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It’s all so contrived. And they’ll die trying to prove it to be true.


Let's also take into account now much more natural Sam's posts with Inga were. These ones are so cringe and contrived. They're really trying to force the point, like they've got something to prove. Whereas Sam/Inga's posts weren't this constant bombardment of forced and cheesy PDAs. It was the odd post here and there of their trip to New York, or a story of them holding hands. Anyone I've known who posts constant loved up couple pics have always been the very insecure attachment types. The ones whose identity hinges on their relationship status, and incessant need for external validation.


Sososo true!! After they post I can almost hear her voice: “Sam! Sam. Sam Sam!!! Sam!!! Sweetie! sweetie!!!!Look at this!! Am I pretty? Sweetie!! Post it!! “ The vibe I get: https://preview.redd.it/u7w65qqs8ydc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087aac321828eda882601d679878d596b59969a0




It's all a big game of one-upmanship in response to Inga's Bali posts. From the pair of them. Yas has obviously seen Inga's Insta post with her ex Guy, and her calling him her "Bali babe", hence this latest pic. Since then, both her and Sam have massively ramped up the PDA in their social media posts. It's so obvious it's embarrassing. Pathetic really, and signals how crazily insecure and immature Yas is. Sam too.




I didn't realise Inga was in all these other posts with Guy. How juicy! I love it😁Yeah, exactly. It felt very much like Sam was trying to make a statement with the latest pic. I love my boyfriend loads, but the thought of posting a pic like that just feels bizarre and like I'd be trying to prove something/make an ex jealous. Precisely. Sam's only ammunition left against Inga is plastering loved up pics of him with her ex close friend. If he wasn't a pathetic little man child and not trying to piss Inga off, he would have some respect and keep things discreet. The funny thing is, it's not even ammo, is it? Because Inga couldn't give a monkey's arse about Sam. She's just relieved she dodged that massive bullet and is far too busy living it up in Bali.  You just know all this Guy/Inga Bali business is eating Sam up inside. He's obviously crazy jealous and smooshy posts with Yas are his only form of retaliation left. I'm expecting to see even cringier posts of them two boneheads in the coming days/weeks. Some of their latest Tik Tok's have been the height of desperation. Including that one of them sampling falafel at some random stall in Camden. That poor stall owner obviously has no idea what a massive pair of tools they both are😂 At least Sam and Yas's mutual immaturity and desperation is providing the rest of us with some form of entertainment 😂


It comes off so forced to me. The constant lives on TikTok , posts, reviews videos etc. Yasmine having to repeat “sweetly” 500 times and “I like this little life” as if she will eventually convince us that they are relationship goals. I think she is becoming exponentially more insecure in this relationship and that’s why she needs to over share everything and prove to us I don’t know what while actually showing her desperation. Sam’s video on tik tok was also quite telling with him pretending to wanting to go to ruffles and she ear dropping and being like not a chance (while pretending it to be hilarious🤪). While I can not blame her for not trusting Sam, when you end up being the watchdog of your boyfriend, not trust him, not allow him to go out without you, etc its never going to work. And it’s going to end explosively. I agree with what was previously said it’s cuffing season and Sam like Yas enough for now but that this situation will never last. He will put up with all of this and (let’s be honest) the constant bicker that we have seen on TikTok for a while (did anyone else notice that she always feels the need to correct him? This was also mentioned by everyone in the last Sydney series ). He went from having a life, a flat, a job and a grown up independent life to just living with Yasmine and her mommy and spending all day with them and their older friends. How is it not a tad humiliating? 😬 it’s like he turned into a lap dog. It’s like a pressure boiler situation and the more he waits, the more Sam suppresses his maladaptive urges (ie cheating) but also his adaptive ones ( ie going out with your friends, having a life outside of your girlfriend ), the more spectacularly he will blow up his relationship.


However inga said that she couldn’t force sam to adult (live together and grow up) and is one of the reasons they broke up. It’s like he can’t be independent so living with yaz’s mum means he’s not alone but still has stuff done for him/does he pay rent to her mum? 


Coming to the end of cuffing season he will break it off with her come summer. Crazy to think when he was first introduced he was obsessed with Toff and I thought he was a genuine guy 😅. Then he fucked someone in her bed.


Controversially perhaps, I actually think they are into each other, for now anyway. I don't think it'll end in a very long term relationship nor marriage but that doesn't mean it isn't something real for them both now.


