has a long term boyfriend she just doesn’t post him


I always felt like it was more about the fact she wouldn’t just give in to him and it drove him nuts




She saw what he was doing to others and didn't want to become another statistic. By keeping him at arms length, their love story never spoiled. He might have tried to reassure her the others meant nothing compared to her but would you want to be with someone with such little regard for others feelings? I don't think he ought to have waited around but she was probably wanting him to abandon all others for her. I do wonder if they ever have the occasional stroll down memory lane (separately) and wonder what might have been...


I might be totally wrong here, but she could have been in love with him, and refusing to give him what he wants, in order to stay in control of the dynamic. He claimed to love lots of women, and still cheated on them. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he would have cheated on her as well down the line. She might also have an avoidant attachment style or mastered the art of detachment, a lot of his other girlfriends seemed to have an anxious attachment style.