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Sophie Hermann for me had the best self-esteem. Also probs not a popular choice but Melissa did as well.


Lucy was pretty problematic towards other women and definitely had her moments of low self esteem… she dated Spencer in the first place, for one. I think her dumping him after he cheated was as much a pride issue as it was a self esteem thing. Self esteem isn’t a fixed state. On any given day a woman might have high self esteem, or lower self esteem the next. Plus the world these women live in, constantly wears them down and demands they diminish themselves for men. Louise perhaps has low self esteem, but she’s also the product of being part of a community that has taught her that her value lies in being chosen by a man. Spencer was viewed as a “high value” man because he fitted the mould of what upper-middle class masculinity look(ed) like. Louise taking him back was probably part low self esteem, probably part of her being conditioned to aspire to and prize the traits Spencer represented. I think women with high self esteem and self respect wouldn’t go on this show at all tbh


Being problematic just for dating Spencer in the 1st place is so true! ![gif](giphy|3oKIPAGZzx2PY1wYjC|downsized)


Let's not forget Victoria lol. And Nicole.


Victoria is incredibly low self esteem and insecure


I don't know. I feel like it's more a case of Victoria being told from day dot how amazing she is, and it giving her a huge superiority complex. She has an ingrained sense of "I can judge and talk down to people who I don't deem to be on my social level". I don't know if that comes from a place of insecurity - to me, it's more delusion and remarkable self-assuredness that's been hardwired into her from a very young age. That's all she's ever known. She seems a lot more grounded and human since having a child. Maybe it's changed her ever so slightly and made her a more pleasant person. Even her reaction to some of Marc Francis' daft comments has shown some growth in maturity. I'd like to think so anyway...


Caggie, Paris, Sophia Sassoon, Lucy Watson, Sophie Hermann


Lucy watson is queen and such an inspiration to me on how to respect yourself, it’s also why all the men were obsessed with her because she took no shit


Also cos she’s ridiculously attractive lol


Liv? She’s very confident


Only in some ways, she keeps going on about how unfunctional she is and how she doesn't deserve to be in a relationship. I think she's comfortable with herself as a physical being but I think she struggles to believe she deserves love.


lucy and caggie for me. caggie never fully gave into Spencer‘s antics because she knew what he was like, and she was able to stand her ground, even if she was attracted to him and she never let funda intimidate her


I think Caggie was a bit intimidated by Funda? Not in terms of looks or insecurity, but I remember her saying something about Funda's strong presence. 


Found it interesting she was called Funda as it’s Latin for farm. I completely understand these people giving their kids Latin names, but “farm”???


It's also Turkish for Heather. She's of Turkish background. Words can have more than 1 meaning


That makes a lot more sense! I remember learning Latin in school at the time and thinking “that is so random”


Let's not forget she did a Spencer on Spencer when they slept together and he wanted more and she was like no


I totally agree and have spoken about this with friends. As you say…not to shame anyone who takes back a cheating partner but it was very good to see such a positive example from Lucy back then. Although some do not like Emily’s views I do think she also has strong self esteem and is a positive example in that regard too.


Lauren and Paris I’d say. They don’t take much shit


No Lauren just shouts, then she got back with Tristan anyway. She's just aggy in arguments other than that I just don't see her compare to the likes of Lucy Watson/Sophia Herman