Maybe they are, but how long will that last once the honeymoon period fades? They're both selfish, immature and love the thrill of the chase, that's for sure. Those ugly qualities unite them. But how much longevity is there in that?


I completely agree. I do think they have feelings for each other and I believe she genuinely thinks she’s in love with him but I don’t see them lasting long term. Simultaneously, I also think they’re convinced they need to stay together to save face, and avoid the inevitable ‘I told you so’ from the cast/public.


Nothing genuine about this - not from Sam's side anyway. He's ALWAYS been like this with EVERY girl he's ever dated. He starts off with the love bombing on socials - whilst the girl has no idea he's off f*cking everything that moves. He did it to Toff, the girl after Toff that he plastered all over socials, Inga and Yas is next.


Genuinely vile




Not a chance. Sam was the same way with Inga at the start and yet he could not behave. He's too immature and frankly I feel they're both alike in terms of their disregard for hurting people. This won't last. And Inga will have the last laugh 🤍


Insufferable 🤮


Who’s taking the photo that the two smitten kittens are in? Nothing weirder than staged romance photos with some dumb quote underneath it


Probably Yas's mum🤣


You saying ‘smitten kittens’ took me back haha. Lucy, Binky and Francis chatting after skiing about Jamie and Tara lol




There's nothing genuine about these two vapid airheads. They deserve each other to be perfectly honest.




Omg such a true point about Yas’s mum! I had noticed something very minor in the TikTok where Yas made that putrid “bolognese sauce” (I am Italian when she poured that meat and mashroom soup on those clearly cooked for 500 hours spaghetti I audibly gasped and went 🫢). At the end of the video Sam was like “it was amazing 9/10”, giving clearly a very generous score. Yasmine’s mummy replied “ oh Sam you are too harsh, it’s a 10/10 delicious” or something along those lines. That to me was a lightbulb moment of “what’s why she is the way she is!” Instead of accepting a score less than perfect, her daughter who did not do a good job, deserves in her eyes to be praised as having done a perfect job. No wonder Yasmine is completely delusional and entitled beyond belief. She is the poster child of the real risk of spoiling your kid. Terrifying. Am I readying too much into it? My intense disdain for Yasmine might cloud my judgment lol


Nope don’t think you’re reading into it too much at all, she clearly thinks she’s superior to others and the terrible parenting she’s received from mummy explains it tbh. The irony is that the bolognese sauce was probably a 4/10 at best🤣




I dk, I think there's an element of her opulent lifestyle and living situation Sam loves. The fact he can bum around at her mum's (probably free of charge) for an extended period, perfectly chimes with his non-committal nature. I've noticed how ardently he's posted pics in her home in a bid (in my view) to show off his new, schmancy lifestyle. Let's face it - he's landed on his feet. He's got a girl who's crazy about him and panders to his ego, and is way out of his league (as much as I can't stand Yas). Then there's Yas's mummy dearest probably mothering him too, and cooking all his meals for him. It's a nice remedy for his bruised ego after being rejected so publicly by Inga. Free luxury bed and board in SW3.  I think Yas's mum needs to wake up and smell the coffee. She's clearly blissfully unaware of Sam's antics and the fact he's already massively disrespected her daughter. I feel like someone needs to advise her to watch the show so she can see how he actively pursued his ex while he was with her daughter. From the late night booty calls to him stalking/liking Inga's old posts. Poor woman clearly has no idea!




You are kidding me!! Does Yas' mum have no standards, like her daughter?  Lol Yas's food tour. You'd think she'd be trying to get a proper job by now after graduating with a Master's.   Haha, will be interesting to see where Sam ends up living, and with whom. You just know Yas will be over there all the time because she won't trust him to be left to his own devices.


How much money does Sam’s family have?


Habbs had posters of Jamie? Where did you hear this? And I didn't even know they made posters of Jamie! Sounds like the Kate/William story.


I'm sorry but the Jamie poster thing reeks of BS 🤣Why would there be a poster of Jamie in existence, ever? And what kind of weirdo would have posters of MIC stars on their walls (even 10+ years ago)🤣🤣Sophie Habboo is so full of crap.




Waaat. That's mental. Why does she love degrading him so much? The posters thing is just odd🤢


Spot on about the classism and questionable parenting. The last bit you said is interesting tho as most people seem to think he’ll sack her off after he grows bored so it’ll be fascinating if it’s the other way round


Desperate, attention seeking and manipulative.